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‘Dealing with disillusioned men’: the Washington Ambassadorship of Sir Patrick Dean, 1965–69

Pages 247-270 | Published online: 08 Jan 2007


This article provides the first appraisal of the role of UK Ambassador to the United States Sir Patrick Dean, 1965–69. Dean found himself preoccupied with difficulties over Vietnam and British military commitments East of Suez. He helped to promote greater mutual understanding between London and Washington, but never gained much of a standing in the Johnson White House, as the high-level Anglo-American relationship was declining and the President had a negative attitude to foreign diplomats. Dean also found himself operating in a period when ambassadors and embassies were becoming less central to the formulation of British foreign policy and to international affairs in general.


The author would like to thank Len Scott, Michael O'Grady, John Young, the various interviewees and correspondents, and the anonymous referees for their help with this article, which originated from a paper presented at the British International History Group conference in September 2004.


  [3] Lucas, Citation‘The Missing Link?’, 123.

  [4] On David Bruce, Dean's American counterpart in London, and his relationship with the President, see Colman, Citation‘The London Ambassadorship’, 327–52, and Lankford, Citation The Last American Aristocrat , 326–41.

  [5] On Vietnam and Anglo-American relations see Ellis, Citation Britain, America and the Vietnam War , as well as Colman, A CitationSpecial Relationship’? For British policy East of Suez, see Dockrill, Citation Britain's Retreat from East of Suez ; Pickering, Citation Britain's Withdrawal from East of Suez ; Young, Citation The Labour Governments , 31–62.

  [6] ‘An Anglo-American Balance Sheet’, 21 August 1964, PLA 24/7 A, FO 371/177830. Unless stated otherwise all documentary references are for the National Archives, Kew, London. Valuable accounts of the Anglo-American relationship include Bartlett, CitationThe Special Relationship; Dobson, Citation Anglo-American Relations ; Dumbrell, Citation A Special Relationship .

  [7] ‘Britain though American Eyes’, 13 February 1962, PREM 11/5192.

  [8] ‘Anglo-American Relations: General’, author unknown, 5 February 1964, AU 105/2, FO 371/174282.

  [9] ‘Lord Harlech's Valedictory Despatch’, 15 March 1965, AU 1015/18, FO 371/179558.

 [10] Sir David Milne, report on the Washington Embassy, 31 December 1962, T199/879.

 [11] Ormsby-Gore to Rundall, 5 February 1962, T213/940.

 [12] Dean to Crowe, 18 September 1965, DSE 103/1451, FO 366/3464.

 [13] Sir David Milne, report on the Washington Embassy, 31 December 1962, T199/879.

 [14] Correspondence from Roger Campbell Beetham to author, 7 May 2004.

 [15] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2003; Dean to Donald Murray, 25 October 1967, FO 800/978.

 [16] Sir John Killick oral history transcript (OHT), 14 February 2002, British Diplomatic Oral History Programme (BDOHP), Churchill College, Cambridge, 16.

 [17] Trench to Maclehose, 22 January 1965, FO 371/180980.

 [18] Report on security at Washington Embassy, October/November 1968, T199/1041.

 [19] Ball to Bruce, 27 June 1966, POL 27 Viet S./Aspen 1.1.66, Subject-Numeric Files 1964–6, RG 59, US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA II), College Park, Maryland.

 [20] Correspondence to author from Sir Derek Malcolm Day, 26 May 2004; from Roger Campbell Beetham, 7 May 2004; from Christopher Everett, 28 June 2004; telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2004; author's interview with Sir Michael Palliser, 7 May 2004; Dean obituary by Alan Campbell, Independent, 8 November 1994.

 [21] Correspondence to author from Lady Patricia Dean, 11 September 2004.

 [22] Dean obituary by Hella Pick, The Times, 9 November 1994; correspondence to author from Sir Oliver Wright, 25 April 2004.

 [23] Lucas, ‘Missing Link?’, 117.

 [24] Lucas, ‘Missing Link?’, 121.

 [25] Dean obituary, The Times, 8 November 1994.

 [26] Dean to Gore-Booth, 25 October 1967, AU2/12, FCO7/771.

 [27] On Wilson's dealings with Johnson see Colman, ‘Special Relationship’?; Colman, Citation‘Harold Wilson’, 131–51; Ellis, Citation‘Lyndon B. Johnson’, 180–204; Pimlott, Citation‘Courting the President’, 185–91.

 [28] Benn, Citation Out of the Wilderness , 108; Dockrill, Britain's Retreat, 44.

 [29] Sir Derek Malcolm Day OHT, interview conducted by Jane Barder, 11 March 1996, BDOH

 [30] Dean to Gore-Booth, 25 October 1967, AU2/12, FCO 7/771.

 [33] Sunday Times, 25 April 1965.

 [34] Dean to Gore-Booth, AU 1023/32, FO 371/179566.

 [35] Ashton, Kennedy, Citation220.

 [36] Quoted in Ashton, Kennedy

 [37] Ashton, Kennedy, 221.

 [38] Dean to Henderson, 12 May 1965, FCO 73/4.

 [39] Dean to Henderson, 12 May 1965, FCO 73/4

 [40] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2004; author's telephone conversation with Mr Edward Tompkins, 6 May 2004.

 [41] Johnson-Dean meeting, 13 April 1965, PREM 13/694.

 [42] Pearson, ‘LBJ snubs British Ambassador’.

 [43] ‘United States Foreign Affairs Policy’, 20 September 1965, AU 1015/44, FO 371/179559.

 [44] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Edward Tomkins, 15 April 2004.

 [45] Covering note from Henderson (13/5) and Dean to Henderson, 12 May 1965, FCO 73/4.

 [46] Dean to Brown, 6 May 1967, FO 800/978.

 [47] ‘Vietnam: Anglo-United States Relations’, undated and with no drafting information, PREM 13/695.

 [48] Correspondence to author from Lady Patricia Dean, 11 September 2004.

 [49] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Edward Tomkins, 15 April 2004; Dean to Stewart, 26 January 1966, FO 1095/19.

 [50] Dumbrell, Special Relationship, 150–1.

 [51] Dean to Stewart, 26 January 1966, FO 1095/19.

 [52] Embassy to State, 24 February 1965, POL 27 Military Operations Viet S 2.1.65, Subject-Numeric 1964–6, RG 59, NARA II.

 [53] ‘British Problems and Policies on the Eve of the Wilson visit’, December 1965, UK Wilson Visit 12/17/65, Box 215, NSF: Country File, LBJL.

 [54] Dean to Gore-Booth, 30 December 1966, DV103145/140, FO 371/186313.

 [55] Wilson, Labour Government, 187.

 [56] Dean to Stewart, 26 January 1966, FO 1095/19.

 [57] Dean to Palliser, 23 June 1966, FCO 73/8.

 [58] Maclehose (FO) to Palliser, 15 June 1966, PREM 13/1274.

 [59] Dean to Maclehose, 23 June 1966, FCO 73/8.

 [60] Rostow to Johnson, 17 June 1966, Rostow Vol. 6 – June 11–20, Box 8, NSF: Memos to the President, LBJL.

 [61] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2003.

 [62] Dean to Palliser, 22 June 1966, PREM 13/1083.

 [63] Palliser to Wilson, 24 June 1966, PREM 13/1083.

 [64] Dean to Gore-Booth, 12 July 1966, AU 1019/9, FO 371/185002.

 [65] Dean to Palliser, 2 July 1966, PREM 13/1083.

 [66] Telegram 1960, Dean to Palliser, 2 July 1966, PREM 13/1083.

 [67] Gore-Booth to Barnes, 19 July 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [68] Palliser (PRISEC) to Dean, 21 July 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [69] Dean to Gore-Booth (PUS), 22 July 1966.

 [70] Wilson, Labour Government, 258–9.

 [71] Dean to Gore-Booth, 22 July 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [72] Dean to Palliser, 22 July 1966, PREM 13/1262

 [73] Meeting between Wilson, Dean and others, 26 July 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [74] Bator to Johnson, 29 July 1966, UK: PM Wilson Visit Briefing 7/29/66, Box 216, NSF: Country File, LBJL.

 [75] Dean to Maclehose, 3 August 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [76] Wilson-Johnson meeting, 29 July 1966, PREM 13/1083.

 [77] Dean to Maclehose, 3 August 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [78] Dean to Palliser, 6 August 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [79] Hetherington, Citation The Guardian Years , 235.

 [80] For details of the initiative see Dumbrell and Ellis, Citation‘British involvement’, 113–49; and Hughes, Citation‘A “missed opportunity”’, 106–30.

 [81] See Colman, ‘David K. E. Bruce’, 341–3.

 [82] Palliser to Wilson, 23 March 1967, PRO, PREM 13/1919.

 [83] Dean to Wilson, ‘Vietnam and Kosygin's visit’, 10 April 1967, PREM 13/2458.

 [84] Palliser to Wilson, 12 April 1967, PREM 13/2458.

 [85] Sir John Fretwell OHT, 15 February 1996, BDOH.

 [86] ‘British Ambassador leads new sales drive in US’, The Times, 9 June 1965.

 [87] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2003.

 [88] Correspondence from Roger Campbell Beetham to author, 7 May 2004.

 [89] Central Statistical Office, Annual Abstract of Statistics, 1975 edition, table 305.

 [90] Correspondence from Roger Campbell Beetham to author, 7 May 2004.

 [91] Trend to Wilson, ‘Chequers Discussion’, 19 November 1964, PREM 13/018.

 [92] Dean to Stewart, 3 May 1966, AU 101/G, FO 371/185011.

 [93] Author's interview with Sir Michael Palliser, 7 May 2004.

 [94] Dean to Gore-Booth, 10 June 1965, PREM 13/215.

 [95] Dean to Stewart, 3 May 1966, AU 101/G, FO 371/185011.

 [96] Dean to Gore-Booth, 10 June 1965, PREM 13/215.

 [97] ‘UK Overseas Military Economies’, author/date unknown, UK: W. W. R. Talks 2/67, Box 216, NSF: Country File, LBJL.

 [98] Dean to Palliser, 6 August 1966, PREM 13/1262.

 [99] Wilson-Dean conversation, 30 March 1967, PREM 13/1454.

[100] Dean to Brown (telegram 1111), 8 April 1967, PRO, PREM 13/1384.

[101] Bruce to Rusk, 6 May 1967, POL UK-US 1.1.67, Subject-Numeric 1967-9, RG 59, NARA.

[102] Dean to Brown, 6 May 1967, FO 800/978.

[103] ‘UK East of Suez – Forthcoming Wilson Visit’, 17 May 1967, POL UK-US, 1.1.67, Subject-Numeric 1967–9, RG 59, NARA.

[104] Cmnd. 3357, Supplementary Statement on Defence Policy 1967 (London, 1967), 5.

[105] Dean to Paul Gore-Booth, 4 August 1967, FCO 7/741.

[106] Wilson to Johnson, 17 November 1967, PREM 13/1447.

[107] Correspondence from Roger Campbell Beetham to author, 7 May 2004.

[108] Wilson to Dean, 18 November 1967, PREM 13/1447.

[109] Dean to Palliser, 20 November 1967, PREM 13/1447

[110] Pickering, Britain's Withdrawal, 164.

[111] Dean to Foreign Office (telegram no. 3), 1 January 1968, PREM 13/3551.

[112] Brown-Rusk conversation, 11 January 1968, Foreign Relations of the United States 1964–1968 XII Western Europe, Washington DC, 2001, 603–5.

[113] Dean to Secretary of State (Brown), 14 January 1968, FO 800/955.

[115] Maitland to Dean, 16 January 1968, FO 800/955.

[116] Palliser to Wilson, ‘Anglo-American relations’, 17 January 1968, PREM 13/3016.

[117] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2003.

[118] ‘Directions of UK Policy’, undated, FRUS 1964–1968 XII, p 619, 625.

[119] Dean to Gore-Booth, 25 October 1967, AU 2/2, FCO 7/771.

[120] Dean to Gore-Booth, 25 October 1967, AU 2/2, FCO 7/771

[121] Dean to Gore-Booth, 1 July 1968, AU 1/4, FCO 7/742.

[122] FCO brief for John Freeman, Ambassador-designate, 23 July 1968, PREM 13/2158.

[123] Valedictory despatch, 7 Feburary 1969, FCO 63/335, ANU 1/13.

[124] Dean to Gore-Booth, 2 January 1968, AU1/4, FCO 7/741.

[125] Dean obituary, The Times, 8 November 1994.

[126] Author's interview with Sir Michael Palliser, London, 7 May 2004.

[127] Lucas, ‘Missing Link?’, 123.

[128] Quoted in Kissinger, The White House Years, 95.

[129] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Anthony Howard, 26 April 2004.

[130] Freeman to Stewart, 18 March 1969, FCO 73/40.

[131] Benn, Office Without Power, 264, 15 April 1968.

[132] Brandon, Citation Special Relationships , 322.

[133] University of Texas speech, ‘Anglo-American Relations: a Special Case?’, 30 April 1970, Wash. DC April 1970 NY 4 May 1970, C. 1179, Harold Wilson Papers, Bodleian Library, Oxford.

[134] Berridge, Citation Diplomacy , 116; Dickie, Citation The New Mandarins , 176–77; Hamilton and Langhorne, Citation The Practice of Diplomacy , 220.

[135] Dean to Nicholas Henderson, 12 May 1965, FCO 73/4.

[136] Correspondence to author from Christopher Everett, 28 June 2004.

[137] Bartlett, ‘Special Relationship’, 123.

[138] Author's telephone conversation with Mr Edward Tomkins, 15 April 2004.

[139] Benn, Diaries 1963–7, 500.

[140] ‘Priorities for British Interests Overseas: 1969’, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, FCO 79/165.

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Jonathan Colman

Jonathan Colman is Lecturer in International History in the School of English, Sociology, Politics & Contemporary History at the University of Salford. He is currently researching the role of the American embassy in London, 1946–53.

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