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Note From the Editor

Note From the Editor

Dear Readers,

I am happy to present the latest issue of JSE.

This issue of JSE includes four regular articles, our first two articles in the new section on teaching data science (headed by Nick Horton), and a Datasets and Stories article, and an interview by Allan Rossman with Gail Burrill.

I have an announcement that I hope you will share with others. In 2010 Deb Nolan and Duncan Temple Lang wrote “Computing in the Statistics Curriculum,” which was published in The American Statistician. In 2020 JSE will publish a special issue that will address the questions of What has changed in ten years? What still needs to change? and What’s needed to implement these curricular shifts? Jo Hardin and Nick Horton will be guest editors of the special issue. More details will be posted on the JSE webpage and elsewhere.

I’ll take this opportunity to congratulate Rob Gould on receiving the CAUSE Lifetime Achievement Award, presented at USCOTS in May.

Please consider submitting a manuscript to JSE. You can submit under one of the following three categories: General (which includes the health sciences and data science sections), Research in K-12 Statistics Education, and Data Sets and Stories. You can find the issues from this past year, an updated Aims and Scope document, guidelines for authors, and information about the journal and editorial board at http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse20.

Keep in mind that all submissions to JSE are made through the Scholar One system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujse.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading this issue and I welcome your feedback.

Jeff Witmer