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Research Article

Continuous Planning: Innovations from Practice in Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia)

Pages 727-747 | Received 30 Jun 2019, Accepted 04 Nov 2020, Published online: 14 Dec 2020


The concept of continuous planning (CP) refers to the periodic revisions of master plans in response to uncertainties faced by long-term urban planning. In this paper, we analyse CP practices in two European cities – Stavanger (Norway) and Belgrade (Serbia) and present how they cater for innovative planning tools which respond to the need to balance between both stability and change in long-term planning. We argue that in spite of its limitations, the CP approach adjusted to the local context, contributes to the certainty and stability of urban communities.


We are grateful to editors and three anonymous referees for their valuable comments on an early version of the paper. We give special thanks to Ivana Suboticki for her generous help in technical language editing.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This research was partially realized within the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200172 (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA, Geographical Institute ‘Jovan Cvijić’, Belgrade) (RS-200172).

Notes on contributors

Zlata Vuksanović-Macura

Zlata Vuksanović-Macura is an architect, urban planner, and research associate at the Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Her research interests include the urban planning, urban history, and social housing with a particular emphasis on the settlements and housing of Roma population.

Mirjana Gvozdic

Mirjana Gvozdic is a strategic spatial planner currently working at Rogaland County Council, as Project manager – analysis Light Rail Office, and as an advisor at Transportation Section. Her main work is focused on the development of planning methodology and processes within strategic impact assessment in integrated land-use and transport planning at regional and local level.

Vladimir Macura

Vladimir Macura, architect, former Director of the Belgrade Urban Planning Institute (2000–2004) and professor of urbanism at the Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade. Along with teaching, he led the formulation of Master Plan of Belgrade 2021. His current research focuses on the examination of spatial planning styles, viewed through a link between politics and citizens participation. He believes in five values: equality, solidarity, sustainability, affordability, and adequacy. He thinks that an architect is a professional servant to a community.

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