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Examples Violating Golyshev’s Canonical Strip Hypotheses

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We give the first examples of smooth Fano and Calabi–Yau varieties violating the (narrow) canonical strip hypothesis, which concerns the location of the roots of Hilbert polynomials of polarized varieties. They are given by moduli spaces of rank 2 bundles with fixed odd-degree determinant on curves of sufficiently high genus, hence our Fano examples have Picard rank 1, index 2, are rational, and have moduli. The hypotheses also fail for several other closely related varieties.

1. The canonical strip hypotheses

Associated to a polarization of a smooth projective variety X we can consider its Hilbert polynomial. The complex roots of this polynomial satisfy a symmetry property induced by Serre duality. In [CitationGolyshev 09] Golyshev introduced further constraints on these roots: the (narrow) canonical strip hypothesis. The motivation for these restrictions comes from Yau’s inequalities on characteristic numbers. At the end of this introduction we give a quick summary of the positive results regarding these hypotheses.

To state (and generalize) the canonical strip hypothesis we will use the following definition.

Definition 1.

A pair (X, H) of a normal variety X and an ample line bundle H is said to be monotone of index r if (1–1) c1(X)=KXrH,(1–1) where the symbol denotes numerical equivalence of divisors.

The case of H=KX (resp. H=KX) as considered in [CitationGolyshev 09] for a Fano variety (resp. variety with KX ample) has index 1 (resp. −1). We will also consider polarized Calabi–Yau varieties, for which r = 0.

By Serre duality we have that (1–2) χ(nH)=(1)dimXχ((r+n)H).(1–2)

Hence the roots of the Hilbert polynomial are symmetric around the line r/2. Golyshev introduced the following further constraints on the real parts of the roots of the Hilbert polynomial.

Definition 2.

Let X be a smooth projective variety, and H an ample line bundle, such that (X, H) is monotone polarized of index r. Let α1,,αdimX be the real parts of the roots of the Hilbert polynomial associated to H. Then we say that X satisfies

  • (CL) the canonical line hypothesis if

    (1–3) αi=r2,(1–3)

  • (NCS) the narrow canonical strip hypothesis if (1–4) αi[r+rdimX+1,rdimX+1](1–4)

    when r0

    (1–5) αi[rdimX+1,r+rdimX+1](1–5)


  • (CS) the canonical strip hypothesis if

    (1–6) αi[r,0](1–6)


    (1–7) αi[0,r](1–7)

    when r ≥ 0 otherwise,

    for all i=1,,dimX.

    It is clear that (1–8) (CL)(NCS)(CS).(1–8)

If X is a Fano variety such that there exists a (normal) anticanonical divisor YX, then we can consider the monotone polarized variety (YKX|Y). By [CitationGolyshev 09, Theorem 4] we know that if (XKX) satisfies (CS) then (YKX|Y) satisfies (CL).

The goal of this paper is to give the first examples of

  1. Fano varieties which violate the (narrow) canonical strip hypothesis;

  2. embedded Calabi-Yau varieties which violate the (narrow) canonical strip hypothesis by

The question whether such varieties exist was raised by Golyshev in [CitationGolyshev 09, §5.A]. The examples we give are moduli spaces MC(2,L) of vector bundles of rank 2 with fixed determinant L of odd degree on a curve C of genus g2.

Theorem 3.

We have the following examples violating the (narrow) canonical strip hypothesis.

  • Let g8, then MC(2,L) does not satisfy the narrow canonical strip hypothesis.

  • Let g10, then MC(2,L) does not satisfy the canonical strip hypothesis.

  • Let g11, then an anticanonical Calabi–Yau hypersurface inside MC(2,L) does not satisfy the canonical line hypothesis.

Hence for g = 10 we have that MC(2,L) violates the canonical strip hypothesis, yet an anticanonical Calabi–Yau hypersurface still satisfies the embedded canonical line hypothesis. See also for more information.

Table 1. Maximum value of real parts of complex roots of Hilbert polynomial.

Observe that there exist smooth anticanonical hypersurfaces, by the very ampleness of Θ [CitationBrivio and Verra 99] (which is the ample generator of PicMC(2,L), as recalled in Section 2) and the Bertini theorem.

In Section 2 we give the proof of this theorem, and discuss related constructions, giving more families of examples violating Golyshev’s hypotheses. Before we do this we give an overview of the positive results in the literature. In [CitationGolyshev 09] Golyshev explains how

  1. the canonical line hypothesis holds for smooth projective curves (with the elliptic curve being embedded in P2);

  2. the narrow canonical strip hypothesis holds for del Pezzo surfaces and surfaces of general type, and the canonical line hypothesis holds for embedded K3 surfaces;

  3. the narrow canonical strip hypothesis holds for Fano 3-folds and minimal threefolds of general type.

Moreover it is explained how all Grassmannians (not just projective spaces) satisfy the narrow canonical strip hypothesis.

In [CitationManivel 09] Manivel shows that for G a simple affine algebraic group and P a maximal parabolic subgroup

  1. G/P satisfies the tightFootnote1 canonical strip hypothesis;

  2. Fano complete intersections in G/P satisfy the tight canonical strip hypothesis;

  3. general type complete intersections in G/P satisfy the canonical line hypothesis;

  4. Calabi–Yau complete intersections in G/P satisfy the canonical line hypothesis.

Miyaoka’s celebrated pseudo-effectivity theorem [CitationMiyaoka 87] implies that the embedded canonical line hypothesis holds for smooth Calabi–Yau threefolds, as well as for threefolds with numerically trivial canonical bundle, and terminal Gorenstein singularities that admit a crepant resolution.

Another case that can be checked is that of smooth toric Fano n-folds, for n=4,,7. By [CitationCox et al. 11, Proposition 9.4.3] we have that the Hilbert polynomial for the anticanonical bundle is the Ehrhart polynomial of the moment polytope. In [CitationEhrhart Polynomials] we have computed these Ehrhart polynomials, based on the classification of the toric Fano polytopes up to dimension 7. It turns out there are no examples violating the canonical strip hypothesis. In other words, we can add the following proposition to the list of positive examples.

Proposition 4.

Let X be a smooth toric Fano variety of dimension at most 7. Then X satisfies the canonical strip hypothesis, but the narrow canonical strip hypothesis is violated starting in dimension 4.

In fact, the maximal value md of the real parts of the roots of the Hilbert polynomials for smooth toric Fano varieties of dimension d is given as (1–9) m2=0.3333333333m3=0.2500000000m4=0.1394448724m5=0.0868988066m6=0.0566708554m7=0.0354049073(1–9)

For Gorenstein toric Fano varieties hypothesis (CS) was shown to be true in dimensions up to 5 by [CitationHegedüs et al. 15, Theorem 1.7], but is violated in dimension 10 due to the example in [CitationHegedüs et al. 15, §7.3]. It is unknown whether hypothesis (CS) holds or not for Gorenstein toric Fano varieties of dimensions between 6 and 9. However for smooth toric Fanos hypothesis (CS) is also true in dimensions 6 and 7 by Proposition 4.

2. Examples violating the hypotheses

An interesting class of Fano varieties is given by moduli spaces of vector bundles on a curve. We will restrict ourselves to the case of rank 2. Let L be a line bundle of odd degree on a smooth projective curve C of genus g. Then the moduli space MC(2,L) of rank 2 bundles with determinant L is a smooth projective variety of dimension 3g3, of rank 1 and index 2, i.e. PicMC(2,L)ZΘ, and ωMC(2,L)Θ2, see [CitationDrézet and Narasimhan 89].

To compute the Hilbert polynomial we can use the celebrated Verlinde formula, which gives an expression for dimH0(MC(2,L),Θk), see [CitationBeauville 95, CitationZagier 96] for a survey. It reads (2–10) dimH0(MC(2,L),Θk)=(k+1)g1j=12k+1(1)j1sin2g2jπ2k+2.(2–10)

Rather than this version of the Verlinde formula we will use an alternative form, taken from [CitationZagier 96]. Namely item (x) in Theorem 1 of op. cit. gives the formula (2–11) dimH0(MC(2,L),Θk)=2gdetMr,sj=1g(2j)!(2–11) where the matrix (Mr,s)r,s=0,,g1 is given by (2–12) Mr,s={1r=0(k+1+r)2s+2(k+1r)2s+2r0.(2–12)

The benefit of using this expression is that it can be computed in an exact fashion in computer algebra.

Using this formula one computes the first 3g coefficients of the Hilbert series, and from this we can obtain the Hilbert polynomial of MC(2,L) with respect to Θ, i.e. we consider the monotone polarization given by H=Θ for MC(2,L). Two implementations of the computations (one in Pari/GP, another in Sage) can be found at [Canonical Strip Hypothesis]. The implementation computes the maximum of the real parts of the complex roots of the Hilbert polynomial, so we are interested in knowing when these are negative, but close to 0, or positive. From these computations we get Theorem 3 as in the introduction.

Remark 5.

The values in the column labeled MC(2,L) in suggest an interesting convergence behavior for the maximum of the real part of the complex roots of the Hilbert polynomial. More generally one can compute that the collection of all roots of the Hilbert polynomial seems to exhibit a pattern where the limiting behavior involves the complex hull of the roots for increasing genera. A visualization of this is given in . In the picture we have omitted the root at t = –1, which in all the examples we computed is of multiplicity g – 1, but we have no proof of this. We suggest these questions for future work.

Figure 1. Complex roots of Hilbert polynomials of MC(2,L), for g=2,,30.

Figure 1. Complex roots of Hilbert polynomials of MC(2,L), for g=2,…,30.

2.1. Related constructions

Besides an anticanonical Calabi–Yau hypersurface constructed out of MC(2,L) there are other Fano and Calabi–Yau varieties we can construct out of it. These are

  • Fano1 the 3g4—dimensional Fano variety given by a linear section;

  • Fano2 the 3g3—dimensional Fano variety given by a double cover branched in 2Θ;

  • CY2 the 3g5—dimensional Calabi–Yau variety given by a linear section of codimension 2;

  • CY3 the 3g3—dimensional Calabi–Yau variety given by a double cover branched in 4Θ;

  • CY4 the 3g3—dimensional Calabi–Yau variety given by the cone over the embedding given by Θ, intersected with a cubic hypersurface;

  • CY5 the 3g3—dimensional Calabi–Yau variety given by the join with a line intersected with two quadric hypersurfaces;

  • CY6 the 3g3—dimensional Calabi–Yau variety given by a smoothing of a linear section of a join with an elliptic curve of degree 1.

For all of these the canonical strip (resp. line) hypothesis eventually fails, as checked in [CitationCanonical Strip Hypothesis]. In we have collected the maximum over the real parts of the complex roots of the Hilbert polynomial, where the columns are labeled as in this remark. The Calabi–Yau variety denoted CY1 is the anticanonical section of MC(2,L) as considered in Theorem 3.

Remark 6.

The case Fano1 was also used in [CitationCastravet 07] to construct counterexamples to Pukhlikov’s conjecture that all smooth Fano varieties of dimension 4 and index 1 are birationally rigid.

Remark 7.

The canonical line hypothesis can also be formulated for varieties with ample canonical bundle. One can construct new varieties of general type from MC(2,L), but we have not found examples of varieties violating the canonical line hypothesis by doing so.


The authors thank the referee for their comments.

Additional information


The first and third author were supported by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn. The second author was partially supported by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics during the trimester program “Periods in Number Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Physics” and by the Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry NRU HSE, RF Government grant, ag. N. 14.641.31.0001.


1 A strengthening of the narrow canonical strip hypothesis for Fano varieties involving the index ιX of X, i.e. with the notation of Definition 2 one asks for αi[1+1/ιX,1/ιX], when H=KX.


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