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Higher-order Discretization Methods of Forward-backward SDEs Using KLNV-scheme and Their Applications to XVA Pricing

Pages 257-292 | Received 25 Nov 2018, Accepted 19 Jun 2019, Published online: 17 Jul 2019


This study proposes new higher-order discretization methods of forward-backward stochastic differential equations. In the proposed methods, the forward component is discretized using the Kusuoka–Lyons–Ninomiya–Victoir scheme with discrete random variables and the backward component using a higher-order numerical integration method consistent with the discretization method of the forward component, by use of the tree based branching algorithm. The proposed methods are applied to the XVA pricing, in particular to the credit valuation adjustment. The numerical results show that the expected theoretical order and computational efficiency could be achieved.

1. Introduction

1.1. Problem

This study focuses on the discretization methods of forward-backward stochastic differential equations (FBSDEs). In particular, numerical methods for the following Equations (1) are discussed.

Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space with a Brownian filtration {Fu}u0, and B(u)=B0(u),B1(u),,Bd(u) where B0(u)=u and (B1(u),,Bd(u)) be the d-dimensional standard {Fu}u0,P-Brownian motion. We also let Cb(RN;RN) denote the space of RN-valued smooth functions defined on RN whose derivatives of any order are bounded. We consider the following stochastic differential equations (SDEs):

(1) Xst,x=x+i=0dtsViXut,xdBi(u),Yst,x=Φ(XTt,x)+sTf(Xut,x,Yut,x)dui=1dsTZu(i)dBi(u),(1)

where xRN, V0,V1,,VdCb(RN;RN), and Φ:RNR and f:RN+1R are appropriately smooth functions. Here, the forward component Xst,xRN is written in the Stratonovich form and the backward component Yst,xR in the Ito form. Here, dBi(u) denotes the Stratonovich integral and dBi(u) the Ito integral respectively. Our aim is the numerical evaluation of Ytt,x.

1.2. Background

The framework of FBSDE was first introduced by Bismut (Bismut Citation1973). Pardoux and Peng proved the existence and uniqueness of FBSDE in (Pardoux Citation1990) and established the Feynman–Kac formula in the general case in (Pardoux and Peng Citation1992). Since then, many researchers have investigated this field from both the theoretical and practical points of view. The smoothness of the solutions to FBSDEs was proved in (Crisan and Delarue Citation2012). The correspondence between FBSDEs and fully nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) was proved in (Cheridito et al. Citation2007). There are also substantial studies on financial applications of FBSDEs (Cvitanić and Karatzas Citation1993; Karoui, Pardoux, and Quenez Citation1997; Carmona Citation2008). Recently, the XVA pricing problems, that is to say, various valuation adjustments for derivative instruments, are formulated using FBSDEs in a unified manner (Piterbarg Citation2010; Burgard and Kjaer Citation2011; Haramiishi Citation2013a, Citation2013b; Lesniewski and Richter Citation2016; Borovykh, Pascucci, and Oosterlee Citation2018). Although we can formulate complicated problems using FBSDEs, it is not easy to solve the practical problems formulated by FBSDEs due to the difficulty of numerical treatments.

A number of numerical methods for FBSDEs have been proposed. They are classified into three categories. Methods in the first follow the nonlinear PDE approach. In this approach, we use the nonlinear Feynman–Kac formula to reduce the problem to numerical calculation of the corresponding nonlinear PDEs. This approach is also called the four-step scheme (Jin, Protter, and Yong Citation1994) and has been extensively studied in (Douglas, Jin, and Protter Citation1996; Jin, Shen, and Zhao Citation2008, Citation2008); in particular, higher-order discretization methods of forward SDEs were applied in (Milstein and Tretyakov Citation2006). The second category consists of the methods that follow the probabilistic approach, which is also called the simulation. As described below, in the simulation approach, the calculations consists of discretization and integration. A discretization method of backward SDEs was first discussed in (Nakayama Citation2002) then a discretization method for general class of FBSDEs was introduced in (Bouchard and Touzi Citation2004; Zhang Citation2004). The third category involves expansion techniques (Fujii and Takahashi Citation2015; Takahashi and Yamada Citation2016; Briand and Labart Citation2014; Pierre Citation2012). Some methods in this category are practically feasible and can derive some meaningful calculation formulas. However, we cannot know the true value when using these methods.

This study focuses on the methods in the second category, i.e., the simulation. In the simulation approach, the calculation is proceeded following two steps: the discretization step and the integration step. In the discretization step, a set of random variables {Xˆsi,Yˆsi}i=0,1,n (t=s0<s1<sn=T) that approximates the processes (Xst,x,Yst,x) is constructed. Then in the integration step, we numerically calculate the conditional expectations of {Yˆsi}i{0,,n}. Since Yˆsi usually depends on the conditional expectations of {Xˆsj,Yˆsj}j{i,,n}, the numerical integration of Yˆt by naive Monte Carlo method that draws M samples from (Xˆsi+1,Yˆsi+1) to calculate Yˆsi for every i{1,,n} would include Mn draws. This is practically infeasible. This problem is called nested simulation problem or multiple Monte Carlo problem. To overcome the problem, many methods have been proposed for both of the discretization and the integration steps, e.g., the quantization tree (Bally and Gilles Citation2003), the Malliavin integration by parts formula (Bouchard and Touzi Citation2004; Zhang Citation2004), the least square Monte Carlo method (Gobet, Lemor, and Warin Citation2005), the Picard iteration (Bender and Denk Citation2007), the sparse grid method (Zhang, Gunzburger, and Zhao Citation2013), the multistep method (Zhao, Zhang, and Lili Citation2010; Chassagneux Citation2014), the cubature method combined with the tree based branching algorithm (TBBA) (Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2012, Citation2014), the Runge–Kutta method (Chassagneux and Crisan Citation2014), and the numerical Fourier method (Maria and Cornelis Citation2016). In (Zhao, Zhang, and Lili Citation2010; Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2014; Chassagneux and Crisan Citation2014), higher-order discretization methods of FBSDEs have been proposed.

In this paper, a discretization method of order p denotes the construction of sets of random variables {Xˆsi,Yˆsi}i=0,1,n (t=s0<s1<sn=T) such that Ytt,xYˆt<Cp/np holds for all nN. When p2, we call the methods of higher-order.

Before the discretization methods of FBSDEs are studied, some studies had been conducted for higher-order discretization methods of forward SDEs (Kloeden and Platen Citation1999). Milstein proposed a higher order method for SDEs driven by one dimensional Brownian motion (Milstein Citation1975). Talay and Tubaro proved the applicability of Romberg extrapolation to the Euler–Maruyama (E–M) method (Talay and Tubaro Citation1990). In particular, Kusuoka (Kusuoka Citation2001) introduced a new higher-order discretization framework called KLNV-scheme (Kusuoka Citation2013) that enables higher-order weak approximations for the very general class of SDEs driven by multi-dimensional Brownian motions. Since then, the KLNV-scheme have been developed in (Ninomiya Citation2003a; Kusuoka Citation2004; Lyons and Victoir Citation2004; Ninomiya and Victoir Citation2008; Ninomiya and Ninomiya Citation2009); especially the efficiency of combining the higher order methods with the TBBA (Crisan and Lyons Citation2002) or the quasi–Monte Carlo method (QMC) (Niederreiter Citation1992; Ninomiya and Tezuka Citation1996) is noteworthy. Specifically, certain discretization methods have been proposed using discrete random variables (Lyons and Victoir Citation2004; Ninomiya Citation2003a). When we use these methods iteratively along the time steps, the support of the intermediate measures grows exponentially as the number of partitions increases. To overcome this problem, the TBBA (Crisan and Lyons Citation2002) was applied to these methods in (Ninomiya Citation2003b; Ninomiya and Mitsuzono Citation2004; Ninomiya Citation2010; Crisan and Ortiz-Latorre Citation2013). On the other hand, using the framework of KLNV-scheme and the Gaussian random variables, the Ninomiya–Victoir (N–V) (Ninomiya and Victoir Citation2008) and Ninomiya–Ninomiya (N–N) (Ninomiya and Ninomiya Citation2009) methods have been proposed as practically feasible second-order methods, and the Q(s)(7,2) method (Shinozaki Citation2016, Citation2017) as a third order method. Note that the N–V and N–N methods are implemented by using only substitutions and linear combinations in the same way as explicit Runge–Kutta methods are and are free from symbolic calculations. Hereinafter, these three methods are referred to as the Gaussian type KLNV-scheme. As mentioned in Remark 1.4 and Remark 1.5 of (Ninomiya and Victoir Citation2008), and Remark 6.2 of (Ninomiya and Ninomiya Citation2009), higher-order discretization methods enables significantly fast calculations especially when combined with QMC or similar techniques. We also note that the extrapolation techniques enables us to increase the order of some discretization methods of SDEs. It is proved that the arbitrary higher order can be achieved by combining with Romberg extrapolation (Kusuoka Citation2013) or Richardson extrapolation (Fujiwara Citation2006; Oshima, Teichmann, and Dejan Citation2012).

1.3. Results

In this paper, we present second and third order discretization methods of FBSDEs using the KLNV-scheme, the higher-order numerical integration methods, and the TBBA, by extending the works of Crisan and Manolarakis (Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2012, Citation2014). In particular, we achieve the third order method and the applicability to the problems driven by multidimensional Brownian motion. To overcome the difficulty of nested simulation, it is required to reduce the calculation cost significantly. To this end, we reduce the dimension of the integration by using the higher order discretization methods. In our proposed methods, the forward component Xst,x is discretized using the Gaussian type KLNV-scheme with discrete random variables, and the backward component Yst,x using a higher-order numerical integration method suitable for the discretization method of the forward component; specifically, the N–V and N–N methods combined with the trapezoidal rule attain the second-order and the Q(s)(7,2) method combined with the Simpson’s the third-order. In these methods, we construct random variables {Xˆsi,Yˆsi}i=0,1,n on a discrete probability space. We approximate the law of {Xˆsi,Yˆsi}i=0,1,n using the TBBA. We remark that we implemented TBBA method by using the depth-first tree traversal algorithm. This technique is essential for practical implementation, because memory explosion might occur without this technique.

In addition, we discuss the applications of the proposed methods to the XVA pricing, particularly to the credit valuation adjustment (CVA). Using the proposed methods, we calculate the CVA prices formulated by FBSDEs under the Black–Scholes and Heston models, which are usually considered to be hard to solve numerically. Our numerical results show that the expected theoretical order and computational efficiency are achieved. Moreover, we could observe the effectiveness of higher-order methods rather than the case of SDEs.

2. Notation and previous studies

In this section, we introduce some notations and previous studies on KLNV-scheme and FBSDE.

2.1. Notation

Let A={0,1,,d} be a set of indices of vector fields and Brownian motion, and let A denote the set of all words consisting of elements of A (i.e., the free monoid generated by A, A={a1a2ak|kN{0},aiA}). The empty word is the identity of A. Let RA be the free R-algebra with basis A and let RA be the set of all R-coefficient formal series with basis A (i.e., RA={k=1lrkαk|lN,rkR,αkA} and RA={αArαα|rαR}). For α=a1a2akA, we define the length of α as |α|=k, the order of α as α∥=|α|+#{1ik|ai=0} where #(S) denotes the cardinality of a set S. We denote Am={αA|α∥≤m} for mN.

For P=αArαα,Q=βArββRA, let the product PQ be defined by


and the inner product P,Q by


and let P2=P,P12. The Lie bracket is defined as [P,Q]=PQQP. We define LR(A) as the set of Lie polynomials in RA, i.e., the smallest R-submodule of RA including A and closed under the Lie bracket.

V=(V(1),,V(N))Cb(RN;RN) can be identified as a smooth vector field on RN via


Let Ψ be the homomorphism from RA to the R-algebra consisting of smooth differential operators over RN such that


Here Id is the identity operator. For smooth vector fields W1,W2, we define the Lie bracket of vector fields as [W1,W2]=W1W2W2W1. It is well known that [W1,W2] is also a smooth vector field on RN, and thus Ψ(P) is a vector field for PLR(A). We denote VP=Ψ(P) for PRA and [α]=[[,[a1,a2]],ak] for α=a1a2akA.

For a smooth vector field V and xRN, exp(sV)(x) denotes the solution z(s) to the following ODE:


By virtue of the chain rule exp(sV)(x) is well-defined. We remark that exp(sV)() is a map from RN to RN. In addition, we have the following relation:


for PLR(A), from the Taylor expansion formula.

2.2. KLNV-scheme for forward SDE

In this subsection, we introduce the discretization methods, which we use for the forward component Xst,x. CLip(RN;R) denotes the space of Lipschitz functions defined on RN, Lip denotes the Lipschitz norm, i.e.,


and denotes the uniform norm, i.e.,


for ΦCLip(RN;R). Let us define a semigroup of linear operators {Pu}u[0,) on CLip(RN;R) by (Pug)(x)=E[gXu+t|Xt=x].

At first, we present an approximation theorem for the KLNV-scheme, based on (Kusuoka Citation2001, Citation2003) and (Kusuoka Citation2004).

Definition 1 (l-UFG condition (Kusuoka Citation2003)). Let l be an integer. The vector fields V0,V1,,Vd are said to satisfy the l-UFG condition, if for all αA,(0), there exists {φα,β|βAl,(0)Cb(RN;R) satisfying


Then, we define the condition of approximation operators as follows.

Definition 2 (m-similar operator). Markov operator Q(s) is said to be an m-similar operator if there exist LR(A)-valued random variables L(s)(1),L(s)(2),,L(s)(M) such that




Here Bα(s) is defined for αA as follows:


The intuitive understanding of this definition is that an m-similar operator approximates the stochastic Taylor expansion of the solution to an SDE up to order m. Note that this definition has been slightly extended from the original definition used in (Kusuoka Citation2001, Citation2003; Kusuoka Citation2004).

Theorem 1 (Approximation theorem for the KLNV-scheme (Kusuoka Citation2004)). Assume that the vector fields of the SDE satisfy the l-UFG condition and Q(s) is an m-similar operator. Then there exist positive constants C and C which depend only on m and the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd and satisfy




for all ΦCLip(RN;R).

Remark 1 (The regularity assumption on Φ). In the initial work of Kusuoka (Kusuoka Citation2001; Kusuoka Citation2004), Theorem 1 is proved on the assumption of ΦCb(RN;R). It is easily seen that this assumption can be relaxed to ΦCLip(RN;R), as pointed out in Section 3 of (Lyons and Victoir Citation2004).

Next, we introduce the discretization methods that follow the KLNV-scheme, particularly the Gaussian type KLNV-scheme from (Ninomiya and Victoir Citation2008; Ninomiya and Ninomiya Citation2009; Kusuoka Citation2013) and (Shinozaki Citation2017). For a comparison of these methods from the viewpoint of implementation and performance, refer to Section 4 of (Shinozaki Citation2017).

Theorem 2 (N–V (Ninomiya and Victoir Citation2008; Kusuoka Citation2013), N–N (Ninomiya and Ninomiya Citation2009; Kusuoka Citation2013) methods). Let η1,η2,,ηd and η1,η2,,ηd be independent standard normal random variables,

Q(s)(NN)Φ(x)=E[Φ(exp(c1sV0+R11sη1V1++R11sηdVd)(x) exp (c2sV0+(R12R11η1+ R22 R122R11η') sV1++(R12R11ηd+ R22 R122R11η' d)sVd)(x) )].

Here, the parameters of Q(s)(NN) are defined as follows:

(2) c1=2(2u1)2,c2=1±2(2u1)2,R11=u,R22=1+u±2(2u1),R12=u2(2u1)2,(2)

by some u1/2.

Then, Q(s)(NV),Q(s)(NN) are 5-similar operators, and the N–V method Q(T/n)(NV)Q(T/n)(NV)Q(T/n)(NV) and N–N method Q(T/n)(NN)Q(T/n)(NN)Q(T/n)(NN) are discretization methods of order 2.

We denote by (G1G2)g(x) the composition (G1(G2g))(x) of G1 and G2:CLip(RN;R)CLip(RN;R) hereinafter.

Theorem 3 (Q(s)7,2 method (Shinozaki Citation2017)). Let η1,η2,η12,η01,η02,η112,η122 be a set of independent standard normal random variables and


Then Q(s)(7,2) is a 7-similar operator with d=2.

Remark 2 (Dimension of the 7-similar operator). As described in Remark 3.7 in (Shinozaki Citation2017), we can construct 7-similar operators for arbitrary d1 by using the 7-moment similar family given in Theorem 3.1 of (Shinozaki Citation2017), although we give the explicit construction of a 7-similar operator only in the case of d=2 there to avoid presenting a complicated long formula due to the complexity of


We can discuss the third order method for arbitrary d1 in this paper therefore.

Remark 3 (Constructions of operators). As described in (Shinozaki Citation2017), the Q(s)(7,2) method is constructed based on a moment similar family (Kusuoka Citation2001) and the formula derived in (Takanobu Citation1995). On the other hand, the N–V and N–N methods are construed based on other ideas such as the splitting method of ordinary differential equations (ODEs)

In the following sections, X˜si(2nd) denotes a 1 step discretization by the N–V method, i.e.,


or the N–N method, i.e.,


and X˜si(3rd) by the Q(s)(7,2) method, i.e.,


In addition, ξ(NV),ξ(NN), and ξ(3rd) denote the random variables required for the 1 step calculation in each method.

2.3. Forward-backward SDE

In this subsection, we introduce some known results about FBSDEs, which are used in the subsequent sections, from (Pardoux and Peng Citation1992) and (Crisan and Delarue Citation2012).

Theorem 4 (Nonlinear Feynman–Kac formula (Pardoux and Peng Citation1992)). Assume that f,Φ in (1) are continuous. Then, there exists a continuous solution u(t,x) to the following nonlinear PDE in viscosity sense,

(3) ddtu(t,x)=V0+12i=1dVi2u(t,x)+f(x,u(t,x))u(T,x)=Φ(x),(3)

and Yst,x=u(Ts,Xst,x) holds.

We denote by u(t,x) the solution to (3) hereinafter.

Theorem 5 (Estimation of derivative of u (Crisan and Delarue Citation2012)). Assume that the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd satisfy the l-UFG condition, ΦCLip(RN;R), and fC2(RN+1;R). Then there exists a positive constant C, which depends on f,α1,,αn, p and the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd and not on Φ, such that


holds for 0vTt and p>1, if i=1nαi∥≤m.

Remark 4. As noted in (Crisan and Delarue Citation2012), in the case when Φ does not exist at point Xv0,a, ΦXv0,a will be understood as


where ΓN stands for the volume of the N-dimensional ball of radius 1.

3. Discretization method of FBSDE

In this section, we present higher-order discretization methods for FBSDEs by combining the higher-order KLNV-schemes and some numerical integration methods. Specifically, we define the discrete KLNV-schemes for the forward component Xst,x in Section 3.1 and describe the algorithms of higher-order discretization methods using higher-order rules such as the trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules for the backward non linear driver part sisi+1f(Xut,x,Yut,x)du in Section 3.2. Then we estimate the discretization errors in Section 3.3.

3.1. Discretization method of the forward component: discrete KLNV-scheme

To define the discrete KLNV-schemes, we first define the discrete random variables. Let (Ωˆ,Fˆ,Pˆ) be a discrete probability space and Eˆ[] denotes the expectation under Pˆ.

Definition 3 (Discrete KLNV-scheme). Let ηˆ(2nd), ηˆ(3rd) be the following discrete random variables on (Ωˆ,Fˆ,Pˆ):


We define ξˆi(NV), ξˆi(NN), and Xˆsi(2nd) by replacing {η} of ξi(NV), ξi(NN), and X˜si(2nd) with ηˆ(2nd) respectively. We also define ξˆi(3rd) and Xˆsi(3rd) by replacing {η} of ξi(3rd) and X˜si(3rd) with ηˆ(3rd) respectively. {Xˆsi(2nd)}i=0,1,n and {Xˆsi(3rd)}i=0,1,n are called discrete KLNV-scheme.

The following equations:



Remark 5 (Number of supports of ξˆi and Xˆsi). The numbers of supports of the random variables ξˆi, and Xˆsi are summarized in . Hereinafter, we denote by k the number of support of ξˆi.

Table 1. Number of supports of ξˆi, Xˆsi.

In addition, we define a filtration Fˆsi=σ{ξˆ1,,ξˆi} and Pˆξˆi=ej=qj for j=1,,k. Then, {Xˆsi(2nd)}i=0,1,,n, {Xˆsi(3rd)}i=0,1,,n are Fˆsi-adapted random variables on (Ωˆ,Fˆ,Pˆ). Hereinafter, we denote by δi the ith time interval si+1si. The linear operators Qˆ(δi)(2nd) and Qˆ(δi)(3rd) on CLip(RN;R) are defined as follows:


3.2. Discretization method of the backward component

Given {Xˆsi(2nd)}i=0,1,,n and {Xˆsi(3rd)}i=0,1,,n, we can construct Fˆsi-adapted random variables {Yˆsi(2nd)}i=0,1,,n and {Yˆsi(3rd)}i=0,1,,n on (Ωˆ,Fˆ,Pˆ) by implicitly solving the following equations:

(4) Yˆsn(2nd)=ΦXˆsn,Yˆsi(2nd)=Eˆ[Yˆsi+1(2nd)|Fˆsi]+δi2f(Xˆsi(2nd),Yˆsi(2nd))+Eˆ[f(Xˆsi+1(2nd),Yˆsi+1(2nd))|Fˆsi],(4)

for i=0,1,,n1 and

(5) Yˆsn(3rd)=ΦXˆsn(3rd),Yˆsn1(3rd)=EˆYˆsn(3rd)Fˆsn1+δn12fXˆsn1(3rd),Yˆsn1(3rd)+EˆfXˆsn(3rd),Yˆsn(3rd)Fˆsn1,   Yˆsi(3rd)=EˆYˆsi+2(3rd)Fˆsi+δi+δi+16fXˆsi(3rd),Yˆsi(3rd)+4EˆfXˆsi+1(3rd),Yˆsi+1(3rd)Fˆsi+EˆfXˆsi+2(3rd),Yˆsi+2(3rd)Fˆsi,(5)

for i=0,1,,n2, respectively.

Remark 6 (Approximation of Zu process). In this paper, we propose the higher order discretization methods for FBSDEs whose drivers f are independent of Zu. For FBSDEs whose drivers f depend on Zu, our algorithms work only for the case where Zu is expressed as a function of Xut,x,Yut,x e.g., FBSDE (4.3) in (Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2012).

Note that in (Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2014), they successfully construct a second-order method in the case where f depends on Zu, by using the algebraic structure of the cubature method on Wiener space. In the cubature method on Wiener space, the iterated Wiener integrals are directly replaced with the integrals of paths, as a result, one can retrieve the algebraic relations between the iterated Wiener integrals, i.e.,


where Sk denotes the symmetric group of degree k. On the other hand, our algorithms cannot retrieve this algebraic structure, because we only match the moments of the iterated Wiener integrals by using appropriate polynomials of Gaussian random variables in the N–V, N–N, and Q(s)(7,2) methods. Our algorithms cannot be easily extended in the same way as (Crisan and Manolarakis Citation2014) thus.

3.3. Estimation of the discretization error

For g:RNR, we denote by Jg the map Jg:RNx(x,g(x))RN×R. Let Si and Si(3rd):CLip(RN;R)CLip(RN;R) be the 1 step discretization operators for the backward component defined as




for i=0,1,,n1. We also define Ti:CLip(RN;R)×CLip(RN;R)CLip(RN) as

Ti(g,h)(a)=Qˆ(δi+1)(3rd)Qˆ(δi)(3rd)g(a)+δi+δi+16f(a,Ti(g,h)(a))    +4Qˆ(δi)(3rd)fJh(a)+Qˆ(δi+1)(3rd)Qˆ(δi)(3rd)fJg(a)

for i=0,1,,n2, and Ti as


for i=n3,n4,,1,0, backward inductively.

Then we have the following theorem, which claims that S0S1Sn1Φ(x) is the second-order method and T0T1Tn2Sn1(3rd)Φ(x) the third-order.

Theorem 6 (Main theorem). Assume that ΦCLip(RN;R) and the vector fields: V0,V1,,Vd satisfy the l-UFG condition.

I. Let β > 8/3 and t=s0<s1<<sn=T be the partition of [t,T] defined as

(6) si=t+(Tt)11(i/n)β.(6)

If fC4(RN+1;R), then there exist a polynomial C2,pol:RR, which depends on f,T and the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd and not on Φ,n, such that


II. Let β>10/3 and t=s0<s1<<sn=T be the partition of [t,T] defined as

(7) si=t+(Tt)11(i/n)βifiiseven,12si1+si+1ifiisodd,(7)

for i=0,1,,n. If fC6(RN+1;R), then there exist a polynomial C3,pol:RR, which depends on f,T and the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd and not on Φ,n, such that


Since the proof for the second-order method is essentially the same as that for the third-order method, we give the proof only for the third-order method.

To prove the theorem, let us first prepare the notation and some inequalities. We define u(v)(a)=u(Tv,a) for 0vT and u(i)(a)=u(si)(a). First, we estimate the discretization error of the forward component.

Lemma 1. There exist C2,1,C3,1,C2,1,C3,1>0 independent of u(i+1) such that


hold for i=0,1,,n1.

Proof. From Definition 3, Qˆ(s)(NV),Qˆ(s)(NN) are 5-similar operators and Qˆ(s)(7,2) 7-similar. Using Theorem 1, we have the statement. □

Lemma 2. For g1,g2CLip(RN;R), there exist C2,2,C3,2>0 independent of g1,g2 such that




hold for i=0,1,n1.

Proof. For k=0,1,i2,


From Lemma 1 and from the Lipschitz property of f, we have


Thus we have the following inequality:


when δk and δk+1 are small enough. Similarly, the following estimation:


holds. Using these inequalities iteratively, we have


Moreover, from the Lipschitz property of f and Lemma 1,


This completes the proof. □

We denote by x the largest integer less than or equal to x hereinafter. The following lemma shows the 1 step discretization error of the backward component.

Lemma 3. There exist polynomials C2,3,pol and C3,3,pol:RR, which depend on f,T and the vector fields V0,V1,,Vd and not on Φ, such that


for i=0,1,,n1 and


for i=0,1,,n/22.

Proof. First, we decompose the left hand side as follows:

+ 4Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fJS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)(a)+Qˆ(δ2i+1)(3rd)Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fJu(2i+2)(a).

From the Lipschitz property of f and Lemma 1, we have






Using stochastic Taylor expansion of f(,u(2i)()) around s2i, we have

(8) E1=supaRNs2is2i+2PvfJu(v)(a)dvδ2i+δ2i+16f(a,u(2i)(a))+4Pδ2ifJu(2i+1)(a)+Pδ2i+δ2i+1fJu(2i+2)(a)Cα∥=6Vαu(2i)(δ2i+δ2i+1)4.(8)

Note that the equality δ2i=δ2i+1 is used here. In the same way, from the Lipschitz property of f and Lemma 1, we have,

(9) 1δ2i+12u(2i+1)S2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)supaRNs2i+1s2i+2PvfJu(v)(a)dvδ2i+12f(a,u(2i+1)(a))+Pδ2i+1fJu(2i+2)(a)+C3,1fLip+u(2i+2)Lip1+fLipδ2i+13<Cmaxα∥=4Vαu(2i+1),u(2i+2)Lipδ2i+13<Cmaxα∥=1,4T(1α)/21s2i+2T32maxα∥=1,4j=2i+1,2i+21+EΦXTsj0,x|α|p1/p(Tt)12i+2n12i+1n βvβ1dv3<Cmaxα∥=1,4T(1α)/2Tt3/2maxα∥=1,4j=2i+1,2i+21+ΦLip|α|β31(2i+1)/n3β31(2i+2)/n32β1n3<C2,3,polΦLipn3,(9)

where C2,3 , pol:RR is a polynomial. Note that the last inequality hold since β>8/3.

Combining this inequality, the Lipschitz property of f, and Lemma 1, we have

(10) E2=2δ2i+δ2i+13Pδ2ifu(2i+1)Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)2δ2i+δ2i+13Pδ2ifJu(2i+1)Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fJu(2i+1))+Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fJu(2i+1)Qˆ(δ2i)(3rd)fJS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)2δ2i+δ2i+13C3,1fLip1+u(2i+1)Lipδ2i4+exp(C3,1δ2i)fLipu(2i+1)S2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)2δ2i+δ2i+13C3,1fLip1+u(2i+1)Lipδ2i4+exp(C3,1δ2i)fLipCmaxα∥=4Vαu(2i+1),u(2i+2)Lipδ2i+13C′′maxα∥=4Vαu(2i+1),u(2i+1)Lip,u(2i+2)Lip(δ2i+δ2i+1)4.(10)

Inequalities (8) and (10), Theorem 5, and the definition of the partition (7) lead us to the following inequalities:

(1(δ2i+δ2i+1)fLip6)u(2i)(Ti°S2i+1(3rd))u(2i+2)C'''{maxα=6Vαu(2i),α=4Vαu(2i+1),u(2i+1)Lip,u(2i+2)Lip}(δ2i+δ2i+1)4C''''(maxα=1,4,6T(1α)/2)(1s2i+2T)5/2maxα=1,4,6j=2i,2i,+1,2i+2(1+E[|Φ(XTsj0,x)||α|p]1/p)((Tt)12i+2n12inβvβ1dv)4C'''(maxα=1,4,6T(1α)/2)(Tt)3(12i+2n)5β/2maxα=1,4,6(1+ΦLip |α|)1n4(Tt)4β4(12in)4β4C'''(maxα=1,4,6T(1α)/2)(Tt)3maxα=1,4,6(1+ΦLip |α|)β41n4(12i/n)4β4(1(2i+2)/n)5β/2C3,3,pol(ΦLip)n4.

Note that the last inequality hold since β>103. This completes the proof. □

Proof of Theorem 6. The discretization error can be decomposed as a telescopic sum and follows the inequality:

(11) E[Ytt,x|Ft]E[Yˆt(3rd)|Fˆt]=u(Tt,x)T0T1Tn2Sn1(3rd)Φ(x)u(Tt,x)T0S1(3rd)u(2)(x)+i=1n/21T0T2i2S2i1(3rd)u(2i)(x)T0T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)(x)+T0Sn1(3rd)u(n)(x)T0Sn1(3rd)Φ(x)+Rn,(11)

where Rn=0 if n is even and


if n is odd. Using Lemma 2, we have

(12) T0T2i2S2i1(3rd)u(2i)T0T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)T0T2i2S2i1(3rd)u(2i)T0T2i2S2i1(3rd)T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)+T0T2i2S2i1(3rd)T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)T0T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)expC3,2j=02i1δju(2i)(a)T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)+T2i2S2i1(3rd)T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2)T2i2T2i1T2iS2i+1(3rd)u(2i+2).(12)

The last term is estimated as follows. From the definition of Ti,


From the Lipschitz property of f, Lemma 1, 3, and (9), we have


where Cpol:RR is a polynomial. From Lemma 3, we have


In the similar way, we have


We complete the proof of Theorem 6. □

Remark 7. From the proof of Theorem 6, it is easily seen that


holds. Therefore, in the third order method, it is also possible to use the trapezoidal rule to calculate the midpoint of the Simpson’s rule. Note that similar methods are discussed in (Chassagneux Citation2014).

Remark 8. (The conditions on β) In Theorem 6, we impose the conditions of β>8/3 for the second order method and β>10/3 for the third one. These conditions are relaxed compared to the conditions of β for the forward SDEs established in (Kusuoka Citation2001), since only the lower terms of stochastic Taylor expansion should be taken into consideration in the case of FBSDE as in (8).


In this section, we introduce the TBBA (Crisan and Lyons Citation2002) and its efficient implementation for our problem. The TBBA was applied to the weak approximation problem of SDEs in (Ninomiya Citation2003b, Citation2010; Crisan and Ortiz-Latorre Citation2013).

In the last section, we constructed {Yˆsi(2nd)}i=0,1,,n, {Yˆsi(3rd)}i=0,1,,n as random variables on (Ωˆ,Fˆsi); however, it becomes difficult to compute these random variables as n increases because #{ωΩˆ|Pˆ(ω)>0}=kn. Here #S denotes the cardinality of a set S.

The TBBA solves this problem by randomly sampling important nodes from a huge tree. Let MP(Ωˆ)={{r(ω)}ωΩˆ|ωΩˆr(ω)=1}. Given the number of samples MN, the aim of the TBBA is to construct a random measure PˆMTBBAMP(Ωˆ) defined on some probability space (Ω,F,P) such that

(13) E[PˆMTBBA]=Pˆ,Varˆ[PˆMTBBA]=minδMP(Ωˆ)Var[δ],(13)

where E[] denotes the expectation under P and Var[] the variance.

For the implementation, refer to the structured code in Appendix A.

4.1. Algorithm

To describe the construction of PˆMTBBA, we prepare the notation of a labeled tree as given in (Béla Citation1979).

Definition 4. A labeled tree T is a pair of finite sets (V(T),E(T)) that satisfy the following conditions:

1. V(T)Z,V(T), and E(T){(x,y)V(T)×V(T)|x<y}.

2. For each xV(T), if (x,y)E(T) and (x,y)E(T), then x=x.

3. For two distinct elements x,yV(T), one of the followings holds:

(a) There exists a path from x to y,

(b) There exists a path from y to x,

(c) For some zV(T){x,y}, there exist paths z to x and z to y,

where the path from p1 to pl denotes the sequence:


For each T=(V(T),E(T)), there exists a unique vertex rV(T) such that for any xV(T){r}, there exists a path from r to x; r is called the root of T. We define a set of descendant nodes of the vertex x as Cx(T)={yV(T)|(x,y)E(T)}. Let q be a function from E(T) to {q1,,qk}. Then, the weight function R:V(T)[0,1] and the depth function D:V(T)Z0 can be defined as follows:


We also define a set of leaves of T as L(T)={xV(T)|Cx(T)=}. In this paper, we consider the labeled tree T such that


Here, k denotes the number of support of ξˆi and qj=Pˆξˆi=ej as described in Section 3.1.

Now, we present the algorithm. First, for s[0,1],lN, we define the random variable TBBA(s,l):ΩN as

(14) TBBA(s,l)=ls(withprobability1{ls}),ls+1(withprobability{ls}).(14)

We remind that x denotes the largest integer less than or equal to x. We also let {x}=xx. Given the number of samples MN, let us define γM:V(T)N as follows:


where Cx(T)={y1,,yk}. Then, we can define random variables PˆMTBBA(li) as


then, PˆMTBBAMP(Ωˆ). In the previous studies on the TBBA, the following two propositions had been proved.

Theorem 7 (Crisan and Lyons Citation2002). PˆMTBBA satisfies the minimum variance property (13).

Theorem 8 (Ninomiya Citation2003b). For a bounded function ϕ:ΩˆR,


4.2. Efficient implementation

In addition, we use the technique for avoiding memory explosion: the depth-first tree traversal. Straightforward implementation of the TBBA causes memory explosion, even though the important nodes are sampled. We can overcome this problem by constructing PˆMTBBA with the depth-first tree traversal. For details of the algorithm, refer to Appendix A; the algorithm can be implemented easily by recursive programming techniques. In this technique, we do not require to keep information of all the nodes at once. Actually, we need to keep the information of n+k number of nodes for the second-order method, and n+k2 nodes for the third-order method.

5. Numerical results: XVA pricing

In this section, we first present the formulation of XVA pricing using the FBSDE without proof. Then, we describe the numerical results.

5.1. XVA pricing

The XVA is a valuation adjustment for the financial derivative to take various costs into consideration. Here, ‘X’ represents letters, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘M’, ‘F’, and ‘K’. The major XVAs are listed in .

Table 2. Major XVAs.

The XVA pricing can be formulated using the nonlinear PDE (Piterbarg Citation2010; Burgard and Kjaer Citation2011), FBSDE (Lesniewski and Richter Citation2016; Borovykh, Pascucci, and Oosterlee Citation2018). In this paper, we introduce the formulation given by (Borovykh, Pascucci, and Oosterlee Citation2018). We can formulate the general XVA pricing by reflecting various adjustments to f in (1). Consider a derivative contract between a bank and its counterparty. Under the no-arbitrage assumption, Xs is the underlying asset and Ys is the derivative price to the bank including the XVA, where

(15) f(Xut,x,Yut,x)=FCVA+FDVA+FMVA+FFVA+FKVA,(15)

The parameters and functions of (15) are summarized in .

Table 3. Parameters of XVA.

In the following numerical experiments, we consider the CVA pricing problem with θB(Xut,x,Yut,x)=Yut,x1{Yut,x<0}, i.e., the counterparty pays nothing if they default. Also we assume that the bank has only one transaction with the counterparty.

5.2. Black–Scholes model

First, we consider the pricing of an Asian option including CVA under the Black–Scholes model, i.e., the calculation of Ytt,x where,

(16) Xs(1)=x+tsμXu(1)du+tsσXu(1)dB1(u),Xs(2)=tsXu(1)du,Yst,x=Φ(XT(2))+sTr+β1{Yut,x0}Yut,xdusTZu(1)dB1(u)(16)

Here we set the payoff function Φ(x)=max{x,K}A so that P(Yst,x<0)>0. Setting T=1.00,K=1.01,A=0.01,μ=0.1,σ=0.3,r=0.01,β=0.01, and x=1.0, we consider the true value in this experiment as follows: Ytt,x=0.0827549. This value was estimated using the third-order method with the number of partitions n=12 and the sample number of TBBA as M=109. The accuracy of this value was validated using another method, specifically, the difference between this value and the estimated value using the second-order method (N–V) where n=30,M=109 was less than 105.

Remark 9 (UFG condion in the Black–Scholes model case). Xs=(Xs(1),Xs(2)) in (16) is the solution to the following Stratonovich form SDE:




Then, it is easily seen that for α=a1a2ak with #{3ik|ai=0}=k, k2,

W[α]BSy1y2=01{a1a2}(1)k1+1 {a1=1}μσ22kσkk2y1

holds. Thus the vector fields W0BS,W1BS satisfy the 3-UFG condition.

Remark 10 (Partitions of time). In the following numerical experiment, we use the even partitions, i.e., si=Ttnti, instead of (6) and (7). As discussed in Remark 4.1 of (Shinozaki Citation2017), this is justified only for the N–V and N–N methods of the forward SDEs, however the following numerical experiments show that it also works for our case.

The relations between the discretization error and the number of partitions are plotted in . To obtain these results, we used the TBBA with M=108. indicates that the expected theoretical orders are obtained using each method.

Figure 1. Discretization error (BS).

Figure 1. Discretization error (BS).

In addition, the calculation costs for the 104 accuracy are summarized in . The higher-order methods are more effective rather than the case of forward SDEs. In fact, if we use the E–M method, it seems to be required to set in the n=20002500 range from and a tree is too big to converge; as a result, the TBBA didn’t converge even if we set M=109. In addition, the second and the third order methods enable us to make enough small trees to be integrable without the TBBA in this case.

Remark 11 (The current industry practices). Banks usually calculate the XVA for each netting set, i.e., a set of transactions with the counterparty which is usually several hundreds of derivative instruments. This increases the dimension of the XVA calculation, hence it becomes hard to calculate the XVA especially when we formulate by the FBSDEs as (15). Therefore, in the current financial industry practice, the XVA is calculated by assuming that the derivative contracts satisfy some conditions. For example, the CVA can be formulated as the solution Ytt,x to the following equations by assuming the risk-free closed-out, i.e., the mark-to-market values of the derivatives do not include the CVA:

(17) Xs(1)=x+tsμXu(1)du+tsσXu(1)dB1(u),Xs(2)=tsXu(1)du,Yst,x=Φ(XT(2))+sTβmin0,E[Φ(XT(2))|Fu]du (17)

Table 4. CVA pricing under the BS model – Requirements for 104 accuracy.

This type of formulation was first introduced by (Darrell and Huang Citation1996) and analyzed for the modern setting for the CVA calculation in (Fujii and Takahashi Citation2013). It can be seen that the risk-free closed-out CVA is approximated as a first order sensitivity of the CVA formulated by (16), which is called the risky closed-out CVA, with respect to the credit spread.

The quantitative impact of the assumption is investigated in (Brigo and Morini Citation2011; Burgard and Kjaer Citation2011; Gregory and German Citation2013; Piterbarg Citation2015). In our setting, the differences of the risky closed-out CVA (16) and the risk-free closed-out CVA (17) under the Black–Scholes model are summarized in . Here, we calculate Ytt,x where Φ(x)=max{x,K}A, setting K=1.01,A=0.01,μ=0.1,σ=0.3,r=0.01, and using the third order method with n=10,M=1.0×106.

Table 5. CVA pricing under the BS model – Requirements for 104 accuracy.

These values are calculated using the third-order method with the number of partitions n=10 and the sample number of TBBA as M=109.

5.3. Heston model

Next, we consider the pricing of an Asian option including the CVA under the Heston model (Heston Citation1993), i.e., the calculation of Ytt,x where,

(18) Xs(1)=x1+tsμXu(1)du+tsXs(1)Xu(2)dB1(u),Xs(2)=x2+tsα(θXu(2))du+tsβXu(2)ρdB1(u)+1ρdB2(u),Xs(3)=tsXu(1)du,Yst,x=Φ(XT(3))+sTr+β1{Yut,x0}Yut,xdusTZu(1)dB1(u)(18)

Here we set the payoff function Φ(x)=max{x,K}A again. Setting T=1.00,K=1.02,A=0.03,α=2.0,θ=0.09,β=0.1,ρ=0.3,r=0.01,β=0.01, and x1=1.0,x2=0.09, we consider the true value as follows in this experiment: Ytt,x=0.0671155. This value was estimated using the third-order method with the number of partitions n=8 and the sample number of TBBA M=108. We validated the accuracy of this value using another method, the difference between this value and the estimated value using the 2nd order method (N–V) where n=30,M=108 was less than 2×105.

Remark 12 (UFG condion in the Heston model case). Xs=(Xs(1),Xs(2),Xs(3)) in (18) is the solution to the following Stratonovich form SDE:






we see that


From these equations we have the following algebraic relations:

(19) [Lk,Mk]=k2Lk+k2,[Lk,Nk]=Nk+k,[Mk,Mk]=Nk+k2.(19)

Thus we can see that the vector fields W0Hes,W1Hes,W2Hes satisfy the 3-UFG condition. We note that this algebraic structure (19) of the Heston model is also discussed in (Morimoto and Sasada Citation2017).

The relations between the discretization error and the number of partitions are plotted in . To obtain these results, we used the TBBA with M=107. indicates that the expected theoretical orders are obtained using each method again.

Figure 2. Discretization error (Heston).

Figure 2. Discretization error (Heston).

Also, the calculation costs for 104 accuracy are summarized in . As mentioned in Remark 4.6 of (Shinozaki Citation2017), the N–V method has analytical or approximate solutions to the ODEs for the Heston model; this ensures the efficient calculation. In addition, in the N–V method, the number of random variables in the 1-step calculation is less, which makes the tree small and increases the efficiency. On the other hand, the third-order method needs a larger number of random variables than the Black–Scholes case, which decreases the efficiency.

Table 6. CVA pricing under the Heston model – Requirements for 104 accuracy.

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This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K18718.


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Appendix a structured program for the implementation of the third order method.

The proposed third order method can be implemented recursively. As an example, a structured code is presented in this appendix.

Input   : Number of partitions n (Maxdepth), Number of samples M (Particles), Vector fields V0,V1,,Vd, f,Φ

Output : Yˆsi(3rd) in (5)

1 Function Main ():

2  root = NewNode(Particles, 0, 1);

3  TBBAtraverse(root);

4  return root.BwdVal

1 Struct Node contains

2  int particle;

3  int depth;

4  int prob;

5  struct Node **children;

6  int chidrenNum;

7  double fwdval;

8  double bwdval;

9 end

 10 Function NewNode (Particle m, Depth i, Prob p): /*Setter*/

 11  Node *node;

 12  node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));

 13  node.particle = m;

 14  node.depth = i;

 15  node.prob = p;

 16  node.childrenNum = 0;

 17  return node;

1 Function TBBATraverse (Node node):   /*Main body of the algorithm*/

2if node,depth = = Maxdepth then

3   node.BwdVal = Φ(node>FwdVal); /*Set the terminal condition*/

4  else

5   int NumP;

6   NumP = node.particle;

7   for j=1;jk;j++ do

8     Generate a scenario of ξˆi=(ηˆ1,ηˆ2,,ηˆD) with probability qj

9     /*Definition 3*/

 10     if j = = k then

 11      NumPDec = Nump

 12     else

 13      Generate a random variable TBBA (qj, Nump) in (14);

 14      NumPDec = TBBA (qj, Nump);

 15    end

 16     if NumPDec ! 0 then

 17      node.childnum ++;

 18      node.child[childnum] = Newnode(NumPDec, node.depth+1, node.prob*qj);

 19      node.child.FwdVal = 1stepFwd(node.FwdVal, ξˆi);

 20      TBBATraverse(node.child)/*Call TBBATraverse recursively*/

 21      node.children[node.childnum] = node.child;

 22      NumP = NumP-NumPDec;

 23     else

 24      node.BwdVal = 1stepBwd(node);

 25     end

26    end

 27  end

1 Function 1stepBwd(node) (Node node):

2  if node.depth = = Maxdepth-1 then

3   Eˆ[Yˆsn(3rd)|Fˆsn1] = 0;

4   Eˆ[f(Xˆsn(3rd),Yˆsn(3rd))|Fˆsn1] = 0;

5   for j=1;jnode.childnum;j++ do

6    Eˆ[Yˆsn(3rd)|Fˆsn1] + = node.children[j],particlenode.particle(node.children[j].BwdVal);

7    Eˆ[f(Xˆsn(3rd),Yˆsn(3rd))|Fˆsn1] + = node.children[j],particlenode.particlef(node.children[j].FwdVal,node.children[j].BwdVal);

8   end

9   Solve (5) implicitly;

 10  else

 11    Eˆ[Yˆsi+1(3rd)|Fˆsi]= 0;

 12    Eˆ[f(Xˆsi+1(3rd),Yˆsi+1(3rd))|Fˆsi] = 0;

 13    Eˆ[Yˆsi+2(3rd)|Fˆsi]= 0;

 14    Eˆ[f(Xˆsi+2(3rd),Yˆsi+2(3rd))|Fˆsi] = 0;

 15   for j=1;jnode.childnum;j++ do

 16    Eˆ[Yˆsi+1(3rd)|Fˆsi] + = node.children[j],particlenode.particle(node.children[j].BwdVal);

 17    Eˆ[f(Xˆsi+1(3rd),Yˆsi+1(3rd))|Fˆsi] + = node.children[j],particlenode.particlef(node.children[j].FwdVal,node.children[j].BwdVal);

 18    for k=1;knode.children[j],childnum;k++ do

 19     Eˆ[Yˆsi+2(3rd)|Fˆsi] + = node.children[j].children[k].particlenode.particle(node.children[j].children[k].BwdVal);

 20     Eˆ[f(Xˆsi+1(3rd),Yˆsi+1(3rd))|Fˆsi] + = node.children[j].children[k].particlenode.particle

 21     f(node.children[j].children[k].FwdVal,node.children[j].children[k].BwdVal);

 22    end

23   end

 24   Solve (5) implicitly;

 25  end

 26 Function 1stepFwd(FwdVal, ξˆi) FwdVal, ξˆi:

 27  Generate Xsi+1(3rd) from FwdVal(Xsi(3rd)), ξˆi;

 28  return Xsi+1(3rd)

Appendix B Convergence of the TBBA

In this Appendix, we present the numerical result of convergence of the TBBA. The relations between the integration error EPˆ[Yˆt|Fˆt]EPM[Yˆt|Fˆt] and the sample number of TBBA M of each method with n=5 are plotted in , .

Figure A1. Convergence of the TBBA (E–M, N–V).

Figure A1. Convergence of the TBBA (E–M, N–V).

Figure A2. Convergence of the TBBA (N–N, Q(s)(7,2)).

Figure A2. Convergence of the TBBA (N–N, Q(s)(7,2)).

We can see that the expected theoretical orders given in Theorem 8 are obtained in each method.