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Business Intelligence (BI) system evolution: a case in a healthcare institution

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Business Intelligence (BI) systems are an important part of many organisations’ IT portfolios. While the evolutionary nature of other kinds of decision support technology has been noted, there is little research investigating the evolutionary nature of BI systems. This paper presents a case study of a BI system development in a large Australian healthcare institution and uses evolutionary theories from decision support systems (DSS) to understand the system evolution observed. The paper concludes that the theories describing evolution in DSS can also be effectively applied to BI as well. BI practitioners and developers should be aware of evolutionary triggers, as well as the different kinds of evolution that can affect BI system evolution.

1. Introduction

Business Intelligence (BI) systems are a significant element of many organisations’ IT portfolios. BI systems provide reporting and analytical capabilities to enterprises through integrating data collected from a range of internal and external sources, and providing users with data visualisation tools to improve organisational decision-making. Arnott and Pervan (Citation2014) note that BI and business analytics (BA) have been a top priority for global CIOs since the early 2000s, while Gartner (Citation2015) predict that they will continue to be a top priority well into the future.

BI systems have high visibility within organisations. BI systems have the capability to break down organisational information barriers and influence decisions that have a strategic impact on enterprises. BI systems, in part, help to make sense of organisational data, contributing to better-informed decision-making. While successful implementation is important for any IT initiative, the consequences of BI failure are especially problematic given its high profile and impact across multiple business units.

One research approach to understanding how to increase the likelihood of a successful BI implementation is a critical success factors (CSF) analysis. Arnott (Citation2008) conducted a meta-review of a number of studies including McBride (Citation1997), Poon and Wagner (Citation2001), Salmeron and Herrero (Citation2005), Sammon and Finnegan (Citation2000), and Wixom and Watson (Citation2001) that investigated the success of BI, Data Warehouse, and Executive Information Systems (EIS). One of the common success factors noted was the importance of an evolutionary development approach.

To date, there are few studies that have specifically investigated BI system evolution, its causes, patterns, and management by the development team. Arnott and Pervan (Citation2005, p.71) argue that BI is the ‘contemporary’ descendent of EIS, both of which are variants of DSS. Arnott and Pervan (Citation2014) however distinguish BI from earlier EIS, arguing that BI is intended for wider adoption throughout an organisation than just the executive suite which was the focus of EIS. They highlight differences in technology as well, including web-based interfaces, dashboard-style reporting and the use of business performance measurement techniques such as Balanced Scorecard.

The paper argues that even though BI systems end up being large-scale systems used by decision makers at many levels in an organisation, its evolutionary nature does not allow it to be initially developed as a large scale system. BI developers face the same issues of unclear and changing requirements as past DSS and EIS developers had. A BI system can start off as a system developed for supporting narrowly concentrated decision tasks, and the scope gradually increases as the system evolves. New functionality is added as a result of system use and other internal and external triggers that cause system evolution.

This paper describes one such system undergoing evolution. We draw on the DSS evolutionary framework of Arnott (Citation2004) to describe the tempo, aetiology and triggers of evolution in the case. In doing so, we demonstrate that BI evolution shares similar features with DSS evolution, lending support to Arnott and Pervan’s (Citation2005) assertion that BI belongs to the ‘family tree’ of DSS. This paper provides an argument that Arnott’s (Citation2004) evolutionary framework can be applied by researchers investigating BI as well as DSS, and highlights a number of evolutionary concepts industry practitioners need to be aware of when developing BI systems.

The paper is organised as follows. The next section provides a brief review of the literature on DSS evolution, followed by a review of the limited extant literature on the evolution of BI systems. The subsequent section presents the case of BI development at a large Australian healthcare organisation, followed by discussion and conclusions for understanding BI systems evolution in practice and research.

2. Evolutionary development of DSS

The idea of evolution has been central to DSS theory and research since Keen’s (Citation1980) adaptive framework for DSS development. Keen argued that DSS can only properly provide decision support where the system responds and adapts to shifting decision support requirements as the decision-maker’s understanding of the decision task is influenced and changed by the DSS. The evidence for evolution as a critical success factor for DSS was first noted by Meador and Ness (Citation1974), Ness (Citation1975), and Courbon, Grajew, and Tolovi (Citation1978), but Keen’s (Citation1980) framework described the interactions between the system, the user, and the builder, as well as the decision task and the organisational environment.

Decision-making as a task, and therefore decision support as a design objective, is particularly complex. Sprague (Citation1980) notes that there is no single approach to decision-making, and the conditions under which decision-makers operate are constantly changing. Keen (Citation1980) showed that not only are the initial decision support requirements of users necessarily poorly understood at the outset of a DSS development project, they shift and change as a direct result of the provision of decision support by the system. In short, the decision-maker learns about the decision problem, and the decision questions that need answering change as the user works through the decision-making process. The DSS design therefore has to adapt as a direct result of its successful use. This means that development approaches such as the traditional ‘waterfall’ model of the systems development lifecycle that are predicated on a clearly explicated specification of design requirements prior to implementation (and therefore use) are inappropriate (Weinberg, Citation1991).

2.1. Arnott (Citation2004) DSS evolution framework

Arnott’s (Citation2004) framework of DSS evolution (see Figure below) is based on three concepts from the theory of evolutionary biology: aetiology (or evolutionary trigger), lineage and tempo. He argued that DSS can evolve with different tempos: continuous evolution, punctuated equilibrium, and quantum evolution. He suggested that the lineage of a DSS can evolve at two different levels. Individual DSS applications can evolve at the micro level, giving rise to evolution in functionality – so-called ‘within-application’ evolution. DSS can also evolve into new ‘species’ where entirely new DSS applications arise from the development and use process. Arnott refers to this macro-level evolution as ‘between-application’ evolution.

Figure 1. Arnott’s (Citation2004) framework of DSS evolution, with aetiology on the vertical axis, lineage on the horizontal, and tempo populating the cells of the matrix.

Figure 1. Arnott’s (Citation2004) framework of DSS evolution, with aetiology on the vertical axis, lineage on the horizontal, and tempo populating the cells of the matrix.

Arnott (Citation2004) suggested that system use is not the only cause of DSS evolution. He describes two categories of evolutionary triggers, or aetiology: cognitive causal factors related to the users and their interaction with the system; and environmental causal factors resulting from factors external to the user, developer and the system itself. Table lists examples of these two kinds of evolutionary triggers given by Arnott (Citation2004).

Table 1. Aetiology of DSS evolution from Arnott (Citation2004).

Arnott combines these three concepts, aetiology, lineage and tempo, into a single integrated framework, mapping the kinds of evolutionary tempos that might be observed against aetiology and lineage, shown in Figure below:

Despite the nature of BI as a decision support tool, and the noted importance of evolutionary approaches to DSS development, there are few studies that specifically investigate the nature of evolution in BI systems development. Where studies do look at BI development (Bara et al., Citation2009; Gangadharan & Swami, Citation2004; Olszak & Ziemba, Citation2007), they do not adopt a full evolutionary view. While many do incorporate iterative aspects in the development process, iteration per se is not evolution. Conversely, in papers such as Yeoh and Koronios (Citation2010) where evolution is noted as a CSF for BI development, the concept is not expanded to look at evolutionary characteristics (such as those in the Arnott (Citation2004) framework), nor applied empirically.

Given the lack of empirical research investigating the evolution of BI systems development in practice, the remainder of the paper presents a case study of BI systems development in a large Australian hospital and applies the Arnott (Citation2004) framework of DSS evolution to provide a description of the evolutionary nature of the project, as well as demonstrate the efficacy of Arnott’s DSS framework to BI systems.

3. A case study of BI system evolution in healthcare

In this section we present a single case of a BI development project at a large Australian teaching hospital. We adopted an interpretivist approach (Myers, Citation1997) with the unit of analysis being the development of a single BI system (including all of the components and applications that together formed the system) in the hospital. Semi-structured interviews were used, which allowed a balance between pre-determined questions to investigate specific theoretical concepts, and the broader sense making actions of the interviewees. This allowed a rich understanding of the evolution of the system. The case was selected opportunistically through the authors’ professional network of contacts.

The hospital, as well as two other partner institutions with numerous departments, had its data spread out throughout these institutions. The data resided in several thousand databases. The hospital did not have any established data governance strategy that would ensure the safe-guarding of this critical hospital and medical data. Thus, an effort to secure the data was initiated in 2011, initiated by the hospital’s finance department. The spread of data across so many databases affected the progress of the development team in the hospital’s attempt to develop the BI platform and is a continuing issue for the organisation. We interviewed six members of the development team in the Q2 and Q3 of 2015 who were involved with the development of the BI system. These included a department head, an information architect, a business solution designer, a database administrator/application developer and the acting director of their applications and knowledge management (AKM) department. Most of the interviewees had at least one and up to five years of work experience in the industry, and had tertiary qualifications in IT.

The BI system was developed to support several decision domains: hospital management, clinical auditing, clinical decision support, and clinical research. The system underwent a number of evolutionary cycles, and its changing structure is portrayed through the timeline presented in Figure .

Figure 2. BI system timeline, with the case data collection period shaded. See Table below for explanations of acronyms and project-specific terms.

Figure 2. BI system timeline, with the case data collection period shaded. See Table 2 below for explanations of acronyms and project-specific terms.

The development of the BI system was an on-going effort as the system evolved, with several project stages shown in Table .

Table 2. Identified stages of BI system evolution at Hospital A.

In the following section, we apply the Arnott (Citation2004) DSS evolution framework to the development process of the BI system at the hospital.

3.1. Aetiology

The BI system evolved with the addition of functionality and support for new decision areas. Arnott’s (Citation2004) framework describes two kinds of evolutionary triggers: cognitive and environmental. Both were observed in the case. It was further observed that multiple evolutionary cycles were caused by a combination of different triggers. The evolutionary triggers are discussed in the context of the observed micro- and macro-level system evolution in the following sections. The interpretation of the case provides an understanding of the complex nature of the observed BI system evolution.

3.2. Lineage – within-application evolution

There was a significant amount of small-scale, within-application evolution of the system as functionality and design was modified throughout the development process. We outline here some of the causes and effects of these micro-evolutionary changes.

3.2.1. System use as an evolutionary causal factor

In line with Keen’s (Citation1980) observations of adaptive development for DSS, usage of the system was itself a key driver of evolutionary pressure. Use of the system acted as a stimulus for the users as they realised what was potentially possible with the system and placed pressure on the developers to adapt the system accordingly. The project’s information architect reflected on the triggering of changes resulting from system use as follows:

Absolutely, once they realised what was available, it was like oh look! Something shiny. So they would say “right, so how do we get access to that” “How do I use this” “What does this data mean”. So you constantly fill the enquiries about the information in the platform and helping them to be able to integrate it with their systems. So one week they might be looking at blood donations, next week might be looking at pathology results, and so it’s a constant evolving process.

According to the developers, training activities, engaging the users and educating them first about the system was essential. This was because the system had different user groups who were neither aware of the existence of the system, nor did they have any comprehension of its capabilities. Although a significant trigger, other evolutionary causal factors were also identified apart from system use.

3.2.2. Changes to the data architecture

The data architecture of the system evolved because of both cognitive and environmental factors. The data architecture design was subject to change based on the ‘idle’ thought of the development team, especially the operating sponsor who aimed to reduce the number of databases from the several thousand prior to the project to a more manageable number. The project’s information architect commented on the data architecture:

When we started there was reporting services, 800 or 900 reports looking at the system, there was no standards, no easy way to get to the data and very manual process were in place to load data into it, and it was a nightmare. A big spaghetti mess of data.

Environment factors included adoption of new versions of the data management software, and new metadata management software being implemented by the development team. The data architecture was also affected by between-application evolution, where the system was split in two to support hospital management on the one hand and clinical decision-making on the other, as described below in Section 3.3.

3.2.3. Increasing data sources

Due to the large number of departments in the hospital and the commensurate complexity in data sources, it was not possible to acquire the data from all possible sources at the beginning of the development. The development team faced hurdles from some departments who considered their data was not shareable. The project’s business solution designer stated:

I think what from my experience I felt like in healthcare industries people work in silos, and they think their data is very valuable to them, and it cannot be shared.

Getting access to data from both internal and external stakeholders was also a challenge due to multiple factors such as the location of data, size of the data, bureaucracy, and organisational politics. The project’s operating sponsor said:

We had to push quite hard to get the data from that system, and it took probably a year of pushing and negotiation but we eventually got access to it.

The development team also had issues trying to get access to data from the vendor of the hospital information system who stored the data for the hospital. The sponsor said:

We would say we want to get access to data, and they would say what are you trying to do? Because they are trying to sell you something extra.

Along with the data structure, the data sources feeding the data structure also evolved. Environmental factors caused these changes as well, as a merger between the hospital and two others caused new data sources to become available.

3.2.4. Evolution in the number of reports

One of the effects of the evolution of the system was that the number of reports increased, primarily through the influence of the users. Often they would demand ad hoc reports, which would then be incorporated into the system design. Through training and interacting with the analysts, the users’ understanding of how they could use the system, and what additional information they could receive changed.

3.2.5. Evolution in visualisation tools and techniques

The system evolved for hospital management use through the addition of a dashboard tool from a renowned BI vendor. This evolution was driven by both cognitive and environmental factors. As the users used the system, they desired to have more control over generating reports and checking the status of hospital KPIs, and through discussion with the analysts, the demand for dashboard features came into the picture. The chosen dashboard interface had the ability to provide greater control to the users to choose how they wanted to view the information. The project’s operating sponsor said:

So some people just want summary lines for certain things, and others want summary lines and detailed data behind it that you can drill in, cross references and things.

Simultaneously, the push from technology vendors demonstrating advanced features in dashboard format triggered the demand for the functionality.

Addition of another tool to the BI portfolio was the cohort discovery tool (CDT). The CDT was an in-house knowledge discovery and information retrieval tool that allowed the users to ask questions to the platform about a particular topic, and the system would retrieve all existing information the hospital had on that particular topic or query, and present the results in a predetermined format. The tool had two different interfaces. One was a simple interface with a limited subset of data commands navigated through point and click procedures. Another was a more advanced interface that involved interaction through a scripting language. The complex interface provided broader functionality compared to the simple interface but required technical skills to operate. This tool targeted the data managers, clinicians, and researchers who required access to data, but were unaware of what data were available. The CDT arose out of interaction between the development team members and reflecting on how to push data out to the clinical users in different ways.

3.2.6. Key findings for within-application evolution

The evolution of functionality within the system was caused by both cognitive and environmental factors. In addition to the users demanding changes resulting from system use, the development team also played an active role in contributing to the system evolution especially through idle thought and peer interaction. Some of the evolutionary cycles were affected by both cognitive and environmental factors simultaneously, such as the evolution of the data architecture and the acquisition of dashboard tool. Evolution of the system was complex, driven by multiple causes.

In terms of lineage, the difference between within-application and between-application evolutionary cycles sits on a spectrum, rather than representing distinct classes of evolutionary types.

3.3. Lineage – between-application evolution

There were three major macro-level evolutionary events in the life of the BI system. The first occurred at the end of 2011 with the development of the REASON platform. The platform was developed to support two major application areas: hospital management and clinical decision-making. The second came with the acquisition of a tool known as Research Electronic Data Capture, or REDCap. This tool allowed the hospital to rapidly deploy a number of data collection tools throughout the organisation and was widely used by staff from a range of departments. REDCap collected data for clinical auditing and clinical research. The third major evolutionary event occurred in 2015 with a split in the system, again along the lines of hospital management and clinical decision support.

Triggers for these splits were environmental, as shown in Table . The changes were a result of a combination of industry changes and internal organisational change. The major organisational change was the creation of an information development division (IDD) in 2011.

Table 3. Evolution in the hospital BI system.

At the hospital, clinical quality management was approached through clinical audits that were performed in different departments and driven by industry changes. The inclusion of REDCap increased the scope of the BI system to include clinical auditing. Along with this change in technology, a number of institutions joined the hospital in a consortium, using REDCap as a platform for research and creating data collection tools. This not only facilitated research in the consortium, but also led to creating tools for audits to participate in clinical quality management.

A particularly interesting observation from the case is that the development pressures of supporting the two application areas – hospital management and clinical decision support – lead to the major system split in 2015. Supporting both decision types through the same system was complex, and could not be handled by a single development team. The system branched out mainly due to internal organisational change as the development team was split, and a new department was created to handle decision support for hospital management, while the existing development team focused on clinical decision support. It was noted at the time that the need for different development teams wasn’t due to technology, but rather the distinct difference between the two different classes of decisions supported, with different skills needed in information requirements gathering.

3.3.1. Key findings for between-application evolution

Between-application evolution was caused due to environmental triggers rather than cognitive triggers in this particular case. Among the environmental triggers, internal organisational change and technological changes were the two significant drivers.

With regard to supporting both clinical decision-making and hospital management, an arrangement for catering for both within a single BI system supported by a single development team was not successful. There were communication issues between the development team and the users who required reports for hospital management, and the development team were overwhelmed trying to manage both application areas. This highlights a key challenge for BI developers in enterprises. Large scale BI systems supporting disparate user groups may not be manageable by the same team. The difference in focus between operational clinical decision support, versus the financial and strategic focus of hospital management decision support, was too distinct for the one team to manage. This suggests that operational business intelligence and strategic business intelligence may require different skill sets, and as a consequence, different teams to effectively deliver the different kinds of BI solutions.

Table below summarises the evolution of the hospital BI system in terms of the concepts of lineage and aetiology from Arnott’s (Citation2004) evolution framework. As is evident from the table, the BI system did not exhibit any between-application evolution caused by cognitive evolutionary triggers. We do not believe that this is necessarily due to the absence of any such evolution occurring, but rather as a result of the fact that participants in the study were developers rather than system users. Although the participants were able to offer some commentary on cognitive causal factors, the secondary nature of this evidence means that some cognitive triggers may not have been reported to the researchers. This highlights the need for a close working relationship between developers and users to facilitate evolutionary development. Without such a close relationship, it’s possible that changes in the user’s understanding of the task leading to new system requirements may not be captured.

3.4. Evolutionary tempo of the BI system

Evolution of the BI system was subject to varying tempos, as the functionalities were added or new applications emerged over time. To understand the project tempo, as part of the semi-structured interviews three simple graphs based on Arnott (Citation2004) were presented to the development team, as shown in Figure . Graph (a) represents continuous evolution, graph (b) punctuated equilibrium, and graph (c) quantum evolution. Participants were asked which of the graphs best represented their overall impression of the evolutionary tempo of the BI system.

Figure 3. Evolutionary tempo, from Arnott (Citation2004).

Figure 3. Evolutionary tempo, from Arnott (Citation2004).

The majority of the development team members suggested that the system underwent a combination of punctuated equilibrium and quantum evolution. One of the development team members said:

There are definitely incremental jumps where you know new things happen where it goes straight up in time, and then that results in some increased functionality and everybody gets very engaged and that continues to evolve, and then it becomes very static again and it needs another jump for something else to occur.

The member suggested that there were several stable periods in the development of the BI system and radical change such as quantum evolution did not take place often. Stability came after the effect of an evolution cause had subsided, and before any new evolution was triggered through other factors. Periods of stability were also witnessed due to some obstacles that slowed down or hindered evolution. Factors such as lack of sufficient resources often stopped the development team from providing the necessary functionalities that would lead to evolution. They had to wait until they could acquire funds or allocate technical work to external contractors.

Based on the understanding of the development team, the evolutionary tempo of the overall BI system could be categorised as a hybrid between punctuated equilibrium and quantum evolution, where punctuated equilibrium was more dominant than quantum evolution.

3.4.1. Key findings for evolutionary tempo

The hybrid nature of evolution, where the pace of evolutionary change varied significantly over the life of the project is of significance to BI practitioners. Periods of stability are not cause for complacency, and these periods should perhaps be used to consolidate resources in preparation for the next wave of evolutionary cycles. This could help to make the pace of change when evolution does occur more consistent and therefore manageable. It also means that factors blocking evolutionary cycles such as lack of resources occur less frequently.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we’ve presented a case study of BI systems development in a healthcare context. We have taken Arnott’s (Citation2004) framework, shown in Figure , for DSS evolution and applied it to the case. The motivation for doing so was twofold. First, given the lack of empirical research investigating the nature of BI evolution, we wanted to test the proposition that Arnott’s framework was an effective theory for understanding evolutionary phenomena in a BI-specific context. In regard to this first objective, we believe that we have demonstrated that the framework can, indeed, be a useful lens for research and analysis of evolution in a BI context. Understanding the nature of evolutionary development of these critical enterprise systems should be a key agenda for DSS and BI researchers.

The second motivation was to understand and explain the evolutionary events that occurred in the case to better understand the development challenges faced by BI practitioners.

Evolution of the system was observed as a result of both of Arnott’s aetiological types: cognitive and environmental factors. Cognitive factors came from both system users as well as the development team as they increased the functionality of the system. Macro-level, between-application evolution was caused by several environmental triggers. Among the environmental factors, three of the causes: industry changes, internal organisational change, and technology change were dominant. Overall, internal organisational change and technology change had impact on both within- and between-application evolution. Cognitive factors did not have any significant impact on the evolution of applications, but did affect the functionality of the system.

The case demonstrates the importance of the contribution of users to the evolution in the system. In terms of DSS, the important role of the user was noted at least as early as Keen’s (Citation1980) framework for adaptive development. However, the case also demonstrates that the wide range of evolutionary triggers noted by Arnott (Citation2004) also apply to BI, and that developers need to be cognisant of the need to look beyond just user-driven triggers when anticipating evolutionary cycles.

Given the absence of user input in this study, there was a lack of evidence for cognitive triggers forcing between-application evolution. This lack of evidence could be due to the participants in the study consisting of development team members, rather than users of the system. If true, this suggests a possible lack of awareness on the part of the developers as to the shift in user understanding that may have taken place, highlighting the challenge for developers in identifying the need for new adaptive development resulting from cognitive factors. A close relationship between developers and users is essential. Developers cannot assume they have an independent understanding of the system requirements.

The case also highlights the fact that periods of stability in a BI system’s life are not necessarily a result of ‘all being well’. Blocking factors such as a lack of resources can mean that evolutionary pressures are building up while further development is held back. Evolutionary tempo can vary significantly over time, and developers need to remain vigilant even during periods of apparent stability.

A key contribution of this work, therefore, is in alerting BI developers to the applicability of Arnott’s (Citation2004) DSS evolution framework to BI development. In particular, it provides developers with a tool for better understanding, predicting and managing evolution within a BI project.

As a final concluding remark, we note that there are few case studies of BI development in a healthcare setting. While there is a body of literature on healthcare DSS more broadly, the case highlights the difference between the use of BI for more traditional kinds of organisation decision support for hospital management, and the use for clinical decision support. This paper therefore is an initial contribution to the body of literature reporting empirical data on healthcare BI development and use.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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