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Original Articles

The Mental Health of Chinese Immigrants in Birmingham, UK

Pages 365-387 | Published online: 19 Jan 2007


Objectives. The objectives of this study were to describe the life experiences associated with migration to the UK and to explore in-depth information about the process of life adjustment to migration and the circumstances of mental health in Chinese immigrants living in a large city area.

Method. A two-part research strategy using both quantitative and qualitative methods was employed. In the cross-sectional quantitative survey, 113 Chinese respondents completed a questionnaire investigating demographic factors, life experiences associated with migration, proficiency in the English language and mental health status. In the qualitative phase of the research, interviews were conducted with a further 24 immigrants to explore these factors in more depth.

Results. In the questionnaire survey, over 60% of the group reported symptoms of poor mental health. Qualitative research shows that for those who were employed in catering, psychological adjustment was heavily dependent on strong ties with the Chinese community and there was minimal contact with the host society. By contrast, those concerned with professional development experienced conflict as a result of a high perceived need for integration and a recognition of the problems associated with this.

Conclusion. The psychological distress experienced by immigrants of Chinese origin continues to be a largely invisible cause for concern.

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