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China's Relations with Arab Countries and Latin America

China's Economic Diplomacy towards the Arab Countries: challenges ahead?

Pages 903-921 | Published online: 20 Mar 2015


Since the outbreak of the Arab revolts in late 2010, China has adhered to its ‘business-first’ economic diplomacy towards the Arab countries, a policy driven by China's ongoing geoeconomic interests. The ten-year-old China–Arab States Cooperation Forum serves as the nucleus for China's economic diplomacy in the region. The Chinese authorities have also initiated interagency coordination and central–local governments' power sharing in order to pursue this diplomacy successfully. However, while its economic diplomacy may be evolving, China, unlike what it has achieved in Black Africa, seems to have failed to develop strategic, political and cultural exchanges with its Arab counterparts. The intertwined geopolitical and geoeconomic factors that have emerged since the Arab revolts might make it harder for China to reap economic benefits while shelving political entanglement to sustain this economic diplomacy in the longer run.


 1. Wayne M. Morrison, ‘China's economic rise: history, trends, challenges, and implications for the United States’, Congressional Research Service, (3 March 2013), Summary.

 2. 钟声 [Sheng Zhong], [‘开放包容,携手发展谋共赢’] [‘Openess, inclusiveness and win–win development with joint hands’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (26 February 2014), p. A3.

 3. See Degang Sun and Yahia Zoubir, ‘China's response to the revolts in the Arab world: a case of pragmatic diplomacy’, Mediterranean Politics 19(1), (2014), pp. 2–3.

 4. Andy Sambidge, ‘Arab–China trade seen hitting $300bn by 2014’, Arabian business.com, (14 September 2012), available at: http://www.arabianbusiness.com/arab-china-trade-seen-hitting-300bn-by-2014-472975.html (accessed 20 March 2014).

 5. ‘La Chine premier fournisseur de l'Algérie, loin devant la France’, Tout Sur l'Algérie, TSA, (20 October 2014), available at: http://www.tsa-algerie.com/2014/10/20/la-chine-premier-fournisseur-de-lalgerie-loin-devant-la-france/ (accessed 21 October 2014).

 6. See Bassam Haddad, Rosie Bsheer and Ziad Abu-Rish, The Dawn of the Arab Uprisings: End of an Old Order? (London: Pluto Press, 2012); Shaun Breslin, ‘China and the Arab awakening’, Istituto Per Gli Studi Di Politica Internazionale no. 140, (October 2012), pp. 1–8; Fiona Hill, ‘How Russia and China see the Egyptian revolution’, Foreign Policy, (15 February 2011); 王逸舟 [Yizhou Wang], 创造性介入:中国外交新取向 [Creative Involvement: A New Direction in China's Diplomacy] (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2011); 杨福昌 [Fuchang Yang], ‘中东大规模动荡与我国的外交应对’ [‘The large-scale upheaval in the Middle East and China's diplomatic reaction’], 阿拉伯世界研究 [Arab World Studies] 32(3), (2012), pp. 3–11; Kuangyi Yao, ‘The upheaval in the Middle East and China's Middle East policy’, Middle East and Islamic Studies 6(3), (2012), pp. 3–29.

 7. See 余建华 [Jianhua Yu], ‘二十一世纪中阿能源合作探析’ [‘On China–Arab States energy cooperation in the 21st century’], 阿拉伯世界研究 [Arab World Studies] 37(5), (2014), pp. 25–37.

 8. Dilip K. Das, ‘China and the Asian economies: mutual acceptance, economic interaction and interactive dynamics’, Contemporary China 22(84), (2013), pp. 1089–1105; 赵进军 [Jinjun Zhao], 中国经济外交年度报告:2014 [China's Economic Diplomacy: An Annual Report: 2014] (Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2014).

 9. Kishan S. Rana and Bipul Chatterjee, eds, Economic Diplomacy: India's Experience (Jaipur: CUTS International, 2011), p. 1.

10. Nicholas Bayne and Stephen Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy: Decision-making and Negotiation in International Economic Relations (Burlington: Ashgate, 2011), p. 1.

11. Pavol Baranay, ‘Modern economic diplomacy’, Publications of Diplomatic Economic Club, (23 March 2009), available at: http://www.dec.lv/mi/Baranay_Pavol_engl.pdf (accessed 21 March 2014).

12. See Peter Bergeijk and Selwyn Moons, ‘Economic diplomacy and economic security’, Social Science Research Network, available at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id = 1436584 (accessed 15 October 2013).

13. Marjan SvetliČiČ, ‘Competences for economic diplomacy and international business: convergence or divergence?’, Uprava 9(1), (2011), pp. 145–167; 张晓通 [Xiaotong Zhang], ‘中国经济外交理论构建:一项初步的尝试’ [‘A theoretical construction of China's economic diplomacy: a preliminary framework’], 外交评论 [Foreign Affairs Review] 30(6), (2013), pp. 54–55.

14. Shu Guang Zhang, Beijing's Economic Statecraft during the Cold War, 1949–1991 (Washington, DC and Stanford, CA: Wilson Center Press and Stanford University Press, 2014).

15. Bonnie S. Glaser, ‘China's coercive economic diplomacy’, The Diplomat, (25 July 2012), available at: http://thediplomat.com/2012/07/chinas-coercive-economic-diplomacy/ (accessed 10 November 2013).

16. G. R. Berridge and Alan James, eds, A Dictionary of Diplomacy (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), p. 91.

17. Pantelis Sklias, Spyros Roukanas and Victoria Pistikou, ‘China's economic diplomacy: a comparative approach to Sino–Greek and Sino–Turkish relations’, International Business and Social Science 3(10), (2012), pp. 286–297.

18. See Kishan S Rana, ‘Economic diplomacy: the experience of developing countries’, in Rana and Chatterjee, eds, Economic Diplomacy, ch. 11.

19. See Bayne and Woolcock, The New Economic Diplomacy.

20. Stefan Halper, The Beijing Consensus—Legitimizing Authoritarianism in Our Time (New York: Basic Books, 2012), p. 106.

21. Mordechai Chaziza, ‘The Arab Spring: implications for Chinese policy’, Middle East Review of International Affairs 17(2), (Summer 2013), p. 74.

22. ‘President Obama's speech at the UN General Assembly’, The Washington Post, (24 September 2013).

23. Breslin, ‘China and the Arab awakening’, p. 2.

24. Joshua Eisenman, ‘China–Africa trade patterns: causes and consequences’, Journal ofContemporary China 21(77), (2012), p. 793.

25. ‘阿拉伯元素已深入中国人生活’ [‘The Arab element has entered every household in China’], 新华每日电讯 [Xinhua Daily Telegraph], (6 June 2014), p. A8.

26. See ‘China, Arab countries aim to hit $200 billion mark in mutual trade by 2015’, Xinhua, available at: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/business/2011-09/23/c_131156150.htm (accessed 12 September 2013).

27. 温家宝 [Wen Jiabao], ‘温家宝在阿盟总部演讲:尊重文明多样性’ [‘Premier Wen's speech at the Cairo headquarters of Arab League: respecting the diversity of civilizations’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (8 November 2009), p. A3.

28. 刘中民 [Zhongmin Liu] and 朱威烈 [Weilie Zhu], 中东地区发展报告, 2012年卷 [Reports on Middle East Development (2012)] (Beijing: Shishi Publishing House, 2012), p. 419.

29. See ‘中国商务部倡议四方面发展中阿经贸合作’ [‘China's Ministry of Commerce proposed to enhance China–Arab States economic and trade cooperation from four dimensions’], Xinhua, (12 September 2012), available at: http://news.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2012-09/12/c_113057307.htm (accessed 23 March 2014).

30. 金灿荣、段皓文 [Canrong Jin and Haowen Duan], ‘重要战略机遇期的变与不变’ [‘The changing and unchanging features of the essential strategic opportunities’], 光明日报 [Guangming Daily], (26 February 2013), p. A11.

31. See 社论 [Editorial], ‘为实现中国梦激发青春力量’ [‘Stimulating the power of the youth to achieve the China dream’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (17 June 2013), p. A1.

32. 钟声 [Sheng Zhong], ‘丝绸之路经济带立意高远’ [‘The idea of building a Silk Road Economic Belt is foresighted’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (14 November 2013), p. A3.

33. See, 吴建明 [Jianmin Wu], ‘中东印证发展才是硬道理’ [‘The Middle East revolts show that development is the ultimate criterion’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (4 March 2011), p. A3.

34. 陈东红 [Donghong Chen], ‘中阿经贸关系研究与启示—兼论中阿经贸论坛’ [‘The research and revelation over China–Arab States economic and trade relations: based on a case study of China–Arab States Economic and Trade Forum’], in 王正伟 [Zhengwei Wang], ed., 中国-阿拉伯国家经贸论坛理论研讨会文集 [Collected Papers of the Symposium on China–Arab States Economic and Trade Forum] (Yinchuan: Ningxia People's Publishing House, 2010), pp. 36–54.

35. Sigfrido Burgos Cáceres, ‘China's oil security: diplomacy, economics and the prospects for peaceful growth’, Peace and Conflict Monitor, (24 July 2013), available at: http://www.monitor.upeace.org/innerpg.cfm?id_article = 1005 (accessed 5 September 2013).

36. Brian Spegele, ‘Egypt's Morsi firms China ties’, The Wall Street Journal, (29 August 2012).

37. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, ‘Boosting Arab–China strategic cooperation’, Arab News, (30 May 2012), available at: http://www.arabnews.com/boosting-arab-china-strategic-cooperation (accessed 20 June 2013).

38. Zhendong Pu and Xiaokun Li, ‘Silk Road offers Sino–Arian blueprint’, China Daily, (6 June 2014).

39. Rana and Chatterjee, Economic Diplomacy, ch. 11.

40. Xuewen Qian, ‘Sino–Arab economic and trade cooperation: situations, tasks, issues and strategies’, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies (in Asia) 5(4), (2011), p. 72.

41. ‘中阿双边贸易额每年持续增长’ [‘China–Arab bilateral trade volume witnesses steady growth per year’], 中国商报 [China Business Times], (28 April 2013).

42. 42..杨鸿玺 [Hongxi Yang], ‘中阿经贸合作的动力分析与路径选择’ [‘China–Arab States economic and trade cooperation: dynamics and roadmaps’], 阿拉伯世界研究 [Arab World Studies] 34(2), (2011), p. 33.

43. Qihui Gao, ‘China–GCC Sustainable Development Forum opens’, China Daily, (12 December 2012).

44. Interviews with a former Chinese Ambassador to the Arab countries who requested to remain anonymous.

45. See David Lampton, ed., The Making of China's Foreign & Security Policy in the Era of Economic Reforms (Stanford, CA: Stanford University, 2001); 苏长和 [Changhe Su], ‘中国地方政府与次区域合作:动力、行为及机制’ [‘Bring Chinese local governments back in sub-regionalization’], 世界经济与政治 [World Economics and Politics] 32(5), (2010), pp. 4–24.

46. 贾伶 [Lin Jia], ‘中阿友好城市发展的现状及前景分析’ [‘On the development and prospect of Sino–Arabian sister cities’], 阿拉伯世界研究 [Arab World Studies] 34(6), (2011), p. 47.

47. William Wan, ‘China looks to meat exports to boost ties to Arab world’, The Washington Post, (27 December 2012).

48. 葛壮 [Zhuang Ge], ‘义乌阿拉伯穆斯林的文化调适之剖析’ [‘Cultural adjustments of Arab Muslims in China's Yiwu’], 阿拉伯世界研究 [Arab World Studies] 34(6), (2011), pp. 60–62.

49. Ted C. Liu, ‘China's economic engagement in the Middle East and North Africa’, FRIDE no. 173, (January 2014), p. 2.

50. ‘习近平会见沙特王储兼副首相、国防大臣萨勒曼’ [‘President Xi Jinping met with Crown Prince Salman, the Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Ministry of Saudi Arabia’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (14 March 2014), p. A1.

51. Joshua Kurlantzick, ‘China lacks focus in the Arab world, missing a mutual opportunity’, The National, (1 April 2011), available at: http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/asia-pacific/china-lacks-focus-in-the-arab-world-missing-a-mutual-opportunity (accessed 2 March 2014).

52. 习近平 [Xi Jinping], ‘习近平出席中阿合作论坛第六届部长级会议开幕式并发表重要讲话: 强调弘扬丝路精神,深化中阿合作’ [‘Carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road and deepen China–Arab States cooperation’], 人民日报 [People's Daily], (6 June 2014), p. A1.

53. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, ‘Boosting Arab–China strategic cooperation’.

54. ‘BRICS move to replace dollar with super-sovereign international currency’, NOW Truth, (27 March 2012), available at: http://nwotruth.com/brics-move-to-replace-dollar-with-super-sovereign-global-currency/ (accessed 24 February 2014).

55. Mohamed Bin Huwaidin, ‘China in the Middle East: perspectives from the Arab world’, Arab Insight 2(2), (2008), p. 73.

56. Kun-Chin Lin and Rory Miller, Adapting to the ‘Arab Spring’: Chinese Economic Statecraft and the Quest for Stability in the Contemporary Middle East (Swindon: Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2012), p. 9.

57. Forward, ‘China: foreign relations and maritime conflict’, International China Studies 2(3), (2011), p. 551.

58. Abdulaziz Sager, ‘GCC–China relations: looking beyond oil-risks and rewards’, in Abdulaziz Sager and Geoffrey Kemp, eds, China's Growing Role in the Middle East: Implications for the Region and Beyond (Washington, DC: The Nixon Center, 2010), p. 10.

59. Xi Jinping, ‘Carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road and deepen China–Arab States cooperation’, p. A1.

60. Ahmed Kandil, ‘China and the “Arab Spring”: a new player in the Middle East?’, EuroMeSCo and IEMED, Brief 47, (5 July 2012), available at: http://www.iemed.org/observatori-fr/arees-danalisi/arxius-adjunts/copy_of_focus/95-Kandil.pdf (accessed 24 January 2014).

61. Interviews with Qatari diplomat in Beijing Embassy who requested his name to remain anonymous.

62. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, ‘Boosting Arab–China strategic cooperation’.

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