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Prediction and Prevention of Preeclampsia

, &
Pages 138-155 | Published online: 07 Jul 2009


Preeclampsia increases maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality rates. Much research has been done to identify unique screening tests that would predict the risk of developing preeclampsia before the classic symptoms appear. The possible use of a screening test with high predictive accuracy in patients with high-risk or low-risk of preeclampsia remains to be investigated. At present, the search for additional tests continues. There is growing interest in the use of combinations of tests. Effective primary prevention is not possible because the causes are still unknown, but to identify and to modify susceptible risk factors might decrease the frequency of preeclampsia. A community guideline improves the screening and early detection of preeclampsia, and uniforms the referral thresholds and assessment procedures. Secondary prevention with calcium supplementation and aspirin administration during pregnancy are beneficial in low calcium intake women and in the patient at a very high risk of developing severe early onset disease. Lifestyle choices, dietary nutritional measures (antioxidant as vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, selenium, zinc, magnesium and the mitochondrial antioxidants nicotine, coenzyme Q10 and melatonin; and other dietary nutritional measures as low dietary salt, omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, garlic, nutritional advice, protein and energy supplementation, isocaloric balanced protein and protein and energy restriction for obese women) and others drugs; have not shown benefits or there is insufficient evidence to recommend clinical use. Proper antenatal care and timed delivery are of utmost importance in tertiary prevention.

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