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The spectral determination of the connected multicone graphs

, , , &
Pages 47-52 | Received 02 Nov 2020, Accepted 10 Apr 2021, Published online: 30 Apr 2021


The main goal of the paper is to answer an unsolved problem. A multicone graph is defined to be the join of a clique and a regular graph, and a wheel as the join of a vertex and a cycle. In this study, we present new classes of multicone graphs that are natural generalizations of wheel graphs and we show that they are determined by their adjacency spectra as well as their Laplacian spectra. We also show that the complements of some of these graphs are determined by their adjacency spectra. In addition, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for perfect graphs cospectral with some of the graphs investigated in the paper. Finally, we conclude with two problems for further study.


1. Introduction

In [Citation25] and [Citation43], it is shown that all wheel graphs are determined by both their signless Laplacian and their Laplacian spectra, respectively, except for the wheel graph of order seven. However, wheel graphs have not been characterized with respect to their adjacency spectra. Hence, the question “When are wheel graphs determined by their adjacency spectra?” is still unsolved. So any findings about the determination of the wheel graphs with respect to their adjacency spectra can be interesting.

All graphs that we consider are simple and undirected, and usually they will be connected. Unless otherwise indicated, n will denote the number of vertices and m the number of edges in the graph G=(V,E) (n is sometimes called the order of G) and the vertex set V=V(G) will be {v1,v2,,vn} and edge set E(G). Concepts not defined here can be found in the books [Citation17, Citation20, Citation24]. The complement of a graph G is denoted by G¯. The graph consisting of k disjoint copies of graph G will be denoted by kG, and consistent with this notation, the disjoint union of two graphs G and H will be denoted G + H. The join GH of two graphs G and H is the graph obtained from their disjoint union G + H and connecting every vertex of G to every vertex of H. We say that a graph G is r-regular if the degree of every vertex is r and (r, s)-bi-degreed if it is not regular but every vertex has degree r or s. The cone over a graph G is the join of a single vertex with G, that is, K1G.

Let A(G) be the (0, 1)-adjacency matrix of G and let D(G) be the diagonal matrix with the i’th diagonal entry being the degree di of the vertex vi. The matrix L(G)=D(G)A(G) is called the Laplacian matrix of G. Since both matrices A(G) and L(G) are real and symmetric, their eigenvalues are all real. Let λ1λ2λn be the eigenvalues of A(G) and μ1μ2μn(=0) the eigenvalues of L(G). The spectral radius of G is the largest eigenvalue of its adjacency matrix is denoted by ρ(G). The adjacency spectrum SpecA(G) of G consists of the adjacency eigenvalues (together with their multiplicities), and similarly the Laplacian spectrum SpecL(G) consists of the Laplacian eigenvalues (together with their multiplicities). We are interested in connected graphs for which there are no other (non-isomorphic) connected graphs with the same spectrum of a given type. Such graphs are said to be determined by that spectrum, denoted DAS for the adjacency spectrum, DLS and DQS for the Laplacian spectrum and signless Laplacian spectrum, respectively.

Examples of cospectral non-isomorphic graphs have been constructed by interesting techniques such as Seidel switching, Godsil-McKay switching, the Schwenk method, and the Sunada method. For more information, see [Citation38, Citation39] and the references cited there. Only a few graphs with very special structures have been found to be determined by their spectra (DS, for short) (see [Citation1–16, Citation22, Citation26–30, Citation32, Citation34–36, Citation38, Citation39] and the references cited therein). Van Dam and Haemers [Citation38] conjectured that almost all graphs are determined by their spectra. Nevertheless, the set of graphs that are known to be determined by their spectra is still small, and so discovering new classes of such graphs would be significant. The problem of characterizing DS graphs goes back about half a century originated in chemistry [Citation22, Citation31]. For more on the background of the question” Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?”, we refer to [Citation38]. The spectral characterization of certain multicone graphs was explored by Wang, Zhao and Huang [Citation42], who asserted that friendship graphs Fn (certain special classes of multicone graphs) are adjacency-spectrum determined. In addition, Wang, Belardo, Huang and Borovićanin [Citation40] proposed such conjecture on the adjacency spectrum of Fn. This conjecture inspired activity on the spectral characterization of this family of graphs. Finally, Cioabä and et al. [Citation19] proved that if n16, then the friendship graph Fn is DS with respect to its adjacency spectrum. Abdian and Mirafzal [Citation11] characterized new classes of multicone graphs that are DAS. Abdian [Citation1] characterized two classes of multicone graphs and proved that the join of an arbitrary complete graph and a generalized quadrangle graph GQ(2, 1) or GQ(2, 2) is both DAS and DLS. In the same paper, the author proposed four conjectures about the adjacency spectrum of graph complements and the signless Laplacian spectrum of these multicone graphs. In [Citation2] and [Citation3], it was shown that the multicone graph KwG for G being the Paley graph P17 of order 17, the Schläfli graph S, or the line graph L(P) of the Petersen graph, is both DAS and DLS, and it is conjectured that these multicone graphs are also DQS. He also proposed three conjectures about the signless Laplacian spectrum and the complement spectrum of these multicone graphs. For getting further information related to this topic, see [Citation4, Citation12].

We believe that there are some gaps in the proofs in [Citation42]. There it was conjectured that if a graph is cospectral to a friendship graph, then it has minimum degree 2 (see Conjecture 1). In other words, they could not determine the minimum degree of graphs cospectral to a (bi-degreed) multicone graph (see Conjecture 1). Hence, one cannot use their techniques ([Citation42]) to characterize new classes of multicone graphs, which is what we want to do here. Conjectures 1 and 2 of Wang, Zhao and Huang [Citation42] are not true, and there are counterexamples for them (see the first paragraph after Corollary 2 of [Citation19]). In Theorem 3 (ii) of [Citation42] first the minimum degree of a graph cospectral to a graph belonging to β(n1,δ) (classes of bi-degreed graphs with degree sequence δ and n1, where n denotes the number of vertices) must be determined, since in general the minimum degree of a graph cannot be determined by its spectrum. Therefore, we think that theorem without knowing the minimum degree of a graph cospectral with one of graphs β(n1,δ) will not be effective or useful. For some multicone graphs which have been characterized, see [Citation1–4, Citation8, Citation9, Citation11–13, Citation28, Citation29, Citation34].

In this paper, we present some techniques which enable us to characterize graphs that are DAS and DLS.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review some basic information and preliminaries. In Section 3, we present some new classes of graphs that are either bi-degreed or regular with respect to their adjacency spectrum. In Subsection 3.1, we prove that any graph cospectral with one of these graphs is determined by its adjacency spectrum. In Subsection 3.2, we show that the complements of some classes of these graphs are determined by their adjacency spectrum (DAS). In Section 4, we prove that these graphs are also spectrum determined with respect to their Laplacian spectrum (DLS). In Subsection 4.1, we show that any graph cospectral with special classes of these graphs must be perfect. In Section 5, we propose two conjectures for further research.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we present some results which will play an important role throughout this paper.

Lemma 2.1

([Citation12, Citation13, Citation20]). The following can be obtained from the adjacency spectrum and Laplacian spectrum of a graph G:

From either spectrum,

(i) the number of vertices,

(ii) the number of edges.

From the adjacency spectrum,

(iii) the number of closed walks of any length,

(iv)whether G is regular or not, and if it is, the common degree,

(v) whether G is bipartite or not.

From the Laplacian spectrum,

(vi) the number of spanning trees,

(vii) the number of components,

(viii) the sum of the squares of the degrees of the vertices.

In what follows, PG(y) denotes the characteristic polynomial of graph G.

Theorem 2.1

([Citation20, Citation42]). If for i = 1, 2, Gi has order ni and is ri-regular, then the characteristic polynomial of the join G1G2 is PG1G2(y)=PG1(y)PG2(y)(yr1)(yr2)((yr1)(yr2)n1n2).

Theorem 2.2

([Citation23, Citation42]). Let G be a graph with n vertices, m edges, minimum degree δ, and spectral radius ρ(G). Then ρ(G)δ12+2mnδ+(δ+1)24 Equality holds if and only if G is either a regular graph or a bi-degreed graph in which each vertex is of degree either δ or n1.

For further information about the inequality in this theorem, we refer the reader to [Citation42], where it is stated that equality can also occur if G is disconnected. However, in this paper we consider only the connected case and so give equality only for those graphs.

Theorem 2.3

([Citation12, Citation27]). Let G and H be graphs with Laplacian spectra λ1λ2λn and μ1μ2μm, respectively. Then the Laplacian spectrum of G¯ is nλ1,nλ2,,nλn1,0 and that of GH is n+m,n+μ1,n+μ2,,n+μm1,0.

Theorem 2.4

([Citation12, Citation27]). If G is a graph of order n, then n is a Laplacian eigenvalue of G if and only if G is the join of two graphs.

Theorem 2.5

([Citation24]). For a graph G, the following statements are equivalent:

  1. G is d-regular.

  2. ρ(G)=dG, the average vertex degree.

  3. v=(1,1,,1)T is an eigenvector for ρ(G).

Proposition 2.1

([Citation12, Citation20]). If j is a vertex of graph G, then PGj(y)=PG(y)i=1kαij2yμi, where k and αij are the number of distinct eigenvalues and the main angles (see [Citation33]) of graph G, respectively.

Proposition 2.2

([Citation39]). If G is a disconnected graph determined by the Laplacian spectrum, then so is the cone over G;, of the graph K1G

Theorem 2.6

([Citation12, Citation37]). If G is a non-regular graph with three distinct eigenvalues θ0>θ1>θ2, then the following hold:

  1. G has diameter2.

  2. If θ0 is not an integer, then G is a complete bipartite graph.

  3. θ10 with equality if and only if G is complete bipartite.

  4. θ22 with equality if and only if G is the path of length2.

Theorem 2.7

([Citation41]). A graph has exactly one positive eigenvalue if and only if its vertices of positive degree form a complete multipartite graph.

In what follows, we always assume that w, r and s3 are natural numbers. In addition, when SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrCs), we always assume that G is connected since some classes of disconnected graphs are not DAS. Some examples are the following:

SpecA((2C4(3C4K3))5C4)=SpecA(K310C4) but (2C4(3C4K3))5C4K310C4.

SpecA((C5(6C5K3))4C5)=SpecA(K311C5) but C5(6C5K3))4C5K311C5.

SpecA((C6(2C6K3))2C6)=SpecA(K35C6) but C6(2C6K3))2C6K35C6.

However, if a graph cospectral with the multicone graph K3rCs is connected, then it is DAS (see Theorem 3.1).

3. Main results

The aim of this section is to show that any graph cospectral with the multicone graph KwrCs is either regular or bi-degreed.

Proposition 3.1.

Let G be a graph cospectral with the multicone graph KwrCs, and let p=w+1 and q=2(w1)rsw. Then SpecA(G) is: k=1s21{[1]w1,[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r1,[2]r,[(pp24q)/2]1,[(p+p24q)/2]1} if s is even, and k=1s12{[1]w1,[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r1,[(pp24q)/2]1,[(p+p24q)/2]1} if s is odd.


It is well-known that the s-cycle Cs has eigenvalues 2cos2kπs, where k=0,1,,s1. All multiplicities are 2, except that of 2 and possibly –2. Now, by Theorem 2.1, the proof is straightforward. □

Lemma 3.1.

If G is a connected graph and SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrCs), then δ(G)=w+2.


Let x=δ(G)(w+2). First, it is clear that in this case equality holds in Theorem 2.2 if and only if x = 0. We claim that x = 0. To the contrary, we suppose that x0. From Theorem 2.2 and Proposition 3.1 it follows that ρ(G)=w+1+8m4n(w+2)+(w+3)22<w+1+x+8m4n(w+2)+(w+3)2+x2+(2w+64n)x2, where (as usual) n and m denote the numbers of vertices and edges in G.

For convenience, we let B=8m4n(w+2)+(w+3)20 and C=w+32n<0, and also let q(x)=x2+(2w+64n)x=x2+2Cx. By replacing the new notations we have w+1+B2<w+1+x+B+q(x)2 or B<x+B+q(x). Then clearly BB+q(x)<x.

We consider two cases:

Case 1:

x < 0. In this case, for any non-complete graph G we always have δ(G)<w+2 (1). It is easy and straightforward to see that |BB+q(x)|>|x|, since x<0. Transposing and squaring yields 2B+q(x)2B(B+q(x))>x2. Replacing q(x) by x2+2Cx, we get B+Cx>B(B+x2+2Cx). Obviously Cx0. By squaring the last inequality we get (B+Cx)2>(B(B+x2+2Cx))2 or B2+C2x2+2BCx>B2+Bx2+2BCx or C2>B. Therefore, (w+32n)2=C2>8m4n(w+2)+(w+3)2=B or (w+3)24n(w+3)+4n2>8m4n(w+2)+(w+3)2. By simplifying this inequality we get 4n+4n2>8m or m<n(n1)2.

So, if x<0, then G cannot be a complete graph (2). Combining (1) and (2) we get: δ(G)<w+2 if and only if G is not a complete graph. To put that another way, G is a complete graph if and only if δ(G)>w+2, which is a contradiction, since if G is a complete graph, then δ(G)=w+2.

Case 2:


In the same way as Case 1, we can conclude that if G is complete, then δ(G)<w+2, a contradiction. So we must have x = 0. Therefore, the claim holds. □

Lemma 3.2.

If G is a connected graph and SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrCs). Then G is either regular or bi-degreed with degrees w1+rs and w + 2.


This follows from Lemma 3.1 together with Theorem 2.2. □

3.1. Graphs cospectral with the multicone graphs K1rCs

In this section, we show that any graph cospectral with the multicone graph K1rCs is DAS.

Lemma 3.3.

If G is a connected graph and SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrCs), then G is DAS.


If r = 1 and s = 3 there is nothing to prove, since in this case G is regular (see Theorem 2.5). Hence we assume that r>1 or s>3. By Lemma 3.2, it is clear that G has one vertex of degree rs, say vj. We consider two cases:

Case 1:

s is even. From Proposition 2.1, it follows that PGvj(x)=(xμ0)r2i=1s21(xμi)2r1(xμs2)r1i=0s2+2αij2Ai, where Ai=hih=0s2+2(xμh), μs2=2, μs2+1=1+1+rs,μs2+2=11+rs and μi=2cos2πis (0is21).

Case 2:

s is odd. As in Case 1 from Proposition 2.1, it follows that PGvj(x)=(xμ0)r2i=1s12(xμi)2r1i=0s12+2αij2Bl, where Bl=hlh=0s12+2(xμh), μs12+1=1+1+rs, μs12+2=11+rs and μi=2cos2πir (0is12).

Now, from Lemma 3.2, it follows that Gvj is a 2-regular graph of order s. Therefore, we conclude that SpecA(Gvj) is either k=1s21{[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r,[2]r} or k=1s12{[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r}. Hence GvjrCs. So, GK1rCs, which completes the proof. □

Up to now, we have shown that the multicone graph K1 rCs is DAS. A natural question is what happens for multicone graph KwrCs when w > 1. We answer this question in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1.

Any connected graph cospectral with the multicone graph KwrCs is DAS.


We induct on w. By Lemma 3.3, the statement is true for w = 1. Assume that it is true for w, that is, if SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrCs), then GKwrCs. We show that the claim is true for w + 1. We show that SpecA(H)=SpecA(Kw+1rCs) implies that HKw+1rCs. Obviously, H has one vertex and w + rs edges more than H. By Lemma 3.2, G has w vertices of degree w1+rs and rs vertices of degree w + 2. On the other hand, H has w + 1 vertices of degree w + rs and rs vertices of degree w+3. So, we must have HK1G. Hence, the induction completes the proof. □

In the following, we present an alternative proof of Theorem 3.1.


Let G be a graph cospectral with a multicone graph KwrCs. By Lemma 3.2, G has a subgraph F that is regular of degree w1+rs. In other words, GKwH, where H is a subgraph of G. Now, we remove the vertices of the complete graph Kw and we consider other rs vertices. Consider the subgraph H induced by these rs vertices. By Lemma 3.2 it must be regular of degree 2 and the multiplicity of 2 is r. In other words, H is a cycle or it is a disjoint union of several s-cycles. By Theorem 2.1, SpecA(H) is either k=1s21{[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r,[2]r} or k=1s12{[2cos2kπs]2r,[2]r}. Hence SpecA(H)=SpecA(rCs), and the result follows. □

3.2. Some classes of graphs KwrCs¯ and their adjacency spectra

In this section, we show that the complements of the multicone graphs KwrC3 are DAS.

Theorem 3.2.

If G is a graph with SpecA(G)=SpecA(KwrC3¯), then GKwrC3¯.


Assume that SpecA(G)={[3]r1,[0]2r+w,[3r3]1}. If r = 1, there is nothing to prove. If r = 2, then Theorem 2.7 implies that GG1+Kc¯, where G1 is a complete multipartite graph and c is a natural number. On the other hand, it follows from Theorem 2.6 that G1 is a complete bipartite graph. Therefore, G1K3,3. Hence GKw¯K3,3. Therefore, we can suppose that r3. We know that regularity and the number of triangles of graph G can be determined by its adjacency spectrum. So, G is not regular graph and is not complete bipartite. Therefore, from Theorems 2.6 and 2.7 we conclude that G is disconnected and G=G1+Kd¯, where d is a natural number. Also, it is clear that G1 has exactly three distinct eigenvalues. Now, for the sake of contradiction, we suppose that G1 is not regular. From Theorem 2.6 it follows that G1 is a complete bipartite graph and so G is itself bipartite, and this is a contradiction. Hence G1 is regular and so ρ(G1)=3r3. Now, from Theorem 2.7, it follows that G1 is a multipartite graph and so must be congruent to the r-partite graph Kr(3)=rK3¯ with each partite set having three vertices. Therefore G=G1+Kw¯Kr(3)+Kw¯KwrK3¯, which proves the result. □

4. Laplacian spectral determinations of multicone graphs KwrCs

In this section, we show that with a few exceptions for small values of w, r and s (w,r1 and s6, see [Citation43], ), then the multicone graphs Kw rCs are DLS.

Figure 1. Wheel graph W13=K1C12.

Figure 1. Wheel graph W13=K1▽C12.

Theorem 4.1.

The multicone graphs KwrCs are DLS, if w,r1 and s6.


It is well-known that SpecL(Cs)=22cos2kπs, where k=0,1,,s1. All multiplicities are 2, except that of 0 and possibly 4. We use induction on w. First, we assume that s is even. If w = 1, then the result is easily seen to hold by Proposition 2.2. Assume that it is true for w, that is, SpecL(G)=SpecL(KwrCs)=k=1s21{[w+rs]w,[w+22cos2kπs]2r,[w]r1,[w+4]r,[0]1}. implies that GKwrCs. We show that the claim is true for w + 1, that is, we show that SpecL(H)=SpecL(Kw+1rCs)=k=1s21{[w+1+rs]w+1,[w+32cos2kπs]2r,[w+1]r1,[w+5]r,[0]1}. implies that HKw+1rCs. It is clear that H has one vertex and w + rs edges more than G. On the other hand, from Theorem 2.4, it follows that both of the graphs G and H are the join of two graphs. Furthermore, from Theorem 2.3, it follows that SpecL(K1G)=SpecL(H). Therefore, we must have HK1G. Hence, the result follows by the induction hypothesis.

The argument for s odd is similar, so we omit the details. □

4.1. Another property of multicone graphs KwrCs

A graph G is called perfect if its chromatic number χ(G) is equal to the order of its largest complete subgraph ω(G). The perfect graph theorem states that a graph G is perfect if and only if it contains no odd hole or antihole, where an odd hole is an induced odd cycle, Cn for n5, and an odd antihole is the complement of an odd hole as an induced subgraph. Lovász proved that a graph is perfect if and only if its complement is perfect (see [Citation18]). Here, we show that some graphs that are adjacency or Laplacian cospectral with KwrCs must be perfect.

Theorem 4.2.

A connected graph G that is adjacency cospectral with the multicone graph KwrCs is perfect and so is its complement G¯ if and only if s = 3 or s is even.


(): This follows at once since if s is odd, then clearly G has an odd hole.

() It is easy to see that G cannot have an odd hole. Suppose that it has an odd antihole, that is, it contains Ck¯ as an induced subgraph where k is odd and at least 5. Hence G¯=Kw¯+rCs¯ must contain Ck as an induced subgraph. It is easy to see that this cycle must be contained in rCs¯, which is the join Cs¯Cs¯Cs¯ of the complements of r cycles Cs, and this is clearly impossible. □

Theorem 4.3.

A graph G that is Laplacian cospectral with the multicone graph KwrCs is perfect (and so is its complement G¯) if and only if s = 3 or s is even.


The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 4.2 and so the details are omitted. □

5. Two conjectures

In this paper, it was proved that multicone graphs KwrCs are both DAS (as connected graphs) and DLS (w,r1 and s6). We also show that the multicone complements KwrC3¯ are DAS, and from [Citation11] (Theorem 5.2) it follows that so are the graphs KwC4¯. We believe that these results can be extended and make the following conjectures:

Conjecture 1. The multicone complement graphs KwrCs¯ are DAS.

Conjecture 2. The multicone graphs KwrCs are DQS.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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