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Research Article

The Order of Nine Angles: Cosmology, Practice & Movement

Received 04 Nov 2022, Accepted 25 Feb 2023, Published online: 07 Mar 2023


The Order of Nine Angles (O9A)—a trans-national esoteric Satanist movement—is of growing interest to researchers and law enforcement because of its apparent connections to violent extremist individuals and groups. This article presents a primary source-driven exploration of O9A’s cosmology, practice, and movement intended to inform objective discussions about the movement’s nexus to violent extremism, and to help readers better understand the terms and concepts contained in O9A texts. At the heart of O9A’s outlook lies a perspective on human and spiritual evolution holding that the true ethos of Western civilization is pagan but has been corrupted by Judeo-Christian values. O9A thus believes Western society is irredeemable in its present form and seeks to inculcate “heretical” acts that can break the shackles of Judeo-Christian constructs and contribute to societal breakdown. As this article establishes, O9A’s philosophy and practice have meaningful overlaps with violent extremism but clearly identifiable acts of violent extremism are less easy to discern at the movement level.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1 “Indictment,” United States v. Melzer, 20 MG 5884 (S.D.N.Y., 4 June 2020), 5; Sealed Complaint, United States v. Melzer, 20 MG 5884 (S.D.N.Y., 4 June 2020), https://www.justice.gov/file/1287701/download.

2 “U.S. Army Soldier Charged with Terrorism Offenses for Planning Deadly Ambush on Service Members in His Unit,” U.S. Department of Justice, 22 June 2020; “U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Murder Fellow Service Members in Deadly Ambush,” U.S. Department of Justice, 24 June 2022.

3 “Indictment,” United States v. Melzer, 20 MG 5884 (S.D.N.Y., 4 June 2020), 2; “O9A Ideology at Core of ‘RapeWaffen’ Group Implicated in Recent Neo-Nazi Terrorist Plot,” SITE Intelligence Group, 24 June 2020.

4 “U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Murder Fellow Service Members in Deadly Ambush,” U.S. Department of Justice, 24 June 2022.

5 Though authorities arrested Melzer in 2020, analysts and advocacy groups began raising concerns about O9A’s potential connections to violent extremism before this. See, for example, Nick Lowles, “Order of the Nine Angles,” Hope Not Hate, 16 February 2019.

6 “U.S. Army Soldier Charged with Terrorism Offenses;” “U.S. Army Soldier Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Murder Fellow Service Members in Deadly Ambush.”

7 Daniel De Simone, “Order of Nine Angles: What Is This Obscure Nazi Satanist Group?” BBC, 23 June 2020; Nick Lowles, “Order of Nine Angles,” Hope Not Hate, 16 February 2019; The Empire Never Ended Podcast, “Nazi Satanist Order of Nine Angles is Infiltrating the State and Church in Montenegro,” Medium, 28 June 2021; “Home Secretary Urged to Ban Nazi Satanist Group that Vows to Combat ‘Jewish Influence,’” The JC, 14 July 2020.

8 Anton Long, Aeonic Magick: A Basic Introduction (New Zealand: Renaissance Press, 1994); Thorold West and ONA, Naos: A Practical Guide to Modern Magick (1989); Anton Long, “The Aeonic Perspective of the Order of Nine Angles,” n.d.; Anton Long, Hostia: Secret Teachings of the Order of the Nine Angles vol. I (Thormynd Press, 1992); Order of the Nine Angles, “Civilization,” n.d.; Anton Long, “Our Sinister Character,” 2010; Richard Parker, “The Aeonic Theory of The Order of Nine Angles Aeon: Etymology And Meaning,” n.d.; Anton Long, “The Quintessence of the O9A: The Sinister Returning,” 2008. 

9 Anton Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims of the Order of Nine Angles,” 2008.

10 Ariel Koch, “The ONA Network and the Transnationalization of Neo-Nazi-Satanism,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (12 January 2022).

11 Ibid., 3.

12 “Quintessence of the O9A,” o9a.org, n.d.

13 Anton Long, “Toward Understanding Satanism,” 2011. For further references to the Labyrinthos Mythologicus, see Discovering Nexion Zero: The Occult Phantom Menace, n.d.; Anton Long, “Those Who Are Our Kind,” n.d.; O9A, “A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms,” 2012.

14 Order of the Nine Angles, “Frequently Asked Questions About the Order of Nine Angles,” 2012; Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims.”

15 For example, the authors cite in this article a website operating under the name “Order of Nine Angles.” However, this website does not carry particular authority or speak on behalf of O9A. It should be viewed as a blog with posts by self-proclaimed adherents. O9A texts have repeatedly claimed that there is no authority within the movement and that nobody speaks for the philosophy, though other O9A texts contradict this stance.

16 Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims.” See also JB, “Surpassing Anton Long,” 2017; Ealdordeofol Deofolgieldhus, “Unable to See the Nexion for the Nexions,” blog post, 24 July 2017.

17 Stephen Brown and ONA, Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown (Shropshire: Thormynd Press, 1992). See also R. Parker, “The Authority of Individual Judgement – Interpretation and Meaning,” o9a.org.

18 TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long,” n.d.; Secuntra Nexion, “Corpus Secuntra,” Telos, 4 April 2017; Sinister Moon, “Fake ONA Scams: How to Spot a Pretender,” 2011, in Order of Nine Angles, Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way: The ONA Lineage, n.d.

19 Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way: The ONA Lineage,” n.d.; Rachel Stirling, “The Occult Philosophy of the O9A,” n.d.; Kryptonymus, “Secrecy & Anonymity,” in Nexion: An Aeonic ONA Zine, n.d.; Chloe Ortega (Chloe352), “Fenrir, Generation Three,” ona.org, March 13, 2021.

20 Crowley (d. 1947) was a British magician and occultist who has had an enduring influence on popular culture due to prominent 20th century rock and roll musicians ­promoting his likeness and appropriating his ideas. Gary Lachman, Aleister Crowley: Magick, Rock and Roll, and the Wickedest Man in the World (New York: Tarcher and Penguin, 2014). Despite O9A’s general scorn for Crowley, his cosmology bears some surface-level resemblance to O9A’s ideas. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke noted that Crowley also took an aeonic perspective (which culminated in the Christian aeonic order being superseded) and that elements of his thinking displayed sympathies for fascism and Nazism. Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity (New York: New York University Press, 2002), 213–14.

21 Anton LaVey’s (d. 1997) founding of the Church of Satan in 1966 is considered by scholars to mark the beginning of contemporary satanism. LaVey’s showmanship played at least as significant a role in the Church of Satan’s growth as did his ideas. See Goodrick-Clarke, 214–15.

22 Anton Long, “Some Questions About Satanism,” in Order of Nine Angles, Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way: The ONA Lineage, n.d. See also “Questions for Anton Long,” 2011, in TWS Nexion, Three Interviews with Anton Long, for the quote “I was fortunate to be found by a lady who had kept alive, in a wordless mostly empathic, unstructured and always directly personal way, some aspects of this almost lost esoteric and sinister essence.”

23 Anton Long, “One Journey of Experience and Discovery,” 2012.

24 See Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity (New York: New York University Press, 2002), 215–16; Jacob C. Senholt, “The Sinister Tradition: Political Esotericism & the Convergence of Radical Islam, Satanism and National Socialism in the Order of the Nine Angles,” University of Amsterdam, 19–20 November 2009; Jake Hanrahan, “Talking to a Satanist of the Order of Nine Angles (O9A),” YouTube video, 17 April 2021; TWS Nexion, “The Two Types of Satanism,” n.d.; and Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way.”

25 See Nicola Woolcock and Dominic Kennedy, “What the Neo-Nazi Fanatic Did Next: Switched to Islam,” Times (London), 24 April 2006.

26 See David Myatt, “In Reply to Sheikh Salman b. Fahd al-Oadah,” blog entry posted September 2007; George Michael, The Enemy of My Enemy: The Alarming Convergence of Militant Islam and the Extreme Right (Lawrence: University of Kansas, 2006), 147.

27 See David Myatt, The Numinous Way of Pathei-Mathos (2012). For more on Myatt’s wanderings and evolution, see Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Madeleine Blackman, “Fluidity of the Fringes: Prior Extremist Involvement as a Radicalization Pathway,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism (2019), 11–12.

28 See, for example, Anton Long, “Pathei-Mathos and The Initiatory Occult Quest,” n.d.

29 David Myatt, “A Matter of Honour,” 5 March 2012; “Interview with David Myatt (by Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate in 1998) - Professional Restoration,” YouTube video, 28 March 2021.

30 Connell Monette, “The Order of Nine Angles,” in Mysticism in the 21st Century 2d ed. (Sirius Ink Publications, 2014).

31 Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way.”

32 See Thorold West and ONA, Naos: A Practical Guide to Modern Magick (1989) and Anton Long, “The Aeonic Perspective of the Order of Nine Angles,” n.d.; O9A, “A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms.”

33 Anton Long, “The Quintessence of the O9A: The Sinister Returning,” 2008. See also Anton Long, Aeonic Magick: A Basic Introduction (New Zealand: Renaissance Press, 1994). 

34 Long, Aeonic Magick

35 Richard Parker, “The Aeonic Theory of The Order of Nine Angles Aeon: Etymology And Meaning,” n.d.; Order of the Nine Angles, “Civilization,” n.d.; Anton Long, “Satanic Heresy,” 2011.

36 O9A, “Satanism - or Living on the Edge,” 1991; O9A, “Aeonics and Heresy,” in “A Guide to Sinister Strategy,” Nexion (1999).

37 Anton Long, “Our Sinister Character,” 2010.

38 Ibid.; Anton Long, Hostia: Secret Teachings of the Order of the Nine Angles vol. I (Thormynd Press, 1992); Anton Long, “The Dark Imperium,” 2008; “Quintessence of the O9A,” o9a.org, n.d.; R. Parker and O9A, “The Seven Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles: A Modern Practical Guide,” o9a.org, 2017.

39 Anton Long, “Darkness is My Friend,” 1996; O9A, “Satanism - or Living on the Edge;” O9A, “Aeonics and Heresy,” in “A Guide to Sinister Strategy,” Nexion (1999).

40 Christos Beest, “The Way, the Means, the End,” 1998.

41 Order of Nine Angles, “Toward Sapanur,” 1996; Anton Long, “Sinister Experiential Eleutheria: The Five Core ONA Principles Explained,” 2011; Long, Aeonic Magick; Long, “The Law of the New Aeon,” 2003; Long, Hostia vol. I; Anton Long, “Mysterium: Beyond the Order of Nine Angles,” 2011.

42 Order of Nine Angles, “Toward Sapanur.” See also Long, Hostia vol. I; Long, “Darkness is My Friend.”

43 O9A, “A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms.”

44 Anton Long, “The Ontology and Theology of Traditional Satanism,” 2008; Long, “Darkness is My Friend;” Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way;” Order of the Nine Angles, “Frequently Asked Questions About the Order of Nine Angles;” Long, “Toward Understanding Satanism;” “Selling Water by the River ONA,” Fenrir no. 6 (1989); R. Parker, “Quintessence of the O9A,” 2014.

45 Order of Nine Angles, “Toward Sapanur.” See also Long, “The Quintessence of the O9A.”

46 Long, “The Quintessence of the O9A.”

47 TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long;” O9A, “Aeonic Notes IX,” 2003; “Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen: Yet Another Interview with Anton Long,” 2003; Long, “The Dark Imperium.”

48 TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long.”

49 Ibid. The term is rendered as living-space, which may be a deliberate reference to the concept of Lebensraum championed by Hitler, which contributed to the Holocaust.

50 Long, “The Dark Imperium.”

51 Ibid.

52 West and ONA; Long, “Darkness is My Friend.”

53 See Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way.”

54 “Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen” (stating that a time will arrive when Satanic ceremony “is not needed any more. This will be after the New Aeon has been manifest for some time, and moved individuals towards the next stage of our evolution”).

55 Based on the authors’ readings of O9A texts. For a specific mention of influences, see R. Parker, “Roots and Organization of the Order of Nine Angles,” 2013.

56 Senholt.

57 For an extremely detailed account of esoteric fascism, see Goodrick-Clarke.

58 TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long.”

59 Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun (Calcutta: Temple Press, 1958).

60 See David Myatt, “Concerning National-Socialism, The Numinous Way, and a Muslim Khilafah,” 2011.

61 See, for example, Order of Nine Angles, “The Mass of Heresy,” n.d.; Drakon Covenant Nexion and Aulwynd Caeleth, “Adolf Hitler as Dark God,” 2014.

62 See Anton Long, “Some Notes on Mythos and Methodology,” 2009; Long, Hostia vol. I.

63 Long, “Sinister Experiential Eleutheria.” See also Ealdordeofol Deofolgieldhus, “The Exeatic Way,” 4 January 2015; Order of Nine Angles, “Toward Sapanur;” Order of Nine Angles, “The Quintessence of Satanism,” 1989.

64 Parker, “The Aeonic Theory of the Order of Nine Angles Aeon: Etymology and Meaning;” Parker and O9A, “The Seven Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles.”

65 West and ONA.

66 Order of Nine Angles, “A Complete Guide to The Seven-Fold Sinister Way,” n.d.

67 Parker and O9A, “The Seven Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles.”

68 West and ONA; Order of Nine Angles, “A Complete Guide to The Seven-Fold Sinister Way.”

69 West and ONA.

70 Ibid.; O9A, “A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms.”

71 See Anton Long, “Concerning Culling as Art,” 2011; Order of Nine Angles, “Culling – A Guide to Sacrifice II,” 1990; Anton Long and ONA, Hostia vol. I, 41; ONA, Hostia: Secret Teachings of the ONA vol. II (Shrewsbury, UK: Thormynd Press, 1992), 9–10; “The Three Basic ONA Tasks,” Lapis Philosophicus (Order of Nine Angles), archived 8 June 2021; Order of Nine Angles, Grimoire of Baphomet (2002); Anton Long, “Sinister Experiential Eleutheria: The Five Core ONA Principles Explained,” 2011; Anton Long, “Enantiodromia: The Sinister Abyssal Nexion,” 2011.

72 Long, “Concerning Culling as Art.”

73 Long, “Sinister Experiential Eleutheria.”

74 West and ONA. 

75 Order of the Nine Angles, “The Requisite ONA: A Practical Guide to the Sinister Sorcery of the Order of Nine Angles,” n.d.; Anton Long, “Magick, The Sinister, Aeons, and The Psyche of The Folk: Esoteric Notes XXIX,” 2006.

76 Order of the Nine Angles, “An Introduction to Insight Rôles: Order of Nine Angles,” n.d.

77 Ibid.; Order of Nine Angles, “A Complete Guide to the Seven-Fold Sinister Way.”

78 O9A, “Satanism - or Living on the Edge;” Long, “Some Notes on Mythos and Methodology.”

79 For example, though some O9A texts have stated that the O9A movement has an “outer representative” who is responsible for publicly speaking for the movement and philosophy, others have claimed that this is a ploy. See Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way: The ONA Lineage,” n.d., for discussion of the appointment of the outer representative. See also Anton Long, “Those Who Are Our Kind,” n.d. for the following quote: “An interesting and instructive example of our Labyrinthos Mythologicus is the so-called ‘outer representative’. This was just a minor ploy among the many minor and major ploys and tests used during Phase II, and thus was part of the ‘sinister game’ we have played for several decades.”

80 TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long;” Order of the Nine Angles, “Frequently Asked Questions About the Order of Nine Angles,” 2012.

81 Chloe352, “Fenrir, Generation Three.”

82 Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way;” Chloe352, “Fenrir, Generation Three;” Order of Nine Angles, “O9A: Beyond Satanism?” August 2019.

83 TWS Nexion, “A Tale of Modern True Believers,” September 2021, in TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long;” Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way;” Secuntra Nexion; Sinister Moon, “Fake ONA Scams.”

84 Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way.”

85 See Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims;” Chloe352, “Fenrir, Generation Three;” TWS Nexion, “Three Interviews with Anton Long;” Order of Nine Angles, “A Complete Guide to The Seven-Fold Sinister Way;” Secuntra Nexion.

86 Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims;” Secuntra Nexion; O9A, “The Order of Nine Angles Code of Kindred Honour,” n.d.; Long, “Sinister Experiential Eleutheria.”

87 Order of Nine Angles, “A Complete Guide to The Seven-Fold Sinister Way.”

88 For the latter view, see Secuntra Nexion.

89 For example, Secuntra Nexion has self-published its own O9A texts in English and Italian. See Secuntra Nexion, “Corpus Secuntra,” Telos, 4 April 2017. Tempel ov Blood has published several works through its Martinet Press. See Tempel ov Blood, Iron Gates (Columbia, SC: Martinet Press, 2014). The authors observed several other nexions that published works independently or together with other nexions. See Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way.”

90 Based on the authors’ private dataset.

91 Monette.

92 Dan Lamothe and Souad Mekhennet, “Soldiers’ Cases Highlight Reach of White Supremacy in U.S. Military,” Washington Post, 25 June 2020.

93 Long, “The Sinister Dialectic and Diabolical Aims.”

94 Ibid.

95 Rachael Stirling, “Discovering the O9A,” 2021, in The Occult Philosophy of the O9A. See also Order of Nine Angles, “Tradition & Lineage of the Sinister Way;” “Auf Dem Wasser Zu Singen.”

96 Parker and O9A, “The Seven Fold Way of the Order of Nine Angles.”

97 Order of the Nine Angles, “Frequently Asked Questions About the Order of Nine Angles,” 2012,

98 Long, “Toward Understanding Satanism.”

99 Kira Harris, Eyal Gringart, and Dierdre Drake, “Understanding the Role of Social Groups in Radicalisation,” Proceedings of the 7th Australian Security and Intelligence Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth, 1–3 December 2014.

100 Mia Bloom and Sophia Moskalenko, Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon (Stanford, CA: Redwood Press, 2021).

101 Siege is an influential ideological text within white supremacist extremist networks. It originally appeared as articles by James Mason in the National Socialist Liberation Front’s newsletter in the 1980s and was later compiled and republished. See James Mason, Siege (ironmarch.org, 2015); James Mason and Michael M. Jenkins, Siege: The Collected Writings of James Mason (Denver, CO: Storm Books, 1992). Siege argues that it is necessary to destroy the present society in order to create a new social and political order, encourages followers to commit acts of violence, and advocates for leaderless resistance. Groups influenced by Siege include Atomwaffen Division and National Action.

102 Order of the Nine Angles, “An Introduction to Insight Rôles.”

103 “Notes on Esoteric Calendars,” Order of the Nine Angles, n.d.

104 Hanrahan.

105 “Misanthropic Nexion: Solvet Saeclum in Favilla,” WordPress blog, archived 6 August 2018; “Misanthropic Nexion: Terror Beyond Limits,” WordPress blog, archived 18 March 2021.

106 A. A. Morain, Codex Aristarchus (Martinet Press, 2016).

107 Tempel ov Blood, Iron Gates (Columbia, SC: Martinet Press, 2014).

108 H.E. Upchurch, “The Iron March Forum and the Evolution of the ‘Skull Mask’ Neo-Fascist Network,” CTC Sentinel 14:10 (2021).

109 See Mack Lamoureux, “‘Random’ Murder of Muslim Man Linked to ‘Neo-Nazi Death Cult’: Report,” Vice, 19 September 2020; Matthew Feldman, “Nazi-Satanism is Real and Dangerous – and Big Tech Has Given It a Platform,” Independent, 22 October 2021.

110 “The Government’s Supplemental Motion In Limine To Admit Evidence Of The Defendant’s Prior Participation In An Insight Role As Direct Evidence And Pursuant To Rule 404 (B),” United States v. Melzer, 20 MG 5884 (S.D.N.Y., 12 June 2022), 1, 3.

111 Ibid., 2–8.

112 U.S. Attorney’s Office, District of Kansas, “Former Fort Riley Soldier Sentenced for Distributing Info on Napalm, IEDs,” 19 August 2020.

113 Kelly Weill, “Satanism Drama Is Tearing Apart the Murderous Neo-Nazi Group Atomwaffen,” Daily Beast, 21 March 2018; “Library,” Universal Order, archived 8 December 2018.

114 Ali Winston, “This Deadly Neo-Nazi Group’s Media Obsession Could Be Its Downfall,” Daily Beast, 1 March 2020.

115 Ben Makuch, “Neo-Nazi Terror Group Atomwaffen Division Re-Emerges Under New Name,” Vice, 5 August 2020; “National Socialist Order Announcement!” blog entry, The American Futurist, 25 July 2020.

116 “Atomwaffen Division Successor Commences ‘Sinister’ Rebranding Inspired by Satanic Rape Group O9A,” SITE Intelligence Group, 5 October 2022.

117 Ryan Fleming was a regional leader for National Action, a U.K.-based terrorist group that was proscribed in 2016. Aside from his terrorist associations, Fleming was convicted in 2012 of sexually abusing an underage boy, and in 2017 was convicted of sexually abusing an underage girl. He was sentenced to three years in prison for the second crime and was banned from unsupervised contact with children. He later admitted to violating this restriction and was sentenced to an additional six months of jail time in February 2021. His current status is unknown. Daniel De Simone, “Ryan Fleming: Neo-Nazi Paedophile Jailed for Messaging Children,” BBC, 12 February 2021; “Ryan Fleming, 26, of Horsforth, Gets Three Years’ Jail for Having Sex with 14-Year-Old,” Telegraph & Argus, 28 July 2017.

118 “An O9A Education,” n.d., o9a.org; Chloe352, “Fenrir, Generation Three.”

119 Upchurch.

120 Fascist Forge was a web forum that was active between April 2018 and February 2019. Its founder wrote that its purpose was to “continue where they left off,” referring to Iron March, a neo-fascist web forum active between 2011 and 2017. For more information on Fascist Forge and Iron March, see Mack Lamoureux, “Fascist Forge, the Online Neo-Nazi Recruitment Forum, Is Down,” Vice, 15 February 2019, and Upchurch.

121 “Neo-Nazi Advises Others to Infiltrate and Manipulate Terrorist Organizations Such as Al-Qaeda and Hamas,” SITE Intelligence Group, 6 February 2019.

122 “Neo-Nazis Discuss Joining Security Forces in their Respective Countries to Gain Combat and Survival Skills,” SITE Intelligence Group, 18 January 2019.

123 Upchurch.

124 “9 INTERVIEW,” Maldición Eco-Extremista, 12 March 2021.

125 “Recruitment Efforts for Satanic Neo-Nazi Occult Group Posted to Incel Forum,” SITE Intelligence Group, 14 December 2022.

126 Feldman. The connection in this case was indirect (which is not to say immaterial), with murderer Danyal Hussein participating in an online forum associated with a practitioner of black magic who claimed to be part of the Tempel ov Blood.

127 Suzy Gibson, “Special Branch Inquiry Led to Student’s Terror-Related Arrest,” Leicestershire Live, 12 August 2021.

128 Kerry Burke and Noah Goldberg, “Gun-Toting Queens Satanist Named Angel ‘Expressed Interest’ in Abusing Kids: Feds,” New York Daily News, 24 November 2021.

129 Weill.

130 American Futurist, blog post, “Decay: A Cause for Concern,” 16 November 2022.

131 See “Neo-Nazis Denounce Occultists Associated with Terror Plot, Favor Optics-Friendly Groups,” SITE Intelligence Group, 25 June 2020, and Lizzie Dearden, “Student Who Founded Neo-Nazi Terrorist Groups Convicted of Terror Offences,” Independent, 11 July 2021.

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