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Upper bounds of orders of automorphism groups of leafless metric graphs

Pages 71-76 | Received 28 Feb 2022, Accepted 17 Aug 2023, Published online: 04 Sep 2023


We prove a tropical analogue of the theorem of Hurwitz: A leafless metric graph of genus g2 has at most 12 automorphisms when g = 2 and 2gg! automorphisms when g3. These inequalities are optimal; for each genus, we give all metric graphs which have the maximum numbers of automorphisms. The proof is written in terms of graph theory.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification:

1 Introduction

In classical algebraic geometry, the theorem of Hurwitz says that an algebraic curve of genus g2 has at most 84(g1) automorphisms (cf. [Citation3, Ex. 2.5. in Chapter IV]). In this paper, we will prove a tropical analogue of this theorem.

Tropical geometry is, roughly speaking, an algebraic geometry over the tropical semifield T:=(R{},max,+) (cf. [Citation5] for an introduction to tropical geometry). The process of passing from classical arithmetic (resp. classical algebro-geometric objects) to tropical arithmetic (resp. tropical objects) is referred to as tropicalization.

Tropicalizations of algebraic curves have abstract tropical curve structures. An abstract tropical curve is an extension of a metric graph. A metric graph is defined as the metric space associated with a pair of an unweighted, undirected, finite, connected nonempty multigraph G which may have loops and a length function l:EGR>0, where EG denotes the set of edges of G, by identifying each edge e of G with the closed interval [0,l(e)]. For an abstract tropical curve Γ, we allow l to take the value only on edges incident to leaves. Each point [0,] must be identified with a leaf, where [0,] is the one-point compactification of [0,). If l takes the value , then Γ is no longer a metric space, but a topological space (cf. [Citation4] for more details).

An abstract tropical curve Γ has a genus in the usual topological sense. It coincides with #EG#VG+1 for any pair (G, l) defining Γ, where VG denotes the set of vertices of G. Nonnegative integer #EG#VG+k for a graph G with k connected components is sometimes called the (first) Betti number of G (cf. [Citation2]).

In the category of abstract tropical curves, morphisms between abstract tropical curves are (finite) harmonic morphisms. An automorphism of a metric graph Γ, i.e., a finite harmonic morphism ΓΓ of degree one is an isometry ΓΓ, and vice versa. For a metric graph Γ, we write its automorphism group as Aut(Γ), which coincides with the isometry group of Γ.

The following is our main theorem:

Theorem 1.

Let Γ be a leafless metric graph of genus g2. Then the inequality #Aut(Γ){2gg!if g3,12if g=2 holds. Furthermore, the inequality becomes an equality if and only if Γ is one of the following:

  • Γ is defined by the pair of Gbanana,g and some l whose image is one point with g = 2, 3.

  • Γ is defined by the pair of Gbouquet,g and some l whose image is one point with g3.

  • Γ is defined by the pair of Glollipop,g and some l such that all g loops have the same length and all g bridges have the same length with g3.

Here, an abstract tropical curve is leafless if it has no one-valent points (it is said to be minimal in [Citation1]). The valency of a point x of an abstract tropical curve is the minimum number of connected components of U{x} with all neighborhoods U of x. For g1,Gbanana,g denotes the multigraph that has only two vertices and g + 1 multiple edges between them. For g1,Gbouquet,g denotes the graph that has only one vertex and g loops incident to it. For g2,Glollipop,g denotes the graph obtained from Gbouquet,g by replacing the unique vertex with the star Sg with g leaves.

We note that there are no upper bounds of #Aut(Γ) without the leafless condition in Theorem 1. Let Γ be a metric graph of genus g, and let vΓ be a point. Let Γ be the metric graph obtained from Γ by attaching 0’s of n copies of the intervals [0,1] to the point v. Then Γ has genus g, and we have #Aut(Γ)n! since Aut(Γ) contains the symmetric group of degree n as a subgroup.

In tropical geometry, it is natural to deal only with leafless ones. There is an operation called tropical modification which defines an equivalence relation on all abstract tropical curves. Two abstract tropical curves are equivalent to each other if and only if one of them is obtained from the other by a finite number of retractions that contract a leaf edge to its one point (cf. [Citation1]). Hence for an equivalence class, all representatives have the same genus and there exists a unique leafless representative. For this reason, in tropical geometry, one studies leafless metric graphs for some essential information of their equivalence classes (cf. [Citation6] for higher dimension cases).

Theorem 1 follows the following combinatorial proposition:

Proposition 2.

Let G be a connected leafless graph of Betti number g2. Then the inequality #Aut(G){2gg!if g3,12if g=2 holds. Furthermore, the inequality becomes an equality if and only if G is one of the following:

  1. G is a graph obtained from Gbanana,g by subdividing all g + 1 edges into the same number (1) of edges with g = 2, 3.

  2. G is a graph obtained from Gbouquet,g by subdividing all g loops into the same number (2) of edges with g3.

  3. G is a graph obtained from Glollipop,g by subdividing all g loops into the same number (2) of edges and all g bridges into the same number (1) of edges with g3.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we prepare definitions in graph theory and three lemmas which we need later. Section 3 gives the proofs of the two assertions above.

2 Preliminaries

In this paper, a graph G=(VG,EG,εG) means an undirected finite graph allowing multiple edges and loops. Here, VG is the finite set of vertices, and EG is the finite set of edges, and εG:EG2VG is the map that associates an edge eEG with its vertices, where 2VG is the power set of VG . We note that #(εG(e)){1,2} holds for any eEG. An edge e is called a loop when #(εG(e))=1. A cut vertex (resp. bridge) of a graph G is a vertex (resp. an edge) whose deletion increases the number of connected components of G. The degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident to it, where a loop is counted twice. A vertex of degree one is called a leaf.

An automorphism f=(fV,fE) of a graph G is a pair of bijective maps fV:VGVG and fE:EGEG satisfying fV°εG=εG°fE. Aut(G) denotes the set of all automorphisms of G. For a subset SVGEG, Aut(G)S denotes the set of all fAut(G) satisfying fV(v)=v and fE(e)=e for any vSVG and eSEG. When S consists of only one element x, we sometimes write Aut(G)x instead of Aut(G){x}. We note that according to this definition, #Aut(Gbouquet,1)=1.

Lemma 3.

Let G be a connected leafless graph. Let x be a vertex and let e1,,ed be all the edges incident to x. Let G be the subgraph of G obtained by removing x,e1,,ed from G. Let G be the maximum subgraph of G in which all vertices have a degree at least two. We set S=(EGEG)eEGEGεG(e).

Then the following hold.

  1. Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}=Aut(G)S.

  2. Suppose that G=. Then there exists an injective map Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}Aut(G)y for some vertex yVG.


If G is trivial, then the assertions are clear. Assume that G is not trivial. G is obtained from G by repeating the following two operations:

  1. Removing a vertex v of degree zero.

  2. Removing a leaf v and the edge e incident to v.

Let G=G0G1Gc=G be its process. Then, corresponding to the two operations above, the following hold:

  1. EGi+1=EGi and VGiVGi+1={v}.

  2. EGiEGi+1={e} and VGiVGi+1={v}.

We set Si=(EGEGi)eEGEGiεG(e).

Since G is connected and nontrivial, d1 holds. Hence S0{x,e1,,ed}. By the definition of S0, we have Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}=Aut(G)S0. Thus, to prove (1), it is sufficient to show that Aut(G)Si=Aut(G)Si+1 for each 0ic1.

The assertion is clear for case (a). Suppose (b). Let u be the end point of e that is not v. Since all vertices of G have a degree at least two, it follows that vSi. Furthermore, any edge of G incident to v other than e is contained in Si . Therefore any fAut(G)Si fixes e and hence u too. Thus we have Aut(G)Si=Aut(G)Si+1, which completes the proof of (1).

By construction, it follows that SVG= when G=. Pick any ySVG. Let f=(fV,fE)Aut(G)S. Since fV and fE fix the elements of S, we have fV(VG)=VG and fE(EG)=EG. Therefore, f=(fV,fE)Aut(G) is defined by the restrictions fV=fV|VG and fE=fE|EG. Since yS, we have fAut(G)y. Therefore, the map Aut(G)SAut(G)y;ff is induced. This map is injective because we have VGVGS and EGEGS. □

Let G be a graph and SEG. Then the contraction G/S is a graph defined as follows: VG/S=VG/,EG/S=EGS,εG/S:EG/S2VG/S, where ∼ is the minimum relation satisfying xy for any x,yVG with {x,y}εG(S), and εG/S is the composition EG/SEGεG2VG2VG/S.

Lemma 4.

Let G be a graph and SEG. Let G/S be its contraction. Then the following hold.

  1. If S is Aut(G)-invariant, there exists a group homomorphism Aut(G)Aut(G/S) which commutes with the projection VGVG/S and the inclusion EG/SEG.

  2. Let S be the set of all bridges of G. Then, the Betti number of G/S is equal to that of G.

  3. In addition to (2), we assume that G is leafless. Then the group homomorphism Aut(G)Aut(G/S) is injective.


We shall prove (1). Let f=(fV,fE)Aut(G). Let ∼ be the relation on VG appearing in the definition of the contraction G/S above. Since S is Aut(G)-invariant, we have fE(EGS)=EGS and fV(x)fV(y) for any x,yVG with xy. Therefore, fV induces the map fV:VG/S=VG/VG/S=VG/ and fE is defined by taking the restriction fE=fE|EG/S to EG/S=EGS. Since f satisfies fE°εG=εG°fV, we have fE°εG/S=εG/S°fV. Hence, we have f=(fV,fE)Aut(G/S). Therefore, we obtain a group homomorphism Aut(G)Aut(G/S);ff, which proves (1).

Since S forms the union of trees, we have #VG#VG/S=#EG#EG/S, which proves (2).

We shall prove (3). Let fAut(G) be an element whose image in Aut(G/S) is the identity map. Let H be the subgraph of G such that EH = S and VH=eSεG(e). By assumption, fAut(G)F holds for F=(VGVH)(EGEH). Let v be a leaf of H and let e be the edge of H incident to v. First, we shall see that f fixes v. Since v has a degree at least two in G, there exists an edge e1EGEH such that e1=e and vεG(e1). If e1 is a loop, then f fixes v because f fixes e1. Suppose that e1 is not a loop. Let v be the end point of e1 that is not v. Since f fixes e1, it follows that fV(v)=v or fV(v)=v. Since S does not contain a circuit, it follows that vv. On the other hand, since the image of f in Aut(G/S) is the identity map, we have fV(v)v. Therefore f fixes v. Since f fixes all edges incident to v except e, it also fixes e. Let v be the end point of e that is not v. Then f also fixes v. Let H be the subgraph of H obtained by removing e and v. Then we have shown that fAut(G)F for F=(VGVH)(EGEH). Since H is a finite union of trees, we can see fAut(G)VGEG={idG} by induction, which completes the proof. □

Lemma 5.

  1. Let l, m and n be positive integers with m,nl. Then we have m!n!l!(m+nl)!.

  2. Let n1,,nc be positive integers. Then we have (n1!)(n2!) (nc!)(c+1+i=1cni)!.

The inequality becomes an equality if and only if all but one of n1,,nc are equal to one.


(1) is straightforward. By induction on c, (2) is reduced to (1) for l = 1. □

3 Main results

In this section, we will prove the two assertions in Section 1.

The following proposition is valid also for g = 1 in contrast to Proposition 2.

Proposition 6.

Let G be a connected leafless graph of Betti number g and x a vertex of G. Then the inequality #Aut(G)x2gg! holds.


If g = 0, then G is trivial, and the assertion is clear. Therefore we may assume that g1. Furthermore, by Lemma 4, we may assume that G has no bridges.

Let G{x}=U1Uk be the decomposition to the connected components. Let Gi=Ui{x} be the subgraph of G. Let gi be the Betti number of Gi . Then g=i=1kgi and gi1 hold. Furthermore, since G has no bridges, each Gi is leafless.

First, we treat the case when k = 1.

Claim 7. When k = 1, the inequality #Aut(G)x2gd+1d!(gd+1)! holds, where d is the number of edges incident to x. In particular, Proposition 6 holds when k = 1.


Let e1,,ed be all the edges incident to x. Let Sd=S{e1,,ed} denote the permutation group of {e1,,ed}. Then a group homomorphism s is defined by s:Aut(G)xSd;f(e1e2edf(e1)f(e2)f(ed)).

Thus #Aut(G)x#Sd·#Ker(s)=d!·#Aut(G){x,e1,,ed} hold. We define the subgraph G of G by removing x,e1,,ed from G. Let G be the maximum subgraph of G in which all vertices have a degree at least two. We note that G and G are connected since k = 1. Furthermore, G= holds unless G=Gbouquet,1. If G=, then the Betti number of G is equal to gd+1. In particular, we have gd+10.

Suppose d=g+1. Then G is a tree, and it follows that G=. Then by Lemma 3, #Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}=#Aut(G)VGEG=1, and hence #Aut(G)xd!·#Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}=(g+1)!2gg!.

Suppose that gd+11. If G=Gbouquet,1, then we have #Aut(G)x=1<2=2gd+1d!(gd+1)!. In what follows, we suppose G=. Then we have d2 and the Betti number of G is equal to g:=gd+1. Then by Lemma 3(2), there exists a vertex y of G such that #Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}#Aut(G)y;ff|G is injective. Thus, we have #Aut(G){x,e1,,ed}#Aut(G)y.

By induction on the Betti number, we may assume that #Aut(G)y2gg!=2gd+1(gd+1)!.

Therefore, we have #Aut(G)x2gd+1d!(gd+1)!<2gg!.

Here, the second inequality follows from Lemma 5 and d2. □

Suppose k2. Then by fAut(G)x, each Gi is mapped to some Gj . It induces the group homomorphism t:Aut(G)xSk=S{G1,,Gk};s:Aut(G)xSd;f(e1e2edf(e1)f(e2)f(ed)).

Since the kernel Ker(t) consists of all fAut(G)x such that f(Gi)=Gi for each i, #Aut(G)x#Sk·#Ker(t)k!·#Aut(G1)x #Aut(Gk)x

hold. Then, by induction on the Betti number, we have #Aut(G)xk!(2g1g1!)(2gkgk!)=2g(k!)(g1!)(gk!)2g(k1+1+k+i=1kgi)!=2gg!.

The last inequality follows from Lemma 5. We complete the proof of Proposition 6. □

Remark 8.

In Proposition 6, the equality #Aut(G)x=2gg! holds if and only if the pair of G and x is one of the following:

  1. G is trivial and x is the unique vertex.

  2. G is a subdivision of Gbanana,1 and x is any vertex.

  3. G is one of the graphs in (B) of Proposition 2 with g2 and x is the unique cut vertex.

  4. G is one of the graphs in (C) of Proposition 2 with g2 and x is the unique cut vertex of Sg .

First, it is clear that G and x in the above list satisfy the equality #Aut(G)x=2gg!. In what follows, we shall see the inverse implication.

Suppose that G and x satisfy the equality. If g = 0, then G must be (1). Suppose that g1 and G is bridgeless. When k = 1, we have g = 1 by the second inequality in (7.1) in the proof of Claim 7, and the pair (G, x) is confined to (2). When k2, we note that the inequality (6.2) becomes equality only if g1==gk=1. In this case, G must be a subdivision of Gbouquet,g. For such G, it is clear that only the pairs (G, x) as in (3) satisfy the equality. Finally, suppose that g1 and G has a bridge. Let S be the set of all bridges, and let G/S be the contraction. Then, from what we have already seen, G/S must be one of the graphs in (3). Therefore, the pair (G, x) turns out to be one of the pairs in (4).

Now we can prove Proposition 2.

Proof of Proposition 2.

First, it is clear that G in the list (A), (B), and (C) satisfies the equality (⋆) #Aut(G)={2gg!if g3,12if g=2.(⋆)

Suppose that G has a bridge. Let S be the set of all bridges, and let G/S be the contraction. Then by Lemma 4, we have #Aut(G)#Aut(G/S). Furthermore, if G satisfies the equality () and if G/S is one of the graphs in (A) and (B), then it is easy to see that G is one of the graphs in (C).

Suppose that G has a loop. Let G be the subdivision of G obtained by adding one vertex to each loop of G. Then G is a loopless graph and we have #Aut(G)<#Aut(G).

By the discussion above, it is sufficient to show the inequality in Proposition 2 for G with the following additional condition:

  • G is loopless and bridgeless.

Furthermore, for such G, it is sufficient to show that equality () holds only if G is one of the graphs in (A) and (B). In what follows, we suppose that G is loopless and bridgeless.

Let d be the maximum degree of the vertices of G and let l be the number of vertices of G of degree d. Since g2, we have d3. Furthermore, by the hand-shaking lemma, we have 2#EGdl+2(#VGl), and hence g=#EG#VG+1dl2+#VGl#VG+1=(d21)l+1.

As d3, we have l2g2.

Let x1,,xl be all the vertices of G of degree d. Set x = x1. If l = 1, then Aut(G)=Aut(G)x holds and the assertion follows from Proposition 6 and Remark 8. In what follows, we assume l2, and in particular, gd1. The group homomorphism s:Aut(G)Sl=S{x1,,xl};f(x1x2xlf(x1)f(x2)f(xl)) induces an injective map on the left cosets {fAut(G)x|fAut(G)}{σS{x2,,xl}|σS{x1,,xl}}.

Therefore we have #Aut(G)l·#Aut(G)x.

Let G{x}=U1Uk be the decomposition to the connected components of G{x}. Let Gi=Ui{x} be the subgraph of G, and let gi be the Betti number of Gi . Then g=i=1kgi and gi1 hold. Furthermore, each Gi is loopless since G is bridgeless.

We deal with two cases where k = 1 and where k2 separately.

Case 1 Suppose k = 1.

Case 1-1 Suppose d=g+1. Then we have g(d21)l+1=g+(l21)(g1).

Therefore, we have l = 2 since g2 and l2. By Claim 7, we have #Aut(G)l·#Aut(G)x2d!=2·(g+1)!.

Here, we note that d equals the number of the edges incident to x since G is loopless.

When g3, we have 2·(g+1)!2gg! and get the desired inequality #Aut(G)2gg!. We note that the equality #Aut(G)=2gg! holds only if (g,d,l)=(3,4,2). Under the assumption that k = 1, only subdivisions of Gbanana,3 may satisfy (g,d,l)=(3,4,2). Hence G must be one of the graphs in (A) with g = 3 if #Aut(G)=48=2gg! hold.

When g = 2, we have d = 3. In this case, since G is bridgeless, G is a subdivision of Gbanana,2 and we have #Aut(G)12=2gg!. The equality #Aut(G)=12 holds if and only if G is one of the graphs in (A) with g = 2.

Case 1-2 Suppose d<g+1. By Claim 7, we have #Aut(G)l·#Aut(G)xl·2gd+1d!(gd+1)!(2g2)2gd+1d!(gd+1)!.

Thus, it is sufficient to show that d!(gd+1)!(2g2)2d1g!.

If gd+1=1, then the inequality is equivalent to g12g2 and it holds since g=d3. Therefore we get the desired inequality #Aut(G)2gg!. We note that the equality #Aut(G)=2gg! holds only if g and l satisfy l=2g2,g1=2g2.

Since g=d3,(g,d,l)=(3,3,4) is the only case. In this case, G is one of the following graphs.

  • A subdivision of H1 in .

  • A subdivision of H2 in .

Fig. 1 The left graph is Gbanana,2, the center graph is Gbouquet,3 and the right graph is Glollipop,4. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

Fig. 1 The left graph is Gbanana,2, the center graph is Gbouquet,3 and the right graph is Glollipop,4. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

Fig. 2 We call the left graph H1 and the right graph H2. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

Fig. 2 We call the left graph H1 and the right graph H2. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

We have #Aut(G)#Aut(H1)=4!<2gg! in the former case, and #Aut(G)#Aut(H2)=16<2gg! in the latter case. Therefore, the equality #Aut(G)=2gg! never holds in this case.

If gd+12, we have 2d12g2·g!d!(gd+1)!42g2·g!d!(gd+1)!=2(g+1)(g1)(g+1d)>1.

Here the first inequality follows because d3. The second inequality follows from the fact that (g+1d)(g+12)=(g+1)g2>(g+1)(g1)2, which is obtained by d2 and gd+12. Therefore we get the strict inequality #Aut(G)<2gg! in this case.

Case 2 Suppose k2.

First, we see that d4, and especially 2lg1. Suppose the contrary that d = 3. Let e1, e2, and e3 be the edges incident to x. As k2, there exists Gi such that EGi contains just one of e1, e2, and e3. Such an edge should be a bridge, a contradiction.

Let t denote the group homomorphism t:Aut(G)xSk=S{G1,,Gk};f (G1G2Gkf(G1)f(G2)f(Gk)).

Then, we have #Aut(G)x=#Im(t)·#Ker(t)#Im(t)·#Aut(G1)x #Aut(Gk)x.

Hence, by Proposition 6, we have #Aut(G)l·#Aut(G)xl·#Im(t)·(2g1g1!)(2gkgk!)=l·#Im(t)·2g·(g1!) (gk!).

Case 2-1 Suppose that g1=g2==gk does not hold.

Since fAut(G) maps Gi to only Gj such that gi = gj , we have #Im(t)(k1)! in this case. Then we have l·#Im(t)·(g1!)(gk!)(g1)(k1)!(g1!)(g2!)(gk!)(g1)(g1)!<g!.

Here the second inequality follows from Lemma 5. Therefore we get the strict inequality #Aut(G)<2gg! in this case.

Case 2-2 Suppose that k3 and g1=g2==gk.

Suppose that x is fixed for any fAut(G). Then Aut(G)=Aut(G)x holds and the assertion follows from Proposition 6 and Remark 8. Therefore we may assume that f(x)=x for some fAut(G). We set x=f(x). Let G{x}=U1Uk be the decomposition to the connected components of G{x}. Let Gi=Ui{x} be the subgraph of G, and let gi be its Betti number. Since the automorphism f maps x to x, k must be k and gi=g/k holds for each i. We may assume that xVG1. Suppose xVGi. Then G2,,Gk are subgraphs of Gi. Therefore it follows that k1kg=g2++gkgi=gk, and contradicts the assumption k3.

Case 2-3 Suppose that k = 2 and g1 = g2.

Let g:=g1=g2. Since lg1=2g1, we have l·#Im(t)·(g!)2(2g1)·2·(g!)2(2g)!=g!,

which proves the desired inequality #Aut(G)2gg!. We note that the equality #Aut(G)=2gg! holds only if g and l satisfy l=2g1,(2g1)·2·(g!)2=(2g)!.

Since 2g=g3, we have (g,g,d,l)=(2,4,4,3). We note that such G has no vertices of degree three by the hand-shaking lemma. Therefore, in this case, G turns out to be a subdivision of the graph H in . Hence we have #Aut(G)#Aut(H)=25<2gg!, and the equality #Aut(G)=2gg! never holds in this case. □

Fig. 3 We call the graph H. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

Fig. 3 We call the graph H. Black dots (resp. lines) stand for vertices (resp. edges).

Finally, we shall prove Theorem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1.

Let V be the set of all points of Γ except for two-valent points. We add to V all midpoints of loops. Let (G, l) be the pair defining Γ that has the added set V as its set of vertices. Each fAut(Γ) induces a permutation of the subset of Γ corresponding to VG and that of the set of intervals of Γ corresponding to edges of G. This induces a group homomorphism Aut(Γ)Aut(G). Since G is loopless, it is injective. Then we have #Aut(Γ)#Aut(G).

By Proposition 2, we have the desired inequality.

In each case of equality conditions of Theorem 1, clearly, the inequality becomes an equality. The converse follows from Proposition 2 and the fact that each fAut(@@Γ) is an isometry ΓΓ. □

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The first author is partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K13384. The second author is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20J11910.


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