Publication Cover
Local Environment
The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability
Volume 16, 2011 - Issue 3
CrossRef citations to date

Exceptions to the green rule? A literature investigation into the overlaps between the academic and UK policy fields of disability and the environment

Pages 251-264 | Published online: 29 Apr 2011


In the overlaps between the academic and policy fields of disability and the environment lie a myriad of issues, both complementary and conflicting, which have to date received little attention. This paper aims to draw together the small amount of literature – both academic and non-academic – which has addressed such issues and begins to map both the nature and extent of the overlaps. It discusses key themes that have emerged from the literature analysed and points to a number of areas and issues which may well benefit from further research. In particular, it highlights the invisibility of disabled people, and the consequences which arise, in many areas of environmental concern.

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