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Research Article

Optimal L(3,2,1)-labeling of trees


Given a graph G, an L(3,2,1)-labeling of G is an assignment f of non-negative integers (labels) to the vertices of G such that |f(u)f(v)|4i if dist(u,v)=i (i = 1, 2, 3). For a non-negative integer k, a k-L(3,2,1)-labeling is an L(3,2,1)-labeling such that no label is greater than k. The L(3,2,1)-labeling number of G, denoted by λ3,2,1(G), is the smallest number k such that G has a k-L(3,2,1)-labeling. Chia proved that the L(3,2,1)-labeling number of a tree T with maximum degree Δ can have one of three values: 2Δ+1, 2Δ+2 and 2Δ+3. This paper gives some sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 and λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3, respectively. As a result, the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of complete m-ary trees, spiders and banana trees are completely determined.


1 Introduction

One of the practical interests on channel assignment problem in a radio communication network is to assign channels (represented by non-negative integers) to the transmitters in a way such that no transmitters interfere with each other. Hale [Citation6] formulated this problem in terms of so-called T-coloring of graphs. Furthermore, Griggs and Yeh [Citation5] proposed a modification of this problem, namely the L(2, 1)-labeling problem, and they generalized it to p-levels of interference, specifically for given positive integers k1,k2,,kp, an L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling of a graph G is an assignment f of non-negative integers (labels) to the vertices of G such that |f(u)f(v)|kt if dist(u,v)=t, where dist(u,v) is the distance between u and v. For a non-negative integer k, a k- L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling is an L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling such that no label is greater than k. The L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling number of G, denoted by λk1,k2,,kp(G), is the smallest number k such that G has a k-L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling.

The L(k1,k2,,kp)-labeling problem mentioned above is interesting in both theoretical and practical applications. For instance, when p = 1 and k1=1, it becomes the ordinary vertex-coloring problem. When p = 2, many interesting results (see [Citation2, Citation5, Citation10]) have been obtained for various families of finite graphs, especially for the case (k1,k2)=(2,1). For more details, one may refer to the surveys [Citation1, Citation11].

For p = 3 and (k1,k2,k3)=(3,2,1), Shao [Citation8] studied the L(3,2,1)-labeling of Kneser graphs, extremely irregular graphs, Halin graphs, and gave bounds for the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of these classes of graphs. Shao and Liu [Citation9] studied the L(3,2,1)-labeling of planar graphs, and showed that λ3,2,1(G)15(Δ2Δ+1) if G is a planar graph of maximum degree Δ. Clipperton [Citation4] determined the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers for paths, cycles, caterpillars, m-ary trees, complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs, and showed that λ3,2,1(G)Δ3+Δ2+3Δ for any graph G with maximum degree Δ. Chia [Citation3] proved that the L(3,2,1)-labeling number of a tree T with maximum degree Δ can have one of three values: 2Δ+1, 2Δ+2 and 2Δ+3. Furthermore, providing some sufficient conditions for the bounds or giving a characterization result for trees becomes a meaningful topic.

Based on the above topics, this paper gives some sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 and λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3, respectively. As a result, the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of complete m-ary trees, spiders and banana trees are completely determined.

2 Some sufficient conditions for the bounds

In this article, we always suppose that T is a tree with diameter at least 3. For an L(3,2,1)-labeling f of T and SV(T), we define f(S)={f(v):vS}. A vertex u is said to be k-vertex if d(u) = k, where d(u) is the degree of u. Let NΔ(u)={wN(u):w is Δ-vertex } and dΔ(u) be the cardinality of NΔ(u).

For integers i and j with ij, we denote [i,j] as the set {i,i+1,,j1,j}. Let O[i,j] and E[i,j] be the set of all odd numbers and all even numbers in [i,j], respectively.

A rooted tree Tu rooted at u is a tree in which one of the vertices (say u) is distinguished from the others. For a rooted tree Tu, define Li(u)={wV(Tu):dist(u,w)=i} for i=0,1,. In particular, L0(u)={u}.

Chia [Citation3] studied the L(3,2,1)-labeling of trees and gave the following result.

Theorem 2.1.

[Citation3] For any tree T, 2Δ+1λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+3. Moreover, if λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+1 and f is a (2Δ+1)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T, then f(v){0,2Δ+1} for each Δ-vertex v. Furthermore, f(N(v))=O[3,2Δ+1] if f(v) = 0 and f(N(v))=E[0,2Δ2] if f(v)=2Δ+1.

Let M(T)={uV(T):d(u)=Δ} and m(T) be the cardinality of M(T). It is not difficult to find that the L(3,2,1)-labeling number of a tree T is closely related to m(T) and the distance between any two vertices in M(T). In fact, we have the following result.

Theorem 2.2.

Let T be a tree with m(T)2 and dΔ(v)1 for all vN(u), where uM(T). Then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+1.


Let uM(T) and we think of T as a rooted tree Tu rooted at u. Firstly, λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+1 by Theorem 2.1. To prove the upper bound, a (2Δ+1)-L(3,2,1)-labeling f of T is defined as follows.

  1. f(u) = 0;

  2. f(N(x))O[1,2Δ+1]{f(x)±1} for each xL2k(u),k=0,1,2,;

  3. f(N(y))E[0,2Δ]{f(y)±1} for each yL2k1(u),k=1,2,.

Based on the above labeling f, the label 0 or 2Δ+1 is assigned to the Δ-vertex except u (if exists). This can be done since m(T)2 and dΔ(v)1 for all vN(u), where uM(T).

It is clear that any pair of vertices of distance at most 3 have different labels. Secondly, minxyE(T)|f(x)f(y)|3. Finally, minx,yV(T),dist(x,y)=2|f(x)f(y)|2. Therefore, f is a (2Δ+1)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T, which implies λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+1. □

In the following, we provide some sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 based on the value of d(u) and dΔ(u). It is proved in [Citation12] that λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 if T contains a vertex u0 satisfying that dΔ(u0)2. Hence, the sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 we given below, always suppose dΔ(u)1 for all uV(T).

Theorem 2.3.

Let Tu be a rooted tree with Δ4. If Tu contains one of the following configurations, then λ3,2,1(Tu)2Δ+2.

  • (C1) d(u)=Δ, dΔ(u)=0 and dΔ(w)=1 for all wL1(u)L2(u).

  • (C2) d(u)=Δ, d(w)=Δ1 for all wL1(u)L2(u) and dΔ(w)=1 for all wL3(u).

  • (C3) d(w)Δ1 for all wL0(u)L1(u) and dΔ(w)=1 for all wL0(u)L1(u)L2(u).


Suppose for the contrary that λ3,2,1(Tu)=2Δ+1 and f is a (2Δ+1)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of Tu. Now we will draw contradictions for different configurations (C1)–(C3), as shown in .

Fig. 1 (a) for (C1), (b) for (C2), (c1) and (c2) for (C3) of Theorem 2.3. Throughout, the black dots represent Δ-vertices, the white dots represent (Δ1)-vertices and the rectangular dots represent any type of vertices.

Fig. 1 (a) for (C1), (b) for (C2), (c1) and (c2) for (C3) of Theorem 2.3. Throughout, the black dots represent Δ-vertices, the white dots represent (Δ−1)-vertices and the rectangular dots represent any type of vertices.

(C1) By Theorem 2.1, we have f(u){0,2Δ+1} since d(u)=Δ. If f(u) = 0, then f(N(u))=O[3,2Δ+1] again by Theorem 2.1. Particularly, there must exist some u1N(u) satisfying that f(u1)=2Δ+1. But now no proper label can be assigned to NΔ(w) for all wN(u1){u}. The case for f(u)=2Δ+1 can be discussed similarly.

(C2) Without loss of generality, let f(u) = 0 and f(N(u))=O[3,2Δ+1] by Theorem 2.1. Thus, for all wL1(u), f(N(w))=E[0,2Δ]{f(w)±1} if f(w)O[3,2Δ1] and f(N(w))E[0,2Δ2] if f(w)=2Δ+1 since d(w)=Δ1. This implies for all wL2(u), f(N(w))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(w)±1} in view of d(w)=Δ1. In particular, there must exist some w0L3(u) such that f(w0)=1. However, no label is available for NΔ(w0) since f(N(w))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(w)±1} for all wL2(u).

(C3) In this case, we treat the following two cases to prove.

Case 1. d(u)=Δ.

Let f(u) = 0 and f(N(u))=O[3,2Δ+1] by Theorem 2.1. Then there must exist some u1L1(u) such that f(u1)=3. This implies f(N(u1){u})=E[6,2Δ] because of d(u1)=Δ1. Assume f(w0)=2Δ for some w0N(u1){u}. But now there is no proper label for NΔ(w0).

Case 2. d(u)=Δ1.

Let NΔ(u)={u1} since dΔ(u)=1. We may assume that f(u1)=0, which implies f(N(u1))=O[3,2Δ+1] and f(NΔ(u1))={2Δ+1} by Theorem 2.1. So f(u)O[3,2Δ1] owing to uN(u1) and d(u)=Δ1. Next, if f(u)O[3,2Δ3], then f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ]{f(u)±1}. It means that there must exist some w0L1(u) such that f(w0)=2Δ. But now there is no proper label for NΔ(w0). So f(u)=2Δ1 and f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ4]. Hence f(N(w))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(w)±1} for all wL1(u){u1}. In particular, there must exist some w0L2(u) such that f(w0)=1. However, no feasible label is available for NΔ(w0) since f(N(w))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(w)±1} for all wL1(u). □

The following lemma proved in [Citation12] is useful.

Lemma 2.4.

[Citation12] Let f be a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T. Then f(v)O[1,2Δ+1]{0,2Δ+2} for each Δ-vertex v. Moreover, if v is a Δ-vertex and f(v)O[1,2Δ+1], then f(N(v))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(v)±1}.

Based on Lemma 2.4, we now prove the following lemmas.

Lemma 2.5.

Let f be a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T. Then for any uV(T), f(u){1,2Δ+1} if dΔ(u)2. Furthermore, f(u)E[0,2Δ+2] and f(N(u))O[1,2Δ+1] if dΔ(u)3.


Suppose otherwise. Let dΔ(u)2 and f(u){1,2Δ+1}. Then 0f(NΔ(u)) or 2Δ+2f(NΔ(u)). By Lemma 2.4, there must exist some w0NΔ(u) such that f(w0)O[1,2Δ+1] since dΔ(u)2. This implies f(N(w0))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(w0)±1} again by Lemma 2.4. Note that uN(w0). So f(u)E[0,2Δ+2]{f(w0)±1}, which is impossible since f(u){1,2Δ+1}. Therefore, f(u){1,2Δ+1} if dΔ(u)2.

If dΔ(u)3, then there must exist some w0NΔ(u) such that f(w0)O[1,2Δ+1]. So f(N(w0))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(w0)±1}. Thus f(u)E[0,2Δ+2]. This implies f(N(u))O[1,2Δ+1] owing to f(N(w0))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(w0)±1}. □

Lemma 2.6.

Let f be a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T. Let uvE(T), d(u1)=d(v1)=Δ1 and min{dΔ(u1),dΔ(v1)}3, where u1N(u){v},v1N(v){u}. Then dΔ(u)=dΔ(v)=0 and d(u)+d(v)Δ. Furthermore, for any wN(u){v,u1}, d(w)Δ2 when dΔ(w)3.


According to Lemma 2.5, we have f(u1),f(v1)E[0,2Δ+2] and f(N(u1))O[1,2Δ+1] and f(N(v1))O[1,2Δ+1] by the fact that min{dΔ(u1),dΔ(v1)}3. Thus f(u),f(v)O[1,2Δ+1] owing to uN(u1),vN(v1). Secondly, if f(u1)E[2,2Δ], then f(N(u1))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(u1)±1} since d(u1)=Δ1. But no label is available for v, a contradiction. So f(u1){0,2Δ+2}. A similar argument can be made for f(v1). Thus {f(u1),f(v1)}={0,2Δ+2}. This implies f(N(u1))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(u1)±1,f(v)} and f(N(v1))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(v1)±1,f(u)} in view of d(u1)=d(v1)=Δ1. From this one can see that f(N(u){v})E[2,2Δ] and f(N(v){u})E[2,2Δ]. So dΔ(u)=dΔ(v)=0 by Lemma 2.4. On the other hand, f((N(u)N(v)){u,v})E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u)±1,f(v)±1} since f(N(u1))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(u1)±1,f(v)} and f(N(v1))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(v1)±1,f(u)}. So d(u)+d(v)2(Δ+2)4. Therefore, d(u)+d(v)Δ.

Finally, suppose for the contrary that dΔ(w0)3 and d(w0)Δ1 for some w0N(u){v,u1}. In the same fashion, one can prove that f(w0){0,2Δ+2}. It is a contraction to {f(u1),f(v1)}={0,2Δ+2}. Thus, for any wN(u){v,u1}, d(w)Δ2 when dΔ(w)3. □

Inspired by the similar results proved for the L(2, 1)-labeling numbers of trees by Griggs and Yeh in [Citation5], we give some sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3. The methods used in proofs, although elementary, give a deeper understanding what forces the L(3,2,1)-labeling number to be equal to 2Δ+3.

Theorem 2.7.

[Citation12] Let uV(T) and uvE(T).

  1. If min{dΔ(u),dΔ(v)}3, then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3.

  2. If d(u)Δ1,dΔ(u)3 and dΔ(ui)=2 for all uiN(u), then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3.

Theorem 2.8.

Let uvE(T). If min{d(u),d(v)}Δ1 and dΔ(w)2 for all wN(u)N(v), then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3.


Assume that T admits a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1) -labeling f. Now we treat the following three cases, as shown in , to prove.

Fig. 2 (a1), (a2), and (a3) for the three cases of Theorem 2.8.

Fig. 2 (a1), (a2), and (a3) for the three cases of Theorem 2.8.

Case 1. d(u)=d(v)=Δ.

Let {v,u1}NΔ(u). By Lemma 2.5, we have f(u){1,2Δ+1} since dΔ(u)2. Now we assume that f(u)O[3,2Δ1]. Then f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u)±1} and f(NΔ(u))={0,2Δ+2} by Lemma 2.4. Without loss of generality, let f(v)=0,f(u1)=2Δ+2. Then f(N(v))=O[3,2Δ+1] since f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u)±1}. Particularly, there must exist some w0N(v){u} such that f(w0)=2Δ+1. This contradicts to dΔ(w0)2. Therefore, f(u){0,2Δ+2}. Similarly, f(v){0,2Δ+2}. Next, we suppose that f(u)=0,f(v)=2Δ+2. This implies f(u1)O[3,2Δ1] by Lemma 2.4. Then f(NΔ(u1))={0,2Δ+2}, which contradicts to f(v)=2Δ+2.

Case 2. d(u)=Δ,d(v)=Δ1 or d(u)=Δ1,d(v)=Δ.

It suffices to prove this for d(u)=Δ,d(v)=Δ1 due to the symmetry. Let {u1,u2}NΔ(u),{u,v1}NΔ(v). Note that f(u){1,2Δ+1}. If f(u)O[3,2Δ1], then f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u)±1} and f(NΔ(u))={0,2Δ+2} by Lemma 2.4. So f(v)E[2,2Δ] since vN(u) and d(v)=Δ1. Thus f(N(v))[0,2Δ+2]{f(v),f(v)±1,f(v)±2}. On the other hand, 0,2Δ+2f(N(v)) since f(NΔ(u))={0,2Δ+2}. Therefore, f(N(v))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(v)±1} since d(v)=Δ1. In particular, there must exist some w0N(v){u} such that f(w0)=1 or 2Δ+1. This contradicts to dΔ(w0)2. Therefore, f(u){0,2Δ+2}. Similarly, we can prove that f(v1){0,2Δ+2}. Let f(u) = 0 and f(v1)=2Δ+2. This means f(u1)O[1,2Δ+1] and f(N(u1))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u1)±1}. It follows that f(N(u))=O[3,2Δ+1]. Clearly, there must exist some w0N(u){v} such that f(w0)=2Δ+1, again a contradiction to dΔ(w0)2.

Case 3. d(u)=d(v)=Δ1.

Let {u1,u2}NΔ(u),{v1,v2}NΔ(v). Firstly, note that f(ui),f(vi){1,2Δ+1} for i = 1, 2. Secondly, suppose f(u1)O[3,2Δ1], then f(N(u1))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u1)±1} and f(NΔ(u1))={0,2Δ+2} by Lemma 2.4. So f(u2)O[3,2Δ1]. By a similar argument, if f(v1)O[3,2Δ1], then f(v2)O[3,2Δ1]. We now treat the following two subcases.

Case 3.1. f(u1),f(u2)O[3,2Δ1] and f(v1),f(v2)O[3,2Δ1].

In this case, f(NΔ(ui))={0,2Δ+2} and f(NΔ(vi))={0,2Δ+2} since f(N(ui))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(ui)±1} and f(N(vi))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(vi)±1} for i = 1, 2. So f(N(u)N(v))[0,2Δ+2]{0,2Δ+2,f(u)±1,f(v)±1}. Thus |f(N(u)N(v))|(2Δ+3)6=2Δ3, a contradiction to d(u)=d(v)=Δ1.

Case 3.2. f(u1),f(u2){0,2Δ+2} and f(v1),f(v2)O[3,2Δ1].

Notice that f(N(v1))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(v1)±1} in view of f(v1)O[3,2Δ1]. So f(v)E[2,2Δ] owing to vN(v1) and f(u1),f(u2){0,2Δ+2}. Then f(N(v))[0,2Δ+2]{f(v),f(v)±1,f(v)±2}. On the other hand, 0,2Δ+2f(N(v)) since {f(u1),f(u2)}={0,2Δ+2}. Therefore, f(N(v))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(v)±1} since d(v)=Δ1. Particularly, there must exist some w0N(v){u} such that f(w0)=1 or 2Δ+1. This contradicts to dΔ(w0)2. □

Theorem 2.9.

Let uvE(T). If d(u)Δ1 and dΔ(v1)3,dΔ(ui)2 for some v1N(v){u} and all uiN(u), then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3.


On the contrary, that f is a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T. By Lemma 2.5, f(N(v1))O[1,2Δ+1] since dΔ(v1)3. So f(v)O[1,2Δ+1] in view of vN(v1). Thus f(NΔ(v))={0,2Δ+2} by Lemma 2.4. We treat the following two cases.

Case 1. d(u)=Δ.

As uNΔ(v), f(u){0,2Δ+2}. If f(u) = 0, then f(N(u))=O[3,2Δ+1] in view of f(v)O[1,2Δ+1]. Particularly, there must exist some w0N(u){v} such that f(w0)=2Δ+1, a contradiction to dΔ(w0)2. The case for f(u)=2Δ+2 can be discussed similarly.

Case 2. d(u)=Δ1.

In this case, f(u)[2,2Δ]. Now if f(u)O[3,2Δ1], then f(N(u))[1,2Δ+1]{f(u),f(u)±1,f(u)±2}. So |f(N(u))|2Δ+152=Δ2, a contradiction to d(u)=Δ1. Thus f(u)E[2,2Δ] and f(N(u))[0,2Δ+2]{f(u),f(u)±1,f(u)±2}. On the other hand, 0,2Δ+2f(N(u)) since f(NΔ(v))={0,2Δ+2}. Hence f(N(u))=O[1,2Δ+1]{f(u)±1} since d(u)=Δ1. Particularly, there must exist some w0N(u){v} such that f(w0)=1 or 2Δ+1. This contradicts to dΔ(w0)2. □

Theorem 2.10.

Let uvE(T) and min{dΔ(u1),dΔ(v1)}3, where u1N(u){v}, v1N(v){u}. If T contains the following configurations, then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3.

  • (C1) max{d(u),d(v)}=Δ or max{d(u1),d(v1)}=Δ.

  • (C2) d(u1)=d(u2)=d(v1)=Δ1 and dΔ(u2)3 for some u2N(u){v,u1}.

  • (C3) d(u1)=d(v1)=Δ1, d(u)+d(v)Δ+1.

  • (C4) d(u)=d(v)=Δ1, d(u1)+d(v1)Δ+3.


Suppose f is a (2Δ+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T. By Lemma 2.5, we have f(u),f(v)O[1,2Δ+1] owing to min{dΔ(u1),dΔ(v1)}3.

(C1) We may assume that d(u)=Δ when max{d(u),d(v)}=Δ. Thus we have f(N(u))=E[0,2Δ+2]{f(u)±1} by Lemma 2.4. But this is impossible since vN(u) and f(v)O[1,2Δ+1]. Secondly, suppose d(u1)=Δ when max{d(u1),d(v1)}=Δ. Then f(u1){0,2Δ+2} by Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5. Without loss of generality, let f(u1)=0. Hence f(N(u1))=O[3,2Δ+1]. This implies f(v)E[0,2Δ+2]. But it contradicts to f(v)O[1,2Δ+1].

(C2) By Lemma 2.6, we have d(u2)Δ2 owing to dΔ(u2)3 for some u2N(u){v,u1}. But this contradicts to d(u2)=Δ1.

(C3) This is a direct consequence of Lemma 2.6.

(C4) Firstly, f(u)±1,f(v)±1f(N(u)N(v)). Let a=|{f(x)O[1,2Δ+1]:xN(u)}| and b=|{f(x)O[1,2Δ+1]:xN(v)}|. Hence a+bd(u)+d(v)(Δ+24)=Δ. On the other hand, d(u1)Δ+1a and d(v1)Δ+1b since f(N(u1))O[1,2Δ+1] and f(N(v1))O[1,2Δ+1]. So d(u1)+d(v1)2Δ+2(a+b)Δ+2. This contradicts to d(u1)+d(v1)Δ+3. □

3 L(3,2,1)-labeling of complete m-ary trees, spiders and banana trees

Motivated by the sufficient conditions shown in Section 2, the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of complete m-ary trees, spiders and banana trees are completely determined in this section.

Theorem 3.1.

[Citation4] For a path Pn on n vertices with n8, λ3,2,1(Pn)=7.

The above result is known, but it can be easily derived from Theorem 2.8.

A complete m-ary tree (m2) is a rooted tree such that each vertex of degree greater than one has exactly m children and all degree-one vertices are of equal distance (height) to the root. Denote by Tm,ha complete m-ary tree of the height h. It can be seen that Tm,h has the maximum degree Δ=m+1 for h2.

Clipperton [Citation4] studied the L(3,2,1)-labeling of complete m-ary trees and obtained λ3,2,1(Tm,h)=2m+5 for any complete m-ary tree Tm,h. In fact, λ3,2,1(Tm,h)2m+5 when m = 2 and h = 3. Next, we correct and prove it in the following.

Theorem 3.2.

Let Tm,h be a complete m-ary tree of height h3. Then λ3,2,1(Tm,h)={8,if m=2 and h=3,2m+5,otherwise.


For the case m = 2 and h = 3, we have λ3,2,1(T2,3)2(2+1)+2=8 since T contains a vertex u with dΔ(u)=2. Secondly, a 8-L(3,2,1)-labeling is given in , which means λ3,2,1(T2,3)8. So λ3,2,1(T2,3)=8.

Fig. 3 A 8-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T2,3.

Fig. 3 A 8-L(3,2,1)-labeling of T2,3.

For m = 2 and h4, there exists uvE(T2,h) such that d(u)=Δ1 and dΔ(v1)=3,dΔ(ui)=2 for some v1N(v){u} and all uiN(u). Hence λ3,2,1(T2,h)=2(2+1)+3=9 by Theorem 2.9.

When m3, there exists uvE(Tm,h) such that dΔ(u)=dΔ(v)=3. Therefore, λ3,2,1(Tm,h)=2(m+1)+3=2m+5 by Theorem 2.7. □

A spider is a tree with at most one vertex of degree more than two, called the center of spider (if no vertex of degree more than two, then any vertex can be the center). Thus a spider with Δ = 2 is a path. If Δ3, then m(T) = 1. By Theorem 2.2, we have the following result.

Theorem 3.3.

Let T be a spider with Δ3. Then λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+1.

A banana tree is a tree obtained by connecting a new vertex u to one leaf of each of any number of stars (u is not in any of the stars). Murugan [Citation7] considered the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of banana trees and obtained λ3,2,1(Bn,t)=2n+1 when t < n and λ3,2,1(Bn,t)=2t+3 when tn for any banana tree Bn,t with t copies of K1,n. Actually, λ3,2,1(Bn,t)2t+3 when tn. Now we correct and prove it in the following.

Theorem 3.4.

Let Bn,t be a banana tree with t copies of K1,n. Then λ3,2,1(Bn,t)={2max{n,t}+1,if nt ,2n+2,otherwise.


Let u be the new vertex. For n < t, we have M(Bn,t)={u}. Hence λ3,2,1(Bn,t)=2t+1 by Theorem 2.2. For n > t, λ3,2,1(Bn,t)2n+1 by Theorem 2.1. Next, consider the following labeling f:

  1. f(u) = 2;

  2. f(N(u))=O[5,2t+3];

  3. f(N(x){u})={0} for each xL1(u);

  4. f(N(y))=O[3,2n+1] for each yL2(u).

It is straightforward to check that f is a (2n+1)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of Bn,t. Thus λ3,2,1(Bn,t)=2n+1.

For the case n = t. There exists uV(Bn,t) such that dΔ(u)=2. Hence λ3,2,1(Bn,t)2n+2. On the other hand, a (2n+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling f of Bn,t is defined as follows.

  1. f(u) = 1;

  2. f(N(u))=E[4,2n+2];

  3. f(N(x){u})={2n+5f(x)} for each xL1(u);

  4. f(N(y))=E[0,2n+2]{f(y)±1} for each yL2(u).

It is evident that f is a (2n+2)-L(3,2,1)-labeling of Bn,t, which implies λ3,2,1(Bn,t)=2n+2. □

4 Concluding remarks

Motivated by channel assignment problem, the graph labeling problem, especially the L(3,2,1)-labeling problem has attracted much attention. It was known in [Citation3] that the L(3,2,1)-labeling number of a tree T with maximum degree Δ can have one of three values: 2Δ+1, 2Δ+2 and 2Δ+3. Furthermore, providing some sufficient conditions for the bounds or giving a characterization result for trees becomes a meaningful topic. Based on the above topics, this paper gives some sufficient conditions for λ3,2,1(T)2Δ+2 and λ3,2,1(T)=2Δ+3, respectively. As a result, the L(3,2,1)-labeling numbers of complete m-ary trees, spiders and banana trees are completely determined.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for careful reading and comments.

Code availability

Not applicable.

Disclosure statement

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Data availability statement

Not applicable.

Additional information


This research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11601265, 12271210) and Scientific Research Foundation of Jimei University (Grant No. Q202201).


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