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Research Article

Limit periodic perturbations of difference systems with coefficients from commutative groups

Pages 43-66 | Received 01 Jun 2022, Accepted 13 Dec 2022, Published online: 23 Dec 2022


We study perturbations of homogeneous linear difference systems over infinite fields with absolute values. The coefficient matrices of the treated systems belong to commutative groups which do not need to be bounded. We present a general limit periodic transformation of an arbitrarily given system such that the obtained system has non-almost periodic solutions. We also formulate corollaries which show how the presented construction of the perturbed system improves and extends known results.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

In this paper, we study non-almost periodic solutions of homogeneous linear difference systems (1) xk+1=Akxk,(1) where the coefficient matrices Ak are taken from a commutative group X for all considered k. In addition, we consider these systems over a field F with an absolute value ||. The research of non-almost periodic solutions of general systems in the form (Equation1) is typically based on special iterative constructions of limit periodic and almost periodic sequences. To prove our results, we use a construction of limit periodic sequences as well. Nevertheless, the presented construction is original and differs from all constructions applied in previous papers. For other constructive methods in this research area, we refer to strongly relevant papers [Citation9, Citation10, Citation21–25, Citation41, Citation43, Citation45] (see also [Citation20] for a different usage of constructions of almost periodic sequences). We point out that the basic motivation comes from articles [Citation9, Citation10, Citation24, Citation25] (see Section 4 below).

Now, we mention a short literature overview. We begin with monographs [Citation5, Citation13, Citation29, Citation35], where the fundamental properties of limit periodic and almost periodic sequences and functions are presented. Concerning almost periodicity of solutions of (almost periodic) linear difference equations, we refer to [Citation1, Citation6–8, Citation11, Citation17–19, Citation46, Citation48]. We remark that [Citation17] is the first paper, where a construction is applied to prove results about non-almost periodic solutions of homogeneous linear difference equations. Concerning the special complex case of Equation (Equation1), see, e.g. [Citation3, Citation26].

If one replaces the commutativity of X by its boundedness, then one obtains the almost periodic theory of transformable and weakly transformable groups (see [Citation21, Citation43]). This theory extends results from [Citation36, Citation37, Citation39, Citation40], where Equation (Equation1) is treated for the unitary (or orthogonal) group X. We highlight that, in [Citation39], there is proved that, in any neighbourhood of any almost periodic unitary Equation (Equation1), there exists an almost periodic unitary Equation (Equation1) whose fundamental matrix is not almost periodic. In a certain sense, this result is improved in this paper (see Corollary 5.2 below). We add that the process from [Citation39] cannot be used for a commutative group X.

The corresponding research about almost periodic and non-almost periodic solutions of homogeneous linear differential systems of the form (2) x(t)=A(t)x(t)(2) is realized as well. We mention papers [Citation27, Citation28, Citation38], where the almost periodicity of solutions of Equation (Equation2) with skew-Hermitian and skew-symmetric coefficient matrices A is studied, together with [Citation42, Citation44] (and also [Citation37]), where non-almost periodic solutions of skew-Hermitian and skew-symmetric Equation (Equation2) are analysed. Constructions of homogeneous linear differential systems with almost periodic coefficients are presented, e.g. in [Citation30, Citation31, Citation33, Citation34].

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is devoted to definitions and basic properties of all considered generalizations of periodicity in metric spaces. In Section 3, we state complete notations with respect to the studied difference systems over F with ||. The motivation of our research is explicitly described in Section 4. In the last (and, at the same time, main) section, there are formulated and proved our new results.

2. Periodic, limit periodic, almost periodic, and asymptotically almost periodic sequences

In this section, we present the notion of periodicity, limit periodicity, almost periodicity, and asymptotic almost periodicity in a metric space (Y,τ). We mention the definitions together with only the properties of considered sequences which are used in the proofs of our results. Note that we put N0:=N{0}.

Definition 2.1

A sequence {φk}kZY is called periodic if there exists pN such that φk=φk±p for all kZ. A sequence {φk}kN0Y is called periodic if there exists pN such that φk=φk+p for all kN0.

Definition 2.2

A sequence {φk}kZY or {φk}kN0Y is called limit periodic if there exists a sequence of periodic sequences {φkn}kZY or {φkn}kN0Y for nN such that limnφkn=φk uniformly with respect to kZ or kN0, respectively.

Remark 2.1

In Definition 2.2, the periods of sequences {φkn} do not need to be the same. Thus, limit periodic sequences coincide with the so-called semi-periodic sequences. We refer to [Citation4] (and to [Citation2] in the continuous case).

Remark 2.2

In the literature, there is possible to find another definition of limit periodicity which is not equivalent. The different definition leads to a larger class of sequences. See, e.g. [Citation14, Citation32]. We consider Definition 2.2, because this version is the standard one and we also obtain the strongest results in this case.

Definition 2.3

A sequence {φk}kZY is called almost periodic if for any ε>0, there exists a positive integer p(ε) such that any set consisting of p(ε) consecutive integers contains at least one integer l with the property that τ(φk+l,φk)<ε,kZ.The integer l is called an ε-translation number of {φk}. A sequence {φk}kN0Y is called almost periodic if there exists an almost periodic sequence {ψk}kZY such that φk=ψk for all kN0.

In some books (see, e.g. [Citation16]), the almost periodicity is introduced using the so-called Bochner concept, which is equivalent with the so-called Bohr one (presented in Definition 2.3). This equivalence is the content of the next theorem.

Theorem 2.1

A sequence {φk}kZY is almost periodic if and only if any sequence {sn}nNZ has a subsequence {s¯n}nN{sn}nN such that, for all ϑ>0, there exists K(ϑ)N for which the inequality (3) τ(φk+s¯i,φk+s¯j)<ϑ(3) holds for all i,j>K(ϑ), kZ.


See, e.g. [Citation41, Theorem 2.3].

The result below follows directly from Theorem 2.1.

Corollary 2.1

Let (Y1,τ1),,(Yn,τn) be metric spaces and let {φk1}kZ,,{φkn}kZ be sequences in Y1,,Yn, respectively. The sequence {ψk}kZY1××Yn given by ψk:=(φk1,,φkn),kZ,is almost periodic if and only if all sequences {φk1}kZ,,{φkn}kZ are almost periodic.

We will also use the following simple results.

Theorem 2.2

Any almost periodic sequence is bounded.


The theorem follows directly from Definition 2.3.

Theorem 2.3

Any uniform limit of almost periodic sequences is almost periodic.


The proof of the theorem can be easily obtained by a modification of the proof of [Citation12, Theorem 6.4].

Finally, we define the asymptotic almost periodicity.

Definition 2.4

A sequence {φk}kN0Y is asymptotically almost periodic if for any ε>0, there exist positive integers r(ε) and R(ε) such that any set consisting of r(ε) consecutive positive integers contains at least one number l satisfying τ(φk+l,φk)<ε,kR(ε),kN.

Remark 2.3

Evidently, any periodic sequence is limit periodic. From Theorem 2.3, one can see that any limit periodic sequence is almost periodic. It is also seen that any almost periodic sequence is asymptotically almost periodic. We add that any opposite implication is not generally true.

Remark 2.4

To clarify the asymptotic almost periodicity, we mention the following result which is valid in any Banach space. A sequence is asymptotically almost periodic if and only if it can be expressed as the sum of an almost periodic sequence and a sequence vanishing at infinity (see, e.g. [Citation47, Chapter 5]).

Remark 2.5

The Bochner concept of asymptotic almost periodicity is presented in [Citation15].

3. Considered systems

In this section, we collect the used notation concerning the studied homogeneous linear difference systems over general infinite fields with absolute values.

Let (F,,) be a field with a zero e0 and a unit e1. Of course, with respect to the studied problems, we assume that F is infinite. Let ||:FR be an absolute value on F, i.e. let

  1. |f|0 and |f|=0 if and only if f=e0,

  2. |fg|=|f||g|,

  3. |fg||f|+|g|,

where f,gF. Let a positive integer m be arbitrarily given as the dimension of systems under consideration. Then, Mat(F,m) denotes the set of all m×m matrices with entries from F and Fm the set of all m×1 vectors with elements from F. In addition, ·, + denote the multiplication and the addition on the spaces Fm and Mat(F,m). We also denote the identity matrix as IMat(F,m), the zero matrix as OMat(F,m), and the zero vector as oFm.

The absolute value on F gives the norm on Fm and Mat(F,m) as the sum of m and m2 absolute values of elements, respectively. These norms are denoted by . We also have

  1. M0 and M=0 if and only if M = O,

  2. MNMN,

  3. MuMu,

where M,NMat(F,m), uFm. The absolute value on F and the norms induce the metrics. For simplicity, each one of these metrics is denoted by ϱ and the ε-neighbourhoods are denoted by Oεϱ() in all considered metric spaces. In contrast with many research papers, we do not assume that the valued field F (with ||) is separable or that the metric space (F,ϱ) is complete, i.e. our main result is valid without such limitations (although it is new for separable and, at the same time, complete spaces).

In the whole paper, XMat(F,m) will be an arbitrary infinite commutative group and we will study the homogeneous linear difference systems (4) xk+1=Akxk,kN0,(4) where {Ak}kN0X. Let P(X), LP(X), and AP(X) denote the set of all Equation (Equation4) such that the sequence of matrices Ak is periodic, limit periodic, and almost periodic, respectively. One can identify the sequence {Ak}kN0 with Equation (Equation4) which is given by {Ak}kN0. Thus, in AP(X) (consider also Theorem 2.2), there is introduced the metric (5) σ({Ak},{Bk}):=supkN0ϱ(Ak,Bk),{Ak}kN0,{Bk}kN0AP(X).(5) Analogously, one can consider Equation (Equation4) for kZ and define σ({Ak},{Bk}):=supkZϱ(Ak,Bk),{Ak}kZ,{Bk}kZAP(X).The symbol Oεσ({Ak}) means the ε-neighbourhood of {Ak}kN0 or {Ak}kZ in AP(X).

4. Previous results

Non-almost periodic and non-asymptotically almost periodic solutions of perturbations of linear difference equations are studied in many papers. Concerning homogeneous systems given by matrices from a commutative group, we point out at least the following two results about the non-almost periodicity of solutions of initial problems.

Theorem 4.1

Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exists lN with the property that, for any uFm, u1, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1uu>ξ.Then, for any ε>0, {Ak}kZLP(X), and for any sequence {un}nN of unFm{o}, there exists {Bk}kZOεσ({Ak}) such that the solution of xk+1=Bkxk,kZ,x0=unis not almost periodic for any nN.


See [Citation9, Theorem 5.1].

Theorem 4.1 was improved as follows (see Definitions 2.3 and 2.4).

Theorem 4.2

Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exists lN with the property that, for any uFm, u1, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1uu>ξ.Then, for any ε>0, {Ak}kN0LP(X), and for any sequence {un}nN of unFm{o}, there exists {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak}) such that the solution {xkn}kN0 of xk+1=Bkxk,kN0,x0=unis not asymptotically almost periodic or lim infkxkn=0 for any nN.


See [Citation25, Theorem 4.1].

Remark 4.1

Theorem 4.2 extends also the main result of [Citation22]. For other relevant results, we can refer to [Citation10] as well. Concerning solutions vanishing at infinity in the statement of Theorem 4.2, we add the fact that any non-trivial solution {xk}kN0 of any almost periodic homogeneous linear difference system cannot be almost periodic if lim infkxk=0.See [Citation43, Lemma 3.10].

Now, we recall the most relevant results whose relevance is demonstrated by corollaries at the end of this paper (see Corollaries 5.1 and 5.2). In these results, arbitrarily small changes of limit periodic and almost periodic systems are considered in such a way that the obtained systems have at least one non-almost periodic solution. We add that these results follow from [Citation24, Theorems 10 and 11], where non-asymptotically almost periodic solutions are analysed (analogously as in Theorem 4.2).

Theorem 4.3

Let the unit ball {uFm;u1} be compact. Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1I>ξ.Then, for any ε>0 and any {Ak}kN0LP(X), there exists {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak})LP(X) with the property that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=Bkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic.


See [Citation24, Corollary 1].

Theorem 4.4

Let the unit ball {uFm;u1} be compact. Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1I>ξ.Then, for any ε>0 and any {Ak}kN0AP(X), there exists {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak}) with the property that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=Bkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic.


See [Citation24, Corollary 2].

5. Results

We begin with a known result which covers a special case of our main theorem, i.e. Theorem 5.1 formulated below.

Lemma 5.1

Let X be a commutative group and let {Ak}kN0X be arbitrarily given. If for any N>0 and δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlOδϱ(I)X satisfying MlM2M1>N,then, for any ε>0, there exists a limit periodic sequence {Dk}kN0XOεϱ(I) with the property that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=AkDkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic.


The lemma follows from the proof of [Citation22, Lemma 5.2], where it suffices to put Dk:=Bk1Bk2Bki,kN0.

Concerning the statement of the main result below, we recall the usual notation (6) A1A0:=I.(6) In addition, in its proof, for k,nN, we consider the notation k2n:=kifk=m2nforsomemN0and k2n:=(m+1)2nifk=m2n+iforsomemN0andi{1,,2n1},i.e. k2n denotes the smallest positive integer divisible by 2n which is greater than or equal to k.

Theorem 5.1

Let X be a commutative group and let {Ak}kN0X be arbitrarily given. Let there exist κN0 and ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlOδϱ(I)Xsatisfying (7) MlM2M1Aκ1A0Aκ1A0>ξ.(7) Then, for any ε>0, there exists a limit periodic sequence {Ck}kN0XOεϱ(I) with the property that the fundamental matrix of (8) xk+1=AkCkxk,kN0,(8) is not almost periodic, i.e. Equation (Equation8) has non-almost periodic solutions.


If the fundamental matrix (denoted as) {Xk1}kN0 of (9) xk+1=Akxk,kN0,(9) is not almost periodic, then one can consider {Ck}kN0{I}kN0. Hence, we assume that the sequence {Xk1}kN0 is almost periodic, i.e. all solutions of Equation (Equation9) are almost periodic. Note that the system has infinitely many non-almost periodic solutions if it has at least one non-almost periodic solution (it suffices to consider its non-zero multiples).

For an arbitrarily given number ε>0, we define (10) εi:=εi,iN.(10) As li for iN, we denote the integer lN (from the statement of the theorem) which corresponds to δ=εi. Of course, we can assume that ε<1 and that li+1li, iN. For any iN, we consider the product MliiM2iM1i satisfying (Equation7) given by matrices M1i,M2i,,MliiOεiϱ(I)X.Based on Lemma 5.1, we can assume the existence of K>0 with the property that (11) MliiM2iM1i<K,iN.(11)

For the given ξ>0 from the statement of the theorem, we define (see also (Equation11)) (12) ζ:=ξ2K+3.(12) It holds (13) MliiM2iM1iBA>ζ,iN,(13) if (14) A,BXO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0).(14) Indeed, if (Equation14) is valid, then we have (see (Equation7), (Equation11), and (Equation12)) (2K+3)ζ=ξ<MliiM2iM1iAκ1A0Aκ1A0MliiM2iM1iAκ1A0MliiM2iM1iB+MliiM2iM1iBA+AAκ1A0MliiM2iM1iAκ1A0B+MliiM2iM1iBA+AAκ1A0<2Kζ+MliiM2iM1iBA+2ζ,iN,which yields (Equation13).

We introduce the required sequence {Ck}kN0 by a construction, where we consider auxiliary sequences {Cki}kN0 for iN. Note that we put Cki:=I for all k{0,1,,κ1} and iN.

We begin with the construction. Since the fundamental matrix {Xk1}kN0 of Equation (Equation9) is almost periodic and Xκ1=Aκ1A0, there exists j(1,1)>κ, j(1,1)N, such that (15) Xj(1,1)1XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(15) Indeed, it follows directly from Definition 2.3. We recall that, for the given ε1<1 (see (Equation10)), we consider matrices M11,M21,,Ml11X satisfying (16) Mj1Oε1ϱ(I),j{1,2,,l1},(16) M11M21Ml11Aκ1A0Aκ1A0>ξ.We put r1:=2(l1+1). We define the periodic sequence {Ck1}kN0 with the period p(1,1):=j(1,1)+r1by C01:=C11:=:=Cj(1,1)21:=I,Cj(1,1)2+11:=M11,Cj(1,1)2+21:=I,Cj(1,1)2+31:=M21,Cj(1,1)2+41:=I,Cj(1,1)2+51:=M31,Cj(1,1)2+2l121:=I,Cj(1,1)2+2l111:=Ml11,Cj(1,1)2+2l11:=Cj(1,1)2+2l1+11:=:=Cp(1,1)11:=Iif Xj(1,1)+r11Xj(1,1)1<ζ;and by {Ck1}kN0{I}kN0 if Xj(1,1)+r11Xj(1,1)1ζ.Introducing {Ck1}kN0, we have finished the first step of our construction.

Considering (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation15), we know that the fundamental matrix {Xk(2,1)}kN0 of (17) xk+1=AkCk1xk,kN0,(17) satisfies (18) Xj(1,1)+r1(2,1)Xj(1,1)(2,1)ζ,(18) because Xj(1,1)+r1(2,1)=Xj(1,1)+r11M11M21Ml11,Xj(1,1)(2,1)=Xj(1,1)1and Xj(1,1)1,Xj(1,1)+r11XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(1,1)+r11Xj(1,1)1<ζ,and because Xj(1,1)+r1(2,1)=Xj(1,1)+r11,Xj(1,1)(2,1)=Xj(1,1)1if Xj(1,1)+r11Xj(1,1)1ζ.The second step of our construction has two parts. At first, we repeat that, for ε2=ε/2 (see (Equation10)), there exist matrices M12,M22,,Ml22X satisfying (19) Mj2Oε2ϱ(I),j{1,2,,l2},M12M22Ml22Aκ1A0Aκ1A0>ξ.(19) We put r2:=21+2(l2+1+r1).In the first part of the second step, we consider the fundamental matrix {Xk(2,1)}kN0 of Equation (Equation17). If the sequence {Xk(2,1)}kN0 is not almost periodic, then we have the resulting sequence given by the choice {Ck}kN0{Ck1}kN0. Thus, we consider the almost periodicity of {Xk(2,1)}kN0 which implies the existence of an integer j(2,1)>p(1,1) with the property that (20) Xj(2,1)(2,1)XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(20) We define the periodic sequence {Ck(2,1)}kN0 with the period p(2,1):=p(1,1)(j(2,1)+r2)in the following way.

If Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)Xj(2,1)(2,1)<ζ,then we put C0(2,1):=:=Cj(2,1)22+1(2,1):=I,Cj(2,1)22+2(2,1):=M12,Cj(2,1)22+3(2,1):=Cj(2,1)22+4(2,1):=Cj(2,1)22+5(2,1):=I,Cj(2,1)22+6(2,1):=M22,Cj(2,1)22+4(l21)1(2,1):=Cj(2,1)22+4(l21)(2,1):=Cj(2,1)22+4(l21)+1(2,1):=I,Cj(2,1)22+4(l21)+2(2,1):=Ml22,Cj(2,1)22+4(l21)+3(2,1):=:=Cp(2,1)1(2,1):=I.If Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)Xj(2,1)(2,1)ζ,then we put C0(2,1):=:=Cp(2,1)1(2,1):=I.Using (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation20), we obtain that the fundamental matrix {Xk(2,2)}kN0 of (21) xk+1=AkCk1Ck(2,1)xk,kN0,(21) has the property that (22) Xj(2,1)+r2(2,2)Xj(2,1)(2,2)ζ.(22) Indeed, Xj(2,1)+r2(2,2)=Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)M12M22Ml22,Xj(2,1)(2,2)=Xj(2,1)(2,1)and Xj(2,1)(2,1),Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)Xj(2,1)(2,1)<ζ;and Xj(2,1)+r2(2,2)=Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1),Xj(2,1)(2,2)=Xj(2,1)(2,1)if Xj(2,1)+r2(2,1)Xj(2,1)(2,1)ζ.Now we proceed with the second part of the second step. We consider the fundamental matrix {Xk(2,2)}kN0 of Equation (Equation21). Again, we can assume that the sequence {Xk(2,2)}kN0 is almost periodic. Therefore, there exists an integer j(2,2)>p(2,1) such that (23) Xj(2,2)(2,2)XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(23) We define the periodic sequence {Ck(2,2)}kN0 with the period p(2,2):=p(2,1)(j(2,2)+r2)in the following way.

If Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)Xj(2,2)(2,2)<ζ,then we put C0(2,2):=:=Cj(2,2)23+3(2,2):=I,Cj(2,2)23+4(2,2):=M12,Cj(2,2)23+5(2,2):=:=Cj(2,2)23+11(2,2):=I,Cj(2,2)23+12(2,2):=M22,Cj(2,2)23+8(l21)3(2,2):=:=Cj(2,2)23+8(l21)+3(2,2):=I,Cj(2,2)23+8(l21)+4(2,2):=Ml22,Cj(2,2)23+8(l21)+5(2,2):=:=Cp(2,2)1(2,2):=I.If Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)Xj(2,2)(2,2)ζ,then we put C0(2,2):=:=Cp(2,2)1(2,2):=I.Finally, in the second step, we introduce Ck2:=Ck1Ck(2,1)Ck(2,2),kN0.Evidently, the sequence {Ck2}kN0XOεϱ(I) is periodic. Applying (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation23), we have that the fundamental matrix {Xk(3,1)}kN0 of xk+1=AkCk2xk,kN0,satisfies (24) Xj(2,2)+r2r1(3,1)Xj(2,2)(3,1)ζ.(24) Indeed, Xj(2,2)+r2r1(3,1)=Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)M12M22Ml22,Xj(2,2)(3,1)=Xj(2,2)(2,2)and Xj(2,2)(2,2),Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)Xj(2,2)(2,2)<ζ;and Xj(2,2)+r2r1(3,1)=Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2),Xj(2,2)(3,1)=Xj(2,2)(2,2)if Xj(2,2)+r2r1(2,2)Xj(2,2)(2,2)ζ.We continue in the construction in the same manner. Before the step no. i for an arbitrary integer i3, we have the sequence {Cki1}kN0{Cki2Ck(i1,1)Ck(i1,2)Ck(i1,i1)}kN0,which is periodic with the period p(i1,i1). We point out that the step no. i has i parts.

For εi (see (Equation10)), we have matrices M1i,M2i,,MliiX satisfying (25) MjiOεiϱ(I),j{1,2,,li},(25) M1iM2iMliiAκ1A0Aκ1A0>ξ.We put ri:=21+2++i(li+1+ri1).At first, in the step no. i, we consider the fundamental matrix {Xk(i,1)}kN0 of xk+1=AkCki1xk,kN0.If {Xk(i,1)}kN0 is not almost periodic, then it suffices to choose {Ck}kN0{Cki1}kN0. Let {Xk(i,1)}kN0 be almost periodic. Then, there exists an integer j(i,1)>p(i1,i1) such that (26) Xj(i,1)(i,1)XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(26) We put S(i):=1+(1+2++i1),i3,iN.We define the periodic sequence {Ck(i,1)}kN0 with the period p(i,1):=p(i1,i1)(j(i,1)+ri)in the following way.

If Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)Xj(i,1)(i,1)<ζ,then we put C0(i,1):=:=Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)11(i,1):=I,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)1(i,1):=M1i,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)1+1(i,1):=:=Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)+2S(i)11(i,1):=I,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)+2S(i)1(i,1):=M2i,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)(li2)+2S(i)1+1(i,1):=:=Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)(li1)+2S(i)11(i,1):=I,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)(li1)+2S(i)1(i,1):=Mlii,Cj(i,1)2S(i)+2S(i)(li1)+2S(i)1+1(i,1):=:=Cp(i,1)1(i,1):=I.If Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)Xj(i,1)(i,1)ζ,then we put C0(i,1):=:=Cp(i,1)1(i,1):=I.From (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation26), we know that the fundamental matrix {Xk(i,2)}kN0 of (27) xk+1=AkCki1Ck(i,1)xk,kN0,(27) has the property that (28) Xj(i,1)+ri(i,2)Xj(i,1)(i,2)ζ.(28) Indeed, Xj(i,1)+ri(i,2)=Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)M1iM2iMlii,Xj(i,1)(i,2)=Xj(i,1)(i,1)and Xj(i,1)(i,1),Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)Xj(i,1)(i,1)<ζ;and Xj(i,1)+ri(i,2)=Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1),Xj(i,1)(i,2)=Xj(i,1)(i,1)if Xj(i,1)+ri(i,1)Xj(i,1)(i,1)ζ.Next, we consider the second part of step no. i, where we consider the fundamental matrix {Xk(i,2)}kN0 of Equation (Equation27). We assume that the sequence {Xk(i,2)}kN0 is almost periodic which gives an integer j(i,2)>p(i,1) such that (29) Xj(i,2)(i,2)XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(29) We define the periodic sequence {Ck(i,2)}kN0 with the period p(i,2):=p(i,1)(j(i,2)+ri)in the following way.

If Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)Xj(i,2)(i,2)<ζ,then we put C0(i,2):=:=Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)1(i,2):=I,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)(i,2):=M1i,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1(i,2):=:=Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1+2S(i)1(i,2):=I,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1+2S(i)(i,2):=M2i,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1(li2)+2S(i)+1(i,2):=:=Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1(li1)+2S(i)1(i,2):=I,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1(li1)+2S(i)(i,2):=Mlii,Cj(i,2)2S(i)+1+2S(i)+1(li1)+2S(i)+1(i,2):=:=Cp(i,2)1(i,2):=I.If Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)Xj(i,2)(i,2)ζ,then we put C0(i,2):=:=Cp(i,2)1(i,2):=I.Considering (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation29), we obtain that the fundamental matrix {Xk(i,3)}kN0 of xk+1=AkCki1Ck(i,1)Ck(i,2)xk,kN0,satisfies (30) Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,3)Xj(i,2)(i,3)ζ.(30) Indeed, Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,3)=Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)M1iM2iMlii,Xj(i,2)(i,3)=Xj(i,2)(i,2)and Xj(i,2)(i,2),Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)Xj(i,2)(i,2)<ζ;and Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,3)=Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2),Xj(i,2)(i,3)=Xj(i,2)(i,2)if Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,2)Xj(i,2)(i,2)ζ.We continue in the step no. i. Before its last part, we consider the fundamental matrix {Xk(i,i)}kN0 of xk+1=AkCki1Ck(i,1)Ck(i,2)Ck(i,i1)xk,kN0.Again, we assume that the sequence {Xk(i,i)}kN0 is almost periodic. Therefore, there exists an integer j(i,i)>p(i,i1) such that (31) Xj(i,i)(i,i)XOζϱ(Aκ1A0).(31) We define the periodic sequence {Ck(i,i)}kN0 with the period p(i,i):=p(i,i1)(j(i,i)+ri)in the following way.

If Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)Xj(i,i)(i,i)<ζ,then we put C0(i,i):=:=Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i21(i,i):=I,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i2(i,i):=M1i,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i2+1(i,i):=:=Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i21(i,i):=I,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i2(i,i):=M2i,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1(li2)+2S(i)+i2+1(i,i):=:=Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1(li1)+2S(i)+i21(i,i):=I,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1(li1)+2S(i)+i2(i,i):=Mlii,Cj(i,i)2S(i)+i1+2S(i)+i1(li1)+2S(i)+i2+1(i,i):=:=Cp(i,i)1(i,i):=I.

If Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)Xj(i,i)(i,i)ζ,then we put C0(i,i):=:=Cp(i,i)1(i,i):=I.Finally, in this step, we define Cki:=Cki1Ck(i,1)Ck(i,2)Ck(i,i),kN0.Considering (Equation13) ⇐ (Equation14) and (Equation31), we obtain that the fundamental matrix {Xk(i+1,1)}kN0 of xk+1=AkCkixk,kN0,satisfies (32) Xj(i,i)+riri1(i+1,1)Xj(i,i)(i+1,1)ζ.(32) Indeed, Xj(i,i)+riri1(i+1,1)=Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)M1iM2iMlii,Xj(i,i)(i+1,1)=Xj(i,i)(i,i)and Xj(i,i)(i,i),Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)XO2ζϱ(Aκ1A0)if Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)Xj(i,i)(i,i)<ζ;and Xj(i,i)+riri1(i+1,1)=Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i),Xj(i,i)(i+1,1)=Xj(i,i)(i,i)if Xj(i,i)+riri1(i,i)Xj(i,i)(i,i)ζ.We continue in the construction for i+1,i+2, We obtain the resulting sequence of Ck by the limit Ck:=limiCki,kN0.This definition is correct, because C0i=I for all iN and Cki=Ckk for all ik, i,kN. In addition, from the construction, one can see that (see also (Equation16), (Equation19), …, (Equation25), …) (33) CkCki<εi+1,kN0,iN,(33) and that, for any kN0, there exist uniquely determined i1(k)N, i2(k){1,,i1(k)} for which (see (Equation10)) (34) Ck=Ck(i1(k),i2(k))Oεi1(k)ϱ(I)Oεϱ(I),(34) where we put Ck(1,1):=Ck1, kN0. In particular, from (Equation33), we obtain that {Ck}kN0 is the uniform limit of the sequences {Cki}kN0 for i; and, from (Equation34), we have that {Ck}kN0XOεϱ(I). Since all sequences {Cki}kN0 are periodic, the sequence {Ck}kN0 is limit periodic (see Definition 2.2).

It remains to show that the fundamental matrix {Xk}kN0 of Equation (Equation8) is not almost periodic. Using (Equation18) from the first step, (Equation22) and (Equation24) from the second step, …, (Equation28), (Equation30), …, (Equation32) from the step no. i, …, we have (35) Xj(1,1)+r1Xj(1,1)=Xj(1,1)+r1(2,1)Xj(1,1)(2,1)ζ,(35) (36) Xj(2,1)+r2Xj(2,1)=Xj(2,1)+r2(2,2)Xj(2,1)(2,2)ζ,(36) (37) Xj(2,2)+r2r1Xj(2,2)=Xj(2,2)+r2r1(3,1)Xj(2,2)(3,1)ζ,(37) (38) Xj(i,1)+riXj(i,1)=Xj(i,1)+ri(i,2)Xj(i,1)(i,2)ζ,(38) (39) Xj(i,2)+rir1Xj(i,2)=Xj(i,2)+rir1(i,3)Xj(i,2)(i,3)ζ,(39) (40) Xj(i,i)+riri1Xj(i,i)=Xj(i,i)+riri1(i+1,1)Xj(i,i)(i+1,1)ζ,(40) We apply Theorem 2.1 (together with the definition of almost periodicity for variable kN0 in Definition 2.3), where we put s1:=0,si+1:=ri,iN.Evidently, (Equation35)–(Equation37), …, (Equation38), (Equation39), …, (Equation40), … imply a contradiction with (Equation3) for ϑ=ζ. Therefore, we have proved that {Xk}kN0 cannot be almost periodic.

Remark 5.1

Let us briefly comment the main condition in Theorem 5.1, i.e. the validity of (Equation7). This assumption is motivated by the statement of the theorem, where we obtain non-almost periodic solutions using arbitrarily small changes of the given system {Ak}kN0. In addition, we consider limit periodic transformations, because the result is not valid for only periodic ones (see, e.g. {Ak}kN0{I}kN0 and the unitary group X in the scalar case together with [Citation23, Theorem 5]).

Example 5.1

Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 can be used, e.g. for any transformable commutative group X (see [Citation21, Citation23]). Let us consider the complex or real case (i.e. F=C or F=R with the usual absolute value) and an arbitrary non-singular matrix S. Then, the groups SZ={S1diag[eiλ1,,eiλm]S;λ1,,λmZ},SQ={S1diag[eiλ1,,eiλm]S;λ1,,λmQ},SR={S1diag[eiλ1,,eiλm]S;λ1,,λmR}are transformable and commutative, i.e. they satisfy all conditions of Theorems 4.3 and 4.4. In particular, in the complex case, we can consider the matrix group CU(m) which is the intersection of the group of unitary matrices and the set of circulant matrices (a1a2a3amama1a2am1am1ama1am2a2a3a4a1).Indeed, it is well-known that CU(m) is a special case of SR. In the real case, we point out that the group SO(m) of all m×m orthogonal matrices with determinant 1 is transformable. Therefore, for m = 2 and α[π,π), all matrices in the form (cosαsinαsinαcosα)determine the transformable and commutative group SO(2), i.e. SO(2) satisfies all conditions of Theorems 4.3 and 4.4. Concerning other concrete examples, we refer again to [Citation21, Citation23].

In addition, we can consider direct sums. We recall that, for groups XjMat(F,mj), j{1,2,,n}, the direct sum is defined as j=1nXj=X1X2Xn,where Mj=1nXj if it has the form M=(M1OOOM2OOOMn),M1X1,M2X2,,MnXn.One can use Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 for the direct sum of commutative groups if at least one of the groups satisfies the conditions of the theorems.

Since Theorem 5.1 can be used for any group which satisfies the conditions of Theorems 4.3 and 4.4, we can consider examples mentioned above. We highlight at least the group {I}SO(2) for which one cannot apply Theorems 4.1 and 4.2 (consider u=(1,0,0)T).

The main difference between Theorem 5.1 and Theorems 4.3 and 4.4 is given by the fact Theorem 5.1 covers perturbations of any system {Ak}kN0, while only limit periodic and almost periodic systems are treated in Theorems 4.3 and 4.4. Nevertheless, Theorem 5.1 is new also for {Ak}kN0LP(X) and {Ak}kN0AP(X), which is commented in Example 5.2 below as well.

Theorem 5.1 has several new corollaries. Concerning the motivation in the previous section, we explicitly mention the following two new consequences.

Corollary 5.1

Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1I>ξ.Then, for any ε>0 and any {Ak}kN0LP(X), there exists {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak})LP(X) with the property that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=Bkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic.


Since {Ak}kN0 is limit periodic (consider Theorem 2.2 and Remark 2.3), there exists K>I such that (41) Ak<K,kN0.(41) From [Citation22, Lemma 4.4], it follows the uniform continuity of the multiplication of matrices on the set (XOKϱ(O))×(XOθϱ(I)) for any θ>0. Thus, for any ε>0, there exists ϑ(0,1) with the property that (42) ABOε/2ϱ(A)ifAXOKϱ(O),BXOϑϱ(I).(42)

We use Theorem 5.1, where we put κ=0 for the considered {Ak}kN0LP(X). Then, (Equation7) reduces to (see (Equation6)) MlM2M1I>ξ.Applying Theorem 5.1 for ϑ>0 introduced in the previous paragraph, we have a limit periodic sequence {Ck}kN0XOϑϱ(I) such that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=AkCkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic. Therefore, we consider the homogeneous linear difference system given by {Bk}kN0:={AkCk}kN0 whose fundamental matrix is not almost periodic. Evidently (see (Equation5), (Equation41), and (Equation42)), we have that {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak}), because {Ck}kN0Oϑϱ(I)X. Moreover, (43) CkOϑϱ(I)O1ϱ(I)OK+1ϱ(O),kN0.(43)

Considering the limit periodicity of {Ak}kN0 and {Ck}kN0, there exist periodic sequences {Akp}kN0 and {Ckp}kN0 for all pN such that AkpAk<1p,CkpCk<1p,kN0,which yield (see also (Equation41) and (Equation43)) CkpAkpCkAkCkpAkpCkAkp+CkAkpCkAkCkpCkAkp+CkAkpAk2(K+1)p,kN0.These estimations together with the periodicity of all sequences {CkpAkp}kN0 prove that {Bk}kN0 is limit periodic if {Ak}kN0 and {Ck}kN0 are limit periodic. The proof is complete.

Remark 5.2

It is evident that the statement of Corollary 5.1 does not change if one replaces the system {Ak}kN0LP(X) by a periodic one, i.e. if {Ak}kN0P(X). Indeed, it follows directly from Definition 2.2.

Corollary 5.2

Let X be a commutative group having the property that there exists ξ>0 such that, for any δ>0, there exist matrices M1,M2,,MlX satisfying MiOδϱ(I),i{1,2,,l},MlM2M1I>ξ.Then, for any ε>0 and any {Ak}kN0AP(X), there exists {Bk}kN0Oεσ({Ak}) with the property that the fundamental matrix of xk+1=Bkxk,kN0,is not almost periodic.


We can proceed as in the proof of Corollary 5.1 for (44) {Bk}kN0:={AkCk}kN0Oεσ({Ak}),(44) where the boundedness of {Ak}kN0 (see (Equation41)) remains valid. Note that the sequences {Ak}kN0, {Ck}kN0 are almost periodic ({Ck}kN0 is even limit periodic, see Remark 2.3). Thus, the almost periodicity of the sequence {Bk}kN0 (introduced in (Equation44)) follows from Theorem 2.1 (consider also Corollary 2.1), because any linear combination of almost periodic sequences is almost periodic and the product of two almost periodic sequences is almost periodic in the considered spaces.

Remark 5.3

Corollary 5.2 does not follow from Corollary 5.1. In [Citation4], there is proved that there exist sequences which are almost periodic and, at the same time, which are not limit periodic. It suffices to consider the almost periodic sequence {Ak}kN0:={eik}kN0 for the unitary group X in the scalar case. Then, the system determined by {Ak}kN0 has a neighbourhood (in AP(X)) without any limit periodic system.

Remark 5.4

In fact, considering the statements of our results above and their proofs, one can see that it is not necessary to introduce the absolute value || on the whole field. It suffices to have it on a neighbourhood of e0 and for all elements of matrices from the matrix group X. For details, we refer to [Citation23, Remark 15].

Example 5.2

To show that Corollaries 5.1 and 5.2 do not follow from Theorems 4.3 and 4.4, it suffices to consider a field F for which the unit ball {uFm;u1} is not compact. For example, let us consider the field of all meromorphic functions defined on an arbitrarily given non-empty open connected set T, where meromorphic functions can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and the quotient can be formed applying the analytic continuation to eliminate removable singularities. For simplicity, we use Remark 5.4 and we put m = 1 (i.e. we consider the scalar case, when all groups are commutative). Let F0F be the set of all bounded functions on T. For any fF0, we introduce |f|:=supzT|f(z)|,where |f(z)| is the absolute value of complex number f(z). Note that f=|f|, fF0.

Now, for any group X whose all elements are from F0, one can apply Corollaries 5.1 and 5.2 if Xδ:=X(Oδϱ(I){I})X(Oδϱ((1)){(1)})for all δ>0, where 1 denotes a constant function. Indeed, it suffices to consider only powers of matrices from Xδ. We remark that X does not need to be bounded (cf. [Citation23, Example 4]).  


The authors would like to thank the referees.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The research presented in this paper was supported by the Czech Science Foundation [grant number GA20-11846S].


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