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Simple Type Theory is not too Simple: Grothendieck’s Schemes Without Dependent Types


Church’s simple type theory is often deemed too simple for elaborate mathematical constructions. In particular, doubts were raised whether schemes could be formalized in this setting and a challenge was issued. Schemes are sophisticated mathematical objects in algebraic geometry introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in 1960. In this article we report on a successful formalization of schemes in the simple type theory of the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL, and we discuss the design choices which make this work possible. We show in the particular case of schemes how the powerful dependent types of Coq or Lean can be traded for a minimalist apparatus called locales.

1 Introduction

1.1 A Challenge Accepted and Met

Proof assistants have made impressive progress on the formalization of algebra [Citation14]. In 2003, Laurent Chicli, as the topic of his PhD thesis [Citation7], formalized sheaves of rings and affine schemes in the proof assistant Coq [Citation9], which is based on a powerful dependent type theory known as the Calculus of Inductive Constructions [Citation10, Citation11]. However, Chicli’s Coq code certainly became deprecated long ago. More recently, in 2019 Grothendieck’s schemes [Citation15] have been formalized by a group of six mathematicians led by Kevin Buzzard [Citation6], with additional insights from Reid Barton and Mario Carneiro, using the brave new Lean theorem prover, which is based on a similar dependent type theory [Citation12]. For the reader unfamiliar with schemes we will quote Kevin Buzzard.

Schemes are the fundamental objects of study in algebraic geometry. They were discovered (in their current form) by Grothendieck in the late 1950s and early 1960s and they revolutionised the theory of algebraic geometry.Footnote1


A scheme is a mathematical object whose definition and basic properties are usually taught at MSc or early PhD level in a typical mathematics department.

Kevin Buzzard in 2017 proposed the formalization of schemes

as basically a challenge to see if Lean can handle such a complex definition.Footnote2

We should note that the Isabelle proof assistant is based on a much more minimalist type theory, known as simple type theory. As a consequence, many users of dependent type theories see Isabelle’s type theory as a far less expressive system for formalizing advanced mathematics. These doubts have been expressed by Kevin Buzzard on his blog:

What can Isabelle/HOL actually do before it breaks? Nobody knows. […] But do you people want to attract working mathematicians? Then where are the schemes? Can your system even do schemes? I don’t know. Does anyone know? If it cannot then this would be very valuable to know because it will help mathematician early adopters to make an informed decision about which system to use.Footnote3

Even the status of sheaves of rings, a prerequisite for schemes, was unclear:

I am not sure that it is even possible to write this code in Isabelle/HOL in such a way that it will run in finite time, […], and a sheaf is a dependent type, and your clever HOL workarounds will not let you use typeclasses […]Footnote4

In this article we present a formalization of sheaves of rings and schemes in Isabelle/HOL reaching the benchmark result set by [Citation6]: an affine scheme is a scheme.

1.2 Toward a Discipline of Formalizing

To achieve this result, we tried to bridge the gap between set theory and type theory within the simple type theory of Isabelle/HOL, while forgoing the extension of Isabelle’s logic with a new rule for type definition as proposed by Kunčar and Popescu in their types-to-sets framework [Citation19]. We avoided Isabelle’s type classes and type declarations whenever possible and relied on Isabelle’s module system called locales, whose modern incarnation appeared in 2006 [1]. Locales pervade our development and we exemplify their use in topology, abstract algebra and algebraic geometry. In particular, the present work makes a triple contribution to Isabelle/HOL: a first building block toward a new topology library, a new building block toward a library for abstract algebra and finally a formalization of schemes. The formalized material has a size of 7300 lines of code [Citation5], including material in commutative algebra (prime and maximal ideals, localization of a ring) and our partial reconstruction of the topology library (down to the notion of a topological space). Our experiment meets the challenge of formalizing for the first time schemes in simple type theory and by doing so it demonstrates that intricate dependencies of mathematical structures can be managed in this formal logical system. In Section 4 the current limitations of locales are addressed and we point out possible improvements to make formal statements handled with locales more concise. Our approach through locales allows for intricate definitions as well as proofs where the efficient proof automation of Isabelle/HOL kicks in. We hope this work will help mathematicians interested in the formalization of mathematics to evaluate the formal systems available to them.

2 A World Without Dependent Types: Problems and solutions

2.1 Isabelle/HOL and Simple Type Theory

Isabelle/HOL [Citation22] is a proof assistant for higher-order logic—Church’s simple type theory [Citation8]—and is therefore based on the typed λ-calculus with Boolean and function types. A Boolean-valued function is a predicate, which yields a simple typed set theory that is expressive enough to express abstract mathematics, as we demonstrate below.

In Church’s original conception, the sole purpose of types is to prevent inconsistency, all collections being represented as sets. People today, influenced by programming languages, prefer to give types a more dominant role. They expect to have numeric types like int, nat, real, complex and for types to play a major role in logical reasoning. For example, an expression like x+y should be interpreted with respect to the types of x and y. Isabelle/HOL’s type classes [Citation24] support this sort of type-based disambiguation in a strong sense, so that x+y refers to the correct instance of addition. Type classes work for such trivialities as the basic laws for addition and multiplication (with the help of type classes for groups and rings) and for more advanced topological properties [Citation17]. A new type, once proved to be a topological space, instantly inherits such concepts as limits and continuity along with all theorems proved about them.

The drawback of type classes is simply that they refer to types. Mathematical constructions are generally too complex to formalize as types. Even the carrier of a group can be a complex object. Moving to a stronger type system, as done in Coq or Lean, brings issues of its own. Our solution is to define what we need using the naive set theory that comes with higher-order logic, through the mechanism of locales. Footnote5

2.2 Locales

A locale [Citation2] represents an Isabelle/HOL proof context. It can take parameters and instances of other locales. It can declare components constrained by assumptions. Thus they correspond directly to the mathematical practice of defining a monoid, say, as a tuple (M,·,1) satisfying the obvious properties. A locale can inherit multiple instances, as when we define a monoid homomorphism with respect to two monoids.

Logically, a locale is nothing but a predicate; their power comes from Isabelle’s mechanisms for creating, managing and using locale hierarchies. If we work in a particular locale, we can refer to its components and assumptions. But we can also prove membership of a locale, which means to exhibit particular constructions—say a purported monoid carrier along with its multiplication and identity—and prove that they satisfy the locale’s assumptions. Sublocale declarations provide a means of proving inclusions between locales, for instance to prove once and for all that every submonoid is in particular a monoid. We found that locales handled the tangle of definitions building up to schemes faithfully.

However, the right way to formalize advanced algebra is not obvious. During the formal development the user has to decide how mathematical structures should be best organized in the proof assistant so that they can be used mechanically in an efficient way. It is well-known in the Isabelle community that the main algebra library needs to be rebuilt from scratch. In fact, there are many libraries for algebra in Isabelle: HOL-AlgebraFootnote6 from the previous millennium (1999), the more recent HOL-Computational_AlgebraFootnote7, and moreover some entries in the Archive of Formal ProofsFootnote8 like Groups, Rings and Modules [Citation18] and Vector Spaces [Citation21] among others. As a result, there is a lot of overlapping material, which makes the status of algebra confusing and unclear for the newcomer in the Isabelle world. And while these formalizations constitute an impressive body of work, parts of it are deprecated code not using locales or the Isar language, an additional layer of vernacular which allows for structured proofs making them more legible and easier to maintain. Despite these problems, there are noteworthy achievements like the formalization of the algebraic closure of a field [Citation13].

Even using locales, we can still go wrong. The root of the problems in HOL-Algebra is the desire to refer to a structure such as a group with its components using a single variable, as a record data structure. The new (at the time) extensible records seemed perfect for the task. But they led to some peculiarities: notably, the locale abelian_group (in Theory Ring) which presents the odd twist of requiring a ring structure. The lack of multiple inheritance for records seems to have required the awkward use of the ring record for abelian groups. However, Clemens Ballarin recently conducted an experiment [Citation3] showing that locales, without records, allow for a smooth handling of basic algebraic structures in Isabelle such as monoids, groups and rings. We decided to base our formal development on this experiment. In the next section we introduce schemes and their formal counterparts in simple type theory, replacing the dependent types of Buzzard et al. [Citation6] by Isabelle’s locales.

3 Schemes in Isabelle/HOL

3.1 Elements of Topology

We seized the opportunity of formalizing schemes to build a new topology library despite the two existing formalizations of topology in Isabelle/HOL, namely HOL-Topological_Spaces.thyFootnote9 and HOL-Analysis/Abstract_Topology.Footnote10 Our new topology library is entirely built on locales without using type classes or type declarations (via the typedef command). In particular, our topological spaces have explicit carrier sets as part of their data instead of using UNIV, the set of all elements of some type, or having to define it later as the union of all the open sets.

locale topological_space =fixes S:: "’a set" and is_open:: "’a set ⇒ bool"assumes open_space [simp, intro]: "is_open S"   and open_empty [simp, intro]: "is_open {}"   and open_imp_subset: "is_open U ⇒ U ⊆ S"   and open_inter [intro]: "[[is_open U; is_open V]] ⇒ is_open (U ∩ V)"   and open_union [intro]:    "∧ F::(’a set) set. (∧ x. x ∈ F is_open x)      is_open (∪ x∈F. x)"

The token ’a set denotes the type of sets of elements of type ’a, this last type being the type of the elements of the carrier S of our topological space. Within the locale for topological spaces the axiom open_imp_subset enforces that an open is automatically a subset of the ambient space. This is a welcome addition, since it avoids having to add this assumption in every lemma mentioning an open set among its assumptions, making the economy of dozens of trivial assumptions.

Then we define the topology generated by a family of subsets of a given set,

inductive generated_topology:: "’a seta set seta setbool"   for S:: "’a set" and B:: "’a set set"whereUNIV: "generated_topology S B S" | Int: "generated_topology S B (U V)"   if "generated_topology S B U" and "generated_topology S B V" | UN: "generated_topology S B (K)"   if "(U. UK _⇒ generated_topology S B U)" | Basis: "generated_topology S B b" if "b B b S"

where ’a set set denotes the type of sets of elements of type ’a set. The fact that the generated topology is indeed a topology is established as one of our first lemmas.

lemma generated_topology_is_topology:fixes S:: "’a set" and B:: "’a set set"shows "topological_space S (generated_topology S B)"

Covers in topology are an interesting example, since they illustrate how locales can be nested like matryoshka dolls.

locale cover_of_subset =fixes X:: "’a set" and U:: "’a set"   and index:: "real set" and cover:: "real ’a set" cover:: "real ⇒ ’a set"assumes "U X"   and "i. iindex cover iX"   and "U(iindex. cover i)" locale open_cover_of_subset = topological_space X is_open    + cover_of_subset X U I C   for X and is_open and U and I and C +   assumes "i. iIis_open (C i)" locale open_cover_of_open_subset    = open_cover_of_subset X is_open U I C   for X and is_open and U and I and C +   assumes "is_open U"

Above, each locale builds on the previous one to define eventually an open cover of an open subset. The token “+” is used to declare a mathematical structure which was previously introduced and also to add possibly a list of assumptions. Our library includes also basic elements like homeomorphisms and the subspace topology induced on a subset.

3.2 Elements of Algebraic Geometry

Our presentation follows the classic graduate textbook of Hartshorne [Citation16]. For the remainder of this text fix a ring R. The reader can safely assume that R is commutative.

3.2.1 The Zariski Topology

The definitions of a ring R and of an ideal of R were introduced in [Citation3]. Note that in Isabelle we do not assume from the start that R is commutative, since we strive for generality. In formal mathematics, adding an axiom later is easier than removing one!

Definition 3.1

(ideal). An ideal a of R is a subset of R which is an additive subgroup such that Ra=a.

locale ideal = subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring +assumes ideal: "[[a R; b I]] a b I"   "[[a R; b I]] b a I"

The token subgroup_of_additive_group_of_ring is the way to introduce in Isabelle a ring R and an additive subgroup of R using Isabelle’s locale mechanism. Note that in the code above the ideal is denoted I while gothic letters are sometimes used for denoting ideals. In our code we use both depending on the situation. One easily checks that {0} and R are ideals of R. In our formalization this translates as follows.

lemma (in comm_ring) ideal_R_R: "ideal R R (+) () 0 1" lemma (in comm_ring) ideal_0_R: "ideal {0} R (+) () 0 1"

The token “in comm_ring” allows to open a context where a commutative ring, here denoted R, has been previously declared in Isabelle. Given a and b two ideals of R, one defines ab to be the ideal whose underlying set is {a1b1++anbn|aia,bib,n}.

Actually, ab is the smallest ideal generated by the set {ab|aa,bb}.

definition (in comm_ring) ideal_gen_by_prod    :: "’a set ’a set ’a set"where "ideal_gen_by_prod a badditive.subgroup_generated    {x. a b. x = a baabb}"

One easily checks ab is an ideal.

lemma (in comm_ring) ideal_subgroup_generated:assumes "ideal a R (+) () 0 1" and "ideal b R (+) () 0 1"shows "ideal (ideal_gen_by_prod a b) R (+) () 0 1"

This ideal can be characterized as the intersection of all ideals of R containing the set {ab|aa,bb}.

lemma (in comm_ring) ideal_gen_by_prod_is_inter:assumes "ideal a R (+) () 0 1" and "ideal b R (+) () 0 1"shows "ideal_gen_by_prod a b = {I. ideal I R (+) () 0 1   ∧ {ab |a b. aabb} I}"

Given {ai} a family of ideals of R indexed by an arbitrary set I, one defines the set iIai to be the set {a1++an|n,akaik}.of all finite sums of elements belonging to some ideals of the family. The set iIai, seen as an additive subgroup, is again an ideal of R.

The so-called prime ideals are an important class of ideals.

Definition 3.2

(prime ideal). A prime ideal is an ideal pR such that xyp implies xp or yp for every elements x and y in R.

locale pr_ideal = comm:comm_ring R "(+)" "()" "0" "1"    + ideal I R "(+)" "()" "0" "1"for R and I and addition (infixl "+" 65) and multiplication    (infixl "" 70) and zero ("0") and unit ("1")+ assumes carrier_neq: "I R"     and absorbent: "[[x R; yR (x yI)(xIyI)"

Our locale pr_ideal builds upon the locale ideal for ideals (introduced previously in [Citation3]) which does not assume the commutativity of the ring R. As a consequence, in order to assume the commutativity of the ring, we have to declare afresh the parameters of the locale instead of simply writing

locale pr_ideal = ideal +assumes carrier_neq: "I R"   and absorbent: "[[x R; y R]] (x y I)    _⇒ (xIyI)"

as our locale, although this last locale would be syntactically correct.

Note that if p is a prime ideal, then 1p.

lemma (in pr_ideal) not_1: "1 / ∉ I" proofassume "1I"then have "x. [[1I; xR]] xI"   by (metis ideal(1) comm.multiplicative.right_unit)with 〈1Ihave "I = R"   by autothen show False   using carrier_neq by blast qed

Let p be a prime ideal and S be the complement of p in R, we prove S is a multiplicative submonoid of R.

lemma (in pr_ideal) submonoid_notin:assumes "S = {xR. x / ∉ I}"shows "submonoid S R () 1"

If a is an ideal of R, V(a) will denote the set of all prime ideals of R which contain a.

definition (in comm_ring) closed_subsets   :: "’a set(’a set) set" ("ς_" [900] 900)where "ς a{I. pr_ideal R I (+) () 0 1aI}"

Note that V(R)= and V({0}) is the set of all prime ideals of R, abbreviated Spec in our code.

lemma (in comm_ring) closed_subsets_zero: "ς {0} = Spec" lemma (in comm_ring) closed_subsets_R: "ς R = {}"

Next, we define on the set of all primes ideals of R the so-called Zariski topology given by the subsets of the form V(a) as the closed subsets. We then prove in Isabelle that the set SpecR together with its Zariski topology is a topological space.

definition (in comm_ring) is_zariski_open   :: "’a set set bool" where"is_zariski_open U generated_topology Spec    {U. (a. ideal a R (+) () 0 1U = Spec - ςa)} U" lemma (in comm_ring) zariski_is_topological_space:"topological_space Spec is_zariski_open"

In the rest of this text SpecR will denote the set of all prime ideals of R equipped with its Zariski topology.

3.2.2 Sheaves of Rings

We now teach Isabelle what presheaves of rings are.

Definition 3.3

(presheaf of rings). Let X be a topological space. A presheaf F of rings on X consists of the following data:

  • for every open set U, a ring F(U)

  • for every inclusion VU of open subsets, a morphism of rings ρUV:F(U)F(V)


  1. F()={0}

  2. ρUU is the identity map for every open subset U

  3. If WVU are three open subsets, then ρUW=ρVW°ρUV.

locale presheaf_of_rings = topological_space+ fixes F:: "’a set ’b set"and ϱ:: "’a set ’a set (’b ’b)" and b:: "’b"and add_str:: "’a set (’b ’b ’b)" ("+_")’b)" ("+_")and mult_str:: "’a set (’b ’b ’b)" ("_")and zero_str:: "’a set ’b" ("0_")and one_str:: "’a set ’b" ("1_")assumes is_ring_morphism:   "U V. is_open U is_open V V U    ring_homomorphism (ϱ U V)     (F U) (+U) (U) 0U 1U     (F V) (+V) (V) 0V 1V" and ring_of_empty: "F {} = {b}" and identity_map [simp]: "U. is_open U    ⇒ (x. xF U ⇒ ϱ U U x = x)" and assoc_comp:"U V W x. [[is_open U; is_open V; is_open W;V U;   W V;x (F U)]] ⇒ ϱ U W x = (ϱ V W ◦ ϱ U V) x"

Within the locale the sets F(U)’s are endowed with ring structures using the functional add_str (resp. mult_str, zero_str, one_str) that takes an open subset U and outputs the addition (resp. the multiplication, the additive unit, the multiplicative unit) on the set F(U). Ring homomorphisms have been defined in [Citation3] as follows.

locale ring_homomorphism =map η R R’ + source: ring R "(+)" "()" 0 1+ target: ring R’ "(+’)" "(’)" "0’" "1’"+ additive: group_homomorphism η R "(+)" 0 R’ "(+’)" "0’"+ multiplicative: monoid_homomorphism η R "()" 1 R’ "(’)" "1’"for η and R and addition (infixl "+" 65) and multiplication (infixl "" 70)   and zero ("0") and unit ("1") and R’ and addition’ (infixl "+’’" 65)    and multiplication’ (infixl "’’" 70) and zero’ ("0’’") and unit’ ("1’’")

As expected the source and target of a ring homomorphism are rings. As a consequence, the condition is_ring_morphism within the locale presheaf_of_rings, requiring ρUV to be a ring homomorphism, implies that F(U) together with its structure is a ring for every open subset U of the underlying topological space.

lemma (in presheaf_of_rings) is_ring_from_is_homomorphism:fixes U:: "’a set"assumes "is_open U"shows "ring (F U) (+U) (U) 0U 1U"

Notation 1. The elements of F(U) are sometimes called the sections of the presheaf F over U and given sF(U),sV denotes the element ρUV(s).

Of course, we have the corresponding notion of morphisms.

Definition 3.4

(morphism of presheaves of rings). A morphism ϕ:FF of presheaves of rings on a topological space X is given by a morphism ϕU:F(U)F(U) for each open subset U of X such that the following diagram commutesfor every inclusion VU.

locale morphism_presheaves_of_rings =source: presheaf_of_rings X is_open F ϱ b add_str   mult_str zero_str one_str+ target: presheaf_of_rings X is_open Fϱ’ b’ add_str’   mult_str’ zero_str’ one_str’ for X and is_openand F and ϱ and b and add_str ("+_")and mult_str ("_") and zero_str ("0_")and one_str ("1_") and Fand ϱand b’and add_str’ ("+’’_") and mult_str’ ("’’_")and zero_str’ ("0’’_") and one_str’ ("1’’_") + fixes fam_morphisms:: "’a set (’b ’c)" assumes is_ring_morphism:"U. is_open U ring_homomorphism (fam_morphisms U)   (F U) (+U) (U) 0U 1U   (F’ U) (+’U) (’U) 0’U 1’U"and comm_diagrams:"U V x. [[is_open U; is_open V; V U;x F U]]   ⇒ (ϱU Vfam_morphisms U) x    = (fam_morphisms V ◦ϱ U V) x"

In the snippet of code above, we see the inheritance of locales in action. Indeed, the locale presheaf_of_rings inherits multiple instances, one for the source and one for the target of the notion of morphism being defined. The notion of composition for morphisms of presheaves is straightforward and we check in Isabelle without any difficulty that the composition is again a morphism between presheaves of rings.

Indeed, let ϕ:FG (resp. ψ:GH) be a morphism of presheaves of rings on a topological space X. One defines the composition ψ°ϕ from F to H as (ψ°ϕ)U:=ψU°ϕUfor every open subset U of X.

lemma comp_of_presheaves:assumes "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open F ϱ b    add_str mult_str zero_str one_str Fϱ ’ b’     add_str’ mult_str’ zero_str’ one_str’ ϕ"   and "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open Fϱ ’ b’    add_str’ mult_str’ zero_str’ one_str’ F’’ϱ ’’    b’’ add_str’’ mult_str’’ zero_str’’ one_str’’ ϕ’"shows "morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open F ϱ b add_str   mult_str zero_str one_str F’’ϱ ’’ b’’ add_str’’   mult_str’’ zero_str’’ one_str’’ (λU. (ϕ’ U ◦ ϕ U F U))"

The syntax g°fD, used in the last line of the above code, is simply some syntactic sugar for the definition of the composition g°f of two maps f and g on the domain D.

Remark 3.5.

Given a presheaf F on X, let us define (1F)U as the identity morphism of F(U) for every open subset U of X. The family 1F is obviously a morphism of presheaves from F to itself. A morphism ϕ:FG of presheaves of rings is an isomorphism if and only if there exists a morphism ψ:GF such that ψ°ϕ=1F and ϕ°ψ=1G.locale iso_presheaves_of_rings

= mor:morphism_presheaves_of_rings +assumes is_inv: "ψ. morphism_presheaves_of_rings X is_open   Fϱ’ b’ add_str’ mult_str’ zero_str’ one_str’ F ϱ b    add_str mult_str zero_str one_str ψ(U. is_open U    (x (F’ U). (fam_morphisms U ◦ ψ U) x = x)     ∧ (x (F U). (ψ U fam_morphisms U) x = x))"

Now, we introduce the notion of a sheaf of rings.

Definition 3.6

(sheaf of rings). A sheaf of rings on a topological space X is a presheaf of rings on X that satisfies the following additional properties:

(locality)Given an open set U, {Vi} an open covering of U and sF(U) such that sVi=0 for all i, then one has s = 0.

(glueing)Given an open set U, {Vi} an open covering of U and elements siF(Vi) satisfying the property siViVj=sjViVj for all i and j, then there exists an element sF(U) such that sVi=si for all i.

The resulting formalization of sheaves of rings in Isabelle is concise (10 lines), tidy and almost transparent with respect to the pen-and-paper definition.

locale sheaf_of_rings = presheaf_of_rings +assumes locality: "U I V s. open_cover_of_open_subset S     is_open U I V (i. iI V i U) s F U    ⇒ (i. iI ⇒ ϱ U (V i) s = 0(V i)) s = 0U"    and glueing:    "U I V s. open_cover_of_open_subset S is_open U I V    ⇒ (i. iIV i Us iF (V i))    ⇒ (i j. iIjI ⇒ ϱ (V i) (V i V j) (s i)    = ϱ (V j) (V i V j) (s j))    ⇒ (t. t F U (i. iI → ϱ U (V i) t = s i))"

A morphism (resp. an isomorphism) of sheaves of rings is nothing but a morphism (resp. an isomorphism) of presheaves of rings, hence the following locale in Isabelle.

locale morphism_sheaves_of_rings = morphism_presheaves_of_rings

Let X be a topological space, F a sheaf of rings on X and U an open subset of X, one proves that the restriction of F to U, seen as a topological subspace with respect to the induced topology, is a sheaf of rings. In our formal development this sheaf is called the induced sheaf and shorten ind_sheaf. We encapsulate the relevant mathematical context (the “let be” part) in a dedicated locale and formalize within this locale the relevant definitions and we eventually prove the induced sheaf F|U is indeed a sheaf of rings.

locale ind_sheaf = sheaf_of_rings +fixes U:: "’a set"assumes is_open_subset: "is_open U" begin interpretation it: ind_topology S is_open U definition ind_sheaf:: "’a set ’b set"where "ind_sheaf V F (U V)" definition ind_ring_morphisms:: "’a set ’a set (’b ’b)"where "ind_ring_morphisms V W ≡ ϱ U V) (U W)" definition ind_add_str:: "’a set (’b ’b ’b)"where "ind_add_str V ≡ λx y. +(U V) x y" definition ind_mult_str:: "’a set (’b ’b ’b)"where "ind_mult_str V ≡ λx y. (U V) x y" definition ind_zero_str:: "’a set ’b"where "ind_zero_str V 0(U V)" definition ind_one_str:: "’a set ’b"where "ind_one_str V 1(U V)" lemma ind_sheaf_is_sheaf:"sheaf_of_rings U it.ind_is_open ind_sheaf ind_ring_morphisms   b ind_add_str ind_mult_str ind_zero_str ind_one_str" end

In the code above the interpretation mechanism for locales makes possible to instantiate the locale ind_topology, for the induced topology on a subset, with a list of arguments. Then it becomes possible to refer later to the induced topology on the open subset U with the abbreviation it.

We introduce a second construction that takes as input a given sheaf of rings and outputs a new sheaf of rings. Let f:XY be a continuous map between topological spaces and F a sheaf of rings on X. Given an open subset V of Y, define (f*F)(V) to be F(f1(V)). We then prove that f*F, together with the obvious structure, is a sheaf of rings on the topological space Y. The sheaf f*F is called the direct image of F.

locale im_sheaf = sheaf_of_rings + continuous_map begin definition im_sheaf:: "’c set = > ’b set"where "im_sheaf V F (f−1 S V)" definition im_sheaf_morphisms:: "’c set ’c set (’b ’b)"where "im_sheaf_morphisms U V ≡ ϱ (f−1 S U) (f−1 S V)" definition add_im_sheaf:: "’c set ’b ’b ’b"where "add_im_sheaf ≡ λV x y. +(f−1 S V) x y" definition mult_im_sheaf:: "’c set ’b ’b ’b"where "mult_im_sheaf ≡ λV x y. (f−1 S V) x y" definition zero_im_sheaf:: "’c set ’b"where "zero_im_sheaf ≡ λV. 0(f−1 S V)" definition one_im_sheaf:: "’c set ’b"where "one_im_sheaf ≡ λV. 1(f−1 S V)" lemma im_sheaf_is_sheaf:"sheaf_of_rings S’ is_open’ im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b   add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf" end

As can been seen in the snippet of code above, we encapsulate again the context of the construction in a dedicated locale and this lets us formalize the relevant definitions in this context and we eventually prove the direct image of a sheaf is again a sheaf.

3.2.3 Localizations of Rings

Next, we introduce the localization of commutative rings. Let S be a multiplicative submonoid of R. We consider pairs (r, s) with rR and sS and we define the following relation on them(r,s)(r,s)if and only if there exists s1S such that s1(srsr)=0. One checks that the relation ∼ is an equivalence relation. The equivalence class of a pair (r, s) is denoted by r / s and the set of equivalence classes is denoted by S1R. We define the following addition on S1R.rs+rs=rs+rsss

We also define the following multiplication on S1R.rs×rs=rrss

One checks these operations are well-defined with (S1R,0/1,+,1/1,×) forming a ring. Following Serge Lang [Citation20, II.4] we call the new ring S1R the quotient ring of R by SFootnote11. This construction translates into the following locale.

locale quotient_ring = comm:comm_ring R "(+)" "()" "0" "1"     + submonoid S R "()" "1"   for S and R and addition (infixl "+" 65)    and multiplication (infixl "" 70) and zero ("0") and unit ("1") begin definition rel:: "(’a ×’a)(’a ×’a)bool" (infix "" 80)where "x y ≡ ∃s1. s1 S s1 (snd y fst x - snd x fst y) = 0" interpretation rel: equivalence "R ×S" "{(x,y) (R×S)×(R×S). x y}" definition frac:: "’a ’a (’a ×’a) set" (infixl "’/" 75)where "r / s rel.Class (r, s)" lemma add_rel_frac:assumes "(r,s) R ×S" and "(r’,s’)R ×S"shows "add_rel (r/s) (r’/s’) = (rs’ + r’s) / (ss’)" lemma mult_rel_frac:assumes "(r,s) R ×S" and "(r’,s’)R ×S"shows "mult_rel (r/s) (r’/s’) = (rr’) / (ss’)" definition zero_rel::"(’a ×’a) set" where"zero_rel = frac 0 1" definition one_rel::"(’a ×’a) set" where"one_rel = frac 1 1" definition carrier_quotient_ring:: "(’a ×’a) set set"where "carrier_quotient_ring rel.Partition" sublocale comm_ring carrier_quotient_ring add_rel mult_rel zero_rel one_rel end

The code above ends with a proof that the locale quotient_ring is a sublocale of the locale comm_ring, i.e., a proof that the quotient of a commutative ring by a multiplicative submonoid is a commutative ring. Remember that the complement of a prime ideal p in R is a multiplicative submonoid, hence we can apply the previous construction with S:=Rp. The resulting ring S1R is called the local ring of R at p.

context pr_ideal begin lemma submonoid_pr_ideal:shows "submonoid (R \ I) R () 1" proofshow "abR\I" if "aR\I" "bR\I" for a b   using that by (metis Diff_iff absorbent comm.multiplicative.composition_closed)show "1R\I"   using ideal.ideal(2) ideal_axioms pr_ideal.carrier_neq pr_ideal_axioms   by fastforce qed auto interpretation local:quotient_ring "(R\I)" R "(+)" "()" 0 1   apply intro_locales   by (meson submonoid_def submonoid_pr_ideal) definition carrier_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set set"where "carrier_local_ring_at (R \ I)−1 R(+) () 0" definition add_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set (’a × ’a) set (’a × ’a) set"where "add_local_ring_at local.add_rel " definition mult_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set (’a × ’a) set (’a × ’a) set"where "mult_local_ring_at local.mult_rel " definition uminus_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set (’a × ’a) set"where "uminus_local_ring_at local.uminus_rel " definition zero_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set"where "zero_local_ring_at local.zero_rel" definition one_local_ring_at:: "(’a × ’a) set"where "one_local_ring_at local.one_rel" end

This allows us to introduce the next construction.

3.2.4 The Spectrum of a Ring

Let U be an open subset of SpecR. We define OSpecR(U) to be the set of all functionss:UpURpsuch that s(p)Rp for every pU and such that for every pU, there exist a neighborhood V of p, contained in U, and elements r,fR, such that for each qV,fq and s(q)=r/f. We can prove that OSpecR(U) is closed under the addition and multiplication of such functions and we take for the additive unit (resp. multiplicative unit) the function that maps each p on the additive unit (resp. multiplicative unit) of Rp. Last, if VU, then the morphism of rings OSpecR(U)OSpecR(V) maps each sOSpecR(U) on its restriction to V. One checks OSpecR is a sheaf of rings on SpecR and the pair (SpecR,OSpecR) is called the spectrum of the ring R. This last construction translates smoothly in Isabelle.

definition (in comm_ring)is_locally_frac:: "(’a set (’a ×’a) set) ’a set set bool"where "is_locally_frac s V (r f. r R f R ( θ V.   f ∉ θ ∧ s θ = quotient_ring.frac (R \ θ) R (+) () 0 r f))" definition (in comm_ring) is_regular    :: "(’a set (’a × ’a) set) ’a set set bool"where "is_regular s U ≡ ∀π. π ∈ U (V. is_zariski_open VVU ∧ π ∈ V(is_locally_frac s V))" definition (in comm_ring) sheaf_spec   :: "’a set set(’a set(’a × ’a) set) set" ("Ο_" [90] 90)where "Ο U{s∈ (∏E π ∈ U. (Rπ (+) () 0)). is_regular s U}" definition (in comm_ring) add_sheaf_spec   :: "(’a set) set (’a set (’a ×’a) set)    ⇒(’a set (’a × ’a) set) (’a set (’a × ’a) set)"   where "add_sheaf_spec U s s’    λπ∈U. quotient_ring.add_rel (R \ π) R (+) () 0 (s π) (s’ π)" definition (in comm_ring) mult_sheaf_spec   :: "(’a set) set (’a set (’a × ’a) set)    (’a set (’a × ’a) set) (’a set (’a × ’a) set)"   where "mult_sheaf_spec U s s’    λπ∈U. quotient_ring.mult_rel (R \ π) R (+) () 0 (s π) (s’ π)" definition (in comm_ring) zero_sheaf_spec   :: "’a set set (’a set (’a × ’a) set)"   where "zero_sheaf_spec U    λπ∈U. quotient_ring.zero_rel (R \ π) R (+) () 0 1" definition (in comm_ring) one_sheaf_spec   :: "’a set set (’a set (’a × ’a) set)"   where "one_sheaf_spec U    λπ∈U. quotient_ring.one_rel (R \ π) R (+) () 0 1" definition (in comm_ring) sheaf_spec_morphisms   :: "’a set set ’a set set ((’a set (’a × ’a) set)    (’a set (’a × ’a) set))"   where "sheaf_spec_morphisms U V ≡ λs(Ο U). restrict s V" lemma (in comm_ring) sheaf_spec_is_sheaf:shows "sheaf_of_rings Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec    sheaf_spec_morphisms Οb add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec     zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"

Next, we introduce ringed spaces and their morphisms.

3.2.5 Ringed Spaces

Definition 3.7

(ringed space). A ringed space is a pair (X,OX), where X is a topological space and OX is a sheaf of rings on X.

locale ringed_space = sheaf_of_rings

Definition 3.8

(morphism of ringed spaces). A morphism of ringed spaces from (X,OX) to (Y,OY) is a pair (f,ϕf) consisting of a continuous map f:XY between topological spaces and a morphism ϕf:OYf*OX of sheaves of rings.

locale morphism_ringed_spaces =   im_sheaf X is_open X ΟX ϱ X b add_strX mult_strX zero_strX one_strX    Y is_openY f   + codom: ringed_space Y is_openY ΟY ϱ Y d add_strY mult_strY    zero_strY one_strY   for X and is_openX and ΟX and ϱ X and b and add_strX and mult_strX    and zero_strX and one_strX and Y and is_openY and ΟY and ϱY    and d and add_strY and mult_strY and zero_strY and one_strY    and f   + fixes ϕf:: "’c set (’d ’b)"assumes is_morphism_of_sheaves: "morphism_sheaves_of_rings Y     is_openY ΟY ϱ Y d add_strY mult_strY zero_strY one_strY     im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf     zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf ϕf"

A classic and ubiquitous notion in mathematics is the direct limit of a family of structured sets, here a family of rings.Footnote12

3.2.6 Direct Limit of a Presheaf of Rings

Let X be a topological space and F a presheaf of rings on X. The set I will denote a subset of the set of all open subsets of X such that for every U and V in I there exists W in I with WUV. Given U,VI,sF(U) and tF(V), we say that st if and only if there exists WI such that WUV and sW=tW. One checks that ∼ is an equivalence relation. Now, we consider the quotient of the disjoint union of the F(U)’s. limIF:=UIF(U)/

Last, we define the following binary operations on limIF: [(U,s)]+[(V,t)]=[(W,sW+tW)][(U,s)]×[(V,t)]=[(W,sW×tW)]for some WI such that WUV and where the symbol [_] denotes the equivalence class of an element. These operations are well-defined, and assuming VI one can prove that (limIF,[(V,0V)],+,[(V,1V)],×)is a ring.

Definition 3.9

(direct limit of a presheaf of rings). Let X be a topological space, F a presheaf of rings on X and I a set of open subsets of X. The direct limit of F over I is the ring limIF, denoted simply limF if I is clear from the context.

The definition above, which could naively appear as a dependent type, gives rise to a smooth translation in Isabelle using the locale mechanism.

locale direct_lim = sheaf_of_rings +fixes I:: "’a set set"assumes subset_of_opens: "U. U I _⇒ is_open U"    and has_lower_bound: "U V. [[UI; VI]] ⇒ ∃W I. WUV" begin definition rel:: "(’a set × ’b) (’a set ×’b) bool" (infix "" 80)where "x y (fst x I fst y I) (snd x F (fst x)   ∧ snd y F (fst y)) (W. (W I)   ∧ (Wfst xfst y) ∧ ϱ (fst x) W (snd x)    = ϱ (fst y) W (snd y))" interpretation rel:equivalence "(Sigma I F)" "{(x, y). x y}" definition class_of:: "’a set ’b (’a set ×’b) set" (" (_,/ _)")where " U,s rel.Class (U, s)" definition carrier_direct_lim:: "(’a set × ’b) set set"where "carrier_direct_lim rel.Partition" definition get_lower_bound:: "’a set ’a set ’a set" where"get_lower_bound U V = (SOME W. W I W U W V)" definition add_rel:: "(’a set × ’b) set (’a set × ’b) set     (’a set × ’b) set"where "add_rel X Y let     x = (SOME x. x X);     y = (SOME y. y Y);     w = get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)   in     w, add_str w (ϱ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ϱ (fst y) w (snd y)) " definition mult_rel:: "(’a set × ’b) set (’a set × ’b) set     ⇒ (’a set × ’b) set"where "mult_rel X Y let     x = (SOME x. x X);     y = (SOME y. y Y);     w = get_lower_bound (fst x) (fst y)    in     w, mult_str w (ϱ (fst x) w (snd x)) (ϱ (fst y) w (snd y))" lemma direct_lim_is_ring:assumes "U I"shows "ring carrier_direct_lim add_rel mult_rel U, 0U ⌋ ⌊ U, 1U " end

For every UI, there is a canonical map from F(U) to limF.

definition (in direct_lim)     canonical_fun:: "’a set ’b (’a set ×’b) set"    where "canonical_fun U x = U, x "

The direct limit of a presheaf of rings satisfies a useful universal property. Indeed, for every ring A equipped with ring morphisms ψU:F(U)A for UI satisfying ψV°ρUV=ψU for every inclusion VU, there exists a unique ring morphism u making the following diagram commute.

The counterpart in Isabelle is as follows.

proposition (in direct_lim) universal_property:fixes A:: "’c set" and ψ:: "’a set (’b ’c)"    and add:: "’c ’c ’c" and mult:: "’c ’c ’c"    and zero:: "’c" and one:: "’c"assumes "ring A add mult zero one"    and "U. U I _⇒ ring_homomorphism (ψ U) (F U) (+U)    (U) 0U 1U A add mult zero one"    and "U V x. [[U I; V I; V U; x (F U)]]    ⇒ (ψ V ◦ϱ U V) x = ψ U x"shows "V I. !u. ring_homomorphism u carrier_direct_lim add_rel     mult_rel V,0V⌋ ⌊V,1VA add mult zero one    ∧ (UI. x(F U). (u canonical_fun U) x = ψ U x)"

One can instantiate direct limits in the following particular case.

3.2.7 Stalks of a Presheaf of Rings

Definition 3.10

(stalks of a presheaf). Let X be a topological space, F a presheaf of rings on X and x an element of X. The stalk Fx of F at x is the direct limit of F over the set of all the open neighborhoods of x.

locale stalk = direct_lim +fixes x:: "’a"assumes is_elem: "x S" and index: "I = {U. is_open U x U}" begin definition carrier_stalk:: "(’a set × ’b) set set"where "carrier_stalk dlim F ϱ (neighborhoods x)" definition add_stalk:: "(’a set ×’b) set (’a set × ’b) set (’a set × ’b) set"where "add_stalk add_rel" definition mult_stalk:: "(’a set × ’b) set (’a set ×’b) set (’a set × ’b) set"where "mult_stalk mult_rel" definition zero_stalk:: "’a set (’a set × ’b) set"where "zero_stalk V class_of V 0V" definition one_stalk:: "’a set (’a set ×’b) set"where "one_stalk V class_of V 1V" end

One further step towards schemes consists in introducing local rings.

3.2.8 Local Rings

First, one needs to teach Isabelle simple facts about maximal ideals, starting with their definition.

Definition 3.11

(maximal ideal). Let m be an ideal of R. The ideal m is maximal if mR and there is no ideal aR such that ma.

locale max_ideal = comm_ring R "(+)" "()" "0" "1"     + ideal I R "(+)" "()" "0" "1"for R and I and addition (infixl "+" 65)    and multiplication (infixl "" 70) and zero ("0") and unit ("1") +assumes neq_ring: "I = R"    and is_max: "∧ a. [[ideal a R (+) (・) 0 1; a = R;I ⊆ a]] ⇒ I = a"

Classic facts about maximal ideals include the fact that every maximal ideal is prime.

proposition (in max_ideal) is_pr_ideal: "pr_ideal R I (+) () 0 1"

We then introduce the notion of a local ring.

Definition 3.12

(local ring). A ring is a local ring if it has a unique maximal left ideal.

locale local_ring = ring +assumes is_unique: "I J. max_lideal I R (+) () 0 1   ⇒ max_lideal J R (+) () 0 1I = J"and has_max_lideal: "∃ω. max_lideal ω R (+) () 0 1"

Two remarks are in order. First, note that the property of being a local ring does not require the ring to be commutative. As a consequence, for generality, we do not assume the commutativity of the ring in the above definition and in its locale counterpart: hence the use of left ideals instead of two-sided ideals. Using right ideals would give rise to an equivalent definition. Second, we recall the following result which can be obtained using Zorn’s lemma. Let R be a unital ring, every proper ideal of R lies in a maximal ideal of R. As a corollary, every nonzero unital ring has a maximal ideal, hence, we could dispense with the property has_max_lideal in the locale local_ring, but only by adding the extra assumption that R is nonzero. Moreover, our formulation of this locale works as a convenient shortcut, avoiding the cost of formalizing the result recalled above.

We prove as expected that the local ring of R at p, previously denoted Rp, is a local ring.

lemma (in pr_ideal) local_ring_at_is_local:shows "local_ring carrier_local_ring_at add_local_ring_at    mult_local_ring_at zero_local_ring_at one_local_ring_at"

Local rings have their corresponding notion of morphisms.

Definition 3.13

(local homomorphism). Let A and B be two local rings and mA,mB their respective maximal ideals. A local homomorphism f:AB is a morphism of rings such that mAf1(mB).


The inclusion mAf1(mB) implies the equality f1(mB)=mA.

locale local_ring_morphism =     source: local_ring A "(+)" "()" 0 1    + target: local_ring B "(+’)" "(’)" "0’" "1’"    + ring_homomorphism f A "(+)" "()" "0" "1" B "(+’)" "()" "0" "1’"for f and A and addition (infixl "+" 65) and multiplication (infixl "" 70)    and zero ("0") and unit ("1") and B and addition’ (infixl "+’’" 65)    and multiplication’ (infixl "’’" 70) and zero’ ("0’’") and unit’ ("1’’")+ assumes preimage_of_max_lideal:   "∧ ωA ωB. max_lideal ωA A (+) () 0 1max_lideal ωB B (+’) (’) 01    ⇒ (f−1 A ωB) = ωA"

Finally, we are able to introduce locally ringed spaces.

3.2.9 Locally Ringed Spaces

Definition 3.14

(locally ringed space). A locally ringed space is a ringed space (X,OX) such that the stalk OX,x at x is a local ring for every xX.

locale locally_ringed_space = ringed_space +assumes stalks_are_local: "x U. xU _is_open U stalk.is_local    is_open F ϱ add_str mult_str zero_str one_str (neighborhoods x) x U"

Moreover, one has the following result.

Proposition 3.15.

For every pSpecR, the stalk OSpecR,p is isomorphic as a ring to Rp.


See [16, Prop. 2.2.(a)]. □

locale key_map = comm_ring +fixes π:: "’a set" assumes is_prime: "π ∈ Spec" begin interpretation pi:pr_ideal R π "(+)" "()" 0 1 interpretation st: stalk "Spec" is_zariski_open sheaf_spec sheaf_spec_morphisms   Οb add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec   "{U. is_zariski_open U π∈U}" π lemma stalk_at_prime_is_iso_to_local_ring_at_prime:assumes "is_zariski_open V" and "π ∈ V"shows "∃ ϕ. ring_isomorphism ϕ st.carrier_stalk st.add_stalk st.mult_stalk   (st.zero_stalk V) (st.one_stalk V) (R π (+) () 0)   (pi.add_local_ring_at) (pi.mult_local_ring_at)   (pi.zero_local_ring_at) (pi.one_local_ring_at)" end

Now, it suffices to teach Isabelle that a ring which is isomorphic to a local ring is local.

lemma isomorphic_to_local_is_local:assumes "local_ring B addB multB zeroB oneB"   and "ring_isomorphism f A addA multA zeroA oneA B addB multB zeroB oneB"shows "local_ring A addA multA zeroA oneA"

Corollary 3.16.

(SpecR,OSpecR) is a locally ringed space.

As a sanity check for our formal definitions, we eventually prove in Isabelle that the spectrum of a commutative ring is indeed a locally ringed space, a result that required some amount of formal machinery, especially to prove the key proposition 3.15.

lemma (in comm_ring) spec_is_locally_ringed_space:shows "locally_ringed_space Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec    sheaf_spec_morphisms Οb add_sheaf_spec mult_sheaf_spec     zero_sheaf_spec one_sheaf_spec"

The required formal machinery and our formalization as a whole benefited from the interpretation mechanism in order to prevent statements and proof scripts from becoming too unwieldy. Without this mechanism the terms involved in the statements and proof scripts of such an intricate hierarchy of nested algebraic structures would have to be fed with many arguments, cluttering these statements and proof scripts to the point where they would become unreadable and difficult to use. Fortunately, the interpretation mechanism that comes with locales allows for reasonably concise and manageable terms with many implicit arguments which are declared beforehand using the interpretation mechanism and its command interpretation.

Now, we introduce our last construction. Let (X,OX),(Y,OY) be two ringed spaces and (f,ϕf) a morphism between them. Given xX, consider I:={V|Vis an open neighborhood off(x)}.

Since we have a morphism ϕf:OYf*OX of sheaves on Y, we get a map between the direct limits over I. OY,f(x)limIf*OX

Last, there is a natural inclusion from limIf*OX to OX,x, since as V ranges over I, f1(V) ranges over a subset of all the open neighborhoods of x. So, eventually we get an induced morphism of rings from OY,f(x) to OX,x which we will denote ϕf,x. As usual we embed this construction into a dedicated locale in Isabelle.

locale ind_mor_btw_stalks = morphism_ringed_spaces +fixes x::"’a"assumes is_elem: "x X" begin interpretation stx:stalk X is_openX ΟX ϱ X b add_strX mult_strX zero_strXone_strX "{U. is_openX UxU}" "x" proof qed (auto simp: is_elem) interpretation stfx: stalk Y is_openY ΟY ϱ Y d add_strY mult_strY zero_strYone_strY "{U. is_openY U(f x) U}" "f x" proof qed (auto simp: is_elem) definition induced_morphism:: "(’c set × ’d) set (’a set × ’b) set"where "induced_morphism ≡ λC stfx.carrier_stalk.    let r = (SOME r. r C) in     stx.class_of (f−1 X (fst r)) (ϕf (fst r) (snd r))" end

This last construction is required to define morphisms between locally ringed spaces.

Definition 3.17

(morphism of locally ringed spaces). A morphism of locally ringed spaces from (X,OX) to (Y,OY) is a morphism (f,ϕf) between locally ringed spaces such that the induced map of local rings ϕf,x:OY,f(x)OX,x is a local homomorphism for every xX.

locale morphism_locally_ringed_spaces = morphism_ringed_spaces +assumes are_local_morphisms:   "x V. [[xX; is_openY V; f xV]] ⇒     ind_mor_btw_stalks.is_local X is_openX ΟX ϱ X add_strX      mult_strX zero_strX one_strX is_openY ΟY ϱ Y add_strY       mult_strY zero_strY one_strY f x V ϕX is_openX ΟX

Remark 3.18.

A morphism (f,ϕf) between locally ringed spaces is an isomorphism if and only if f is an isomorphism between topological spaces, i.e., a homeomorphism, and ϕf is an isomorphism between sheaves of rings.

locale iso_locally_ringed_spaces = morphism_locally_ringed_spaces +assumes is_homeomorphism: "homeomorphism X is_openX Y is_openY f"    and is_iso_of_sheaves: "iso_sheaves_of_rings Y is_openY ΟY ϱ Y d     add_strY mult_strY zero_strY one_strY im_sheaf im_sheaf_morphisms      b add_im_sheaf mult_im_sheaf zero_im_sheaf one_im_sheaf ϕf"

Ultimately, we reach our goal: teaching schemes to Isabelle.

3.2.10 Schemes

Definition 3.19

(affine scheme). An affine scheme is a locally ringed space (X,OX) which is isomorphic (as a locally ringed space) to the spectrum (SpecR,OSpecR) for some commutative ring R.

locale affine_scheme = comm_ring+ locally_ringed_space X is_open ΟX ϱ b add_str mult_str    zero_str one_str+ iso_locally_ringed_spaces X is_open ΟX ϱ b add_str mult_str    zero_str one_str "Spec" is_zariski_open sheaf_spec     sheaf_spec_morphisms Οb "λU. add_sheaf_spec U"     "λU. mult_sheaf_spec U" "λU. zero_sheaf_spec U"      "λU. one_sheaf_spec U" f ϕf    for X is_open ΟX ϱ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str f ϕf

Of course, spectra of commutative rings being locally ringed spaces provide a class of affine schemes.

lemma (in comm_ring) spec_is_affine_scheme:shows "affine_scheme R (+) () 0 1 Spec is_zariski_open sheaf_spec    sheaf_spec_morphisms Οb (λU. add_sheaf_spec U)    (λU. mult_sheaf_spec U) (λU. zero_sheaf_spec U)     (λU. one_sheaf_spec U) (identity Spec)      (λU. identity (Ο U))"

Definition 3.20

(scheme). A scheme is a locally ringed space (X,OX) in which every point has an open neighborhood U such that the topological space U, together with the sheaf OX|U, is an affine scheme.

locale scheme = locally_ringed_space X is_open ΟX ϱ b      add_str mult_str zero_str one_strfor X is_open ΟX ϱ b add_str mult_str zero_str one_str univ +assumes are_affine_schemes: "x. x X   (U. xUis_open U(R add mult zero one f ϕf.     Runivcomm_ring R add mult zero one ∧      affine_scheme R add mult zero one U      (ind_topology.ind_is_open X is_open U)      (ind_sheaf.ind_sheaf ΟX U)      (ind_sheaf.ind_ring_morphisms ϱ U) b      (ind_sheaf.ind_add_str add_str U)      (ind_sheaf.ind_mult_str mult_str U)      (ind_sheaf.ind_zero_str zero_str U)      (ind_sheaf.ind_one_str one_str U) f ϕf))"

The only purpose of the variable univ in the locale scheme is to introduce properly a new type variable, in addition to the type variables from the carriers of X and of the rings OX(U), to be used in the type of R, the carrier of the ring which is introduced by an existential quantification in the assumption are_affine_schemes once an open neighborhood U of a given element x in X has been fixed. As the name univ suggests, and as can be seen in the two lemmas below, this variable univ should be instantiated with UNIV, the set of all elements of a given type, while proving that a pair (X,OX) is a scheme. The condition Runiv in the locale scheme is then trivially satisfied and it introduces no additional constraint other than a type constraint on the carrier of the ring R as required by Isabelle type system.

To match what was achieved using Lean [Citation6], we finally prove in Isabelle that an affine scheme is a scheme and we give the example of the empty scheme (,O), where O() is the zero ring {0}.

lemma (in affine_scheme) affine_scheme_is_scheme:shows "scheme X is_open ΟX ϱ b add_str mult_str      zero_str one_str (UNIV::’a set)" lemma empty_scheme_is_scheme:shows "scheme {} (λU. U = {}) (λU. {0})   (λU V. identity{0::nat}) 0 (λU x y. 0)    (λU x y. 0) (λU. 0) (λU. 0) (UNIV::nat set)"

4 Concluding Thoughts

4.1 Current Limitations of Locales

Our wish to avoid Isabelle’s records stemmed from their lack of multiple inheritance, as discussed above (Section 2.2). While locales possess multiple inheritance, locales without records make our formalization unnecessarily verbose in some places. The mechanism for locale interpretation is currently missing a convenient way to bundle up a list of arguments in order to prevent argument lists from becoming unwieldy. Such a bundling would ideally still allow easy access to any component of a list. However, these practical limitations are not fundamental; they are engineering issues that could be tackled in the near future.

4.2 The Song of the Sirens

It seems that our experience in Isabelle to formalize schemes was less tumultuous than the corresponding one in Lean, since Kevin Buzzard reported on his blog the difficulties he faced during his formalization in Lean:

The project is completely incompatible with modern Lean and mathlib, but if you compile it then you get a sorry-free proof that an affine scheme is a scheme. During our proof we ran into a huge problem because our blueprint, the Stacks Project, assumed that R[1/f][1/g]=R[1/fg], and this turns out to be unprovable for Lean’s version of equality […]. The Lean community wrestled with this idea, and has ultimately come up with a beefed-up notion of equality for which the identity is now true.Footnote13

This difficulty basically comes from defining the sheaf structure of SpecR first on the basis given by the so-called basic open sets before extending it to all open subsets. We did not meet this difficulty in Isabelle, since we did not follow this sheaf-on-a-basis approach and the sheaves in our library are always defined from the get-go on all open subsets instead. Also, Buzzard et al. mention another difficulty encountered when proving that an affine scheme is a scheme.

This means that rewriting the equality ι(U)=U can cause technical problems with data-carrying types such as OX(ι(U)) which depends on ι(U) (although in our case they were surmountable). This is a technical issue with dependent type theory and can sometimes indicate that one is working with the wrong definitions. [6, 3.5]

where ι:SpecRSpecR is here simply the identity map. If, again, we gave a slightly different formulation for the definition of a scheme, following Hartshorne [Citation16] instead of the Stacks project [Citation23] as they did, it seems that this difficulty cannot possibly have a direct counterpart in Isabelle, since it arose from the difference between the so-called equality types, also known as identity types, and the definitional equality, a difference which is peculiar to dependent type theories. This difficulty was eventually overcome in Lean using a trick.

Fortunately, in our case, Reid Barton pointed out the following extraordinary trick to us: we can define the map OX(ι(U))OX(U) using restriction rather than trying to force it to be the identity! [6, 3.5.]

The gap between the type theories of Lean and Isabelle/HOL called for the very different approach of the present work. If our approach based on Isabelle’s locales required some craftsmanship, locales offered enough flexibility to avoid dead ends. While dependent types are expressive, expert users know they should be used with parsimony and some issues have been highlighted for instance in the context of formalizing analysis in the proof assistant Coq [4, p. 42]. Moreover, in the age of machine learning, one may expect there is a tradeoff between the expressiveness of a type theory and one’s ability to subject it to automation, for instance through SMT solvers and the so-called hammers embedded in some proof assistants. How deep one can go formalizing mathematics in simple type theory? This work provides a first hint at an answer that should not be ruled out: simple type theory is not too simple.


We thank Kevin Buzzard for his stimulating wit and his communicative energy and André Hirschowitz who commented on a draft of this document. We also thank the reviewers, one of whom noticed an inaccuracy (fortunately easy to correct) in the formal translation into Isabelle of Definition 3.21.

Additional information


This work was supported by the ERC Advanced Grant ALEXANDRIA (Project GA 742178).



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