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Studying the Strength of Prediction Using Indirect Mixture Modeling: Nonlinear Latent Regression with Heteroskedastic Residuals

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We present a latent regression model in which the regression function is possibly nonlinear, and not necessarily smooth (e.g., a step function), and in which the residual variances are not necessarily homoskedastic. Heteroskedasticity is modeled by making the conditional (on the predictor) residual variance a (user-specified) function of the predictor. We use indirect mixture modeling to estimate the parameters by marginal maximum likelihood estimation, as proposed by Bock and Aitken (1981) in the context of item-response theory modeling and Klein and Moosbrugger (2000) in the context of structural equation modeling. We present a small simulation study to evaluate power and the consequences of model misspecification, and an illustration concerning neuroticism and extroversion. The model can be used to evaluate changes in the strength of the prediction as a function of the predictor.

In direct applications of finite mixture modeling, the aim is to identify latent classes (mixture components), which are amenable to substantive interpretation (e.g., Dolan, Schmittmann, Lubke, & Neale, Citation2005; Muthén, Khoo, Francis, & Boscardin, Citation2003; Schmittmann, Dolan, van der Maas, & Neale, Citation2005). In indirect applications, mixture modeling is used as a tool to obtain a flexible, tractable form of analysis (e.g., Bauer, Citation2005; Kelava, Nagengast, & Brandt, Citation2014; Moosbrugger, Schermelleh-Engel, Kelava, & Klein, Citation2009). For instance, finite mixture factor analysis has been used indirectly to accommodate nonnormality (Wall, Gua, & Amemiya, Citation2012), and directly to identify interpretable latent classes (Dolan & van de Maas, Citation1998; Lubke & Muthén, Citation2005). In this article, we use indirect mixture modeling to accommodate nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity in the latent regression model.

We consider the combination of nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity to be of substantive interest to model changes in the strength of prediction. For instance, consider the statement “Social isolation (SI) causes depression (D),” which can be formalized in terms of the linear regression of D on SI. The psychological shorthand narrative is intuitively appealing: the more isolated you are, the more likely you are to be depressed (Cacioppo, Hawkley, & Thisted, Citation2010). However, it is possible that at low, or even intermediate, levels of depression, depression is less strongly associated with social isolation. This variation in strength of the relationship might be due to heteroskedasticity (e.g., σ2 [D|SI high] < σ2[D|SI low]), or due to variation in the value of the regression coefficient, β (e.g., β|SI high > β|SI low). The latter results in nonlinearity, whereas the former does not. However, both have a bearing on the strength of the regression relationship.

To accommodate nonlinearity, latent polynomial regression is often used. Two main approaches are the (latent) product-indicator approach and the distribution analytic approach (Moosbrugger et al., Citation2009). Within the product indicator approach latent nonlinearity is specified by including appropriate functions of the observed indicators (Bollen, Citation1995; Jaccard & Wan, Citation1996; Jöreskog & Yang, Citation1996; Kenny & Judd, Citation1984; Ping, Citation1996; Schumacker & Marcoulides, Citation1998). The product-indicator approach requires nonlinear constraints (but see Marsh, Wen, & Hau, Citation2004), and estimation suitable for nonnormality, given the nonnormality arising from the inclusion of product indicators. Within the distribution analytic approach, the model is estimated by conditioning on latent variables involved in the nonlinear regression terms. This can either be done by formulating the model as an indirect mixture (e.g., the latent moderated structural equation approach; Klein & Moosbrugger, Citation2000) or by approximating the nonnormal density function of the joint indicator vector (e.g., using quasi-maximum likelihood estimation; Klein & Muthén, Citation2007). A second indirect mixture approach to nonlinearity was developed by Bauer (Citation2005; see also Pek, Sterba, Kok, & Bauer, Citation2009). Bauer proposed an exploratory regression model that approximates the nonlinear regression function by means of a weighted combination of linear regression models. This method requires specification of the number of components in the indirect mixture, not of the functional form of the nonlinear function (e.g., curvilinear, quadratic, exponential).

In the methods mentioned so far, heteroskedasticity, if any, is not modeled and not of substantive interest. Generally, in linear regression modeling, heteroskedasticity is viewed as an obstacle to correct statistical inference concerning regression coefficients, which can be addressed by iterated weighted least squares (Greene, Citation2011; Hooper, Citation1993) or by a correction of the standard errors (Huber, Citation1967; White, Citation1980). However, heteroskedasticity can be of theoretical interest in its own right. For instance, heteroskedasticity is important in the study of ability differentiation (Molenaar, Dolan, & van der Maas, Citation2011), genotype by environment interaction (Molenaar et al., Citation2013; van der Sluis, Dolan, Neale, Boomsma, & Posthuma, Citation2006), and personality (i.e., schematicity hypothesis; Molenaar, Dolan, & de Boeck, Citation2012). As mentioned earlier, here we are interested in heteroskedasticity (in combination with possible nonlinearity), as it has a bearing on the precision of prediction in the regression model.

Within the context of factor models and item-response theory (IRT) models, Molenaar and colleagues used marginal maximum likelihood (MML) estimation to model nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity (Molenaar et al., Citation2012; Molenaar et al., Citation2011; Molenaar, Dolan, & Verhelst, Citation2010; Molenaar, Dolan, Wicherts, & van der Maas, Citation2010). This approach is similar to that of Klein and Moosbrugger (Citation2000) as it also exploits the fact that MML estimation in psychometric modeling can be cast in terms of constrained finite mixture modeling (see later).

In this article, we use the indirect mixture modeling approach to fit a nonlinear heteroskedastic latent regression model using MML estimation. In the model, both the regression coefficient and the latent residual variance are deterministic functions of the latent predictor. We show that various forms of heteroskedasticity can be accommodated using smooth or step functions. Similarly, various forms of nonlinearity can be considered including, but not limited to, polynomial functions or smooth functions. The outline of this article is as follows. We first present the formal indirect mixture model. Next, we discuss MML estimation of the model parameters. Then, we present the results of a simulation study to demonstrate the viability of the model in terms of parameter recovery, power, and the effect of misspecification. We apply the model to a real data set pertaining to personality. Finally, we conclude the article with a brief discussion.


The Linear and Homoskedastic Case

We consider two instances of the latent linear regression model (see ). We assume that the normally distributed predictor variable (ηx) is latent with L indicators and that the dependent variable (ηy) is either observed ( bottom) or latent with K indicators ( top). We assume the dependent variable (ηy) to be normal conditional on the predictor (ηy). The number of indicators is arbitrary but assumed to be sufficient to avoid problems of identification. In matrix notation, the model for the L-dimensional vector of predictor indicators, denoted by x, is given by

(1) x = νx+λxηx+εx,(1)

FIGURE 1  Regression models with four predictor and four dependent indicators (top) or one dependent (bottom).

FIGURE 1  Regression models with four predictor and four dependent indicators (top) or one dependent (bottom).

where νx is the L-dimensional vector of intercepts, λx is an L-dimensional vector of factor loadings, ηx is the 1 × 1 vector of the latent predictor (i.e., ηx = [ηx]), and εx is the L-dimensional vector of residuals. Next, the model for the K-dimensional vector of dependent latent variable indicators, denoted by y, given > 1, is given by

(2) y=νy+λyηy+εy,(2)

with the parameters defined analogously. The preceding model reduces to y = νy + ηy if K = 1, as here the variable y features as the observed dependent. In the standard linear homoskedastic model, the latent dependent variable is regressed on the latent predictor variable as follows:

(3) ηy=Bηx+ζ,(3)

where B is a 1 × 1 matrix containing the regression coefficient β, and ζ is a 1 × 1 matrix containing the latent residual ζ with variance σζ2. Homoskedasticity implies that the variance of ζ is constant over the range of ηx.

The Nonlinear and Heteroskedastic Case

We generalize the latent linear regression model to accommodate nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity simultaneously by making the regression coefficient β and the residual variance σζ2 a function of the predictor ηx:

(4) β = fβ(ηx),(4)


(5) σζ2 = fζ(ηx).(5)

The choice of the functions fβ(.) and fζ(.) is arbitrary, and not limited to smooth functions. An obvious smooth function is the r-degree polynomial regression:

(6) β = fβ(ηx) = γ0 + γ1ηx +γ2ηx2++γrηxr(6)

where the model reduces to standard linear regression if γi = 0 (i = 1, …, r). As an example of a discrete function, consider a three-step function:

(7) β=fβ(ηx)= k0+k1ifηxck0  ifc<ηx<ck0+k2ifηxc(7)

where c is a chosen, fixed threshold value. To model heteroskedasticity of the latent residual, we could use an rth order polynomial function:

(8) σζ2 =fζ(ηx)=exp(ϕ0+ϕ1ηx+ϕ2ηx2++ϕrηxr)(8)

or equivalently

(9) log(σζ)=log(fζ(ηx))=ϕ0+ϕ1ηx+ϕ2ηx++ϕrηx,(9)

where the intercept ϕ0 accounts for the latent residual, which is independent of the predictor ηx. In addition, ϕs (s = 1, …, r) are the heteroskedasticity parameters that account for the residual variance as a function of the predictor ηx. As in the case of the regression coefficient, other (discrete) functions can be chosen, such as the step function; for example,

(10) σζ2 = fζηx = ξ0 + ξ1ifηxc,ξ0 ifc < ηx< cξ0+ξ2ifηxc. (10)

The step function can be used in an exploratory analysis of heteroskedasticity in the extreme of the ηx distribution, where the choice of c is arbitrary (e.g., setting the threshold c to equal 1 SD; see the illustration later).

Parameter Estimation

Equations 1 through 5 represent the extended nonlinear latent regression model with heteroskedastic residuals. This model can be fitted by means of MML estimation (Bock & Aitkin, Citation1981; Klein & Moosbrugger, Citation2000; Molenaar et al., Citation2010), in which we condition on ηx and use Gauss–Hermite quadrature (Stroud & Secrest, Citation1966) to approximate the integral in the log-marginal likelihood.

To facilitate parameter estimation, we reformulate the models in into an equivalent specification, which is displayed in . Specifically, given the model for the indicators of ηx in Equation 1, the conditional mean vector of the x indicators is given by μxx = νx + λxηx, and the conditional covariance matrix is given by Σxx = Θx. When considering both nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity in the latent regression of ηy on ηx the model for the indicator vector of ηy conditional on ηx, is defined as yx = νy + λy fβx) ηx + λy ζ + εy, where fβx) is specified as discussed earlier. In the case of a second-order polynomial, we have fβx) = γ0+ γ1ηx; that is,

y|ηx = νy + λy(γ0 + γ1ηx)ηx + λyζ+εy= = νy + λy(γ0ηx + γ1ηx2) + λyζ + εy,

FIGURE 2  Regression models with four predictor and four dependent indicators (top) or one dependent (bottom) in an equivalent (to ) specification. Note that βk* = β × λyk where k = 1, …, K.

FIGURE 2  Regression models with four predictor and four dependent indicators (top) or one dependent (bottom) in an equivalent (to Figure 1) specification. Note that βk* = β × λyk where k = 1, …, K.

which reveals the quadratic nature of the regression model.

The vector of the conditional means of the dependent indicators is defined as μyx = νy + λy fβx) ηx. The model-implied conditional covariance structure depends on the fζx), as follows: Σyx = λy[fζx)yt + Θy, where, for instance, fζx) = exp (ϕ0 + ϕ1ηx). To formulize the MML function we stack the indictor vectors of the predictor and dependent latent variable, x and y, into the vector z. In addition, the conditional mean vector of x and y is stacked into μηx and the conditional covariance matrix is the block matrix ηx. Then, the conditional distribution of the data of subject i, zi, is defined as


By integrating out ηx, we obtain the marginal density of the observed variables for subject i


where φηx is a standard normal density function. Approximating the log of this density using Gauss–Hermite quadratures, we obtain

(11) logLτ|zi=1Mlogq=1QWq×hzi|Nq,τ,(11)

where M is the number of subjects and τ is the parameter vector. In addition, N*q = 2Nq and W*q = 1π Wq where Nq and Wq are the Q nodes and weights (q = 1, …, Q), respectively of the Gauss–Hermite quadrature approximation. Note that 0 < W*q < 1 and q=1QWq*=1, so that the log-marginal likelihood function, q=1QWq*×h(zi|Nq*,τ) has the form of a Q-component mixture distribution with the weights featuring as mixing proportions, and hzi|Nq,τ featuring as the qth mixture component distribution. The model as defined earlier is implemented in OpenMx (Boker et al., Citation2011) within the R program (R Development Core Team, Citation2012).Footnote1


We explored the viability of this model by means of a small simulation study, in which we considered parameter recovery, power, and the effects of misspecification. We limited the simulation study to the second-order polynomial nonlinearity model and the second-order polynomial heteroskedasticity model, as defined in Equations 6 and 8. To make the relevant comparisons, we considered four instances of the model: the full model (i.e., the model with the regular regression parameters γ0, ϕ0, and the nonlinearity parameter γ1, and heteroskedasticity parameter ϕ1); the heteroskedasticity model (i.e., the model with parameters γ0, ϕ0, and ϕ1); the nonlinearity model (i.e., the model with parameters γ0, ϕ0, and γ1); and the basic model (i.e., the standard regression model with only parameters γ0, ϕ0). We denote these models as FULL, NON-L, HETERO, and BASIC, respectively.


We set the number of indicators of the latent predictor (ηx) to equal L = 4, and the number of indicators of the latent dependent variable (ηy) K = 4 or K = 1 (given K =1, ηy is simply equal to the dependent y). To fit the models, we used the following identifying (scaling) constraints; in each model the variance of ηx was fixed to 1. Additionally, given K = 4, the first factor loading of ηy was fixed to 1. To generate data, we set all 4 factor loadings associated with ηx to equal .5 and the factor loadings associated with ηy to equal 1. We fixed all latent variable means (i.e., E[ηx], E[ηy]) to equal zero, consistent with the data generating model. We set the variances of εx to equal .5 for all predictor indicators, and the variances of εy to equal 1 (but zero in the case of K = 1). Next, we set the baseline regression parameter (γ0) to equal .4, and the baseline residual term (ϕ0) to equal (±) .29, depending on whether the residual variance increased or decreased with the predictor.

To evaluate parameter recovery, power, and effects of misspecification of the model, we simulated data under the NON-L, HETERO, or FULL model, for both = 4 and = 1. Prior to the simulation study, we established the number of quadrature points needed for accurate estimation, and checked the Type I error rate. We found that 25 points were sufficient and we established that the empirical Type I error rate was equal to the nominal α (results available on request). We varied the values of the parameters of interest to be either small, medium, or large, and either positive or negative (i.e., γ1 = ±.1; γ1 = ±.15; γ1 = ±.2, and ϕ1 ≈ ±.22; ϕ1 ≈ ±.31; ϕ1 ≈ ±.40). depicts the effects. The upper half shows the simulated nonlinearity effects and the lower half shows the simulated heteroskedasticity effects. In the simulation we used all possible combination of effects (i.e., one or two effects present, positive or negative). This scheme led to 24 different parameter settings for both = 4 and = 1. We set the sample size to N = 300 and conducted 1,000 replications per parameter setting.

FIGURE 3  Overview of simulated effects. Top left and top right: nonlinearity of the regression relationship (e.g., top left γ0 = .4, γ1 = .1, .15, or .20, where β = g0 + g1*ηx and E[ηyx] = β*ηx = γ0x+ γ1x2; see Equation 6). Bottom left and bottom right: heteroskedastic residual variance as function of ηx (e.g., bottom right ϕ0 = .29, ϕ1 = .22, .31, or .40, where the residual variance σζ2x = exp[ϕ0 = ϕ1x]; see Equation 8).

FIGURE 3  Overview of simulated effects. Top left and top right: nonlinearity of the regression relationship (e.g., top left γ0 = .4, γ1 = .1, .15, or .20, where β = g0 + g1*ηx and E[ηy|ηx] = β*ηx = γ0*ηx+ γ1*ηx2; see Equation 6). Bottom left and bottom right: heteroskedastic residual variance as function of ηx (e.g., bottom right ϕ0 = .29, ϕ1 = .22, .31, or .40, where the residual variance σζ2|ηx = exp[ϕ0 = ϕ1*ηx]; see Equation 8).


Parameter Recovery

To check parameter recovery, we calculated the means and the standard deviations of the parameter estimates obtained under the true (data generating) model. through show the means and standard deviations of the estimates obtained using the three models. Generally, the parameter values are recovered correctly. The parameter estimates pertaining to the residual variance (ϕ0, ϕ1) are slightly biased. However, the differences are negligible in the light of the standard deviations of the estimates. For instance, in , given K = 1, the expected value of ϕ0 is .29 (in absolute value) and the mean estimated values vary between .27 and .31 (in absolute value), with a standard deviation of about .09. The estimates of the parameter pertaining to the regression function are accurate.

TABLE 1 Mean and Standard Deviations of Parameter Estimates Given K = 1 and K = 4 Dependent Variable Indicators, Given Nonlinearity

TABLE 2 Mean and Standard Deviations of Parameter Estimates Given K = 1 and K = 4 Dependent Variable Indicators, Given Heteroskedasticity


We evaluated the power of the likelihood ratio test to detect various effects. Given either nonlinearity or heteroskedasticity, we fitted the true data generating model (either NON-L or HETERO) and the alternative BASIC model. The likelihood ratio was based on minus twice the difference in likelihood values (BASIC vs. NON-L or HETERO; i.e., 1 df test). Given both effects, we fitted the true model (FULL) and the BASIC model. The likelihood ratio was based on minus twice the difference in likelihood values (BASIC vs. FULL; i.e., 2 df test). contains the empirical power estimates based on 1,000 replications. Given medium effect sizes (i.e., ϕ1 = ±.31 and γ1 = ±.15), the power (df  = 2, α = .05) to detect both effects simultaneously is good (power = .89 or better). The power to detect heteroskedasticity (ϕ1 ≠ 0) or nonlinearity (γ1 ≠ 0) is sufficient (i.e., 1 df tests) given median effect sizes with power varying between .83 and .97 (γ1 = ±.15) and .69 and .90 (ϕ1 = ±.31). Given small effect sizes (i.e., ϕ1 = ±.22 and γ1 = ±.1) the 1 df tests are appreciably lower (ranging from .46–.68 to detect heteroskedasticity, ranging from .54–.63 to detect heteroskedasticity). Similarly, power of the 2 df tests is insufficient given small effects (ranging from .59–.87). Clearly N = 300 is too small a sample size to detect these effects with adequate power.

TABLE 3 Mean and Standard Deviations of Parameter Estimates Given K = 1 and K = 4 Dependent Variables Indicators, Given Nonlinearity and Heteroskedasticity

TABLE 4 Empirical Power to Detect Effects Given α = .05; 1 df Test (γ1 ≠ 0 or ϕ1 ≠ 0) and 2 df Test (γ1 ≠ 0 and ϕ1 ≠ 0), Given K = 1 and K = 4 Dependent Variable Indicators

The 2 df tests have lower power if the effects are opposite effect (e.g., negative nonlinearity and positive heteroskedasticity). For instance, given small effects and K = 1, the power is .87 and .71 given consistent effects, and .79 and .66 given opposite effects (see rows 13–16). Interestingly, this finding is consistent with the effects on the unconditional distribution of the data. Specifically, heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity consistently give rise to nonnormality, as evaluated using the Shapiro–Wilks test (results available on request). However, when both effects are present in opposite directions, nonnormality is harder to detect, which suggests that opposite effects on the distribution appear to cancel out. This suggests that apparent normality per se does not rule out the presence of heteroskedasticity in combination with opposite-effect nonlinearity.


We considered misspecified models to gauge the effect of the misspecification on the other parameters. We focused on the effects of the misspecification (dropping a parameter) on the other parameters as we wanted to establish the bias in the other parameters that this causes. We do not consider the effect on the goodness of fit per se as the results in address this issue (in terms of power). We simulated data using three data generating models with either one effect (HETERO or NON-L), or both effects (FULL) present. We fitted misspecified models, which excluded these effects, as shown in . We simulated 1,000 data sets with the medium effect sizes for both K = 4, and K = 1 with positive heteroskedasticity and positive nonlinearity.

TABLE 5 Parameter Estimates in Misspecified Models, Given K = 1 or K = 4 Dependent Variable Indicators

We limit our discussion to the K = 1 condition, as the K = 4 results are similar. First, we consider the results obtained when the misspecified models were fit to data generated using the HETERO model (i.e., ϕ1 ≠ 0, γ1 = 0). In the BASIC model (i.e., fixing ϕ1 to zero), the variance parameter ϕ0 is somewhat biased (–.25 vs. –.29), as is to be expected. The results of fitting the NON-L model (ϕ1 fixed to 0, and γ1 estimated), demonstrates that γ1 is hardly affected by the misspecification: –.03 (SD = .05) versus 0. Considering data generated under the NON-L model (i.e., ϕ1 = 0, γ1 ≠ 0), we find that fitting the BASIC model (i.e., ϕ1 fixed to zero) results in a bias in the variance parameter ϕ0 (–.24 vs. –.29). Fitting the HETERO model (i.e., ϕ1 ≠ 0, γ1 = 0) demonstrates that ϕ1 is hardly affected by the misspecification (estimate = .06; SD = .10), but that γ0 is slightly biased (.38 vs. .40). Overall misspecification could result in appreciable bias. However, the misspecification of heteroskedasticity (ϕ0 = 0 and γ1 ≠ 0 rather than ϕ1 ≠ 0 and γ1 = 0) produced little bias in the regression parameters (γ1 is estimated close to its true value of 0), and vice versa. This suggests that the parameter sets {γ0, γ1} and {ϕ0, ϕ1} are relatively independent.



We fitted the model to a subset of items from the Big Five Personality questionnaire 5PFT (Elshout & Akkerman, Citation1975). The 5PFT consists of five scales, each including 14 items measured with 7-point Likert scales. The data were obtained from Smits, Dolan, Vorst, Wicherts, and Timmerman (Citation2011), and were collected in a sample of first-year psychology students in the Netherlands between 1982 and 2007. Smits et al. (Citation2011) demonstrated that the 5PFT dimensions correspond to the five dimensions of the NEO PI (Costa & McCrae, Citation1985). We analyzed the data of the male students (N = 2,764) 18 to 25 years old. We created two subsamples of n = 1,382, a discovery and a replication sample.

Based on item reliability, we selected a subset of four predictors and four observed outcome items from the Neuroticism and the Extroversion scale. The reliabilities (Cronbach’s α) of these small scales are .78 (Extroversion) and .84 (Neuroticism) in the first sample, and .78 (Extroversion) and .85 (Neuroticism) in the second sample. The means and the standard deviations in the two samples are shown in .

TABLE 6 Overview of Means and Standard Deviations in the Two Samples Used in the Illustration


To illustrate the model, we used two different functions to model heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity. First, we used the first-order polynomial function using the regression parameters γ0, γ1, and heteroskedasticity parameters ϕ0, ϕ1. Second, we used the step function using the parameters κ0, κ1, κ2 (see Equation 7) for the stepwise regression, and stepwise heteroskedasticity parameters ξ0, ξ1, ξ2 (see Equation 10). For the step function, the cutoff points were set at −1 SD and +1 SD of the item scores. We first fitted the full models in which both effects were present (denoted either S-FULL or L-FULL), and we then fitted the nonlinearity model (NON-L) and the heteroskedasticity model (HETERO). Finally, we fitted the standard latent regression model. In total, we fitted seven different models: BASIC, L_HETERO, L_NON-L, L_FULL, and S_HETERO, S_NON-L, S_FULL. In the polynomial and the step function model, we applied the likelihood ratio test to determine whether we could drop the heteroskedasticity, the nonlinearity parameter, or both by making the following comparisons. For both the polynomial model and the step function model we first compared the FULL model with the BASIC model using an omnibus test (both effects). Second, we compared the FULL model with the HETERO and NON-L model. Finally, we compare the HETERO and NON-L model with the BASIC model. Given the exploratory nature of these analyses, we adopted an α of .05 and used the replication sample to replicate results obtained in the discovery sample. To determine which model best fit the data, we compared the overall fit of the models using Akaike’s information criteria (AIC). All models were fitted to the Neuroticism and Extroversion data (discovery sample and the replication sample) in OpenMx (Boker et al., Citation2011) by maximizing the likelihood function given in Equation 11.


Results Using the Polynomial Model

gives an overview of the fit measures and likelihood ratio tests obtained in fitting the models to the two data sets. We found that in the polynomial model the omnibus test of both effects (nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity) was significant in the discovery sample and replicated in the replication sample: comparison of L_FULL with BASIC, discovery sample, χ2(2) = 11.73, p = .0028; replication sample, χ2(2) = 15.69, p = .0004. Additional comparisons showed that the nonlinearity parameter γ1 was not significant: L_FULL versus L_HETERO model, discovery sample 1, χ2(1) = .35, p = .55; replication sample, χ2(1) = 1.21, p = .27; whereas the heteroskedasticity parameter ϕ1 was significant: L_FULL versus L_NONL model, discovery sample, χ2(1) = 8.34, p = .004; replication sample, χ2(1) = 7.37, p = .007. Given these tests, we considered L_HETERO the model of choice. Further comparison of the L_HETERO model with the BASIC model also showed that the heteroskedasticity parameter ϕ1 was significant: L_HETERO to BASIC, discovery sample, χ2(1) = 11.38, p =.0007; replication sample 2, χ2(1) = 14.47, p = .0001. We concluded that the L_HETERO model gives the best account of the data. It is important to note that the comparison of the L_NON-L model with the BASIC model (i.e., the test of nonlinearity without taking into account heteroskedasticity) suggests that nonlinearity is present in the second sample: discovery sample, L_NON-L to BASIC, χ2(1) = 3.39, p = .065; replication sample, χ2(1) = 8.31, p = .004. This demonstrates the importance of considering simultaneously heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity.

TABLE 7 Fit Measures and Likelihood Ratio Test Statistics in the Analysis of Neuroticism and Extroversion

Results Using the Step Function Model

In the step function model, the omnibus tests of both effects were significant: comparison of S_FULL with BASIC, discovery sample, χ2(4) = 62.78, p < .0001, replication sample, χ2(4) = 35.64, p < .0001. Additional comparisons showed that the step regression parameters, κ1 and κ2, and the step heteroskedasticity parameters, ζ1 and ζ2 (see Equation 10), were significant: S_FULL versus S_HETERO, discovery sample, χ2(2) = 29.03, p < .0001; replication sample, χ2(2) = 17.48, p = .001; S_FULL versus S_NON_L, discovery sample, χ2(2) = 55.15, p < .0001; replication sample, χ2(2) = 26.06, < .0001. Using the step function model, the FULL model provided the best account of the data.

Comparing the AIC of the two models of choice (L-HETERO and S-FULL) showed that the S-FULL fitted the data best (discovery sample: AIC L_HETERO = 14657.03, AIC S_FULL = 14611.63; replication sample: AIC L_HETERO = 14522.87, AIC S_FULL = 14507.70). Comparing the parameter estimates of the two models (), the difference in the implied regression relation and residual variance are apparent. We plotted the regression relation and residual variance of the BASIC model, the L_HETERO, and the S_FULL model in . Based on the parameters of L_HETERO model, the regression relation of the polynomial function is equal to the regression relation of the basic model. However, the residual variance is larger at the lower region of extroversion than in the higher region of extroversion (i.e., σ2[neuroticism | low extroversion] > σ2 [neuroticism | high extroversion]). This implies a stronger relation between neuroticism and extroversion in the high regions of extroversion . For the S_FULL model, we note that the regression relation is only present at the lower and higher regions of extroversion (SD < –1 or SD > 1), whereas in the midrange (between –1 SD and +1 SD), there seems to be no relation between the two constructs. Additionally, we note that the residual variance is largest in the midrange, and smallest at the high tail of the distribution, which implies a stronger relation between neuroticism and extroversion in the high regions of extroversion.

TABLE 8 Parameter Estimates for the Two Data Sets Used in the Illustration of the Model

FIGURE 4  Effect of the parameter estimates on the latent residual variance (top) and the regression relation (bottom). Parameter values of best fitting model are used, as given in .

FIGURE 4  Effect of the parameter estimates on the latent residual variance (top) and the regression relation (bottom). Parameter values of best fitting model are used, as given in Table 8.


In this article, we used the indirect mixture modeling approach to model latent heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity in latent regression using MML estimation. The approach is based on the MML estimation as presented by Bock and Aitkin (Citation1981) in the context of IRT modeling, and by Klein and Moosbrugger (Citation2000) in the context of structural equation modeling (see also Moosbrugger et al., Citation2009). Molenaar, Dolan, and de Boeck (Citation2012; see also Molenaar, Dolan, & Verhelst, Citation2010) used this approach to model heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity in IRT and factor models.

The possibility to model nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity simultaneously is interesting for both statistical and theoretical reasons. As shown in the simulation study, ignoring heteroskedasticity in presence of nonlinearity leads to biased estimation of the nonlinearity in the regression relation. In the illustration, we showed the consequence of ignoring heteroskedasticity. Failing to model simultaneously heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity, we would have concluded that the relationship between extroversion and neuroticism was nonlinear, but we would not have been able to assess the effect of heteroskedasticity. As shown in the real data example, fitting the polynomial function would have led to a different conclusion.

We consider the flexibility in specifying the function to model nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity a useful feature of this approach. In the illustration, we demonstrated that using different functions to model the latent regression and latent residual provided greater insight into the underlying regression relation. Using the polynomial function, it appeared that the residual variance decreased with extroversion, and that the regression relation was constant over the range of extroversion. However, using the step function, we found that the residual variance was larger in the midrange of extroversion and smaller in the tails. Additionally, we showed that the regression relation was strong in the tails and absent in the midrange of extroversion. This observation underscores the importance of flexibility in the specification of the function with which heteroskedasticity and nonlinearity are modeled.

To establish the viability of the model, we investigated the performance of the model in a small-scale simulation study. We established that parameter recovery is accurate and that given reasonable sample sizes, power is acceptable. We observed lower power given opposite effects of nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity. This can be explained in terms of the detection of nonnormality in the data with regular tests such as the Shapiro–Wilks test. When the effects of nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity are in opposite directions, their effects on the distribution cancel out. The simulation study also showed that misspecification of the model does not lead to incorrect statistical inferences when estimating a parameter known to be zero. Given these results, we consider the model to be viable. However, we note that ignoring either heteroskedasticity or nonlinearity when both effects are known to be present in data does lead to biased estimation of the strength of the regression relation.

This study has the following limitations. First, we only considered a limited number of indicators of both the predictor and the dependent, although many psychological phenomena are measured with more indicators (e.g., items in the questionnaire). The addition of indicators is relatively straightforward. Second, we also considered a limited number of factors, although psychological theories often concern numerous constructs. Generalization of the model to multiple factors might be accomplished via the use of multivariate Gauss–Hermite quadratures. Within the MML framework, extension of the model might only be feasible for a small number of factors (up to five; see Wood et al., Citation2002). For larger models, a Bayesian estimation procedure is a viable option (e.g., Arminger & Muthén, Citation1998; Molenaar & Dolan, Citation2014). Third, we limited the simulation study to the first-order heteroskedasticity and first-order nonlinearity model. As discussed in Molenaar et al. (Citation2010), and demonstrated in our example, the model can be extended to polynomial functions, other nonlinear functions, and step functions. As such, a variety of nonlinear relations can be considered and tested in practice. This method requires the specification of functions to accommodate nonlinearity and heteroskedasticity. For a more exploratory approach to nonlinearity of the regression function based on indirect mixture modeling, we refer to Bauer (Citation2005; Pek et al., Citation2009), and for a recent exploratory data mining approach that can handle nonlinearity, we refer to Miller, Lubke, McArtor, and Bergeman (Citationin press). Finally, we have assumed that the predictor and conditional dependent variable (i.e., conditional on the predictor) are normally distributed. Kelava et al. (Citation2014) presented a nonlinear latent regression model with nonnormal predictors.


1 The OpenMx script is available at www.dylanmolenaar.nl.


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