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On α-adjacency energy of graphs and Zagreb index

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Pages 39-46 | Received 18 May 2020, Accepted 10 Apr 2021, Published online: 13 May 2021


Let A(G) be the adjacency matrix and D(G) be the diagonal matrix of the vertex degrees of a simple connected graph G. Nikiforov defined the matrix Aα(G) of the convex combinations of D(G) and A(G) as Aα(G)=αD(G)+(1α)A(G), for 0α1. If ρ1ρ2ρn are the eigenvalues of Aα(G) (which we call α-adjacency eigenvalues of G), the α-adjacency energy of G is defined as EAα(G)=i=1n|ρi2αmn|, where n is the order and m is the size of G. We obtain upper and lower bounds for EAα(G) in terms of the order n, the size m and the Zagreb index Zg(G) associated to the structure of G. Further, we characterize the extremal graphs attaining these bounds.


1. Introduction

A simple graph is denoted by G(V(G),E(G)), where V(G)={v1,v2,,vn} is its vertex set and E(G) is its edge set. The order and size of G are |V(G)|=n and |E(G)|=m respectively. The set of vertices adjacent to vV(G), denoted by N(v), refers to the neighborhood of v. The degree of v, denoted by dG(v) (we simply write dv if it is clear from the context) is the cardinality of N(v). A graph is regular or degree regular if all of its vertices are of the same degree. The adjacency matrix A(G)=(aij) of G is a (0, 1)-square matrix of order n whose (i, j)-entry is equal to 1, if vi is adjacent to vj and equal to 0, otherwise. If D(G)=diag(d1,d2,,dn) is the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees, the matrices L(G)=D(G)A(G) and Q(G)=D(G)+A(G) are the Laplacian and the signless Laplacian matrices of the graph G, respectively. Spectrum of L(G) is the Laplacian spectrum and the spectrum of Q(G) is the signless Laplacian spectrum. The matrices L(G) and Q(G) are real symmetric and positive semi-definite. For G, we take 0=μnμn1μ1 and 0qnqn1q1 to be the Laplacian and the signless Laplacian eigenvalues, respectively. For other standard notations, we refer to [Citation1–4].

Nikiforov [Citation5] introduced the concept of merging A and Q spectral theories by taking Aα(G) as the convex combinations of D(G) and A(G), and defined Aα(G)=αD(G)+(1α)A(G), for 0α1. Since A0(G)=A(G), 2A12(G)=Q(G), A1(G)=D(G) and Aα(G)Aβ(G)=(αβ)L(G), any result regarding the spectral properties of Aα matrix, has its counterpart for each of these particular graph matrices. Since the matrix Aα(G) is real symmetric, all its eigenvalues are real and can be arranged as ρ1ρ2ρn. The largest eigenvalue ρ1 (or simply ρ(G)) is called the spectral radius. As Aα(G) is nonnegative and irreducible, by the Perron-Frobenius theorem, ρ(G) is unique(for α1) and there is a unique positive unit eigenvector X corresponding to ρ(G), which is called the Perron vector of Aα(G). Further results on spectral properties of the matrix Aα(G) can be found in [Citation5–15].

Gutman [Citation16] defined the energy of a graph G as E(G)=i=1n|λi|, where λ1λ2λn are the adjacency eigenvalues of G. Gutman et al. [Citation17] defined the Laplacian energy of a graph G as LE(G)=i=1n|μi2mn|,μ1μ2μn are the Laplacian eigenvalues of G. For more details, see [Citation18]. Likewise, Abreu et al. [Citation19] defined the signless Laplacian energy of a graph G as QE(G)=i=1n|qi2mn|, where q1q2qn are the signless Laplacian eigenvalues of G and 2mn is the average degree of G. For recent works on the energy, the Laplacian energy and the signless Laplacian energy, we refer to [Citation20–23].

Let si=ρi2αmn be the auxiliary eigenvalues corresponding to the eigenvalues of Aα(G). The α-adjacency energy EAα(G) [Citation24] of a graph G is defined as the mean deviation of the values of the eigenvalues of Aα(G), that is, (1.1) EAα(G)=i=1n|ρi2αmn|=i=1n|si|.(1.1) It is easy to see that i=1nsi=0. From the definition, it is clear that EA0(G)=E(G) and 2EA12(G)=QE(G). Therefore, it follows that α-adjacency energy of a graph G merges the theories of (adjacency) energy and signless Laplacian energy. As such it will be interesting to study the quantity EAα(G).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we obtain the upper bounds for EAα(G) and characterize the extremal graphs attaining these bounds. In Sec. 3, we obtain the lower bounds for EAα(G) and characterize the extremal graphs attaining these bounds.

2. Upper bounds for α-adjacency energy of a graph

Let Mm×n(R) be the set of all m × n matrices with real entries, that is, Mm×n(R)={X:X=(xij)m×n,xijR}. For MMm×n(R), the Frobenius norm is defined as MF=i=1nj=1n|mij|2=trace(MtM), where trace of a square matrix is defined as sum of the diagonal entries. Further, if MMt=MtM, then MF2=i=1n|λi(M)|2, where λi is the ith eigenvalue of the matrix M.

The Zagreb index Zg(G) of a graph G is defined as the sum of the squares of vertex degrees, that is, Zg(G)=uV(G)dG2(u).

The following lemma can be found in [Citation2].

Lemma 2.1.

Let X and Y be Hermitian matrices of order n and let Z=X+Y. Then

λk(Z)λj(X)+λkj+1(Y), nkj1,λk(Z)λj(X)+λkj+n(Y), njk1,

where λi(M) is the ith largest eigenvalue of the matrix M. In either of these inequalities, equality holds if and only if there exists a unit vector which is an eigenvector corresponding to each of the three eigenvalues involved.

The following lemma gives some basic properties of the α-adjacency matrix of G.

Lemma 2.2.

Let G be a connected graph of order n with m edges and having vertex degrees d1d2dn. Then

  1. i=1nρi=2αm

  2. i=1nρi2=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F2

  3. i=1nsi2=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F24α2m2n.

  4. ρ(G)2mn, equality holds if and only if G is a degree regular graph.

  5. ρ(G)Zg(G)n, equality holds if and only if G is a degree regular graph.


  1. Clearly, i=1nρi=αi=1ndi+(1α)i=1nλi=αuV(G)dG(u)=2αm.

  2. Here, i=1nρi2=i=1n(αdi+(1α)λi)2=α2i=1ndi2+(1α)2i=1n(λi)2=α2uV(G)dG2(u)+2(1α)2m=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F2.

  3. We have i=1nsi2=i=1nρi24α2m2n,

and so by (2) the result follows.
  • 4. Let X=1n(1,1,,1) be a unit vector. Then, by Rayleigh-Ritz’s theorem for Hermitian matrices [Citation2], we have ρ(G)XtAα(G)XXtX=αi=1ndi+(1α)i=1ndin=2mn.

Assume that G is k degree regular. Then each row sum of Aα(G) equals to a constant k. Therefore, by Perron-Frobenius theorem [Citation2], k is a simple and largest eigenvalue of Aα(G). Thus ρ(G)=k=nkn=2mn and equality holds. Conversely, assume that equality holds. Then Aα(G)X=ρ(G)X. Therefore, di=ρ(G) for all i and thus G is degree regular.
  • 5. This follows from [Citation5]. Equality can be verified as in (4). □

From Case 3 of Lemma 2.2, we have i=1nsi2=(1α)2A(G)F2+i=1n(αdi2αmn)2.

Let (2.2) 2S(G)=(1α)2A(G)F2+i=1n(αdi2αmn)2.(2.2) We observe that 2S(G)=(1α)2A(G)F2 if and only if G is 2mn-degree regular graph, otherwise 2S(G)>(1α)2A(G)F2. Further, 2S(G)=A(G)2αmnInF2=i=1nsi2, where In is the identity matrix of order n.

It is well known that a graph G has two distinct eigenvalues if and only if GKn. Using this fact, it can be easily verified that the graph G has two distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues if and only if G is a complete graph with α1. The α-adjacency spectrum of the complete graph Kn is given in the next lemma [Citation5].

Lemma 2.3.

If G = Kn is a complete graph, then the spectrum of Aα(Kn) is {(n1),(nα1)[n1]}, where ρ[j] means the eigenvalues ρ is repeated j times in the spectrum.

The following lemma [Citation5] gives a lower bound for the α-adjacency spectral radius.

Lemma 2.4.

If G is a graph with maximum degree Δ(G)=Δ, then


For α[0,1) and G being connected, equality holds if and only if GK1,Δ.

We first find the α-adjacency energy of a degree regular graph.

Theorem 2.5.

If G is a degree regular graph of order n and α[0,1), then



Let λ1,λ2,,λn be the adjacency eigenvalues of graph G. If G is a k degree regular, then D(G)=kIn and so Aα(G)=αD(G)+(1α)A(G)=αkIn+(1α)A(G). From this equality, it is clear that α-adjacency spectrum of G is {αk+(1α)λ1,,αk+(1α)λn}. Using this and the fact 2αmn=αk, we obtain EAα(G)=(1α)E(G).

From Theorem 2.5, for a degree regular graph G, it is clear that the value of α-adjacency energy EAα(G) is a decreasing function of α, for α[0,1).

The following theorem gives McClelland-type upper bound for α-adjacency energy in terms of order n and the quantity S(G) associated to G.

Theorem 2.6.

If G is a connected graph of order n and α[0,1), then EAα(G)2S(G)n.


Using Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality to the vectors (|s1|,|s2|,,|sn|) and (1,1,,1), we have (EAα(G))2=(i=1n|si|)2ni=1nsi2=2nS(G)

Now, we obtain an upper bound for α-adjacency energy in terms of order n, size m and the quantity S(G) associated to G.

Theorem 2.7.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 with m edges and having Zagreb index Zg(G). If α[0,12] or α(12,1) and Zg(G)>8m2n2m or Zg(G)<4m2n, then

(2.3) EAα(G)(1α)(2mn)+(n1)[2S(G)(1α)2(2mn)2],(2.3)

where 2S(G) is same as in (Equation2.2). Equality occurs if and only if either G=Kn or G is a connected degree regular graph with three distinct eigenvalues given by 2mn,2mαn+(1α)2m(2mn)2n1 and 2mαn(1α)2m(2mn)2n1.


Let ρ1ρ2ρn be α-adjacency eigenvalues of G. For 1in, let si=ρi(G)2mαn. Using Lemma 2.2, we have i=2nsi2=2S(G)s12. Applying Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality to the vectors (|s2|,|s3|,,|sn|) and (1,1,,1), we obtain i=2n|si|(n1)i=2nsi2=(n1)[2S(G)s12]. Therefore, we have EAα(G)=s1+i=2n|si|s1+(n1)[2S(G)s12]. The last inequality suggests to consider the function F(x)=x+(n1)[2S(G)x2]. It is easy to see that this function is strictly decreasing in the interval 2S(G)/n<x2S(G). Since G is a connected graph, it follows that mn1 implying that 2m2n2>n, for all n3. We have 2S(G)/n(1α)2mn implying that (2.4) γα22γα+γ0,(2.4) where γ=8m2nZg(G)2m and γ=4m2n2m. For α = 0, inequality (2.3) follows, as γ=4m2n2m>0. For α(0,1), consider the function f(α)=γα22γα+γ. It is easy to see that f(α) is decreasing for αγγ and increasing for αγγ. If Zg(G)>8m2n2m, then γγ<0, as γ>0 and so γγ(0,1). This gives f(α)>f(0)=γ>0 and so inequality (2.4) follows in this case. So, assume that Zg(G)8m2n2m. Then γγ>0. If γγ1, then Zg(G)4m2n and so it follows that f(α)f(12)=14γ>0, for all 4m2nZg(G)8m2n2m. So, if 4m2nZg(G)8m2n2m, then inequality (2.4) holds for all α(0,12]. Now, assume that Zg(G)<4m2n. Clearly, γγ(0,1) and so we have f(γγ)=γ(1γγ)>0, as γγ<1. So, if Zg(G)<4m2n, then inequality (2.3) holds for all α(0,1). Thus, it follows that the inequality 2S(G)/n(1α)2mn holds for all α[0,12] and holds for all α(12,1), provided that Zg(G)>8m2n2m or Zg(G)<4m2n. Since ρ12mn, that is, (1α)2mns1, therefore 2S(G)/n(1α)2mns12S(G), for all α[0,12] and for all α(12,1), provided that Zg(G)>8m2n2m or Zg(G)<4m2n. Now, F(x) being decreasing in 2S(G)/n<x2S(G), so F(s1)F((1α)2mn). Thus, from this, inequality (Equation2.3) follows.

Assume that equality occurs in (Equation2.3). Then all the inequalities above occur as equalities. By Lemma 2.2, equality occurs in (1α)2mns1, if and only if G is a degree regular graph. Also, equality occurs in Cauchy-Schwarz’s inequality if |s2|=|s3|==|sn|=2S(G)(1α)2(2mn)2n1. Since, 2S(G)/n(1α)2mns1 holds for all α[0,12] and holds for all α(12,1), provided that Zg(G)>8m2n2m or Zg(G)<4m2n, it follows that s1>2S(G)(1α)2(2mn)2n1. Thus there are two cases to consider. (i) Either G is a connected degree regular graph with two distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues (namely ρ1=2mn and ρ2=2mαn(1α)2m(2mn)2n1 repeated n – 1 times) or (ii) G is a connected degree regular graph with three distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues namely ρ1=2mn and the other two given by 2mαn+(1α)2m(2mn)2n1 and 2mαn(1α)2m(2mn)2n1. In Case (i), by Lemma 2.3, it follows that G is a complete graph, that is, G=Kn, while in Case (ii), it follows that G is a connected degree regular graph with three distinct eigenvalues given by 2mn,2mαn+(1α)2m(2mn)2n1 and 2mαn(1α)2m(2mn)2n1.

Conversely, it can be easily verified that equality in (2.2) holds in each of above mentioned cases. □

Taking α = 0 and using the fact that 2S(G)=2m, we obtain the following result, which is the Koolen type [Citation25] upper bound for the energy E(G).

Corollary 2.8.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 with m edges. Then


Equality occurs if and only if either G=Kn or G is a degree regular graph with three distinct eigenvalues given by 2mn and other two with absolute value 2m(2mn)2n1.

Taking α=12 and using the fact that 2S(G)=14[2m+Zg(G)4m2n] together with 2EA12(G)=QE(G), we obtain the following result, which is the Koolen type upper bound for the signless Laplacian energy QE(G).

Corollary 2.9.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 with m edges having Zagreb index Zg(G). Then


Equality occurs if and only if either G=Kn or G is a degree regular graph with three distinct eigenvalues given by 4mn,2mn+2m(2mn)2n1 and 2mn+2m(2mn)2n1.

The following lemma gives a relation between α-adjacency eigenvalues of G and α-adjacency eigenvalues of spanning subgraphs of G.

Lemma 2.10.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 and let α[12,1). If G is the graph obtained from G by deleting an edge, then for any 1in, we have ρi(G)ρi(G).


Let G be a connected graph of order n3 and let e = uv be an edge in G. Let G=Ge be the graph obtained from G by deleting e. It is easy to see that (2.5) Aα(G)=Aα(G)+N,(2.5) where N is the matrix of order n indexed by the vertices of G having (u,v)th and (v,u)th entries both equal to 1α, and the (u,u)th and (v,v)th entries both equal to α, and all other entries equal to zero. It can be seen that the eigenvalues of the matrix N are 1[1],2α1[1],0[n2], where λ[j] means the eigenvalue λ is repeated j times in the spectrum. Taking Z=Aα(G),X=Aα(G),Y=N and k = j = i in the second inequality of Lemma 2.1, we get ρi(G)ρi(G), provided that α[12,1).

In G, let η=η(G) be the number of α-adjacency eigenvalues greater or equal to 2mαn. Since, by Lemma 2.2, we have ρ12mn, it follows that 1ηn. Parameters similar to η have been considered for the graph matrices and therefore it will be interesting to connect the parameter η with α-adjacency energy of G. Next, we obtain an upper bound for α-adjacency energy in terms of order n, size m and the parameter η associated to G.

Theorem 2.11.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 and let 12α<1. Then EAα(G)2(n1)+2(η1)(αn1)4αηmn, with equality if and only if GKn.


Let G be a connected graph of order n having α-adjacency eigenvalues ρ1ρ2ρn. Let η be the positive integer such that ρη2αmn and ρη+1<2αmn. Using (1) of Lemma 2.2 and the definition of α-adjacency energy, we have EAα(G)=i=1η|ρi2αmn|=i=1η(ρi2αmn)+i=η+1n(2αmnρi)=2(i=1nρi2ηαmn). Clearly G is a spanning subgraph of Kn. So, from Lemma 2.10, it follows that ρi(G)ρi(Kn) for each 1in. Therefore, we have (2.6) i=1ηρi(G)i=1ηρi(Kn)=n1+(η1)(αn1).(2.6) Using (Equation2.6), we obtain EAα(G)2(n1)+2(η1)(αn1)4αηmn. Assume that equality occurs so that equality occurs in (Equation2.6). Since, equality occurs in (Equation2.6) if and only if GKn, it follows that equality holds if and only if GKn.

The following lemma will be required in the sequel.

Lemma 2.12.

Let G be a connected graph of order n, size m and having vertex degrees d1d2dn. Then



The first inequality follows by Case 5 of Lemma 2.2. Therefore, we need to prove the second inequality. Applying Cauchy-Schwartz inequality to (i=1ndi)2, we have (i=1ndi)2ni=1ndi2, which implies i=1ndi2(2m)2n and hence i=1ndi22mn. Thus, Zg(G)n=i=1ndi2n2mn. This completes the proof. □

The following theorems give upper bounds for the α-adjacency energy in terms of order n, size m, Zagreb index Zg(G) and the parameter α.

Theorem 2.13.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 having Zagreb index Zg(G) and let α1n2m. Then

(2.7) EAα(G)α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F22αmn2(2αnm+2αm+n)+ln(θΓ)+4αmn(Zg(G)n)(Zg(G)n)(Zg(G)n1),(2.7)

where Γ=|det(Aα(G)2αmnIn)| and θ=Zg(G)n2αmn. Equality holds if and only if GKn and α = 0 or G is a k-degree regular graph with three distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues given by k,αk+1 and αk1.


Let G be a connected graph of order n and let ρ1ρ2ρn be the α-adjacency eigenvalues of G. Consider the function f(x)=(x2αmn)2(x2αmn)ln(x2αmn),(x2αmn)>0. It is easy to see that this function is non-decreasing for x2αmn1 and non-increasing for 0(x2αmn)1. So, we have f(x)f(2αmn+1)=0 implying that (x2αmn)(x2αmn)2ln(x2αmn) for (x2αmn)>0, with equality if and only if (x2αmn)=1. Using these observations in the definition of α-adjacency energy, we have (2.8) EAα(G)=ρ12αmn+i=2n|ρi2αmn|ρ12αmn+i=2n((ρi2αmn)2ln|ρi2αmn|)=ρ12αmn+α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F2(4α2m2n2)(n1)ρ12lni=1n|ρi2αmn|+ln(ρ12αmn)4αmn(2αmρ1)=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F22αmn(2αnm+2αm+n)+4αmnρ1lnΓ+ln(ρ12αmn)ρ1(ρ11).(2.8) Consider the function g(x)=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F22αmn2(2αnm+2αm+n)+4αmnxlnΓ+ln(x2αmn)x(x1). Evidently, the function g(x) is increasing for 0x2αmn1 and decreasing for x2αmn1. Since x2αmn(1α)2mn1 provided that α1n2m, then t for α1n2m, it follows that x2αmn1. Further, (1α)2mn1 implies that 2mn1+2mαn and by Lemma 2.12, we have xZg(G)n2mn. Therefore, it follows that (2.9) g(x)g(Zg(G)n)=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F22αmn2(2αnm+2αm+n)+4αmnZg(G)n+ln(θΓ)Zg(G)nZg(G)n.(2.9) Combining inequalities (Equation2.9) and (Equation2.8), we arrive at (Equation2.7).

Assume that inequality holds in (Equation2.7). Then all the inequalities above occur as equalities. By Lemma 2.2, equality occurs in ρ1Zg(G)n if and only if G is a degree regular graph. For equality in (Equation2.8), we have |ρ22αmn|==|ρn2αmn|=1. For i=2,3,,n, the quantity |ρi2αmn| can have at most two distinct values and therefore we have the following cases.

  • Case 1. For all i=2,3,,n, if ρi2αmn=1, then ρi=1+2αmn, implying that G has two distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues, namely ρ1=2mn and ρi=1+2αmn. So, by Lemma 2.3, equality occurs for the complete graph Kn, provided that α-adjacency eigenvalues of Kn are n – 1 with multiplicity 1 and αn1 with multiplicity n – 1. It is clear that equality can not hold in this case.

  • Case 2. For all i=2,3,,n, if ρi2αmn=1, then ρi=2αmn1, implying that G has two distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues, namely ρ1=2mn and ρi=2αmn1. So, using Lemma 2.3, it follows that equality occurs for the complete graph Kn, provided that α = 0.

  • Case 3. For the remaining case, for some t, let ρi2αmn=1, for i=2,3,,t, and ρi2αmn=1, for i=t+1,,n. This implies that G is degree regular graph with three distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues, namely ρ1=2mn with multiplicity 1, ρi=1+αρ1 with multiplicity t – 1 and ρi=αρ11 with multiplicity nt.

Conversely, if GKn, then ρ1=n1,ρi=αn1, for i=2,3,,n and 2αmn=α(n1). It can be seen that equality occurs in (2.6). On the other hand, if G is a degree regular graph with three distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues, namely ρ1, αρ1+1 and αρ11, then from the above discussion, it is clear that the equality holds in (2.7). □

The following result gives another upper bound for the α-adjacency energy of a graph G in terms of order n, size m and the Zagreb index Zg(G).

Theorem 2.14.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 having Zagreb index Zg(G) and let α1n2m. Then


where Γ=|det(Aα(G)2αmnIn)|. Equality holds if and only if GKn and α = 0 or G is a k-degree regular graph with three distinct α-adjacency eigenvalues given by k, αk+1 and αk1.


The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.13.

3. Lower bounds for the α-adjacency energy of graphs

The following theorem gives a lower bound for the α-adjacency energy in terms of order n, size m and the Zagreb index Zg(G).

Theorem 3.1.

If G is a connected graph of order n3, size m and Zagreb index Zg(G), then

(3.10) EAα(G)2(α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F22(αm)2n).(3.10)

for α[0,1)


Let s1s2sn be the auxiliary eigenvalues as defined earlier. We have (EAα(G))2=(i=1n|si|)2=i=nnsi2(G)+21i<jn|sisj|. By Case 3 of Lemma 2.2, we have (3.11) i=1nsi2(G)=α2Zg(G)+(1α)2A(G)F24α2m2n.(3.11) Also, 21i<jn|sisj|2|1i<jn(ρi(G)2αmn)(ρj(G)2αmn)|=2|1i<jnρi(G)ρj(G)4α2m2n(n1)+4α2m2n2n(n1)|=2|i=1nρi(G)ρj(G)|=i=1nρi2(G)=α2i=1ndi2+(1α)2A(G)F2. Using this inequality and (Equation3.11), clearly (Equation3.10) follows. □

Now, we obtain a lower bound for the α-adjacency energy in terms of order n, size m and the parameter α.

Theorem 3.2.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 and size m and let α(0,1). Then

(3.12) EAα(G)4(1α)mn.(3.12)

Equality occurs if and only if G is degree regular with one positive and n –1 negative adjacency eigenvalues.


Let G be a connected graph of order n and having α-adjacency eigenvalues ρ1ρ2ρn. Let η be a positive integer such that ρη2αmn and ρη+1<2αmn. Using Case 1 of Lemma 2.2 and the definition of α-adjacency energy, we have EAα(G)=i=1n|ρi2αW(G)n|=i=1η(ρi2αmn)+i=η+1n(2αmnρi)=2(i=1ηρi2ηαmn). First we show that (3.13) EAα(G)=2(i=1ηρi2ηαmn)=2max1jn{i=1jρi2αjmn}.(3.13) Since 1ηn, it follows that either η<j or ηj. If j>η, then we have i=1jρi2αjmn=i=1ηρi+i=η+1jρi2αjmn<i=1ηρi2αηmn as ρi<2αmn, for iη+1. Similarly, for jη, it can be seen that i=1jρi2αjmni=1ηρi2αηmn. This proves (Equation3.13). Therefore, we have EAα(G)=2max1jn{i=1jρi4αjmn}2ρ14αmn4mn4αmn=(1α)4mn. Suppose equality holds in (3.12). Then all the inequalities above occur as equalities. By Lemma 2.2, equality occurs in ρ12mn if and only if G is a degree regular graph. Also, equality occurs in 2max1jn{i=1jρi4αjmn}2ρ14αmn if and only if η = 1. Thus, it follows that equality occurs in (3.12) if and only if G is a degree regular graph with η = 1. Let G be a k-degree regular graph having adjacency eigenvalues λ1λ2λn. Then, by Theorem 2.5, we have ρ1=k and ρi=αk+(1α)λi, for i=2,3,,n. Since η = 1, for 2in, we have ρi<2αmn=αk, which gives αk+(1α)λi<αk, which further gives λi<0 as 1α>0. Thus, it follows that equality occurs in (3.12) if and only if G is a degree regular graph with one positive and n – 1 negative adjacency eigenvalues. □

Proceeding similarly as in Theorem 3.2 and using Case 5 of Lemma 2.2, we obtain the following lower bound for α-adjacency energy of a connected graph.

Theorem 3.3.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3, size m and Zagreb index Zg(G). For α(0,1), we have


Equality occurs if and only if G is degree regular with one positive and n – 1 negative adjacency eigenvalues.

For a graph G of order n2, it is well known that G has one positive adjacency eigenvalue if and only if G is a complete k-partite graph, where 2kn1. Therefore, if α = 0, then following the proof of Theorem 3.2, we get E(G)=EA0(G)2λ14mn. Equality occurs if and only if G is a regular graph with one positive adjacency eigenvalue. That is, equality occurs if and only if G is a regular complete k-partite graph, where 2kn1.

The following theorem gives a lower bound for α-adjacency energy of a connected graph in terms of order n, size m, the maximum degree Δ and the parameter α.

Theorem 3.4.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3, size m and maximum degree Δ. For α[0,1), we have

(3.14) EAα(G)(α(+1)+α2(+1)2+4(12α))4αmn,(3.14)

with equality if and only if GK1,Δ.


By EquationEq. (3.13) and Lemma 2.4, we have EAα(G)=max1jn{2i=1jρi4αimn}2ρ1(G)4αmnα(Δ+1)+α2(Δ+1)2+4Δ(12α)4αmn. Suppose equality holds in (3.13). Then all the inequalities above occur as equalities. Since equality occurs in Lemma 2.4 if and only if GK1,Δ and equality occurs in max1jn{2i=1jρi4αimn}2ρ1(G)4αmn if and only if η = 1, it follows that equality occurs in (3.14) if and only if GK1,Δ,Δ=n1 and η = 1. For the graph K1,Δ, the α-adjacency eigenvalues are {α[n2],α(Δ+1)±D2}, where D=α2(Δ+1)2+4Δ(12α) and average of the α-adjacency equals to 2α2αn. Clearly, now η = 1 for K1,Δ. Thus, equality occurs in (3.14) if and if GK1,Δ. This completes the proof. □

Now, we obtain a lower bound for α-adjacency energy of a connected graph in terms of order n, size m and Zagreb index Zg(G).

Theorem 3.5.

Let G be a connected graph of order n3 having size m and Zagreb index Zg(G). For α[0,1), we have

(3.15) EAα(G)Zg(G)n+(n1)+ln(Γθ),(3.15)

where Γ=|det(Aα(G)2αmnIn)| and θ=Zg(G)n2mαn. Equality holds as in Theorem 2.13.


Consider the function f(x)=x1lnx, where x>0. It is easy to verify that the function f(x) is increasing for x1 and decreasing for 0x1. Therefore, we have f(x)f(1)=0 implying that x1+lnx, for x>0, with equality if and only if x=1. Using this observation with x=|ρi2αmn|, for 2in and the definition of α-adjacency energy, we have EAα(G)=ρ12αmn+i=2n|ρi2αmn|ρ12αmn+(n1)+i=2nln|ρi2αmn|=ρ12αmn+(n1)+lni=2n|ρi2αmn|=ρ12αmn+(n1)+ln|det(Aα(G)2αmn)|ln(ρ12αmn). Now, consider the function g(x)=x2αmn+(n1)+ln|det(Aα(G)2αmn)|ln(x2αmn). Clearly, g(x) is increasing for x2αmn1. Since, x2αmn(1α)2mn1 implying that α1n2m, therefore, for α1n2m, it follows that x2αmn1. Further, (1α)2mn1 implies that 2mn1+2mαn. From Lemma 2.2 and the fact that g(x) is increasing for 1+2mαn2mnZg(G)nx, it follows that g(x)g(Zg(G)n). From this, inequality (3.15) follows. Equality case can be discussed similar to Theorem 2.13. □

A lower bound similar to the lower bound given in the above theorem can be obtained for ρ2mn.

4. Conclusion

Let Mn(C) be the set of all square matrices of order n with complex entries. The trace norm of a matrix MMn(C) is defined as M*=i=1nσi(M), where σ1(M)σ2(M)σn(M) are the singular values of M. It is well known that for a Hermitian matrix M, if σi(M) are the singular values and λi(M),i=1,2,,n, are the eigenvalues, then σi(M)=|λi(M)|. In the light of this definition, it follows that the α-adjacency energy EAα(G) of a connected graph G introduced in Sec. 1, is the trace norm of the matrix Aα(G)2αmnIn. It is an interesting problem in Matrix theory to determine among a given class of matrices the matrix (or the matrices) which attain the maximum value and the minimum value for the trace norm. The trace norm of matrices associated with the graphs and digraphs are extensively studied. Various papers can be found in the literature in this direction. This gives another motivation for the study of α-adjacency energy of a graph G.

In this paper we have explored some properties of α-adjacency energy, particularly we have focused on the estimates for this spectral graph invariant connecting it with different graph parameters associated with the structure of the graph. It will be of interest in future to explore some more structure related properties. Moreover, it will be an interesting problem to find extremal graphs for this quantity among a class of graphs with given one or more parameters. Further, as is clear from Theorem 3.2 that the α-adjacency energy of a graph G is closely related with the parameter Sα,k(G)=i=1kρi(G), which represents the Ky Fan k-norm of the matrix Aα(G). This is another direction which will be great interest to study the spectral graph invariant Sα,k(G) and obtain extremal results for it.

Additional information


The research of S. Pirzada was supported by SERB-DST, New Delhi under the research project number MTR/2017/000084.


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