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On local distance antimagic labeling of graphs

, &
Pages 91-96 | Received 16 May 2022, Accepted 04 Sep 2023, Published online: 30 Oct 2023


Let G=(V,E) be a graph of order n and let f:V{1,2,n} be a bijection. For every vertex vV, we define the weight of the vertex v as w(v)=xN(v)f(x) where N(v) is the open neighborhood of the vertex v. The bijection f is said to be a local distance antimagic labeling of G if w(u)w(v) for every pair of adjacent vertices u,vV. The local distance antimagic labeling f defines a proper vertex coloring of the graph G, where the vertex v is assigned the color w(v). We define the local distance antimagic chromatic number χld(G) to be the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings induced by local distance antimagic labelings of G. In this paper we obtain the local distance antimagic labelings for several families of graphs including the path Pn, the cycle Cn, the wheel graph Wn, friendship graph Fn, the corona product of graphs G°Km¯, complete multipartite graph and some special types of the caterpillars. We also find upper bounds for the local distance antimagic chromatic number for these families of graphs.


1 Introduction

By a graph G=(V,E), we mean a finite, undirected and connected graph with neither loops nor multiple edges. The order |V| and the size |E| are denoted by n and m, respectively. For graph theoretic terminology and notation we refer to Chartrand and Lesniak [Citation3].

The notion of antimagic labeling was introduced by Hartsfield and Ringel [Citation8] in 1990. A graph G is antimagic if the edges of G can be labeled by the numbers {1,2,,m} such that the sums of the labels of the edges incident to each vertex (called weight of a vertex) are distinct. Also they conjectured that every connected graph different from K2 is antimagic. This conjecture is still open.

Arumugam and Kamatchi [Citation2] considered a vertex version of antimagic labeling of a graph. Let G=(V,E) be a graph of order n and let f be a bijection from V onto {1,2,,n}. Given such a bijection f, the weight of a vertex is defined as: w(v)=xN(v)f(x), where N(v) is the open neighborhood of the vertex v, which is defined as the set of all vertices of the graph G which are adjacent to v. The bijection f is called distance antimagic labeling if all vertices have distinct vertex-weights. A graph is called distance antimagic if it admits a distance antimagic labeling (see [Citation9]). A distance antimagic labeling is said to be an (a,d) distance antimagic labeling if the set of vertex weights is {a,a+d,a+2d,,a+(n1)d}.

In [Citation1] Arumugam et al. introduced a local version of antimatic labeling as follows: let G=(V,E) be a connected graph with |V|=n and |E|=m. A bijection f:E{1,2,,m} is called a local antimagic labeling if for any two adjacent vertices u and v, w(u)w(v), where w(u)=eE(u)f(e), and E(u) is the set of edges incident to u. Thus any local antimagic labeling induces a proper vertex coloring of G where the vertex v is assigned the color w(v). The local antimagic chromatic number χla(G) is the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings induced by local antimagic labelings of G.

Motivated by this concept, in 2018 Handa et al. [Citation6] introduced the notion of a local distance antimagic labeling as follows: let G=(V,E) be a graph of order n and let f:V{1,2,n} be a bijection. For every vertex vV, define the weight of v as w(v)=xN(v)f(x). The labeling f is said to be a local distance antimagic labeling of G if w(u)w(v) for every pair of adjacent vertices u,vV. A graph which admits such a labeling is called a local distance antimagic graph. A local distance antimagic labeling induces a proper vertex coloring of the graph, with the vertex v assigned the color w(v). The local distance antimagic chromatic number χld(G) is the minimum number of colors taken over all colorings induced by local distance antimagic labelings of G (see [Citation7]). An illustration of a local distance antimagic labeling of P3,F3, and C4 are shown in .

Fig. 1 Local distance antimagic labelings of P3, F3, and C4.

Fig. 1 Local distance antimagic labelings of P3, F3, and C4.

Remark 1.1.

Every distance antimagic graph is local distance antimagic, but the converse is not true. For example, the graph P3 is local distance antimagic however it is not distance antimagic. Furthermore for every local distance antimagic graph G of order n, χ(G)χld(G), where χ(G) is the chromatic number of the graph G.

The wheel graph Wn is the graph Cn+K1, formed by joining an isolated vertex to every vertex of a cycle Cn. The friendship graph Fn is a graph which consists of n triangles C3 with a common vertex (see ). A vertex v in a graph G is called a support vertex if it is adjacent to a vertex of degree 1 in G. A vertex of degree 1 is called a pendent vertex or a leaf.

The corona product of two graphs G and H is the graph obtained by taking one copy of G and |V(G)| copies of H and joining the ith vertex of G to every vertex in the ith copy of H. The corona product of G and H is denoted by G°H.

We now present an important result on magic rectangles which will be useful in our subsequent investigation. A magic rectangle Ra,b is an a × b array with entries 1,2,,ab, each appearing once, such that the sum of entries in each row is equal to b(ab+12) and the sum of each column is equal to a(ab+12). The following theorem gives the necessary and sufficient condition for existence of a magic rectangle Ra,b.

Theorem 1.2.

[Citation5] For a,b>1, there is a magic rectangle Ra,b if and only if ab(mod 2) and (a,b)(2,2).

1.1 Local distance antimagic chromatic number of some graphs

For two sets A and B the symmetric difference AΔB is defined to be the set (AB)(AB).

Proposition 1.3.

Let G be a local distance antimagic graph of order n. If u, v are vertices such that |N(u)ΔN(v)|=1or2, then w(u)w(v).


Let f:V(G){1,2,,n} be a local distance antimagic labeling of G. We consider the following two cases:

Case 1: Suppose |N(u)ΔN(v)|=1. Let xV such that N(u)ΔN(v)={x}. Then |w(u)w(v)|=|f(x)|0. Therefore, w(u)w(v).

Case 2: Suppose |N(u)ΔN(v)|=2. Let x,yV such that N(u)ΔN(v)={x,y}. Without loss of generality suppose that xN(u), then either yN(u) or yN(v). If yN(u), then |w(u)w(v)|=|f(x)+f(y)|. On the other hand if yN(v), then |w(u)w(v)|=|f(x)f(y)|. In both cases |w(u)w(v)|0, hence w(u)w(v). □

We begin our investigation of a local distance antimagic coloring of graphs with a path Pn. It is easy to see that χld(P2)=2 and χld(P3)=2 (see ). For n4 we have the following result.

Proposition 1.4.

For a path Pn with n4,χld(Pn)3.


Let Pn=v0v1vn1 be a path on n vertices with n4. Let f be a local distance antimagic labeling of Pn. We first calculate the weights of the vertices v0, v1 and v2. We shall show that these vertices have distinct weights, hence proving the result. Suppose w(v0)=w0,w(v1)=w1 and w(v2)=w2. Now, since v0 and v1 are adjacent vertices, therefore w0w1. In the same way since v1 and v2 are adjacent, therefore w1w2. Now, since |N(v0)ΔN(v2)|=1, therefore by Proposition 1.3, w0w2. Therefore the vertices v0,v1,v2 have distinct weights and hence χld(Pn)3. Examples of local distance antimagic labeling of P5 and P11 are shown in and respectively. □

Fig. 2 A local distance antimagic labeling of P5 proving that χld(P5)=3.

Fig. 2 A local distance antimagic labeling of P5 proving that χld(P5)=3.

Fig. 3 A local distance antimagic labeling of P11 proving that χld(P11)=3.

Fig. 3 A local distance antimagic labeling of P11 proving that χld(P11)=3.

Proposition 1.5.

For n5 and n0 or 1(mod3), χld(Pn)  4.


Let Pn=v0v1vn1 be a path on n vertices with n5 and n0 or 1(mod3). Let f be a local distance antimagic labeling of Pn. Since χld(Pn)3, the labeling f admits at least three distinct vertex weights. Suppose that f admits exactly three distinct weights. Let w(vi)=wi where 0in1. From the previous proof we have seen that the weights w0,w1,w2 are distinct. Now we consider the following two cases:

Case 1: n1(mod3). Consider the weight of the vertex v3. Since v3 and v2 are adjacent, therefore w3w2. Moreover, since |N(v1)ΔN(v3)|=2, therefore by Proposition 1.3, w(v1)w(v3). Now since the labeling f admits exactly 3 colors, it follows that w(v3)=w0. Using the same argument we can show that w(v4)=w1, w(v5)=w2 and so on. Hence w(vi)=wi(mod3). Now, since n1(mod3), it follows that w(vn1)=w0. However, w0=w(v0)=f(v1) and w0=w(vn1)=f(vn2). Therefore f(vn2)=f(v1) which contradicts the fact that f is a bijection. Hence the labeling f must admit at least 4 colors.

Case 2: n0(mod3). Now for each 0in1, w(vi)=wi(mod3) and since n0(mod3) it follows that w(vn1)=w2. Now w0=w(v0)=f(v1) and w2=w(v2)=f(v1)+f(v3). Therefore, w2>w0. Similarly w2=w(vn1)=f(vn2) and w0=w(vn3)=f(vn2)+f(vn4). Therefore, w0>w2. This is a contradiction. Hence for n4 and n0 or 1(mod3),χld(Pn)4. □

Lemma 1.6.

The path Pn is local distance antimagic with χld(Pn)6.


Let V={v0,v1,,vn1} be the vertex set of Pn. We define a local distance antimagic labeling f of Pn, which admits at most 6 distinct colors. We consider the following four cases:

Case 1: n0(mod4).

In this case, we define the vertex labels as follows: f(vi)={3n4i4 if i0(mod4)n2i14 if i1(mod4)3n4+i+24 if i2(mod4)i+14 if i3(mod4).

Now the weight of vertices are as follows: w(vn1)=n and for in1 we have; w(vi)={n2 if i0(mod4)3n2+1 if i1(mod4)n2+1 if i2(mod4)3n2 if i3(mod4).

Case 2: n1(mod4).

Define the vertex labels as follows: f(vi)={n+12i4 if i0(mod4)3n+14+i+34 if i1(mod4)i+24 if i2(mod4)3n+14i34 if i3(mod4).

Following are the resulting vertex weights: w(v0)=3n+54 and w(vn1)=n+32.

For i0 and n – 1, w(vi)={3n+52 if i0(mod4)n+32 if i1(mod4)3n+32 if i2(mod4)n+12 if i3(mod4).

Case 3: n2(mod4).

Define the vertex labels as follows: f(vi)={3n+24+i4 if i0(mod4)n2i14 if i1(mod4)3n24i24 if i2(mod4)i+14 if i3(mod4).

Following are the resulting vertex weights.

For in1 w(vi)={n2 if i0(mod4)3n2 if i1(mod4)n2+1 if i2(mod4)3n2+1 if i3(mod4).and w(vn1)=n.

Case 4: n3(mod4).

Define the vertex labels as follows: f(vi)={n+12i4 if i0(mod4)3n+34+i14 if i1(mod4)i+24 if i2(mod4)3n14i34 if i3(mod4).

Resulting vertex weights are as follows: w(vn1)=n, w(v0)=3n+34.

For i0,n1. w(vi)={3n+32 if i0(mod4)n+32 if i1(mod4)3n+12 if i2(mod4)n+12 if i3(mod4).

In each of these cases, there are either five or six distinct weights (colors) of the vertices with respect to the labeling f, hence χld(Pn)6. This completes the proof. □

An illustration of a local distance antimagic labeling of P10 is shown in . A local distance antimagic labeling of P13 is shown in .

Fig. 4 A local distance antimagic labeling of P10.

Fig. 4 A local distance antimagic labeling of P10.

Fig. 5 A local distance antimagic labeling of P13.

Fig. 5 A local distance antimagic labeling of P13.

Theorem 1.7.

For the path Pn, n5 and n0 or 1(mod3),4χld(Pn)6.


The proof follows from Proposition 1.5 and Lemma 1.6. □

Theorem 1.8.

For the path Pn, n4 and n2(mod3),3χld(Pn)6.


The proof follows from Proposition 1.4 and Lemma 1.6. □

We now study the local distance antimagic coloring for the cycle Cn. For n = 3, the graph C3K3, hence χld(C3)=3. For n = 4, χld(C4)=2 (see ). For n5 we have the following result.

Proposition 1.9.

For the cycle Cn, n5,χld(Cn)3.


Let Cn=v0v1vn1v0 be a cycle on n vertices with n5. Let f be a local distance antimagic labeling of Cn. We first calculate the weights of the vertices v0, v1 and v2. We shall show that these weights are distinct, hence proving the result. Let w(v0)=w0,w(v1)=w1 and w(v2)=w2. Now, since v0 and v1 are adjacent vertices, therefore w0w1. Similarly since v1 and v2 are adjacent, therefore w1w2 and since |N(v0)ΔN(v2)|=2, therefore by Proposition 1.3, w0w2. Hence the weights w1,w2,w3 are distinct. Therefore, χld(Cn)3. □

Proposition 1.10.

For n5 and n0(mod3),χld(Cn)4.


Let Cn=v0v1vn1v0 be a cycle on n vertices with n5 and n0(mod3). Let f be a local distance antimagic labeling of Cn. By Proposition 1.9 the labeling f admits at least three distinct vertex weights. Suppose that f admits exactly three distinct weights. Let w(vi)=wi. From the previous proof, the weights w0,w1,w2 are distinct. Now consider the weight of the vertex v3. Since v3 and v2 are adjacent, therefore w3w2 and since |N(v3)ΔN(v1)|=2, therefore by Proposition 1.3, w3w1. Now since the labeling f admits exactly three distinct weights, it follows that w3 = w0. Using the same argument we can show that w(v4)=w1,w(v5)=w2 and so on. Therefore w(vi)=wi(mod3). Next consider the weight of the vertex vn1. Since vn1 and v0 are adjacent, therefore wn1w0 and since |N(vn1)ΔN(v1)|=2, therefore by Proposition 1.3, wn1w1. Hence wn1=w2, therefore n12(mod3). Hence n0(mod3) which is a contradiction. Therefore for n5 and n0(mod3),χld(Cn)4. □

Lemma 1.11.

The cycle Cn,n3 is a local distance antimagic graph with χld(Cn)6.


Let V={v0,,vn1} be the vertex set of Cn. We define a local distance antimagic labeling f:V{1,2,,n} as follows:

Case 1: n is even. f(vi)={i4+1 if i0(mod4)n2+i+34 if i1(mod4)n2i24 if i2(mod4)ni34 if i3(mod4).

Now the weight of vertices are as follows: w(v0)=5n+84,w(vn1)=n+84, when n0(mod4) and w(v0)=5n+64,w(vn1)=n+64, when n2(mod4).

For i0,n1 the vertex weights are w(vi)={3n+42 if i0(mod4)n+22 if i1(mod4)3n+22 if i2(mod4)n+42 if i3(mod4).

Case 2: n is odd. f(vi)={4+i4 if i0(mod4)4ni+14 if i1(mod4)n+12i24 if i2(mod4)n+12+i+14 if i3(mod4).

Now the vertex weights are as follows: w(v0)=5n+54,w(vn1)=3n+74 for n3(mod4) and w(v0)=5n+34,w(vn1)=3n+54 when n1(mod4),

For i0,n1 the vertex weights are w(vi)={3n+12 if i0(mod4)n+32 if  ı1(mod4)3n+32 if i2(mod4)n+52 if i3(mod4).

In each of the above cases, there are only six distinct weights, whenever n6. Hence χld(Cn)6. This completes the proof. □

The illustration of a local distance antimagic labeling of C20 is shown in .

Fig. 6 A local distance antimagic labeling of C20.

Fig. 6 A local distance antimagic labeling of C20.

Theorem 1.12.

For the cycle Cn, n5,3χld(Cn)6.


The proof follows from Proposition 1.9 and Lemma 1.11. □

Theorem 1.13.

For the cycle Cn, n5,n0(mod3),4χld(Cn)6.


The proof follows from Proposition 1.10 and Lemma 1.11. □

Proposition 1.14.

Let G be a local distance antimagic graph with m support vertices, then χld(G)m.


Let v1,v2,,vm be m support vertices of G. Let u1,u2,,um be pendent vertices such that for 1im the vertex ui adjacent to vi. Then for any local distance antimagic labeling f of G, wf(ui)=f(vi). Therefore the vertices ui receive distinct weights under f. Hence χld(G)m. □

Lemma 1.15.

For a local distance antimagic graph G, χld(G)ω(G), where ω(G) is the clique number of G.


Let GG be a clique of order ω(G). Then for every local distance antimagic labeling f of G, each vertex in G receives a distinct weight under f. Hence it follows that χld(G) ω(G). □

Remark 1.16.

The complete graph Kn is local distance antimagic with χld(Kn)=n.

Lemma 1.17.

The wheel graph Wn, n3 is local distance antimagic with 3χld(Wn)7.


Let V={u,v0,v1,,vn1} be the vertex set of Wn such that the vertices v0,v1,,vn1 form a cycle of length n and u is the central vertex of the wheel. We label the cycle using the labeling described in Lemma 1.11, and the vertex u is assigned the highest label n + 1. The resulting labeling is a local distance antimagic labeling of Wn which admits at most 7 distinct colors. By Lemma 1.15, χld(Wn)3. Hence, 3χld (Wn)7. □

Theorem 1.18.

Let G be a local distance antimagic graph of order n with χld(G)=r, then for nm(mod2), χld(G°Km¯)n+r.


Let u1,u2,,un be the vertices of graph G and let vi,1,vi,2,,vi,m be the m pendant vertices adjacent to ui, in the graph G°Km¯. By Theorem 1.2, for nm(mod2), there exists a magic rectangle Rm,n of order m × n. Let C1,C2,,Cn be the n columns of the magic rectangle Rm,n. Define Ci=Ci+n1, where 1=[1,1,1,1]T. The sum of entries in Ci is m(nm+2n+1)2. Let f:V(G){1,2,,n}, be a local distance antimagic labeling of G which admits r distinct vertex weights. Let wf(ui) be the vertex weights under the labeling f. We define a local distance antimagic labeling f of G°Km¯ as follows: for each i, define f(ui):=f(ui) and the vertices vi,1,vi,2,,vi,m are labeled with the elements of the column vector Ci. The resulting vertex weights under the labeling f are as follows: wf(vi,j)=f(ui), and wf(ui)=wf(ui)+m(nm+2n+1)2. The labeling f is a local distance antimagic labeling which admits at most n + r distinct colors. Hence χld(G°Km¯)n+r. This completes the proof. □

Theorem 1.19.

Let Fn be a friendship graph and r be a positive integer, then the graph rFn is local distance antimagic with 2nχld(rFn)2n+r.


Let V={ci,vi,j:1ir,1j2n} be the vertex set of rFn such that for a fixed i the set of vertices {ci,vi,j:1j2n} forms one copy of Fn with the vertices vi,j arranged as shown in . For every vertex vi,jV(rFn),N(vi,j)={ci,vi,j+1} if j is odd and N(vi,j)={ci,vi,j1} if j is even. Let f be a local distance antimagic labeling of rFn. Consider the 2n vertices vi,1,vi,2,,vi,2n in ith copy of Fn. Now for 1j1,j22n,|N(vi,j1)ΔN(vi,j2)|=2, therefore by Proposition 1.3, w(vi,j1)w(vi,j2). Therefore the vertices vi,1,vi,2,,vi,2n admit distinct vertex weights, hence χld(rFn)2n. Next we prove that χld(rFn)2n+r. We define a local distance antimagic labeling f of rFn as follows: f(vi,j)=(i1)(2n+1)+j and f(ci)=(ri+1)(2n+1). The resulting vertex weights are w(ci)=(2i1)n(2n+1)

Fig. 7 Arrangement of vertices vi,j in the ith copy of Fn .

Fig. 7 Arrangement of vertices vi,j in the ith copy of Fn .

and w(vi,j)={(i1)(2n+1)+j+1+(ri+1)(2n+1)     if j1(mod2)(i1)(2n+1)+j1+(ri+1)(2n+1)     if j0(mod2).

The labeling f is a local distance antimagic labeling which produces 2n+r distinct vertex weights. Hence χld(rFn)2n+r. □

The illustration of a local distance antimagic labeling of 4F3 is shown in .

Fig. 8 A local distance antimagic labeling of 4F3 inducing 10 distinct vertex colors.

Fig. 8 A local distance antimagic labeling of 4F3 inducing 10 distinct vertex colors.

Theorem 1.20.

The complete multipartite graph G=Km1,m2,,mr is local distance antimagic with χld(G)=r.


Let V1,V2,,Vr be the partite sets of Km1,m2,,mr with |Vi|=mi, and m1m2mr. Furthermore, let m1+m2++mr=n. Now since ω(Km1,m2,,mr)=r, it follows that χld(Km1,m2,,mr)r. We define a local distance antimagic labeling f of Km1,m2,,mr which admits exactly r distinct vertex weights. We first label the vertices of V1 with the lowest m1 labels, followed by next higher m2 labels assigned to the vertices of V2. We continue in this manner until the vertices of Vr are labeled with the set of labels {nmr+1,nmr+2,,n}. The labeling f is a local distance antimagic labeling which admits r distinct vertex weights. Therefore χld(Km1,m2,,mr)r. This completes the proof. □

Theorem 1.21.

Let G be a caterpillar with the central path of order n and m pendant vertices on each central vertex, then for mn(mod 2),nχld(G)n+6.


Let Pn denote the central path, let V(Pn)={u0,u1,, un1} be the vertices on the central path and vi,1,vi,2,, vi,m are the m pendant vertices adjacent to ui. Then GPn°K¯m, hence the proof follows from the Lemma 1.6 and Theorem 1.18. □

The illustration of a local distance antimagic labeling of a caterpillar with central path P8 is shown in .

Fig. 9 A local distance antimagic labeling of a caterpillar with central path P8.

Fig. 9 A local distance antimagic labeling of a caterpillar with central path P8.

2 Conclusion and scope

In this paper, we have introduced the concept of local distance antimagic chromatic number of a graph. We found local distance antimagic labelings for several families of graphs including the path Pn, the cycle Cn, the wheel graph Wn, friendship graph Fn, the corona product of graphs G°Km¯, the complete multipartite graph and some special types of the caterpillars. We also obtain upper bounds for the local distance antimagic chromatic number for these families of graphs. Obtaining the exact value of the local distance antimagic chromatic number for these classes of graphs is a problem for further investigation. The concept of local distance antimagic labeling is also independently introduced and studied by Divya et al. [Citation4].


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