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The eccentric harmonic index of trees

, &
Pages 97-101 | Received 28 Feb 2022, Accepted 20 Sep 2023, Published online: 06 Oct 2023


Topological indices play an important role in mathematical chemistry, particularly in studies of quantitative structure property and quantitative structure activity relationships. The eccentric harmonic index of G is defined as He(G)=uvE(G)2e(u)+e(v), where uv is an edge of G, e(u) is the eccentricity of the vertex u in G. In this paper, we will determine the maximum and minmum eccentric harmonic index of trees in terms of graph parameters such as pendant number and matching number, and characterize corresponding extremal graphs.


1 Introduction

Let G be a simple graph with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G). Its order is |V(G)|. Let d(v) and N(v) be the degree and the set of neighbors of vV(G) respectively. A vertex v is said to be a pendant vertex of G if d(v) = 1. Denote by Pn and Sn the path and star of order n respectively. For u,vV(G), we use Gv to denote the graph resulting from G by deleting the vertex v and its incident edges. We define Guv to be the graph obtained from G by deleting the edge uvE(G), and G + uv to be the graph obtained from G by adding an edge uv between two non-adjacent vertices u and v of G. The distance d(u, v) between any two vertices u and v in a graph G is the length of a shortest path connecting them. The eccentricity of a vertex vV(G) is e(v)=eG(v)=max{d(u,v):uV(G)}. The radius of G is r(G)=min{e(v):vV(G)}. The diameter of G is d(G)=max{e(v):vV(G)}.

Topological indices play an important role in mathematical chemistry, particularly in studies of quantitative structure property and quantitative structure activity relationships, see e.g. [Citation2, Citation4, Citation8]. For a graph G, the harmonic index H(G) is defined in [Citation3] as H(G)=uvE(G)2d(u)+d(v),where uv is an edge of G, d(u) is the degree of the vertex u in G. Mathematical properties of this index have been studied, see recent review [Citation1], recent paper [Citation6], and the references cited therein.

In 2019, Sowaity et al. [Citation9] consider a closely related variant of the harmonic index, named the eccentric harmonic index which is defined as He(G)=uvE(G)2e(u)+e(v),where uv is an edge of G, e(u) is the eccentric harmonic index of the vertex u in G. Characterizing such graphs with the maximum and minimum the eccentric harmonic index is an interesting work. This motivates our research on the eccentric harmonic index of trees. Recently the authors [Citation7] determined the maximum and minmum eccentric harmonic index of unicyclic graphs with given matching number, and characterize corresponding extremal graphs.

In this paper, we intend to consider the maximum and minmum eccentric harmonic index of trees in terms of graph parameters such as pendant number and matching number, and characterize corresponding extremal graphs.

2 The eccentric harmonic index of trees with given pendant number

Let n, p2,k1 and l1 be positive integers. Let T(n) be a family of trees of order n. Let T(n,p) be a family of trees of order n with p pendant vertices. Let T1(n,p) be a family of trees order n, which are obtained from two stars Sk and Sl by connecting a path of length np1 between their central vertices, where k+l=p+2. Particularly, SnT1(n,n1). Let S(n, p) be a tree of order n, which is obtained from a central vertex by attaching p pendant paths with a length difference of at most one. Obviously, T1(n,p)T(n,p),S(n,p)T(n,p). Note that all the trees in T1(n,p) have the same eccentric harmonic index, denoted by f(n, p). Let h(n, p) be the eccentric harmonic index of S(n, p).

For a graph G, a path P is called by a pendant path in G if P has exactly one end of degree one. Let P=v1v2vs be a pendant path and u be a vertex which is different from V(P) in G. Let G=Gv1v2+v2u. We say G is obtained from G by moving the pendant path P to the vertex u.

Lemma 2.1.

Let TT(n,p). Then d(T)np+1.


Suppose contradictory that d(T)np+2. T contains a longest path Pnp+3 of length at least np+2 and at most n(np+3)+2=p1 pendant vertices, a contradiction. Thus d(T)np+1. □

The upper bound is tight in Lemma 2.1. Let TT(n,p) be a tree obtained from a path Pnp+2 of length np+1 attaching p – 2 new pendant vertices to at least one non-pendant vertices of Pnp+2. Then d(T)=np+1.

Theorem 2.2.

[Citation9] Let T be a tree with n vertices. Then He(T)23(n1)with equality if and only if T=Sn.

Theorem 2.2 implies that Sn is the unique tree with the maximum eccentric harmonic index in T(n). We will determine the unique tree with the maximum eccentric harmonic index in T(n,p), where 2pn2.

Theorem 2.3.

Let TT(n,p), where 2pn2. Then He(T)h(n,p)with equality if and only if T=S(n,p).


Let P=v1v2vd(T)vd(T)+1 be the longest path in T. Clearly, v1,vd(T)+1 are two of p pendant vertices in T.

Take a vertex w0{w:mineP(w),wV(P)}, which is a central vertex of P. If there exists one pendant path in T such that its two ends don’t contain w0, then move such pendant path to w0. Denote by T1 such new tree. Note that T1T(n,p),|E(T)|=|E(T1)|,V(T)=V(T1)

and eT(w)eT1(w) for any vertex wV(T).

Thus He(T)He(T1).

Repeat this procedure at most p – 2 times until all pendant paths contain an non-pendant end w0. Denote by T the resulting graph. Note that TT(n,p) and He(T)He(T). Also note that T is a tree with exactly one vertex w0 of degree p and n – 1 vertices with degree less than or equal to 2. In order to prove our result it suffices to prove the following claim. □

Claim 2.4. Let TT(n,p) be a tree with exactly one vertex of degree p. Then He(T)h(n,p)with equality if and only if T=S(n,p).


Choose the longest and shortest pendant paths in T, move the pendant edge of the longest pendant path to the pendant vertex of the shortest pendant path. Denote by T2 such new tree. Note that T2T(n,p),|E(T)|=|E(T2)|,V(T)=V(T2)

and eT(w)eT2(w) for any vertex wV(T).

Thus He(T)He(T2).

Repeat this procedure at most np times until all pendant paths have length t or t + 1, where t=[n1p]. The resulting graph is S(n, p) and He(T)He(S(n,p))=h(n,p). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.3. □

Next we will determine the lower bound of the eccentric harmonic index in T(n,p).

Theorem 2.5.

Let TT(n,p), where 2pn1 and n5. Then He(T)f(n,p)with equality if and only if TT1(n,p).


It is trivial for p = 2. Assume that p3. We proceed by induction on n. For n = 4, TT1(4,3). The result follows. Suppose that n5 and it holds for all trees with n – 1 vertices. Let T be a tree with the minimum eccentric harmonic index in T(n,p). Let P(T) be a set of pendant vertices of T. Let v be a vertex being adjacent to the pendant vertex u in T. □

Claim 2.6. There always exists uP(T) such that He(T)=He(Tu)+2e(u)+e(v).


Let N*(T)={u:e(u)=d(T),uP(T)}. If P(T)N*(T)=, then since p3, there is at least one vertex uP(T) such that d(Tu)=d(T). If P(T)N*(T), then take uP(T)N*(T). In above two cases, we have eT(w)=eTu(w) for any vertex wV(Tu).

The result follows. □

Assume that the pendant vertex u in T satisfies Claim 2.6. We consider the two following cases:

Case 1.

d(v) = 2.

Tu possesses p pendant vertices. By the induction hypothesis and by Lemma 2.1 and Claim 2.6, He(T)=He(Tu)+2eT(u)+eT(v)He(Tu)+22d(T)1f(n1,p)+22n2p+1>f(n,p).

The last inequality holds since f(n,p)f(n1,p)<22n2p+1.

Case 2.

d(v) = 3.

Tu possesses p – 1 pendant vertices. By the induction hypothesis and by Lemma 2.1 and Claim 2.6, He(T)=He(Tu)+2e(u)+e(v)He(Tu)+22d(T)1f(n1,p1)+22n2p+1=f(n,p)with equalities if and only if TT1(n,p). This completes the proof of Theorem 2.5.

Note that f(n,p)={2p2n2p+1+4i=np+32np12i+1np1(mod 2);2p2n2p+1+2np+4+4i=np+42np12i+1np0(mod 2).

Also note that 2p2n2p+1,2np+4 and i=np+42np12i+1 are increasing for p, where 2pn1. Thus f(n,p)f(n,2). For 2pn2, S(n, p) has at most two vertices with the eccentricity 2 and at least n – 2 vertices with the eccentricity greater than or equal to 3. Thus h(n,p)(n2)·25+12=h(n,n2) for 2pn2.

By Theorems 2.3 and 2.5, we have

Corollary 2.7.

Let SnTT(n), where n5. Then f(n,2)He(T)h(n,n2)with the first equality if and only if T=Pn and the second equality if and only if T=S(n,n2).

3 The eccentric harmonic index of trees with given matching number

Let n2m2,k1, and l1 be positive integers. A matching M of G is a subset of E(G) such that no two edges in M share a common vertex. The cardinality of a maximum matching of G is commonly known as its matching number. M is called the m-matching of G if M contains exactly m edges of G. A vertex v of G is said to be M-saturated if it is incident with an edge of M. If every vertex of G is M-saturated, then M is a perfect matching.

Let T*(n,m) be a family of trees of order n with an m-matching. Let T1*(n,m) be a family of trees of order n>2m, which are obtained from two stars Sk and Sl by connecting a path of length 2m2 between their central vertices, where k+l=n2m+3. Let S*(n,m) be a tree of order n, which is obtained from a star Snm+1 by attaching a pendant edge to each of certain m – 1 non-central vertices of Snm+1. Obviously, T1*(n,m)T*(n,m),S*(n,m)T*(n,m). Note that all the trees in T1*(n,m) have the same eccentric harmonic index, denoted by q(n, m). Let g(n, m) be the eccentric harmonic index of S*(n,m).

Lemma 3.1

([Citation5]). Let TT*(2m,m), where m3. Then T has at least two pendant vertices such that each of them is adjacent to a vertex of degree 2.

Lemma 3.2

([Citation5]). Let TT*(n,m), where n>2m. Then there is an m-matching M and a pendant vertex v such that v is not M-saturated.

Let e = uv be an edge of a graph G. Contract e = uv into a new vertex u and add a new pendant edge uv which v is a new pendant vertex. Denote by the resulting graph G. We say that G is obtained from G by separating an edge uv.

Lemma 3.3.

Let e = uv be a cut edge of a connected graph G such that Guv=G1G2, where |G1|,|G2|2. Let G be the graph obtained from G by separating the edge uv. Then He(G)<He(G).


Let G be a graph which is obtained from G by contracting e = uv into a new vertex u and adding a new pendant edge uv which v is a new pendant vertex. Note that |E(G)|=|E(G)|,|V(G)|=|V(G)|and eG(u)+eG(v)=eG(u)+eG(v),eG(w)eG(w) for wV(G)\{u,v},eG(u)<min{eG(u),eG(v)}.

Thus uwE(G)wVG\{u,v}2eG(u)+eG(w)-ywE(G),y{u,v}wVG\{u,v}2eG(y)+eG(w)>0and He(G)He(G)=ywE(G)y,wVG\{u,v}(2eG(y)+eG(w)2eG(y)+eG(w))+2eG(u)+eG(v)+uwE(G)wVG\{u,v}2eG(u)+eG(w)2eG(u)+eG(v)ywE(G),y{u,v}wVG\{u,v}2eG(y)+eG(w)>0.

This completes the proof of Lemma 3.3. □

We now prove the main results of this section.

Theorem 3.4.

Let TT*(n,m). Then if n=2m, then He(T)He(P2m);if n>2m, then He(T)q(n,m); with equality if and only if TT1*(n,m).


Let TT*(n,m). Let u,vV(T) such that e(u)=e(v)=d(T). Obviously, u and v are both pendant vertices. If T has at least one pendant vertex w which is different from u and v. Move the pendant edge containing w to the vertex u. Denote by T1 such new tree. Note that |E(T)|=|E(T1)|,V(T)=V(T1)

and eT(w)eT1(w) for any vertex wV(T).

Thus He(T)He(T1).

Repeat this procedure at most 2md(T) times until the resulting graph T contains the longest path in T*(n,m). Thus He(T)He(T). If n=2m, then T=P2m. If n>2m, then let P=v1v2v2m+1 be the longest path in T. Obviously, V(T)\{v1,v2,,v2m+1} are pendant vertices. Otherwise, there exist a pendant path of length at least 2. We can get a (m+1)-matching obtained by taking a pendant edge in such pendant path and m mutually independent edges in P, a contradiction. Similarly, move an pendant edge except v2mv2m+1 and v1v2 to the vertices v2 or v2m at a time. Repeat this procedure at most n2m1 times until the resulting graph T is a graph in T1*(n,m). Thus He(T)He(T). This completes the proof of Theorem 3.4. □

Theorem 3.5.

Let TT*(2m,m). Then He(T)g(2m,m)with equality if and only if TS*(2m,m).


We proceed by induction on m. If m = 1, 2 then T=S*(2m,m)=P2m. If m = 3, then T=S*(2m,m) or T=P2m. Note that He(P2m)<He(S*(2m,m)). The result follows. Assume that m4.

Let M be a perfect matching in T. If these is a non-pendent edge xyM, then let T0 be obtained from T by separating an edge xy. Thus T0 contains a perfect matching M1=M{xy}\{xy}. Repeat this procedure until there is no non-pendant edge in the most updated perfect matching. Suppose that the resulting tree and the corresponding perfect matching are T and M respectively. If at least one separating is preformed, then by Lemma 3.3, He(T)<He(T).

We can assume that each edge in M is a pendant edge.

By Lemma 3.1, T has a pendant vertex u which is adjacent to a vertex v of degree 2. Let N(v)={w,u}. Let T*=Tuv. Then T*T*(2m2,m1). Let d(w) = d and N(w)\{v}={x1,x2,,xd1}. Recall that M is a perfect matching which contains only pendant edges. Thus d(w)3. Otherwise, M has an non-pendant edge containing an end w, a contradiction. Without loss of generality, we can assume x1wM and hence d(x1)=1,d(xi)2 for i=2,3,,d1.

Note that eT(y)eT*(y) for any vertex yV(T*).

Thus (3.1) w1w2E(T*)w1w2VT*(2eT(w1)+eT(w2)2eT*(w1)+eT*(w2))0(3.1)

Also note that He(T)He(T*)=w1w2E(T*)w1w2VT*(2eT(w1)+eT(w2)2eT*(w1)+eT*(w2))+2eT(u)+eT(v)+2eT(w)+eT(v)2eT(u)+eT(v)+2eT(w)+eT(v)24r(T)1+24r(T)3.

Recall that m4. By Lemma 3.1, r(T)2. Thus (3.2) He(T)He(T*)24r(T)1+24r(T)32435(3.2)

with equality if and only if r(T)=2. By the induction hypothesis, we have He(T)He(T*)+2435g(2m2,m1)+2435=g(2m,m)with equalities (3.1) and (3.2) holding if and only if TS*(2m,m). This completes the proof of Theorem 3.5. □

Let TT*(n,2), where n > 4. Then it is easy to verify that He(T)g(n,2) with equality if and only if TT1*(n,2) and d(T) = 3. Clearly, S*(n,2) is only one of the extremal graphs with the maximum eccentric harmonic index in T*(n,2).

Theorem 3.6.

Let TT*(n,m) and n2m6. Then He(T)g(n,m)with equality if and only if TS*(n,m).


We proceed by induction on n. If n=2m, then by Theorem 3.5, the result follows. Suppose that n>2m and it holds for all trees in T*(n1,m).

By Lemma 3.2, T has an m-matching M and a pendant vertex v which is not M-saturated. Let uV(T) with N(u)={v,v1,v2,,vd1} and d(u) = d. Let T=Tv. Then TT*(n1,m).

Note that eT(y)eT(y) for any vertex yV(T).

Thus (3.3) w1w2E(T)w1w2VT(2eT(w1)+eT(w2)2eT(w1)+eT(w2))0(3.3)

Also note that He(T)He(T)=w1w2E(T)w1w2VT(2eT(w1)+eT(w2)2eT(w1)+eT(w2))+2eT(u)+eT(v)2eT(u)+eT(v)22r(T)+1.

Recall that m3. Thus r(T)2 and (3.4) He(T)He(T)25.(3.4)

with equality if and only if r(T) = 2. By the induction hypothesis, we have He(T)He(T)+25g(n1,m)+25=g(n,m)with equalities (3.3) and (3.4) holding if and only if TS*(n,m). This completes the proof of Theorem 3.6. □


The authors sincerely appreciate the reviewers for all the valuable comments and suggestions, which helped us to improve the quality of the manuscript.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This research is supported by the innovation project of Guangdong Education Department (No. 2020KTSCX078), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (Nos. 2022A1515011551, 2022A1515011971), the 13th Five-Year Plan subject of Guangdong Province (No. GD20XGL25), and projects of Hanshan Normal University (Nos. QN202024, QN202025, 2020220).


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