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Technical Papers

Evaluation of air quality zone classification methods based on ambient air concentration exposure

, , &
Pages 550-564 | Received 13 Jun 2016, Accepted 14 Nov 2016, Published online: 28 Mar 2017


Air quality zones are used by regulatory authorities to implement ambient air standards in order to protect human health. Air quality measurements at discrete air monitoring stations are critical tools to determine whether an air quality zone complies with local air quality standards or is noncompliant. This study presents a novel approach for evaluation of air quality zone classification methods by breaking the concentration distribution of a pollutant measured at an air monitoring station into compliance and exceedance probability density functions (PDFs) and then using Monte Carlo analysis with the Central Limit Theorem to estimate long-term exposure. The purpose of this paper is to compare the risk associated with selecting one ambient air classification approach over another by testing the possible exposure an individual living within a zone may face. The chronic daily intake (CDI) is utilized to compare different pollutant exposures over the classification duration of 3 years between two classification methods. Historical data collected from air monitoring stations in Kuwait are used to build representative models of 1-hr NO2 and 8-hr O3 within a zone that meets the compliance requirements of each method. The first method, the “3 Strike” method, is a conservative approach based on a winner-take-all approach common with most compliance classification methods, while the second, the 99% Rule method, allows for more robust analyses and incorporates long-term trends. A Monte Carlo analysis is used to model the CDI for each pollutant and each method with the zone at a single station and with multiple stations. The model assumes that the zone is already in compliance with air quality standards over the 3 years under the different classification methodologies. The model shows that while the CDI of the two methods differs by 2.7% over the exposure period for the single station case, the large number of samples taken over the duration period impacts the sensitivity of the statistical tests, causing the null hypothesis to fail. Local air quality managers can use either methodology to classify the compliance of an air zone, but must accept that the 99% Rule method may cause exposures that are statistically more significant than the 3 Strike method.

Implications: A novel method using the Central Limit Theorem and Monte Carlo analysis is used to directly compare different air standard compliance classification methods by estimating the chronic daily intake of pollutants. This method allows air quality managers to rapidly see how individual classification methods may impact individual population groups, as well as to evaluate different pollutants based on dosage and exposure when complete health impacts are not known.


Ambient air quality standards are specified by most countries to protect human health and reduce impacts of hazardous air pollution emissions for the public welfare. The Clean Air Act of 1970 (Citation1970 CAA) was one of the first national legislations that established national-wide concentration levels for ambient air quality. The original 1970 CAA National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) included six criteria air pollutants (CAPs) with both primary (human health) and secondary (public welfare such as visibility, crops, and building material) standards (EPA, Citation1970). A standard is assumed to be a specific air pollutant, with its threshold concentration value and the averaging time associated with the concentration value. In some cases, pollutants have multiple standards, such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), which has a 1-hr average standard (100 ppb, 98th percentile of 1-hr daily maximum concentrations, averaged over 3 years) and an annual average standard (53 ppb, annual mean). The current NAAQS includes 7 air pollutant categories and 12 different standards. European air standards began with levels for sulfur dioxide and suspended particulates in 1980 (European Economic Community [EEC], Citation1980). The World Health Organization (WHO) published recommended air quality guidelines (AGQs) as early as 1987 for Europe, with ambient levels and averaging periods for 28 different chemicals and 39 standards (Lubkert-Alcamo, Citation1994). The current European air quality directive was adopted in 2008 and includes 12 different air pollutants with 15 different standards (European Union [EU], Citation2008), while a WHO AGQ update was published in 2005 with only five pollutants, but 25 standards (WHO, Citation2006).

Compliance classification

The averaging periods of each pollutant are not always clear in regard to when the measurement period begins and ends. By convention, most air monitoring stations (AMSs) follow the U.S. EPA required hourly average reporting that starts at the beginning of the hour and ends on the 59th minute (EPA, Citation2007). A similar convention holds for 24-hr averages whereby averaging starts at midnight (00:00 hrs) to 23:59 hr. Annual averages are based on calendar years, beginning on January 1 at 00:00 hr and ending on December 31 at 23:59 hr. In the case of particulate matter, reporting follows set 24-hr periods. The U.S. EPA method for taking 3-year averages is to average readings taken over individual quarters, average quarterly, and then average the quarters over 3 years (Cohen et al., Citation1999). International standards do not have this same level of detailed description for averaging, and it is the authors’ experience that U.S. EPA methodology is assumed when guidance or interpretation is not available.

What is less clear is how results from multiple monitoring stations in one air quality zone should be aggregated. In the United States, air quality zones are based on designated air quality control regions (AQCRs) that include municipalities and groups of intrastate and interstate counties (EPA, Citation1991). Currently there are 264 designated AQCRs with 121 in some form of noncompliance (or nonattainment) with the NAAQS (EPA, Citation2016b).

To determine whether an air quality zone is in or out of compliance with the local standards, AMSs are used to measure ambient air and weather conditions. The U.S. EPA uses a “winner-take-all” approach for some pollutants such as O3 and PM2.5 in that if one of the state and local air monitoring stations (SLAMS) within an AQCR registers exceedances that surpass a NAAQS standard, the entire zone is noncompliant (EPA, Citation2005a). Recently the U.S. EPA has considered a more tailored approach to O3 nonattainment designations by allowing regional offices to work with states and Native American tribes to determine nonattainment areas based on local conditions and in some cases declare only part of an AQCR a nonattainment area (McCabe, Citation2015). We assume for the time being that the current “winner-takes-all” approach is still in effect and used by air managers in order to demonstrate our procedure.

In the California South Coast air basin, there are at least 43 active monitoring stations (California Air Resources Board [CARB], Citation2013) to cover 10,743 square miles (27,824 sq km) and protect approximately 17 million people (South Coast Air Quality Management District [AQMD], Citation2010). If only one station measures an exceedance of carbon monoxide (CO) over the standard, the entire basin is noncompliant and not just the immediate area. An air monitor is assumed to uniformly represent the air quality of the area around it. Murray and Newman (Citation2014) recommend that lowest reading in a network area be used for multiple stations. This area could be as small as several hundred square meters in a microscale range of up to 100-m radius from the station, to a middle range (up to 0.5-km radius), neighborhood range (4-km radius), urban range (50-km radius) or regional range (several-hundred-kilometer radius) (Pan and Lee, Citation2009). Siting air monitoring stations is therefore a very important process that incorporates many variables to best represent the local area (Bermudez and Fine, Citation2010), but may not represent an entire region.

In 2012, the State of Kuwait issued the Kuwait Ambient Air Quality Standards (KAAQS) in order to update its air management program as part of the Kuwait Integrated Environmental Management System (KIEMS) sponsored by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the Kuwait Environment Public Authority (KEPA). The new standards included a “winner-take-all” approach where an air zone was out of compliance for an air pollutant if any one AMS observed more than three observations (“3 strikes”) above the relevant standard’s threshold, or Guideline Value (GV), in a calendar year (KEPA, Citation2012). The KAAQS are shown in . The GVs are managed based on hourly measurements from AMSs with different averaging periods, but no daily maximums.

Table 1. Kuwait ambient air quality standards.

The 3-Strike method was immediately considered too conservative and ambitious for a country with a relatively new air management program and a young environmental regulatory agency. While the intent of the program was to protect human health and welfare through robust air quality standards that industry and stakeholders would strive to meet, it was also considered too stringent in that it did not take into account annual impacts of industrial output and complex land–sea breeze (LSB) weather patterns. Another compliance classification method was considered whereby 3 years of air monitoring data was collected to account for industrial output variations and seasonal weather effects. With this method, if 99% of all hourly observations over the 3 years were less than or equal to the GV, then the zone was in compliance. If a zone had two or more AMSs, the measurements from individual stations would be pooled and the composite measurements evaluated to determine if they were ≤GV. This method was called the “99% Rule.” Using a percentile approach is similar to existing methods used by the U.S. EPA for 1-hr SO2 and 1-hr NO2, except the 99th percentile is used instead of the 98th (EPA, Citation2016a).

One of the drawbacks of the 99% Rule method was that if one station consistently measured high readings, it could drive the entire zone into a noncompliant status just like the 3-Strike method. This was considered an acceptable risk as the method incorporated 3 years of data instead of 1 year worth. A more significant issue, however, was, what exposure risk would the population living in a zone face if the zone were considered in compliance under a 3-Strike classification versus a 99% Rule classification? The research presented in the rest of this paper seeks to answer that question.

Materials and methods

Area of study

Kuwait is a small country of 17,818 km2 located on the northwest corner of the Persian Gulf, at longitudes 46.56–48.37° east and latitudes 28.51–30.16° north with more than 499 km of coastline (CIA, Citation2015). It is bordered by Iraq to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south and west. The country is classified as a desert zone with the highest altitude reaching only 300 m above sea level. In 2011, approximately 3.1 million people lived in Kuwait (Central Statistical Bureau, Kuwait [CSB], Citation2014), with more than 64% of its annual gross domestic product (GDP) coming from the production of hydrocarbons (KAMCO, Citation2013). Other industries in Kuwait include power generation and water desalination using heavy oil and natural gas at five sites, steel making using electrical induction furnaces, and food preparation. The country has more than 7,400 km of paved roads and more than 1.8 million cars in service (CSB, Citation2014). More than 98% of the population live within 10 km of the coast and are subject to coastal effect winds, caused by the diurnal differential heating/cooling of the sea and land (Crosman and Horel, Citation2010; Cuxart et al., Citation2014). The land–sea breezes (LSB) shift direction and speed over the course of the day, recirculating pollution back and forth from land sources.

The Kuwait Environment Public Authority (KEPA) is responsible for monitoring environmental conditions and enforcing compliance with national environmental law. It operates 15 fixed-site AMSs located along the coast, as shown in . The KEPA stations measure and report 1-hr averaged air pollutants and meteorological conditions. The bulk of the AMSs are located within two air quality zones (Central and Southern Coast), which correspond to areas of high population and industrial centers. The total distribution of stations within air zones is shown in . Access to monitoring data from additional stations operated by the Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) provides an air monitoring density of approximately 1 monitoring station per 163,150 people. This density is similar to Vancouver, Canada, which has approximately 1 per 160,000 people, as compared to around 1 per 440,000 people along the south coast of California (Marshall et al., Citation2008).

Table 2. Distribution of fixed site air monitoring stations in Kuwait.

Figure 1. Location of Kuwait and air monitoring stations.

Figure 1. Location of Kuwait and air monitoring stations.

Air quality zones (AQZs) were designated under the UNDP KIEMS project as shown in (Freeman et al., Citation2016).

Figure 2. Proposed Kuwait air quality zones (Freeman et al., Citation2016).

Figure 2. Proposed Kuwait air quality zones (Freeman et al., Citation2016).

As mentioned earlier, the use of the 99% Rule method raises a concern as to whether residents within air zones that meet KAAQS standards are protected from high air pollutant concentration exposure to the same extent as residents within an air zone that meets standards under the “3-Strike” method. Determining an effective classification method is important given the many subpopulation groups (SPGs) in Kuwait due to the large concentration of expatriate workers and family members. Li et al. (Citation2008) recognized the uncertainties associated with setting fixed ambient air standards and used a fuzzy Monte Carlo analysis method to evaluate different variables to establish optimum ranges for specific SPGs (Li et al., Citation2008). While this method recognizes individual sensitivities, it is impractical to implement from a national air management perspective. For our method, the ambient standard is assumed to be a static limit.

Exposure estimation and Monte Carlo methodology

Health impacts caused by hazardous air pollutants, both cancerous and noncancerous, are due in part to the exposure of a receptor to the pollutants. Estimating the exposure, however, is not alone sufficient to measure risk. Estimating the actual dose a receptor is subject to over a given time and concentration provides a more complete evaluation of risk, even though it does not include the toxicity of the chemicals involved. By comparing the different air quality classification methods against a pollutant that already has an ambient air quality standard, we can assume the toxicity impacts have already been accounted for and remove this element from our evaluation. Our approach in evaluating relative risk based on dosage from different classification methods can also be applied to the many hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) that do not have ambient air quality standards or clinical trial results.

Estimating individual exposures based on ambient monitoring is prone to risk and uncertainty (Pernigotti et al., Citation2013; Thunis et al., Citation2013). The ambient monitoring station is assumed to measure air concentrations for the same population. Variations in wind speed and direction have a tremendous impact on who gets exposed and who does not (Pratt et al., Citation2012). Additionally, lifestyle of the population, construction of houses and workspaces, and exposure duration have major impacts on overall exposure (Bell, Citation2006).

Uncertainty in exposure estimates based on air dispersion models has long been recognized and accepted by regulatory agencies (Colvile et al., Citation2002; Fox, Citation1984). When exposure concentrations are calculated, the results are usually given as a time-weighted average (hourly, daily, or annual) that is then multiplied by the appropriate time period to get the duration exposure amount (Zhang and Batterman, Citation2013). Using a Monte Carlo analysis (MCA) based on the air concentration probability distribution, each hour can be randomly sampled over the course of the duration period and summed to create a range of possible exposures. MCA has been used for several exposure studies to account for the wide variability of exposures (Gerharz et al., Citation2013; Tan et al., Citation2014).

The U.S. EPA Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) method defines the chronic daily intake (CDI) (or average daily dose) of chemicals through inhalation in vapor phase using the following equation:


where C is the concentration of the air pollutant (μg/m3), IR is the inhalation rate (given as 20 m3/day for adults), EF is the exposure frequency (days/year), ED is the exposure duration (years), BW is body weight (kg), and AT is averaging time (usually 365 days/year) (EPA, Citation2005b). The CDI calculates a value measured in μg/kgBW-day, where kgBW is body weight in kilograms. CDI is normally multiplied by the cancer slope factor (CSF) of a carcinogenic chemical for a target organ in order to calculate the incremental excess lifetime cancer risk (IELCR) or divided by a reference dose (RfD) of a noncarcinogenic chemical to get the hazard quotient. Dosage was used for comparison in this study instead of mortality because Kuwait has a highly mobile population and large expatriate community that does not live in the country for more than 3 years. Other studies that looked as mortality assumed a highly stable population (Sanhueza et al., Citation2010). Also, as mentioned previously, not incorporating the toxicological values of chemicals (CSF or RfD) allows our method to be used for the many chemicals that do not have accepted studies.

Pollutant concentrations can be calculated with different methods. These include city-wide averaging (CWA), which takes the average of all monitor readings within a region or zone; nearest monitoring (NM), which assigns the concentration measured at the closest station to a receptor; inverse distance weighting (IDW), which calculates a concentration by assigning a weighting factor to readings from all monitors based on the inverse of the distance of that station to the receptor; and ordinary Kriging (OK), which assigns a more complex weighting factor to all monitors in a region or zone based on the assumption that the unknown concentration between two stations is a random variable (Rivera-González et al., Citation2015). The NM method is used in this paper, whereby we assume that all populations near the monitoring station are exposed to the same concentration of the pollutant at the same time. Previous studies showed that indoor/outdoor air concentration ratios were ≥1, showing that higher pollutant concentrations occur indoors (Schembari et al., Citation2013) or in vehicles (Abi-Esber and El-Fadel, Citation2013). For our method, we assumed individuals are exposed to the same hourly concentration value throughout the analysis period, whether they are indoors or outdoors.

In order to facilitate the MCA, a new concentration duration factor (CDF) is defined where CDF = C × EF × ED, allowing eq 1 to be rewritten as


The value of the CDF factor is measured in μg-hr/m3. The actual concentration (C) of a pollutant in the air, the duration of exposure (ED) to that concentration, and then number of times the concentration exceeds standards (EF) are independent variables that can be fitted with a probability distribution to allow predictive analysis (Lonati et al., Citation2011). Georgoupolos and Seinfeld (Citation1982) used histograms to determine frequency of concentrations, assuming ergodic samples taken from independent and identical distributions (Georgopoulos and Seinfeld, Citation1982). This concept was used by Sharma et al. (Citation2013) to fit probability distribution functions (PDFs) to measured air monitoring data using goodness-of-fit statistics to select appropriate distributions (Sharma et al., Citation2013).

Hourly concentration data from air monitoring stations were used to calculate the CDF using the assumption that an air monitoring station measures the exposure of the local population. In order to create a model to compare the different classification methods, actual monitoring station data for different pollutants from 2008 to 2010 were collected and plotted as frequency distributions to create composite distributions to represent a typical year. PDFs were fitted to the distribution curves using @RISK 7.0.0 Industrial Edition (Palisades Software; Palisades, Citation2015). The same software was used to later run the MCA based on the calculated PDFs. Distributions for annual concentrations for O3, NO2, and SO2 ranged in terms of Weibull, log-normal, and beta distributions. These results were consistent with similar distributions found in the literature (Lu, Citation2003; Morel et al., Citation1999; Noor et al., Citation2011).

To compare possible CDI exposures to a pollutant, the overall ambient air quality was assumed to be in compliance with the KAAQS based on the individual classification method. The exposure duration was set to 3 years, which required three individual 3-Strike classifications but only one 99% Rule classification. For the 3-Strike method, a maximum number of three exceedances per year was enforced, while for the 99% Rule, there was no fixed number of exceedances per year other than the maximum number for 3 years.

Two different comparison cases are made in this study. In the first case, only one monitoring station was evaluated in order to compare the two methods at the simplest level. In the second case, three monitoring stations in the same zone were evaluated. Hourly concentration measurements from 2008 to 2010 of O3 and NO2 were selected as test pollutants due to the availability of reliable data from the three stations.

Single station case

Each pollutant data set was divided into compliance and exceedance measurements by creating two PDFs—one for concentration readings under the standard (Compliance) and one for readings that exceed the standard (Exceedances), as shown in . PDFs of the measured data were selected based the Akaike information criteria (AIC), Bayesian information criteria (BIC), and Anderson–Darling (A-D) statistics generated during the fitting (Palisades, Citation2015). The PDF having the best agreement among the two statistics was chosen to represent the component data.

Figure 3. Breakdown of 8-hr O3 concentrations into compliance and exceedance distributions.

Figure 3. Breakdown of 8-hr O3 concentrations into compliance and exceedance distributions.

The individual PDFs were then used in a Monte Carlo analysis based on the individual hours of each method over 3 years of monitoring data (26,280 hours total). The individual hours for each method in the single station run are shown in .

Table 3. Single station run exposure hours for compliance and exceedance concentrations.

Total pollutant concentration exposure was calculated by summing the randomly drawn values from each method over the number of individual hours as shown here:


where CDF is the total concentration exposure over 3 years for a particular classification method in g-hr/m3, N is the total number of compliance hours for a particular classification method, M is the total number of exceedance hours allowed for a particular classification method (note that N + M = 26,280 hr), Ahr is the independent variable sampled from the compliance PDF for 1-hr concentration in g-hr/m3, and Xhr is the independent variable sampled from the exceedance PDF for 1-hr concentration in g-hr/m3.

Other assumptions were made for the remaining variables of eq 1. The body weight variable (BW) is normally evaluated at 70 kg for adults (EPA, Citation2005b); however, the average body mass for Kuwait has increased over the years and is on par with the United States and other Western nations. Using 2014 census data from the Kuwait Central Statistics Bureau and assuming non-Kuwaiti residents from different national groups have the same average weights described by other researchers (Walpole et al., Citation2012), Kuwait has a composite average body of mass 66.4 kg as shown in . Age and gender are not considered.

Table 4. Composite weight of adults in Kuwait.

The final variable, inhalation rate (IR), is given an average value of 15.2 m3/day for adults by the U.S. EPA (EPA, Citation2005b). Other studies have used lower average values such as 13.1 m3/day to account for reduced rates during sleeping and sedentary activities (Marshall et al., Citation2006). The higher, more conservative average rate of 15.2 m3/day was used for this study.

Applying the Central Limit Theorem

Because the samples are taken randomly and independently from the PDFs, the Central Limit Theorem (CLT) was used to simplify the calculation process, resulting in normal distributions (N) for the total exposure where




given that μ1 and μ2 are the arithmetic means of the compliance and exceedance PDFs, respectively, and σ1 and σ2 are the standard deviations of the PDFs (Ott and Mage, Citation1981).


A Monte Carlo analysis was run for 10,000 iterations for the composite CDI values based on normal distribution-based compliance and exceedance PDFs. shows the CDI distributions of 8-hr O3 for both the 3-Strike and 99% Method models.

Figure 4. Composite model distributions of CDIs for the (a) 3 Strike method and (b) 99% Rule method.

Figure 4. Composite model distributions of CDIs for the (a) 3 Strike method and (b) 99% Rule method.

Statistical tests

To compare the results of the run, a null hypothesis (Ho) assumed that there was no significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the mean and variance of the CDI for both methods. Accepting the null hypothesis means that either method could be used without concern that exposure was overly high in method. Rejecting the null hypothesis would show that there were statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the mean and variance of the two methods and that one method had higher exposure risk.

Since the CLT is used, distributions are assumed to be normal, however a coefficient of variation (COV) test is used to confirm normality, where COV = σ/μ. If the COV is less than unity, then the PDF can be considered normal (Abdi, Citation2010). If the COV > 1 and the PDF is a nonnormal distribution, data transformation can be performed to convert the data to a normal distribution such as using a log transformation or Box–Cox transformation (Osborne, Citation2010).

Variance testing can then use the one-sided F-test where the F-statistic is defined as


where σ3-Strike is the standard deviation of the 3-Strike method CDI MCA and σ99% is the standard deviation of the 99% Rule method MCA. In each case, the degrees of freedom (df) are n – 1, or 26,279, giving a critical value of F, Fc(.05, 26,729) = 1.02. If the F test passes and variances are assumed to be equal, the means can be tested with a standard t-test in which the test statistic t* is defined as


where μ3-Strike is the mean of the 3-Strike method CDI MCA, μ99% is the mean of the 99% Rule method MCA, and SEdiff is the standard error of the difference, defined as


where the sample size n is equal for both groups. The df is again 26,729, making the t critical, tc(0.05, 26729) = 1.645.

With such a large sample size, however, the low critical value of the F statistic may cause the variance test to fail. For unequal variances, a modified t-test for unequal variances (Satterthwaite t-test) is used (Ruxton, Citation2006). The Satterthwaite t-test is similar to eqs 7 and 8 except an approximate degree of freedom value is calculated to calibrate the Satterthwaite t statistic with normal t statistic values. The new Satterthwaite degrees of freedom (dfs) is calculated by


which reduces to


If the means test fails, then the null hypothesis is rejected. A summary of the hypothesis testing procedure is shown in .

Figure 5. Flow chart of hypothesis testing procedures for single station case.

Figure 5. Flow chart of hypothesis testing procedures for single station case.

Multiple station case

For multiple stations, a process is followed similar to that for the single station case with some modifications. An assumption is made that each station is independent from each other and therefore does not observe the same concentration. Based on this assumption, the probability of one station having a noncompliant (NC) observation is therefore independent at the time of the observation. Because we are assuming the zone is in compliance, we know that the maximum allowable NC observation to stay in compliance is a constant for each classification method. We can initially assume that each station has an equal number of NC observations required to meet the classification limit. For the 3-Strike method, each station is assumed to have 3 NC observations, and for the 99% Rule method, each station has 268 NC observations. However, because we are looking at exposure potential, we have to assume that some stations will have more NC observations than others. In a worst-case scenario for the 99% Rule, one station could have all NC observations while the other stations have no exceedances and the zone could still be in compliance. A more likely scenario is that some stations will have more NC observations than others. To account for local exposure at individual stations, additional NC hours are added to each station based on the estimated percentage of NC observations over the 3 years (%NC). For each NC hour added, a compliant hour is removed, in order to keep the total number of observation hours constant. A binomial distribution is used to model the number of additional NC hours with the number of trials. Input values for a binomial distribution include the number of trials, n, and the continuous success probability, p (Palisades, Citation2015). If m is the number of years of observation (in our case, 3 years), then for the 3-Strike method, n = 3 × (m – 1), and for the 99% Rule method, n = 268 × (m – 1). The continuous success probability for each station, pi, is calculated for each station using the following method:

Step 1. Determine %NC over the three years for each station.


Step 2. Sum the individual %NC’s and normalize each station’s pi.


Step 3. Estimate the number of NC hours and residual compliance (RC) hours at each station for each method.


Step 4. Run the MCA with CFD’s for each method and for each station similar to eq 4:



  • μAi is the mean of the compliance observations PDF at stationi multiplied by the number of compliance hours for the method being evaluated.

  • σAi is the standard deviation of the compliance observations PDF at stationi multiplied by the square root of the number of compliance hours for the method being evaluated.

  • μXi is the mean of the noncompliant observations PDF multiplied by NCi hours for the method being evaluated.

  • σXi is the standard deviation of the non-compliant observations PDF multiplied by the square root of the NCi hours for the method being evaluated.

  • μAri is the mean of the compliance observations PDF at stationi multiplied by the RCi hours for the method being evaluated.

  • σARi is the standard deviation of the compliance observations PDF at stationi multiplied by the square root of the RCi hours for the method being evaluated.

The CDI is then calculated for each station and each method using the same process as the single station case. The multiple station case also uses the same statistical tests as the single station case.


Single station case

Models were prepared to compute the CDI values for 1-hr NO2 and 8-hr O3 from an air monitoring station located in a coastal urban area and used data collected between 2008 and 2010. The particular station was located in a dense residential area on a government building approximately 300 m away from a major highway. The resulting PDFs estimated from the data sets and related air quality standards are shown in .

Table 5. Representative PDFs for single station case.

The PDF means and standard deviations (SD) were then used as input parameters for Normal distributions after applying sample modifications per eq 5. A summary of the inputs (means and standard deviations) for each model are shown in .

Table 6. Summary of normal distribution input parameters used to calculate CDFs for the single station case (in g-hr/m3).

The CDIs computed through the MCA of each pollutant using samples drawn from compliance and exceedance distributions in are shown in .

Table 7. Single station CDIs (in μg/kgBW-day).

Statistical testing of the single station case for 1-hr NO2 is shown in .

Table 8. Statistical testing for single station CDI case for 1 hr NO2.

For the 1-hr NO2, the COVs of both methods are much less than 1 indicating the samples most likely came from normal distributions. As predicted in the Methods section, the large number of samples caused the variance test to fail. Using a modified t-test with unequal variances and a computed degrees of freedom approximation, the test for means also fails, requiring us to reject the null hypothesis and accept that there are significant statistical differences between the two method for 1-hr NO2 classification. Critical values for the F and t-tests were calculated using the F-distribution and t-distribution quantile functions, respectively, in R (R Core Team, Citation2015).

Statistical testing results for the single station case of 8 hr O3 is shown in .

Table 9. Statistical testing for single station CDI case for 8 hr O3.

As with the 1-hr NO2, the 8-hr O3 shows that the null hypothesis must be rejected, despite the passing of the variance test and being 2.7% different. For single stations, the 3 Strike method offers less exposure over the same duration than the 99% Rule method. A more graphical representation of the two CDIs is shown in where the different CDI distributions for 8-hr O3 are plotted together, showing the difference in means. This assumes that BW and IR are constant.

Figure 6. Comparison of CDI distributions for 8-hr O3.

Figure 6. Comparison of CDI distributions for 8-hr O3.

Results for multiple station case: 1-hr NO2

Three stations within a coastal zone of Kuwait were selected for comparison with 3 years of data for 2008–2010. In addition to the station used for the single case, two stations located in nearby residential areas were also used. In each case the stations were mounted on the roofs of government buildings. The steps described above in eqs 11 through 14 were used to determine the weighted %NC probability of continuous success, p, for the binomial distributions used to estimate additional noncompliant days. A summary of initial station parameters is shown in , including number of compliant and NC hours, the binomial probability, and the base PDF distribution forms used for the MCA.

Table 10. Parameters for multiple station case of 1-hr NO2.

The parameters of were used to define the normal distributions used in the MCA for each method as summarized in .

Table 11. Normal distribution inputs for multiple station case CDFs of 1-hr NO2.

The resulting descriptive statistics for the CDIs of each station after 10,000 iterations during the MCA are shown in .

Table 12. CDI statistics for multiple stations of 1-hr NO2.

The statistical tests for the methods at each station are shown in for 1-hr NO2. As with the single station, the multiple stations pass the normality and variance tests, but fails the mean tests. The null hypothesis is thus rejected for the multiple stations case for 1-hr NO2.

Table 13. Statistical tests for multiple stations of 1-hr NO2.

Results for multiple station case: 8-hr O3

The multiple station case for 8-hr O3 follows the same procedure as the 1-hr NO2. shows the input parameters. shows the normal distribution inputs used for CDF in the MCA. summarizes the input statistics of the computed CDIs, and shows the statistical test results.

Table 14. Parameters for multiple station case of 8-hr O3.

Table 15. Normal distribution inputs for multiple station case CDFs of 8-hr O3.

Table 16. CDI statistics for multiple stations of 8-hr O3.

Table 17. Statistical tests for multiple stations of 8-hr O3.

The 8-hr O3 passes the test for normality and variance, but fails the test for equal means. Again, the null hypothesis is rejected, showing that there is a statistically significant difference between the CDI of the two methods.


This study presents a new approach for evaluating air quality zone classification methods by breaking the distribution of historical pollution concentration into compliance and exceedance concentration PDFs. This approach allows the distribution of historical data from an air monitoring station to create ambient air quality profiles to test different compliance scenarios. Two different cases were used to test the methods—a single station case where the data of only one station was used, and a multiple station case where two or more stations’ data are used. In the multiple station case example, three stations were used. Statistical methods were defined to determine normality of the distributions used for the CDI, and whether the different methods had statistically similar variances and means.

A null hypothesis was proposed that stated the variance and means of both methods were not significantly different and could therefore be used based on non-statistically based preferences. Rejecting the null showed that the methods did indeed have enough statistically significant differences that to choose one method over another would result in higher local exposure over the duration period.

Using a Monte Carlo analysis, it was shown that the two methods do indeed have statistically significant differences in their variances and means for the pollutants tested (NO2 and O3). While the null hypothesis is rejected, the individual methods are not. The large sample size and degrees of freedom can reject null hypothesizes due to extreme sensitivity in variances. Using a different approach based on effect size, in which the population size does not affect the statistic, the methods can be compared with better merit. Because the COV tests showed that the distributions were strongly normal in nature, making the mean and SD strong descriptive statistics that cannot be discounted. The choice of statistic used to compare the classification methods, the CDI, represents a relative risk of exposure, and not a risk of disease, injury, or damage.

Choosing to use one classification method over the other may involve other non-health-related factors besides comparing CDI of chemicals. Other factors may include availability of air monitoring data, economic impacts of declaring a zone noncompliant and the ability of the local air management authority to enforce an improvement program. Other reasons may be that the zone is sparsely populated such as a hydrocarbon production field or an inland desert that may not need the same level of exposure protection. Also areas experiencing rapid growth would constantly be in noncompliance under a strict 3-Strike method based classification whereas a 99% Rule method would average some of the emission increases over time and look at the overall trend. Recommendations for using both methods are shown in .

Table 18. Recommended uses for classification methods.

The fact that one method of classification may cause higher exposure than another is not a reason to reject its use, but to use it with discretion.


This work was completed under the United Nations Development Program’s Kuwait Integrated Environmental Management System project from 2011 to 2014.


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), and Lakes Environmental.

Additional information


The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS), and Lakes Environmental.

Notes on contributors

Brian Freeman

Brian Freeman, was the Team Leader, Air Regulatory Management Systems for the UNDP KIEMS project, and is currently in the Ph.D. program at the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, Canada.

Ed McBean

Ed McBean, Ph.D., is a Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, Canada.

Bahram Gharabaghi

Bahram Gharabaghi, Ph.D., is a Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Engineering at the University of Guelph, Canada.

Jesse Thé

Jesse Thé, Ph.D., is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Canada and the President of Lakes Environmental.


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