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“Inhabited Island” 2.0

Pages 61-86 | Published online: 24 Jul 2015


The authors describe efforts to create an infrastructure for information warfare in Ukraine prior to the start of protests in 2013. They then go on to describe the information warfare and cyber attack techniques that were used by both sides against each other during the protests and the violent conflict that followed the overthrow of the Yanukovych government.


English translation © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, from the Russian text, “‘Obitaemyi ostrov’ 2.0” Svobodnaia mysl’, 2014, no. 2, pp. 137–54.Igor Y. Sundiev is a chief research associate at the All-Russia Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a professor, and a Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. Alexander A. Smirnov is a leading research associate at the All-Russsia Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a senior lecturer, and a candidate of Legal Sciences.Translated by Stephen D. Shenfield.

 1. V. Yaniv, Vstupnii kurs ukraïnoznavstva (Munich, 1953).

 2. See O.O. Chaichenko, Ukri-046-bariï: Doslidzhennia rodovodu ukraïntsiv (Kyiv: Voenne vidavnitstvo Ukraïni Varta, 2003).

 3. See V.A. Dem'ianov and A.A. Andreev, “Ukry i ukraintsy: zabytaia istoriia predkov,” March 19, 2008 (www.sunhome.ru/philosophy/11734/).

 4. See “Sovremennaia Ukraina: analiz shkol'nykh uchebnikov istorii” (http://meridian.in.ua/news/2461.html).

* Literally, “hunger-killing”—the famine of 1932–33 in Ukraine, regarded by Ukrainian nationalists as genocide of the Ukrainian nation.—Trans.

 5. See A. Chulpa, “Kak ob”iasnit' to, chto proiskhodit na Ukraine (konflikt, kotoryi my nabliudaem, proistekaet iz smertel'nogo golodomora, organizovannogo Stalinym eshche v 1932 godu)” (http://ideas.time.com/2013/12/17/how-to-explain-whats-happening-in-the-ukraine/#ixzz2w14LwBTb/).

** The authors sarcastically use the word nezalezhnost', which is the Ukrainian word for “independence” (nezalezhnist') with the ending Russified to -nost', and place the word in quotation marks, conveying the attitude that Ukrainian independence is ridiculous or preposterous.—Trans.

 6. G.G. Pocheptsov, “Upravlenie smyslami,” 2013 (http://psyfactor.org/psyops/psywar20.htm).

* Saruman is a powerful but corrupt character in J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings; the Orks are a race of warlike beings.—Trans.

 7. “‘Ukraina nuzhna dlia udara po Rossii’: interv'iu A [emphasis added]. Fursova gazete ‘Vzgliad,’” Vzgliad, March 1, 2014 (http://vz.ru/politics/2014/3/1/674907.html, accessed March 10, 2014).

 8. For more detail, see http://psyfactor.org/autors/pocheptsov.htm.

 9. “Georgii Pochentsov: V Ukraine nado chashche provodit' smenu elit,” Chetverta vlada, September 25, 2003 (http://4vlada.net/vlast/georgii-pocheptsov-v-ukraine-nado-chashche-provodit-smenu-elit/, accessed March 11, 2014).

10. A “synthetic” world picture cannot be constructed without knowledge of the influence of extreme social and physical conditions on the social and psychological parameters of individuals and groups.

11. For more detail, see www.peoples.ru/science/psihology/oleg_bahtiyarov/.

12. For more detail, see http://blogs.pravda.com.ua/authors/datsuk/.

13. For more detail, see www.semanticforce.net/ru/.

14. For more detail, see http://ci-ua.blogspot.ru/; http://Razvedka.in.UA.

15. For more detail, see www.rawstory.com/rs/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/personarrangementcontract.pdf.

16. For more detail on the department, see http://nure.ua/university/structure/departments/pmm/si/about/.

17. “We live in a time of great change: the planet earth has entered the Age of Aquarius and moved to the level of New Energies” (http://www.ineo.com.ua/ru/enlightenment/).

18. For example, Club of the Academy in Ivano-Frankivsk, March 15–16, 2014—Inner practical work on oneself with the aid of the Holy Spirit. Practice sessions in dynamic meditation.

19. See http://www.ineo.crimea.ua/index.php.

20. The total unification of consciousness—just like the “unification of needs” in the ideal “unified consumer”—is a “paradise” for the planetary expansion of state monopoly and criminal capitalism.

21. S. Borisova, “Sovremennaia Ukraina kak rezul'tat permanentnykh ‘reform’” (www.experts.in.ua/inform/smi/detail.php?ID = 90210); see also: V. Dubrovskii et al., “Dvizhushchie sily nezhelatel'nykh reform: uroki ukrainskogo perekhodnogo perioda” (www.i-soc.com.ua/journal/54-70_2010-1.pdf).

* The word used here is sovok, which is derogatory slang for a person who still thinks and acts in ways typical of the Soviet period.—Trans.

22. See S. Kara-Murza, S. Telegin, A. Aleksandrov, and M. Murashkin, Na poroge oranzhevoi revoliutsii (Moscow, 2005); S. Kara-Murza, S. Telegin, A. Aleksandrov, and M. Murashkin, Revoliutsii na eksport (Moscow: Algoritm: Eksmo, 2006); G.G. Pochentsov, Revoliutsiia.com. Osnovy protestnoi inzhenerii (Moscow: Evropa, 2005).

23. See N.A. Narochnitskaia, Oranzhevye seti: ot Belgrada do Bishkeka (St. Petersburg: Aleteia, 2008).

24. See V.I. Iakunin, V.E. Bagdasarian, and S.S. Sulakshin, Novye tekhnologii bor'by s rossiiskoi gosudarstvennost'iu (Moscow: Nauchnyi ekspert, 2009).

25. See I.V. Maksimov, Tsvetnaia revoliutsiia: sotsial'nyi protsess ili setevaia tekhnologiia? (Moscow, 2010); A.E. Galich and D.A. Lushnikov, Tekhnologii tsvetnykh revoliutsii (Moscow, 2010); V.V. Burmatov and O.N. Glazunov, Sovremennye revoliutsionnye tekhnologii. Strategiia, tekhnologiia i taktika “tsvetnykh” revoliutsii (Moscow, 2011).

26. Dzh. Sharp [Gene Sharpe], Ot diktatury k demokratii (Moscow, 2007).

27. “Creative destruction” is a development of the strategy of “controlled chaos” that was used in the “Arab Spring.” For more detail, see “‘Tvorcheskoe razrushenie’ mira: metodologiia khaosa” (www.csef.ru/index.php/ru/politica-i-geopolitica/project/491-revolution-of-the-xxi-century-non-violent-methods/1-stati/1845-creative-destruction-of-the-world-the-methodology-of-chaos/). Recent events are quite often described in terms of the use of “controlled chaos” in the broad sense; see “Energiia upravliaemogo Khaosa. Ukrainskii master-klass,” February 21, 2014 (http://chipstone.livejournal.com).

28. For more detail on these organizations, see V. Sedov, “Ukrainskii neonatsizm i Zapad,” March 18, 2014 (www.fondsk.ru/news/2014/03/18/ukrainskij-neonacizm-i-zapad-i-26456.html).

29. See “Andrei Vadzhra: Klichko vozit na maidan boevye psikhostimuliatory armii SShA” (http://politikus.ru/events/13133-andrey-vadzhra-klichko-vozit-na-maydan-boevye-psihostimulyatory-armii-ssha.html); K. Miamlin, “Narkotiki kak pushechnogo miasa maidana” (http://ru-an.info/novosti/narkotiki-dlia-manipuliatsii-obshchestvennym-soznaniem-liudei/).

30. See P.P. Kononenko, “Ukrainskoe obrazovanie: sostoianie, problemy, perspektivy v Ukraine i v mire” (www.info-library.com.ua/libs/stattya/3819-ukrayinska-osvita-stan-problemi-perspektivi-v-ukrayini-i-v-sviti.html).

31. See “Zapadnye SMI: Khaos na Ukraine—delo ruk Putina,” RT, February 24, 2014 (http://russian.rt.com/article/22914/, accessed February 27, 2014).

32. See “Ukrainskie provaidery posle trebovaniia vlastei otkliuchaiut rossiiskie telekanaly,” NEWSru.com, March 12, 2014 (www.newsru.com/world/12mar2014/ukr.html, accessed February 14, 2014).

33. See “V Minkomsviazi opredelili raspolozhenie istochnika pomekh v rabote rossiiskogo sputnika,” ITAR TASS, March 15, 2014 (http://itar-tass.com/politika/1048102/, accessed March 16, 2014).

34. The goal of a DDoS attack is to block the access of legal users to some Web site or to make access extremely difficult. Two methods are used for this purpose: either an attack on the channel of communications, which is overloaded with an enormous mass of specially created demands, or the use of flaws in software and network protocols to block access to the resources of an information system. A network attack of the DDoS type is accomplished with the aid of a botnet (zombie network)—a large number of computers that are infected with a special software virus and, on command from a control center (or malefactor), start to send the targeted computer a multitude of special demands that block the access of legal users to it (see “DDoS-ataki: real'naia opasnost',” http://kaspersky.ru/products/business/services/ddos/, accessed March 18, 2014).

35. See P. Sedakov and D. Filonov, “Pervyi ukrainskii kiberfront: kto i zachem ob”iavil IT-mobilizatsiiu?” Forbes.ru, March 4, 2014 (www.forbes.ru/tekhnologii/internet-i-svyaz/251623-pervyi-ukrainskii-kiberfront-kto-i-zachem-obyavil-it-mobilizatsi/, accessed March 16, 2014).

36. See “Sait Kremlia atakovali khakery,” ITAR TASS, March 14, 2014 (http://itar-tass.com/obshchestvo/1045230/, accessed March 14, 2014).

37. See “Sait Pervogo kanala podvergsia khakerskoi atake vtoroi raz a den',” Vzgliad, March 13, 2014 (www.vz.ru/news/2014/3/13/676943.html, accessed March 14, 2014).

38. See “Resursy VGTRK podverglis' DDoS-atake,” Vesti, March 13, 2014 (http://www.vesti.ru/doc.html?id = 1371632/, accessed March 14, 2014).

39. See “Sait Banka Rossii byl atakovan khakerami cherez server sinkhronizatsii vremeni,” ITAR TASS, March 14, 2014 (http://itar-tass.com/ekonomika/1046498/, accessed March 14, 2014).

40. See “Sait Kremlia.”

41. “MID RF ne iskliuchaet, chto pereboi v rabote ego saita sviazany s khakerskimi atakami,” ITAR TASS, March 14, 2014 (http://itar-tass.com/obshchestvo/1046341/, accessed March 14, 2014).

42. See “Sait Mezhparlamentskoi assamblei SNG podvergsia massirovannoi DDos-atake,” ITAR TASS, March 14, 2014 (http://itar-tass.com/obshchestvo/1046478/, accessed March 14, 2014).

43. See E. Sidorenko, “‘Ataki poslednego pokoleniia.’ Khakery napali na sait Krymskogo referenduma,” Vzgliad, March 16, 2014 (http://vz.ru/society/2014/3/16/677302.html, accessed March 16, 2014).

44. See “Britanskii ekspert: Rossiia razviazala protiv Ukrainy kibervoinu,” AIN.UA, March 11, 2014 (http://ain.ua/2014/03/11/515577/, accessed March 16, 2014).

45. See www.utro.ru/articles/2014/03/04/1179797.shtml; http://svit24.net/culture/54-culture/104107-v-sety-pojavylas-yntormacyja-o-smerty-vyktora-janukovycha/.

46. See M. Iarovaia, “Tsifrovoi Maidan: aktivisty zapuskaiut Twitter-shtorm, natselennyi na mirovuiu obshchestvennost',” AIN.UA, January 27, 2014 (http://ain.ua/2014/01/27/510280/).

47. See “Tvitter-shtorm v podderzhku EvroMaidana vyvel ukrainskii kheshteg na 1-oe mesto v mire,” VLASTI.NET, January 28, 2014 (http://vlasti.net/news/185601/, accessed March 7, 2014).

48. URL of the site—http://digitalmaidan.com; Twitter account—https://twitter.com/digitalmaidan/.

49. See M. Iarovaia, “Boikot ‘Odnoklassnikov’ i ‘Vkontakte’: ukraintsy zapuskaiut sotsial'nuiu set' UA,” AIN.UA, March 31, 2014 (http://ain.ua/2014/03/21/516788/, accessed March 22, 2014).

50. See www.facebook.com/cyber100ua/.

51. “Kibersotnia budet pomogat' Maidanu cherez Internet,” Telekanal novostei24, February 14, 2014 (http://24tv.ua/home/showSingleNews.do?kibersotnya_budet_pomogat_maydanu_cherez_internet&objectId = 408787/).

52. See Sedakov and Filonov, “Pervyi ukrainskii kiberfront.”

53. See http://cyber-berkut.org.

54. See http://nato.int/.

55. See http://ccdcoe.org.

56. See O. Seliverstvova, “‘KiberBerkut’ atakuet saity NATO,” Moskovskii komsomolets, March 16, 2014.

57. See A. Strugatskii and B. Strugatskii, “Obitaemyi ostrov,” in Sobranie sochinenii. T. 6 (Moscow, 1993). [The novel originally appeared in the literary journal Neva (1969, nos. 3–5). In 1977 Macmillan and Gollancz published an English translation by Helen Saltz under the title Prisoners of Power.—Trans.]

* Used by the power elite of the planet Saraksh to control the minds of the population—Trans.

58. Strugatskii and Strugatskii, “Obitaemyi ostrov,” p. 291.

59. See, for example, “Radikaly zakhvatili likero-vodochnyi zavod v Vinnitskoi oblasti” (http://5-tv.ru/news/82212/).

60. Strugatskii and Strugatskii, “Obitaemyi ostrov,” p. 291.

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