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Environmental impact assessment (EIA) screening and scoping of extraterrestrial exploration and development projects

Pages 467-478 | Received 05 Mar 2018, Accepted 10 Jul 2018, Published online: 24 Jul 2018


Numerous space missions are planned by government agencies and private companies, with objectives including scientific research, prospecting for and mining resources, and establishing human settlements. These projects have potential to affect the extraterrestrial environment. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an important tool for assessing the potential impact of projects on Earth’s environment. However, the legal requirements to undertake EIA for extraterrestrial projects are limited and most EIAs that have been conducted have not considered impacts beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Technical barriers to extraterrestrial EIA also need to be overcome, including a lack of guidelines and methodologies. This paper addresses the latter issue by identifying the extraterrestrial impacts that may arise from space projects and relating them to the environmental topic areas in the European EIA Directive. An example is then provided of how EIA screening and scoping can be undertaken for the extraterrestrial elements of space projects, using six scenarios. Effective EIA screening and scoping is key to deciding whether EIA is required and if so which topic areas should be included.


Since environmental impact assessment (EIA) was first established in the USA in 1970 as part of the project planning process it has become a globally used environmental protection tool (Therivel and Morris Citation2001). However, the use of EIA to assess the impact of projects on the extraterrestrial environment has been very limited, despite the accelerating pace of space exploration (Viikari Citation2004; Kramer Citation2014, Citation2017). The extraterrestrial environment is defined in this paper as the region beyond Earth and its atmosphere, including orbital environments, outer space and celestial bodies.

Examples of space projects underway or currently being planned include:

  • SpaceX plans to send two tourists around the Moon in 2018 using the Falcon Heavy rocket and Crew Dragon capsule (Crane Citation2017).

  • SpaceX also has an aspirational goal to send a cargo mission to Mars in 2022 (Musk Citation2017).

  • NASA is sending a rover to Mars in 2020 that will conduct science and exploration technology investigations (NASA cCitation2018).

  • China’s Chang’e 4 mission is due to launch in December 2018 with the country’s second lunar lander and rover (Crane Citation2017) which will land on the unexplored lunar far side (Wang and Liu Citation2016).

  • Moon Express is proposing missions to the Moon starting in 2018, with the initial aim of establishing a permanent robotic research outpost and completing the first commercial sample return mission by 2020 (Moon Express cCitation2018).

  • Planetary Resources intends to embark on a commercial deep space exploration program in 2020 to ultimately mine asteroids for water and structural and precious metals (Planetary Resources cCitation2018).

The extent to which the existing legal framework applies to protection of the environment beyond Earth has been discussed by various authors including, inter alia, Manson (Citation1991), Viikari (Citation2008), Race (Citation2011), Cinelli and Pogorzelska (Citation2013) and Gupta (Citation2016). The conclusion drawn is that although a number of existing laws apply, such as Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty, the level of legal protection is inadequate. The legal requirements for EIA have been reviewed by several authors including, inter alia, Manson (Citation1991), Viikari (Citation2004) and Kramer (Citation2014) who concluded that they are limited. In some cases the legal system requires EIA to be undertaken for terrestrial activities such as space launches, but does not require assessment of impacts to the extraterrestrial environment. For example, NASA conducts detailed EIAs for its space programs and missions, but these exclude assessing impacts beyond Earth’s atmosphere. A letter from NASA contained in the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for the Constellation Program explicitly states this as follows: ‘NASA takes the position that potential environmental impacts in outer space, including the Moon, are beyond the scope of NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act] analysis’ (NASA Citation2008a). The legal frameworks of Belgium and France are exceptions as they require that EIA considers extraterrestrial impacts. Belgium’s Law on the Activities of Launching, Flight Operation or Guidance of Space Objects (Kingdom of Belgium Citation2013) requires that an EIA be submitted prior to the launch, assessing the effects of the action on both the Earth and any celestial body affected (Kramer Citation2014). The Technical Regulations linked to the French Space Operations Act require authorisation applications to include environmental impact studies and the measures to avoid, reduce or mitigate the adverse effects on the environment and on outer space (Lazare Citation2013).

The European Space Agency (ESA) undertakes Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) rather than EIAs for its missions and ESA’s Clean Space Initiative has developed LCA guidelines to support this process (ESA Citation2016). However, the guidelines state that the ‘LCA methodology has been developed to quantify environmental impacts on the earth eco-sphere’ and therefore impacts to the extraterrestrial environment are presumably excluded from consideration. The LCA studies performed by ESA to date have focussed on spacecraft and launchers and have identified the environmental impact in terms of various environmental indicators such as global warming potential, ozone depletion potential, human toxicity potential and metal depletion potential, while upcoming studies will focus on ground segment buildings and equipment (ESA Citation2017).

Despite the weak and inconsistent legal situation, two areas of space environmental protection have been taken more seriously by the international community, including measures to control levels of man-made space debris and ‘planetary protection’. These are covered internationally by the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee’s (IADC’s) space debris mitigation guidelines (IADC Citation2007, Citation2014) and the Committee on Space Research’s (COSPAR’s) Planetary Protection Policy (COSPAR Citation2011). Space debris is defined by the IADC as ‘all man made objects including fragments and elements thereof, in Earth orbit or re-entering the atmosphere, that are non functional’ (IADC Citation2007). These pose a risk to spacecraft due to the high relative speed at which they may be travelling. Given the amount of debris already in orbit and the fact that when pieces collide they can fragment and multiply, there is concern that the number of objects could expand exponentially through ‘collisional cascading’ and thus limit future space activities in some orbits (NASA Citation2016a). Planetary protection relates to both the need to prevent microorganisms being carried by spacecraft to other planets (forward contamination), and to microorganisms being carried from other planets back to Earth (backward contamination). Conley and Rettberg (Citation2010) state that:

Avoiding forward contamination is necessary to preserve planetary conditions for future biological and organic constituent exploration, and potentially for significant ethical reasons. Avoiding backward contamination is simple prudence – a necessary step to protect Earth and its biosphere from potential extraterrestrial sources of contamination.

However, other environmental issues have been given far less attention, including for example potential contamination by radioactive material which is often used within spacecraft and landers (Lyall Citation2010), atmospheric emissions (Horneck and Cockell Citation2010) and protection of environmental landscape features and historical/scientific or other resources of interest to humans (Ehrenfreund et al. Citation2013).

Context and aim

Given the weakness of the environmental governance framework for the extraterrestrial environment, a number of authors have recommended that treaties and laws should be strengthened (e.g. Kerrest Citation2011; von der Dunk Citation2012; Gupta Citation2016), and others have stressed the importance of developing standards and guidelines, international codes of conduct, protocols and other forms of ‘soft law’, by governmental, non-governmental and industry groups (e.g. Ehrenfreund et al. Citation2013; Kramer Citation2017). EIA is regarded as a supporting tool with strong potential (Viikari Citation2004, Citation2008; Kramer Citation2014, Citation2017) and Kramer (Citation2017) believes that ‘environmental consulting firms, especially those with international reach, should consider this future potential’. A recent article in the professional press promoting extraterrestrial EIA, by the international consultancy firm WYG, demonstrates that the environmental profession is starting to take interest (Mustow Citation2017).

However, there are technical barriers to undertaking extraterrestrial EIA due to the lack of guidelines for impact assessment beyond Earth’s atmosphere. This paper contributes to addressing that issue by:

  1. Identifying and describing the topic areas that are relevant to the extraterrestrial environment.

  2. Considering the extraterrestrial impacts that could arise from space exploration and development projects that may take place in the next few years.

  3. Providing an example of how to screen and scope EIAs to ensure that potentially significant effects on the extraterrestrial environment are identified and assessed. EIA screening is the process of determining whether EIA is required for a particular project (ERM Citation2001). EIA scoping involves deciding, from all of a project’s possible impacts and from all the realistic alternatives, which are the significant ones (Glasson et al. Citation2012). Glasson et al. (Citation2012) advise that ‘an initial scoping of possible impacts may identify those impacts thought to be potentially significant, those thought to be not significant and those whose significance is unclear’.


A literature review was undertaken to identify topic areas relevant to the space environment. This included a review of the scientific literature as well as relevant web sites and reports available online. Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for space projects with significant extraterrestrial elements, that were readily available online, were also reviewed. These included EISs for the following programs and missions:

  1. Apollo Program (NASA Citation1971)

  2. Galileo Mission (NASA Citation1989)

  3. Cassini Mission (NASA Citation1995, Citation1997)

  4. International Space Station (NASA Citation1996)

  5. Mars Surveyor 2001 Mission (NASA Citation1999)

  6. Mars Exploration Rover-2003 Project (NASA Citation2002)

  7. Horizontal Launch and Reentry of Reentry Vehicles Program (Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Citation2005)

  8. Mars Exploration Program (NASA Citation2005a)

  9. New Horizons Mission (NASA Citation2005b)

  10. Mars Science Laboratory Mission (NASA Citation2006)

  11. Constellation Progam (NASA Citation2008a)

  12. Launch of NASA Routine Payloads (NASA Citation2011)

  13. Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx) Mission (NASA Citation2013)

  14. Mars 2020 Mission (NASA Citation2014)

The EISs were reviewed in relation to the environmental topics covered, in particular to determine whether these included consideration of the potential impacts to the extraterrestrial environment.

Relevant environmental topics identified from the literature review were grouped together and discussed under headings based on the factors listed within Article 3 of the European EIA Directive (European Council and Parliament Citation2014).

A number of realistic near-term space project scenarios were developed as ‘internally consistent projected series of events,’ which were based as closely as possible on actual (currently underway) and proposed (currently proposed or proposed in the recent past but never undertaken) programs and missions described in NASA EISs and other sources. These project scenarios were as follows with details provided in :

Table 1. Extraterrestrial Project Scenarios.

  1. Uncrewed Mars exploration mission (based on NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission).

  2. Establishment of the first human settlement on Mars (based on SpaceX’s Mars settlement program).

  3. Collection and return to Earth of surface samples from an asteroid for scientific research (based on NASA’s OSIRIS-Rex Mission).

  4. Commercial prospecting of near-Earth asteroids for water (based on Planetary Resources’ asteroid prospecting program).

  5. Establishment of a permanently occupied human outpost on the Moon (based on NASA’s Constellation Program).

  6. Commercial prospecting on the Moon and return to Earth of surface samples (based on Moon Express’s Harvest Moon program).

The elements of these project scenarios that could result in impacts to the extraterrestrial environment were identified, based on the findings of the literature review which are summarised in . An initial scoping exercise was conducted to determine whether the resulting effects could be significant, based on the nature and magnitude of impact and the sensitivity of the receptor. If a medium or high potential for significant effects was identified then these topic areas would need to be scoped into the EIA and assessed in more detail, with mitigation measures developed if necessary. A screening assessment was also undertaken to determine whether an EIA would be required.

Table 2. Extraterrestrial EIA topic areas.


Review of the EISs referenced above revealed that the majority of those produced by NASA included comprehensive coverage of topics related to Earth’s environment. However, they did not cover potential impacts to the extraterrestrial environment, including to Earth’s orbital environment. In contrast the EIS produced by the FAA for the Horizontal Launch and Reentry of Reentry Vehicles Program did cover the potential impacts of orbital debris on the orbital environment (FAA Citation2005).

The wider literature review revealed the potential for impacts to arise to the extraterrestrial environment as a result of space exploration and development projects over a range of topic areas, as described in . Potential for impacts to occur was identified within all the topic areas (or factors) covered by the European EIA Directive. No potential extraterrestrial environmental impacts were identified that could not be categorised within the topic areas covered by the European EIA Directive. It was therefore concluded that these topic areas were appropriate to use in the screening and scoping exercise. The only required modification was to change the name of the ‘air and climate’ topic to ‘atmosphere and climate’ because although some celestial bodies have atmospheres, they do not consist of air.

The results of the screening and initial scoping exercise are shown in , with the key outcomes being:

  1. For the two projects that involved surveying asteroids the potential for significant extraterrestrial environmental effects was low for all topic areas. Based on the extraterrestrial elements of these projects they could therefore be screened out of requiring EIA, although a separate screening exercise would still be required covering the terrestrial elements.

  2. For the two projects involving uncrewed missions to the Moon and Mars, in two out of the nine topic areas a medium potential for significant effects was identified, but in the other topic areas the potential was low. These projects would therefore be screened as requiring EIA, although only a small number of extraterrestrial topic areas would be scoped in (atmosphere/climate and biodiversity for Mars and atmosphere/climate and cultural heritage for the Moon).

  3. For the two projects involving crewed missions to the Moon and Mars a medium or high likelihood of significant effects was predicted for six (Mars) and seven (Moon) of the topic areas, including between both projects all topic areas other than land. These projects would therefore be screened as requiring EIA and a large number of extraterrestrial topic areas would be scoped in.

Table 3. Potential for significant effects to arise from space project scenarios.


In relation to the original projects forming the basis of the four project scenarios screened as requiring EIA:

  • The EISs for NASA’s Constellation Program and Mars 2020 Mission did not consider extraterrestrial effects (NASA Citation2008a, Citation2014). The former was cancelled but the latter is still due to launch in 2020.

  • EIAs do not appear to have been undertaken for Moon Express’s Harvest Moon program or SpaceX’s Mars settlement program.

The project scenarios that showed the greatest potential for significant effects to arise were the crewed missions to Mars and the Moon. This is not surprising, as crewed missions require a greater level of support infrastructure, require resources such as water to be extracted from the local environment and, in the case of Mars, significantly increase the risk of forward contamination. The latter is because:

● Humans carry a high microbiological load and spacesuits and other equipment provide an incomplete barrier (Groemer Citation2010).

● Human settlements may be preferentially established in areas potentially suitable for life, as they will require access to water resources and shielding from radiation, possibly underground.

●Also, crewed missions introduce a human population to the extraterrestrial environment which requires consideration of population and human health effects, which may be significant due to exposure to high natural radiation levels and other health risks. The introduced population may also be a receptor for noise, vibration, visual and other impacts.

Significant effects were predicted to arise in few topic areas in the scenarios involving uncrewed missions to Mars and the Moon, reflecting that they were relatively small in scale and would not include humans. However, should the operations of Moon Express expand beyond those currently proposed, involving extensive mining operations, then there would be a greater chance of significant effects arising, particularly in relation to land, soil, water, atmosphere & climate, material assets and landscape.

Assessment of the two robotic missions to asteroids indicated a low potential for significant environmental effects in all topic areas. That was primarily because humans would not be present on the missions, the asteroids would be unlikely to have detectable atmospheres; conditions would be unsuitable for life; and there would only be a very limited impact on the surface of the asteroid. If subsequent missions were to mine the resources of the asteroid, as is proposed by Planetary Resources and other companies, then there would be a greater chance of significant effects on water and material assets. However, this would need to be considered in the context of more than 15,000 near-Earth asteroids having already been discovered (NASA Citation2016b), suggesting that they are abundant.

All of the project scenarios were predicted to have a low potential for significant effects on land. That is primarily because the projects have relatively small footprints and thus minimal land take and also because they would have negligible (or at most slight) impact on geology. However, as development in space intensifies land-related effects are likely to become more significant, particularly in relation to activities such as mining which may deplete resources and to development on the Moon, where the most suitable areas may be limited. It is therefore considered appropriate to retain ‘land’ as a topic area to be considered in the EIA screening and scoping methodology proposed in this paper, although rigorous scoping of all topic areas should always be undertaken to avoid unnecessary work and expenditure. The topic areas that were predicted to have high potential for significant effects to arise under at least one project scenario were population & human health, biodiversity and atmosphere & climate. The first of these was linked to the health risks to human crews associated with the extraterrestrial environment, the second to the potential for microbial life to be introduced to Mars and the third to the lack of data on the lunar and martian atmospheres.

The lack of baseline data on extraterrestrial environments increases the chances of effects being classified as significant, following the precautionary principle. Also, the alteration of a feature by human intervention before it has been comprehensively studied could result in invaluable scientific information being lost. Key examples are the risk of forward contamination of the martian environment by life forms from Earth and contamination of the lunar atmosphere with terrestrial substances, which could impact studies of the origin of life (Conley and Rettberg Citation2010) and the history of the solar system (CSCEM Citation2007).

The methodology proposed in this paper is necessarily based on expert opinion, given the limited baseline data and the lack of established techniques to assess the sensitivity of the various extraterrestrial environmental features and the magnitude of potential impacts. Further work will be required to fill these gaps and to ensure that assessment methods are specific to the extraterrestrial environment and are not unduly influenced by terrestrial experience. However, terrestrial EIA screening and scoping is also a relatively subjective process. Provided that the precautionary principle is adopted when assessing the potential for significant effects to arise, the proposed methodology is considered to be sufficiently robust. It is certainly an improvement on the current situation in which there is apparently no guidance available for EIA of extraterrestrial projects.


This study has shown that EIA of space projects has not been undertaken when it should have been, for ethical if not legal reasons, or when it has been undertaken that it has almost always failed to consider extraterrestrial impacts. This reflects similar observations by others (Viikari Citation2004, Citation2008; Kramer Citation2014, Citation2017). The reasons for this include a lack of legal requirements to undertake EIA covering the extraterrestrial environment (Manson Citation1991; Viikari Citation2004; Kramer Citation2014), an assumption in some quarters that the space environment does not warrant the same protection as Earth’s environment (Viikari Citation2004) and a need to enhance the ‘soft law’ regime, for example by generating standards and guidelines (Kramer Citation2017).

The most recent publication which extensively examined EIA governance was produced by Arts et al. (Citation2012), who compared the situation in the UK and the Netherlands. They concluded that the mandatory status of EIA, as well as transparency and positive attitudes, contributed to explaining EIA effectiveness in both countries. They noted that differences between the two countries could be explained mainly in terms of governance mechanisms such as scoping, quality control and the development of alternatives. This supports the points in the current paper regarding the need to strengthen the legal requirements for EIA of extraterrestrial projects and to develop bespoke guidance on scoping.

The current study provides a method for screening and initial scoping of extraterrestrial EIA but further work will be needed to develop wider EIA procedures and capabilities. Areas requiring particular attention include:

  • (1) To improve accuracy and reliability considerably more baseline data are required on extraterrestrial environments. For example, Kramer (Citation2014) notes that baseline data ‘would be especially critical from remote surface areas, microclimates and unique subsurface environments such as lava tubes, ice layers or pockets of liquid water.’

  • (2) More information is needed on the mechanisms and pathways by which extraterrestrial projects may impact the receiving environment. For example the Committee on the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon (CSCEM Citation2007) has stated that:

    Before extensive human and robotic activity alters the tenuous lunar atmosphere, it is important to understand its composition, transport mechanisms, and escape processes. At the same time, the lunar dust environment must be well characterized so that effective human exploration and astronomical observations can be planned.

  • (3) Specific procedures for detailed assessments of extraterrestrial topics need to be developed such as are available for terrestrial EIA (e.g. Landscape Institute & IEMA Citation2013).

  • (4) Reliable mitigation measures specific to the extraterrestrial environment need to be developed such as are available for many of the impacts from terrestrial projects.

  • (5) Consultation and approval methods need to be developed, which may be a complex task as outer space is considered to be ‘the province of all mankind’ (Pop Citation2016). Therefore establishing boundaries for public consultation while remaining sufficiently inclusive will be difficult. Consultation with regulatory authorities will also be complicated as there are no environmental agencies with clear regulatory powers for the extraterrestrial environment, although bodies such as COSPAR have an important role. The situation is similar to that on Earth with projects in international waters and the Antarctic (Kerrest Citation2011; Race Citation2011; Ehrenfreund et al. Citation2013; Kramer Citation2017), and it may be possible to draw lessons on consultation from these.


The following recommendations are made to enhance protection of the extraterrestrial environment through the use of EIA:

  • (1) The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) and other leading international technical and professional bodies that promote EIA should include the extraterrestrial environment within their remit. They should establish groups of specialists and include EIA of the extraterrestrial environment within their recommended procedures for professional practice. They should promote the use of extraterrestrial EIA even when it is not currently required by the legal framework. These bodies should also work with organisations undertaking space projects and developing legal frameworks to persuade them of the advantages of EIA. These advantages include protecting the extraterrestrial environment, improving the public acceptability and long term sustainability of the space sector and achieving cost savings through appropriate design and mitigation.

  • (2) EIA legislation should be updated to include coverage of space projects, specifically including an obligation to assess extraterrestrial impacts. France and Belgium already have this legislative requirement which should be rolled out at a wider European level when the EIA Directive is next amended. It is also important that similar changes are made to NEPA in the USA and to equivalent legislative frameworks in Russia, China and other spacefaring nations.

  • (3) EIA screening and scoping should be undertaken for space projects to ensure that EIA is carried out when required and that the appropriate topics are covered, while resources are not wasted assessing topics where significant effects are unlikely to arise. This paper provides a method for screening and scoping in extraterrestrial EIA which can be developed and refined as required. For example, EIA practitioners working in jurisdictions outside the European Union could amend the topic areas to correspond to those used in their own regional procedures (e.g. NEPA in the USA).

  • (4) Further work is required to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of extraterrestrial EIA, including for example research to better establish baseline conditions and how developments may impact them; the development of detailed procedures for assessing impacts in each topic area; procedures for undertaking consultation; and the design and testing of mitigation measures. This work will be the responsibility of various organisations involved in space research and development and it should ideally be co-ordinated by an appropriate international body such as COSPAR.

  • (5) Complementarities between EIA and other environmental assessment methods such as LCA, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Sustainability Impact Assessment (SIA) (the latter two recommended by Viikari (Citation2004)) should be recognised and promoted. LCA assesses the potential environmental impacts associated with products, processes or services, SEA does the same for plans and programs, while SIA additionally encompasses social and economic aspects. The screening and scoping method proposed in this paper would also be relevant to SEA. As extraterrestrial projects often involve a number of separate missions, and could therefore be considered to represent a ‘program’, judgment will be required as to whether SEA is required prior to EIA. LCA is a valuable tool, for example, for developing new space hardware that minimises the creation of space debris. However, it is less relevant to assessing the impacts of a proposed extraterrestrial development. SIA could be complementary to EIA by including consideration of wider social and economic issues, such as the impact to the economy of developing significant new supplies of rare minerals from asteroids.

  • (6) The extraterrestrial EIA process should be open and transparent with documentation made widely available online to encourage broad public participation and understanding (NASA has set a good example in this regard). The use of digital EIA techniques, where documents are web enabled, would help promote this further.


The author is grateful to Jessica Delaval, ESA’s Clean Space Coordinator, for providing information on ESA’s approach to LCA for space activities and to Margaret S. Race, Petra Rettberg, Rajeswari Rajagopalan and Jinyuan Su for providing copies of articles. The author is also grateful to the two anonymous referees who made valuable comments on the submitted manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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