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The costly gamble: how Russia's invasion of Ukraine weakened its role as a balancing power

Pages 387-406 | Published online: 09 May 2023


Russia is not a superpower, and it is not a conventional great power either. Russia is a balancing great power (balancer), which since 2007 has been purposefully offsetting western influence in the international system and attempting to resist Western (American) hegemony. The paper develops the argument that the failed aggression against Ukraine has very significantly limited Russia’s ability to use available balancing techniques. Ukraine has clearly opted for a Western orientation because Russia has entirely lost its appeal. Russian positions in Central Asia and the Caucasus are weakened. In both areas, Russia must confront the growing activities of the EU, the US, China, and Turkey. Russia’s ability to manage an equilibrium between China and India in Asia is diminishing as it can no longer export sophisticated weapons. Russia’s conventional military capabilities have been significantly reduced. All in all, Russia’s relative position among the other great powers has deteriorated significantly.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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Additional information


This work was supported by the Grantová agentura České republiky (Czech Science Foundation) under the Grant “Structural obstacles and opportunities for the integration of post-communist EU member countries into European defense cooperation”, registration number GA22-25205S

Notes on contributors

Zdeněk Kříž

Zdeněk Kříž, who graduated in political science and history in 1996, is a professor at Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. He specialises in international security, history of armed conflicts, international security organisations, German and Czech security policies, and civil – military relations. His most recent publications include “German Troops in Afghanistan: Strategic Narratives on German Participation in Resolute Support”, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 2022 and “The security perception and security policy of the Czech Republic”, Defense & Security Analysis, 2021.

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