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Rock, Pop and Politics in Ukraine's 2004 Presidential Campaign and Orange Revolution

Pages 118-137 | Published online: 16 Mar 2007


During Ukraine's 2004 presidential campaign and Orange Revolution, some of Ukraine's leading rock and pop musicians played a significant role in the campaigning of both candidates, Viktor Yanukovych and Viktor Yushchenko. Marked differences were manifest between the two musical camps that performed for each of the two candidates. A particularly notable role was played by some of Ukraine's leading rock stars in Yushchenko's campaign, including mobilizing support for the opposition candidate prior to and during the Orange Revolution. Performing in concerts in support of political candidates falls within a post-Soviet pattern; however, the specifics of the 2004 presidential campaign in the context of the growing authoritarianism of the Kuchma–Yanukovych regime and cultural politics were factors that contributed to the politicization of the musicians who supported Yushchenko. The result was that the role of music in Ukraine's electoral politics in 2004 was prominent and unique.


1. Mathew Collin, ‘Orange Crush: Pop and Protest’, The Guardian, 23 Jan. 2005. For a description of popular humour and anecdotes that sprang up during the Orange Revolution, see Olesia Britsina and Inna Holovakha, ‘Karnaval revoliutsii’, Krytyka (March 2005), pp.17–19; see also Kateryna Pan'o and Taras Pan'o, ‘Draiv Maidanu’, Zerkalo Tyzhnia, 4–10 Dec. 2004; available at <http://www.zn.kiev.ua/nn/show/524/48536>. The authors noted the spontaneity of the crowds, who took abandoned steel barrels used by Yanukovych supporters to burn wood, and converted them into drums, and incidents when demonstrators took up singing, from serious Ukrainian partisan songs to humorous tunes sung by TV cartoon characters.

2. Daniel Williams, ‘Ukraine Rockers Set Protest to Their Unique Beat’, Washington Post, 11 Dec. 2004.

3. See Oleksandr Ievtushenko, ‘Muzyka maidanu’, Den', 16 Dec. 2004.

4. Author's interview with Andrii Kuz'menko, lead singer of the pop rock group Skriabin, 1 Aug. 2006.

5. I would like to thank Lada Hornjatkevyč for this information.

6. The CD is entitled, appropriately, Ozymye liudi (Resilent People).

7. See Alina Strizhak, ‘Torhovtsi sovistiu. Iak vyhidno prodaty svoiu slavu na prezydents'kykh vyborakh, znaiut’ uchasnyky turu “Molod' ‘proty’, molod' ‘za’”, Ukraina Moloda, 10 Sept. 2004; available at <http://www.umoloda.ua/number/261/175/9311>, accessed 27 April 2005.

8. See Andrij Duda, ‘Vybir-2004 dlia muzykantiv: hroshi chy ideia?’, available at <http://www.ria.ua/view.php?event = news&n_id = 19199>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005. Lada Hornjatkevyč, who follows developments in Ukrainian popular music, compiled, largely from press articles, a list of 53 singers or groups who performed on the main stage at Independence Square during the Orange Revolution; she identified 23 performers or groups who played in concerts for Yanukovych during the campaign.

9. See Viktoriia Usenko, ‘Ani Lorak: Ia khochu, shchob molod’ 31 zhovtnia zrobyla vybir svoho sertsia, a ne chyis' vybir', available at <http://ukr.for-ua.com/analit/2004/1025/165525.html>, accessed 12 July 2005.

10. See Mar'iana P'ietsukh, ‘Muzyka, terroryzm ta molod'’, Postup, 16 Sept. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 30476&raz = 1>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005; see also Strizhak, ‘Torhovtsi sovistiu’. Andrii Kuz'menko denied that Tavria Games sponsored the tour: see Mar'iana P'ietsukh, ‘Kuz'ma (Skriabin): My ne politychni prostytutky’, Postup, 30 Sept. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 31163>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005. The promotion company Tavria Games was founded by Mykola Bahraiev in 1992; elected a Verkhovna Rada deputy in 2002, he is now the honorary president of the company. Information on the company is available at <http://www.tavriagames.com>, accessed 12 July 2005.

11. See P'ietsukh ‘Muzyka, terroryzm ta molod'’, especially the photograph of the banner with the slogans: see also her interview with Andrii Kuz'menko, lead singer of the group Skriabin: ‘Kuz'ma: My ne politychni prostytutky’; see also Strizhak, ‘Torhovtsi sovistiu’.

12. Over six hours of concert footage was also broadcast over the music TV channel M-1: see ‘Lai-lai-lai, Ianukovycha vybyrai’, Ukrainska pravda, 26 Oct. 2004, available at <http://pravda.com.ua/news/2004/10/26/13019.htm>, accessed 17 April 2005.

13. See ‘Bil'shist’ populiarnykh ukrains'kykh vykonavtsiv uzhe zrobyly svii politychnyi vybir', available at <http://uzhgorod.net.ua/news/?id = 3119>, accessed 5 Oct. 2005.

14. See Article 64 of the law ‘Pro vybory prezydenta Ukrainy’. The text of the legislation is available at <http://www.sdpuo.org.ua/faction/laws/president-election>, accessed 5 Oct. 2005. The first appearance of Russian pop stars occurred at a campaign rally and concert on 1 August 2004: see Hans Zabyivoroh, “‘Ia pryishov – tebe nema.” U Kyievi znovu vyishov pshyk zi sproby orhanizuvaty masovu aktsiiu na pidtrymku Viktora Ianukovycha’, Ukraina moloda, 3 Aug. 2004, available at <http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/235/113/8351>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005; see also Anna Irynina, ‘Rossia plache, Ianukovych skache. U dni zhaloby Prem'ier-minstr razom iz zirkamy estrady borovsia z terroryzmom pisniamy i tantsiamy’, Ukraina moloda, 9 Sept. 2004, available at <http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/260/113/9253>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005; and Duda, ‘Vybir-2004 dlia muzykantiv’.

15. The Yushchenko camp, for instance, complained to the Central Electoral Commission about the participation of the Russian singer Nikolai Baskov in the campaign: see ‘Baskovu razreshili pet’ za Ianukovicha', available at <http://www.utro.ru/news/2004/09/25/354579.shtml>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005.

16. See Roman Kupchyns'kyi, ‘Iosyp Kobzon i ukrains'ki vybory’, Ukrainska Pravda, 11 May 2005, available at <http://www2.pravda.com.ua/archive/2005/may/11/3.shtml>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005.

17. Cited in ‘Baskov mozhet sest’ za reshetku?', available at <http://www.kiev.kp.re/2005/03/23/doc57486>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005. In what can be regarded as partial payment for Baskov's services, Leonid Kuchma, as president, awarded him the title of ‘People's Artist of Ukraine’: see ‘Kuchma prigrel Baskova na grudi Ukrainy’, 28 Oct. 2004, available at <http://www.utro.ru/articles/2004/10/28/367626.shtml>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005.

18. See Iosif Kobzon, 'Ukraina ne vyderzhit destabilizatsii, 8 Oct. 2004, available at <http://www.ukr.ru/positions/67749239>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005.

19. See ‘Chornyi piar vid Iosypa Kobzona’, Narodnyi Ohliadach, 17 Nov. 2004, available at <http:observer.sd.org.ua?prn_news.php?1d = 5474>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005; see also ‘Oi iakby znala, bula b ne stoiala…’, Kryms'ka svitlytsia, 26 Nov. 2004, available at <http:svitlytsia.crimea.ua/?section = article&artID = 2676>, accessed 4 Oct. 2005. Kobzon denied that he had given permission for the song to be used in this advertisement. Taras Hrymaliuk, the main organizer of the pro-Yushchenko concert tours, claims that a video clip shown on Ukrainian television featured Kobzon singing the words ‘we won't surrender our country to fascists’ (ne otdadim fashistam nashu rodinu): author's interview with Taras Hrymaliuk, 25 June 2005.

20. This was noted by Ukrainian reporters, and also by an American journalist, Daniel Williams, who wrote: ‘For a while the Yushchenko–Yanukovych matchup was also a battle of the geopolitical bands. Yushchenko used homegrown talent while Yanukovych, advised by strategists from Moscow, imported Russian pop groups’: see his ‘Ukraine Rockers Set Protest to Their Unique Beat’, Washington Post, 11 Dec. 2004.

21. See Oleh Suprunenko, ‘Vazhko “spivaiuchy razom” odnieiu lysh pisneiu zhyty …’, Dzerkalo tyzhnya, 7–13 Aug. 2004, available at <http://www.zn.kiev.ua/nn/show/506/47431>, accessed 27 April 2005. See also Kateryna Shchotkina, ‘Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: “Ia ne khochu vykhodyty na politychni barakady – mene tudy shtovkhaie zhyttia”’, Dzerkalo tyzhnya, 23–29 Oct. 2004, available at <http://www.zn.kiev.ua/nn/show/518/48110>, accessed 27 April 2005; and Iana Dubynians'ka, ‘Zvuky muzyky’, Dzerkalo tyzhnya, 4–10 Dec. 2004, available at <http://www.zn.kiev.ua/nn/show/524/48537>, accessed 27 April 2005. The journalists Kateryna Pan'o and Taras Pan'o also noted the tendency of rock groups to support the Orange Revolution: see their ‘Draiv Maidanu’.

  • Pop music is usually called estrada in Ukrainian, but the slang word popsa is also sometimes used. Estrada is associated with mainstream, commercial pop music written for and performed on stage by individual singers or so-called vocal–instrumental groups. The singer/performers do not necessarily write their own words or music. The term popsa is a derogatory term sometimes used by rock musicians and critics of commercial mass culture to distinguish what they view as low-quality, mainstream, commercial pop from rock or alternative genres, or to designate commercial, at times officially sanctioned mass culture. The term popsa has also been used to designate commercial and sometimes vulgar Russian-language pop music.

22. See Evgenii Kuz'menko, ‘Rok proty zony. Oleh Skrypka za Iushchenka, potomu schto ne khochet, chtoby ego deti zhili “na zone”’, 30 Sept. 2004, available at <http://ru.obkom.net.ua/articles/2004-09/30.1510.shtml>, accessed 29 April 2005.

23. See Konstantin Bakanov's interview with Oleh Skrypka, ‘Vlast’ doshla do absurda', Novye izvestiya, 12 Nov. 2004, available at <http:www.newizv.ru/2004-11-12/15135>.

24. Author's interview with Taras Hrymaliuk, 25 June 2005. Hrymaliuk named the following rock groups that were approached: VV, Okean El'zy, Plach Ieremii, Mandry, Haidamaky, Tartak, Armada (of Donets'k) and Numer 482 (of Odesa). The latter two groups came from regions dominated by pro-Yanukovych voters.

25. Suprunenko, ‘Vazhko “spivaiuchy razom”’; see also Lesia Voloshka, ‘Dorohu narodnomu Prezydentu! Shcho naspravdi diialosia u stolytsi 4 lypnia i choho ne pokazuvaly tsentral'ni telekanaly’, Ukraina moloda, 6 July 2004, available at <http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/214/243/7603>, accessed 27 April 2005. Others performing at the campaign launch concert included the pop singers Oleksandr Ponomar'iov and Taras Petrynenko, and the groups Komu Vnyz and Tartak.

  • A reporter wrote that the event reminded him more of an American-style show than a Ukrainian Soviet-style pre-election gathering, and some of those present made analogies to the 1969 rock festival at Woodstock, New York: see Iurii Tyshkun, ‘Narod proty oliharkhiv’, Postup, 6 July 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 26700>, accessed 29 April 2005.

26. See Alina Strizhak, ‘Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: Iakshcho vlada nas ne chuie, my mozhemo zrobyty tak, shchob vona nas pobachyla’, Ukraina Moloda, 12 Dec. 2004, available at <http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/319/164/11556>, accessed 27 April 2005. In the interview Vakarchuk said that the group officially backed Yushchenko in late August or early September; in an interview with the author, Vakarchuk said that this endorsement occurred toward the end of September: author's interview with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, 23 June 2005.

27. Author's interview with Vakarchuk.

28. See Liudmyla Vanek's 21 July 2004 interview, ‘Peremozhnytsia pisennoho konkursu “Ievrobachennia” Ruslana Lyzhychko zaiavliaie, shcho ne ahituvatyme za zhodnoho kandydata u prezydenta Ukrainy’, available at <http://www.radiosvoboda.org/article/2004/07/09af54bcd-93d1-4095-8a62-24c0057e298D.html>, accessed 3 Aug. 2005.

29. See the text of her interview with Roman Skrypin on the Ukraine's Channel 5 TV programme Chas on 17 November 2004, available at <http://www.5tv.com.ua/pr_archiv/134/40/228>, accessed 3 Aug. 2005; see also excerpts from the text of her statement in support of Yushchenko, in Kateryna Tarchevs'ka, 'Nastaie moment koly…’, Slovo Prosvity, No.48 (268), 25 Nov.–1 Dec. 2004.

30. Ibid.

31. See Mar'iana P'ietsukh's interview, ‘Oleh Skrypka (“VV”): Ne khochu, shchob dity moi zhyly na zoni’, Postup, 30 Sept. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 31162>, accessed 29 April 2005.

32. See Kateryna Shchotkina's interview with Vakararchuk: ‘Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: “Ia ne khochu …”.

33. See, for instance, the reasons given for supporting Yushchenko by Plach Ieremii's lead singer, in Liubomyr Petrenko, ‘Muzykanty-ahitatory: pro et contra’, 20 Nov. 2004, available at <http://www2.dw-world.de/Ukrainian/kultur/1.111258.html>, accessed 12 July 2005.

34. See Anatolii Luchka's interview with Taras Chubai of 14 Feb. 2005, available at <http://imi.org/ua/?read = 195:11>, accessed 28 Aug. 2005.

35. See the interview by Liubko Petrenko, ‘Oleh Skrypka: My vykonuiemo svii hromadians'kyi obov'iazok’, Postup, 19 Nov. 2004, available at <http://www.postup.brama.com/dynamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 33591&raz = 1>, accessed 29 April 2005.

36. See ‘Zvernennia ukrains'koi intelihentsii’, Postup, 26 Oct. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 32412&raz = 1>, accessed 5 Aug. 2005.

37. Author's interview with Vakarchuk.

38. Author's interview with Kuz'menko.

39. See Shchotkina, ‘Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: “Ia ne khochu…”’; see also ‘Oleh Skrypka: Estradna tusovka Ianukovycha za hroshi hotova ahituvaty za chortovu mamu’, available at <http://www.razom.org.ua/news/2695>, accessed 3 May 2005.

40. See Marta Shokalo's interview with Oleh Skrypka, ‘Iakshcho ne spivaty siohodni pro polityku, to ne zmozhemo zavtra spivaty pro liubov’, 19 Oct. 2004, available at <http://www.bbc.co.uk/ukrainian/domestic/story/2004/10/041019_skrypka_yushchenko.shtml>, accessed 3 May 2005.

41. See the interview by Petrenko, ‘Oleh Skrypka’.

42. See Ievhen Dudenko, ‘Studenty za Iushchenka’, Postup, 18 Oct. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 32014>, accessed 29 April 2005.

43. See ‘Kontsert po-kharkivs'ky: zamist’ “Konstytutsii” – “Roza Liuksemburh”!', available at <http://maidan.org.ua/static/news/1098416087.html>, accessed 29 April 2005.

44. Author's interview with Oleh Skrypka, 11 June 2005.

45. Roman Rak, ‘Iushchenka planuvaly pobyty’, Postup, 19 Oct. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 32072>, accessed 3 Aug. 2005.

46. See ‘Oleh Skrypka: Estradna tusovka Ianukovycha za hroshi hotova ahituvaty za chortovu mamu’.

47. See ‘Sviatoslav Vakarchuk: Ia khochu, shchob Iushchenko buv prezydentom, i maiu na tse konstytutsiine pravo’, available at <http://www.razom.org.ua/news/3426>, accessed 3 May 2005

48. See Mila Kravchuk's interview with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, ‘Chto ia takogo sdelal?!’, dated 18 Feb. 2005, available at <http://www.music.com.ua/interviews/2005/02/18/16940.html>, accessed 3 May 2005.

49. ‘Oleh Skrypka: Estradna tusovka Ianukovycha’.

50. Author's interview with Skrypka.

51. See Strizhak, ‘Torhovtsi sovistiu’.

52. Author's interview with Skrypka.

53. Ibid.; see also P'ietsukh, ‘Muzyka, terroryzm ta molod’'.

54. See Serhii Tarhonia's interview with Serhii Fomenko, ‘Foma (Mandry): Ia sam pidu na barykady’, 26 Oct. 2004, available at <http://hotline.net.ua/content/view/3097/38>, accessed 12 July 2005. Fomenko claimed that one artist singing for Yanukovych would make US$5–10,000 per performance, and $50–80,000 for a tour.

55. Valentyna Klymenko claimed that Taisiia Povalii, for instance, received the astronomical sum of 500,000 euros for her participation in concerts for Yanukovych: see her ‘Ukrains'kyi meinstrim’, Ukraina moloda, 26 Nov. 2004, available at <http://www.umoloda.kiev.ua/number/316/164/11467>, accessed 27 April 2005. It is more likely that stars were paid about US$40,000 for appearing in the ‘Youth – Against! Youth – For!’ tour, while second-rate singers or groups received about US$6,000: see Roman Kul'chyns'kyi, ‘Kandydats'ki muzy’, Ukrains'kyi dilovyi tyzhnevyk ‘Kontrakty, 27 Sept. 2004, available at <http://www.kontrakty.com.ua/show/ukr/rubrik_main/3900046.html>, accessed 12 July 2005. Another journalist, citing confidential sources, wrote that Ukrainian singers or groups appearing for Yanukovych were paid $30–40,000 per concert, while Russian performers received one and one half to two times more. Apparently, pro-Yushchenko singers received one-tenth of the rate paid to pro-Yanukovych singers: see Iurii Rudnyts'kyi, ‘A ia idu za hroshyma. Za tumanom izdiat’ til'ky durni', 14 Oct. 2004, available at <http://ua.proua. com/analitic/2004/10/14/105727.html>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005.

56. Author's interview with Kuz'menko.

57. See Strizhak, ‘Torhovtsi sovistiu’.

58. Author's interview with Kuz'menko.

59. See the 23 June 2005 music piracy report, ‘One in three music discs is illegal but fight back starts to show results’, available at <http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/antipiracy/piracy-report-current.html >.

60. See Andrei Arkhangel'skii, ‘Tsentral'nyi Komitet Popsy’, Stolychnye novosti, 8–14 June 2004.

61. Ibid.

62. See Suprunenko, ‘Vazhko “spivaiuchy razom”’.

63. Author's interview with Kuz'menko. See also the interview ‘Kuz'ma: “500 dolariv, i ty – zasluzhenyi”’, 16 May 2005, available at <http://obozrevatel.com/news/2005/5/16/13212.htm>, accessed 7 July 2005, Rudnyts'kyi, ‘A ia idu za hroshyma’, and P'ietsukh, ‘Kuz'ma (Skriabin)’.

64. See Bakanov's interview, ‘Oleh Skrypka: “Vlast’ doshla do absurda”’; see also P'ietsukh's interview, ‘Oleh Skrypka (“VV”)’.

65. See ‘Bil'shist’ populiarnykh ukrains'kykh vykonavtsiv'.

66. See Ol'ga Sliaruk, ‘Mogilevskaia: “Menia po politicheskim soobrazheniiam ubrali iz ‘Shansa’, muzha uvolili s raboty, mne razbili mashinu, a potom razob'iut holovu”…', 4 Jan. 2005, available at <http://provokator.com.ua/p/2005/01/04/090139.html>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005.

67. See ‘Kuz'ma: “Skriabin” za Ianukovicha potomu, chto khochet zhit’ v ‘derme’ i lovit' ot etogo kaif', 8 Sept. 2004, available at <http://ru.obkom.net.ua/news/2004-09-08/1200.shtml>, accessed 23 Aug. 2005; see also P'ietsukh, ‘Kuz'ma (Skriabin)’.

68. See ‘Lider “VV” Oleh Skrypka vvazhaie, shcho u razi peremohy na vyborakh Yanukovycha Ukrainu chekaie nova khvylia emihratsii’, 2 Oct. 2004, available at <http://www.radiosvoboda.org/article/2004/10/23818D43-2C8F-4AE7-A591-0046BC46589A.html>, accessed 3 May 2005.

69. See Mathew Collin, ‘Curious Orange’, The Guardian, 23 Jan. 2005.

70. See, for instance, Oleksandr Ievtushenko, ‘Khto zamovliaie muzyku, abo FM-stantsii iak p'iata kolona v informatsiinomu poli Ukrainy’, Urok ukrains'koi, Nos.11–12 (2000), p.4.

71. See ‘Zvernennia ukrains'koi intelihentsii’.

72. See Lidiia Mel'nyk's interview with Mariia Burmaka, ‘Revoiutsiia zmusyla mene zhadaty pro dyplom shvei-motorystky’, L'vivs'ka hazeta, 20 Jan. 2005, available at <http://www.gazeta.lviv.ua/articles/2005/01/20/1848>, accessed 18 May 2005; see also Anatolii Luchka's interview with Taras Chubai, ‘Taras Chubai: “Treba vidminyty posadu ministra kul'tury, a mene obraty ministrom vnutrishnykh sprav…”’, 14 Feb. 2005, available at <http://imi.org.ua/?read = 195:11>, accessed 28 Aug. 2005.

73. Mar'iana P'ietsukh, ‘Manevry shtabiv Viktoriv’, Postup, 2 Nov. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 32677>, accessed 29 April 2005.

74. See Viktor Yushchenko, ‘Zvernennia Viktor Iushchenka do ukraintsiv’, Postup, 19 Nov. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 33580>, accessed 29 April 2005.

75. Available at <http://www.silanaroda.com/index.php?itemid = 983&mode = full>, posted 20 Nov. 2004, accessed 2 May 2005.

76. See Iana Dubynians'ka, ‘Zvuky muzyky’.

77. See Kravchuk's interview with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, ‘Chto ia takogo sdelal?!’. In what might qualify as a surrealistic moment, he autographed the shields of special forces troops guarding the building, after which he noted that the autographed shields were replaced by others: see ‘Reportazh podii vid [sic!] Administratsii Prezydenta’, available at <http://www.razom.org.ua/ua/news/4010>, accessed 4 May 2005.

78. Valentyn Kontsevych, ‘Myttsi pidtrymuiut’ straikariv', Postup, 27 Nov. 2004, available at <http://postup.brama.com/dinamic/i_pub/usual.php?what = 33775>, accessed 29 April 2005.

79. See Mykailo Brynykh's interview with Oleh Skrypka, ‘Skrypka: Iak roker, shcho zakhyshchav svoi kul'turni oriientyry, ia prohrav’, available at <http://www.artvertep.dp.ua/news/530.html>, accessed 12 July 2005.

80. Author's interview with Skrypka.

81. See Kontsevych, ‘Myttsi pidtrymuiut’ straikariv'.

82. See Sliaruk, ‘Mogilevskaia: “Menia po politicheskim soobrazheniiam ubrali iz “Shansa”’.

83. See Svetlana Gamova, ‘Oranzhevyi noyabr. Ukraina poet, mitinguet i delaet revolyutsiyu’, Novye izvestiya, 26 Nov. 2004, available at <http://www.newizv.ru/2004-11-26/16008>, accessed 28 Aug. 2005.

84. Iurko Zelenyi, “FDR-visti z kraiu”, e-mail newsletter of 30 Nov. 2004. Commenting on the performance of Ukraine's musicians on Independence Square, he added that this was ‘Politics, my dear [readers], but what politics!’. A hard copy of the e-mail newsletter was provided by Lada Hornjatkevyč.

85. Viktor Morozov, a veteran musician and singer, described the Orange Revolution as a rock and rap revolution: see ‘Viktor Morozov: “Namahaiusia ne buty rabom sviatoho obov'iazku”’, Ukrains'kyi zhurnal, Nos.6–7 (2006), available at <http://maidan.org.ua/static/mai/1156779749.html>, accessed 30 Aug. 2005.

86. Ievtushenko, ‘Muzyka maidanu’.

87. See Kravchuk's interview with Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, ‘Chto ia takogo sdelal?!’.

88. Ievtushenko, ‘Muzyka maidanu’.

89. Ibid.

90. See Kateryna Khinkulova, ‘Ukraine Cherishes Orange Sounds’, 21 Nov. 2005, available at <http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/Europe/4456858.stm>, accessed 22 Nov. 2005.

91. Interview with Oleh Skrypka, available at <http://vopli.com/ukr_web/11/7_03_05.htm>, accessed 3 May 2005.

92. These CDs and other pirated productions are in the author's possession.

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Notes on contributors

Bohdan Klid

Bohdan Klid is a historian and assistant director and research scholar at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta. He has published numerous scholarly articles, mainly on Volodymyr Antonovych and nineteenth to early twentieth century Ukrainian historiography. He would like to thank Lada Hornjatkevyč for supplying photocopies of newspaper articles and other sources, some of which were used in the writing of this essay.

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