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Review Articles

From food waste to functional component: Cashew apple pomace



Globally, large numbers of people suffer from undernourishment and food insecurity, while a third of food produced is lost or wasted. The widely cultivated cashew nut produces large quantities of waste in early processing. It grows on an edible peduncle called the cashew apple which contains many essential nutrients. An estimated 36.9 million tons of cashew apples are produced annually, but only small amounts are used to make juice. The remainder is considered production waste. This review presents the potential of cashew apple pomace as a food ingredient and examines the effects of incorporation on chemical composition, physical properties and sensory evaluation. Inclusion in optimized amounts into food products is a strategy proven to produce palatable results with high acceptability. Transforming this manufacturing by-product into a functional food component will have economic benefits, improve resource-utilization, promote sustainability and potentially increase the nutritional value of foods.


To feed the world, the food industry faces a global challenge of creating a system that has a lower impact on the environment, while still feeding the growing population. Successfully meeting this challenge will assure a sustainable food future. If solutions are not found, there will be disastrous results regarding food security, the climate, and humanity (Flanagan, Robertson, and Hanson Citation2019). Currently, 1 in 9 people in the world suffer from undernourishment, and 2 billion have micronutrient deficiencies (Yadav and Maurya Citation2022). Innovation and planning are needed, as the population is expected to rise, requiring more than a 50% increase in food production in order to feed close to 10 billion people in 2050 (Searchinger et al. Citation2019).

Part of the answer may lie in reducing food waste. It is estimated that 1/3 of all food produced is lost or wasted. Thirty percent of this happens at the production stage, with fruit and vegetables having the highest losses (Moshtaghian, Bolton, and Rousta Citation2021). Though there are several definitions of food loss and waste, commonly it is considered “food that is intended for human consumption but that leaves the food supply chain somewhere between being ready for harvest or slaughter and being consumed” (Flanagan, Robertson, and Hanson Citation2019). Some definitions include what is termed inedible parts, like pits and bones, recognizing that what is considered inedible by some, is regarded as food by others. This can also be influenced by technology and availability (Okayama, Watanabe, and Yamakawa Citation2021).

The common cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is the third most produced edible nut in the world and is a major cash crop (Kolliesuah et al. Citation2020). In 2020 4.1 million tons of cashew nuts were produced in 38 countries around the world, mostly in developing areas (FAO STAT Citation2021a). Currently, leading producers include Côte d’Ivoire, India, Vietnam, Burundi and the Philippines (Apeda Agrixchange Citation2020).

The edible portion is divided into two parts: the cashew nut (the kernel and the true fruit), and the cashew apple (CA), an enlarged peduncle, also called a pseudo fruit (). The cashew apple makes up approximately 90% of the weight of the cashew fruit (Akyereko et al. Citation2022), translating into production of around 36.9 million tons of cashew apples. This pseudo fruit is greatly underutilized, in most cases considered a waste product (Tamiello-Rosa et al. Citation2019). Only 1.3 million tons is being used in commercial production (FAO STAT Citation2021b) which translates into a mere 3.5% of the available product. When consumed, the peduncle is largely used for juice/beverage production, as has been observed in Brazil (Pinho et al. Citation2011).

Figure 1. Cashew nut inside shell (A) and Cashew Apple (B) (Sucupira et al. Citation2020- reprinted with permission).

Figure 1. Cashew nut inside shell (A) and Cashew Apple (B) (Sucupira et al. Citation2020- reprinted with permission).

Cashew apple (CA) is known to have a unique nutritional profile with a vitamin C content up to six times higher than orange juice, as well as other phytochemicals (primarily carotenoids, flavonoids, anacardic acid and tannins), vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers (Das and Arora Citation2017). The nutrient composition underscores the potential to be developed as a functional food, adding economic value and reducing waste (Prakoso and Mubarok Citation2021). To meet the definition of a functional food, regular consumption of the cashew apple, or products made from CA, must be part of a diverse diet at efficacious levels. Additionally, positive effects on health beyond basic nutrition must be established (Granato et al. Citation2020). Several studies indicate that cashew apple products and extracts impact the microbiome (Menezes et al. Citation2021), improve metabolic parameters (Carvalho et al. Citation2019; Dionísio et al. Citation2015; e Silva et al. Citation2020) and provide gastro-protective effects (da Silva et al. Citation2021). Despite promising data from animal studies and small clinical trials, currently, there is insufficient evidence to categorize CA or CA products as a functional ingredient for humans.

Some field studies have reported that farmers eat cashew apples in the orchards, as a hunger and thirst quencher, but this is limited to consumption during farming activities (Dimoso, Makule, and Kassim Citation2020). Clearly, CA is suitable for eating, but only a negligible portion is utilized in this manner, leaving the majority of the apples to rot (Lawal et al. Citation2011). Wasting of this potential food source is attributed to numerous factors such as inadequate knowledge (Nwosu, Adejumo, and Udoha Citation2016) accompanied by lack of processing skills and post-harvest technology (Dimoso et al. Citation2021). High perishability, astringent properties and the seasonal availability further reduce use of this product (Prakoso and Mubarok Citation2021). To overcome these challenges, chemical, physical and/or biological processing can be done (Reina et al. Citation2022). Several methods have been applied to preserve the product and reduce astringency, like steaming, use of clarifying agents and microfiltration (Das and Arora Citation2017). Drying is also a good way to increase shelf-life and is convenient for storage and transport. Dehydration has the potential of being carried out on a small scale locally, or at industrial levels (Dimoso, Makule, and Kassim Citation2020; Lima et al. Citation2014).

A minor amount of CA is processed into juice, and from the juice extraction, up to 20% pomace/bagasse/pulp/residual fibers are left. In some cases, this by-product is used as animal feed, but is often discarded and handled as garbage, having a negative environmental impact (Esparza et al. Citation2020; Sucupira et al. Citation2020). Limited shelf-life and lack of information regarding alternative usage has led to significant food waste (Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016).

One can argue that if food is used for animals or to enrich the soil it should not be considered a loss or waste. However, this represents a reduced food supply, which means that more food needs to be grown, demanding additional resources. Food loss and waste calculated as a country, would be the third biggest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. The size of the agricultural area required to grow the food that is wasted would be the size of China (Flanagan, Robertson, and Hanson Citation2019). The inefficient use of produce has an estimated cost of $1 trillion per year (Searchinger et al. Citation2019). Increasing focus has been placed on preventing food waste, which can play a critical role in reaching the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations (United Nations Citation2022). This includes responsible consumption and reducing food loss (Jacob-John et al. Citation2021). A Food Waste Hierarchy was developed by the European Union that illustrates the most preferred to the least preferred solutions for solving the challenge of food waste (EUR-Lex Citation2018). "Source prevention" is considered the best way to reduce waste. The next best method is to engage in "Food recovery" which focuses on redistribution via food banks and similar networks. This is followed by "Repurposing", incorporating “waste” into other products. There is a wide range of studies looking at the utilization of fruit- and vegetable by-products in food production (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018; Quiles et al. Citation2018; Santos, da Silva, and Pintado Citation2022), this includes repurposing of pomace/peel etc. into a flour that can be incorporated into other food products. This is seen as a promising technology, as it can be used in numerous applications, increase the economic value of the material, promote sustainability, and be used as a functional food ingredient (Amaral et al. Citation2021). However, the inclusion of these new ingredients can alter the properties of the product, biochemically, and technologically with impact on organoleptic properties. Therefore, studies are needed to assess each material, and evaluate new product acceptability (Muniz et al. Citation2020).

To the best of our knowledge, there is no review article that summarizes the findings of the utilization of cashew apple pomace as a food ingredient. Given the large amount of material that is produced, and for economic, environmental and ethical reasons, this review aims to evaluate cashew apple pomace (CAP) as a potential functional food ingredient. It will discuss how the incorporation of cashew apple pomace influences the chemical, physical and sensorial evaluation of food products.

Studies were identified by searching the electronic databases PubMed and Google Scholar and scanning reference lists of included articles. The key words used were: “cashew apple pomace”, “cashew apple bagasse”, “cashew apple fiber”, “cashew apple fibers”, “cashew pomace”, “cashew fiber”, “cashew apple powder”, and additionally “cashew apple” in PubMed. No limits to study design or time were imposed. Studies had to be conducted on the cashew apple from Anacardium occidentale L. (the common, commercial cashew tree), use cashew apple pomace as a food ingredient, and include a sensory analysis. Studies that utilized extracts made from the CAP, or including other complex biotechnological methods, making implementation more difficult in a low-resource setting, were excluded.

The search across databases generated a total of 1958 studies, out of which 26 studies met the specified inclusion criteria ().

Figure 2. Review flow chart

Figure 2. Review flow chart

Cashew apple composition

In order to valorize the cashew apple, the chemical composition should first be established (Kouassi et al. Citation2018). Numerous analyses in different laboratories have been carried out and the overall composition of 100 grams of the whole cashew apple (CA), the pomace (CAP) and dried powder are presented with citations in . As with most fruits, the whole cashew apple is predominately water (81.3–85%), with approximately 1% protein, negligible amounts of lipid (<0.7%), and between 8.4 and 10.6 g/100 g of sugar. Fiber content was measured to be 3.6%, with ash at 1%. The pH was between 3.8 and 5.1, with significant amounts of ascorbic acid (101.6–330 mg/100 g) but only small quantities of Vitamin A and carotenoids. The fruit is a rich source of phenolic compounds (815.3 mg GAE/100 g) and tannins (376.4-1387.8 mg/100 g), and with different amounts of minerals. As expected, analyses of the wet CAP that remained following juice extraction reflected reduced moisture content (67–78.8%) with higher concentrations of most other components. Protein content was increased (1.8%–4.9%) along with total carbohydrates (13.9–19%) and a significant amount of dietary fiber (11.8–12.5 g). Converting the CAP to a dry powder (CAPP) lowered moisture to 3.5–9.3% with marked increases in all macronutrients, most notably carbohydrates. The powder was made up of 44.5–77.5% carbohydrates including reports of 35–79% dietary fiber. Ascorbic Acid ranged from ∼ 6 to 900 mg and phenolic composition, including tannins, remained high during the drying process.

Table 1. Overview of the chemical composition of whole cashew apple and wet and dried apple pomace.

The high moisture content of the whole apple allows for juice extraction and as seen in the composition data; the cashew apple pomace produced following juice extraction is a good source of bioactive compounds (Sucupira et al. Citation2020). Variability in composition results from location of cultivation, variety of CA, soil content, method used for analysis etc. (Reina et al. Citation2022). The techniques used in processing also influence the content. For example, in some studies, the pomace was washed and steamed before drying. In other studies, it was dried directly. This influences sugar content, pH, vitamin levels, and acidity.

One study assessed the difference between commercial CAP, from a juice factory, and “artisanal” CAP produced manually. Significant differences were found for vitamin C (20.3 mg/100 g and 901.2 mg/100 g), total phenolics (49.80 mg GAE/100 g and 97.44 mg GAE/100 g) and antioxidant activity (TAA DPPH 31.92 μM Trolox/g and 109.76 μM Trolox/g). It was stated that the freshness of the industrial pomace was uncertain. Cashew apple is known to have a high content of ascorbic acid, but as seen, the processing conditions greatly affect the content. It is well known that compounds like vitamin C, are susceptible to degradation when exposed to heat, light and oxygen (Sucupira et al. Citation2020). Still, when looking at the content found in most studies, where several used commercial CAP, Vitamin C content was higher than that found in lemons, mandarins, oranges and peppers (Kapur et al. Citation2012). This indicates that cashew apple pomace is a good source of vitamin C.

The protein content of the CAPP (up to 13.8%) was found to be higher than what is commonly reported for flours made from fruit peels (3-6%). Protein content is usually higher for seeds, but amounts are variable (e.g., mango kernel with 8% and 28.6% in papaya seed flour) (Larrosa and Otero Citation2021). The lipid content for CAPP varied (0.86-4.85%) but was overall relatively low and is comparable to what is normally found in fruit peel (2%).

The dietary fiber content reported in the dried CAP varied greatly (34.99-79%) but was higher than that of several other similar products such as dried peach pomace (30.7%) and apple pomace (35.5%) (Matias et al. Citation2005; Quiles et al. Citation2018). Levels of soluble dietary fiber found in CAPP (8%) were higher than those found in watermelon peel powder (3.17%) (Garcia-Amezquita et al. Citation2018) and lemon pomace (6.83%) (Quiles et al. Citation2018), but depending on the study, data was lower than for carrots (22.7%), apples (20.27%) and orange pomace (13.42%) (Santos, da Silva, and Pintado Citation2022).

Identified studies

Twenty-six articles were found where cashew apple pomace (CAP) was used as a food ingredient and included sensory analysis. An overview of the studies is presented in . Ten were published between 2020 and 2022, showing the increasing interest in these products. The studies were from Brazil (n = 18), Nigeria (n = 5), India (n = 2) and Thailand (n = 1). The large number of studies from Brazil is not surprising, as it is one of the few countries that utilizes cashew apple for juice production, leaving the pomace as a waste material (Santos, et al. Citation2007).

Table 2. Overview of studies that utilize wet cashew apple pomace (CAP) or dried powder (CAPP) as a food ingredient.

Food products that were used to incorporate the CAP included nine varieties of burgers and meat substitutes; eleven types of baked goods (cakes, cookies, biscuits), local Brazilian dishes, jam, croquettes, and a cereal based extrudate. The pomace in 16 of the studies was dried and used as a cashew apple pomace powder (CAPP), while in ten of the studies, the cashew apple pomace was used without drying. The wet CAP was most often chosen (7 out of 9) for burger or meat substitute formulation including vegetarian and fish options. Ten of the studies used commercially manufactured pomace, while others started with apples that were sanitized and washed, followed by juice extraction. A smaller number of the studies directly dried the CAP, while others had varied approaches for processing the pomace. Blanching, hot water treatment and the use of a salt-solution were all strategies used before incorporation into new products. Several studies washed the fibers numerous times, potentially removing water soluble tannins, reducing acidity, astringency (Lima et al. Citation2017; Lima et al. Citation2018; Maciel Citation2022; Portela Citation2022; Saldanha Citation2022) and also modifying sugar content (do Nascimento et al. Citation2021), which impacts taste and acceptability.

A wide range of concentrations of CAP(P) were used in producing different foods. Control foods contained no pomace and the majority of formulations used no more than 20% in the food product. Some of the studies focused on substituting a percentage of wheat flour, rice flour, meat or vegetable fat, while others added CAP in varying amounts for new product development.

Composition of new formulations

The addition, replacement or partial substitution of ingredients with CAP(P) impacted the chemical composition of the final food product (). The differences in chemical composition of foods seen with the addition of CAP(P) were directly correlated with the composition of the CA but was also influenced by the make-up of the component of the food product it was replacing or substituting.

Moisture or water content decreased in some products where the cashew apple pomace had a lower moisture content than the ingredient it was replacing (Akubor Citation2016; de Morais et al. Citation2018; Lima Citation2008; Pinho et al. Citation2011). For example, in a study where 14.27% of meat was replaced with CAPP (dried powder) in hamburger, the moisture content decreased from 71.1% to 63.38% (Pinho et al. Citation2011).

The opposite was observed when CAP (wet) was incorporated into vegetarian “burgers”, where a commercial control had 59.2% moisture, while the experimental formulation with lentils and 20% CAP had 67.02% water (Maciel Citation2022).

Similarly, when CAP was used to replace meat and vegetable fat, a reduction in the lipid content was reported (Barros et al. Citation2012; Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016; Pinho et al. Citation2011). This is clearly due to the fact that CAP has a low lipid content. Washed CAP was used as a fat replacer in meat products and different amounts were tested. Using just 4.5% CAP in chicken patties decreased the lipid content from 7.62% to 4.40% (Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016). However, the lipid content increased in three other products by 0.37% (cake), 2.46% (cookies) and 5% (cereal bar) (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992; de Araújo et al. Citation2021; Muniz et al. Citation2020), when partially replacing wheat flour and oats. Two of these studies fermented the CAPP, but the overall trend was a reduction of fats in food products. Commonly, energy value was also reduced in cases where it was measured. For example, in a study conducted by Maciel (Citation2022), in a vegan burger, lipid content decreased from 12.1% to 0.8% with 20% CAP and the caloric value was reduced from 213 to 130 kcal/100 g.

In general, lower protein concentrations were measured in the newly formulated products. This was improved by either supplementation and substitution with higher protein products like soy or cowpea or with fermentation (Akubor, Egbekun, and Obiegbuna Citation2014; Lima et al. Citation2017; Lima et al. Citation2018). Fermentation is an example of how the processing of the CAP(P) can influence the chemical composition and can be utilized to improve nutritional content. A microorganism, like yeast, utilizes carbohydrates, and as the microorganisms proliferate, the relative amount of protein increases. Protein content of the CAPP was eleven times higher after 9 hours of fermentation (Muniz et al. Citation2020), and went from 5.2% to 11.5% after 96 hours of fermentation. The ether extract went from 14 to 19%, while carbohydrates decreased from 43.2 to 19.2% (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992).

In the majority of studies, the amount of ash and carbohydrates was reported to increase with the addition of CAP(P). This is most likely attributable to the increase in soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. Pinho et al. (Citation2011) found that the carbohydrate content increased from 0.39% to 10.96% when 14.27% of the meat (high protein food) was replaced with CAPP, and the total dietary fiber increased from 0% to 7.66%. In contrast, de Araújo et al. (Citation2021) found that the carbohydrate in cookies went from 71.56% in control to 48.83% with 15% CAPP when replacing wheat flour. However, dietary fiber content went from 5.7% to 22.6%.

CA was found to be a rich source of minerals, and in one study, it was substituted for rice flour in increasing amounts. As rice flour does not have a high mineral content, the utilization of CA was very beneficial, increasing the content from 0.76% to 0.87% when using 25% CAPP (Preethi et al. Citation2021).

Fruit and vegetables are known to be a source of minerals, but there are only a limited number of studies looking at the mineral content in fruit and vegetable by-products (Santos, da Silva, and Pintado Citation2022). An indication of the mineral content is often determined by the percentage of ash (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020). The ash found in CAPP was 0.74-2.70%, but the lowest quantity was found in a study where the CAP was washed (Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016). This can be explained by the fact that minerals are water-soluble (Callahan, Leonard, and Powell Citation2020). When comparing the ash content to other materials, one study found that cassava flour had 1.60% (Ogunjobi and Ogunwolu Citation2010), while soybean flour had 3.20%, wheat flour 0.9% (Akubor, Egbekun, and Obiegbuna Citation2014), rice flour 0.52%, corn flour 0.20% (Preethi et al. Citation2021), acerola 3.08% and guava 3.56% (Batista et al. Citation2018). Thus, cashew apple pomace is thought to be a relatively good source of minerals, especially compared to that found in cereals. A few studies analyzed mineral content of the new formulations and overall, addition of CAP(P) enhanced levels. Specifically, one study found, calcium went from 9.30 to 24.90 mg/g, copper from 21.27 to 37.31 mg/g, manganese from 1.14 to 2.14 mg/g, magnesium from 0.82 to 1.86 mg/g, phosphorus from 12.83 to 17.17 mg/g, zinc from 1.54 to 2.95 mg/g, iron from 9.07 to 15.28 mg/g, boron from 0.94 to 1.16 mg/g and potassium from 1.7 to 14.4 mg/g when comparing to control (Preethi et al. Citation2021).

Cashew apple is naturally acidic, with different organic acids like anacardic acid, tartaric acid and ascorbic acid (Reina et al. Citation2022). This decreased the pH in many of the newly formulated products. Adegunwa et al. (Citation2020) found that the pH of the control cake was 5.62, while the pH after the addition of 30% CAP was 3.59.

This effect has also been documented with the incorporation of other fruit and vegetable flours into foods. For example, addition of cabbage (Pop, Suharoschi, and Pop Citation2021), peach and orange fibers can impact pH, but is largely dependent on the pH of the original food ingredients (Mehta et al. Citation2013).

In the studies that analyzed vitamin C, phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity, addition of CAP(P) increased content, coinciding with increased titratable acidity. Preethi et al. (Citation2021) found that the ascorbic acid content increased from 0 to 8.83 mg/100 g, phenols from 0,25 mg GAE/g to 2.03, flavonoids from 0.03 mg CTE/g to 0.18 and total antioxidant activity from 0.39 mg AAE/g to 2.88. when using 15% CAPP. One study in fish burgers suggested that the lower pH, as well as the increased content of carotenoid and antioxidant activity that was found using 11.76% CAP helped preserve the product during 120 days of frozen storage, as the control had higher levels of total volatile bases (TVBN) and trimethylamine (TMA) – indicators of degradation (Maciel Citation2022).

Processing conditions can influence the product composition, for example washing the pomace. This increased pH from 3.30 to 5.62, decreased acidity from 0.65% to 0.18% and soluble solids from 10.15 to 0.10 Brix. (Portela Citation2022). Similarly, Saldanha (Citation2022) increased the pH from 3.3 to 5.6 with 3 washings in a 1:2 ratio of CAP and water which reduced total soluble solids from 10.3 to 0.5. This was noted to be important for conservation/shelf life, as it reduces the growth of microorganisms. It must be taken into consideration that washing affects all water-soluble bio-compounds, including vitamins. These compounds tend to be sensitive to heat, oxygen and light and are also affected by processing and storage conditions (Sucupira et al. Citation2020).

Changes in physical properties of new products


Consistently, with the utilization of the CAP(P) in food formulations, darkening of the product occurred, as well as increased yellowness and redness. This was not surprising as in 12 out of 26 studies, where CAPP was used to partially replace wheat flour, oats or rice flour the natural darker color of CAPP was evident (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020; Muniz et al. Citation2020; Preethi et al. Citation2021). In addition, the phytochemicals in the CAP(P) can influence color and impact pigment degradation which will also lead to color changes. A negative effect on color was also been reported in studies where fruit and vegetable material was used in bakery products (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). In a few cases, the change in color was considered positive, such as the addition of 10-15% mango peel in tortilla chips (Pop, Suharoschi, and Pop Citation2021). In the studies using CAP(P) reviewed here, the sensory evaluation sometimes had its own category for color, and in other cases for appearance. Though the color and appearance in most cases was negatively affected by the addition of CAP(P), there were five studies where it had a positive influence when added in low concentrations (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992; da Silva Marques Citation2018; Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016; Muniz et al. Citation2020; Preethi et al. Citation2021). Improved color was found when CAPP was incorporated into cereal-based extrudates, cereal bars, chicken patties, fish burgers and one variety of cake. For most of these categories, the expectations of product appearance tended to be more variable, in comparison to traditionally light-colored cakes and biscuits.

Additional functional changes

The water absorption index/capacity (WAI/WAC) was seen to increase in all of the studies where tested, with the exception of one study. Oil absorption capacity (OAC) also was increased (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020). Wheat flour was found to have 75% WAC; in comparison the CAPP had 164%. This can most likely be attributed to the fiber content of CAP which contains polar and hydrophobic constituents that can impact absorption and binding capacity. An increase in the water retention/absorption was also found in a study where the CAP was fermented (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992). The same increase in water absorption, as well as oil absorption has been observed following washing of the pomace, where the OAC of the CAPP went from 130.82% to 213.4% and the WAC went from 152.20% to 252.50% with three rounds of washing (Portela Citation2022).

The high water absorption capacity is beneficial in many food applications that require hydration (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020). The same effect has been reported for other fruit and vegetable products used in studies with food applications (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018), where citrus is known to have a high water binding capacity (Pop, Suharoschi, and Pop Citation2021). Additionally, the water absorption capacity can contribute to a greater cooking yield, a result seen in chicken patties where only 4.5% CAPP improved the yield from 84.89% to 88.39% (Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016). Pinho et al. (Citation2011) used 14.27% CAPP in hamburgers replacing meat, and the yield improved from 70.23% to 88.52% Increased yields have been found with other fiber sources, for example using apple pomace powder in chicken nuggets (Yadav et al. Citation2016).

Foaming capacity, water solubility index and rehydration index, when measured, were positively affected. However, when compared to wheat flour, the addition of CAPP lowered emulsion capacity, and reduced gelation concentration, emulsion- and foam stability (Akubor, Egbekun, and Obiegbuna Citation2014). The viscosity of products also decreased with increasing levels of CAPP. In the studies where bulk density was tested, this property was lower for the CAPP containing products than for wheat flour and rice flour (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020; Preethi et al. Citation2021). One study found that CAPP had a bulk density of 0.69 g/cm3, while wheat flour had 0.72 g/cm3, and soybean flour 0.38 g/cm3 (Akubor, Egbekun, and Obiegbuna Citation2014). The bulk density is dependent on the particle mass, size, initial moisture content of flours (Chandra, Singh, and Kumari Citation2015), and the geometry of the particle (Akubor Citation2016). When addition of pineapple peel fibers were added to bread it was observed that coarser particles resulted in a higher volume and lower hardness in comparison to fine particles (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). The effect of the various methods of processing, as well as the physical properties of the powder/flour from the products, such as drying temperature and particle size, are often not evaluated, but are important for product optimization.

Some of the studies using the CAPP in cake and biscuits also assessed the impact on weight, height and volume following the addition of CAPP. These parameters were often reduced (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992; Akubor Citation2016; Akubor, Egbekun, and Obiegbuna Citation2014). A control biscuit weighed 22.41 g, and with the substitution of 5% CAPP this was reduced to 18.17 g, but by adding 50% CAPP weight was slightly improved (19.1 g). The product volume increased with the addition of CAPP up to 10% (23 cm3 compared to 19 cm3) but decreased with higher concentrations (Akubor Citation2016). One study did not specifically measure these properties, but said that with increasing CAPP concentrations, yeast fermentation was inhibited in buns (Moura, da Silva, and da Silva Citation2015). A marked decrease in expansion of doughs resulting a reduced volume of baked goods is a common effect following the addition of dietary fiber from fruit and vegetable powders (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). Gluten is a component of wheat flour that is important for holding gas during fermentation and baking, and with less gluten, the height and volume is expected to decrease (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020). Proteins in gluten are also important for the cohesiveness and structure of baked products, and with a dilution of gluten, and competition for water, these characteristics were affected in the final product (Akubor Citation2016). One way to overcome this issue is to incorporate the material into products where gluten plays little or no functional role. Meat products or flat breads fit into this category of foods (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). The reduction in peak and final viscosity of baked goods incorporating CAPP was most likely related to a lower level of gluten in preparation (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020).

Several studies reported a negative effect on the texture of food products following the addition of CAP(P). Specifically, cohesiveness can be decreased (from 0.7 in control to 0.3 in the cereal bar with CAPP) (Akubor Citation2016; Muniz et al. Citation2020). Firmness was found to decrease in cereal based extrudates from 43.84 N to 36.48 N (Preethi et al. Citation2021). Results vary dependent on food product and in hamburgers where the shearing force in control was 3.88 kgf,with 7.13% CAPP this increased to 4.43 kgf, before it decreased to 3.36 kgf with 14.27% CAPP (Pinho et al. Citation2011). This demonstrates that the different changes do not always occur in a dose response manner, and optimization is critical to achieve the best quality end-product when adding CAP(P). Interestingly, some studies found that the CAP(P) had a positive impact on texture based on sensorial evaluation (Aderiye, Igbedioh, and Caurie Citation1992; da Silva Marques Citation2018; de Araújo et al. Citation2021).

Two studies mentioned an effect on cooking time, with one report of higher temperature and longer baking time being needed with higher levels of CAPP in baked goods (Moura, da Silva, and da Silva Citation2015). In contrast, a second study in a cake product found a reduction in cooking time, but an increase in the pasting temperature, the temperature needed for the starch granules in the product to swell (Adegunwa et al. Citation2020).

A few studies evaluated microbiological aspects and found satisfactory results, as well as maintenance of product acceptability during 6 months of frozen storage (-180) (Lima et al. Citation2017; Lima et al. Citation2018). However, there was an increase in acidity from 0.29% to 0.34% and pH from 5.77 to 5.30 during storage. Storage also affected a cereal bar with added CAPP. Initially, the addition of CAPP resulted in decreased hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess compared to control. These factors increased following 28 days of storage (Muniz et al. Citation2020).

Sensory evaluation of new products

All the studies discussed in this paper included sensory evaluation. No matter how beneficial the nutritional and environmental aspects of using a certain material might be, it is of no use if consumers do not find it tasty and do not buy it. Therefore, the sensory evaluations and purchase intention are considered critical for determining the marketing potential of new products (Atta et al. Citation2021), which must meet consumer expectations (Portela Citation2022).

To carry out sensory evaluations, panelists (n = 10-118) were recruited. Trained, semi-trained and untrained judges were used. Twenty-two of the studies used a 9-point hedonic scale for the evaluation of the food product, with the remaining four studies using a 5-point hedonic scale. Fifteen of the studies included questions regarding purchase intention of the panelists commonly using a 5-point ranking.

The sensory scores where a 9-point scale was used ranged from 5.2-8, and for the studies using the 5-point hedonic scale, the scores ranged from 3.21-4.80. The highest scores were found in a recent publication introducing a croquette-type plant-based product, where the global impression score with 40% CAP was 8, and where 90% of panelists saying they would probably or certainly buy the product (Saldanha Citation2022).

The majority of studies found a reduction in the sensory evaluation with increasing amounts of CAP(P). In all of the studies using a control, with one exception, it was found that there was no significant alteration in organoleptic qualities in comparison to the control at low levels of substitution. In some cases, scores were even improved with the addition of CAP(P). Sensory evaluation scores were higher for new formulations in five studies, where the overall acceptance score went from 7.9 to 8 with 3% CAPP in chicken patties (Guedes-Oliveira et al. Citation2016), from 6.03 to 6.65 with 15% CAPP in cereal based extrudates (Preethi et al. Citation2021), from 6.17 to 6.8 with 10% CAPP in cookies (de Araújo et al. Citation2021) and from 6.93 to 7.81 with 20% CAP in fish burgers (da Silva Marques Citation2018). Significantly lower scores in sensory evaluation, 5.9, were observed in a “burger” made with 89% CAP that was compared to four commercial burgers (Lima Citation2008). It should be noted that in this study, the majority of the product was composed of CAP, which may have limited palatability. The best results in terms of taste, smell and texture seemed to be achieved with a substitution of up to 10% CAP(P).

Six of the studies described pretests that were done with smaller focus groups to determine the ratio and formulation (Barros et al. Citation2012; da Silva Marques Citation2018; Lima et al. Citation2018; Maciel Citation2022; Portela Citation2022; Saldanha Citation2022). One of the studies used professionals from gastronomy to optimize the product and received one of the highest purchase intention scores, 86% (Lima et al. Citation2018). Taking additional steps, focusing on palatability and acceptability, had a positive effect that led to enhanced optimization of the new formulations.

To avoid negatively modifying the taste of a food, appropriate processing of the raw material, using strong seasonings to mask the bitterness or the addition of lipids/sugar or other ingredients may be helpful (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). Undoubtedly, from the articles presented here, that all include sensory evaluations, highly palatable, nutritious products can be developed incorporating the cashew apple pomace as an ingredient.

Overall, it appeared that the studies that treated the CAP either with washing or with a hot water treatment received better sensory scores than the studies where the pomace was directly dried. This could be because the tannins, phenolic compounds known to cause astringency, can be reduced with these processes (Prommajak, Leksawasdi, and Rattanapanone Citation2020). Phenolic compounds in fruit and vegetables are known to impart a bitter and astringent taste (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). This was observed when grape pomace was incorporated into chocolate and attributed to the presence of polyphenols (Pop, Suharoschi, and Pop Citation2021).

The results from this review indicate that there is a critical concentration of CAP(P) that when surpassed, sensory scores begin to decline. This has also been observed with the addition of other fruit and vegetable flours (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). Clearly, at optimal concentrations, the addition of CAP(P) has no negative impact, and can sometimes positively impact organoleptic qualities in comparison to control foods.

Several limitations were identified while preparing an integrated evaluation of the studies included in this review. The variety of cashew (Anacardium occidentale) was identical throughout, but no standard processing of the pomace was used and methods varied from study to study. Treatments ranged from use of wet pomace without any processing, to extensive washing and drying of the CAP. Furthermore, limitations existed regarding the sensory evaluations carried out on the newly developed CAP(P) containing foods. Ten studies did not include a control product for comparison. A few studies did not report scores for all products evaluated or displayed results as a graph making it difficult to determine the exact sensory score. In addition, eight of the studies had 30 judges or less. A limited number of panelists has been noted as a restriction when discussing the topic of utilization of fruit and vegetable flour in food products (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018). Most of the studies used untrained panelists, which can introduce error. For example, the central tendency error, where untrained judges more frequently give scores in the middle of the scale, in comparison to evaluations made by a trained judge (Sharif et al. Citation2017). In contrast, it has been suggested that acceptability studies should be conducted with untrained judges (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018).

There is a clear case for promoting utilization of CAP as a food ingredient, but it is currently not possible to definitively categorize CAP as a functional food. Despite high concentrations of known beneficial components, in order to establish CAP’s contribution to health beyond basic nutrition there is a need for well-designed clinical trials with adequate sample size, along with unequivocal evidence of safety.


There are numerous studies looking at the utilization of fruit and vegetables in food products, but limited attention has been given to the cashew apple. Worldwide, it is produced in large quantities and repurposing would be a meaningful step toward decreasing food waste. The cashew apple is rich in nutritional compounds and has the potential to be categorized as a functional ingredient. These advantages are important tools for facing the nutritional challenges in the world today. Similarly, other studies have pointed out the nutritional and environmental advantages of using fruit and vegetable by-products in new formulations. Increased phytochemical content and reduced caloric density also reflect an overall, improved nutritional value (Gómez and Martinez Citation2018; Pop, Suharoschi, and Pop Citation2021).

In order to valorize more of this material, there are several challenges that need to be overcome. First, there is inadequate knowledge regarding the potential use of CAP(P) in the food industry. Additionally, there is a need to find ways to extend the shelf-life of the fresh fruit and develop methodologies for processing that are cost-effective and simple. The breeding of cashew apples with desired traits, for example reduced acidity and increased firmness (Germano et al. Citation2022) is a longer-term strategy that could also be valuable. To date, product development with appropriate organoleptic testing using professionals has been limited, therefore investing resources in this area may also be advantageous. Products with high nutritional value that help to utilize food waste may also be an attractive marketing approach which involves developing the necessary infrastructure and strategies by food manufacturers to increase awareness and sales. Cashew apple is underutilized and therefore meets the criteria for transformation from food waste to functional ingredient. As this review showed, choosing appropriate food products and optimizing formulation is critical for success. The positive sensory evaluations reported here support the incorporation of cashew apple pomace in a variety of different products. This presents an innovative, sustainable strategy from every perspective: nutritional, environmental and economic.


The authors would like to thank Eckbos legat for financial support of NVW during her studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


The author(s) reported there is no funding associated with the work featured in this article.


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