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This article refers to:
Evaluating the accuracy of two satellite-based Quantitative Precipitation Estimation products and their application for meteorological drought monitoring over the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa

Article title: Evaluating the accuracy of two satellite-based Quantitative Precipitation

Estimation products and their application for meteorological drought

monitoring over the Lake Victoria Basin, East Africa

Authors: Priyanko Das, Zhenke Zhang & Hang Ren


DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10095020.2022.2054731

When the above article was first published online, some of the Figure captions were incorrect.

Figure 3 contained Figure 4 captions, Figure 4 contained Figure 5 captions and Figure 5 contained Figure 3 captions. The in-text Figure citations were also incorrect.

The following Captions have now been corrected:

• Figure 3: Validation metrics of CC (a), MBE (b), MAE(c), and RMSE (d) for QPEs estimated precipitation data compare to CRU observation on the monthly scale

Has now been corrected to:

Figure 3 (a) Time Series of Monthly mean precipitation

(b) Annual mean difference

(c) Seasonal variation between QPEsprecipitation product and CRU observation

• Figure 4: (a) Time Series of monthly mean precipitation

(b) Annual mean difference

(c) Seasonal variation between QPEsprecipitation product and CRU observation.

Has now been corrected to:

Figure 4: Spatial distribution of Continuous Metrics of PBIAS (a,d), MKGE score (b,e), Theil’U (c,f) for QPEs estimated Precipitationdata compare to CRU observation.

• Figure 5: Spatial distribution of Continuous Metrics of PBIAS (a,d), MKGE score (b,e), Theil’U (c,f) for QPEs estimated Precipitation

data compare to CRU observation

Has now been corrected to:

Figure 5: Validation metrics of CC (a), MBE (b), MAE(c), and RMSE (d) for QPEs estimated precipitation data compare to CRUobservation on the monthly scale.