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Research Article

Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in anesthesiologists in Ismailia Governorate

, &
Pages 289-295 | Received 08 Feb 2023, Accepted 13 Mar 2023, Published online: 23 Mar 2023



Detect the prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among anesthesiologists and their related risk factors.


This cross-sectional study was conducted on anesthesia and intensive care physicians in Ismailia/Egypt from June to July 2022. The questionnaire had three parts. The first part consisted of participants’ demographic data. The second focused on musculoskeletal disorders and possible risk factors. The last one questioned the impact of musculoskeletal disorders on the participants.


The mean age of the studied population was 35.65 ± 7.734. Thirty-eight (41.8%) participants worked for 60–80 hours/week. The whole study participants reported the presence of at least one form of MSDs. Back pain was the most reported pain (78%), followed by neck pain (50.5%). Possible risk factors included the need for excessive bending and twisting, poor work ergonomics that needs improvement as reported by (81.3%) of participants and suboptimizing patient’s position before specific procedures by two thirds of the participants. The physicians reported difficulty falling asleep, feeling anxious, and needing medication to control pain; however, they did not require sick leave (79.1%).


A significant proportion of anesthetists suffer from WRMSDs. Work ergonomics need improvement.

1. Introduction

Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are the most common occupational health problems with variable prevalence worldwide ranging from 43–78% [Citation1], with more than 80% of physicians experiencing pain while on duty [Citation2]. It affects different body parts, with upper limb musculoskeletal disorders reported commonly among anesthetists [Citation3]. However, these figures can be inaccurate due to marked underreporting [Citation4]. WRMSDs are multifactorial and influenced by physical, psychological, social, and personal factors [Citation5]. These disorders result from persistent extreme positions, forcefully repeated maneuvers, and poorly designed instruments [Citation6]. Procedural physicians were found to be at risk of developing WRMSDs as they are prone to long working hours with repeated movements and static nonneutral positions, facing challenges with instrument design [Citation7]. Previous research has focused on stressful lifestyles [Citation8] and sharp injuries at work [Citation9]. Although, WRMSDs lead to decreased productivity, the need for surgical intervention [Citation10], and at times change the entire career [Citation11]. Drawing attention to such a problem is essential to improve work-related circumstances to avoid a possible shortage in manpower [Citation12]. Previous studies in Egypt reported on WRMSDs among physiotherapists, dentists, and pediatric physical therapists [Citation1]. Another study reported on musculoskeletal disorders among nurses [Citation13]. There is no data about the prevalence of WRMSDs among anesthesiologists in Egypt; this study was conducted accordingly.

2. Methods

This was a cross-sectional study conducted on anesthesia and intensive care physicians in Ismailia/Egypt from June to July 2022. Ethical approval from the research ethics committee of the faculty of medicine, Suez Canal university was obtained (reference 4956#). Two hundred and fifty licensed physicians by the syndicate in Ismailia were included. Contact details (WhatsApp number and E-mail) registered in the Syndicate were used for communicating the questionnaire The questionnaire was sent electronically to them. Confidentiality of the data was assured as well as questionnaire anonymity. Written consent was included at the top of the questionnaire, and agreement was a prerequisite to start the questions. A note to the participants regarding their ability to withdraw at any stage should he/she wish to do so was presented. In addition, the participants were informed that if they felt any distress during or after completing the questionnaire, they could call or email the researchers, whose contact details were supplied.

2.1. Instruments

After a review of the literature [Citation14], a three-part self-administered questionnaire was constructed. Initial testing was done on 10 participants and then published and distributed electronically. The questionnaire was then validated statistically through principal component analysis and the calculation of Cronbach’s alpha.

2.1.1. The first

part included questions querying the participants’ demographic data [sex, age, weight, height, job level (resident, assistant lecturer/specialist, lecturer/consultant, professor), years of practice, place of work (operating theatre, intensive care unit or both), dominant hand, parenting, number of children, working hours per week, and history of chronic illness].

2.1.2. The second

part contained items about musculoskeletal disorders and possible risk factors: a) Have you complained of any joint pain, b) determine the site of pain (Neck Pain; Shoulder Pain; Elbow pain; wrist pain; Back pain; Hip pain; Knee pain; Ankle pain; Foot pain), c) describe pain severity (mild, moderate, or severe), d) frequency of pain in the last 12 months, e) the previous history of musculoskeletal disorders (Arthritis; Disc prolapse; carpal tunnel syndrome, fibromyalgia, and others), f) need for excessive bending or twisting of your joints, and heavy weight lifting, g) history of falling at your workplace, h) grading of work ergonomics at your workplace, i) knowledge about musculoskeletal stretch/strengthen exercises, j) practicing stretch exercises, and k) How often do you exercise, l) optimizing patients’ position before intubation, CVC (central venous catheter), arterial line insertions, spinal/epidural insertion.

2.1.3. The third

part focused on questions about the impact of musculoskeletal disorders on the participants [need health visits, need for treatment for musculoskeletal injury, type of medications, duration needed to control pain, need for Chronic pain clinic visit, need for physiotherapy, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, feeling anxious or low mood in the last year, history of any sick leave because of musculoskeletal injury]

The sample size was calculated at significance and error levels of 95% and 2.8%, respectively, with a prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders of 98.4% [Citation14]. A drop-out proportion of 10% was added to the raw result giving a count of at least 84 participants.

3. Statistical analysis

Data were statistically described in terms of mean and standard deviation, frequencies (number of cases), and percentages when appropriate. All statistical calculations were done using the computer program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA), release 22 for Microsoft Windows.

4. Results

The questionnaire was tested for internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha of 0.774 for the whole questionnaire representing good coherence.

The questionnaire was distributed electronically to 250 physicians. Ninety-one participants responded and returned the completed questionnaire (response rate of 36.4%). The mean age of the studied population was 35.65 ± 7.734. Two-thirds were males (67.0%). A more significant proportion of them was assistant lecturer/specialist (42.9%) and worked in both the operating theatre and ICU (60.4%). Thirty-eight (41.8%) participants worked for 60–80 hours/week ().

Table 1. Distribution of the studied cases according to the first part (n = 91).

The whole study participants reported the presence of at least one form of MSDs. Back pain was the most commonly reported site of pain (78%). The pain was moderate (51.6%), occurring at least once a week (20.9%). A previous history of arthritis was reported by 17 (18.7%) participants ().

Table 2. Distribution of the studied cases according to different parameters (n = 91).

Possible risk factors included the need for excessive bending and twisting, poor work ergonomics that needs improvement as reported by (81.3%) of participants and optimizing patient’s position before specific procedures by only a third of the participants ().

Table 3. Risk factors for WRMSDs.

A significant proportion of the participants reported difficulty falling asleep, feeling anxious, and needing medication to control pain, however; they did not require sick leave (79.1%) ().

Table 4. Impact of musculoskeletal disorders.

Further analysis of patients with back pain revealed that optimization of the table before spinal/epidural anesthesia differed significantly between those with and without pain (P value 0.02) ().

Table 5. Relation between musculoskeletal (back) pain different parameters (n = 91).

Table 6. Relation between musculoskeletal (back) pain different parameters (n = 91) “continue”.

5. Discussion

The mean age of the studied population was 35.65 ± 7.734. A more significant proportion of them was assistant lecturer/specialist and worked in both the operating theatre and ICU. In the study by Tolu and Basaran, the mean age was 43. Most of their participants were specialists [Citation14].

The whole study participants reported the presence of at least one form of MSDs. Another study reported a prevalence of 98.4% [Citation14]. Back pain was the most commonly reported site of pain (78%) followed by neck pain (50.5%). It has been reported that neck pain occurred in 65% of physicians [Citation6]. Another study reported upper limb pain in one third of the physicians [Citation15]. A group of anesthesiologists reported low back and neck pain [Citation14]. Different rates and sites of pain were rendered to different tasks and positioning of the participants during their duties [Citation14].

Risk factors for the development of musculoskeletal disorders included the need for excessive bending and twisting, poor work ergonomics that needs improvement, poorly optimized patient position before specific procedures, and prolonged working hours per week. This was emphasized by a previous study reporting repeated maneuvers and long forceful positions as work-related risk factors for developing WRMSDs [Citation16]. An earlier study reported that work ergonomics were suboptimal by 69.1% of the participants [Citation14]. It has been reported that working in the outpatient clinic for>16 hours/week was associated with increased head and neck pain [Citation17]. This would be explained by prolonged working hours acting as a cause of muscle fatigue and exhaustion without enough time to recover [Citation18]. The body must maintain a neutral position at work. Awkward positions and sustained static postures cause strain on the musculoskeletal system and body fatigue [Citation19]. Accordingly, ergonomics education during medical training was recommended to change physicians’ behavior and reduce the developing symptoms [Citation6].

MSDs impacted the lives of the participants as being a cause of difficulty falling asleep, feeling anxious, and needing medication to control pain; however, they did not ask for sick leave. This would be supported by doctors having the lowest sick leave rates [Citation20]. This was explained by their concerns about their colleagues and patients and their fear of letting them down [Citation21]. A published systematic review reported an overall sick leave rate of 12% [Citation6]. In a cohort of anesthesia and ICU nurses, musculoskeletal pain was moderate to severe and was believed to affect their life and sleep quality [Citation22].

The nature of the anesthetists’ work makes them liable for developing MSDs. They are exposed to poor posturing, especially during airway management with poorly optimized bed levels. Additionally, they are exposed to the marked rotation of the spine and over-reaching for tools. This risk would result in musculoskeletal injury if these positions were repeated or prolonged [Citation23–25].

6. Strength and limitations

The sample size was a limitation. The response rate was 37%, limiting the generalizability of the results. Recruitment of anesthesia and ICU nurses would be more informative. The current study did not explore the nature of the procedures that represent a significant risk for the development of WRMSDs. A comparison with office-based physicians would provide strong evidence. The survey depended on self-reported symptoms without formal medical consultation, which might overestimate the results. Besides, anesthetists meet other doctors easily, enabling them to be diagnosed during discussions. It was not done to categorize the anesthesiologists according to their subspecialties (pediatric, cardiothoracic, obstetric anesthesiologists).

7. Conclusion

A significant proportion of anesthetists suffer from WRMSDs. Work ergonomics need to be improved. Educational programs are required to help physicians decrease the possibility of being injured at work.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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