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Are Children Attracted to Play Elements with an Open Function?

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The present study aimed to determine the degree to which play elements have an “open function”, and whether children are attracted to them. The architect van Eyck hypothesized that play elements with an open function attract playing children because such elements do not suggest a certain type of behavior and are, thus, likely to stimulate the children’s creativity. Children of three different age groups (5-6, 7-8, and 11-12years of age) played freely in a Parkour playground that consists of play elements that were supposed to vary in the degree of having an open function. Based on the judgments of parents on what action children will mainly perform on each of the elements, we concluded that the play elements indeed differed in the degree of having an open function. The play behavior, however, revealed that the children were less attracted to elements with an open function. The implications of these findings are discussed.


Over the last decades, there is a renewed interest in the playgrounds of Aldo van Eyck (e.g., Fuchs, Citation2002; Jongeneel, Withagen, & Zaal, Citation2015; Lefaivre & Tzonis, Citation1999; Sennett, Citation2008; Solomon, Citation2005, Citation2014; Sporrel, Caljouw, & Withagen, Citation2017; Strauven, Citation2002; Van Lingen & Kollarova, Citation2016; Withagen & Caljouw, Citation2017). After World War II, van Eyck designed more than 700 playgrounds in the city of Amsterdam, the equipment of which has been influential and is widely copied (; see Solomon, Citation2005, Citation2014). One of the celebrated features of this equipment are the abstract forms. Van Eyck believed that his elements attract playing children more than traditional play elements (e.g., a swing or a slide) do, because the abstract forms of his play elements do not suggest a certain action and might thus foster the creativity of the children (see also Hertzberger (Citation1991) and Rietveld and Rietveld (Citation2011) on the idea of abstract forms). As Fuchs (Citation2002), an art historian and former director of the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, put it,

Figure 1. Some aluminum play elements designed by Aldo van Eyck, placed in the garden of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Photograph by Rob Withagen.

Figure 1. Some aluminum play elements designed by Aldo van Eyck, placed in the garden of Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Photograph by Rob Withagen.

The playgrounds were fantastic because the objects were simple: rectangular and round frames for climbing (the latter like an igloo), a sandpit, a group of circular concrete blocks for jumping from one to the other – objects that are not anything in themselves, but which have an open function and therefore stimulate a child’s imagination. (p. 7; emphasis added)

Recently, Withagen and Caljouw (Citation2017) discussed these “open functions” from a sociocultural perspective on affordances (e.g., Costall, Citation1995, Citation2015; Heft, Citation1989, Citation2001; Rietveld & Kiverstein, Citation2014; Van Dijk & Rietveld, Citation2017). The concept of affordances was introduced by James Gibson (Citation1979/Citation1986) to refer to the action possibilities in the environment for an animal. One of the characteristics of affordances is that they are relationally specified—affordances exist by virtue of the relationship between the environment and the individual. For example, whether a stone is climb-on-able for a child depends on the height of the stone relative to her body size and action capabilities. Interestingly, and as Gibson (1979/Citation1986, p. 134) had already suggested, each object arguably offers an infinite number of possibilities for action. Cutting (Citation1982) once enumerated about 30 affordances of a single piece of paper (e.g., making paper airplanes, writing a shopping list, writing a sonnet, cutting into pieces, making paper dolls, bookmarking), and concluded that the list could have been infinite. And a slide, for example, affords leaning, touching with one hand, touching with two hands, staring at, climbing on, sliding down, jumping off, climbing up via the part that is meant to slide down, kicking, and many more actions. However, the fact that a play object is often used in a single way can be explained by adopting a sociocultural perspective on affordances (e.g., Costall, Citation1995, Citation2015; Heft, Citation1989, Citation2001; Rietveld & Kiverstein, Citation2014; Van Dijk & Rietveld, Citation2017). Like other objects (e.g., a chair or a knife), play elements tend to be designed for a specific function, and parents generally teach their children to behave in accordance with this designated function (Costall, Citation1995, Citation2015). That is, within the social environment that they grew up in, children are taught how, for example, a slide ought to be used—a slide is “for climbing the ladder and then sliding down”. This socializing process, in which both the intended design and the parents take part, gives the slide its “single, definitive meaning” (Costall, Citation2015, p. 51). Note that such a definitive meaning affords being naughty and might stimulate pretend play. Indeed, a definitive meaning is a prerequisite for intentionally “misusing” the object (Costall, Citation1995, Citation1997), and might therefore give the object some appeal.

What is interesting about the equipment that van Eyck designed is that it often lacks this definitive meaning—he conceived of his equipment as “tools for imagination” (De Roode, Citation2002) and designed them without a specific action in mind. Consequently, his abstract elements do not suggest a certain action and, thus, seem to allow more different actions than traditional play equipment typically does (e.g., Withagen & Caljouw, Citation2017). As Van Lingen and Kollarova (Citation2016) put it, “One of the most important aspects of the play elements van Eyck designed is that […] they can be used in different ways, depending on the game you are playing, and with their simple and abstract forms they stimulate children to use their imagination […]. Aldo van Eyck’s designs don’t aim to show what they are and how they should be used, they rather suggest what they could be” (p. 48; emphases added). In this first empirical study on this topic, we test van Eyck’s hypothesis that play elements with an open function are more attractive for children than play elements with a less open function. If this indeed turns out to be the case, then subsequent work can examine whether van Eyck was right about the reason why they do so—they attract children because their creativity is stimulated.

Of all the available play equipment at this moment, the Parkour playground elements that were designed by Lappset are, to our judgment, the most appropriate elements to test our hypothesis. Indeed, as one can see in , they designed several pieces of equipment that are also characterized by geometrical forms that do not suggest a certain action. However, the degree to which these play elements have an open function might vary between the elements. For instance, the cube in the front is, as far as we can tell, not suggesting a particular type of behavior to children—it is not clear what the children are supposed to do with or on it. The same might hold true for the balls and the L-shaped bar on the right. The big frame in the back, on the other hand, does not seem to have a similar degree of openness—in fact, it seems to suggest climbing. We have asked several colleagues and students to describe the different elements, and the fact that many label this frame as a climbing frame and describe the cube simply by its form is arguably indicative of this difference in degree of having an open function.

Figure 2. Picture of the Parkour Playground at the schoolyard.

Figure 2. Picture of the Parkour Playground at the schoolyard.

The aim of the present study is two-fold. First and foremost, we take up the challenge to determine the degree to which the elements in the playground have an open function. As mentioned earlier, the concept of open function has been introduced by the art historian Fuchs (Citation2002). However, to our knowledge, no attempt has been made to operationalize the concept and put it to an empirical test. Because in a subsequent study we would like to test van Eyck’s idea that play elements with an open function give rise to a wider variety of actions, we could not define openness in terms of the actual number of actions performed. After all, then van Eyck’s idea that openness entails a wider variety of actions is by definition true. A better candidate for measuring the degree of openness is parental judgments. As we have mentioned earlier, parents introduce their children to objects and explain to them what things are for and how they ought to be used (often in line with the intended purpose of the designer). Consequently, parents have a big role in how objects are perceived by children, and whether they are considered to be open or not. Hence, we decided to use the judgments of parents to determine the degree to which an element has an open function. Second, based on video recordings of children playing in this playground, we examined whether they are attracted to the elements with a higher degree of open function as van Eyck surmised. Is it true that elements that do not suggest a certain action are most attractive, or is some suggestion needed to give an element some appeal? Generally, playgrounds are not designed for older children. However, as the Parkour playground is also frequently used by (professional) free runners, and is actually partly designed for them, we hypothesized that this playground would also be interesting for the older children in an elementary school. Hence, we observed the play behavior of children from different age groups, and examined to what extent they were attracted to the different play elements. In line with van Eyck’s surmise, we hypothesized that children will be attracted to play elements with an open function.



Forty-eight children (29 girls and 19 boys) from an elementary school in the Netherlands participated in the study. The children were recruited from three different classes with children of different years of age (range 5-12years). See for the children’s characteristics of each group. Both parents and/or guardians gave permission for the children’s participation by signing an informed consent. In addition, and as mentioned in the introduction, to determine the degree to which the play elements have an open function, we asked parents to fill out a questionnaire (see below). Twenty parents (17 female and 3 male; mean age 38.2±6.3years) participated and gave informed consent. Importantly, although these participants were the parents of elementary school children, they were ignorant with respect to the Parkour playground—they were not the parents of the participating children; rather we recruited them at a schoolyard of another elementary school in the Netherlands. The study was approved by the local institution’s ethics committee.

Table 1. Characteristics of the different groups of children (mean ± SD).

Materials and procedure

Questionnaire to determine the degree of open function

To determine the degree to which the different play elements have an open function, we used a questionnaire in which parents were provided with pictures of the 6 different play elements (see ). They were asked what behavior children will mainly perform on each of the elements; for each element one specific action was to be mentioned. The idea behind the question was that play elements with an open function will give rise to more different answers than elements with a less open function. After all, if an element has a clear, designated function (e.g., swing) and, thus, suggests a certain action, many parents are likely to give the same answer (e.g., swinging). If the function of the element is less clear (and thus more open), a wider variety of answers is to be expected. That is, we believe that we can take the number of different answers as a measure for how strongly a play element suggests a certain action—the greater the number of actions mentioned for a certain element, the less clear the suggestion is, and thus the higher the degree of open function of the element.

Figure 3. The different play elements that were installed at the Parkour Playground.

Figure 3. The different play elements that were installed at the Parkour Playground.

Play behavior in the playground

At a schoolyard, a Parkour playground was installed in an area of approximately 15.7 by 13.7 meters (see ). At the playground, six different play elements were placed: a Spider Cage, a Gibbonswing, a Tic-Tac Cube, three Precision Balls, a Vault Rails, and three Precision Bars (see ). One group of children at a time was asked to play for ten minutes at the Parkour playground. The playground was installed more than a year before our study. Hence, children were already familiar with the set-up. The children did not receive any instructions—they were free to play, but they were encouraged not to leave the playground and they were not allowed to use toys. This latter restriction was implemented because we were interested in which of the available play elements attracted the children most, not in the current trends in toys.

During the play sessions, the children’s behavior was filmed with two cameras (GoPro Hero 4 Silver). Each camera was placed at one side of the Parkour playground to capture the whole playground on film. The recordings started as soon as all children were present in the playground.

Data analysis


As mentioned above, to determine whether the element has an open function, twenty parents indicated for each of the six elements what action the children will mainly perform on it (see Appendix). We first counted for each element the number of different terms that the parents had used. However, this number is not necessarily a good indication of the degree to which the element has an open function. After all, different parents might have used different terms to refer to the same action. For example, for the Spider Cage, one parent answered “clambering”, three others answered “climbing on”, whereas others used simply “climbing” (see Appendix). However, they might have used these different terms to refer to the same action. To overcome this problem, we asked twelve students human movement sciences to group terms together that refer to the same action. These students were not aware of the overall purpose of the study. Each student was presented with a picture of the element, and cards with the different terms that the parents had used to describe the action that the children will mainly perform on this element. Subsequently, each student was asked to group terms together if they, in her view, referred to the same action—she was to put a card on top of the other card(s) that referred to the same action. The number of piles, that is, the number of action categories that each student had made, arguably provided a better indication of the number of different actions the parents had indicated for each element. Hence, we used these numbers of action categories in our data analyses, assuming that the higher the number of categories for a play element, the weaker the element suggests a certain action and, thus, the higher the degree of open function of the element.

Play behavior

To determine the attractiveness of the different play elements, we used two measures. In line with earlier studies (e.g., Kuh, Ponte, & Chau, Citation2013), we determined the “attracting power” (Peart, Citation1984) of the elements, that is, the percentage of children who played with or on the element. Second, we determined for each element, the time each child spent playing with it. To that end, we analyzed the video recordings of the play behavior using The Observer XT 11.5 (Noldus Information Technology, Wageningen, the Netherlands). Every two seconds, we coded the dominant element the child was playing with or on. Playing was defined as having an intentional relationship with the element. This could be physical contact with the element (e.g., climbing in the Spider Cage) but this contact was not required. For example, a child hiding under the Tic-Tac Cube is also having an intentional relationship with it, without touching it. And the same holds true for a child jumping over the Precision Bars.

We distinguished the following elements: the Spider Cage, the Gibbonswing, the Tic-Tac Cube, the Precision Balls, the Vault Rails, and the Precision Bars. If a child did not engage in an intentional relationship with one of the six play elements, but was playing at the ground surface this was coded as ‘Ground’. Furthermore, the category ‘Not Visible’ was used when the dominant location could not be determined, because either the child had left the playground or it was not clear from both videotapes where the child was playing. One observer coded the play locations of all children during the 10-minute play sessions. To determine the interrater reliability, a second observer coded the locations of ten randomly chosen children. A high agreement between the observers was found (Cohen’s κ=0.919).


Open functions of the play elements

We first tested whether the different play elements indeed vary in the degree to which they have an open function. presents the results of the students’ categorization of the actions that the parents had mentioned (see Appendix). A Friedman test on the number of action categories made per element was significant (χ2(5) = 47.357, p < .001). Siegel and Castellan’s post hoc test (Citation1988) revealed significant differences between the Spider Cage and the Tic-Tac Cube, Precision Balls, Vault Rails, and the Precision Bars. Significant differences were also found between the Gibbonswing and the Tic-Tac Cube, Precision Balls, and the Vault Rails. This indicates that the Spider Cage and the Gibbonswing have a lower degree of open function than (all but one of) the other elements.

Table 2. The number of action categories that each student human movement sciences has made based on the terms that the parents had used to describe what action, in their view, children will mainly perform on each of the different play elements (see Appendix).

Attractiveness of the play elements

To determine whether children were attracted to elements with an open function, we first examined the time they had spent on the different elements and on the ground. The mean absolute time each group of children played with an element or on the ground is depicted in . Because the data were not normally distributed, we conducted Friedman tests on the time they had spent on the elements (in these analyses the time on the Ground was included, the time Not Visible was not). For each age group, the test turned out to be significant (ps < 0.001). Post hoc tests (Siegel & Castellan, Citation1988) revealed that the 7-to-8year olds and the 11-to-12year olds spent more time on the Ground than on the Tic-Tac Cube, Precision Balls, Precision Bars, and Vault Rails. For the 5-to-6years old children, the time on the Ground was significantly different from the time on the Precision Balls, Precision Bars, and Vault Rails. When focusing on the attractiveness of the different play elements, we observed that for each age group, children spent more time playing on the Spider Cage than on the Tic-Tac Cube, Precision Balls, Precision Bars, and Vault Rails. The 5-to-6year olds found the Spider Cage also more appealing than the Gibbonswing. And the 11-to-12years old children spent more time playing at the Gibbsonswing than at the Precision Bars. Overall, this suggests that children are more attracted to the elements with a less open function (i.e., Spider Cage) than to the elements with a more open function (Tic-tac Cube, Precision Balls, Precision Bars, and Vault rails).

Figure 4. The mean absolute play time at each element and the ground for the different groups of children. The error bars indicate one standard deviation.

Figure 4. The mean absolute play time at each element and the ground for the different groups of children. The error bars indicate one standard deviation.

Interestingly, inspection of suggests that there were differences between the age groups in the time they had spent on the elements. To test whether there were indeed age differences, a Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for each element and the Ground. Significant differences between the age groups were found for the Ground, the Spider Cage, the Tic-Tac Cube, the Precision Balls, and the Precision Bars (ps < 0.05). Arguably the most interesting finding of the post-hoc tests (Siegel & Castellan, Citation1988) is that the oldest children spent more time playing on the ground than the other two age groups did. Apparently, the play elements did not attract them as much as they attracted the younger children. When it comes to the elements with the lowest degree of open function (i.e., Spider Cage, Gibbonswing), we found that the 5-to-6year olds and the 7-to-8year olds spent more time on the Spider Cage than the 11-to-12years old children. For the Precision balls, one of the elements with a more open function, it was the other way around. And lastly, the 5-to-6years old children spent longer time playing at the Tac-Tac Cube and the Precision Bars than the 7-to-8year olds.

depicts the attracting powers of the elements per group of children. Recall that the “attracting power” is the percentage of children who played at an element during the total playing time (see Peart, Citation1984). This dependent measure revealed that the Spider Cage was visited by all children. Apparently, the element with the lowest degree of open function was attractive for all children. The Gibbonswing, the other element with a low degree of open function, attracted all the 11-to-12year olds, about 80% of the 5-to-6years olds, and about 60% of the 7-to-8year olds. For the elements with a more open function, there were also differences between the age groups. For the Precision Balls, the Precision Bars, and the Tic-Tac Cube, the results are largely similar to the analyses of the time spent on the elements. The Vault Rails was more visited by the 5-to-6year olds and the 11-to-12year olds than by the 7-to-8year olds.

Figure 5. The attracting power of each element for the different groups of children.

Figure 5. The attracting power of each element for the different groups of children.

One might argue that many of the above findings are to be expected. After all, if the children would move randomly through the playground, it can be expected that they would spend more time at the Spider Cage and the Ground than at the other elements simply because of their greater surface areas. To test this, we first determined for each play element the total surface area. Of each part of a certain play element (e.g., ball, rod, plank) we determined the surface area and added them up to compute the total surface area of the play element (see ). Subsequently, we computed for each age group one-sided Spearman correlations between the mean absolute play time on the elements (and the Ground) and their surface areas. The analyses indeed revealed significant positive relationships for each of the three age groups (5-to-6year olds: rs = 0.714, p=0.036; 7-to-8year olds: rs = 0.893, p=0.003; 11-to-12year olds: rs = 0.893, p=0.003).

Table 3. Surface areas of the ground and the different elements.

To correct for the surface areas, we computed the relative play times—for each element we divided the absolute play time by its surface area. The mean relative play times are depicted in . Again, for each age group, the Friedman test was significant (ps < 0.001). However, the results of the post hoc tests (Siegel & Castellan, Citation1988) changed. For the 11-to-12year olds, we found significant differences between the (relative) time spent at the Gibbonswing and the Precision Balls compared to the Ground. The 5-to-6years old children spent more time playing at the Spider Cage and the Vault Rails than at the Ground and the Precision Balls. And for the 7-to-8years old children, we found that the time spent at the Spider Cage differed from the time spent at the Tic-Tac Cube and the Precision Bars. The fact that the Spider Cage was more popular than the Precision Balls (for the 5-to-6year olds), and the Tic-Tac Cube and the Precision Bars (for the 7-to-8year olds) indicates that an element with a less open function still “wins” even if you correct for their surface areas. However, for relative time, this effect is less pronounced than it was for absolute time. In fact, for the 11-12years old children, such a conclusion can no longer be drawn.

Figure 6. The mean relative play time (absolute play time divided by surface area) at each element and the ground for the different groups of children. The error bars indicate one standard deviation.

Figure 6. The mean relative play time (absolute play time divided by surface area) at each element and the ground for the different groups of children. The error bars indicate one standard deviation.


In the present study, we aimed to measure the degree to which play elements have an “open function”, that is, do not suggest a certain type of behavior. In addition, we examined whether children are attracted to elements which such a function. Children of different age groups played freely in a Parkour playground that consists of play equipment that was supposed to vary in the degree of having an open function. Based on the judgments of parents on what action children will mainly perform on each of the elements, we concluded that certain play elements indeed have a higher degree of open function than others. The play behavior of the children, however, revealed that the children were less attracted to the former than to the latter. In the remainder of this discussion, we will explore the implications of our findings.

Open function

Our study was built on the concept of “open function” that was used by the art historian Fuchs (Citation2002) to capture a characteristic of Aldo van Eyck’s play equipment. Indeed, van Eyck believed that the abstract forms of his play element were attractive to children because they stimulate the imagination and creativity. Instead of suggesting a certain action as most traditional play equipment does, his elements were not designed with a specific action in mind (see also Hertzberger (Citation1991) and Rietveld and Rietveld (Citation2011) for a similar line of thinking). In the introduction, we placed the concept of “open function” in the context of Gibson’s theory of affordances, and applied it to the elements of the Parkour playground.

Over the last decades, the concept of affordances has been frequently used to understand children’s play. Inspired by the seminal paper of Heft (Citation1988) on the affordances in children’s environments, several authors have adopted (and extended) Heft’s taxonomy to capture the possibilities for play in both urban and rural settings (e.g., Kyttä, Citation2002, Citation2004; Sandseter, Citation2009; Storli & Hagen, Citation2010). These insightful studies focused on what actions are possible in certain contexts, and they aimed to explain the different play behavior in terms of these possibilities. The present study also adopts the concept of affordance to understand play elements and arguably takes it one step further—instead of assuming that the environment is a manifold of possibilities, we surmised that certain elements can suggest certain behavior, that is, one of the element’s many affordances can stand out.

It is important to stress that such suggestions should not be equated with the concept of solicitations that is gaining momentum in the Gibsonian approach (e.g., Bruineberg & Rietveld, Citation2014; Dreyfus & Kelly, Citation2002; Heft, Citation2010; Käufer & Chemero, Citation2015; Rietveld, Citation2008; Withagen, de Poel, Araújo, & Pepping, Citation2012). The fact that a play element suggests a certain action does not mean that it will also solicit it. Indeed, the hypothesis of this study was that elements with a clear function will be less interesting than elements with an open function, and, thus, will not solicit behavior to a similar degree.

To our knowledge, this is the first study that aimed to quantify the degree to which an element has an open function. As mentioned in the introduction, because in a subsequent study, we would like to examine whether elements with an open function give rise to a greater number of actions, we could not define the former in terms of the latter. After all, then the claim that openness results in more different actions goes by definition. More importantly, and as we will illustrate with a specific example in the next section, a high degree of openness does not necessarily mean that it will be used in many ways. Perhaps some suggestion is needed to spark the creativity of the children. In addition, and as mentioned in the introduction, an object with a designated function affords being bad and might foster pretend play. Hence, an object with a clear function might actually be used in multiple ways.

To determine the degree of openness, we decided to use parental judgments of the objects. The reason was that parents introduce their children to objects, explaining to them what objects are for and how they should be used. Consequently, they determine at least partly how open an object is. We asked the parents what behavior children will mainly perform on the element, and assumed that a greater variety of answers indicates that the suggested function of the element was less clear and, thus, more open. As there are no other tests of open functions available, it is impossible to determine the concurrent validity of this method. However, we consider our results to be promising. As expected, we found that the Spider Cage and the Gibbonswing are the elements with the lowest degree of open function. Hence, our test seems to have face validity, it seems to provide insight into how strongly a play element suggests a certain action.

The attractiveness of play elements with an open function

In keeping with Aldo van Eyck’s line of thinking, we hypothesized that play elements with an open function will be more attractive for children than elements which suggest a certain type of behavior. However, our results did not confirm our hypothesis. In fact, we found that the Spider Cage attracted the children more than the Tic-Tac Cube, the Precision Balls, the Precision Bars, and the Vault Rails. However, these latter elements have a more open function than the Spider Cage. Even if we corrected for the size of the play elements (the Spider Cage was the largest play element), we still found that for the 5-to-6 and 7-to-8year olds, the Spider Cage was more appealing than some of the other elements. Hence, we tentatively conclude that children are more attracted to the Parkour elements with a less open function than to elements with a more open function.

A possible reason for this finding, and one that we hinted at in the previous section, is that children need some suggestion on what to do with an element to actively engage with it. That is, an abstract form that does not suggest any type of behavior might simply be not appealing—in fact, it might even make the child feel alienated. The project “Close Encounter” of the artist Oscar Lhermitte (Citation2009) provides an apt illustration of such alienation. As he stated at his website, he designed “a series of unnamed objects that have been designed without any function but with the purpose to fulfill an unpredicted need”. As the pictures on the site reveal, people encountering these objects have no clue what to do with them. Granted, the play elements in the Parkour playground that we studied are less extreme, and children were already familiar with the equipment, but a possible explanation of the results might be found along these lines.

However, it is important to stress that our conclusion that children are more attracted to elements with a less open function than to elements with a more open function is tentative. As mentioned in the introduction, of all the play elements available at this moment, we believe that the used Parkour elements are the most appropriate ones to test our hypothesis. Yet, they were not perfect. Indeed, they varied in more dimensions than simply the degree of open function. They also varied in their heights, their sizes, the number of children who can play on them simultaneously, the affordances that can be actualized, and so on. Although we have corrected for some of these factors by computing the children’s playing time relative to the surface areas of the play elements, and know from other studies that height in and of itself is often not a critical factor (e.g., Wakes & Beukes, Citation2012), we cannot exclude other factors that might possibly explain our results. For example, the fact that the Spider Cage was most attractive might simply be the result of the children’s preference for climbing. In future studies, we would ideally create different play elements that are equal in size and height, have similar affordances, but vary in degree of openness. If children are then still more attracted to the elements with a less open function than to the elements with a more function, our conclusion is further supported.

Concluding remarks

In the present study, children played for only a short period of time in the Parkour playground. In future studies it would be interesting to examine the play behavior over a longer time span and to see whether and how it evolves. Are children attracted to certain play elements immediately after installation of the playground? Does it change over time? And to what extent is a possible change related to the fact that the elements vary in the degree to which they have an open function? Moreover, the play behavior needs to be scrutinized.

As mentioned in the introduction, in the present study we decided to focus on the attractiveness of the play elements, and leave the question of whether element with an open function give rise to wider variety of action to a future study. The reason for this was two-fold. First, in our view, testing van Eyck’s hypothesis that elements with an open function attract children more than elements with a less open function is a precursor to an examination of the reason for why they do so. Second, the available taxonomies of play behavior (or affordances) are arguably not fine grained enough to capture the variety of actions that children are likely to engage in when playing at the Parkour playground. For example, there is a number of different ways to jump over the Precision Balls that the taxonomies of, for example, Heft (Citation1988) and Kyttä (Citation2002, Citation2004) are not able to capture. In future work we would like to look into that, working on developing a proper taxonomy that does justice to the great variety of actions that the elements afford. Although the present study revealed that for children the abstract play elements of the Parkour playground are less attractive than the Spider Cage, they might nonetheless stimulate a variety of actions that are beneficial for the motor development of the children. Hence, the actions that are performed at each of the elements need to be studied.

Declaration of interest statement

The authors have declared that no conflict of interest exists.


We would like to thank the school, the parents, and the children for their willingness to participate in the study. Yalp is gratefully acknowledged for introducing the wonderful Parkour Playgrounds in the Netherlands, and for inviting us to do research on it. Thanks to Jitse van der Valk for his great help in analyzing the data, to Matt Dicks for introducing us to the interesting work of Oscar Lhermitte, and to the editor and two anonymous reviewers for useful feedback on earlier versions of this manuscript.


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Appendix. The translated terms (original was in Dutch) that the parents used to indicate what action children will mainly perform on each of the different play elements