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Local edge coloring of graphs

, &
Pages 29-32 | Received 27 Aug 2020, Accepted 07 Apr 2021, Published online: 30 Apr 2021


Let G=(V,E) be a graph. A local edge coloring of G is a proper edge coloring c:EN such that for each subset S of E(G) with 2|S|3, there exist edges e,fS such that |c(e)c(f)|ns, where ns is the number of copies of P3 in the edge induced subgraph S. The maximum color assigned by a local edge coloring c to an edge of G is called the value of c and is denoted by χ(c). The local edge chromatic number of G is χ(G)=min{χ(c)}, where the minimum is taken over all local edge colorings c of G. In this article, we derive bounds and many results based on local edge coloring.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

By a graph G=(V,E), we mean a finite and undirected graph with neither loops nor multiple edges. The order and size of G are denoted by n and m, respectively. For graph theoretic terminology, we refer to Chartrand and Lesniak [Citation1].

Graph coloring is one of the major areas in graph theory that have been well studied. Several variations of coloring have been introduced and studied by many researchers. For an excellent survey of various graph colorings and open problems, we refer to [Citation2, Citation3]. A proper coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors to the vertices(edges) of G in such a way that no two adjacent vertices (edges) receive the same color. The chromatic (edge chromatic) number χ(G) (χ(G)) is the minimum number of colors required for a proper (edge) coloring of G.

Chartrand et al. introduced the following concept of local coloring and local chromatic number in [Citation4, Citation5]. Li et al and Klavzˇ ar et al. recently proved many substantial results based on the local coloring of graphs in [Citation6, Citation7]. Let us denote N[t]={1,2,,t}. A local coloring of a graph G is a function c:V(G)N[t] such that for each SV(G),2|S|3, there exist u,vS with |c(u)c(v)| at least the number of edges in the subgraph induced by S. The maximum color assigned by c is the value χ(c), and the local chromatic number of G is χ(G)=min{χ(c): c is a local coloring of G}.

Motivated by the concept of local coloring, we introduce the concept of local edge coloring and present several results. We need the following theorems.

Theorem 1.1.

[Citation2] For every nonempty graph G, χ(G)=χ(L(G)).

Theorem 1.2.

[8, 9] If G is a simple graph, then Δ(G)χ(G)Δ(G)+1.

Theorem 1.3.

[Citation4] For every positive integer n, χ(Kn)=3n12.

1.1. Local edge colorings of graphs

Definition 1.4.

For k2, a k-local edge coloring of a graph G of edge size at least 2 is a function c:E(G)N having the property that for each set SE(G) with 2|S|k, there exist edges e1,e2S such that |c(e1)c(e2)|ns, where ns is the number of copies of P3 in the edge induced subgraph S. The maximum color assigned by a k-local edge coloring c to an edge of G is called the value of c and is denoted by ck(c). The k-local edge chromatic number of G is ck(G)=min{ck(c)}, where the minimum is taken over all k- local edge coloring c of G.

Even though we have defined k-local edge coloring, in this paper, we confine ourselves to the study of 3-local edge colorings, which is simply called local edge coloring. Also, ek(c) and ek(G) are denoted by χ(c) and χ(G), respectively. A local edge coloring c with χ(c)=χ(G) is called a minimum local edge coloring of G. The following are a few elementary observations.

Observation 1.5.

A local edge coloringc is a proper edge coloring ofG satisfying the following conditions.

  1. Any inducedP4 contains at least two edgese, f such that|c(e)c(f)|2.

  2. AnyK3 or an inducedK1,3 contains at least two edgese, f such that|c(e)c(f)|3.

Observation 1.6.

For any graphG, χ(G)χ(G).

Observation 1.7.

For any cycleCn, χ(Cn)={3for n>44for n=3.

Observation 1.8.

For any pathPn, χ(Pn)={3for n>32for n=3.

Observation 1.9.

It can be easily verified that any local edge coloring ofG is a local coloring ofL(G) and hence it follows thatχ(G)=χ(L(G)).

Observation 1.10.

Ifχ(G)=χ(G), thenΔ(G)4.

The following theorem gives bounds for χ(G).

Theorem 1.11.

For any graphG, 3Δ(G)12χ(G)2χ(G)1.

Example 1.12.

Let GCn+2K1 be a graph with even parity n6. Then, χ(G)=3n12.


Consider the graph G=Cn+2K1 with n6 and n is even. Let V(G)={v1,v2,,vn,u,v} and let E(G)=i=1n{ei,ei}j=1n1{ej}{en}, where ej=vjvj+1,en=v1vn,ei=uvi, and ei=vvi.

By Theorem 1.11, χ(G)3Δ(G)12=3n12=k(say). Now consider the coloring f:E(G)N[k] defined as below f(e)={32for 1n2 and e{e,e+1}31for 1n21 and e{en2+,en2++1}kfor e{en,e1}3for ei=1n{ei} and i is odd6for ei=1n{ei} and i is even.

Clearly, f satisfies the local edge coloring condition and which gives χ(G)k.

Remark 1.13.

The lower bound for the Theorem 1.11 is sharp in star graph K1,Δ and Gro¨tzsch graph in .

Figure 1. Gro¨tzsch graph G for which χ(G)=7.

Figure 1. Gro¨tzsch graph G for which χℓ′(G)=7.

Theorem 1.14.

Let G be any graph within the family of paths and cycles. Then, χ(G)=χ(G) if and only if G{P2,P3,C2k+1,k2}.


Clearly if G{P2,P3,C2k+1,k2}, then χ(G)=χ(G). Conversely, consider a graph G with Δ(G)2 and χ(G)=χ(G). If Δ(G)=1, then GP2. If Δ(G)=2, then G is isomorphic to path Pn or cycle Cn. If GPn,n4, then χ(G)=32=χ(G). If GC3, then χ(G)=43=χ(G). Similarly, if GCn, n is even, then χ(G)=32=χ(G). Hence, if G{P3,C2k+1,k2}, then χ(P3)=χ(P3)=2 and χ(Cn)=χ(Cn)=3 for n is odd and n5.

Theorem 1.15.

Let G be a graph with Δ(G)4 and let Δ be even. If there exist two adjacent vertices u and v with deg(u)=deg(v)=Δ, then χ(G)>3Δ(G)12.


Let uv(=e)E(G) with deg(u)=deg(v)=Δ, Δ be even. Then, the subgraph H of L(G) induced by the set of all edges incident with u and v is isomorphic to the graph consisting of two copies of KΔ with exactly one common vertex. By Theorem 1.3, any local coloring c of even order complete graph is unique. Therefore, χ(H)>3Δ(G)12. By Observation 1.9, χ(G)>3Δ(G)12.

Corollary 1.16.

If G is any even r-regular graph with r4, then χ(G)>3r12.

Example 1.17.

The Petersen graph P is local 5 edge colorable.


Suppose χ(P)=4. This implies that E(P) can be partitioned into matching E1E2E3E4. Let |E1||E2||E3||E4|. Consider any local coloring c:E(P)N[4] and consider the labeling of P in . Clearly 4|E1|5.

Figure 2. Local edge coloring of Petersen graph P.

Figure 2. Local edge coloring of Petersen graph P.

Case 1: |E1|=4.

Since |E(P)|=15,|E2|=|E3|=4. Let E1={e1,e3,e7,e9},E2={e2,e5,e6,e8}, and E3={e4,e10,e12,e13}. Let B={(e1,e2,e3),(e2,e1,e5),(e4,e3,e13),(e1,e12,e9),(e12,e2,e13),(e7,e13,e2)}. In E(P)E4, there exist two sets Ei and Ej such that the difference between the colors assigned to Ei and Ej is 1, which is a contradiction, since every element in B forms a path P4 in P. The argument is similar for other possibilities of Ei,1i4, since P is both vertex and edge transitive. Hence, χ(P)>4.

Case 2: |E1|=5.

In P, edges in outer cycle {e1,e2,e3,e4,e5}=B(say) receive three colors in any local edge coloring assignment. Suppose E1={e11,e12,e13,e14,e15}. Clearly there exists an edge eiB adjacent to exactly two edges ej and ek in E1 such that |c(ei)c(ej)|=|c(ei)c(ek)|=1. This gives c is not a local edge coloring and χ(P)>4.

Suppose E1={e2,e5,e6,e8,e14} consists of dotted edges in . Now remaining 10 edges form a two-vertex disjoint cycle of order 5. Consider the 5-cycle {e7,e13,e3,e4,e15}=C(say) consists of darked edges in receive three colors in any local edge coloring assignment. Clearly there exists an edge eiC adjacent to exactly two edges ej and ek in E1 such that |c(ei)c(ej)|=|c(ei)c(ek)|=1. This gives c is not a local edge coloring and χ(P)>4. Similarly, we can give a contradiction if we choose any matching of size 5 in P, since P is both vertex and edge transitive.

By cases 1 and 2, χ(P)>4 and there is a local 5-edge coloring for P in (ii). □

Example 1.18.

If GCnK2 for n3, then χ(G)=5.


Clearly Δ(G)=3. Consider the graph GC3K2 as in . Clearly by Theorem 1.11, χ(G)4. In G receives either {1, 2, 4} or {1, 3, 4} in outer cycle for any local 4-edge coloring. If assign such a coloring in C3, then at least one of the dotted edges in does not receive any label in N[4] which gives χ(G)>4. By Theorem 1.11, χ(G)5.

Figure 3. Graph C3K2 and subgraph H of CnK2 for n4.

Figure 3. Graph C3□K2 and subgraph H of Cn□K2 for n≥4.

For n4, the graph HP4K2 is a subgraph of GCnK2. Consider the edge set of H as in . Clearly by Theorem 1.11, χ(H)4. Let f:E(G)N[4] be a local coloring of H. If f(e1)=1, f(e2)=3 and f(e8)=4, then either f(e3) or f(e9) not belongs to N[4], since {e8,e2,e9} and {e8,e2,e3} forms a path P4. The similar argument for if f(e1)=1, f(e2)=2 and f(e8)=4. If f(e1)=1, f(e2)=4 and f(e8)=3, then either f(e4) or f(e5) not belongs to N[4]. The similar argument for if f(e1)=1, f(e2)=4 and f(e8)=2. If f(e1)=2, f(e2)=4 and f(e8)=1, then f(e4),f(e7){3,4} and f(e5)N[4]. The similar argument for if f(e1)=3, f(e2)=4 and f(e8)=1. By all the above argument χ(G)>4 and by Theorem 1.11, χ(G)5.

Corollary 1.19.

If GPnK2 for n4, then χ(G)=5.

1.2. Conclusion and scope

In this paper, we have introduced the concept of local edge chromatic number and have presented a few basic results.

If G is a connected graph with χ(G)=k, then any k-edge coloring of G should use all the colors 1,2,,k. However, if G is a connected graph with χ(G)=k, then minimum local edge coloring of G need not use all the colors 1,2,,k. Any minimum edge local coloring certainly the colors 1 and k must be used. Motivated by the above observation, we propose the following new definition.

Definition 1.20.

A minimum local edge coloring c of G with χ(G)=k is called a local rainbow edge coloring if for each integer i, 1ik, there is an edge e of G for which c(e) = i. That is, c uses all of colors 1,2,,k. A graph G is called locally edge rainbow if every minimum local edge coloring of G is a local rainbow edge coloring.

Based on the definition 1.20, we pose the following problem.

Problem 1.21.

For every positive integerk, does there exists a locally edge rainbow graphGk withχ(Gk)=k.

Conjecture 1.22.

Every 3-regular graph is not 4-local edge colorable.

Conjecture 1.23.

If G is 1-factorable, then χ(G)=2Δ(G)1.

Problem 1.24.

Does there exist a graphG with3Δ(G)4 andχ(G)=χ(G)?


The third author is thankful to the management of Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering, Chennai for the support. The authors express their sincere thanks to the referees for their valuable suggestions and comments which helped to improve the paper a lot.


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