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On the first and second Zagreb indices of some products of signed graphs

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Pages 185-192 | Received 03 Jun 2023, Accepted 10 Jul 2023, Published online: 26 Jul 2023


Some of the most comprehensively studied degree-based topological indices are the Zagreb indices. In this article, the pair of Zagreb indices have been determined for five product graphs namely tensor product, Cartesian product, lexicographic product, strong product, symmetric difference of G1 and G2 in terms of the Zagreb indices of the signed graphs of the factor graphs G1 and G2 and their orders and sizes.

1 Introduction

A graph G=G(V,E) consists of a nonempty set V and a collection E of unordered pairs of distinct elements from V. The elements of V and E are called vertices and edges of G, respectively. The number of edges incident on a vertex u is called the degree of u in G and it is denoted by dG(u). For, other basic concepts and terminologies on graphs [Citation9] and [Citation3] can be referred to. The graphs considered in this study are connected and simple i.e., without loops and multiple edges. When the edges of a graph are assigned a + or – sign then the graph obtained is called signed graph. Formally, a signed graph is a graph G(V, E) along with a function μ:E(G){+,} that assigns a sign, either + or –, to every edge in G. It is denoted by S(G,μ). The function μ is called the signature function or sign function of S. The unsigned graph G is called the underlying graph of the signed graph S. The number of positive edges incident on a vertex u is the positive degree of u, denoted by dS+(u) and the number of negative edges incident on a vertex u is the negative degree of u and is denoted by dS(u). Clearly, dG(u)=dS+(u)+dS(u). When there is no confusion about the graph under consideration, we use du,du+,du to mean degree, positive degree and negative degree respectively.

Graph theory is widely used in the characterization of structures by means of numerical parameters known as topological indices. The topological indices, as their name suggests are highly correlated with the topology (i.e. the arrangement of nodes and links between them) of a network, and give an insight into its properties. Ever since, the inception of Weiner index W(G) in 1946 by Alfred Weiner, there has been a huge explosion over the years in the development of topological indices based on various parameters of a graph G. For more information the following works can be referred to and the references cited therein [Citation10, Citation12–14]. In 1972, Gutman and Trinajstic, who were members of the “Rudjer Boskovic” Institute in Zagreb, Croatia introduced a pair of topological indices. These indices thus came to be known by various names like the Zagreb group indices, the Zagreb group parameters and, mostly the Zagreb indices, denoted by symbols M1(G) and M2(G). They inferred that the dependence of the total π-electron energy on molecular structure is strongly correlated with these indices [Citation5]. Several mathematical properties and chemical applications of these two indices have been reported in [Citation6–8]. Graph operations play a very important role in determining the relation between the product graph and its constituent graphs. The general expressions of the indices of graph operations thus deduced enhance the understanding of relations between the values of topological indices of the product graphs and those of their corresponding components. More study on topological indices related to product graphs is provided in [Citation1, Citation2, Citation4]. In 2009, these indices were computed for graph operations like the Cartesian product, composition, join, symmetric difference and disjunction [Citation11]. In 2020, the first and the second Zagreb indices for signed graphs was studied in [Citation15]. Taking motivation from these two works, in this present paper the work on Zagreb indices has been extended to signed graphs. The objective of this article is to study the mathematical properties of these pair of indices for various graph operations. However, their applications in terms of chemical graph theory are not discussed here.

1.1 Preliminaries

The results in this paper are obtained using the definitions given in and .

Table 1 Some indices, their notations and definitions.

Table 2 Adjacency rules and degree of every vertex (u1, u2) in some graph products.

Lemma 1.1.

[Citation15] For a signed graph S and its underlying graph G, (1) M1(G)=M1+(S)+M1(S)+2M1*(S)(1) (2) M2(G)=M2+(S)+M2(S)+M2*(S)(2)

Lemma 1.2.

[Citation11] Let G1 and G2 be two graphs. Then (3) |E(G1G2)|=2|E(G1)||E(G2)|.(3) (4) |E(G1G2)|=|E(G1)||V(G2)|+|V(G1)||E(G2)|.(4) (5) |E(G1[G2])|=|E(G1)||V(G2)|2+|E(G2)||V(G1)|.(5) (6) |E(G1*G2)|=|E(G1)||V(G2)|+|E(G2)||V(G1)|+2|E(G1)||E(G2)|.(6) (7) |E(G1G2)|=|E(G1)||V(G2)|2+|E(G2)||V(G1)|24|E(G1)||E(G2)|.(7)

2 Main results

Theorem 2.1.

Let (S1,σ1) and (S2,σ2) be two signed graphs and their underlying graphs be G1 and G2, respectively. Then the first Zagreb index of the tensor product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (8) M1(G1G2)=M1(S1)M1(S2)(8) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and we obtain, M1(G1G2)=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)d(ui,vj)2=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)(duidvj)2=uiV(G1)(dui)2vjV(G2(dvj)2=uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2=uiV(G1)(dui+2+dui2+2dui+dui)vjV(G2)(dvj+2+dvj2+2dvj+dvj),which gives us EquationEquation (8). □

Theorem 2.2.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the first Zagreb index of the Cartesian product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by (9) M1(G1G2)=n2M1(S1)+n1M1(S2)+8m1m2(9) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and we obtain, M1(G1G2)=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)[d(ui,vj)]2=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)(dui+dvj)2=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)[(dui)2+(dvj)2+2(duidvj)]=uiV(G1)(dui)2vjV(G2)1+vjV(G2)(dvj)2uiV(G1)1+2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj=uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2n2+vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2n1+2(2m1)(2m2)=n2uiV(G1)(dui+2+dui2+2dui+dui)+n1vjV(G2)(dvj+2+dvj2+2dvj+dvj)+8m1m2,which gives us the EquationEquation (9). □

Theorem 2.3.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the first Zagreb index of the lexicographic product of G1 and G2 in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (10) M1(G1[G2])=n23M1(S1)+n1M1(S2)+8n2m1m2(10) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and we obtain, M1(G1[G2])=(ui,vj)V(G1[G2])[d(ui,vj)]2=(ui,vj)V(G1[G2])(n2dui+dvj)2=(ui,vj)V(G1[G2])(n22dui2+dvj2+2n2duidvj)=uiV(G1)n22dui2vjV(G2)1+vjV(G2)dvj2uiV(G1)1+2n2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj=n23uiV(G1)dui2+n1vjV(G2)dvj2+8n2m1m2=n23uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2+n1vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2+8n2m1m2=n23uiV(G1)(dui+2+dui2+2dui+dui)+n1vjV(G2)(dvj+2+dvj2+2dvj+dvj)+8n2m1m2,which gives us EquationEquation (10). □

Theorem 2.4.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the first Zagreb index of the strong product of G1 and G2 in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (11) M1(G1*G2)=(n2+4m2)M1(S1)+M1(S1)M1(S2)+(n1+4m1)M1(S2)+8m1m2,(11) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and we obtain, we have, M1(G1*G2)=(ui,vj)V(G1*G2)[d(ui,vj)]2=(ui,vj)V(G1*G2)(dui+dvj+duidvj)2=(ui,vj)V(G1*G2)(dui2+dvj2+dui2dvj2+2duidvj    +2duidvj2+2dui2dvj)=uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)1+vjV(G2)dvj2uiV(G1)1+uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj2+2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj+2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj2+2uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj=uiV(G1)dui2(n2+2vjV(G2)dvj)+uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj2+vjV(G2)dvj2(n1+2uiV(G1)dui)+2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj=uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2(n2+4m2)+uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj2+vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2(n1+4m1)+8m1m2=uiV(G1)(dui+2+dui2+2dui+dui)(n2+4m2)+uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2+vjV(G2)(dvj+2+dvj2+2dvj+dvj)(n1+4m1)+8m1m2,which gives EquationEquation (11). □

Theorem 2.5.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the first Zagreb index of the symmetric difference of G1 and G2 in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (12) M1(G1G2)=[n238n2m2]M1(S1)+M1(S2)[n138n1m1]+4M1(S1)M1(S2)+8m1m2n1n2,(12) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and we obtain, M1(G1G2)=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)[d(ui,vj)]2=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)(n2dui+n1dvj2duidvj)2=(ui,vj)V(G1G2)(n22dui2+n12dvj2+4dui2dvj2+2n1n2duidvj4n1duidvj24n2dui2dvj)=n22uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)1+n12vjV(G2)dvj2uiV(G1)1+4uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj2+2n1n2uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj4n1uiV(G1)duivjV(G2)dvj24n2uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj=uiV(G1)dui2[n234n2(2m2)]+vjV(G2)dvj2[n134n1(2m1)]+4uiV(G1)dui2vjV(G2)dvj2+8m1m2n1n2=uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2[n238n2m2]+vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2[n138n1m1]+4uiV(G1)(dui++dui)2vjV(G2)(dvj++dvj)2+8m1m2n1n2,which gives us EquationEquation (12). □

Theorem 2.6.

Let (S1,σ1) and (S2,σ2) be two signed graphs and their underlying graphs be G1 and G2, respectively. Then the second Zagreb index of the tensor product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (13) M2(G1G2)=2M2(S1)M2(S2)(13) where M2(S1)=[M2+(S1)+M2(S1)+2M2*(S1)] and M2(S2)=[M2+(S2)+M2(S2)+2M2*(S2)].


By applying the results in the , Lemma 1.2 and EquationEquation (3) we have: M2(G1G2)=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1G2)[d(ui,ai)d(vj,bj)]=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1G2)(dui,dai)(dvj,dbj)=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1G2)duidvjdaidbj=2uivjE(G1)duidvjaibjE(G2)daidbj=2uivjE(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)×aibjE(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)=2uivjE(G1)(dui+dvj+)+(dui+dvj)+(duidvj+)+(duidvj)aibjE(G2)(dai+dbj+)+(dai+dbj)+(daidbj+)+(daidbj),which gives us EquationEquation (13). □

Theorem 2.7.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the second Zagreb index of the Cartesian product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (14) M2(G1G2)=m2M1(S1)+2m1M1(S2)+n1M2(S2)+m1M1(S2)+2m2M1(S1)+n2M2(S1),(14) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)],M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)],M2(S1)=[M2+(S1)+M2(S1)+2M2*(S1)],M2(S2)=[M2+(S2)+M2(S2)+2M2*(S2)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)].


By applying the results in the , Lemma 1.2 and EquationEquation (4) we have: M2(G1G2)=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1G2)[d(ui,ai)d(vj,bj)]=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1G2(xi,ai)dG1G2(xi,bj)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)dG1G2(ui,yj)dG1G2(vj,yj)=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(dxi+dai)(dxi+dbj)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dyj)(dvj+dyj)=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(dxi)2+(dxidbj)+(daidxi)+(daidbj)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(dyj)2+(dyjdvj)+(dyjdui)+(duidvj)=xiV(G1)(dxi)2(aibj)E(G2)1+xiV(G1)dxi(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj)+xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)+yjV(G2)(dyj)2(uivj)E(G1)1+yjV(G2)dyj(uivj)E(G1)(dvj+dui)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(duidvj)=xiV(G1)(dxi++dxi)2m2+2m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)+(dbj++dbj)+n1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+yjV(G2)(dyj++dyj)2m1+2m2(uivj)E(G1)dvj++dvj+dui++dui+n2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)=m2xiV(G1)(dxi+2+2dxi+dxi+dxi2)+2m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dbj++dai+dbj)+n1(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj++dai+dbj+daidbj++daidbj)+m1yjV(G2)(dyj+2+2dyj+dyj+dyj2)+2m2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dvj++dui+dvj)+n2(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dvj++dui+dvj+duidvj++duidvj),which gives EquationEquation (14). □

Theorem 2.8.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the second Zagreb index of the lexicographic product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (15) M2(G1[G2])=m2n22M1(S1)+2n2m1M1(S2)+n1M2(S2)+n24M2(S1)+2m2n22M1(S1)+4m22m1,(15) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)],M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)],M2(S1)=[M2+(S1)+M2(S1)+2M2*(S1)],M2(S2)=[M2+(S2)+M2(S2)+2M2*(S2)] and M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)].


By applying the results in the and Lemma 1.2, EquationEquation (5) we have: M2(G1[G2])=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1[G2])[d(ui,ai)d(vj,bj)]=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1[G2](xi,ai)dG1[G2](xi,bj)+yjV(G2)zkV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)dG1[G2](ui,yj)dG1[G2](vj,zk)=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(n2dxi+dai)(n2dxi+dbj)+yjV(G2)zkV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(n2dui+dyj)(n2dvj+dzk)=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[n22dxi2+n2dxidbj+n2dxidai+daidbj]+yjV(G2)zkV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)[n22duidvj+n2duidzk    +n2dyjdvj+dyjdzk]=n22xiV(G1)dxi2(aibj)E(G2)1+n2xiV(G1)dxi(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj) +n1(aibj)E(G2)daidbj+n22yjV(G2)1zkV(G2)1(uivj)E(G1)duidvj+n2yjV(G2)1zkV(G2)dzk(uivj)E(G1)dui+dvj+yjV(G2)dyjzkV(G2)dzk(uivj)E(G1)1=n22xiV(G1)(dxi++dxi)2m2+n22m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)+(dbj++dbj)+n1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj+dbj)+n24(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)+n222m2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)+(dvj++dvj)+4m22m1=n22xiV(G1)(dxi+2+2dxi+dxi+dxi2)m2+n22m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dbj++dai+dbj)+n1(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj++dai+dbj+daidbj++daidbj)+n24(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dvj++dui+dvj+duidvj++duidvj)+2m2n22(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dvj++dui+dvj)+4m22m1,which gives EquationEquation (15). □

Theorem 2.9.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2, respectively. Then the second Zagreb index of the strong product of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (16) M2(G1*G2)=3m2M1(S1)+3m1M1(S2)+(n2+6m2)M2(S1)+(2m1+n1)M2(S2)+3M1(S1)M1(S2)+3M1(S1)M2(S2)+3M1(S2)M2(S1)+2M2(S1)M2(S2).(16) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)],M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)],M2(S1)=[M2+(S1)+M2(S1)+2M2*(S1)] and M2(S2)=[M2+(S2)+M2(S2)+2M2*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and Lemma 1.2, EquationEquation (6) we have: M2(G1*G2)=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1*G2)[d(ui,ai)d(vj,bj)]=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1*G2(xi,ai)dG1*G2(xi,bj)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)dG1*G2(ui,yj)dG1*G2(vj,yj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1*G2(ui,ai)dG1*G2(vj,bj)=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(dxi+dai+dxidai)(dxi+dbj+dxidbj)+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dyj+duidyj)(dvj+dyj+dvjdyj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(dui+dai+duidai)(dvj+dbj+dvjdbj) =xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[dxi2+dxidbj+dxi2dbj+daidxi+daidbj+daidxidbj+dxi2dai+dxidaidbj+dxi2daidbj)]+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)[duidvj+duidyj+duidvjdyj+dvjdyj+dyj2+dvjdyj2+duidvjdyj+duidyj2+duidvjdyj2]+2(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[duidvj+duidbj+duidvjdbj+daidvj+daidbj+daidvjdbj+duidaidvj+duidaidbj+duidvjdaidbj]=xiV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[dxi2(1+dbj+dai+daidbj)+dxi(dai+dbj+2daidbj)+daidbj]+yjV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)[dyj2(1+dvj+dui+duidvj)+dyj(dui+dvj+2duidvj)+duidvj] +2(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[duidvj(1+daidbj+dai+dbj)+daidbj(1+dui+dvj)+duidbj+daidvj]=xiV(G1)dxi2[(aibj)E(G2)1+(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj)+(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)]+xiV(G1)dxi[(aibj)E(G2)(dai+dbj)+2(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)]+xiV(G1)1(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)+yjV(G2)dyj2[(uivj)E(G1)1+(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dvj)+(uivj)E(G1)(duidvj)] +yjV(G2)dyj[(uivj)E(G1)(dui+dvj)+2(uivj)E(G1)duidvj]+yjV(G2)1(uivj)E(G1)(duidvj)2(uivj)E(G1)(duidvj)×(aibj)E(G2)(1+dai+dbj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(duidvj)(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(1+dui+dvj)(aibj)E(G2)(daidbj)+2×12[(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(dui+dvj)(dai+dbj)]=xiV(G1)(dxi++dxi)2m2+2m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai+dbj++dbj)+xiV(G1)(dxi++dxi)2 ×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai+dbj++dbj)+n1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+4m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+xiV(G1)(dxi++dxi)2×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+n2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)+2m2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui+dvj++dvj)+4m2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)+yjV(G2)(dyj++dyj)2×(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui+dvj++dvj)+yjV(G2)(dyj++dyj)2 ×(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)+m1yjV(G2)(dyj++dyj)2+2m2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai+dbj++dbj)+2m1(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui+dvj++dvj)×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+2(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)(dvj++dvj)×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)(dbj++dbj)+(uivj)E(G1)(dui++dui)+(dvj++dvj)×(aibj)E(G2)(dai++dai)+(dbj++dbj)which gives EquationEquation (16). □

Theorem 2.10.

Let S1(G1,σ1) and S2(G2,σ2) be two signed graphs, with n1, n2 and m1, m2 being the number of vertices and number of edges of G1 and G2 respectively. Then the second Zagreb index of the symmetric difference of G1 and G2, in terms of the Zagreb index of their signed graphs is given by: (17) M2(G1G2)=4n22m12m2+4n12m22m1+(2m1n12n28m12n2)M1(S2)+(n148n12m1+16m12)M2(S2)+(n248n22m2+16m22)M2(S1)+(2m2n1n22+8n1m22)M1(S1)+2n1n2M1(S1)M1(S2)8n2M2(S1)M1(S2)8n1M1(S1)M2(S2)16M2(S1)M2(S2),(17) where M1(S1)=[M1+(S1)+M1(S1)+2M1*(S1)],M1(S2)=[M1+(S2)+M1(S2)+2M1*(S2)],M2(S1)=[M2+(S1)+M2(S1)+2M2*(S1)] and M2(S2)=[M2+(S2)+M2(S2)+2M2*(S2)].


By applying the results in the and Lemma 1.2, EquationEquation (7) we have: M2(G1G2)=(ui,ai)(vj,bj)E(G1G2)[d(ui,ai)d(vj,bj)]=xiV(G1)yjV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1G2(xi,ai)dG1G2(yj,bj)+zkV(G2)wlV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)dG1G2(ui,zk)dG1G2(vj,wl)4(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dG1G2(uiai)dG1G2(vjbj)=xiV(G1)yjV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[(n2+n1dai2dxidai)(n2dyj+n1dbj2dyjdbj)]+zkV(G2)wlV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)[(n2dui+n1dzk2duidzk)(n2dvj+n1dwl2dvjdwl)]4(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)[(n2dui+n1dai2duidai)(n2dvj+n1dbj2dvjdbj)]=xiV(G1)yjV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(n22dxidyj+n1n2dxidbj2n2dxidyjdbj+n1n2daidyj+n12daidbj2n1daidyjdbj2n2dxidyjdai2n1dxidaidbj+4dxidyjdaidbj)+zkV(G2)wlV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)(n22duidvj+n1n2duidwl2n2duidvjdwl+n1n2dzkdvj+n12dzkdwl2n1dzkdvjdwl2n2duidzkdvj2n1duidzkdwl+4duidvjdzkdwl) 4(uivj)E(G1)(aibj)E(G2)(n22duidvj+n1n2duidbj2n2duidvjdbj+n1n2daidvj+n12daidbj2n1daidvjdbj2n2duidvjdai2n1duidaidbj+4duidvjdaidbj)=4n22m12m2+n1n22{xiV(G1)yjV(G1)(aibj)E(G2)dxi(dai+dbj)+dyj(dai+dbj)}8m12n2M1(S2)+M2(S2)(n148n12m1+16m12)+M2(S1)(n248n22m2+16m22)+n1n22{zkV(G2)wlV(G2)(uivj)E(G1)dzk(dui+dvj)+dwl(dui+dvj)}+4n12m22m1+8n1m12M1(S1)8n2M2(S1)M1(S2)16M2(S1)M2(S2)8n1M1(S1)M2(S2)+2n1n2M1(S1)M1(S2)=4n22m12m2+4m1n12n22M1(S2)8m12n2M1(S2)+M2(S2)(n148n12m1+16m12)+M2(S1)(n248n22m2+16m22)+4m2n1n222M1(S1)+8n1m12M1(S1)+4n12m22m18n2M2(S1)M1(S2)+8n1m12M1(S1)+4n12m22m116M2(S1)M2(S2)8n1M1(S1)M2(S2)+2n1n2M1(S1)M1(S2),which gives EquationEquation (17). □

3 Conclusion

The general expressions for the first and second Zagreb indices of five product graphs in terms of the Zagreb indices of their signed graphs and other graph parameters have been deduced in this study. The purpose of this article is to explore the mathematical properties of these indices but not their applications in chemical graph theory. Future scope is the computation of other degree-based or neighborhood degree sum-based topological indices for these product graphs in terms of the indices of their signed graphs.


The first author is highly obliged to TMA Pai Foundation for extending research fellowship vide, letter No. 209/SMU/REG/TMAPURF/70/2020 dated 30th September 2021.

Disclosure statement

The authors confirm there were no competing interests in the article content.


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