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Note from the Editor

Note from the Editor

Dear Readers,

It is a pleasure to present the latest issue of JSE, which is the first issue released during my time as editor. I started reviewing new submissions in September 2018, with my appointment officially being for 2019–2021. I extend my thanks to Soma Roy, editor during 2016–2018, for her support and guidance during these past several months and to JSE Editorial Coordinator Jean Scott, for helping me learn the ropes and stay on track. I am also grateful for the patience and support of ASA Journals Manager Eric Sampson, who has fielded many questions from me since September, and Taylor & Francis Production Editor Rebecca A. Corpier. I also thank the many continuing Associate Editors (AEs) as well as the new AEs and referees for so generously volunteering their time and expertise to JSE.

This issue of JSE includes three regular articles, one Research in K-12 Statistics Education article, and an interview by Allan J. Rossman (with me). I hope you enjoy reading this issue and I welcome your feedback.

One of the reasons I was excited about the opportunity to lead the JSE team is that we are adding two sections to the journal, one on teaching statistics in the health sciences, headed by Matt Hayat, and one on teaching data science, headed by Nick Horton. I particularly welcome papers in these two important areas.

If you or your friends or colleagues are involved in statistics education research and practice, I encourage you to consider submitting a manuscript to JSE. You can submit under one of the following three categories: General (which includes the health sciences and data science sections), Research in K-12 Statistics Education, and Data Sets and Stories. You can find the issues from this past year, an updated Aims and Scope document, guidelines for authors, and information about the journal and editorial board at http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse20.

Please keep in mind that all submissions to JSE are made through the Scholar One system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujse.

I am not a Facebook user (I will skip the story behind that), but I am told that we have a Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486553198048126/?ref=ts&fref=ts. And for all I know, it is an excellent page, or it could be excellent if you contributed to it.; -)

Jeff Witmer