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Tribute to Richard (Dick) Birge Baldauf Jr. (1943–2014): A distinguished scholar and an inspiring mentor

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Students and colleagues alike were deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Richard (Dick) Birge Baldauf Jr. on 4th June 2014 at the age of 71. We have lost a warm friend, a leading scholar and an inspiring mentor in the field of Applied Linguistics and TESOL education. Dick was Executive Editor of Current Issues in Language Planning, and Co-convenor of the 14th Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) held in August 2014 in Brisbane, Australia. Dick ceased his work on these endeavours very shortly before his death, which has caused us to feel his loss all the more keenly. As a group of Dick's former students, we have collaborated to write this tribute in memory of a supervisor we loved dearly. We will remember him as an academic role model, a dedicated teacher, a passionate scholar, a constant and supportive mentor and, above all, a person who was full of warmth and humanity. As his former students we feel this loss particularly deeply; Dick did not stop mentoring us when we completed our doctorates and we turned to him frequently for advice and guidance.

Dick was born in Hartford, Connecticut in 1943, the oldest of three children. He graduated in History and Political Science from Dickinson College, Pennsylvania in 1965. He went on to the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, where he earned a Master's degree in Education in 1970 and a PhD in Educational Psychology in 1975. He later completed a Graduate Diploma in Language Studies from the Western Australian College of Advanced Education, in, Perth.

Dick served as a Peace Corps Primary ESL teacher in Sabah, Malaysia from 1966 to 1968. It was here that he met his wife, Christina (Tina). Tina, who taught English and Indonesian, shared Dick's interest in language and often accompanied him on the conference circuit. They had a daughter, Pamela, and recently Dick and Tina were delighted to welcome the arrival of granddaughter, Sophie. Between 1972 and 1975 Dick was Supervisor of Educational Testing in American Samoa. In 1975 Dick and Tina moved to Australia when he took up a position at James Cook University, Queensland, Australia, where he worked until 1992, serving as Head of the School of Language and Arts Studies in Education. During this time he spent a year as a Visiting Professor at Northern Arizona University in the USA and he was also a Research Fellow at the East-West Centre in Hawai'i. In 1992 Dick was appointed Research Manager at Language Australia, the National Language and Literacy Institute of Australia, a position he held until 1997. In this role, Dick was able to observe closely the implementation of language and literacy policies by Australian Federal and State governments. From 1998 to 2003 he was Director of the Language Centre in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Sydney. In 2003 he was appointed as Associate Professor and subsequently as Full Professor of TESOL Education in the School of Education at the University of Queensland, Brisbane and, in recognition of his significant contributions, on retirement from the university at the end of 2013 Dick was appointed as Emeritus Professor. Further recognition of his achievements came in 2013 when he was appointed as Academic Consultant to the Institute of Linguistics in Shanghai, PRC.

Dick was nationally and internationally acknowledged as a leading scholar in the field of Applied Linguistics. He was always interested in TESOL education, but his primary passion was language policy and planning. During the course of his career, Dick gave dozens of talks, papers or plenary addresses at national and international conferences and at university seminars, many of which have been subsequently published. He also wrote extensively, authoring or editing some 22 books, 55 chapters in books, 54 articles in scholarly journals, 12 book reviews and 23 more ephemeral pieces.

Dick's research and the large volume of his published work have not only enriched the field but have also helped it to advance. His collaborative work, with Bob Kaplan, in the analysis of language-in-education planning provided the framework for many ensuing studies undertaken in different polities. However, one of Dick's most enduring achievements will be his analysis of the diverse contexts and actors in language planning. His recognition of the role of micro-level planning and of individual agency has been highly influential. This is a growing area in language policy and planning, and Dick will be remembered for his pioneering contribution. In several recent publications, Dick attempted to sketch out the future of the field – a future in which local and individual agency was given prominence.

Dick not only provided outstanding service to the applied linguistics community through his scholarship but also through his professional contributions. From 1996 to 1999 he served as President of the Applied Linguistics Association of Australia and from 2005 to 2008 as Vice-President of the International Association for Applied Linguistics. Together with Bob Kaplan, Dick founded Current Issues in Language Planning in 2000. Dick and Bob gave the journal a unique character by promoting an editorial policy designed to provide mentoring for early-career academics, particularly those from non English-speaking backgrounds, who frequently represented disadvantaged countries. For Dick, this was simply a matter of putting his principles into practice but many new academic writers have found this policy to be particularly supportive and encouraging. Many of us have cut our teeth in academic publishing thanks to CILP's supportive editorial policy.

As a teacher and scholar, Dick inspired the respect of his students, co-researchers and colleagues. He supervised more than 20 doctoral candidates as well as 40 Master's students, many of whose academic careers have thrived as a consequence, expanding the fields in which they have worked. Dick's kindness and good humour won the enduring affection of his students and when some of his Asian students began to refer to him as “Uncle Dick” as a term of respect and endearment, the name stuck and soon all his students came to refer to him in this way.

As a supervisor, Dick was able to combine rigorous scholarship with patience, sincerity, compassion and encouragement. In 2007, Dick received a Research Higher Degree Supervision Excellence Award from the University of Queensland. Awards can be tokenistic but this award was a genuine recognition of his outstanding support and mentoring of future academics in the field.

Dick was an amiable and gentle person who gave generously to those around him. He was also well known for his impish sense of humour. As an academic, he worked with integrity and he was always willing to share thoughts, ideas and information with his colleagues and students. Behind his unassuming manner lay an acuity and perception that could not be underestimated. People trusted Dick. At his memorial service at the University of Queensland, people spoke not only of his many engaging personal qualities but also of how much they valued his advice, be it personal, academic or professional. We emphasise this facet of Dick's character because, while many of us tend to forget about empathy in ensuring our survival in academia, Dick was a role model of how to achieve academic excellence while maintaining one's humanity. In our view this is Dick's most valuable legacy; he will be remembered for it by a large number of people, in Australia and around the world, with gratitude, appreciation and admiration. Rest in peace dear Uncle Dick. We will miss you.

Dick and Tina

Tanjung Aru Beach, Sabah, Malaysia, 1967
Dick and Tina

We extend our grateful thanks to Bob Kaplan for his helpful comments on this tribute. Select bibliography of work by Richard (Dick) Birge Baldauf Jr.



Hamid, M. O., Nguyen, H. T. M., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr., (Eds.). Language planning for medium of instruction in Asia. New York: Routledge.

Nguyen, H. T. M., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr., (in press). Models of mentoring in language teacher education. Dordrecht: Springer.


Kamwangamalu, N., Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. (Eds.). Language planning in Africa: The Cameroon, Sudan and Zimbabwe. New York: Routledge.

Kaplan, R. B., Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kamwangamalu, N. (Eds.). Language planning in Europe: Cyprus, Iceland and Luxembourg. New York: Routledge.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., Kaplan, R. B., Kamwangamalu, N., & Bryant, P. (Eds.). Language planning in Asian primary schools. New York: Routledge.

Gitsaki, C., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). The future of applied linguistics: Local and global perspectives. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars' Press.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B. Jr. (Eds.). Language planning in the Asia Pacific: Hong Kong, Timor-Leste and Sri Lanka. New York: Routledge.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Asia: Vol 1: Japan, Nepal and Taiwan and Chinese characters. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Europe: Vol 3: The Baltics, Ireland and Italy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Liddicoat, A. J., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy: Language planning in local contexts. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Zhao S., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Planning Chinese characters: Reaction, evolution or revolution? Dordrecht: Springer.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Latin America: Vol I: Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Africa: Vol 2: Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in the Pacific: Vol. I: The Philippines, Fiji and Vanuatu. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Europe: Vol I: Hungary, Finland and Sweden. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Europe: Vol. 2: The European Union, The Czech Republic and Northern Ireland. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning and policy in Africa: Vol I: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language and language-in-education planning in the Pacific basin. Dordrecht: Kluwer.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. (Eds.). Language planning in Nepal, Sweden and Taiwan. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Eds.). Language planning in Malawi, Mozambique and the Philippines. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning from practice to theory. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. (Ed.). Viability of low candidature LOTE courses in universities. Canberra: DEET.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Luke, A. (Eds.). Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.



Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Chua, C. S. K. Language planning and multilingualism. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of applied linguistics (pp. 1–9). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.

Kaplan, R. B., Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kamwangamalu, N. M. Introduction: Language planning in Europe: Cyprus, Iceland and Luxembourg – Some common issues (pp. 1–32). In Language planning in Europe: Cyprus, Iceland and Luxembourg. New York: Routledge.

Kamwangamalu, N. M., Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. Introduction: Language planning in Africa: The Cameroon, Sudan & Zimbabwe – Some common issues (pp. 1–19). In Language planning in Africa: The Cameroon, Sudan & Zimbabwe. New York: Routledge.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Nguyen, T. M. H. Language planning in the Asia Pacific. In B. Spolsky (Ed.), Handbook of language policy (pp. 617–638). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Chua, C. S. K., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Global language: [De]colonization in the new era. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (Vol. 2, pp. 952–969). New York: Routledge.

Chua, C. S. K., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Micro language planning. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (Vol. 2, pp. 936–951). New York: Routledge.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Introduction: Language Planning in the Asia Pacific: Hong Kong, Timor-Leste and Sri Lanka – Some common issues (pp. 1–25). Language planning in the Asia Pacific: Hong Kong, Timor-Leste and Sri Lanka. New York: Routledge.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. North Korea's language revision and some unforeseen consequences. In J. A. Fishman & O. Garcia (Eds.), Language and ethnic identity (Vol. 2, pp. 153–167). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Zhao, Shouhui., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Chinese character simplification: Not a simple matter. In J. A. Fishman & O. Garcia (Eds.), Language and ethnic identity (Vol. 2, pp. 168–179). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Methodologies for language policy and planning. In R. B. Kaplan (Ed.), Oxford handbook of applied linguistics (2nd ed., pp. 437–451). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & White, P. Participation and collaboration in tertiary language education in Australia. In A. J. Liddicoat & A. Scarino (Eds.), Languages in Australia (pp. 41–70). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Rearticulating the case for micro language planning in a language ecology context. In A. J. Liddicoat & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy: Language planning in local contexts (pp. 18–41). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. [Reprint from CILP 2006]

Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. Language policy and planning in Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay: Some common issues (pp. 6–38). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Latin America: Vol I: Ecuador, Mexico and Paraguay. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. An ecological perspective on language planning. In A. Creese, P. Martin & N. H. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (2nd ed., Vol. 9: Ecology of language, pp. 41–52). Heidelberg: Springer.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language policy and planning in Japan, Nepal, Taiwan and for Chinese Characters: Some common issues (pp. 7–37). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language Planning and Policy in Europe, Asia, Vol 1: Japan, Nepal, Taiwan and Chinese characters. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language policy and planning in the Baltic States, Ireland and Italy: Some common issues (pp. 6–30). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Europe, Vol 3: The Baltic States, Ireland and Italy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language policy and planning in Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia: Some common issues (pp. 6–24). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Africa: Vol 2: Algeria, Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Tunisia. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Liando, N. V. F., Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Moni, K. What do university students say about their motivation in learning English as a foreign language. In C. Gitsaki (Ed.), Language and languages: Global and local tensions (pp. 114–129). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Liddicoat, A. J., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning in local contexts: Agents, contexts and interactions. In A. J. Liddicoat & R. B. Baldauf Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy: Language planning in local contexts (pp. 3–17). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Kaplan, R. B. Language policy and planning in The Philippines, Fiji and Vanuatu: Some common issues (pp. 6–38). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy: Pacific: Vol. I: The Philippines, Fiji and Vanuatu. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. Language policy and planning in The European Union, The Czech Republic and Northern Ireland: Some common issues (pp. 6–15). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Europe: Vol. 2: The European Union, The Czech Republic and Northern Ireland. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Cheung, W-L. Language education policies in the Pacific. In K. Brown (Ed.), Encyclopedia of language and linguistics (2nd ed., Vol. 6, pp. 433–442). Oxford: Elsevier.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning and policy research: An overview. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 957–970). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Micro language planning. In D. Atkinson, P. Bruthiaux, W. Grabe & V. Ramanathan (Eds.), Directions in Applied Linguistics:Essays in honor of Robert B. Kaplan (pp. 227–239). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Kaplan, R. B. Language-in education planning. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching and learning (pp. 1013–1034). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language policy and planning in Hungary, Finland and Sweden: Some common issues (pp. 6–21). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Europe: Vol I: Hungary, Finland and Sweden. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Liando, N. V. F., Moni, K. B., & Baldauf, R. B. Jr. Student motivation in learning English as a foreign language in an Indonesian context. In J. Yamanashi & I. Milojevic (Eds.), Researching identity, diversity and education: Surpassing the norm (pp. 168–180). Brisbane: Post Pressed.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning. In P. Strazny (Ed.), Encyclopedia of linguistics, 2 Vols. Chicago: Routledge.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. Language policy and planning in Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa: Some common issues (pp. 6–20). In R. B. Kaplan & R. B. Baldauf, Jr. (Eds.), Language planning and policy in Africa: Vol I: Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Ingram, D. Language-in-education planning. In International encyclopedia of linguistics, Vol. 2 (2nd ed., pp. 412–416). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. & Djité, P. G. Australia and the South Pacific. In J. Maurais & M. A. Morris (Eds.), Languages in a globalising World (pp. 217–227). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Republished and translated from (2001). L'Australasie et le Pacifique Sud. Terminogramme 99–100, 265–74. [Special issue on Géostratégies des langues].


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Methodologies for policy and planning. In R. B. Kaplan (Ed.), Handbook of applied linguistics (pp. 391–403). Oxford: Oxford University Press.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Speaking of science: The use by Australian University science staff of language skills. In U. Ammon (Ed.), The dominance of English as a language of science (pp. 139–165). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Not only English: “English only” and the world. In R. D. González & I. Melis (Eds.), Language ideologies: Critical perspectives on the official English movement, Vol. 2 History, theory and policy (pp. 293–315). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English/ Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. “Unplanned” language policy and planning. In W. Grabe et al. (Eds.), Annual review of applied linguistics 14 (pp. 82–89). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning and education. In R. B. Baldauf, Jr. & A. Luke (Eds.), Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific (pp. 14–24). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Education and language planning in the Samoas. In R. B. Baldauf, Jr. & A. Luke (Eds.), Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific (pp. 259–276). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Eggington, W., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Towards evaluating the Aboriginal bilingual education program in the Northern Territory. In R. B. Baldauf, Jr. & A. Luke (Eds.), Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific (pp. 89–105). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Luke, A., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning and education: A critical re-reading. In R. B. Baldauf, Jr. & A. Luke (Eds.), Language planning and education in Australasia and the South Pacific (pp. 349–352). Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.



Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Introduction – Language Planning: Where have we been? Where might we be going? Revista Brasileria de Linguística Aplicada, 12(2), 233–248.

Hamid, M. O., Nguyen, H. T. M., Baldauf, R. B. Jr. Medium of instruction in Asia: Context, process, outcomes. Current Issues in Language Planning, 14(1), 1–17.

Tran, T.T., Moni, K. & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Foreign language anxiety: Understanding its sources and effects from insiders' perspectives. The Journal of Asia TEFL, 10(1), 95–131.

Tran, T.T., Moni, K. & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Foreign language anxiety and its effects on students' determination to study English: To abandon or not to abandon? TESOL in Context, Special Edition S3, 24 pp. [TESOL as a global trade: ethics, equity and Ecology, Robert Jackson (Ed.)].

Zhao S. H., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Prestige planning in Chinese script reform: The case of individual agency. Language Problems & Language Planning, 36(1), 1–24.


Baldauf, R. B. Jr., Kaplan, R. B., Kamwangamalu, N. & Bryant, P. Success or failure of primary second / foreign language programmes in Asia: What do the data tell us? Current Issues in Language Planning, 12(2), 309–323.

Cheng, J., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Can EFL interactive listening be validly assessed? Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(4), 31–46.

Li, M., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Beyond the curriculum: Issues constraining effective English language teaching: A Chinese Example. TESOL Quarterly, 45(4), 793–803.

Hamid, M. O., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. English and socio-economic disadvantage: Learner voices from rural Bangladesh. Language Learning Journal, 39(2), 201–217.

Kaplan, R. B., Baldauf, R. B. Jr., & Kamwangamalu, N. Why language planning sometimes fails. Current Issues in Language Planning, 12(2), 105–124.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr., Kaplan, R. B. & Kamwangamalu, N. Language planning and its problems. Current Issues in Language Planning, 11(4), 430–438.

Baldauf, R. B., Jr., & Kaplan, R. B. Australian Applied Linguistics in relation to international trends. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 33(1), 4.1–4.32.

Nguyen, T. M. H., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Effective peer mentoring for EFL pre-service teachers' instructional practicum practice. Asian EFL Journal, 12(3), 40–61.


Hamid, M. O., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Will CLT bail out the bogged down ELT in Bangladesh? English Today, 24(3), 19–27.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language policy spread: Lessons to be learned from social policy. Language Problems & Language Planning, 31, 107–129.

Zhao, S. & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Language planning, naming and character use in China. Current Issues in Language Planning, 8(3), 283–304.


Baldauf, R. B. Jr. Rearticulating the case for micro language planning. Current Issues in Language Planning, 7(2/3), 147–170.


Kaplan, R. B., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Editing contributed scholarly articles from a language management perspective. Journal of Second Language Writing,14(1), 47–62.


Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Issues of prestige and image in language-in-education planning in Australia. Current Issues in Language Planning, 5(4), 376–388.

Rainbow, P. G., & Baldauf, R. B., Jr. Too much work and no play make Chris a dull boy. TESOL Reporter 26(1), 10–15.

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