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Research Article

Supreme Men, Subjected Women: Gender Inequality and Violence in Jihadist, Far Right and Male Supremacist Ideologies

Received 22 Feb 2022, Accepted 11 Jul 2022, Published online: 28 Jul 2022


Recent cases of terrorist violence by jihadist, far right, and male supremacist actors share a common, yet underexplored feature – the aim to impose extreme patriarchal political and social orders which are anti-feminist and even misogynistic. This exploratory article draws on several cases across these three groups to highlight two findings. First, we demonstrate that these narratives are increasingly utilized in justifications for violence, and women, and those promoting gender equality, are targeted. Second, that male supremacy is itself is increasingly a distinct anti-feminist ideological motivation for violence. We argue that this topic should be considered and assessed to a greater extent in terrorism scholarship, and in practical efforts to prevent and counter violent extremism.


The authors acknowledge the contribution of Bec Devitt made possible through Australian Research Council Discovery Project DP200101998 and Sara Kropf who contributed to preparation of the manuscript for submission. They would also like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedback.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1 Michael A. Messner and Jeffrey Montez de Oca, “The Male Consumer as Loser: Beer and Liquor Ads in Mega Sports Media Events,” Signs 30 (Citation2005): 1879–909.

2 Michael Kimmel, Angry White Men: American Masculinity at the End of an Era (New York: Nation Books, 2013).

3 Debbie Ging, "Alphas, Betas, and Incels: Theorizing the Masculinities of the Manosphere." Men and Masculinities 22, no. 4 (Citation2019): 652.

4 Ibid. 653.

5 Kimmel, Angry White Men, 13.

6 Malcom B. Hamilton, “The Elements of the Concept of Ideology,” Political Studies 35, no. 1 (Citation1987): 28.

7 Arie W. Kruglanksi et al. "The Psychology of Radicalization and Deradicalization: How Significance Quest Impacts Violent Extremism," Political Psychology 35, no. 1 (2014):76.

8 Ibid. 77.

9 Caron E. Gentry, Disordered Violence: How Gender, Race and Heteronormativity Structure Terrorism (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, Citation2020), 124.

10 C. J. M. Drake cited in Ibid. 56.

11 Oxford English Dictionary online “Patriarchy”. Accessed 11 October 2021.

12 Gentry, Disordered Violence, 179.

13 Oxford English Dictionary online “Misogyny” Accessed 11 October 2021.

14 Kate Manne, Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny (Oxford: Oxford University Press: Citation2018), 13 as cited in Gentry, Disordered Violence, 173.

15 Ibid.174.

16 Ibid.177.

17 Joshua M. Roose, et al., Masculinity and Violent Extremism (London: Palgrave, Citation2022).

18 Manoel Horta Ribeiro et al., “From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: A Data-Driven Sketch of the Manosphere,” arXiv January 21, Citation2020, accessed June 28, 2021, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.07600v1.pdf.

19 Anti-Defamation League, When Women are the Enemy: The Intersection of Misogyny and White Supremacy (New York: Anti-Defamation League, Citation2018) 5; Jessica Valenti, “When Misogynists become Terrorists,” The New York Times, April 26, 2018.

20 Joshua M. Roose, The New Demagogues: Religion, Masculinity and the Populist Epoch (London: Routledge, Citation2020), 80-109.

21 Kayla Preston, Michael Halpin, and Finlay Maguire, "The Black Pill: New Technology and the Male Supremacy of Involuntarily Celibate Men," Men and Masculinities 24, no. 5 (Citation2021): 823–841; Julia R. DeCook and Megan Kelly, "Interrogating the “Incel Menace”: Assessing the Threat of Male Supremacy in Terrorism Studies," Critical Studies on Terrorism (Citation2021): 1–21.

22 Debbie Ging, Theodore Lynn and Pierangelo Rosati, “Neologising Misogyny: Urban Dictionary’s Folksonomies of Sexual Abuse,” New Media & Society 22, no. 5 (Citation2020): 838–856; Debbie Ging, Eugenia Siaper eds., Gender Hate Online: Understanding the New Anti-Feminism (Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, Citation2019); Meredeith L. Pruden et al. “Birds of a Feather: A Comparative Analysis of White Supremacist and Violent Male Supremacist Discourses” in Right Wing Extremism in Canada and the United States, ed. Barbara Perry, Jeff Gruenewald and Ryan Scrivens (New York: Palgrave, Citation2022), 215–254.

23 Ging, “Alphas, betas, and incels”, 644.

24 Ben Collins and Brandy Zadronzy, “After Toronto Attack, Online Misogynists Praise a “new saint”, NBC News, April 25, 2018, accessed 05 January Citation2022, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/after-toronto-attack-online-misogynists-praise-suspect-new-saint-n868821.

25 Bruce Hoffman, Jacob Ware, and Ezra Shapiro, “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 43, no. 7, (Citation2020): 569.

26 Jessica Valenti, “When Misogynists become Terrorists,” The New York Times, April 26, 2018, https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/26/opinion/when-misogynists-become-terrorists.html.

27 For more reading on ‘patriarchal terrorism’ see: Caron E. Gentry Disordered Violence; Pablo Castillo Diaz and Nahla Valji. "Symbiosis of Misogyny and Violent Extremism." Journal of International Affairs 72, no. 2 (2019): 37–56; Rachel Pain "Everyday Terrorism: Connecting Domestic Violence and Global Terrorism," Progress in Human Geography 38, no. 4 (Citation2014): 531–550.

28 Elizabeth Pearson, "Gendered Reflections? Extremism in the UK’s Radical Right and al-Muhajiroun Networks," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (2020): 1–24.

29 Mattheis, Ashley, and Charlie Winter, The Greatness of Her Position: Comparing Identitarian and jihadi dis‐courses on Women (London: International Centre for the Study on Radicalisation, Citation2019), 1–32.

30 Tahir Abbas, "Ethnicity and Politics in Contextualising Far Right and Islamist Extremism," Perspectives on Terrorism 11, no. 3 (Citation2017): 57.

31 Hoffman et al. “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence” 575.

32 Pablo Castillo Diaz and Nahla Valji, "Symbiosis of Misogyny and Violent Extremism”.

33 Ibid.

34 Christine Agius et al., "Anti-Feminism, Gender and the Far-Right Gap in C/PVE Measures," Critical Studies on Terrorism (2021): 1–25.

35 John W. Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among Five Approaches, 4th ed. (London: Sage, Citation2012).

36 Robert K. Yin, Qualitative Research from Start to Finish (New York: Guilford Publishers, 2010), 237.

37 Quentin Wiktorowicz, “Anatomy of the Salafi Movement,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 29, no. 3 (Citation2006): 207.

38 Díaz and Valj, "Symbiosis of Misogyny and Violent Extremism," 46.

39 Michael S. Kimmel, “Globalization and its Mal(e)Contents: The Gendered Moral and Political Economy of Terrorism,” International Sociology 18, no. 3 (2003): 615.

40 Ibid.

41 Al Qaeda Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), “The Tsunami of change,” Inspire Issue 5, Spring 1431, (March Citation2011).

42 AQAP, “May our souls be sacrificed for you! Shaykh Anwar al-’Awlaki,” Inspire, Issue 1, Summer 1431 (2010).

43 Michael Page, Lara Challita, and Alistair Harris, "Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Framing narratives and Prescriptions," Terrorism and Political Violence 23, no. 2 (Citation2011): 161.

44 Katharina Von Knop, "The Female Jihad: Al Qaeda’s Women," Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 30, no. 5 (Citation2007): 408–411.

45 AQAP, “The Top 20 Lies of Feminism (and the truths that replace them),” Ibnat al-Islam (2021) 67.

46 Ibid.

47 Joana Cook, “Their Fate Is Tied to Ours: Assessing AQAP Governance and Implications for Security in Yemen,” in Building a New Yemen: Recovery, Transition and the International Community, ed. Amat Al Alim Alsoswa and Noel Brehony (London: Bloomsbury, 2021).

48 Joana Cook, A Woman’s Place: US Counterterrorism since 9/11 (Oxford University Press, Citation2020), 348. Also, see Joana Cook “Women in Jihadist Discourses and Practices of Governance,” in The Rule is for none but Allah: Islamist Approaches to Governance, ed. Joana Cook and Shiraz Maher (London: Hurst Publishers, 2022).

49 See Díaz and Valji, "Symbiosis of Misogyny and Violent Extremism" for further discussion.

50 Jacob Zenn and Elizabeth Pearson, "Women, Gender and the Evolving Tactics of Boko Haram," Contemporary Voices: St Andrews Journal of International Relations 5, no. 1 (Citation2014): 51.

51 Jacob Zenn and Elizabeth Pearson, "Women, Gender and the Evolving Tactics of Boko Haram," citing Raewyn Connell, “Globalisation, Imperialism and Masculinities,” in A Handbook of Studies on Men and Masculinities, ed. Michael Kimmel, Jeff Hearn, and Raewyn Connell (London: Sage, Citation2005), 73; Amin Maalouf, In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong (London: Penguin, Citation1996): 90–93.

52 Jacob Zenn and Elizabeth Pearson, "Women, Gender and the Evolving Tactics of Boko Haram" citing Gary Barker, and Christine Ricardo, “Young Men and the Construction of Masculinity in Sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for HIV/AIDS, Conflict, and Violence,” Social Development Papers: Conflict, Development and Reconstruction (The World Bank) Paper No. 26 (2005): 1–81; Kimmel, “Globalization and its Mal(e)Contents”: 603–620.

53 See Hilary Matfess, Women and the War on Boko Haram: Wives, Weapons, Witnesses (London: Zed Books Ltd., Citation2017).

54 See, for example Mah-Rukh Ali, “ISIS and Propaganda: How ISIS exploits women,” Reuters Institute Fellowship Paper, University of Oxford (2015): 1–25 and Zeynep Kaya, “Sexual Violence, Identity and Gender: ISIS and the Yezidis,” Conflict, Security & Development 20, no. 6 (Citation2020): 631–662.

55 ISIS, “For women: The Fitrah of Mankind and the Near-Extinction of the Western Woman,” Dabiq 15 (Citation2016).

56 Ibid 15, (2016).

57 Charlie Winter, “Women of the Islamist State: A manifesto on women by the al-Khanssaa Brigade,” Quillium Foundation 18 (Citation2015): 41. https://www.quilliaminternational.com/shop/e-publications/women-of-the-islamic-state-a-manifesto-on-women-by-the-al-khanssaa-brigade-2/, (accessed January 16, 2022).

58 ISIS: Dabiq Issue 11 (September 2015): 41.

59 Nadia Al-Dayel and Andrew Mumford, “ISIS and their Use of Slavery,” (The Hague: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism, 2020) https://icct.nl/publication/isis-and-their-use-of-slavery/.

60 Miriam Cooke, "Murad vs. ISIS: Rape as a Weapon of Genocide," Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies 15, no. 3 (Citation2019): 261–285.

61 Cynthia Miller-Idriss, Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right (Princeton: Princeton University Press, Citation2020), as cited in Christine Agius et al. "Anti-Feminism, Gender and the far-right gap in C/PVE measures.": 4.

62 Christine Agius et al. "Anti-Feminism, Gender and the Far-Right Gap in C/PVE Measures.": 5.

63 Cas Mudde, "The Populist Zeitgeist." Government and Opposition 39, no. 4 (Citation2004): 541–563; Katja Freistein and Frank Gadinger “Populist Stories of Honest Men and Proud Mothers: A Visual Narrative Analysis,” Review of International Studies 46,no. 2 (Citation2020): 217–316, as cited in Agius et al, “Anti-Feminism, gender and the far-right gap in C/PVE measures,”: 5.

64 Anti-Defamation League When Women are the Enemy: 5.

65 Berlet, Chip, and Stanislav Vysotsky. "Overview of US white supremacist groups." Journal of Political & Military Sociology 34, no. 1 (Citation2006): 11–48.

66 Miller-Idriss, Hate in the Homeland, 25.

67 Agius et al, “Anti-Feminism, gender and the far-right gap in C/PVE measures,” 7.

68 Gentry 2022, 210.

69 Stinton, Catherine, "Combining the Aberrant with the Ordinary: The Role of White Supremacy in the Far-Right Radicalisation of Women," Journal of Applied Psychology and Social Science 5.1 (Citation2019): 86–115; Moon, Dreama G., and Michelle A. Holling. "“White Supremacy in Heels” (white) Feminism, White Supremacy, and Discursive Violence," Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 17, no. 2 (Citation2020): 253–260.

70 Agius, Edney-Browne, Nicholas and Cook, “Anti-Feminism, gender and the far-right gap in C/PVE measures,” Critical Studies on Terrorism (2021): 2.

71 Ibid: 2.

72 Anders Breivik, Manifesto 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, July 22, 2011 (July 7, Citation2021): 35.

73 Ibid: 35.

74 Ibid: 38.

75 Ibid: 941.

76 Stephen J. Walton, "Anti-Feminism and Misogyny in Breivik’s “Manifesto”,” NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 20, no. 1 (Citation2012): 5.

77 Ibid: 7.

78 Ibid.

79 Ibid: 83.

80 Mattias Gardell, “Crusader Dreams: Oslo 22/7, Islamophobia, and the Quest for a Monocultural Europe,” Terrorism and Political Violence 26 (Citation2014): 129–155.

81 Jones, 2011 as cited in Gentry, Disordered Violence, 167.

82 See especially Chapter 5 of Government of New Zealand, “Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch mosques on 15 March 2019,” New Zealand Royal Commission, 2021, https://christchurchattack.royalcommission.nz/the-report/firearms-licensing/preparation-for-the-terrorist-attack/.

83 Brenton Tarrant, The Great Replacement (Citation2019).

84 Roose, The New Demagogues 88.

85 Alexandra Hall, “Proud Boys’ Founder Gavin McInnes: You’d Be Happier As A Housewife,” To the Best of Our Knowledge, September 1, Citation2018, accessed 28 January, 2022, https://www.ttbook.org/interview/proud-boys-founder-gavin-mcinnes-youd-be-happier-housewife.

86 Gavin McInnes, “The Gavin McInnes Show: 375,” Compound Media, June 28, 2017, accessed 28 January, 2022, https://www.compoundmedia.com/shows/all/529.

87 Alexis Shaw, “Gavin McInnes: Feminism has Made Women Less Happy,” ABC News, October 22, Citation2013, accessed 28 January, 2022, https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/10/vice-co-founder-gavin-mcinnes-feminism-has-made-women-less-happy.

88 Alexandra Hall, “Proud Boys’ Founder Gavin McInnes: You’d Be Happier as A Housewife.”

89 Gavin McInnes, “The Gavin McInnes Show: 65”, Compound Media, 16 June 2016, accessed January 25, 2022) https://www.compoundmedia.com/shows/the-gavin-mcinnes-show/5509.

90 “Thompson and Cheney opening statements at Select Committee Hearing.” 9 June 2022. Accessed 15 June 2022, https://january6th.house.gov/news/press-releases/thompson-cheney-opening-statements-select-committee-hearing.

91 Sally Krutzig, “Idaho’s abortion divide causes tensions, arrests at Boise event: ‘We are not afraid’”, Idaho Statesman, 29 June 2022, Accessed 30 June 2022, https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/community/boise/article262972348.html.

92 Jane Caputi and Diana E.H. Russell, “Femicide: Sexist Terrorism Against Women,” in Femicide: The Politics of Woman Killing, ed. Jill Radford and Diana E. H. Russell (New York: Twayne Publishers, Citation1992), 13–21.

93 David E. Pitt, “Montreal Gunman Had Suicide Note,” The New York Times, December 8, Citation1989, https://www.nytimes.com/1989/12/08/world/montreal-gunman-had-suicide-note.html.

94 Sian Tomkinson, Tauel Harper and Katie Attwell, “Confronting Incel: Exploring Possible Policy Responses to Misogynistic Violent Extremism,” Australian Journal of Political Science 55, no. 2 (Citation2020): 152–169.

95 Jack Bratich and Sarah Banet-Weiser, “From Pick-Up Artists to Incels: Con(fidence) Games, Networked Misogyny, and the Failure of Neoliberalism,” International Journal of Communication 13 (Citation2019): 5003–5027.

96 Hoffman et al. “Assessing the Threat of Incel Violence,”: 568.

97 Ibid.

98 Ibid.

99 Shannon Zimmerman, Luis Ryan, and David Duriesmith, “Recognizing the Violent Extremist Ideology of ‘Incels’,” Women in International Security Policy Brief 9 (Citation2018) accessed 27 January 2022. https://www.wiisglobal.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Policybrief-Violent-Extremists-Incels.pdf.

100 Roose et al. Masculinity and Violent Extremism.

101 Elliot Rodger, My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger Citation2014 accessed January 27, 2022.

102 Ibid.

103 Lisa Gotell and Emily Dutton, “Sexual violence in the Manosphere: Antifeminist Men’s rights Discourses on Rape,” International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 5, no. 2 (Citation2016): 65–80; Molly Dragiewicz, Equality with a Vengeance: Men’s Rights Groups, Battered Women, and Antifeminist Backlash (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 2011).

104 Roose, The New Demagogues: 80–109.

105 Joshua. Roose, Michael Flood and Mark Alfano, Challenging the Use of Masculinity as a Recruitment Mechanism in Extremist Narratives (Deakin University, Citation2020), accessed 25 January 2022 https://dro.deakin.edu.au/view/DU:30154994.

106 Roy Den Hollander, “Evolutionary Correct Cyclopedia”, accessed January 24, 2022 http://www.roydenhollander.com/main/Writings/CyclopediaUpdate2.20.19.pdf.

107 Ibid.

108 Roy Den Hollander, ‘World without Men’ accessed January 24, 2022, http://www.roydenhollander.com/main/articles.htm#tobe_wife.

109 Chip Berlet “Mapping the Political Right: Gender and Race Oppression in right Wing Movements” in Home-Grown hate: Gender and Organized Racism, ed. Abby L Ferber (London: Routledge, 2003), 18–46.

110 Andi Zeisler, “Opinion” The Washington Post, 24 July Citation2020, accessed 10 November 2021, https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/24/years-roy-den-hollander-was-joke-now-hes-accused-misogynist-murder/.

111 Kimmel, “Globalization and its Mal(e)Contents”, 605.

112 Joshua Roose, Political Islam and Masculinity: Muslim Men in Australia (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, Citation2016).

113 Hamilton, “The Elements of the Concept of Ideology”, 38.

114 Erica Chenoweth and Zoe Marks, “Revenge of the Patriarchs: Why Autocrats fear women,” Foreign Affairs, March/April Citation2022. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/china/2022-02-08/women-rights-revenge-patriarchs.

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