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A Fresh Look at Introductory Data Science

Pages S16-S26 | Published online: 14 Sep 2020


The proliferation of vast quantities of available datasets that are large and complex in nature has challenged universities to keep up with the demand for graduates trained in both the statistical and the computational set of skills required to effectively plan, acquire, manage, analyze, and communicate the findings of such data. To keep up with this demand, attracting students early on to data science as well as providing them a solid foray into the field becomes increasingly important. We present a case study of an introductory undergraduate course in data science that is designed to address these needs. Offered at Duke University, this course has no prerequisites and serves a wide audience of aspiring statistics and data science majors as well as humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences students. We discuss the unique set of challenges posed by offering such a course, and in light of these challenges, we present a detailed discussion into the pedagogical design elements, content, structure, computational infrastructure, and the assessment methodology of the course. We also offer a repository containing all teaching materials that are open-source, along with supplementary materials and the R code for reproducing the figures found in the article.

1 Introduction

How can we effectively and efficiently teach data science to students with little to no background in computing and statistical thinking? How can we equip them with the skills and tools for reasoning with various types of data and leave them wanting to learn more? This article describes an introductory data science course that is our (working) answer to these questions.

At its core, the course focuses on data acquisition and wrangling, exploratory data analysis, data visualization, inference, modeling, and effective communication of results. Time permitting, the course also provides very brief forays into additional tools and concepts such as interactive visualizations, text analysis, and Bayesian inference. A heavy emphasis is placed on a consistent syntax (with tools from the tidyverse), reproducibility (with R Markdown), and version control and collaboration (with Git and GitHub). The course design builds on the three key recommendations from Nolan and Temple Lang (Citation2010): (1) broaden statistical computing to include emerging areas, (2) deepen computational reasoning skills, and (3) combine computational topics with data analysis. The goal of the course is to bring students from zero experience to being able to complete a fully reproducible data science project on a dataset of their choice and answer questions that they care about within the span of a semester.

In Section 2 of this article, we start with a review of the most recent curriculum guidelines for undergraduate programs in data science, statistics, and computer science. In this section, we also present a synopsis of the course content and structure of introductory data science courses at four other institutions with the goal of providing a snapshot of the current state of affairs in undergraduate introductory data science curricula. In Section 3, we outline the overall design goals of the Duke University introductory data science course that is the focus of this article and discuss how this course addresses current undergraduate curriculum guidelines in statistics and data science. In Section 4, we expand on the course content, flow, and pacing, and present examples of case studies from the course. In Section 5, we detail the pedagogical methods employed by this course, specifically addressing how these methods can support a large class with students with a diverse range of previous experiences in statistics and programming. Section 6 presents the computing infrastructure of the course, Section 7 presents the methods of assessment, and finally in Section 8, we provide a synthesis of where this course sits in the landscape of introductory data science curriculum guidelines, future design plans for the course, and opportunities and challenges for faculty wanting to adopt this course.

2 Background and Related Work

An exact characterization of what the field of data science is meant to encompass is still debated. However, in this article, we define data science as the “science of planning for, acquisition, management, analysis of, and inference from data” (NSF Citation2014). We reviewed four of the most recent curriculum guidelines for undergraduate programs in data science, statistics, and computer science to assess how the case study course ranks up against them.

While the 2013 Computer Science Curricula of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (Sahami et al. Citation2013) do not mention suggestions for integrating data science into a computer science major, the 2019 report by the ACM Task Force on Data Science Education (Danyluk et al. Citation2019) gives suggestions of core competencies a graduating data science student should leave with. Each competency corresponds to one of nine data science knowledge areas: computing fundamentals; data acquirement and governance; data management, storage, and retrieval; data privacy, security, and integrity; machine learning; data mining; big data; analysis and presentation; and professionalism. The report also suggests that a full data science curriculum should integrate courses in “calculus, discrete structures, probability theory, elementary statistics, advanced topics in statistics, and linear algebra.” We note, however, that this document was released as a draft at the time of writing this article.

Their recommendation for the first course is to introduce the statistical analysis process starting with formulating good questions and considering whether available data are appropriate for addressing the problem, then conducting a reproducible data analysis, assessing the analytic methods, drawing appropriate conclusions, and communicating results. They also recommend that data science skills, such as managing and wrangling data, algorithmic problem solving, working with statistical analysis software, as well as high-level computing languages and database management systems, be well integrated into the statistics curriculum.

The 2016 Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) endorsed by the American Statistical Association also does not make specific recommendations for introductory data science courses, however, the guidelines place emphasis on teaching statistics as an “investigative process of problem-solving and decision making” as well as giving students experience with “multivariable thinking” (Carver et al. Citation2016). The guidelines also recommend that students use technology to explore concepts and analyze data, and suggest examples of doing so using the R statistical programming language (R Core Team Citation2020).

The Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Programs in Data Science suggest that the first introductory course for students majoring in data science should introduce students to a high-level computing language (they recommend R) to “explore, visualize, and pose questions about the data” (De Veaux et al. Citation2017). Introduction to a high-level computing language, data exploration and wrangling, basic programming and writing functions, introduction to deterministic and stochastic modeling, concepts of projects and code management, databases, and introduction to data collection and statistical inference are among the suggested list of topics for the first two courses in a data science major. Furthermore, the guidelines propose that the introductory data science courses be taught in a way that follows the full iterative data science life cycle, “from initial investigation and data acquisition to the communication of final results.” Finally, this report recommends ending the course with a version-controlled, fully-reproducible, team-based project, complete with a written and oral presentation. While the Duke University course we describe in Sections 3–8 was originally designed prior to the publication of De Veaux et al. (Citation2017), the guidelines outlined in this report served as inspiration for much of the updates to the course over the five years that it has been taught.

In addition to curriculum guidelines, there exists a body of literature on suggestions and case studies for integrating data science computational skills into the general statistics curriculum. Nolan and Temple Lang (Citation2010) suggested including and discussing in detail fundamentals in scientific computing with data, information technologies, computational statistics (e.g., numerical algorithms) for implementing statistical methods, advanced statistical computing, data visualization, and integrated development environments (IDEs) into the undergraduate statistics curriculum. Hardin et al. (Citation2015) and Baumer (Citation2015) provided case studies of data science courses that use R as a computing language and have been implemented at various levels within a statistics undergraduate major. Dichev and Dicheva (Citation2017) and Brunner and Kim (Citation2016) discussed single Python-based introductory data science case studies for courses without prerequisites. Dichev et al. (Citation2016) described an introductory data science course that teaches Python and R and that does not have any prerequisites. Finally, while technically written for data science graduate courses, Hicks and Irizarry (Citation2018) promoted teaching data science via utilizing numerous case studies and emulating the process that data scientists would use to answer research questions.

In their report titled “Data Science for Undergraduates, Opportunities, and Options,” the National Academies of Sciences Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) provide a wider survey of institutions that have implemented stand-alone introductory data science courses designed to serve as a general education requirement or garner general interest in the field of data science (NASEM Citation2018). Three major challenges identified in the report that are associated with teaching an introductory data science course without any prerequisites are (1) increasing student interest that is reflected in higher enrollment numbers and the need to reconcile this with instructor availability, (2) specific curriculum of the course varying from semester to semester based on instructor expertise and interests, and (3) students with diverse computing backgrounds thriving in a course with a one-size-fits-all curriculum.

As part of our efforts to understand the landscape of undergraduate introductory data science courses, we surveyed four courses that do not require any student background in statistics or programming. These courses are as follows:

  1. Foundations of Data Science (DATA 8) at University of California Berkeley

  2. Foundations of Data Science at University of Cambridge

  3. Introduction to Data Science (SDS 192) at Smith College

  4. Data Science 101 (STATS 101) at Stanford University

These courses were selected based on the ranking of the programs they are taught in as well as the type of institution—we wanted to capture courses from a variety of institutions in terms of public/private, US/non-US, research/liberal arts (QS World University Rankings Citation2017; U.S. News & World Report Citation2018). These were courses we were somewhat familiar with prior to data collection and hence knew that they fit our requirements.

gives a summary of the programming languages used as well as a rough course content breakdown for these four courses as well as the Duke University course that we discuss in further details in the remainder of this article.

Table 1 Summary of programming languages used in each course and the estimated breakdown of percent of class time spent on various course components.

For each course, we surveyed the online course syllabus from a recent semester and noted the lecture topic for each day of the course, the programming language(s) used, and the assessed components. Then for each course, we classified each day’s lecture topic into one of nine content categories given in . Using these classifications, we calculated an approximate distribution of the amount of lecture time spent on each of the nine content categories. Finally, we contacted the instructors of these four courses and, based on their feedback, adjusted our original content distribution estimates.

We first note that programming is a central role for each of these courses. The courses at Duke University, Smith College, and Stanford University teach R; and the course at UC Berkeley teaches Python. The course at University of Cambridge is unique as it teaches only pseudocode, although students are encouraged to learn Python on their own time. In line with the greater focus that the Smith College course places on data wrangling, SQL is also used in this course as well.

We allocated content in our rubric for “Communication” if the course has a student project in which the students had to present their findings. We note that the Duke University, Smith College, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley courses all have some project presentation element. No project component was mentioned for the University of Cambridge course.

In addition, Duke University, Smith College, UC Berkeley, and University of Cambridge courses all have some discussion on data ethics built into the class.

We next note the differences in the extent to which each of these courses make use of group assignments and assessments. At Duke University students complete homework assignments and take-home exams individually, and lab assignments and projects in groups. At Smith College students work individually on homework assignments as well as on exams, they are strongly encouraged students to work in pairs on the lab assignments, and they work in groups for the projects. At Stanford University students work individually on exams and homework assignments. At UC Berkeley, the labs, homework assignments, and exams are completed individually by the student, while the students are allowed to work with one other student during the project. Finally, at University of Cambridge, students take one exam that they complete individually.

We note the vast diversity of course content within each of these classes compared to one another. For instance, Smith College emphasizes the initial phases of the data science life cycle, such as data visualization and data wrangling, whereas Duke University, UC Berkeley, Stanford University, and University of Cambridge place more attention on the middle phase of the data science life cycle, such as inference and modeling. The University of Cambridge course places a heavier emphasis on the mathematical foundations of data science than the other four courses. Finally, while the Duke University, UC Berkeley, and University of Cambridge courses place roughly equal focus on inference and modeling, the Stanford University course places a much larger emphasis on inference than on modeling.

Part of the reason for different levels of emphasis placed on different phases of the data science life cycle that we observe among these classes may be attributed to the differences in the primary audience the course is designed for. For instance, the Duke University course is designed to provide a common (gateway) experience to students interested in the Statistical Science major and minor or the interdisciplinary major in Data Science. The Smith College course is a required course for statistics majors while the UC Berkeley course is aimed at entry-level students from all majors and the University of Cambridge course is designed as a prerequisite for more advanced statistical and computer science topics.

3 The Course

In this article, we describe an introductory data science course that is designed to provide a common (gateway) experience to students interested in the Statistical Science major and minor or the interdisciplinary major in Data Science offered at Duke University called Introduction to Data Science and Statistical Thinking. A version of this course has been offered as a seminar to first year undergraduates each fall semester since the fall of 2014, with an enrollment of 18 students at each offering under the title Better Living with Data Science. The course, with some modifications for scale, was opened up to an audience of 80 students in the Spring semester of 2018.

The main design goals were to create a course that is modern, that places data front and center, that is quantitative without mathematical prerequisites, that is different than high school statistics, and that is challenging without being intimidating. The course emphasizes modern and multivariate exploratory data analysis, and specifically data visualization; starts at the beginning of the data analysis cycle with data collection and cleaning; encourages and enforces thinking, coding, writing, and presenting collaboratively; explicitly teaches best practices and tools for reproducible computing; approaches statistics from a model-based perspective, lessening the emphasis on statistical significance testing; and underscores effective communication of findings.

In addition, use of real data is a pillar of this course. Not only is this strongly recommended in Carver et al. (Citation2016), but it also equips students with the tools to answer questions of their own choosing as part of their end-of-semester project.

summarizes the flow of the three learning units in STA 199: exploring data, making rigorous conclusions, and looking forward. The arrows represent a continuous review and reuse of previous material as new topics are introduced. The course ultimately covers all steps of the full data science cycle presented in Wickham and Grolemund (Citation2016), which includes data import, tidying, exploration (visualize, model, transform), and communication. In Section 4, we describe in detail the topics covered in each of these units.

Fig. 1 Flow of topics in Introduction to Data Science and Statistical Thinking at Duke University.

Fig. 1 Flow of topics in Introduction to Data Science and Statistical Thinking at Duke University.

4 Learning Units

The course is comprised of three learning units. The first two are roughly of equal length, and the last one covers two weeks out of a fifteen week semester.

4.1 Unit 1: Exploring Data

This unit has three main foci: data visualization, data wrangling, and data import.

The learning goals of the unit are as follows:

  1. Introduce the R statistical programming language via building simple data visualizations.

  2. Build graphs displaying the relationship between multiple variables using data visualization best practices.

  3. Perform data wrangling, tidying, and visualization using packages from the tidyverse.

  4. Import data from various sources (e.g., CSV, Excel), including by scraping data off the web.

  5. Create reproducible reports with R Markdown, version tracked with Git and hosted on GitHub.

  6. Collaborate on assignments with teammates and resolve any merge conflicts that arise.

On the first day of the course students log in to a web-based R session and create a multivariate visualization exploring how countries have voted in the United Nations General Assembly on various issues such as human rights, nuclear weapons, and the Palestinian conflict using data from the unvotes package in R (Robinson Citation2017). This is used as an ice breaker activity to get students talking to each other about what countries they are interested in exploring. The activity also gets them creating and interpreting a data visualization. Getting students to create a data visualization in R so quickly is made possible using cloud-based computing infrastructure (which we describe in more detail in Section 6) and a fully functional R Markdown document. We call this the “let them eat cake first” approach, where students first see an example of a complex data visualization, which they will be able to build by the end of this unit, and then slowly work their way through the building blocks (Çetinkaya-Rundel Citation2018). This approach is also presented in Wang, Rush, and Horton (Citation2017), which advocates for “bringing big ideas into intro stats early and often.”

There are two main reasons for starting data science instruction with data visualization. The first reason is that most students come in with intuition for being able to interpret data visualizations without needing much instruction. This means we can focus the majority of class time initially on R syntax, and leave it up to the students to do the interpretation. Later in the course, as students are getting more comfortable with R and more advanced statistical techniques are introduced, this scale tips where we spend more class time on concepts and model interpretation and less on syntax. Second, it can be easier for students to detect if they are making a mistake when building a visualization, compared to data wrangling or statistical modeling.

In addition to the process of creating data visualizations, this unit focuses on critiquing and improving data visualizations. After a brief lecture on data visualization best practices, that was designed in collaboration with data visualization experts at Duke University, we present guidance for implementing these best practices in ggplot2 graphics. Each team is given a flawed data visualization as well as the raw data it is based on. First, they critique the data visualization and brainstorm ways of improving it. Then, they (attempt to) implement their suggestions for improvements. Finally, they present why and how they improved their visualizations to the rest of the class. Since this exercise happens early on in the semester, some teams fail to implement all of their suggestions, but this ends up being a motivator for learning. Additionally, multiple teams work on the same visualization and data, which makes the presentations valuable opportunities for learning from each other. This exercise is described in further detail, along with specific data sources and sample visualizations in Çetinkaya-Rundel and Tackett (Citation2020).

In the data wrangling and tidying part of Unit 1, we make heavy use of the dplyr and tidyr packages for transforming and summarizing data frames, joining data from multiple data frames, and reshaping data from wide to long/long to wide format. One example of a data join is an exercise where country level data is joined with a continent lookup table. This simple exercise presents an opportunity to discuss data science ethics as some of the countries in the original dataset do not appear in the continent lookup table (e.g., Hong Kong and Myanmar) due to political reasons. The technical solution to this problem is straightforward—we can manually assign these countries to a continent based on their geographic location. However, we also discuss that country-level datasets are inherently political as different nations have different definitions of what constitutes a country—an example of how data processing workflow might be affected by data issues (NASEM Citation2018). This data wrangling task is tied to a visualization exercise as well. By joining shapefile data to the country data we have, we create choropleth maps as well. To simplify the exercise, we use the maps package, along with ggplot2, for built-in shapefiles instead of downloading these files from the web (Becker et al. Citation2018).

Finally in Unit 1 we touch on data import. We start by introducing commonly used data import options for reading rectangular data into R (e.g., using read_csv() or read_excel() functions from the readr and readxl packages). We then present web scraping as a technique for harvesting data off the web using the rvest package (Wickham Citation2019). We scrape data from OpenSecrets (opensecrets.org), a nonprofit research group that tracks money in politics in the United States. While the specific dataset we scrape changes from year to year, the structure of the web scraping activity stays relatively constant: first scrape data from a single page (containing data on a single voting district, or single election year), convert the code developed for scraping data from this single page into a function that takes a URL and returns a structured data frame, and finally iterate over many similar web pages (other voting districts, or other election years) using mapping functions from the purrr package (Henry and Wickham Citation2020). We usually end this exercise with a data visualization created using the scraped data that allows students to gain insights that would have been impossible to uncover without getting the data off the web and into R.

In summary, this unit starts off with data visualization on a dataset that is already clean and tidy (and usually contained in an R package). Then, we take one step back and learn about data wrangling and tidying. Finally, we take one more step back and introduce both statistical and computational aspects of data collection and reading data into R from various sources.

4.2 Unit 2: Making Rigorous Conclusions

In Unit 1 students develop their skills for describing relationships between variables, and the transition to Unit 2 is done via the desire to quantify these relationships and to make predictions.

This unit is designed to achieve the following learning goals:

  1. Quantify and interpret relationships between multiple variables.

  2. Predict numerical outcomes and evaluate model fit using graphical diagnostics.

  3. Predict binary outcomes, identify decision errors, and build basic intuition around loss functions.

  4. Perform model building and feature evaluation, including stepwise model selection.

  5. Evaluate the performance of models using cross-validation techniques.

  6. Quantify uncertainty around estimates using bootstrapping techniques.

We start off by introducing simple linear regression, but then quickly move on to multiple linear regression with interaction effects since students are already familiar with the idea that we need to examine relationships between multiple variables at once to get a realistic depiction of real world processes. We also introduce logistic regression, albeit briefly. Prediction, model selection, and model validation are introduced to pave the pathway for machine learning concepts that students can dive further into in subsequent higher level classes.

Finally in this unit, we introduce the concept of quantifying uncertainty, starting with uncertainty in slope estimates and model predictions. We also touch on slightly more traditional introductory statistics topics such as statistical inference for comparing means and proportions. However, unlike many traditional introductory statistics courses, inference focuses on confidence intervals, constructed using bootstrapping only.

In designing this unit we had three goals in mind: (1) introduce models with multiple predictors early, (2) touch on elementary machine learning methods, and (3) de-emphasize the use of p-values for decision making. The first goal addresses the 2016 GAISE recommendation for giving students experience with multivariable thinking (Carver et al. Citation2016). Additionally, introducing this topic early helps students frame their project proposals (often due in the middle of this unit) by signaling that this is a technique they might use in their projects. Teaching logistic regression also proves to be invaluable in a course where students later choose their own datasets and research questions for their final projects. Each semester there are a considerable number of teams who, as part of their project, want to tackle a task involving predicting categorical outcomes, and familiarity with logistic regression allows them to do so as long as they can dichotomize their outcome. The second goal (touching on machine learning methods) presents two opportunities. First, it enables a discussion on modeling binary outcomes as both “logistic regression” (where we interpret model output to evaluate relationships between variables) and “binary classification” (where we care more about prediction than explanation). Second, exposing students to foundational techniques like classification, predictive modeling, cross-validation, etc. enables them to start developing basic familiarity with machine learning approaches. The third goal (de-emphasize the use of p-values for decision making) is achieved by not covering null hypothesis significance testing in any meaningful way. Traditional statistical inference topics are limited to confidence intervals and decision errors that are presented in the context of a logistic regression/classification. Students learn how to construct confidence intervals using bootstrapping, and emphasis is placed on interpreting these intervals in the context of the data and the research question and we discuss decision making based on these intervals. We also present decision making in the context of a classification problem (a spam filter), where we explore the cost of Type I and Type II errors to start building intuition around loss functions.

One of the datasets featured in this unit comes from 18th century auctions for paintings in Paris. In the case study of these paintings, we explore relationships between metadata on paintings that were encoded based on descriptions of paintings from over 3000 printed auction catalogues. These data include attributes like dimensions, material, orientation, and shape of canvas, number of figures in the painting, school of the painter, as well as whether the painting was auctioned as part of a lot or on its own. The goal is to build a model predicting price of paintings. However, the data require a fair amount of cleaning before it can be used for building meaningful models. For example, some of the categorical variables (e.g., material and shape of canvas) have levels that are either misspelled or occur at low frequency. This offers an opportunity for students to review data wrangling skills from the previous unit while also learning about modeling. Additionally, the response variable, price, is right skewed, which provides a nice opportunity to introduce transformations. Finally, the dataset has over 60 variables, which means considering all interaction effects is not trivial. Instead we explore interaction effects that the data experts (art historians who created the dataset) have suggested. This provides an opportunity for discussion around automated model selection methods versus model building based on expert opinion.

Other datasets include professor evaluations and their “beauty” scores (numerical, continuous outcome: evaluation score) and metadata on emails (categorical, binary outcome: spam/not spam).

On the computational side, we use the broom package (Robinson and Hayes Citation2020) for tidy presentation of model output. Two features of this package are especially well suited for the learning goals of this course. First, regression output is returned as a data frame that makes it easier to extract values from the output to include in reproducible reports. This allows students to easily use inline R code chunks to extract statistics like coefficient estimates or R-squared values from model outputs and include in their interpretations, as opposed to manually typing them out, which is recommended for reproducibility of reports. Second, model summaries printed using the tidy() function from the broom package do not contain the significant stars that draw the attention to p-values. Note that it is possible to turn these off in base R model summaries as well, but it is preferable to not have them in the first place.

Like broom, other R packages introduced in this unit are part of the tidymodels suite of packages, which is “a collection of packages for modeling and machine learning using tidyverse principles” (Kuhn and Wickham Citation2020). These include infer for simulation-based statistical inference and modelr for quantifying predictive performance.

4.3 Unit 3: Looking Forward

This unit is designed to shrink or expand as needed depending on time left in the semester. Each module is designed to cover one class period and aims to provide a brief introduction to a topic students might explore in higher level courses. One exception to this is an ethics module, which kicks off the unit and is the only required component. In this module, we introduce ethical considerations around misrepresentation in data visualizations and reporting of analysis results, p-hacking, privacy, and algorithmic bias.

The remaining topics in the unit vary from semester to semester depending on interests of the students and the instructor. In each class period students are exposed to a few R packages that they use to engage with specialized tasks (e.g., flexdashboard for building dashboards (Iannone, Allaire, and Borges Citation2020), genius for accessing song lyrics (Parry and Barr Citation2020), gutenbergr for retrieving text from books (Robinson Citation2019), shiny for creating web apps (Chang et al. Citation2020), tidytext for text analysis (Silge and Robinson Citation2016)). lists topics covered in this unit in the past, along with a brief synopsis.

Table 2 Topics previously covered in Unit 3 of the course.

5 Pedagogy

In this section, we discuss the various pedagogical choices (teamwork, lectures sprinkled with hands-on exercises, computational labs, etc.) as well as assessment components and feedback loops in the course. We anticipate that instructors designing a similar course would be especially interested in how we evaluate whether students in the course achieve the outlined learning goals as well as a commentary on assessment scalability for larger courses.

The pedagogical methods employed are tailored to several specific aspects of the course. First, the course is relatively large in size with about 80–90 students. Second, while the course has no statistical or computing prerequisites, students come into the course with very diverse backgrounds—some have no prior exposure to statistics or computing while others may have already had a few classes in either of the subjects, or both. As suggested by the literature (Michaelsen and Sweet Citation2011), we employ several team-based learning techniques to address the challenges of keeping a large lecture hall of students with varying degrees of background knowledge both challenged and engaged.

Within each lab section we aim to disperse students who have previously learned some computing and/or statistics and those without any background in these areas evenly amongst groups of four. To gauge a student’s prior background in statistics we have each student complete a pretest before the course begins. We use the Comprehensive Assessment of Outcomes in a First Statistics course (CAOS) test, an online test developed by Assessment Resource Tools for Improving Statistics Thinking (ARTIST) project app.gen.umn.edu/artist intended to assess students on the key concepts that any student coming out of an introductory statistics course would be expected to know. We use a combination of scores from this test as well as information on computing experience to roughly classify students into three categories of “has background,” “does not have any background,” and “somewhere in between.” We then assign one student who is identified as “has background,” one who is identified as “does not have any background,” and two students from the “somewhere in between” categories to teach team. In choosing which students to pick from these categories to place into each team, we take into account self-reported information collected via a “Getting to Know You” survey, such as interests, (planned) major, personal pronouns, etc. We aim to create demographically diverse teams where each student shares some attributes with at least one other student in the team. The team assignment process is carried out manually, which presents challenges as the class size grows. However, since students stay in these teams throughout the entire semester, taking extra care during the team formation process is a worthwhile investment for reducing team dynamic issues that might arise later in the semester.

The method of content delivery is mostly lecture, and student feedback on whether they desire more or less content to be delivered during the actual lecture has been mixed. Future iterations of this course may seek to decrease the amount of new content delivered to the students during the lecture and shift the students first exposure to the material to pre-class assignments or videos. This shift is informed by the body of literature which suggests better learning and better student satisfaction in introductory statistics courses taught using a flipped classroom approach where students completed relatively simple reading and answered reading quiz questions prior to class and completed hands-on exercises in class (Wilson Citation2013; Winquist and Carlson Citation2014). In place of new content delivered in lecture, future iterations of the course may incorporate more extensive group application exercises into the class time, allowing students to get individual feedback on their current understanding from their peers, the TAs, and the instructor.

6 Computing and Infrastructure

In this section, we discuss the computing choices made in the course, including infrastructure, syntax, and tools; we will detail the computing infrastructure used in the course (access to RStudio in the cloud) and provide pedagogical justifications for the decisions made in setting up this infrastructure. Additionally, we will provide a road map of the computational toolkit, outlining when and why students get introduced to each new package or software.

6.1 Seamless Onboarding With RStudio Cloud

This course follows the recommendations outlined in Çetinkaya-Rundel and Rundel (Citation2018) for setting up a computational infrastructure to allow for pedagogical innovations while keeping student frustration to a minimum.

The most common hurdle for getting students started with computation is the very first step: installation and configuration. Regardless of how well detailed and documented instructions may be, there will always be some difficulty at this stage due to differences in operating system, software version(s), and configurations among students’ computers. It is entirely possible that an entire class period can be lost to troubleshooting individual student’s laptops. An important goal of this class is to get students to create a data visualization in R within the first 10 min of the first class. Local installation can be difficult to manage, both for the student and the instructor, and can shift the focus away from data science learning at the beginning of the course.

Access to R is provided via RStudio, an IDE that includes a viewable environment, a file browser, data viewer, and a plotting pane, which makes it less intimidating than the bare R shell. Additionally, since it is a fully fledged IDE, it also features integrated help, syntax highlighting, and context-aware tab completion, which are all powerful tools that help flatten the learning curve.

Rather than locally installing R and RStudio, students in this course access RStudio in the cloud via RStudio Cloud (rstudio.cloud), a managed cloud instance of the RStudio IDE. The main reason for this choice is reducing friction at first exposure to R that we described above.

When you create an account on RStudio Cloud you get a workspace of your own, and the projects you create here are public to RStudio Cloud members. You can also add a new workspace and control its permissions, and the projects you create here can be public or private. A natural way to set up a course in RStudio Cloud is using a private workspace. In this structure, a classroom maps to a workspace. Once a workspace is set up, instructors can invite students to the workspace via an invite link. Workspaces allow for various permission levels which can be assigned to students, teaching assistants, and instructors. Then, each assignment/project in the course maps to an RStudio Cloud project.

Another major advantage of this setup over local installation of R and RStudio is that workspaces can be configured to always use particular versions of R and RStudio as well as a set of packages (and particular versions of those packages). This means the computing environment for the students can easily be configured by the instructor, and always matches that of the instructor, further reducing frustration that can be caused by instances of the student running the exact same code as the professor but getting errors or different results.

6.2 Literate Programming and Reproducibility With R Markdown

Building on literate programming (Knuth Citation1984), R Markdown provides an easy-to-use authoring framework for combining statistical computing and written analysis in one computational document that includes the narrative, code, and the output of an analysis (Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund Citation2018). On the first day of the course, upon accessing the computing infrastructure via RStudio Cloud as described in Section 6.1, students are presented with a fully functional R Markdown document including a brief but not-so-simple data analysis that they can knit to produce an in-depth data visualization. Then, by updating just one parameter in the R Markdown document, they can produce a new report with a new data visualization. This process of an early win is made possible with R Markdown in a way that would be much harder to accomplish typing code in the console or even with the use of a reproducible R script. We are able to introduce students to R Markdown before any formal R instruction thanks to the very lightweight syntax of the markdown language, and by providing a fully functional document that is guaranteed to knit and display results for each student regardless of their personal computing setup.

Throughout the course students use a single R Markdown document to write, execute, and save code, as well as to generate data analysis reports that can be shared with their peers (for teamwork) or instructors (for assessment). Early on in the course, we facilitate this experience by providing them templates that they can use as starting points for their assignments. Throughout the semester this scaffolding is phased out, and the final project assignment comes with a bare-bones template with just some suggested section headings.

The primary benefit of using R Markdown in statistics and data science instruction are outlined in Baumer et al. (Citation2014) as restoring the logical connection between statistical computing and statistical analysis that was broken by the copy-and-paste paradigm. Use of this tool keeps code, output, and narrative all in one document, and in fact, makes them inseparable.

6.3 Clean and Consistent Grammar With the Tidyverse

The curriculum makes opinionated choices when it comes to specific programming paradigms introduced to students. Students learn R with the tidyverse, an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science that share an “underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures” (Wickham et al. Citation2019). The most important reason for this choice is the cohesiveness of the tidyverse packages. The expectation is that learning one package makes it easier to use the other due to these shared principles. Tidyverse code is not necessarily concise, but the course aims to teach students to maximize readability and extensibility of their code instead of minimizing the number of lines to accomplish a task.

6.4 Version Control and Collaboration With Git and GitHub

One of the learning goals of this course is that how you got to a data analysis result is just as important as the result itself. Another goal is to give students exposure to and experience using software tools for modern data science. Use of literate programming with R Markdown gets us part of the way there, but implicit in the idea of reproducibility is collaboration. The code you produce is documentation of the process and it is critical to share it (even if only with yourself in the future). This is best accomplished with a distributed version control system like Git (Bryan Citation2018). In addition, Git is a widely used tool in industry for code sharing. According to an industry-wide Kaggle survey of data scientists conducted by Kaggle, 58.4% of over 6000 respondents said Git was the main tool used for sharing code in their workplace (Kaggle Citation2017).

In this class, we have adopted a top down approach to teaching Git—students are required to use it for all assignments. Additionally, GitHub is used as the learning management system for distributing and collecting assignments as repositories. Based on best practices outlined in Çetinkaya-Rundel and Rundel (Citation2018), we structure the class as a GitHub organization, and a starter private repository is created per student/team per assignment, and we use the ghclass package for instructor management of student repositories (Rundel, Çetinkaya-Rundel, and Anders Citation2019).

Students interact with Git via RStudio’s project based Git GUI. We teach a simple centralized Git workflow which only requires the student to know how to perform simple actions like push, pull, add, rm, commit, status, and clone. Focusing on this core functionality helps flatten the learning curve associated with a sophisticated version control tool like Git for students who are new to programming (Fiksel et al. Citation2019; Beckman et al. Citation2020). Early on in the course, we also engineer situations in which students encounter problems while they are in the classroom so that the professor and teaching assistants are present to troubleshoot and walk them through the process in person.

We note that GitHub can also be used as an early diagnostic tool to identify students who may struggle in the course later on. We pulled the data on all commits made by students in the Spring 2018 cohort of the course. The use of these data was given an exemption from IRB review by Duke University Campus Institutional Review Board.

displays three plots created with these data. The plot on the left shows the relationship between number of commits made by each student throughout the entire semester and their final course grade (out of 100 points). The plots in the middle and on the right also display the final course grade on the y-axis but the number of commits made by each student are calculated at earlier time points in the semester (before the first midterm for the plot in the middle, and before the second midterm for the plot in the right). We can see a positive relationship in each of the plots, leveling off at 100 points (since it is not possible to score higher than 100 points in the course). While number of commits, alone, should not be considered an indication of course performance, these plots suggest that one can identify students with low numbers of commits as those who will potentially not perform well in the course, and reach out to them early on and offer support and help.

Fig. 2 Relationship between number of commits and final course grade for each student at three time points in the semester.

Fig. 2 Relationship between number of commits and final course grade for each student at three time points in the semester.

Incorporation of version control and collaboration with Git and GitHub into the introductory data science classroom not only benefits students by teaching them skills desired by potential employers, but it also cuts down on the administrative work required to distribute, grade, and return assignments, which can now be spent providing in-depth feedback, working with students, and updating course material.

7 Assessment

This course uses five methods of assessment, each designed with the incoming student with no background in statistics or computing in mind. First, we have weekly computing labs that are completed in groups. With these labs, students without any coding background can benefit from the prior coding experience of other students in the group. However, in an effort to make sure that each student, including those with no computing experience, has weekly practice in coding we assign individual homework assignments as well. Finally, because programming plays a central role in the course, we incorporate coding exercises into the midterm exams. To accommodate first-time programmers for whom a timed coding exam may prove to be infeasible, the midterms are set as take-home exams and the students are allowed to use books, notes, and the internet to complete them.

Participation also factors into the final grade of students in the course. In addition, voluntary participation such as answering a question or being called on to answer a question has been shown to cause higher anxiety in large introductory courses than working in groups on in-class exercises (England, Brigati, and Schussler Citation2017). Therefore, instead of relying solely on a potentially subjective measure of voluntary participation, participation scores of students in this class are made up of a check/no check type grade on their team-based in-class application exercises (they get a check if they were in class for the day) as well as their engagement on the online course discussion.

Many of the assignments and assessments in the course are designed to prepare students for the final project, which, in a nutshell, asks students to “Pick a dataset, any dataset, and do something with it.” The actual assignment, of course, goes into a lot more details than this, but ultimately students are asked to work in teams to pick a new (to them) dataset and an accompanying research question and answer the question using methods and tools they learned in the course. We specifically ask them to not feel pressured to apply everything they learned, but to be selective about which method(s) they use. They are also encouraged to try methods, models, and approaches that go beyond what they learned in the course and additional support for implementing these is provided during office hours.

There are three main reasons for assigning this team-based final project. First, in a class where students start off with no prerequisite knowledge, it is hugely rewarding for them to see that they can go from zero to full-fledged collaborative and reproducible data analysis within the span of a semester, and hopefully this leaves them wanting to learn more. Second, for the most part, teamwork results in a better final product than students would accomplish individually. And lastly, teams are more adventurous than individual students, and are more likely to venture outside of what they learned in the class and learn new tools and methods to complete their projects.

Teams turn in a project proposal roughly one-month before the final project is due with their data and proposed analysis. These proposals are reviewed carefully and feedback is provided to the students. Teams can choose to revise their proposals based on the feedback, and thereby increase their score on the proposal stage of the project. The final deliverables of the project are a 10-min presentation during the scheduled final exam time and a write-up that goes into further depth than the presentation can in the allotted time. The final write-up is an R Markdown file, but unlike the earlier assignments, code chunks are turned off so that only the prose and the output/plots are visible to the reader. This encourages students to pay attention to wording, grammar, and most importantly flow since their narrative is not interrupted with large chunks of code.

8 Discussion

The impact of this course at Duke University has been profound. Increasing numbers of students coming out of this course continuing their studies in statistics after this course helped provide impetus to update and modernize the computational aspects of the second statistics course in regression. For example, the regression course now also uses the tidyverse syntax, students complete assignments using R Markdown, and use version control with Git, and collaborate and submit assignments on GitHub. Additionally, the course has served as a way to start building bridges between the introductory statistical science and computer science curricula, accelerating the formation of an interdepartmental major in data science, where students are provided an option to build a full undergraduate curriculum in data science by mixing and matching from a list of prescribed courses from the two departments. In addition to students wanting to pursue a degree in statistics and/or data science, this course also serves a large number of students from the social and natural sciences as well as the humanities. The course now satisfies the introductory statistics requirement of many majors (e.g., political science, public policy, economics), and hence we expect to see trickle down effects of starting with data science within the statistical and computational learning goals of these disciplines as well.

As Baumer (Citation2015) put it so well, “[i]f data science represents the new reality for data analysis, then there is a real risk to the field of statistics if we fail to embrace it.” Statistics departments are at a huge advantage for offering courses that can prepare students to embrace and extract meaning from modern data: we have faculty proficient in statistical inference, modeling, and computing. Traditionally these three pillars of statistics came together in higher level courses, but we believe that its time to flip things around. Offering an introductory course like the one described in this article can introduce students to data science early on, as early as their first semester in college due to not having any prerequisites for the course. This will not only help drum up interest in the topic (and hence in statistics) but also provide a pathway for students to start interacting meaningfully with data and developing their computational skills while concurrently taking mathematical prerequisites needed for a statistics major, such as calculus, linear algebra, etc.

It has been ten years since Nolan and Temple Lang (Citation2010) suggested that “[i]t is our responsibility, as statistics educators, to ensure our students have the computational understanding, skills, and confidence needed to actively and wholeheartedly participate in the computational arena.” Introduction to Data Science and Statistical Thinking is designed to address this goal early on, and to introduce students to statistical thinking through computing with data. While this course alone is not sufficient to equip students with all of the computing skills Nolan and Temple Lang (Citation2010) outline, it serves as a solid foundation to build on.

One of the biggest challenges in designing this course has been deciding which topics to include, especially in the second unit on making rigorous conclusions. Some topics that are commonly covered in introductory statistics courses are intentionally left out to make room for increased emphasis on computing and computational workflows. For example, this course places less emphasis on null hypothesis significance testing and the central limit theorem compared to a traditional introductory statistics course. While we touch on p-values as one way of making decisions based on statistical information, we do not demonstrate how to calculate them in various settings. Similarly, the central limit theorem is only referenced in relation to some of the common characteristics of bootstrap distributions. So far, we only have anecdotal evidence that students who take a course on regression after completing the introductory data science course about their experience in the regression course. The evidence suggests that they have sufficient statistical background to succeed in the regression course and do not appear to be less prepared than their peers who completed a traditional introductory statistics course. Future research could help inform the downstream effects of introduction to the discipline of statistics via this course and how student learning outcomes in the statistics major compare to other starting points.

In designing the course we had one more ambition: to make all course materials openly licensed and freely available to the statistics and data science instructor community. All course content (lecture slides, homework assignments, computing labs, application exercises, and sample exams) as well as materials on pedagogy and infrastructure setup to help instructors who want to teach this curriculum can be found at datasciencebox.org.

Beyond the challenges that come with designing any new course, there are a few aspects of this course that we believe might present challenges for instructors who want to adopt this course. First, while the foundational skills in data science are well established, the technical and implementation details, such as which R package you should use, can be a moving target. Staying current with these active developments is rewarding, but can be time consuming.

Second, teaching this curriculum involves engaging with technical logistics that may be outside of the comfort zone of many instructors. Much of this is addressed by professionally managed, web-based services (e.g., RStudio Cloud) as well as tooling developed specifically to help manage course logistics (e.g., the ghclass package). A willingness to tackle unexpected technical difficulties (e.g., a student getting stuck on an undecipherable Git error) using a combination of Googling and copying and pasting from Stack Overflow will help. One can view this as an opportunity as well—live debugging sessions where an instructor models how they search for answers on the web can be valuable learning experiences for students.

Finally, the topics presented in this course are substantially different than those in a traditional introductory statistics or introductory probability course. This course provides less exposure to mathematical statistics topics (e.g., the central limit theorem, distributions, probability) in favor of computational data analysis skills. As such, it is important that the second course in a program is updated to accommodate students coming in with different backgrounds, which will require buy-in from departmental faculty. We strongly believe that statistics and data science programs that leverage and reinforce these skills throughout the rest of the curriculum will ultimately produce stronger graduates.


We thank the editors, the associate editors, and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions. We would also like to thank Ben Baumer from Smith College, John Christopher Duchi from Stanford University, David Wagner from University of California Berkeley, and Damon Wischik from University of Cambridge for providing information on their introductory data science courses.

Supplementary Materials

Supplemental materials for the article, including details on the data collection process and the R code for reproducing the figures found in the article, can be found on GitHub at github.com/mine-cetinkaya-rundel/fresh-ds.


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