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Corvalán for Bukovsky: a real exchange of prisoners during an imaginary war. The Chilean dictatorship, the Soviet Union, and US mediation, 1973–1976

Pages 315-336 | Published online: 23 May 2013


Based on Chilean, Soviet, American, and Italian declassified documents, this article examines a particular case in the global Cold War: the only international exchange of political prisoners during that period, involving the general secretary of the Chilean Communist Party Luis Corvalán and Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky. It emphasises the intersecting agendas, purposes, and consequences of multiple state and non-state actors in this episode: from the governments of Chile, the US, and the USSR, to the Chilean Communist Party, the Soviet dissident movement, and finally to the European communist parties, Cuba, international solidarity, and human rights movements.


 1 Luis Corvalán, De lo vivido y lo peleado. Memorias (Santiago de Chile: LOM, 1997), 185–191.

 2 Interview with Sergio Ovalle, member of the CC of PCCH in 1973, Santiago, 18 May 2011.

 3 FM SECSTATE WASHDC TO AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO, Subject: Sovier interest in Luis Corvalán, 8 December 1973, NARA, 1973STATE240799, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

 4 FM SECSTATE WASHDC TO AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO, Subject: Sovier interest in Luis Corvalán, 8 December 1973, NARA, 1973STATE240799, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

 5 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Sovier interest in Luis Corvalán, 25 January 1974, NARA, 1974SANTIA00415, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

 6 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Sovier interest in Luis Corvalán, 25 January 1974, NARA, 1974SANTIA00415, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

 7 Archivo del Partito Comunista Italiano (APC), Fondazione Istituto Gramsci: 1974, III bimestre, Estero-Cile, MF 078, 623.

 8 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU 19 March 1974, pages 1–5, Archive of the PCCH Abroad.

 9 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU 19 March 1974, pages 1–5, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

10 FM AMEMBASSY MOSCOW TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Soviets mark Chile Anniversary, 16 September 1974, NARA 1974MOSCOW14033, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

11 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad.

12 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

13 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

14 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

15 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

16 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

17 Discussion held in the Central Committee of the CPSU, 10 October 1974, Archive of the PCCH Abroad

18 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Chilean Interest in Possible Soviet Release of Political prisoners, 17 October, 1974, NARA 1974SANTIA06366, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

19 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Chilean Interest in Possible Soviet Release of Political prisoners, 17 October, 1974, NARA 1974SANTIA06366, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

20 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC, Subject: Chilean Interest in Possible Soviet Release of Political prisoners, 17 October, 1974, NARA 1974SANTIA06366, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl, ICRC is the International Committee of the Red Cross; GOC is Chilean Government.

21 Interview with Nicolai Leonov, Vice Chief of Analytic Department, Foreign Intelligence Direction KGB in seventies, Moscow – Santiago, 1998.

22 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC 7231, Subject: Navy trial of Luis Corvalan.18 February 1976, NARA1976SANTIA01256, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

23 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC 7231, Subject: Navy trial of Luis Corvalan.18 February 1976, NARA1976SANTIA01256, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

24 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC 7231, Subject: Navy trial of Luis Corvalan.18 February 1976, NARA1976SANTIA01256, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

25 FM AMEMBASSY SANTIAGO TO SECSTATE WASHDC 8972, Subject: Status of Luis Corvalan, 10 May 1976, NARA 1976SANTIA04373, http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

26 Аргументы и Факты, Москва, 15.07.2009 [Argumenty y facty, Moscow, 15 July 2009].

27 Draft Action Memorandum Telegram, 26 April 1976, ext 23023. State Chile Declassification project, Tranche 1, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

28 Memorandum of Conversation, 29 Sept 1975, Secretary's Meeting with Foreign Minister Carvajal., State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

29 Department of State, Memorandum of Conversation, Subject: United States Chilean Relations, 8 June 1976, p.8, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche 1, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

30 Interview with Igor Rybalkin, Charged PCCH, International Department CC CPSU, 1962–1988, Santiago, Chile, October 2012.

31 Interview with Igor Rybalkin, Charged PCCH, International Department CC CPSU, 1962–1988, Santiago, Chile, October 2012

32 Interview with Igor Rybalkin, Charged PCCH, International Department CC CPSU, 1962–1988, Santiago, Chile, October 2012

33 FM AMEMBASSY BERN TO SECRESTATE WASHDC 3680, Subject: Corvalan Bukovsky exchange, 20 December 1976, NARA 1976BERN05780 http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

34 Bukovsky's interview to Russian TV International, 2007 Sept, accessed 12/05/2011, http://www.rtvi.ru/annons/i/bukovsky1_a

35 О некоторых впечатлениях, связанных с выдворением БУКОВСКОГО. Справка начальника Управления КГБ БОБКОВА в ЦК., 20.12..76, TsJSD, Opis 89, doc. 0086 [‘On some impressions related to the expulsión of Bukovsky’, Memorandum of Chief of Department of KGB, Bobkov, to the CPSU Central Comittee, 20 December 1976, Centre For Conservation of Contemporary Documents, Russian Federation /TsJSD/, Collection 89, Doc. 0086].

36 Andrei Sajarov, Memorias (Madrid: Plaza & Janes, 1991), 634.

37 Ibid.

38 Bukovsky's interview to Russian TV International, 2007 Sept, accessed 12/05/2011, http://www.rtvi.ru/annons/i/bukovsky1_a

39 CIA Directorate of Operations, 22 November 1976, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

40 CIA Directorate of Operations, 22 November 1976, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

41 CIA, Directorate of Operations, 24 November 1976, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

42 CIA, Directorate of Operations, 24 November 1976, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

43 CIA, Directorate of Operations, 24 November 1976, State Chile Declassification project, Tranche III, http://foia.state.gov/searchcolls/search.asp

44 Letter from V. Teltelboim to E. Honecker, Moscow, 20 November 1976, Archive of the PCCH.

45 Luis Corvalán, De lo vivido y lo peleado, 234–235.

46 О принципиальном согласии Чилийского правительства на освобождение и депортацию Корвалана. Шифротелеграмма совпосла в США от 08.12.76., TsJSD, opis, 89 [On the general consent of Chilean Government for Corvalan's release and deport. Coded Telegram from Soviet Ambassador in USA, 8 December 1976, TsJSD, collection 89].

47 О мероприятиях в связи с освобождением т. Л. Корвалана. Решение Политбюро ЦК № 38/23 от 10.12.76. Указание совпослу в США, поручения КГБ и МИД., TsJSD, Opis 89, [On activities related to Luis Corvalan Liberation. Resolution of Politburo CC N°38/23, 10 December 1976, Instructions for Soviet Ambassador in USA, orders to KGB and Minister of Foreign Relations, TsJSD, Collection 89].

48 О мероприятиях в связи с освобождением т. Л. Корвалана. Решение Политбюро ЦК № 38/46 от 15.12.76. Утверждены условия передачи. TsJSD, opis 89 [On activities related to Luis Corvalan Liberation. Resolution of Politburo CC N°38/46, 15 December 1976, Transference conditions approved, TsJSD, Collection 89].

49 О мероприятиях в связи с освобождением т. Л. Корвалана. Решение Политбюро ЦК № 38/46 от 15.12.76. Утверждены условия передачи. TsJSD, opis 89 [On activities related to Luis Corvalan Liberation. Resolution of Politburo CC N°38/46, 15 December 1976, Transference conditions approved, TsJSD, Collection 89]

50 Pavel Evdokimov ‘How did Alpha Begin’ on Specnaz Rossii, N°1 (124), January 2007, accessed 12/05/2011, http://www.specnaz.ru/article/?1022

51 Department of State, DEC 76 FM AMEMBASSY BERN TO SECRESTATE WASHDC 3680, page 02, NARA 1976BERN05780 http://aad.archives.gov/aad/series-description.jsp?s = 4073&cat = all&bc = sl

52 Department of State, DEC 76 FM AMEMBASSY BERN TO SECRESTATE WASHDC 3680 p. 2.

53 Department of State, DEC 76 FM AMEMBASSY BERN TO SECRESTATE WASHDC 3680, pp. 2–3


55 Аргументы и Факты, Москва, 15.07.2009 [Argumenty y facty, Moscow, 15 July 2009].

56 Letter written by Oldrini from Cuba, 1 January 1977, APC, 1977, I bimestre, Note segreteria, MF 288, 239–241.

57 ‘Mosca: calorose accoglienze a Corvalan’, L'Unità, 19 December 1976.

58 Об ответе т. Э. Берлингуэру. Решение Политбюро ЦК №24/25 от 29.08.76 по принятому ранее Секретариатом постановлению № 22/15 от 24.08.76, TsJSD, Opis 89. [‘On the answer to comrade Berlinguer’, Resolution of Politburo CC, N°24/25, 29 August 1976, based on Secretariat Resolution N°22/15, 24 August, 1976, TsJSD, Collection 89].

59 See, especially, the following articles: ‘Il compagno Corvalan liberato ed espulso dal Cile’, L'Unitá, 18 December 1976; ‘Problemi irrisolti’, L'Unitá, 20 December 1976.

60 Indoor-outdoor and outdoor-indoor posts, 1976–1977, Archive of the PCCH Abroad.

61 ‘In a society with antagonistic classes, all governments constitute some form of dictatorship’, Corvalán, 273.

62 ‘Corvalán: i dissidenti sono quattro gatti’, Il Popolo (Roma), 4 March 1977.

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