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A differentiated courtship: A regime-type analysis of Russia’s Southern African (arms) trade, 2012–2019

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Pages 483-507 | Published online: 25 Nov 2022


This article presents on general Russian exports to the 16 states in the Southern Africa Development Community, considered by regime type, as well as trade in arms with these states, to determine whether Russia’s commercial ties have been proportionally greater with authoritarian, democratic, or hybrid regimes. The findings indicate a potential ‘differentiated courtship’ between Russia and Southern Africa’s different regime types. Respectively, Russia’s overall trade was concentrated among democracies ahead of authoritarian regimes and hybrid regimes, in line with each regime type’s proportion of regional GDP. On the other hand, Russian arms exports followed a different pattern, in that authoritarian regimes purchased arms at a magnitude slightly beyond that regime type’s proportion of the Southern African regional GDP. The research also found that 60% of all hybrid regimes purchased Russian arms, evincing the highest frequency of importing Russian arms (albeit at small dollar amounts) among all three regime types.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1 Ndzendze, Bhaso, ‘South Africa-Russia Trade Relations in the Mbeki-Putin Years, 1999–2008: Ideological Minimalism and Growing Commercial Flows,’ Strategic Review for Southern Africa 43, no. 1. (2021). 79–102. See also Neethling, Theo, ‘Assessing Russia’s New Interaction with Africa: Energy Diplomacy, Arms Exports and Mineral Resource Markets,’ Strategic Review for Southern Africa 42, no 1 (2020): 15–42. It is to be noted, here, however, that despite this lull there was a continued Russian presence, most notably in Algeria and Ethiopia) even during the first Putin presidency and beyond it. In the case of the former, the Russian Council observes that ‘[R]oughly 70% of Algeria’s small arms … are sourced from Russia.’ See: Russian Council, ‘Algeria: Europe’s New Energy Supplier and Russia’s Long-Time Arms Buyer,’ https://russiancouncil.ru/en/blogs/robert-quinn-carolan/algeria-europes-new-energy-supplier-and-russias-longtime-arms-buyer/#:~:text=As%20it%20stands%2C%20Roughly%2070,%244.2%20billion%20in%202016%2D2020. (accessed April 19, 2022). This period, however, is notable for its leadership with economics over politics; whereas the current period entails both economics and what appears to be a geopolitical strategy towards Africa.

2 Ndzendze, ‘South Africa-Russia Relations.’

3 Whitten, Gregory, Xiaoyi Dai2, Simon Fan1 and Yu Pang. ‘Do political relations affect international trade? Evidence from China’s twelve trading partners,’ Journal of Shipping and Trade 21, no. 5 (2020): 1–24.

4 Maggi, Giovanni, and Andrés Rodríguez-Clare. ‘A Political-Economy Theory of Trade Agreements,’ American Economic Review, 97, no. 4 (2007), 1374–1406.

5 Stokke, K, Aung, SM, ‘Transition to Democracy or Hybrid Regime? The Dynamics and Outcomes of Democratization in Myanmar,’ European Journal of Development Research 32, no. 1 (2020): 274–293

6 Khanyile, Moses B, ‘Sanctions against Russia will affect arms sales to Africa: the risks and opportunities,’ The Conversation, https://theconversation.com/sanctions-against-russia-will-affect-arms-sales-to-africa-the-risks-and-opportunities-180038#:∼:text=Russia%20commanded%2020%25%20of%20the,and%20China%205%2C2%25 (accessed March 22, 2022). For example, the US, China, Germany, France and China respectively are the continent’s other significant suppliers.

7 Maslov, A and Suslov, D, ‘Vozvrashcheniye v Afriku: Kak sdelat’ yego prioritetom rossiyskoy politiki,’ Rossiya v Global’noi Politike, https://globalaffairs.ru/articles/vozvrashhenie-v-afriku/. (accessed November 16, 2021)

8 El-Badway, Emman., Munasinghe, Sandun., Bukart, B. Audu, and Bianchi, Beatrice. 2022. ‘Security, Soft Power and Regime Support: Spheres of Russian Influence in Africa’. Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. URL: https://institute.global/policy/security-soft-power-and-regime-support-spheres-russian-influence-africa.

9 Philing, D. 2022. ‘This is no time for neutrality in Africa on Ukraine.’ Financial Times https://www.ft.com/content/e0f292dc-207f-445b-b300-7524364fd32a. (accessed June 9, 2022).

10 Kanet, Roger E., and Dina Moulioukova. 2022. ‘Russia’s return to Africa: a renewed challenge to the West?,’ Post-Soviet Affairs: 1–13.

11 Neethling (2020) observes that ‘there is little doubt that much of Moscow’s new involvement in Africa relates to Putin’s desire to revive his country’s great-power status’ (p. 15)

12 Importantly, this collaboration has entailed presence by the West, most notably France and the US, to countries such as Uganda, Kenya and the Sahel G5. Notably, the arms transfers tend to not be the latest models. For example, in 2021 France transferred 1984-model ERC-90 armoured vehicles to Chad which was being phased out in the French military itself. See Martin, Guy, ‘France hands over ERC-90 armoured vehicles to Chad,’ DefenceWeb, 23 January 2021. URL: https://www.defenceweb.co.za/featured/france-hands-over-erc-90-armoured-vehicles-to-chad/. Concerns over human rights loom large over arms sales, with the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee enacting a hold on arms sales to Nigeria in July of 2021. See Reuters, ‘U.S. approves arms sale to Nigeria after pause over human rights concerns,’ Reuters, . URL: https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/us-approves-arms-sale-nigeria-after-pause-over-human-rights-concerns-2022-04-15/ (accessed April 15, 2022).

13 Emman El-Badawy, Sandun Munasinghe, Audu Bulama Bukarti, and Beatrice Bianchi. 2022. ‘Security, Soft Power and Regime Support: Spheres of Russian Influence in Africa,’ Tony Institute for Global Change, March 2022. URL: https://institute.global/policy/security-soft-powerand-regime-support-spheres-russian-influence-africa.

14 Resnick, Danielle. What does the war in Ukraine mean for Africa (Washington DC: Brookings Institution, 2022).

15 Babić, Danilo. ‘Russia’s new role in Africa–Reach and limits of Russia’s re-emergence,’ The Review of International Affairs 73, no. 1184(2022): 49–70.

16 Qiang, Xiaoyun. 2022. ‘Russia’s Pivot to Africa: A Tactical Move or Strategic Calculation?’ In The Changing World and Africa, pp. 323–338. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore

17 Southern African Development Community. 2020. Southern African Development Community Vision 2050. SADC: Gaborone.

18 Kester, K. Klomegah, 2022. ‘SADC-Russia’s economic cooperation: Strategies, challenges and future perspectives.’ Modern Diplomacy. URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2018/10/21/sadc-russias-economic-cooperation-strategies-challenges-and-future-perspectives/

19 Devonshire-Ellis, C, November 2019, Developing Global Free Trade: The Eurasian Economic Union & The Southern African Customs Union, https://www.russia-briefing.com/news/developing-global-free-trade-eurasian-economic-union-southern-african-customs-union.html/.

20 Owen, Catherine. ‘Mapping Russian Illicit Finance in Africa: The Cases of Sudan and Madagascar,’ University of Birmingham Serious Organised Crime and Ant-Corruption Evidence Research Programme, May 2022. URL: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/documents/college-social-sciences/government-society/publications/mapping-russian-illicit-finance-in-africa-briefing.pdf; https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/08/russias-wagner-group-in-africa-influence-commercial-concessions-rights-violations-and-counterinsurgency-failure/

21 All Africa, 2022. ‘Russia’s Strategic Goals in Africa.’ Africa Center for Strategic Studies, https://africacenter.org/experts/joseph-siegle/russia-strategic-goals-africa/

22 Kanet, Roger E., and Dina Moulioukova. 2022. ‘Russia’s return to Africa: a renewed challenge to the West?’ Post-Soviet Affairs: 1–13.

23 Springman, Jeremy, Erik Wibbels, and Huong Vu. 2022. ‘Resurgent Authoritarian Influence: New Machine-Generated, High-Frequency, Cross-National Data.’.

24 Andrew Feinstein, 2011, The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade. Johannesburg: Johnathan Ball. 435. This secrecy has proven problematic for the African Union, which has, as part of Agenda 2063, sought to ‘silence the guns’ by controlling illicit arms flows.

25 Pieter D. Wezeman, Alexandra Kuimova and Siemon T. Wezeman, 2021 ‘Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2020,’ SIPRI. https://sipri.org/sites/default/files/2021-03/fs_2103_at_2020.pdf.

26 Mansfield, Edward D., Helen V. Milner, and B. Peter Rosendorff. ‘Free to Trade: Democracies, Autocracies, and International Trade.’ The American Political Science Review 94, no. 2 (2000): 305–21. https://doi.org/10.2307/2586014.

27 Banerji, Arup, and Hafez Ghanem. ‘Does the Type of Political Regime Matter for Trade and Labor Market Policies?’ The World Bank Economic Review 11, no. 1 (1997): 171–94. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3990223.

28 Dalpino, Catharin E. 2022. ‘Does Globalization Promote Democracy?: An early assessment,’ Brookings Institution. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/does-globalization-promote-democracy-an-early-assessment/.

29 Jean-Marc Siroën, ‘Do democratic FTAs foster trade flows?,’ 2011. https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/publications_e/wtr11_forum_e/wtr11_12apr11_e.htm.

30 Economist Intelligence Unit. 2019. ‘Democracy Index 2019,’ Economist Intelligence Unit. https://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index/. Economist Intelligence Unit. 2012. ‘Democracy Index 2012,’ Economist Intelligence Unit. https://www.eiu.com/public/topical_report.aspx?campaignid=DemocracyIndex12. See also: Freedom House. 2022. ‘Seychelles,’ Freedom House. https://freedomhouse.org/country/seychelles.

31 United Nations Trademap. 2022. ‘Bilateral trade between Russian Federation and Southern African Development Community (SADC) Product: TOTAL All products.’ https://www.trademap.org/Bilateral_TS.aspx?nvpm=1%7c643%7c%7c%7c35%7cTOTAL%7c%7c%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c1. Navigable and searchable for specific countries.

32 Schubert, Jon. ‘Fear and fainting in Luanda: paranoid politics and the problem of interpretative authority in Angola,’ Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society 28, no 1 (2022): 222–239.

33 Nhamirre, Borges, ‘Free and fair? Angola’s uneven election playing field,’ Institute for Security Studies, August 2022. https://issafrica.s3.amazonaws.com/site/uploads/sar-52.pdf.

34 The EIU assessed 44 African states in 2021 for governance indicators. See the EIU website for the full list. https://www.eiu.com/topic/democracy-index/

35 Alves, Ana Cristina, Alexandra A. Arkhangelskaya, and Vladimir Shubin. 2013. ‘Russia and Angola: The Rebirth of a Strategic Partnership?’. ResearchGate.

36 Oteng, Eric. ‘Russia, Angola sign cooperation deals in Moscow.’ Africa News. (2022) https://www.africanews.com/2019/04/06/russia-angola-sign-cooperation-deals-in-moscow// (accessed June 8 2022).

37 Kohnert, Dirk. ‘The impact of Russian presence in Africa.’ Available at SSRN 4067193; Klomegah, Kester Kenn, ‘Little Visible Economic Impact Of Russian Cooperation With Africa,’ Eurasia Review, (2022) https://www.eurasiareview.com/17102021-little-visible-economic-impact-of-russian-cooperation-with-africa-oped/ (accessed October 17, 2021).

38 BRICS Summit, 2019.

39 Russia-Africa Summit. ‘Russia, Angola must begin to implement cooperation agreements.’ Tass Russia News Agency, (2019) URL: https://tass.com/politics/1085175?utm_source=google.com&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=google.com&utm_referrer=google.com (accessed June 8, 2022).

40 In March 2017, it was also announced that Angola has approved the construction of a huge refinery complex and training by two Russian businesses. Rail Standard Service and Fortland Consulting Company, which have formed a coalition with local partners, have proposed a US$12 billion mega project. Angola has been on the frontlines of Russia's growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, according to Gustavo Plácido Dos Santos, of the Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security (IPRIS). Luanda and Moscow have a long history together. Despite the fact that political connections have yet to transfer into deeper business contacts, Angola's potential for Russian enterprises, particularly in terms of natural resources, should not be overlooked. The relationship between Angola and Russia in the fields of testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) as well as in the field of telecommunications has been enhanced. During the Russia-Africa business meeting that took place in Sochi, the agreement to strengthen bilateral cooperation between both countries in the sector of telecommunications was inked.

41 Research by the authors found that during a business discussion between Vladimir Putin and Alrosa CEO Sergei Ivanov in the Kremlin, it was revealed that Russia's Alrosa intends to develop Luaxe in Angola, one of the world's biggest diamond resources. A number of Russian corporations are also interested in Angola. Mazepin's enterprises, for example, see developing a nitrogen fertiliser facility in Angola as a critical step. Zarubezhneft wants to act in the oil and gas sector – from exploration and field construction to pipeline system building and equipment supply to oil facilities – as an intermediary for state interests in the sphere of fuel and energy complex on the world stage. Zarubezhneft and the government of Angola have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate in the exploration and production of crude oil from that African country's reserves. The consortium is targeting Angola's Atlantic shelf for this reason, with the intention of producing from it in collaboration with Sonangol and Dark Oil Company, which own the area's permits.

42 Statistics Times, ‘List of African countries by GDP,’ Statistic Times, https://statisticstimes.com/economy/african-countries-by-gdp.php (accessed 5 October, 2021).

43 Africa News. 2019 (July 23), ‘Comoros president wins discredited vote with 60.77%,’ Africa news. URL: https://www.africanews.com/2019/03/27/comoros-president-wins-discredited-vote-with-6077-percent//.

44 Klomegah, Kester Kenn, ‘Russia and Comoro Islands Cooperate To Enhance Bilateral Relations.’ Modern Diplomacy. (2018). URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2018/11/11/russia-and-comoro-islands-cooperate-to-enhance-bilateral-relations/ (accessed June 7 2022).

45 Klomegah, ‘Russia and Comoro.’

46 Ibid.

47 Sidorova, Galina Mikhailovna, ‘Relations between USSR and the Democratic Republic of Congo at the Beginning of 1960s: Twists of History.’ Vestnik RUDN. International Relations 20, no. 1 (2020): 197–209.

48 Nzongola-Ntanjala, Georges. 2021. Patrice Lumumba. Ohio University Press: Athens, OH. 118–123.

49 Henry, Foy., 2019. ‘Russia hails Tshisekedi as Congo election winner.’ Financial Times. June 6, 2022.

50 Henry, 2019. ‘Russia hails Tshisekedi.’

51 UN Trademap, ‘Bilateral trade between Congo, Democratic Republic of the and Russian Federation,’ (2022) URL: https://www.trademap.org/Bilateral_TS.aspx?nvpm=1%7c180%7c%7c643%7c%7cTOTAL%7c%7c%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c2%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c1%7c1

53 Ndlela, Mbongeni., ‘Local soldiers to train in Russia.’ Times of Swaziland, (2011)URL: http://www.times.co.sz/News/63178.html (accessed June 8, 2022).

54 Ndlela, Mbongeni. ‘Local soldiers to train in Russia,’ Times of Swaziland, http://www.times.co.sz/News/63178.html (accessed March 25, 2011).

55 Zweli Martin Dlamini, ‘King Mswati’s soldiers training in Russia flee back to eSwatini as war with Ukraine intensifies’, Tuesday, 1 March, 2022, https://www.swazilandnews.co.za/fundza.php?nguyiphi=2156

56 ACLED, ‘Mozambique — April 2016 Update,’ ACLED, https://acleddata.com/2016/04/08/mozambique-april-2016-update/. (accessed April 8, 2022).

57 Vines, Alex. Still Killing: Landmines in Southern Africa. (New York: Human Rights Watch, 1997). pp. 66–71. ISBN 978-1564322067.

58 Kester, K. Klomegah., ‘Matviyenko Tasks Mozambican Government Identify Sectors For Cooperation.’ Pressenza, (2022)https://www.pressenza.com/2022/06/matviyenko-tasks-mozambican-government-identify-sectors-for-cooperation/. (accessed June 5, 2022).

59 Kachur, Dzvinka. ‘Russia's Resurgent Interest in Africa: The Cases of Zambia and Tanzania.’ (2021), https://www.africaportal.org/publications/russias-resurgent-interest-africa-cases-zambia-and-tanzania/.

60 Klomegah, Kester Kenn, ‘Russia’s Desperate Search for Investment Sectors in Mozambique,’ Modern Diplomacy, https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/06/03/russias-desperate-search-for-investment-sectors-in-mozambique/ (accessed June 3, 2022).

61 Andrew Cheatham, Amanda Long and Thomas P Sheehy, 23 June 2022, ‘Regional Security Support: A Vital First Step for Peace in Mozambique: Southern African countries and Rwanda pulled the country’s north back from the brink. It’s an opportunity that must be seized’, US Institute for Peace.

63 Opperman, Jasmine., 2019. ‘An expanded Russian interest in northern Mozambique could be a new game-changer.’ Daily Maverick, . https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-10-14-an-expanded-russian-interest-in-northern-mozambique-could-be-a-new-game-changer/ (accessed June 9, 2022).

64 Chigora, Percyslage and Goredema, Dorothy, ‘Zimbabwe-Russia Relations in the 21st Century,’ Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations 9, no. 4, 187–204. See also Matiashe, Farai Shawn, ‘Historic friends, Zimbabwe remains neutral to Russia, despite hard hit to fragile economy,’ The Africa Report, https://www.theafricareport.com/186769/historic-friends-zimbabwe-remains-neutral-to-russia-despite-hard-hit-to-fragile-economy/ (accessed March 25, 2022).

65 Matiashe, ‘Historic friends.’

66 The Africa Report, ‘Zim, Russia deepen bilateral, trade relations’ The Africa Report, https://www.herald.co.zw/zim-russia-deepen-bilateral-trade-relations/ (accessed June 2, 2022).

67 Herald Reporters, ‘Zimbabwe: Zim, Russia Ties to Be Cemented – President,’ The Herald, https://allafrica.com/stories/202206030337.html (accessed June 2, 2022).

68 Mavhunga, Columbus, ‘Zimbabwe Leaning to Russia as Others Shun Moscow for Invading Ukraine,’ VOA News, 8 June 2022, https://www.voanews.com/a/zimbabwe-leaning-to-russia-as-others-shun-moscow-for-invading-ukraine-/6608224.html.

69 Kwante, Kwante MC, and Boga Thura Manatsha. 2016. ‘Origins and Dynamics of the Botswana-Soviet Union Relations, 1960s to 1990.’ Botswana Notes and Records 48 (2016): 85–96.

70 Economic Development Board Mauritius, 2018. ‘Two MoUs signed to bolster Mauritius-Russia Investment & Trade Opportunities.’ https://edbmauritius.org/newsroom/two-mous-signed-bolster-mauritius-russia-investment-trade-opportunities

71 Marshall, Jane, ‘Ukraine and Russia dropped from medical studies list,’ University World News Africa Edition, (accessed September 23, 2016), https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20160921161334761.

72 Dyomkin, Denis, ‘UPDATE 2-Russia to spend $1 bln on Namibia uranium search,’ Reuters, https://www.reuters.com/article/russia-namibia-uranium-idINLDE64J1D920100520 (accessed May 20, 2010).

73 Klaaren, J, ‘The Judicial Role in Defining National Security and Access to Information in South Africa,’ Democracy and Security, 11. no. 3 (2015): 275–297.

74 Freedom House, ‘South Africa: SABC Fires Journalists for Protesting Censorship,’ Freedom House https://freedomhouse.org/article/south-africa-sabc-fires-journalists-protesting-censorship (accessed July 18, 2022).

75 Ndzendze, 2021, ‘Ideological Minimalism.’

76 Ibid.

77 Thamm, Marianne, ‘How South Africans thwarted secret Putin/Zuma nuclear deal,’ Daily Maverick https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-12-19-how-south-africans-thwarted-secret-putin-zuma-nuclear-deal/ (accessed December December 19, 2019).

78 Thamm, ‘How South Africans thwarted.’

79 DIRCO, ‘Media Statement on elections in Madagascar,’ DIRCO website, http://www.dirco.gov.za/docs/2013/mada1028.html (accessed October 26, 2013).

80 In Transformation Initiative, ‘Madagascar Case Study,’ p. 25 In Transformation Initiative, February 2021, https://www.intransformation.org.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Madagascar-case-study-Proof-3.pdf; Southern African Development Community, ‘Preliminary statement,’ https://www.eisa.org/pdf/mad2013sadc0.pdf (accessed May 29, 2019).

81 Catherine Own, ‘Mapping Russian Illicit Finance in Africa’

82 Ibid., 6.

83 US Department of the Treasury, ‘Treasury escalates sanctions against the Russian government’s attempts to influence U.S. elections,’ https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0126 (accessed April 15, 2021).

84 Defense Web. 2022 (April 18). ‘Madagascar and Russia strengthen defence ties,’ Defenseweb. URL: https://www.defenceweb.co.za/joint/diplomacy-a-peace/madagascar-and-russia-strengthen-defence-ties/.

85 AlJazeera, ‘Malawi presidential election: Lazarus Chakwera declared winner,’ AlJazeera, https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/6/27/malawi-presidential-election-lazarus-chakwera-declared-winner. (accessed June 27 2020)

86 Chimjeka, Rebecca. 2022 (April 9). ‘Government defends vote against Russia on UN Human Rights Council,’ The Times. URL: https://times.mw/government-defends-vote-against-russia-on-un-human-rights-council/.

87 Kachur, Dzvinka. 2021 ‘Russia's Resurgent Interest in Africa

88 Remarks by Kamala Harris, US Vice President, and Samia Suluhu Hassank. Tanzania’s President, on the occassion of their meeting in Washington, DC, on, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/04/15/remarks-by-vice-president-harris-and-president-samia-suluhu-hassan-of-tanzania-before-bilateral-meeting/ (accessed 15 April 2022).

89 Kamala, James, ‘Tanzania: Tz to Receive More Investors, Tourists From Russia,’ AllAfrica, https://allafrica.com/stories/202208180077.html (accessed August 18, 2022).

90 CO-OPERATION WITH ZAMBIA, ONE OF OUR IMPORTANT PRIORITIES, MATVIYENKO National Assembly of Zambia, https://www.parliament.gov.zm/node/8288 (accessed February 18, 2020).

92 Office of the President of the Republic of Seychelles. 2021 (February). ‘Bilateral cooperation between Seychelles and Russia takes new heights,’ Seychelles Government website. URL: https://www.statehouse.gov.sc/news/5102/bilateral-cooperation-between-seychelles-and-russia-takes-new-heights.

93 Bhukhory, Kamlesh. 2022 (May 27). ‘Russians Throng Seychelles Even as Archipelago Pans Putin’s War,’Bloomberg. URL: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-27/russians-throng-seychelles-even-as-archipelago-pans-putin-s-war?leadSource=uverify%20wall.

94 Bhukhory, ‘Russians Throng Seychelles.’

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Notes on contributors

Bhaso Ndzendze

Bhaso Ndzendze is associate professor in the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg.

Zimkhitha Manyana

Zimkhitha Manyana is a PhD candidate at the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Johannesburg.

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