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Research Article

Mission Impossible: Explaining the Failure of Ho Chi Minh’s Mediation Efforts Inside the Marxist-Leninist World, 1960-1961

Received 01 Sep 2023, Accepted 21 Feb 2024, Published online: 18 Jun 2024


By drawing on Chinese, Soviet, Albanian as well as other Eastern European archives, this manuscript examines Ho Chi Minh’s shuttle diplomacy between 1960 and 1961 inside the Marxist-Leninist world. It is primarily interested in understanding the reasons for its failure and to make better sense of why Ho Chi Minh was unsuccessful in his attempt to act as an honest broker.


1 Nguyen Viet Hung, Do Thuy Dung and Nguyen Anh Quan, ‘Revolutionary Ethics – The Core Values in President Ho Chi Minh’s Testament’, Institutional Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research 11:2 (April 2023), 54-55. In order to be consistent, all names and cities have been Anglicised.

2 Ho Chi Minh, ‘The Last Testament’, The Antioch Review 29:4 (Winter, 1969-1970), 497-499.

3 Scholars who have mentioned Ho Chi Minh’s brokering include: Elidor Mehilli, From Stalin to Mao: Albania and the Socialist World (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2017), 202; Ylber Marku, ‘Communist Relations in Crisis: The End of Soviet-Albanian Relations, and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1960–1961’, The International History Review 42:4 (2020); Pierre Asselin, Hanoi’s Road to the Vietnam War, 1954-1965 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013), 108; Cheng Guan Ang, ‘Vietnamese Communists’ Relations with China and the Second Indochina Conflict, 1956-1962’, (PhD Thesis: University of London, 1995), 225. For two more thorough analyses of Ho Chi Minh’s peace initiative, see Igor Selivanov, ‘Moscow–Hanoi–Tirana Relations in the Context of the Split in the “Socialist Camp”’, Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 32:2 (July 2017), 479-514; and 陈波,《中苏分裂与越南劳动党对国际共运的认知和表达(1960-1964)》《当代世界与社会主义》(双月刊) 2018 年第3 期, 77-83.

4 On the inaccessibility of Vietnamese archival documents, see Lien-Hang T. Nguyen’s interview with Humanities Texas, ‘Lien-Hang T. Nguyen, “The Vietnam War,” Q&A (March 2021),’ [accessed on 24 April 2024 at: https://www.humanitiestexas.org/archives/digital-repository/nguyen-vietnam-war-qa-march-2021].

5 Lorenz Luethi, The Sino-Soviet Split (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008). For some other excellent analyses of the dispute, see Odd Arne Westad, ed., Brothers in Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945-1963 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000); Jonathan Friedman, Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2015); Dong Wang, ‘The Quarrelling Brothers: New Chinese Archives and a Reappraisal of the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1962’, CWIHP, Working Paper #49 (July 2011), 1-61; Niu Jun, ‘1962: The Eve of the Left Turn in China’s Foreign Policy’, CWIHP, Working Paper #48 (October 2005), 1-36.

6 Sergey Radchenko, ‘The Sino–Russian Relationship in the Mirror of the Cold War’, China International Strategy Review 1 (2019), 274.

7 Sergey Radchenko, Two Suns in the Heavens: The Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy, 1962-1967 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009),17, 206.

8 Chen Jian, Mao’s China and the Cold War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001), 83-84.

9 Li Danhui and Xia Yafeng, Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1973: A New History (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2018), 280-281.

10 Dong Wang, ‘The Quarrelling Brothers,’ 44; Ilya Gaiduk, Confronting Vietnam: Soviet Policy towards the Indochina Conflict, 1954-1963 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003), 117.

11 Arhivele Naționale ale României (hereafter ANR), CC al PCR Relaţii Externe, Dosar Nr. 34/1958, File 9, ‘Stenograma discuţiilor avute cu delegaţia R.D. Vietnam condusă de tov. Ho Si Min, 19 august 1957,’ 14. On North Vietnam’s domestic problems in the 1950s, see, for instance: Balazs Szalontai, ‘Political and Economic Crisis in North Vietnam, 1955 –56,’ Cold War History 5:4, (November 2005),395–426; Asselin, Hanoi’s Road to War, 19-21, 48-49; Florence Yvon, ‘The Construction of Socialism in North Vietnam: Reconsidering the Domestic Economy, 1954-1960’, South East Asia 16:1 (March 2008), 43-84.

12 刘晓, 《大使回忆录 出使苏联八年: 1955-1962》(Beijing, 1998), 95.

13 中共中央文献研究室, eds.,《邓小平年谱: 一九○四-一九七四 (下)》(Beijing, 2009), 1552-1554.

14 ANR, CC al PRC CC al PCR Relaţii Externe, Dosar Nr.35/1960, Vol. I. ‘Proces verbal al întîlnirii reprezentanţilor partidelor comuniste şi muncitoreşti din ţările socialiste, care a avut loc la Bucureşti la 24 iunie 1960,’ 119.

15 ‘Special Lenin Anniversary Issue. Long Live Leninism!’, Peking Review, 26 April 1960, 6-23.

16 Arhiva Ministerul Afacerilor Externe a României (hereafter AMAE), dosar 252, problema 20, anul 1960, țara China, Vol. 1, ‘Masă dată de tov. Neagu la care au participat tovarăşii Siriamov (sovietic) şi Tzan Tho Thong (vietnamez), 18 iulie 1960’, 53.

17 中央文献出版社, eds.,《毛泽东年谱: 一九四九-一九七六, 第四卷)》(Beijing, 2013), 492.

18 For Zhou Enlai’s comments, see: SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3671, ‘Brief des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU an das Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands, 21 Juni 1960’, 68.

19 杨奎松,《毛泽东与莫斯科的恩恩怨怨》(Jiangxi, 2008), 457.

20 AQSH, F. 14 APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partise se Punes te Shqiperise - Marredheniet me PK te Kines), D. 117-2, ‘Disa shenime mbi zhvillimin e konferences se organizuar me daten 5.VI.1960 nga ana e KQ te partise komuniste te Kines me disa delegate ne sesionin e XI te F.S.B.’,16-19. I am very grateful to Ylber Marku for sharing this document with me. The Albanian narration of events is confirmed by the Hungarian representative. See: M-KS 288.f.47/728.ő.e., ‘Levél Brutyó Jánostól Kádár Jánosnak 1960. június 17-én’, 189-192.

21 ANR, CC al PCR Relaţii Externe, Dosar Nr.30/1960, ‘Informare asupra problemelor ridicate de reprezentanţii sindicatelor din Republica Populară Chineză în timpul pregătirii și desfășurării celei de a XI-a sesiuni a Consiliului General al F.S.M. (Pekin, 30 mai-9 iunie 1960), 1-22; NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 80, ‘Zpráva od soudruha Málka Antonínu Novotnému. Zpráva o některých aktuálních otázkách v ČLR pro redakci RP., 16 června 1960’. When examining the Eastern European reports on the WFTU conference, it should be remembered that the Asian, African and Latin American countries were typically clustered together. Nonetheless, the Romanian report, for instance, specifically relayed the thoughts of the Japanese, Argentinian and Confederation of Latin American Workers delegations, but nothing on the Vietnamese.

22 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3671, ‘Wanke an Ulbricht, 9. Juni 1960,’ 30. For an interesting Chinese narration of the entire WFTU conference in Beijing, see: 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》(Beijing, 2015), 550-555.

23 AQSH, F. 14 APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partise se Punes te Shqiperise - Marredheniet me PK te Kines), D. 117-2, ‘Liri Belishova tek Enver Hoxha, 23 qershor 1960’, 32. For the conversations between Ho Chi Minh and the Albanian delegation, see: AQSH, F. 14 APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-10-2, ‘Protokoll i Bisedimeve te Zhvilluara Midis Delegacionit Tone dhe Udheheqesve te Partise e te Qeverise se R.D.V., 12 qershor 1960’, 1-16; Ibid, ‘Takimi me shokun Fan Van Dong. Pergjigje disa pyetjeve tona, 17 qershor 1960’, 17-25.

24 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 194, ‘Záznam z jednání stranické a vládní delegace CSSR s delegací Sovětského svazu dne 25. Listopadu 1963 v Kremlu. Jednání probíhalo od 15,00 hod. do 19,30 hod,’ p. 54; ANR, CC al PCR Cancelarie, Dosar Nr.55/1964, Volume I, ‘Nota: In afara celor de mai sus, în discuţia cu Hruşciov au mai fost următoarele, 10 octombrie 1964’, 53.

25 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3671, ‘Mitteilung des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU an das Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschlands, 21. Juni 1960’, 64-148.

26 PA MfAA A8725, ‘“Konkrete Fakten”– Bericht von Luu Quy Ky, Vizepräsident des Komitees für kulturelle Beziehungen mit dem Ausland, Leiter der Propagandaabteilung beim ZK der Partei, Direktor der Zeitschrift Thong Nhat, n.d.’ 82-83. See also Le Duan’s comments to Peng Zhen in:中央文献出版社, eds.,《彭真年谱: 一九六○ - 一九七八. 第四卷)》(Beijing, 2012), 42. On Le Duan’s own standpoint, see: Tuong Vu, Vietnam’s Communist Revolution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 156-158.

27 ANR, CC al PRC CC al PCR Relaţii Externe, Dosar Nr.35/1960, Vol. I. ‘Proces Verbal al întîlnirii reprezentanţilor partidelor comuniste şi muncitoreşti din tările socialiste, care a avut loc la Bucureşti la 24 iunie 1960’, 118-119.

28 PA MfAA, A6747, ‘Aktenvermerk über eine Unterhaltung mit dem Botschafter der Demokratischen Republik Vietnam während des Fluges von Berlin bis Moskau, am 30. Juli 1960’, 460.

29 AMAE, dosar 252, problema 20, anul 1960, țara China, Vol. 1, ‘Masă dată de tov. Neagu la care au participat tovarasii Siriamov (sovietic) si Tzan Tho Thong (vietnamez), 18 iulie 1960’, 52-53.

30 《彭真年谱, 第四卷》42. In their respective memoirs, Yan Mingfu (who was a member of the Chinese delegation in Bucharest) as well as Wu Lengxi (a member of the CCP central committee) claim that the North Vietnamese (as well as the North Koreans and the Albanians) received the Soviet circular on 21 June, so a couple of days before the Chinese. Perhaps Le Duan was lying to Peng Zhen, yet it seems difficult to believe that none of the Vietnamese representatives would have tipped the Chinese off or shared the circular with them, especially given that Xuan Thuy and Hoang Van Hoan (two renowned Sinophiles) attended the Bucharest Conference. See: 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》 564; 吴冷西,《十年论战: 1956-1966中苏关系回忆录》(Beijing, 1999) 281.

31 PA MfAA, A8705, ‘Nhân Dân, Kommuniqué der 18. Konferenz des Zentralkomitees der Partei der Werktätigen Vietnams zur Bukarester Konferenz, 15 August 1960’, 325-327.

32 Sophie Quinn-Judge, Ho Chi Minh: The Missing Years, 1919-1941 (London: C. Hurst & Co, 2002), 8, 201, 203-204.

33 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-10-2, ‘Takimi me shokun Fan Van Dong. Pergjigje disa pyetjeve tona, 17 VI. 1960’, 18-19. For some fascinating insights into the amount of assistance the DRV received, see, for example: Xiaobing Li, Building Ho’s Army: Chinese Military Assistance to North Vietnam (Lanham: Lexington, 2019); Luong Thi Hong, ‘Economic Cold War: Chinese economic aid to Vietnam, 1954–1975, South East Asia Research 30:3 (2022), 325-340.

34 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-10-2, ‘Takimi me shokun Fan Van Dong. Pergjigje disa pyetjeve tona, 17 VI. 1960’, 21.

35 AMAE, dosar 252, problema 20, anul 1960, țara China, Vol. 1, ‘Masa data de tov. Neagu la care au participat tovarasii Siriamov (sovietic) si Tzan Tho Thong (vietnamez), 18 iulie 1960’, 54; PA AA, A17255, ‘Aktenvermerk über Gespräche in Verbindung mit einem Abendessen in der Botschaft der DRV, Berlin, am 25. August 1960’, 50; PA MfAA, A8590, ‘Aktenvermerk Nr.15/60 über eine Unterredung des Koll. Stude mit dem 1. Sekretär der Botschaft der DRV, Phan Van Kim, am 28 August 1960’, 62.

36 John F. Kennedy Library, Papers of President Kennedy, President’s Office Files, Countries, 8/37/E/5/7, Reference Box 128A, Vietnam Security 1961, ‘Young to Secretary of State, 25 May 1961.’ See also Asselin, Vietnam’s American War, 99.

37 See, for instance: ‘World’s Reds Back Khrushchev in China Dispute, Survey Shows’, The New York Times, 18 September 1960; ‘Ho Backs Khrushchev In Red Ideology Feud,’, Times Herald, 7 September 1960.

38 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-10-3, ‘Bisedim ne takimin me shokun Ho Shi Min, daten 11/IX/1960’, 9.

39 Qiang Zhai, China and the Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2000), 86.

40 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-10-3, ‘Bisedim ne takimin me shokun Ho Shi Min, daten 11/IX/1960’, 9-11.

41 SAPMO-BArch, DY3667, ‘Fernschreiben von Botschafter Claudius an Genossen Ulbricht und Genossen Schwab, 25 August 1960’, 13-17. See also NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 84, ‘6701. Zpráva s. Voltra z Hanoje - 24.8.1960’.

42 Janos Radvanyi, Delusion and Reality: Gambits, Hoaxes and Diplomatic One-Upmanship in Vietnam (South Bend: Gateway Editions, 1978), 20.

43 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 229, ‘Záznam o přijetí vedoucího vietnamské delegace soudruha Hoang van Hoana soudruhem A. Novotný dne 22. Prosince 1962’, p. 6.

44 Národní archiv (hereafter NA), KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 83, ‘Záznam o projevu s. Chruščeva na schůzce s. Širokého, Šimůnka, Černíka, Ďuriše a Davida se s. Chruščevem, Bulganinem, Mikojanem a Gromykem v Kremlu 10. dubna 1957,’ p. 47; PA MfAA, G-A337, ‘Vermerk Nr.98/62 über eine Unterredung des Genossen Dreßler als Charge d’Affaires und dem Genossen Winter mit dem Botschafter der UdSSR, Genossen Tovmassian, am 13. März 1962’, 21

45 中共中央文献研究室 eds.,《周恩来年谱 (1949-1976) (上卷)》(Beijing, 1997), 726.

46 Radvanyi, Delusion and Reality, 26. On Mao Zedong’s own role in introducing Ho Chi Minh to Joseph Stalin, see Niu Jun, The Cold War and the Origins of Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 100-101.

47 Chinese admiration for Ho Chi Minh is perhaps illustrated best by Liu Shaoqi informing Mao Zedong in January 1950 that Ho Chi Minh had literally walked barefoot for 17 days to reach the Chinese border. See: 中共中央文献研究室, eds.,《刘少奇年谱 (1898-1969) (下卷)》(Beijing, 1996), 241.

48 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 84, ‘Zpráva s. Voltra z Hanoje - 24.8.1960’.

49 Ibid., 345.

50 《毛泽东年谱, 第四卷》438.

51 杨奎松,《毛泽东》463.

52 Magyar Országos Levéltár (hereafter MOL), M-KS 288.f.47/726.ö.e., ‘Kádár János evltárs feljegyzése a Politikai Bizottság tagjai és póttagjai számára az 1960. julius 13-augusztus 31. közötti szovjetunióbeli látogatásáról’, 2, 6.

53 Radchenko, Two Suns in the Heaven, 118, 214; MOL, HU-MNL-OL-M-KS 288.f.47/726.ö.e., ‘Kádár János elvtárs feljegyzése a Politikai Bizottság tagjai és póttagjai számára az 1960. julius 13-augusztus 31. közötti szovjetunióbeli látogatásáról’, 6-10.

54 MOL, HU-MNL-OL-M-KS 288.f.47/726.ö.e., ‘Kádár János elvtárs feljegyzése a Politikai Bizottság tagjai és póttagjai számára az 1960. julius 13-augusztus 31. közötti szovjetunióbeli látogatásáról’, pp. 6-10.

55 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste-Leniniste), D. 245-10-3, ‘Bisedim ne takimin me shokun Ho Shi Min, daten 11/IX/1960’, 9-10.

56 《毛泽东年谱, 第四卷》439.

57 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste-Leniniste), D. 245-10-3, ‘Bisedim ne takimin me shokun Ho Shi Min, daten 11/IX/1960, 9-10.

58 《毛泽东年谱, 第四卷》439-440.

59 For the Kremlin’s own justification, see SAPMO-BArch DY30/3605, ‘Abschrift der Note an das Außenministerium der Volkrepublik China, 18. Juli 1960’, 28-33. For the best scholarly analysis, see Lüthi, The Sino-Soviet Split, 174-179.

60 《邓小平年谱 (1904-1974) (上)》1592; 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》686-687.

61 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》546.

62 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3605, ‘Kurze Wiedergabe der Verhandlungen, die zwischen einer Delegation der KPdSU mit einer Delegation der KP Chinas geführt wurden, 17. September 1960’, 120; 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》641.

63 《邓小平年谱 (1904-1974) (上)》1579.

64 MOL, HU-MNL-OL-XIX-J-1-j TÜK iratok, 1945-1995 (Állag) (1945-1964)-162-3/b-002179/3/1962, Martin F., ‘Martin elvtárs bucsulátogatása Pham Van Dong elvtársnál, 1962. január 24’, 2; AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-4, ‘Ambasadori Reis Malile, Informacion mbi viziten ne Vietnam, 12/IX/1961’, 7.

65 AMAE, dosar 254, problema 20, anul 1960, țara China, ‘Ref. vizita tov. Tran Trong-Quat, consilier al Ambasadei R.D. Vietnam, făcută tov. Bașchiru Ion, 8 septembrie 1960’, 74; AMAE, dosar 254, problema 20, anul 1960, țara China, ‘Referitor convorbirea tov. Neagu R. cu tov. Tzan Tho Thong, secretar II vietnamez, 2 septembrie 1960’, 68.

66 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/11756, ‘Dritte Plenarsitzung, Mittwoch, 5.10.1960, 14.00 Uhr, Le Guan [Duan], 35-37.

67 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》 (Beijing, 2011), 564; 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》666.

68 PA AA, A6671, ‘Aktenvermerk über eine Unterredung Botschafter Wandels mit dem Botschafter der UdSSR am Montag, dem 7. November 1960’, 149-150.

69 《邓小平年谱 (1904-1974) (上)》1594-1595.

70 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上) 》593.

71 Selivanov, ‘Moscow–Hanoi–Tirana Relations’, 484.

72 吴冷西, 《十年论战》348; 《毛泽东年谱, 第四卷》440.

73 Vu, Vietnam’s Communist Revolution, 135.

74 Nguyen, Hanoi’s War, 45.

75 Asselin, Vietnam’s American War: A History, 78-79.

76 Asselin, Hanoi’s Road to the Vietnam War, 88-89.

77 ANR, CC al PCR Cancelarie, Dosar Nr.47/1960, Vol. 1, ‘Stenograma ședinței Biroului Politic al C.C. al P.M.R. din ziua de 5 decembrie 1960’, 35.

78 CREST, General CIA Records, CIA-RDP79S00427A000600040002-8, ‘The Moscow Conference of the Communist Parties (November 1960), 19 May 1961’. iv.

79 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/1176, ‘7. Plenarsitzung am Donnerstag, dem 17. November 1960, Ho Chi Minh’, 24-25.

80 大使回忆录,《出使苏联八年》116; AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga Biseda E Sh. Hysni dhe Sh. Ramiz me Delegacionin Kinez, Date 1.XII.1960’, 34.

81 《毛泽东年谱, 第四卷》485, 492; 吴冷西,《十年论战》397.

82 Enver Hoxha, Ditar 1 – Për çështje ndërkombëtare (1958-1960) (Tirana, 1981), 536.

83 中央文献出版社, eds., 彭真年谱: 一九六○ - 一九七八. 第四卷 (Beijing, 2012), 80.

84 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》623-624. On Ho Chi Minh’s talk with Khrushchev, see: Zhai, China and the Vietnam Wars, 91.

85 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga bisedimi i shokut Hysni me shokun Den Sjao-Pin ne daten 29 Nendor 1960 (ishin te pranishem shoket Pen Cen dhe Kan Shen),’ 18; 《彭真年谱, 第四卷》79-80.

86 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》623.

87 吴冷西,《十年论战》405-406.

88 阎明复,《阎明复回忆录》695.

89 吴冷西,《十年论战》406.

90 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga biseda e sh. Hysni dhe sh. Ramiz me delegacionin Kinez, date 1.XII.1960’, 26.

91 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga bisedimi i shokut Hysni me shokun Den Sjao-Pin ne daten 29 nendor 1960 (ishin te pranishem shoket Pen Cen dhe Kan Shen)’, 18. These four outstanding issues were mentioned by Deng Xiaoping to the Albanian delegation on 29 November 1960. The third point – ‘achieving the same views through consultations’ – is not entirely clear, but it is likely that Deng was referring to one segment of the Moscow Declaration, which obligated party leaders to hold ‘meetings’ and ‘exchange experiences’ with the purpose of working out ‘common views’ in the ‘struggle for common goals’. For the Moscow Declaration, see: ‘Text of Statement by Leaders of 81 Communist Parties After Meeting in Moscow’, The New York Times, , 7 December 1960.

92 中共中央党史和文献研究院, eds.,《建国以来刘少奇文稿. 第十册. 一九六○年一月-一九六一年十二月》(Beijing, 2018), 169.

93 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》625. The fact that Liu Shaoqi asked Ho Chi Minh to give Khrushchev his message is confirmed by Romanian archival evidence, see: ANR, CC al PCR Cancelarie, Dosar Nr.47/1960, Vol. 1, ‘Stenograma ședintei Biroului Politic al C.C. al P.M.R. din ziua de 5 decembrie 1960’, 35.

94 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga bisedimi i shokut Hysni me shokun Den Sjao-Pin ne daten 29 nendor 1960 (ishin te pranishem shoket Pen Cen dhe Kan Shen)’, 22; AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Nga Biseda E Sh. Hysni dhe Sh. Ramiz me Delegacionin Kinez, Date 1.XII.1960’, 36.

95 ANR, CC al PCR Cancelarie, Dosar Nr.47/1960, Vol. 1, ‘Stenograma ședintei Biroului Politic al C.C. al P.M.R. din ziua de 5 decembrie 1960’, 35. In Hanoi’s Road to War, Pierre Asselin quotes a Yugoslav diplomat reporting that Ho Chi Minh successfully stopped a disagreement between Nikita Khrushchev and Zhou Enlai at the final banquet. This is a curious claim, given that the PRC Prime Minister was in China at the time and not part of the CCP delegation. Perhaps the report meant Liu Shaoqi rather than Zhou. According to the recollections of the East German Foreign Minister Hermann Axen, Khrushchev did get drunk on the final day and made some rather awkward statements. However, Axen pointed out that Liu refrained from reacting and was ‘very composed’. See: Asselin, Hanoi’s Road to War, 81; Hermann Axen, Ich war ein Diener der Partei: Autobiographische Gespräche mit Harald Neubert (Berlin, 1996), 209.

96 杨尚昆著,《杨尚昆日记 (上)》626.

97 吴冷西,《十年论战》438.

98 Lüthi, The Sino-Soviet Split, 182.

99 For an illustration of Soviet appreciation, see, for instance Ambassador Chervonenko’s comments to his Hungarian counterpart, in: HU-MNL-OL-XIX-J-1-u Miniszteri és miniszterhelyettesi iratok, 1945-1989 (Állag)-PJ-10866/1962, ‘Beszélgetés Cservonenko szovjet nagykövet elvtárssal a jelenlegi vietnami és kinai helyzetről, 1962. január 26’, 1-6.

100 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 193, ‘Zápis besedy s. Chruščova s vedoucími představiteli ÚV KSČ a vlády ČSSR, 1 června 1961’, 16; 阎明复, 阎明复回忆录, 703.

101 SAPMO-BArch, NY 4182/1222, ‘Aktenvermerk über den Abschiedsbesuch beim Vorsitzenden der VR China, Genossen Liu Schau-tji am 8. Februar 1961’, 9.

102 吴冷西,《十年论战》440.

103 Mehilli, From Stalin to Mao, 190, 193.

104 CREST, General CIA Records, CIA-RDP80-01445R000100190001-7, ‘Central Intelligence Agency, Senior Research Staff on International Communism. The European Satellites and the Sino-Soviet Differences, 3 November 1960’, 9. US experts gave particular importance to Albania’s geographical location. See also: NARA RG59, General Records of the Department of State, Records of the Ambassador at Large, Llewellyn E. Thompson, Ambassadorial meetings, 1962 to Cuba 1964, Lot 67D2, 5008, Box 4 Albania, ‘Tirana’s Defiance of Moscow Underscored by Albanian Party Congress, 3 January 1961’, 1.

105 Источник: Документы истории России 1998’2 (33), ‘Беседа тов. Н. С. Хрущева с тов. Хи Ши Мином, Пицунда, 19 VIII.61 r.’, 88. I am very grateful to Igor Selivanov for sharing this document with me.

106 Mehilli, From Stalin to Mao, 136.

107 ‘Report on the Second Meeting with the CCP Delegation to the Fourth Congress of the Albanian Labor Party’, February 25, 1961, Wilson Center Digital Archive, Central State Archive, Tirana, AQPPSH-MPKK-V. 1961, L. 13, D. 4. [accessed at: https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/110529]. During the same conversation, Mehmet Shehu admitted that Albania ‘only had bread for 15 days’.

108 PA AA, A4408, ‘Am 30. April 1960 fand zwischen dem Botschafter und Genossen Hysni Kapo, Sekretär des ZK, 1. Stellvertreter des Genossen Hodscha, in den Räumen des ZK, eine Unterredung statt,’ p.57; PA AA, A4408, ‘Vermerk über die Visite des ungarischen Geschäftsträgers Istvan Ban am 5. Oktober 1960 bei Botschafter Kundermann’, 184.

109 PA AA, A4408, ‘Am 30. April 1960 fand zwischen dem Botschafter und Genossen Hysni Kapo, Sekretär des ZK, 1. Stellvertreter des Genossen Hodscha, in den Räumen des ZK, eine Unterredung statt’, 56; PA AA, A4408, ‘Vermerk über die Unterredung von Botschafter Kundermann mit dem 1. Sekretär der Partei der Arbeit der VR Albanien, dem Gen. Enver Hodcha am 15. September 1960’, 132.

110 PA AA, A4408, ‘Vermerk über die Visite des ungarischen Geschäftsträgers Istvan Ban am 5. Oktober 1960 bei Botschafter Kundermann’, 184.

111 《周恩来年谱 (中卷)》335; 中央文献出版社, eds.,《李先念年谱: 一九五七—一九六三 (第三卷)》(Beijing, 2011), 246.

112 Enver Hoxha, Ditar 1, 471.

113 MOL, HU-MNL-OL-M-KS 288.f.47/726.ö.e., ‘Kádár János evltárs feljegyzése a Politikai Bizottság tagjai és póttagjai számára az 1960. julius 13-augusztus 31. közötti szovjetunióbeli látogatásárólp’, 10; Nikita Khrushchev, Khrushchev Remembers; The Last Testament (Boston: Little, Brown, 1974), 267.

114 ‘Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Comrade Foreign Minister Ung

Van Khiem,’ August 21, 1961, Wilson Center Digital Archive, PRC FMA 109-03747-02, 85-94. Translated by Stephen Mercado [accessed at: https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/176892].

115 Khrushchev’s complaints about Albanian ingratitude came up time and time again. For merely three examples, see: SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3592, ‘Antwortbrief des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU an das Zentralkomitee der Albanischen Partei der Arbeit, 24. August 1961’ 9; 阎明复, 《阎明复回忆录》721; AQSH, (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-12-10, ‘Shenime nga biseda e shokut Hysni dhe shokut Ramis me Den Sjao Pinin me 23 tetor 1960’, 5.

116 SAPMO-BArch DY30/3590, ‘Brief des Zentralkomitees der KPdSU an Genossen Walter Ulbricht, 28 März 1961’, 30.

117 PA MfAA, A4428, ‘Aktenvermerk über eine Besprechung des Genossen Busse mit dem 1. Sekretär der sowj. Botschaft, Gen. Gruschin, am 20.2.1961 in der Botschaft der DDR’, 289. Contemporary academic research on Enver Hoxha disagrees with the Soviets. See Mehilli, From Stalin to Mao, 201; Ylber Marku, ‘Communist Relations in Crisis’.

118 SAPMO-BArch DY30/3591, ‘Brief des Zentralkomitees der Partei der Arbeit Albaniens an das Zentralkomitee der Kommunistischen Partei, an den Ministerrat der Sowjetunion’, 12; See also:《杨尚昆日记 (上)》581.

119 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 194,

‘Záznam z jednání stranické a vládní delegace CSSR s delegací Sovětského svazu dne 25. Listopadu 1963 v Kremlu. Jednání probíhalo od 15,00 hod. do 19,30 hod’, 53.

120 Sergei Khrushchev, ed., Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, Volume 3. Statesman, [1953-1964] (State College: Penn State University Press, 2007), 524.

121 Ibid., 522.

122 National Archives and Records Administration (hereafter NARA), RG59, General Records of the Department of State, Records of the: Ambassador at Large, Llewellyn E. Thompson, Ambassadorial meetings, 1962 to Cuba 1964, Lot 67D2, 5008, Box 4, Albania, ‘Tirana’s Defiance of Moscow Underscored by Albanian Party Congress, 3 January 1961’, 7; Enver Hoxha, Selected Works, Volume II: November 1948-November 1960 (Tirana, 1975), 794-869.

123 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/11769, ‘Niederschrift einer Unterredung zwischen Delegationen des ZK der KPdSU und des ZK der APdA, die am 12. November 1960 im ZK der KPdSU stattfand’, 131-155.

124 ‘Report on the Second Meeting with the CCP Delegation to the Fourth Congress of the Albanian Labor Party,’ February 25, 1961, Wilson Center Digital Archive, Central State Archive, Tirana, AQPPSH-MPKK-V. 1961, L. 13, D. 4. [accessed at: https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/11052].

125 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 193, ‘Zápis besedy s. Chruščova s vedoucími představiteli ÚV KSČ a vlády ČSSR, 1 června 1961’, 11-12.

126 Ibid.

127 See, for instance: SAPMO-BArch DY30/3590, ‘Brief der KPdSU an den Ministerrat der Volksrepublik Albanien, 28. März 1961’, 26-46; SAPMO-BArch DY30/3590, ‘Brief des Vorsitzenden des Ministerrates der VRA, Mehmet Shehu, an alle Warschauer Pakt Staaten, China, Korea, Vietnam und der Mongolei, 10 April 1961’, 55-62. The entire dialogue between the CPSU and the Albanian Workers’ Party was sent to all the Marxist-Leninist states and can be found in SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3590, SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3591, SAPMO-BArch DY30/3592 and SAPMO-BArch DY30/3593.

128 Marku, ‘Communist Relations in Crisis’.

129 SAPMO-BArch DY30/3590, ‘Brief des Oberkommandierenden der Vereinten Streitkräfte des Warschauer Vertrages, Marshall der Sowjetunion A. Gretschko, an den Minister für Volksverteidigung der Volksrepublik Albanien, Generaloberst Beqier Baluku 27 März 1961’, 19-20.

130 Enver Hoxha, Ditar 2 – Për çështje ndërkombëtare, 1961–1963 (Tirana, 1982), 115; SAPMO-BArch DY30/3590, ‘Erklärung der Botschaft der UdSSR in der Volksrepublik Albanien im Auftrag der Sowjetregierung, 8 Juni 1961’, 197.

131 Bernd Bonwetsch and Alexei Filitow, ‘Chruschtschow und der Mauerbau. Die Gipfelkonferenz der Warschauer-Pakt-Staaten vom 3.-5. August 1961,’ Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte 48:1, (2000), 155-198.

132 For Ulbricht’s letter to Ho Chi Minh, see: SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3667, ‘Письмо Вальтера Ульбрихта Хо Ши Мину, июль 1961’, 19-20. For Ho Chi Minh’s response, see: SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3386. ‘Brief von Ho Chi Minh an Walter Ulbricht, 15. Juli 1961’, 219.

133 Bonwetsch and Filitow, ‘Chruschtschow und der Mauerbau’, 165.

134 PA MfAA, G-A474, ‘Gedächtnisprotokoll über die Beratung vom 3.-5. August 1961’, 1-4.

135 Bonwetsch and Filitow, ‘Chruschtschow und der Mauerbau’, 166, 198. Giap’s speech refrained from mentioning either China or the Soviet Union and simply underlined the DRV’s approval of the conference.

136 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-3, ‘Letra e ambasadorit Nesti Nase drejtuar Enver Hoxhës, 10 gusht 1961’, 7.

137 ‘Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Comrade Foreign Minister Ung Van Khiem’, 21 August, 1961, Wilson Center Digital Archive, PRC FMA 109-03747-02, 85-94. Translated by Stephen Mercado [accessed at: https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/176892].

138 Ibid.

139 中华人民共和国外交部, 档案馆, 档号: 109-02398-02, 《阿尔巴尼亚人外交官和阿中友协代表团关于朝鲜和越南的谈话情况, 1962年7月19日》7; Memorandum of Conversation, Albanian Labor Party Delegation with Mao Zedong’, 29 June, 1962, Wilson Center Digital Archive, Central State Archive, Tirana, AQPPSh-MPKK-V.1962, L. 14, D. 7. Obtained by Ana Lalaj translated by Enkel Daljani [accessed at: http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/117679].

140 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Landa: Mbi takimin me shokun Lju Shao Shi, 14 gusht 1961’, 1-4. See also: 中华人民共和国外交部,档案馆, 档号: 109-03747-01,《我领导人向阿尔巴尼亚通报胡志明主席去阿事, 1961年8月18日》69-70.

141 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Landa: Mbi takimin me shokun Lju Shao Shi, 14 gusht 1961’, 3.

142 Wettig, ed., Band 3: Kulmination der Berlin-Krise, 408, fn. 783.

143 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Landa: Mbi takimin me shokun Lju Shao Shi, 14 gusht 1961’, 1-2.

144 Ibid., 4.

145 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-3, ‘Radiogram nga Tirana per Moske, 14 gusht 1961’, 8. The reason why Hoxha’s reply took so long was because the Albanians refrained from using ‘cipher telegrams’, but preferred ‘diplomatic mail’, believing it to be safer. See: AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Landa: Informacion mbi takimin me shokun Pen Cen, 19 gusht 1961’, 7.

146 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-3, ‘Lettre de Ho Chi Minh à Enver Hoxha, 15 août 1961’, 23.

147 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-3, ‘Relacion mbi takimet me shokun Ho Shi Min, 16 gusht 1961’, 20.

148 Ibid., 15-16, 21.

149 Enver Hoxha, The Khrushchevites (Tirana, 1980), 447; Enver Hoxha, Ditar 1, 536-540.

150 Enver Hoxha, Ditar 2, 153.

151 中华人民共和国外交部, 档案馆, 档号: 109-03748-02, ‘阿尔巴尼亚劳动党领导人霍查同我驻阿大使罗士高的谈话记录,’ 35.

152 中华人民共和国外交部, 档案馆, 档号: 109-03747-03,《周总理接见阿尔巴尼亚驻华大使马利列谈话记录, 1961年8月21日》97. I am very grateful to You Lan for sharing this document with me.

153 On Hoxha’s annoyance that Ho Chi Minh had not waited for the Albanian reply, see Ibid., 95; Enver Hoxha, Ditar 2, 153; 中华人民共和国外交部, 档案馆, 档号: 109-03748-02, ‘阿尔巴尼亚劳动党领导人霍查同我驻阿大使罗士高的谈话记录,’ 32.

154 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-3, ‘Relacion mbi takimet me shokun Ho Shi Min, 16 gusht 1961’, 22.

155 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Informacion mbi takimin me shokun Cen I, 29 gusht, 1961’, 23.

156 Gerhard Wettig, ed., Chruschtschows Westpolitik 1955 bis 1964, Band 3, 402.

157 Источник: Документы истории России 1998’2 (33), ‘Беседа тов. Н. С. Хрущева с тов. Хи Ши Мином, Пицунда, 19 VIII.61 r.’, 85.

158 Wettig, Chruschtschows Westpolitik, 402; Источник: Документы истории России 1998’2 (33), ‘Беседа тов. Н. С. Хрущева с тов. Хи Ши Мином, Пицунда, 19 VIII.61 r.’, 87.

159 Источник: Документы истории России 1998’2 (33), ‘Беседа тов. Н. С. Хрущева с тов. Хи Ши Мином, Пицунда, 19 VIII.61 r.’, 88.

160 Ibid.

161 Li and Xia, Mao and the Sino-Soviet Split, 1959-1973, 48.

162 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Informacion mbi takimin me shokun Cen I, 29 gusht, 1961’, 21-26.

163 Arkivi i Ministrisë së Punëve të Jashtme (hereafter AMPJ), Kine, 1961, Dosja Nr.165 BI-8, ‘Informacion mbi takimin me shokun Cu En Lai, 21 gusht 1961’, 33-39.

164 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 117-13-14, ‘Informacion mbi takimin me shokun Cen I, 29 gusht, 1961’, 21-26.

165 AQSH, F. 14APMP (Komiteti Qendror i Partisë Punës Shqipërisë - Marrëdhëniet me Partitë Komuniste dhe Grupet Marksiste - Leniniste), D. 245-11-4, ‘Landa: Informacion mbi viziten ne Vietnam, 12/9/1961’, 2-8.

166 HU-MNL-OL-XIX-J-1-j-(1945-1964)-162, Vietnam, 1945-1964 (Sorozat), 5/I 5.doboz, ‘Tárgy: Jelentén a vietnámi bucsulátogatásról, 1962, február 3’, 2.

167 Enver Hoxha, Ditar 2, 186. On the Twenty Second Congress, see Lüthi, The Sino-Soviet Split, 205-209.

168 PA MfAA, M1635, ‘Aufzeichnung von Hegen. Betreff: Vorläufige Einschätzung der Haltung der Kommunistische Partei Chinas zum XXII. Parteitag der KPdSU, 2. November 1961’, 52-53.

169 PA MfAA, A8693, ‘Betreff: Ho Chi Minh Wortlaut. Anhang 9, 22. Oktober 1961’, 182-185.

170 吴冷西, 《十年论战》479.

171 NA, KSČ- ÚV-AN tajné, KSČ - Ústredni vybor 1945-1989, Praha - Antonín Novotný - tajné, Karton 227, ‘Záznam z rozhovoru s velvyslancem SSSR v Hanoji s. S.A. Tovmasjanem, 17.11.1961’, 2-3. According to Cheng Guan Ang, the Vietnamese delegation visited the Baltic States. See Ang, ‘Vietnamese Communists’ Relations with China’, 288.

172 中共中央文献研究室, eds., 《毛泽东年谱: 一九四九-一九七六 1961.07-1966.09. 第五卷》(Beijing, 2013), 50.

173 HU-MNL-OL-M-KS 288-32-a MSZMP KB Külügyi Osztálya iratai, 1956-1989 (Sorozat), HU-MNL-OL-M-KS 288-32-a-1961/14, ‘Kivonat a pekingi nagykővetség 1961. november 14.-én kelt jelentéséböl. Tárgy: XXII. kongresszus kinai visszhangja’, 2.

174 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/3667, ‘Brief vom Zentralkomitee der Partei der Werktätigen Vietnams an das Zentralkomitee der Sozialistischen Einheitspartei Deutschland, 10. Januar 1962’, 21-22.

175 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/IV A2/20/439, ‘Informationen über die Haltung der Partei der Werktätigen Vietnams (PWV) anlässlich der Besuche einer Delegation des Obersten Sowjets der UdSSR und des Präsidenten der CSSR Genossen Novotny in der Demokratischen Republik Vietnam, 23. Februar 1963’, 8-10; 中共中央文献研究室, eds.,《建国以来毛泽东文稿: 一九六二年一月-一九六三年十二月. 第十册》(Beijing, 1996), 465-466.

176 Pierre Brocheux, Ho Chi Minh (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 181.

177 AMPJ, Vietnam 1962, Dosja B/I-4 (231), ‘Takime të ambasadorit tonë në Pekin me presidentin e Vietnamit Ho Shi Min, 29.IV.1962’, 15.

178 Ibid., 19.

179 HU-MNL-OL-XIX-J-1-j-(1945-1964)-162 Vietnám, 1945-1964 (Sorozat), 1.d. 162/1-a., 162/1-b, ‘Javaslat a VDK-ra vonatkozó irányelvek módositására, 1964. január 25’, 3.

180 SAPMO-BArch, DY30/IVA2/20 440, ‘Aktenvermerk Nr.99/64 über den Besuch der FDGB-Delegation bei Gen. Ho Chi Minh am 24. September 1964’, 4-5. Admittedly, given the fact that the United States had bombed Hanoi the previous August, it could be argued that the North Vietnamese President was referring to the country’s wartime preparations. Nonetheless, it seems pertinent that he did not specifically blame U.S. bombing for his inability to walk around the capital.

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