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Iran's Nuclear Program and the Israeli-Iranian Rivalry in the Post Revolutionary Era

Pages 442-460 | Published online: 03 Sep 2014


The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran led to a set of major shifts in the Middle East and an anti-Israeli stance became a central approach of the revolutionaries. Up to 1979, however, Tel Aviv had a close relationship with Tehran whose enmity with its Arab neighbours was anchored in a historical struggle for regional supremacy. Israel has remained an enemy of Islam and the Muslims for the revolutionary leaders and as Iran's power grew Israel's anxiety increased accordingly. A new division of power in the region and Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons led to a direct rivalry between Iran and Israel and consequently many Israelis have come to regard Iran and its nuclear program as an existential threat to Israel that has to be halted. This article explores the roots of enmity between these two countries, scrutinizes the threats of a nuclear armed Iran for Israel and attempts to determine what kind of measures might work to convince Iran to renounce its nuclear program. The article has four sections with the first section covering the history of the relations and the origins of hostility between Iran and Israel. The second section provides a brief overview of how the division of regional power led to direct rivalry between Tehran and Tel Aviv. The third section details Iran's nuclear program and examines its threats to Israel and the last section covers the current sanctions debate over what type of measures might work to compel Iran to renounce its nuclear weapons.


  1 David Menashri, ‘Iran and Israel: A Couple at Odds’, Publications of Woodrow Wilson Center (February 4, 2004).

  2 Shmuel Bar, Iranian Defense Doctrine and Decision Making Institute for Policy and Strategy, 2004a.

  3 Trita Parsi, ‘Israel-Iranian Relations Assessed: Strategic Competition from the Power Cycle Perspective’, Iranian Studies, 38(2) (2005), pp. 247–252.

  4 Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States (USA: Yale University Press, 2007).

  5 Steven Simon, ‘Iran and Israel’, The Iran Premier. http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/iran-and-israel

  6 Vladimir Simonov, ‘Iran-Israel Relations Yesterday and Today, Veterans Today’, Veterans Today (October 12, 2013). http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/10/12/iran-israel-relations-yesterday-and-today/, Steven Simon, ‘Iran and Israel’, The Iran Premier. http://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/iran-and-israel

  7 Simonov, ‘Iran-Israel Relations Yesterday and Today’.

  8 Sohrab Sobhani, ‘The Pragmatic Entente: Israeli-Iranian Relations, 1948-88’, Recherche, 67(2) (1989), p.165., Ehud Eilam, ‘A New Take on the Iranian -Israeli Conflict’, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 2(5) (2008), pp. 11–21.

  9 Simonov, ‘Iran-Israel Relations Yesterday and Today’.

 10 Behrouz Souresrafil, Khomeini and Israel (London: Researchers, 1988); Karim Sadjadpour, and Afshin Molavi, ‘Is Iran Rethinking its Position on Israel?’, Jewishworldreview (2003). Accessed November 4, 2010. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/1103/israel_iran.php3

 11 Simonov, ‘Iran-Israel Relations Yesterday and Today’.

 12 Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States (USA: Yale University Press, 2007)

 13 Menashe Amir, ‘Iran and Hezbollah’, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1997). Accessed 2011. http://www.mfa.gov.il/MFA/The+Iranian+Threat/Support+of+terror/iran

 14 Menashri, ‘Iran and Israel: A Couple at Odds’, Eilam, ‘A New Take on the Iranian -Israeli Conflict’.

 15 Menashri, ‘Iran and Israel: A Couple at Odds’.

 16 Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, Sahifey-e Nour (Tehran: Islamic Revolution's Documents Organization in Ministry of Guidance, 1980), p. 92.

 17 Menashri, ‘Iran and Israel: A Couple at Odds’.

 18 Mahdi Ahouie, ‘Iranian Anti-Zionism and the Holocaust’, Radical History Review 105 (2009), pp. 58–78, pp. 60–62.

 19 Patrick Tyler, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East–from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2010), p. 310.

 20 Sobhani, ‘The Pragmatic Entente: Israeli-Iranian Relations, 1948–88’.

 21 Crooke Alastair, ‘Talking to Hamas’, Prospect-London-Prospect Publishing Limited- 123 (2006), p. 48.

 22 Behrouz Souresrafil, Khomeini and Israel (London: Researchers, 1988), p. 114; Reese W. Erlich, The Iran Agenda: The Real Story of US Policy and the Middle East Crisis (USA: Polipoint Press, 2007), p. 37.

 23 Parsi, ‘Treacherous Alliance’, p. 127.

 24 Patrick Tyler, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East–from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2010), p. 310.

 25 Stanley A. Weiss, ‘Israel and Iran: The Bonds that Tie Persians and Jews’, The New York Times (July 10, 2006).

 26 Crooke Alastair, ‘The Strange Tale of Iran and Israel’, Le Monde diplomatique, Le Monde diplomatique (2009). Accessed February 2011. http://mondediplo.com/2009/02/05iran

 27 Patrick Tyler, A World of Trouble: The White House and the Middle East–from the Cold War to the War on Terror (New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2010), p. 310.

 28 Thomas Latschan, ‘Iran und Israel: The Best of Enemies’, Deutsche Welle (February 17, 2014). Accessed February 2014. http://www.dw.de/iran-und-israel-the-best-of-enemies/a-17437981

 29 Ibid.

 30 Ibid.

 31 Simon, ‘Iran-Israel’.

 32 Trita Parsi, ‘Israel Gets Real on Iran’, Atlanticfreepress (2008). Accessed February 2011. http://www.atlanticfreepress.com/news/1/5615-israel-gets-real-on-iran-.html

 33 Simon, ‘Iran-Israel’.

 34 Ibid.

 35 Alastair, ‘The Strange Tale of Iran and Israel’.

 36 Alastair, ‘The Strange Tale of Iran and Israel’.

 37 Scott Peterson, ‘Imminent Iran Nuclear Threat? A Timeline of Warnings Since 1979’, The Christian Science Monitor (November 8, 2011).

 38 Clyde Haberman, ‘The World: Israel Focuses on the Threat Beyond the Arabs – in Iran’, The New York Times (November 8, 1992).

 39 Parsi, ‘Treacherous Alliance’, p. 127.

 40 Gareth Porter, ‘Iran's Anti-Israel Rhetoric Aimed at Arab Opinion’, Anti war, Anti War (2009). Accessed 2011. http://www.antiwar.com/porter/?articleid = 14379

 41 Parsi, ‘Treacherous Alliance’.

 42 Richard Silverstein, ‘Iran, Israel and the U.S.: Resolving the Nuclear Impasse’, Palestine-Israel Journal, 16(4) (2010).

 43 Shmuel Bar, Iranian Defense Doctrine and Decision Making Institute for Policy and Strategy, 2004b.

 44 Abdollah Nouri, Shawkaran-i Eslah: Defa'iat-i Abdollah Nouri (Hemlock For Advocate of Reform), (Tehran, Tarhe Naw, 2000), p. 144.

 45 Alakhbar, Timeline of The Iran Bomb, September 25, 2012. Accessed February 20, 2014. http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/12614

 46 Mitchell Bard, ‘Potential Threats to Israel: Iran’, Jewishvirtualliberary, Jewishvirtuallibrary (2011). Accessed March 10, 2011. www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org

 47 Farideh Farhi, ‘To Have or Not To Have? Iran's Domestic Debate on Nuclear Options', in Geoffrey Kemp (ed.), Iran's Nuclear Weapons Options: Issues and Analysis (Washington, DC: Nixon Center, 2001), pp. 37, 41, 53; Ofira Seliktar, Navigating Iran: From Carter to Obama (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), p. 127; Shahram Chubin, ‘Iran's Strategic Environment and Nuclear Weapons', in Geoffrey Kemp (ed.), Iran's Nuclear Weapons Options: Issues and Analysis (Washington, DC: Nixon Center, 2001), pp. 17–34.

 48 David Patrikarakos, Nuclear Iran: The Birth of an Atomic State (London: IB Tauris, 2012), p. 128; Saira Khan, Iran and Nuclear Weapons: Protracted Conflict and Proliferation (London and New York: Routledge, 2010).

 49 Hassan Rouhani, Amniat-i Meli va Diplomaci-'i Hasteh'i ‘National Security and Nuclear Diplomacy’ (Tehran: Markaz-i Tahqiqat-i Estiratizhik, 2012), p. 62.

 50 Scott Ritter, Target Iran: The Truth about the White House's Plans for Regime Change (New York: Nation Books, 2007), p. xxv; Julian Dawson, A Constructivist Approach to the US-Iranian Nuclear Problem (Alberta: University of Calgary, The Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, 2011), p. 79.

 51 Scott Ritter, Target Iran: The Truth about the White House's Plans for Regime Change (New York: Nation Books, 2007), p. xxv., Julian Dawson, A Constructivist Approach to the US-Iranian Nuclear Problem (Alberta: University of Calgary, The Centre for Military and Strategic Studies, 2011), p. 79.

 52 Kaveh Ehsani and Chris Toensing, ‘Neo-Conservatives, Hardline Clerics and the Bomb’, Middle East Report 233 (2004), pp. 10–15.

 53 Roth, ‘The Root of All Fears Why Is Israel So Afraid of Iranian Nukes?’

 54 Shams uz Zaman, ‘Prospects of a Nuclear Armed Iran and Policy Options for Pakistan’, Islamabad Policy Research Institute Journal 12(1) (2012), pp. 67–87; Amitai Etzioni, ‘Can a Nuclear-armed Iran be Deterred?’, CNN (February 6, 2012). Accessed February 2014. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/06/opinion/etzioni-iran-deterrence/index.html

 55 Kori N. Schake and Judith S. Yaphe, The Strategic Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran (DTIC Document, 2001), p. 39, Ash Jain, ‘Nuclear Weapons and Iran's Global Ambitions Troubling Scenarios’, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Policy Focus #114 (August 2011), p. 15.

 56 Fareed Zakaria, ‘Don't Scramble the Jets’, Newsweek (March 1, 2010), Amitai Etzioni, ‘Can a Nuclear-armed Iran be Deterred?’, CNN (February 6, 2012). Accessed February 2014. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/06/opinion/etzioni-iran-deterrence/index.html

 57 Max Fisher, ‘9 Questions about Iran's Nuclear Program you were too Embarrassed to Ask’, The Washington Post (November 25, 2013).

 58 Gareth Porter, ‘Politics: Israeli Realism on Iran Belies Threat Rhetoric’, Inter Press Service (IPS) (January 30, 2007). Accessed February 2014. http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews = 36369

 59 Nathan Gardels, ‘Abizaid: “Iran Is Not a Suicide State: Deterrence Will Work”’, Huffington Post (July 23, 2008).

 60 Paul Pillar, ‘We Can Live with a Nuclear Iran’, Washington Monthly (March/April 2012).

 61 Porter, ‘Politics’.

 62 Louis Rene Beres, ‘How to Deter an Irrational Nuclear Iran’, US NEWS (April 13, 2012). Accessed February 2014. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2012/04/13/how-to-deter-an-irrational-nuclear-iran

 63 Fisher, ‘9 Questions about Iran's Nuclear Program You Were too Embarrassed to Ask’.

 64 L.E. Davis, J. Martini, and A. Nader, Iran's Nuclear Future: Critical US Policy Choices Rand Corporation, 2011).

 65 Henning P. Duus, ‘Deterrence and a Nuclear-armed Iran’, Comparative Strategy, 30(2) (2011), pp. 134–153.

 66 Nazila Fathi, ‘Wipe Israel “Off the Map Iranian says”’, International Herald Tribune, 27 (2005a). Ewen MacAskill, and Chris McGreal, ‘Israel Should Be Wiped Off Map, Says Iran's President’, The Guardian 27 (2005). Nazila Fathi, ‘Iran's President Says Israel Must Be “Wiped Off the Map”’, The New York Times 26 (2005b), Gideon Hanft, ‘Rationality and Nuclear Weapons: Revisiting Kenneth Waltz’, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (October 2011).

 67 Amitai Etzioni, ‘Can a Nuclear-armed Iran be Deterred?’, CNN (February 6, 2012). Accessed February 2014. http://edition.cnn.com/2012/02/06/opinion/etzioni-iran-deterrence/index.html

 68 Steven David, ‘With Nothing to Lose: The Limits of a Rational Iran’, The American Interest (May/June 2013).

 69 Camilla Sundberg, ‘The Defensive Iran: Rethinking Realism in the Case of Iran's Nuclear Programme’, e-International Relations (August 10, 2013). Accessed February 2014. http://www.e-ir.info/2013/08/10/the-defensive-iran-rethinking-realism-in-the-case-of-irans-nuclear-programme/?utm_source = twitterfeed&utm_medium = facebook#_ftnref18

 70 Freerepublic, ‘Scholar: MAD Doctrine Does Not Apply to Iran (Bernard Lewis)’, Free Republic, February 29, 2008. Accessed February 2014. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1978080/posts, Aaron Goldstein, ‘Iran's Regime is Inherently Irrational’, The American Spectator, The American Spectator (March 15, 2013). Accessed May 2013. http://spectator.org/blog/2012/03/15/irans-regime-is-inherently-irr

 71 David Meyers, ‘Iran Could Use a Nuclear Weapon Against Israel and Get Away with It’, The Daily Caller (May 23, 2013).

 72 Fathi, ‘Iran's President Says Israel Must Be “Wiped Off the Map”’; Ewen MacAskill and Chris McGreal, ‘Israel Should Be Wiped Off Map, Says Iran's President’, The Guardian, October 27, 2005; Elad Benari, ‘Iran Threatens to Annihilate Israel if U.S. Attacks’, Israel National News, May 30, 2014. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/181232#.U-zAi_mSybw.; Elad Benari, ‘Iran's Supreme Leader Threatens Israel, U.S.’, Israel National News, February 2, 2012.

 73 Joshua Teitelbaum and Michael Segall, ‘The Iranian Leadership's Continuing Declarations of Intent to Destroy Israel 2009–2012’, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (2012). Accessed May 2013. http://jcpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/IransIntent2012b.pdf?page=6

 74 Reuters, ‘Iran Leader Urges Destruction of “Cancerous” Israel’, Reuters (December 15, 2000).

 75 Fars News Agency, Tel Aviv ra ba Khak Yeksan Mikunim, March 21, 2013. Accessed April 2013. http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn = 13920101000380

 76 Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Transcript of Rafsanjani Speech at Friday Prayer (Tehran: Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Radio, December 14, 2001).

 77 Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), October 26, 2005. Accessed May 2013. http://www.isna.ir/Main/NewsView.aspx?ID = News-603209

 78 Kasra Naji, Ahmadinejad: The Secret History of Iran's Radical Leader (University of California Press, 2008), p. 49.

 79 Eilam, ‘A New Take on the Iranian -Israeli Conflict’.

 80 Tasnim News Agency, Baraye Naboodi-e Israel Amadeheem ‘We are Ready to Destroy Israel’, March 11, 2014.

 81 Bernard Lewis, ‘Does Iran have Something in Store?’, The Wall Street Journal (August 8, 2006).

 82 Ofira Seliktar, ‘Assessing Iran's Nuclear Rationality: The “Eye of the Beholder” Problem’, The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 2(2) (2011), pp. 188–206.

 83 Amitai Etzioni, Hot Spots: American Foreign Policy in a Post-Human-Rights World (New Brunswick: USA & London, 2012), p. 66.

 84 Morteza Dehghani, Scott Atran, Rumen Iliev, Sonya Sachdeva, Douglas Medin, and Jeremy Ginges, ‘Sacred Values and Conflict over Iran's Nuclear Program’, Judgment and Decision Making 5(7) (2010), pp. 540–546., Scott Atran, and Jeremy Ginges, ‘Religious and Sacred Imperatives in Human Conflict’, Science 336 (6083) (2012), pp. 855 − 857.

 85 David, ‘With Nothing to Lose’.

 86 Benjamin Buch, and Scott D. Sagan, ‘Our Red Lines and Theirs’, Foreign Policy (December 13, 2013).

 87 David, ‘With Nothing to Lose’.

 88 Ibid.

 89 Ofira Seliktar and Lee E. Dutter, ‘Assessing the Rationality of Autocrats: The Case of Saddam Hussein’, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 22(2) (2009), pp. 275–297.

 90 Ofira Seliktar, Interview with Author, January 15, 2013.

 91 Meghan L. O'Sullivan, ‘Iran and the Great Sanctions Debate’, The Washington Quarterly 33(4) (2010), pp. 7–21.

 92 Kenneth Waltz, ‘Why Iran Should Get the Bomb: Nuclear Balancing Would Mean Stability’, Foreign Affairs 91 (2012), p. 2.

 93 Bharat Karnad, Interview with Author, January 12, 2013.

 94 Ofira Seliktar, Interview with Author, January 15, 2013.

 95 Joseph Nye, Interview with Author, January 15, 2013

 96 Mohammad Sahimi, Interview with Author, January 15, 2013.

 97 Ray Takeyh, ‘Iran's Nuclear Calculations’, World Policy Journal 20(2) (2003), pp. 21–28.

 98 Shlomo Brom, ‘Interview with Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Shlomo Brom’, (January 9, 2013).

 99 William H. McMichael, ‘“Gates: Strike on Iran would Create Backlash’,” Army Times (April 14, 2009).

100 Zach Levey, Interview with Author, January 15, 2013. Meghan L. O'Sullivan, ‘Iran and the Great Sanctions Debate’, The Washington Quarterly 33(4) (2010), pp. 7–21.

101 Brendan Taylor, Sanctions as Grand Strategy (London: Routledge, 2012).

102 Michael Jacobson, ‘Sanctions against Iran: A Promising Struggle’, The Washington Quarterly 31(3) (2008), pp. 69–88.

103 Kenneth Katzman, Iran Sanctions Congressional Research Service, 2010)

104 Elizabeth S. Rogers, ‘Using Economic Sanctions to Control Regional Conflicts’, Security Studies 5(4) (1996), pp. 43–72.

105 Sharghnewspaper, ‘Youth Unemployment Rate 2013’, Shargh Newspaper (October 26, 2013), Karl Vick, ‘A Glimmer of Hope in Iran's Nuclear Posture, Even Before Rowhani's Stunner’, Time (2013), SCOI, ‘Iran's Statistics: Inflation Rate’, Strategic Center of Iran (October 2013). Accessed February 2014. http://www.amar.org.ir/Default.aspx?tabid = 1241

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