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Note From the Editor

Note From the Editor


Dear Readers,

Welcome to the latest issue of JSE, which includes seven regular articles, an article on statistics education in the health sciences, and an interview of Prince Afriyie conducted by Allan Rossman.

Sometimes an author sends us something that is pithy but that doesn't quite fit the pattern of JSE papers. I am happy to announce that we are adding a new component to JSE: Brief Communications. These are intended to be short articles (perhaps 6 pages) with a faster turnaround time to allow for more timely and relevant publications. For example, a brief communication could be a concise description of a novel teaching method, or it might be about teaching about COVID-19 or about social justice data.

I hope that you will find the mix of papers in this issue to be interesting. Of course, if you think there is something missing from what we are publishing, I hope that you will send us a paper. You can submit under one of the following four categories: General (which includes the health sciences and data science sections), Research in K-12 Statistics Education, Data Sets and Stories, and Brief Communications. You can find the issues from this past year, an updated Aims and Scope document, guidelines for authors, and information about the journal and editorial board at http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ujse20.

Keep in mind that all submissions to JSE are made through the Scholar One system at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujse.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading this issue and I welcome your feedback.

Jeff Witmer