Publication Cover
Dynamical Systems
An International Journal
Volume 37, 2022 - Issue 1
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Research Article

A categorical view of Poincaré maps and suspension flows

Pages 159-179 | Received 23 Oct 2021, Accepted 06 Jan 2022, Published online: 20 Feb 2022


Poincaré maps and suspension flows are examples of fundamental constructions in the study of dynamical systems. This study aimed to show that these constructions define an adjoint pair of functors if categories of dynamical systems are suitably set. First, we consider the construction of Poincaré maps in the category of flows on topological manifolds, which are not necessarily smooth. We show that well-known results can be generalized and the construction of Poincaré maps is functorial, if a category of flows with global Poincaré sections is adequately defined. Next, we consider the construction of suspension and its functoriality. Finally, we consider the adjointness of the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows. By considering the naturality, we can conclude that the concepts of topological equivalence or topological conjugacy of flows are not sufficient to describe the correspondence between map dynamical systems and flows with global Poincaré sections. We define another category of flows with global Poincaré sections and show that the suspension functor and the Poincaré map functor form an adjoint equivalence if these categories are considered. Hence, a categorical correspondence is obtained. This will enable us to better understand the connection between map dynamical systems and flows.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Poincaré map and suspension flow constructions are fundamental tools employed in the study of dynamical systems. They are used to reduce a problem concerning continuous-time systems to one of discrete-time systems or vice versa, thereby connecting the two major types of dynamical systems [Citation6,Citation8,Citation13].

Results on their relationship are scattered across the literature, and systematic treatments are scarce. However, by collecting these results, we can easily observe that a categorical relationship may exist between them. For example, the following properties are known:

  • If two diffeomorphisms are topologically conjugate, then their suspensions are topologically conjugate (Proposition 5.38 in [Citation7]).

  • A flow with a Poincaré section is locally topologically equivalent to the suspension of its Poincaré map (Theorem 5.40 in [Citation7]).

  • Every diffeomorphism on a compact manifold is topologically conjugate with the Poincaré map of its suspension (Proposition 3.7 in [Citation10]).

In the case of flows with global sections, stronger properties hold because Poincaré maps can be defined globally:

  • Topological equivalence of two flows can be determined in terms of Poincaré maps (Theorem 1 in [Citation1], Proposition 1.11 in [Citation14]).

  • A flow with a global section is topologically equivalent to the suspension of its Poincare map (Theorem 3.1 in [Citation15]).

In loose terms, these results can be summarized as follows: isomorphisms are preserved under the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows, and a Poincaré map of a suspension or a suspension of a Poincaré map can be identified with the original map or flow. These statements suggest the existence of categorical equivalence between a category of map dynamical systems and one of flows.

Some categorical aspects of these constructions have been considered in the case of isomorphisms with topological conjugacy [Citation5]. However, their relation remains unclear because it depends on the choice of categories. For example, some of the results mentioned above are not true if one uses topological conjugacy instead of topological equivalence to define isomorphisms.

This study aimed to perform a categorical treatment of the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows in order to describe the exact relationship between them. This will enable us to unify the known results listed above and also ‘prove’ the folklore correspondence of various notions between discrete-time and continuous-time systems, such as that of topological conjugacy and topological equivalence.

The main result of this paper is a theorem on the adjointness of constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows. To formulate these constructions in the categorical setting, we define categories of map dynamical systems and flows. A category Map of map dynamical systems can be defined by setting map dynamical systems as objects and continuous maps satisfying the condition of conjugacy as morphisms. For a category of flow dynamical systems, we consider flows with global Poincaré sections as objects so that the construction of Poincaré maps is possible. However, in the case of flows, morphisms can be defined more than one way because we may change the requirement on the preservation of parametrization of orbits. Here we consider three cases: (i) the parametrization is completely preserved, (ii) morphisms are rate-preserving in the sense of Definition 5.10, or (iii) the parametrization is ignored except for orientation. Correspondingly, we define three categories of flows with global Poincaré sections FlowGS,RWFlowGS and WFlowGS. Using these categories, it is shown that there are Poincaré map functor P:WFlowGSMap and suspension functor Σ:MapFlowGS, each representing the corresponding construction. If we define inclusion functors J:FlowGSRWFlowGS and J+:RWFlowGSWFlowGS, we have the following result, which describes the exact relationship between two constructions.


Main Theorem A

The functor JΣ is left adjoint to PJ+.

Further, the functors JΣ and PJ+ form an adjoint equivalence. Therefore, the category RWFlowGS is equivalent to the category Map. Thus, the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows give a categorical correspondence between flow dynamical systems and map dynamical systems.

To develop the results outlined above, we generalize the construction of Poincaré maps to the flows without smoothness assumptions.


Main Theorem B

Let (Φ,X) be a flow and SX be topologically transversal to Φ. If x0S and there exists t+>0 such that Φ(x0,t+)S, there exist a neighbourhood U of x0 in X and continuous maps PΦ:USS and TΦ:US(0,) such that PΦ(x)=Φ(x,TΦ(x))for each xUS and Φ(x,t)S for 0<t<TΦ(x). Further, if S is a global Poincaré section, PΦ is defined on the entire S, and it is a homeomorphism.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some basic concepts of the category theory to fix notation. In Section 3, we define several categories of dynamical systems. In Section 4, we first introduce the notion of topological transversality for topological manifolds and continuous flows. We show that Poincaré maps can be defined analogously to the smooth case. Then, we define categories of flows with global Poincaré sections to show that the construction of Poincaré maps is functorial. In Section 5, we study the categorical relationship between Poincaré maps and suspension flows. We show that these two form a pair of adjoint equivalence if the categories are selected properly. Finally, in Section 6, we present some concluding remarks.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we introduce the concepts of category theory to fix notation. For details, we refer to [Citation4,Citation9,Citation12].

Definition 2.1


A category C consists of the following data.

  • The class of objects Ob(C).

  • The class C(X,Y) of morphisms from X to Y for each pair (X,Y) of objects. A morphism f in C(X,Y) is denoted as f:XY.

  • The composition of morphisms. That is, for each triple (X,Y,Z) of objects and pair of morphisms f:XY and g:YZ, a morphism gf:XZ is specified.

These data are required to satisfy the following axioms.

  1. The composition is associative. That is, we have (hg)f=h(gf) for each triple of morphisms f:XY, g:YZ and h:ZW.

  2. For every object X, there exists an identity morphism idX:XX such that fidX=f and idXg=g for all f:XY and g:YX.

We denote a category by bold fonts. For example, the category of sets and maps is denoted as Set.

A morphism f:XY in C is an isomorphism if there exists a morphism g:YX such that gf=idX and fg=idY.

A functor is a mapping between categories which preserves the structure.

Definition 2.2


Let C and D be categories. A functor F from C to D consists of the following data.

  • For each object X in C, an object F(X) in D is specified.

  • For each morphism f:XY in C, a morphism F(f):F(X)F(Y) is specified.

These data are required to satisfy the following axioms.

  1. For each object X in C, we have F(idX)=idF(X).

  2. For each pair of morphisms f:XY and g:YZ in C, we have F(gf)=F(g)F(f).

We denote a functor from C to D by F:CD. For each category C, there exists an identity functor 1C:CC defined by 1C(X)=X for each object X and 1C(f)=f for each morphism f. The composition of two functors can be defined in an obvious manner.

The notion of natural transformation describes the correspondence between functors.

Definition 2.3

Natural transformation

Let F:CD and G:CD be functors. A natural transformation η from F to G is a family of morphisms in D indexed by the objects in C such that the following diagram is commutative for each morphism f:XY in C.

A natural transformation η from F to G is denoted by η:FG. A natural transformation η is a natural isomorphism if ηX:F(X)G(X) is an isomorphism in D for each X in C.

The notion of adjointness describes the situation where two functors are inverse in a weak sense.

Definition 2.4


Let F:CD and G:DC be functors. F is left adjoint to G, denoted by FG, if there exist natural transformations ϵ:FG1C and η:1DGF such that 1F(Y)=ϵF(Y)F(ηY)1G(X)=G(ϵX)ηG(X),for each X in C and Y in D.

The equivalence of categories can be described in terms of adjoint functors.

Definition 2.5

Adjoint equivalence of categories

Let C and D be categories. A pair of functors F:CD and G:DC is an adjoint equivalence if FG by natural isomoprhisms ϵ:FG1C and η:1DGF.

If an adjoint equivalence exists, the categories C and D are equivalent.

3. Categories of dynamical systems

In this section, we define various categories of dynamical systems to set up for the discussion later.

In what follows, topological manifolds are assumed to be second countable and Hausdorff.

Definition 3.1

A map dynamical system is a pair (f,X) of a topological manifold (without boundary) X and a homeomorphism f:XX. A morphism h:(f,X)(g,Y) between map dynamical systems is a continuous map h:XY such that hf=gh.

Definition 3.2

A flow is a pair (Φ,X) of a topological manifold (without boundary) X and a continuous map Φ:X×RX such that

  1. For each xX, Φ(x,0)=x.

  2. For each xX and s,tR, Φ(Φ(x,t),s)=Φ(x,t+s).

A morphism h:(Φ,X)(Ψ,Y) between flows is a continuous map h:XY such that h(Φ(x,t))=Φ(h(x),t) for all xX and tR.

A weak morphism (h,τ):(Φ,X)(Ψ,Y) between flows is a pair of a continuous map h:XY and a map τ:X×RR such that

  1. h(Φ(x,t))=Ψ(h(x),τ(x,t)) for all xX and tR.

  2. For all xX, τ(x,):RR is an increasing homeomorphism with τ(x,0)=0.

Lemma 3.3

Each of the following forms a category if the composition of morphisms is defined by the composition of maps.

  1. Map dynamical systems and their morphisms.

  2. Flows and their morphisms.

  3. Flows and weak morphisms.


The proof is obvious for (1) and (2). For (3), we need to verify that the ‘time-part’ composition of the morphism satisfies the conditions of weak morphism. Let (h1,τ1):(Φ1,X1)(Φ2,X2) and (h2,τ2):(Φ2,X2)(Φ3,X3) be morphisms and define τ2τ1(x,t):=τ2(h1(x),τ1(x,t)). Then, for all xX1, τ2τ1(x,0)=τ2(h1(x),0)=0 and τ2τ1(x,) is a composition of homeomorphisms.

We call the above a category of map dynamical systems Map, a category of flows Flow, and a category of flows with weak morphisms WFlow, respectively. We note that Flow can be regarded as a subcategory of WFlow, as there is an obvious inclusion functor defined by (Φ,X)(Φ,X) and ((Φ,X)h(Ψ,Y))((Φ,X)(h,p)(Ψ,Y)), where p is the projection defined by p(x,t):=t.

Isomorphisms in Map and Flow are called topological conjugacies and isomorphic objects are called topologically conjugate. In WFlow, isomorphism is called topological equivalence and isomorphic objects are called topologically equivalent. These definitions coincide with the usual ones.

Remark 3.4

The categories in [Citation5] correspond to Map or Flow in this paper.

Remark 3.5

Each of the categories defined above has a weakly initial element similar to the ‘universal dynamical system’ of [Citation12]. For example, the system (σ,Z) defined by σ(n)=n+1for all nZ is weakly initial in the category Map. Further, the set Map((σ,Z),(f,X)) is isomorphic to the set of all orbits of (f,X). In particular, a morphism h:(σ,Z)(f,X) corresponds to an orbit with period mN if and only if h admits the following factorization:

Similar constructions can be carried out for Flow or WFlow.

4. Topological transversality and global Poincaré section

In this section, we define the concept of topological transversality for continuous flows on topological manifolds. Based on this definition, we show that Poincaré maps can be defined in a manner similar to the classical smooth case. Additionally, we introduce categories of flows with global Poincaré sections to consider the functoriality of the construction of Poincaré maps.

We adopt the definition of topological transversality given in [Citation2,Citation14] with a certain modification.

Definition 4.1

Let (Φ,X) be a flow, where X is an n-dimensional topological manifold. A submanifold SX without a boundary is topologically transversal to Φ if

  1. S is codimension one and locally flat.

  2. For each xS, there exists a neighbourhood U of x in X and a homeomorphism ϕ:UBRn, where B is the unit ball such that ϕ(US)=BRn1×{0}. Further, there exist δ+(x)>0 and δ(x)<0 such that Φ(x,[δ(x),0)) and Φ(x,(0,δ+(x)]) are contained in different connected components of US and Φ(x,[δ(x),δ+(x)]))S={x}.Here, δ+ and δ can be taken locally uniformly, that is, there exist a neighbourhood VU of x and δ>0 such that δ+(y)>δ and δ(y)<δ for all yVS.

  3. For each set of the form Φ(y,[a,b]), where yX and a,bR, Φ(y,[a,b])S is compact in S.

Lemma 4.2

Let (Φ,X) be a flow and SX be topologically transversal to Φ. Then, for each xS and ϵ>0, there exists an open neighbourhood V of x in X such that Φ(y,[ϵ,ϵ])Ssetfor all yV.


Let U be a neighbourhood of x satisfying the condition of (2) in Definition 4.1. By the continuity of Φ, there exist a neighbourhood V0 of x and δ>0 such that Φ(V0,[δ,δ])U and δ<min(ϵ,δ+(x),δ(x)). Then, we have Φ(x,δ),Φ(x,δ)US. We take neighbourhoods V+ and V of Φ(x,δ) and Φ(x,δ), respectively, such that V+US and VUS. Let V:=Φ(V+,δ)Φ(V,δ)V0. By considering the nth coordinate of the homeomorphism ϕ, we obtain that Φ(y,[ϵ,ϵ])Sset for all yV.

The next lemma excludes the possibility of sequences that return to the section very frequently.

Lemma 4.3

Let (Φ,X) be a flow and SX be topologically transversal to Φ. If xS, there exist no sequences xnS and tn>0 such that xnx and tn0 as n and Φ(xn,tn)S.


Let U be a neighbourhood of x satisfying condition (2) in Definition 4.1. Let VU be a neighbourhood of x such that there exists δ>0 with δ+(y)>δ for all yVS. If xnS and tn>0 are sequences such that xnx and tn0 as n and Φ(xn,tn)S, then xnVS and consequently tn>δ for a sufficiently large n. This is a contradiction.

Definition 4.4

Let (Φ,X) be a flow. A submanifold SX is a global Poincaré section if

  1. S is topologically transversal to Φ.

  2. For each xX, there exists t+>0 and t<0 such that Φ(x,t+)S and Φ(x,t)S.

Remark 4.5

If the phase space is compact, condition (2) can be weakened to the condition that each xX has tR such that Φ(x,t)S. Indeed, let xS and consider the ω-limit set of x. Then, ω(x)S is nonempty by the invariance of the limit set. By Lemma 4.2, we observe that there exists t+>0 such that Φ(x,t+)S. The existence of t is proved similarly.

Remark 4.6

By definition, a flow with a global Poincaré section has no equilibrium points. By using the argument in [Citation1], we can show that a smooth flow without equilibrium points has a global Poincaré section if the phase space is compact.

According to these definitions, we have the following generalization of well-known results.

Theorem 4.7

Main Theorem B

Let (Φ,X) be a flow and SX be topologically transversal to Φ. If x0S and there exists t+>0 such that Φ(x0,t+)S, there exist a neighbourhood U of x0 in X and continuous maps PΦ:USS and TΦ:US(0,) such that PΦ(x)=Φ(x,TΦ(x))for each xUS and Φ(x,t)S for 0<t<TΦ(x). Further, if S is a global Poincaré section, PΦ is defined on the entire S, and it is a homeomorphism.


First, we show the existence of TΦ(x) and PΦ(x) for each xUS, where U is a neighbourhood of x0 in X. Let 0<r<t+ and take a neighbourhood V of Φ(x0,t+) by applying Lemma 4.2 with ϵ=r and x=Φ(x0,t+). Let U:=Φ(V,t+). Then, we have Φ(y,[t+r,t++r])Ssetfor all yU. We define T(x):={t>0Φ(x,t)S}for each xUS. By the choice of U, T(x) is nonempty. If we set TΦ(x):=infT(x), we have TΦ(x)δ+(x)>0. Let tnT(x) be a sequence with tnTΦ(x) as n. For a sufficiently large a>0, we have Φ(x,tn)SΦ(x,[0,a]) for all n. Therefore, Φ(x,TΦ(x))S from the continuity of Φ and the compactness of SΦ(x,[0,a]). These results indicate that TΦ(x) has the desired properties. We set PΦ(x):=Φ(x,TΦ(x)).

Let us now show that TΦ:US(0,) is continuous. Let xUS and ϵ be an arbitrary positive number less than TΦ(x).

By Lemma 4.2, there exists an open neighbourhood V1U of PΦ(x)=Φ(x,TΦ(x)) such that Φ(y,[ϵ,ϵ])Sset for all yV1. By the continuity of Φ, there exists an open neighbourhood U1 of x such that Φ(U1,TΦ(x))V1. Therefore, we have Φ(y,[TΦ(x)ϵ,TΦ(x)+ϵ])Ssetfor all yU1.

We show that there exists an open neighbourhood U2U of x such that Φ(y,(0,TΦ(x)ϵ))S=setfor all yU2S. If this is not the case, we may take sequences xnSU and sn(0,TΦ(x)ϵ) so that Φ(xn,sn)S and xnx as n. As sn[0,TΦ(x)ϵ], we may take a convergent subsequence snis[0,TΦ(x)ϵ] as i. Using the continuity of Φ, we observe that s=0. Thus, we obtain sequences ynSU and tn(0,TΦ(x)ϵ) so that ynx and tn0 as n. However, this is impossible by Lemma 4.3.

Therefore, there exists an open neighbourhood U0:=U1U2U of x such that Φ(y,(0,TΦ(x)ϵ))S=set and Φ(y,[TΦ(x)ϵ,TΦ(x)+ϵ])Sset for all yU0S. Together, these imply TΦ(x)ϵTΦ(y)TΦ(x)+ϵfor all yU0S. Therefore, TΦ(x) is continuous and consequently PΦ(x) is also continuous.

If S is a global Poincaré section, it is clear that TΦ and PΦ are defined on the entire S. By the definition of a global Poincaré section, the same constructions can be carried out for Ψ(x,t):=Φ(x,t). Then, we have TΨ=TΦPΨTΦ=TΨPΦ.These are established as follows. For xS, we have Φ(PΨ(x),TΨ(x))=xS by definition. Therefore, TΨ(x)TΦ(PΨ(x)). On the other hand, we have Φ(x,t)S for TΨ(x)<t<0 by definition of TΨ(x). This implies Φ(PΨ(x),t)S for 0<t<TΨ(x). Therefore, TΨ(x)TΦ(PΨ(x)). The other relation is obtained by symmetry. Now, we have (PΦ)1=PΨ because PΦ(PΨ(x))=Φ(PΨ(x),TΦ(PΨ(x)))=Φ(PΨ(x),TΨ(x))=xPΨ(PΦ(x))=Ψ(PΦ(x),TΨ(PΦ(x)))=Ψ(PΦ(x),TΦ(x))=xfor all xS.

Corollary 4.8

Let (Φ,X) be a flow with a global Poincaré section S. If xS, we have n=0TΦ(PΦ)n(x)=n=1TΦ(PΦ)n(x)=.


As we have TΨ=TΦPΨ=TΦ(PΦ)1, it is sufficient to prove the first formula. Suppose the series is convergent and let the sum T and x:=Φ(x,T). Because we have Φ(x,n=0N1TΦ(PΦ)n(x))=(PΦ)N(x)for each N1, xn:=(PΦ)n(x) converges to x. For all n, xn is contained in Φ(x,[0,T])S, which is compact by the definition of topological transversality. Therefore, xS. If we set tn:=TΦ(PΦ)n(x), the convergence of the sum implies tn0 and Φ(xn,tn)S for all n by definition. Thus, we have a pair of sequences (xn,tn), which does not exist by Lemma 4.3. This is a contradiction.

A flow may admit many different global Poincaré sections, and consequently, a pair of a flow and a section may not necessarily be preserved under a weak morphism. If the sections are preserved by a weak morphism as sets, we have the following correspondence of the first return times between two flows.

Lemma 4.9

Let (Φ,X) and (Ψ,Y) be flows with global Poincaré sections S and S, respectively, and (h,τ):(Φ,X)(Ψ,Y) be a weak morphism. Then,

  1. If h(S)S, TΨ(h(x))τ(x,TΦ(x)) for all xS.

  2. If h1(S)S, τ(x,TΦ(x))TΨ(h(x)) for all xh1(S).

In particular, if S=h1(S), we have TΨ(h(x))=τ(x,TΦ(x)) for all xS.


(1) Let xS. As we have Φ(x,TΦ(x))S, Ψ(h(x),τ(x,TΦ(x)))=h(Φ(x,TΦ(x)))h(S)S.Because h(x)S, it follows that TΨ(h(x))τ(x,TΦ(x)).

(2) Let xh1(S). We have Ψ(h(x),TΨ(h(x)))S and TΨ(h(x))=τ(x,tx) for some txR because τ(x,) is a homeomorphism. Therefore, we have Ψ(h(x),TΨ(h(x)))=h(Φ(x,tx))S,which implies Φ(x,tx)h1(S)S. Thus, we obtain TΦ(x)tx. Because τ(x,) is monotonically increasing, we conclude that τ(x,TΦ(x))τ(x,tx)=TΨ(h(x)),which is the desired property.

As a consequence of this lemma, we have the following result.

Lemma 4.10

Let (Φ,X) and (Ψ,Y) be flows with global Poincaré sections S and S, respectively, and (h,τ):(Φ,X)(Ψ,Y) be a weak morphism such that h1S=S. Then, we have a morphism of map dynamical systems h|S:(PΦ,S)(PΨ,S), where h|S:SS is the restriction of h to S.


As PΦ:SS and PΨ:SS are homeomorphisms, they define map dynamical systems. For each xS, we have hPΦ(x)=h(Φ(x,TΦ(x)))=Ψ(h(x),τ(x,TΦ(x)))=Ψ(h(x),TΨ(h(x)))=PΨh(x).Therefore, h|S:(PΦ,S)(PΨ,S) is a morphism of map dynamical systems.

Thus, we may define the following:

Definition 4.11

Let (Φ,X) and (Ψ,Y) be flows with global Poincaré sections S and S, respectively. A morphism (h,τ):(Φ,X)(Ψ,Y) in WFlow is said to preserve the global Poincaré sections if S=h1(S).

The category of flows with global Poincaré sections FlowGS is the category whose objects are flows with global Poincaré sections and whose morphisms are morphisms in Flow, which preserves the global Poincaré sections.

Similarly, we may define a category WFlowGS whose objects are flows with global Poincaré sections and whose morphisms are morphisms in WFlow, which preserves the global Poincaré sections.

Objects in WFlowGS or FlowGS are denoted by a triple of the form (Φ,X,S), where (Φ,X) is a flow with a global Poincaré section S.

From Lemma 4.10, we immediately obtain the following:

Theorem 4.12

The construction of a Poincaré map is functorial for WFlowGS. That is, there exists a functor P:WFlowGSMap defined by setting

  • P(Φ,X,S)=(PΦ,S) for each object (Φ,X,S) in WFlowGS.

  • For each morphism h:(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) P(h)=h|S1:(PΦ1,S1)(PΦ2,S2).

Corollary 4.13

The construction of a Poincaré map is functorial for FlowGS.


Take the composition of P:WFlowGSMap with the inclusion functor FlowGSWFlowGS.

5. Poincaré maps and suspension flows

In this section, we consider the categorical relationship between a Poincaré map and a suspension.

To establish the notation, we recall the definition of a suspension flow.

Definition 5.1

Let f:XX be a homeomorphism on a topological manifold X. The mapping torus Xf of f is the manifold defined by Xf:=X×[0,1]/,where ∼ is the smallest equivalence relation with (x,1)(f(x),0) for each xX. There is a natural surjection πf:X×[0,1]Xf, which sends each point to the corresponding equivalence class. We denote a point in Xf by [x,t], where xX, 0t<1.

Definition 5.2

Let (f,X) be a map dynamical system. The suspension flow Σf:Xf×RXf of (f,X) is defined by Σf([x,t],s):=[fn(x),s+tn],where xX, 0t<1 and nZ is a unique integer satisfying s+t1<ns+t.

Theorem 5.3

The construction of a suspension flow is functorial. That is, there exists a functor Σ:MapFlowGS defined by setting

  • Σ(f,X)=(Σf,Xf,(Xf)0) for each object (f,X) in Map.

  • For each morphism h:(f,X)(g,Y), we set Σ(h)=h¯:(Σf,Xf,(Xf)0)(Σg,Yg,(Yg)0),where h¯([x,t])=[h(x),t] and (Xf)0={[x,0]xX} and (Yg)0={[y,0]yY}.


Let h:(f,X)(g,Y) be a morphism in Map. First, we show that h¯:XfYg is well-defined and continuous. Well-definedness is verified by a direct calculation using gh=hf. The continuity follows from the commutativity of the following diagram and the universal property of the quotient topology:

We show that h¯ commutes with suspension flows. This is verified by a direct calculation: h¯(Σf([x,t],s))=h¯([fn(x),s+tn])=[h(fn(x)),s+tn]=[gn(h(x)),s+tn]=Σg([h(x),t],s)=Σg(h¯([x,t]),s)where xX, 0t<1 and nZ is a unique integer satisfying s+t1<ns+t.

We show that h¯ preserves the sections, that is, h¯1(Yg)0=(Xf)0. By definition, we have h¯(Xf)0(Yg)0, so (Xf)0h¯1(Yg)0. Conversely, if [x,t]h¯1(Yg)0 with 0t<1, then t = 0 and therefore, [x,t](Xf)0.

Finally, we show that Σ is a functor. It is clear that Σ(1(f,X))=1(Σf,Xf,(Xf)0). If h1:(f1,X1)(f2,X2) and h2:(f2,X2)(f3,X3) are morphisms in Map, we have (h2h1)¯=h¯2h¯1.

Now, we have three categories and three functors between them:

  1. Inclusion functor I:FlowGSWFlowGS.

  2. Poincaré map functor P:WFlowGSMap.

  3. Suspension functor Σ:MapFlowGS.

From the existence of these functors, we immediately recover some known results on the preservation of isomorphisms.

Theorem 5.4

Each of the following statements holds.

  1. If two flows with global Poincaré sections are topologically equivalent, there is a pair of global Poincaré sections such that the Poincaré maps are topologically conjugate.

  2. If two maps are topologically conjugate, their suspension flows are topologically conjugate.

At this point, we must consider the degree of difference between the original flow and the suspension flow of the Poincaré map. First, we note that there is a pair of flows that are topologically equivalent but not topologically conjugate. The following is a modification of an example in [Citation11].

Example 5.5

We define two flows on A={zC1<|z|<2} by Φ1(z,t):=zeiπtΦ2(z,t):=ze2πit.Then, they are topologically equivalent but not topologically conjugate.


Topological equivalence is obvious. Suppose there is a homeomorphism h:AA such that Φ1 and Φ2 are topologically conjugate, that is, h(zeiπt)=h(z)e2πitfor all zA and tR. By considering t=1, we obtain h(z)=h(z) for all zA, which contradicts the condition that h is injective.

Note that we may take A0={x0<x<1} as a global Poincaré section for these flows. With this choice, the Poincaré map is the identity idA0 in either case. Further, the suspension flow for idA0 coincides with Φ1. Thus, the suspension flow of a Poincaré map is not necessarily topologically conjugate with the original flow. On the other hand, topological equivalence can be established.

Lemma 5.6

There is a natural transformation (k,τ):IΣPII defined by the following for each (Φ,X,S) in FlowGS: k(Φ,X,S)([x,t]):=Φ(x,tTΦ(x))τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],s):=0s+tRΦ(x)(u)dutTΦ(x),where xS, 0t<1 and RΦ(x)(u):=iZTΦ((PΦ)i(x))χ[i,i+1)(u),where χ[i,i+1) is the indicator function of [i,i+1).


First, we show that (k,τ)(Φ,X,S):IΣPI(Φ,X,S)(Φ,X,S) is well-defined as a weak morphism in WFlowGS. Well-definedness and continuity of k(Φ,X,S) follow from the commutativity of the following diagram:

where K:S×[0,1]X is defined by K(x,t):=Φ(x,tTΦ(x)) for each (x,t)S×[0,1].

By definition, we have τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],0)=0. Because RΦ(x)() is a positive-valued function, τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],):RR is strictly monotonous. By Corollary 4.8, it is also a surjection. Thus, τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],) is a homeomorphism.

We check that k(Φ,X,S) commutes with the flows by a direct calculation. When n0, where nZ is a unique integer satisfying s+t1<ns+t, we have k(Φ,X,S)(ΣPΦ([x,t],s))=k(Φ,X,S)([(PΦ)n(x),s+tn])=Φ((PΦ)n(x),(s+tn)TΦ(PΦ)n(x))=Φ(x,i=0n1TΦ(PΦ)i(x)+(s+tn)TΦ(PΦ)n(x))=Φ(x,0s+tRΦ(x)(u)du)=Φ(k(Φ,X,S)([x,t]),τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],s)).Noting that Φ((PΦ)1(x),t)=Φ(x,tTΦ(PΦ)1(x)), we calculate the following for n1: k(Φ,X,S)(ΣPΦ([x,t],s))=k(Φ,X,S)([(PΦ)n(x),s+tn])=Φ((PΦ)n(x),(s+tn)TΦ(PΦ)n(x))=Φ(x,i=1n+1TΦ(PΦ)i(x)+(s+tn1)TΦ(PΦ)n(x))=Φ(x,0s+tRΦ(x)(u)du)=Φ(k(Φ,X,S)([x,t]),τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],s)).The condition that k(Φ,X,S)1S=(SPΦ)0 can be verified by a direct calculation.

Finally, we show that (k,τ) is natural. Let h:(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) be a morphism in FlowGS. Then, we have hk(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t])=hΦ1(x,tTΦ1(x))=Φ2(h(x),tTΦ2(x))=k(Φ2,X2,S2)([h(x),t])=k(Φ2,X2,S2)h|S1¯([x,t]),where xS1 and 0t<1. We also have τ(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t],s)=0s+tRΦ1(x)(u)dutTΦ1(x)=0s+tRΦ2(h(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h(x))=τ(Φ2,X2,S2)(h|S1¯([x,t]),s),using TΦ2(h(x))=TΦ1(x).

Remark 5.7

The map k(Φ,X,S) is bijective. Surjectivity is obvious. For injectivity, if Φ(x,tTΦ(x))=Φ(x,tTΦ(x)) for x, xS and t, t[0,1), we have x=Φ(x,tTΦ(x)tTΦ(x))S.If tTΦ(x)tTΦ(x)>0, then it follows that tTΦ(x)tTΦ(x)TΦ(x). Because t<1, this is a contradiction. Therefore, tTΦ(x)tTΦ(x)0. By interchanging t and x with t and x, we also have tTΦ(x)tTΦ(x)0. Therefore, we conclude that x=x and consequently t=t.

Using the invariance of domain theorem, we observe that (k,τ):IΣPII is a natural isomorphism. In ordinary terms, this observation can be phrased as follows.

Corollary 5.8

If (Φ,X,S) is a flow with a global Poincaré section, then (Φ,X,S) is topologically equivalent to ΣP(Φ,X,S).

Another natural transformation can be constructed.

Lemma 5.9

There is a natural transformation l:1MapPIΣ defined by l(f,X)(x):=[x,0]for each xX.


First, we show that l(f,X):(f,X)PIΣ(f,X) is well-defined as a morphism in Map. As l(f,X) is a composition of continuous maps, it is well-defined and continuous. Additionally, we have l(f,X)f(x)=[f(x),0]=Σf([x,0],1)=PIΣf([x,0])=(PIΣf)l(f,X)(x)for all xX.

We show that l is natural. Let h:(f,X)(g,Y) be a morphism in Map. Then, (PIΣ)(h)l(f,X)(x)=[h(x),0]=l(g,Y)h(x)for all xX.

These results suggest that there is another category larger than FlowGS and smaller than WFlowGS for which the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspensions become adjoint.

Definition 5.10

A weak morphism (h,σ):(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) in WFlowGS is rate-preserving if σ(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x)),0s+tRΦ1(x)(u)dutTΦ1(x))=0s+tRΦ2(h(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h(x))for all xS1, 0t<1 and sR, where RΦ1 and RΦ2 are the same as in Lemma 5.6.

Lemma 5.11

If (h,σ):(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) in WFlowGS is rate-preserving, we have σ(x,tTΦ(x))=tσ(x,TΦ(x))for all xS1 and 0t<1.


We show this by a direct calculation. Let xS1 and 0t<1. Then, we have σ(x,tTΦ1(x))=σ(Φ1(x,0TΦ1(x)),0t+0RΦ1(x)(u)du0TΦ1(x))=0t+0RΦ2(h(x))(u)du0TΦ2(h(x))=tTΦ2(h(x))=tσ(x,TΦ1(x)).Here, we used the result of Lemma 4.9.

Lemma 5.12

The identity morphism in WFlowGS is rate-preserving. The composition of two rate-preserving morphisms is again rate-preserving.


The first statement is obvious. Let (h1,σ1):(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) and (h2,σ2):(Φ2,X2,S2)(Φ3,X3,S3) be rate-preserving morphisms. Then, we have σ2σ1(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x)),0s+tRΦ1(x)(u)dutTΦ1(x))=σ2(h1(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x))),σ1(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x)),0s+tRΦ1(x)(u)dutTΦ1(x)))=σ2(h1(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x))),0s+tRΦ2(h1(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h1(x)))=σ2(Φ2(h1(x),σ1(x,tTΦ1(x))),0s+tRΦ2(h1(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h1(x)))=σ2(Φ2(h1(x),tσ1(x,TΦ1(x))),0s+tRΦ2(h1(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h1(x)))=0s+tRΦ3(h2h1(x))(u)dutTΦ3(h2h1(x)),for all xS1, 0t<1 and sR.

Therefore, we can define a category RWFlowGS, whose objects are flows with global Poincaré sections and whose morphisms are rate-preserving morphisms. If we denote the inclusion functors by J:FlowGSRWFlowGS and J+:RWFlowGSWFlowGS, it is clear that I=J+J.

Lemma 5.13

Let (Φ,X,S) be an object in FlowGS. Then, the weak morphism (k,τ)(Φ,X,S):IΣPI(Φ,X,S)(Φ,X,S) is rate-preserving.


First, we note that 0s+tRΣPΦ([x,0])(u)dutTΣPΦ([x,0])=sfor all [x,0](SPΦ)0, 0t<1 and sR because TΣPΦ([x,0])=1 for all [x,0](SPΦ)0. We calculate the following: τ(Φ,X,S)(ΣPΦ([x,0],tTΣPΦ([x,0])),0s+tRΣPΦ([x,0])(u)dutTΣPΦ([x,0]))=τ(Φ,X,S)(ΣPΦ([x,0],t),s)=τ(Φ,X,S)([x,t],s)=0s+tRΦ(x)(u)dutTΦ(x)=0s+tRΦ(k(Φ,X,S)([x,0]))(u)dutTΦ(k(Φ,X,S)([x,0])),for all [x,0](SPΦ)0, 0t<1 and sR.

Thus, we have the following result:

Lemma 5.14

There is a natural transformation (k,τ):JΣPJ+1RWFlowGS given by the restriction of the natural transformation (k,τ):IΣPII defined in Lemma 5.6.


It is sufficient to verify the naturality conditions. Let (h,σ):(Φ1,X1,S1)(Φ2,X2,S2) be a morphism in RWFlowGS.

If [x,t](S1)PΦ1 with 0t<1, we have hk(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t])=h(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x)))=Φ2(h(x),σ(x,tTΦ1)(x))=Φ2(h(x),tσ(x,TΦ1)(x))=Φ2(h(x),tTΦ2(x))=k(Φ2,X2,S2)([h(x),t])=k(Φ2,X2,S2)h¯([x,t]).Further, for all [x,t](S1)PΦ1 with 0t<1 and sR, στ(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t],s)=σ(k(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t]),τ(Φ1,X1,S1)([x,t],s))=σ(Φ1(x,tTΦ1(x)),0s+tRΦ1(x)(u)dutTΦ1(x))=0s+tRΦ2(h(x))(u)dutTΦ2(h(x))=τ(Φ2,X2,S2)([h(x),t],s)=τ(Φ2,X2,S2)p([x,t],s),where p is the time part of J(h¯).

Combining the results above, we obtain the desired result, which gives us the exact relation between the constructions of Poincaré maps and suspension flows.

Theorem 5.15

Main Theorem A



We verify that the triangle identities are satisfied by l:1MapPIΣ=(PJ+)(JΣ) and (k,τ):(JΣ)(PJ+)1RWFlowGS.

In what follows, we omit J+ or J for ease of notation.

Let (f,X) be an object in Map. Then, we have kΣ(f,X)Σ(l(f,X))([x,t])=kΣ(f,X)([l(f,X)(x),t])=Σf(l(f,X)(x),t)=[x,t]for all xX and 0t<1. Further, we have τΣ(f,X)p([x,t],s)=τΣ(f,X)([l(f,X)(x),t],s)=0s+tRΣf(l(f,X)(x))(u)dutTΣf(l(f,X)(x))=sfor all xX, 0t<1 and sR. These results show that the following diagram commutes in RWFlowGS.

Let (Φ,X,S) be an object in RWFlowGS. Then, we have P((k,τ)(Φ,X,S))lP(Φ,X,S)(x)=k(Φ,X,S)|(SPΦ)0([x,0])=k(Φ,X,S)([x,0])=Φ(x,0)=xfor all xS. Therefore, the following diagram commutes in Map.

Thus, we conclude that JΣPJ+.

The next corollary is an immediate consequence of Remark 5.7 and the injectivity of l(f,X).

Corollary 5.16

The categories Map and RWFlowGS are equivalent.

We remark that the rate-preserving condition can always be assumed for topologically equivalent flows.

Theorem 5.17

Let (Φ1,X1,S1) and (Φ2,X2,S2) be isomorphic in WFlowGS. Then, they are isomorphic in RWFlowGS.


By the functoriality of ΣP, ΣP(Φ1,X1,S1) and ΣP(Φ2,X2,S2) are isomorphic in RWFlowGS. Because (k,τ) gives isomorphisms, we conclude that (Φ1,X1,S1) and (Φ2,X2,S2) are isomorphic in RWFlowGS.

6. Concluding remarks

The categorical equivalence of Corollary 5.16 enables us to obtain correspondences between various concepts of flows and map dynamical systems. For example, Theorem 5.17 implies that the topological conjugacy of map dynamical systems is categorically equivalent to the topological equivalence of flows. This provides further justification for the use of topological equivalence in the study of flows, in addition to the usual argument that topological conjugacy is too strict.

We also observe a lack of correspondence for some notions. As flows with global Poincaré sections do not have equilibria, it follows that map dynamical systems do not have a concept corresponding to them under the equivalence obtained here. It would be interesting to consider whether there exists another pair of functors under which fixed points correspond to equilibria. A candidate will be the time-one map because it corresponds to the discretization functor, which has been considered in [Citation5]. However, it is known that this construction is not very expressive, and it is unclear whether an interesting equivalence can be found [Citation3].


The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for valuable comments and suggestions.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows (20J01101).


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