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Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal and Latin America
Volume 89, 2012 - Issue 4: Exploring the Print World of Early Modern Iberia
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Early Printed Books in Spain and the Exercicios of Ignatius Loyola

Pages 635-664 | Published online: 18 Jun 2012


Our knowledge of the vernacular works of devotion popular in Spain during the first age of printing (c.1471-1520) has been extended in recent years by the appearance of reliable catalogues of their early editions and by the analysis of their authorship, contents and printing history, but questions remain about their reception, including the kinds of piety they encouraged, the habits of reading they instilled, and the extent to which they paved the way for later movements of Church reform in Spain. To these questions the article offers a partial answer by examining, as a case history, the role of early printed books in the religious conversion of Ignatius Loyola and in the origins of his Exercicios espirituales, which were drafted in Spain during the early 1520s. It examines the books he knew at the time, how he read them, and their impact on the Exercicios, before going on to consider, in the light of this, his place in the Spanish movement of reform associated with Erasmus. It concludes with some reflections on the reception of the Exercicios, in Spain and elsewhere, later in the century, after the text was printed in Rome in 1548.


1On the reason for considering as a continuous period the first five decades of printing in Spain, see Julián Martín Abad, Los primeros tiempos de la imprenta en España (c.1471–1520) (Madrid: Laberinto, 2003), 46.

2 Incunabula Short Title Catalogue, accessed online at <>.

3F. J. Norton, A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal, 1501–1520 (Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1978), henceforth Norton, followed by a numbered entry; Clive Griffin, The Crombergers of Seville. The History of a Printing and Merchant Dynasty (Oxford: Clarendon, 1988); Julián Martín Abad, Post-incunables ibéricos (Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, 2001), henceforth Abad, followed by a numbered entry, and Post-incunables ibéricos (Adenda) (Madrid: Ollero y Ramos, 2007).

4Alexander S. Wilkinson, Iberian Books. Libros ibéricos. Books Published in Spanish Or Portuguese Or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601. Libros publicados en español o portugués (Leiden: Brill, 2010) [henceforth IB, followed by a numbered entry].

5Griffin, The Crombergers, 19, 146–52; Martín Abad, Los primeros tiempos, 171–74; Pedro M. Cátedra, Imprenta y lecturas en la Baeza del siglo XVI (Salamanca: Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, 2001); Rafael M. Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual castellana en la España del Renacimiento, 1470–1560 (Gijón: Trea, 2006); Alejandro Coroleu, ‘Printing Sacred Texts in Early Modern Barcelona (1480–1530)’, BHS, LXXXVI (2009), 743–50.

6The standard study continues to be the second edition in Spanish of Marcel Bataillon's work, Erasmo y España (México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1966), supplemented by the second edition in French, Érasme et l'Espagne, ed. Daniel Devoto and Charles Amiel, 3 vols (Genève: Droz, 1991).

7 Exercitia Spiritvalia (Rome: apud Antonium Bladum, 1548).

8On the history of the text see the introduction to Exercitia Spiritualia, ed. J. Calveras, S.J., and C. de Dalmases, S.J. (Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1969), 4–33. References to the ‘Exercises’ (henceforth, in the main text, Exx.) are to this edition and the numbered sections into which it divides the work.

9On the manuscript corrected by Ignatius, known as the ‘autograph’ text, see Exercitia Spiritualia, 85–105.

10 Acta Patris Ignatii, in Fontes narrativi de S. Ignatio de Loyola, Vol. 1, ed. D. Fernández Zapico, S.J. & C. de Dalmases, S.J. (Roma: Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu, 1943), 54–145 [henceforth FN1]. The history of the text is considered in Luis Fernández Martín, ‘Peripecia histórica de la “autobiografía” ignaciana’, in El pueblo vasco en el Renacimiento (1491–1521), ed. José Luis Orella (Bilbao: Univ. de Deusto/Ediciones Mensajero, c.1991), 161–90. See too the study by Marjorie O'Rourke Boyle, Loyola's Acts. The Rhetoric of the Self (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997).

11 Epistola patris Laynez de P. Ignatio, in FN1, 54–145.

12 Sumario de las cosas más notables que a la institución y progreso de la Compañía de Jesús tocan, in FN1, 146–256.

13 FN1, 154.

14On the early life of Ignatius see Íñigo de Loyola en Castilla. Juventud–Formación–Espiritualidad, ed. Luis Fernández (Valladolid: Caja de Ahorros Popular, 1989); R. García Mateo, Ignacio de Loyola. Su espiritualidad y su mundo cultural (Bilbao: Mensajero, 2000); and the useful bibliography in Íñigo Arranz, ‘Arévalo’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, ed. José García de Castro (Bilbao: Mensajero/Maliaño: Sal Terrae, 2007), 192–96.

15 FN1, 370.

16Henri Watrigant, S.J., ‘La Genèse des “Exercices” de Saint Ignace’, Études, 71 (1897), 506–29; 72 (1897), 195–216; 73 (1897), 199–228; Arturo Codina, S.J., Los orígenes de los ‘Ejercicios Espirituales’ de S. Ignacio de Loyola. Estudio histórico (Barcelona: Balmes, 1926). The sources of the Exercicios are discussed in Exercitia Spiritualia, 34–60.

17 Exercitia Spiritualia, 39. See IB 19219, 19220 (Pedro de la Vega); Norton 758 and Abad 1169 (Padilla).

18Ludolphus de Saxonia, Vita christi cartuxano (Alcalá de Henares: Estanislao Polono, 1502–1503). See Norton 1, 2, and Abad 969, 970. Henceforth Vita Christi.

19 Exercitia Spiritualia, 43–46.

20 La leyenda de los sanctos (Burgos: Juan de Burgos, c.1500), noted in Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual, 339; Leyenda de los santos (que vulgarmente Flos santorum llaman (Sevilla: Juan de Varela, c.1520 and c.1520–21), described in Abad 709, 710; Gonzalo de Ocaña, La vida y passion de Jesucristo y las historias de las festividades de su santissima madre con las de los santos (Zaragoza: Jorge Coci, 1516), described in Norton 686.

21 Leyenda de los santos (que vulgarmente Flos Santorum llaman) [Sevilla, Juan de Varela, 1520–1521], ed. Félix Juan Cabasés, S.J. (Madrid: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu/Univ. Pontificia Comillas, 2007). The manuscript tradition and early printing history of the lives of the saints are discussed on xxi–xxxii. References to the text in what follows are to this edition.

22 La vida de nuestro redentor y saluador iesu christo: Segun el seraphico doctor sant Buenaventura (Valladolid: Diego de Gumiel, 1512), described in Norton 1310 and Abad 244. The Meditationes vitae Christi printed in 1483 in Barcelona by Pere Miquel Carbonell has parallel texts in Latin and Spanish (see Coroleu, ‘Printing Sacred Texts’, 744).

23 Vita Christi, Vol. 4, Chapter 58, cited in Rogelio García Mateo, S.J., El misterio de la vida de Cristo en los ‘Ejercicios ignacianos’ y en el ‘Vita Christi Cartujano’. Antología de textos (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2002), 204.

24 FN1, 376.

25 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, in García Mateo, El misterio de la vida de Cristo, xliii.

26 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, in García Mateo, El misterio de la vida de Cristo, xlii.

27 Leyenda de los santos, ed. Cabasés, 547.

28 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, in García Mateo, El misterio de la vida de Cristo, il (i.e., lxix). See Javier Melloni, S.J., The ‘Exercises’ of St Ignatius Loyola in the Western Tradition, trans. Michael Ivens, S.J. (Leominster: Gracewing, 2000), 16. The example of St Cecilia is cited in the same spirit at the start of the Meditationes vitae Christi.

29Codina, Los orígenes, 141–45; Pedro de Leturia, S.J., ‘El influjo de San Onofre en San Ignacio a base de un texto de Nadal’, in Estudios ignacianos, ed. Ignacio Iparraguirre, S.J., 2 vols (Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1957), I, 97–111 (pp. 105–06).

30 Exercitia Spiritualia, 33.

33 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, cited in García Mateo, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo, lii.

31 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, fol. 12v. On Ludolph's work and its impact on Ignatius, see Paul Shore, ‘Ludolfo de Sajonia’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, 1149–53.

32García Mateo, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo, xxxiii.

34 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, cited in García Mateo, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo, lii.

35See Michael Ivens, S.J., Understanding the ‘Spiritual Exercises’ (Leominster: Gracewing, 1998), 47, 81, 91, 94–95.

36 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, fol. 10r–v. The nativity of Christ is treated at length in Vol. 1, Chapter 9: see the passages quoted in García Mateo, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo, 32–40.

37See Ivens, Understanding the ‘Spiritual Exercises’, 97–98.

38Ivens, Understanding the ‘Spiritual Exercises’, 53.

39 Patrologia Latina, Vol. 40, Col. 998: ‘Quaerite legendo, et invenietis meditando; pulsate orando et aperietur vobis contemplando’.

40In the first volume of the Vita Christi such terms are used repeatedly of meditation on the life of Christ: to practise it is to ‘deleitar, holgar en el’ (5r); it is an ‘ejercicio de espiritual consolación’ (5r); attention is drawn to ‘el gusto dulce […] el sabor amable […] que en si tiene esta vida’ (5v); it inspires a new life ‘de gozo y alegría’ (5v), and it fills one with ‘gozo y recreación’ (10r); ‘ca en la tal contemplación se halla una unción que poco a poco penetra, levanta y purifica el ánima y la enseña de todas cosas’ (8r).

41See the entries under these terms in Concordancia ignaciana, ed. Ignacio Echarte, S.J. (Bilbao: Mensajero/Maliaño: Sal Terrae, 1996), and José García de Castro, S.J., ‘Consolación’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, 413–28.

42 Vita Christi, Vol. 1, Prohemio, cited in García Mateo, Los misterios de la vida de Cristo, xlii–xliii.

43Vincenzo Poggi, S.J., ‘El Oriente en las fuentes de los “Ejercicios” a través de la Vita Christi de Ludolfo’, in Las fuentes de los ‘Ejercicios espirituales’ de San Ignacio, ed. Juan Plazaola, S.J. (Bilbao: Mensajero, 1998), 187–205.

44Bataillon, Erasmo y España, 190–205. The first edition of the Enquiridio o manual del cavallero christiano, trans. Alonso Fernández de Madrid, has been lost; the earliest surviving edition, printed in Alcalá de Henares by Miguel de Eguía, has been dated to 1527. See Bataillon, Erasmo y España, lvi, and Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual, 331.

45On Erasmus’ approach to biblical exegesis, see ‘L'Humanisme Chrétien’, in Henri de Lubac, Exégèse mediévale. Les quatre sens de l’écriture (Paris: Aubier, 1959–1964), seconde partie, Vol. 2, 454–87.

46Santiago Arzubialde, S.J., ‘Ejercicios espirituales’ de S. Ignacio. Historia y análisis (Bilbao: Mensajero/Maliaño: Sal Terrae, 1991), 254–55.

47 FN1, 372.

48 FN1, 386.

49Juan Manuel Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano al caballero “a lo divino”: los ideales caballerescos de Ignacio de Loyola’, in Ignacio de Loyola y su tiempo, ed. Juan Plazaola, S.J. (Bilbao: Mensajero/Univ. de Deusto, 1991), 130–59 (pp. 144–45).

50Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 132–34.

51 Leyenda de los santos, ed. Cabasés, 2; Vita Christi, Vol. 1, fol. 12r.

52Pedro de Leturia, El gentilhombre Íñigo López de Loyola en su patria y en su siglo, 2a ed. (Barcelona: Labor, 1949), 155. A copy of this edition was present in the library of Juan Velázquez de Cuéllar in Arévalo: see Luis Fernández Martín, S.J., ‘El hogar donde Íñigo de Loyola se hizo hombre, 1506–1517’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 49 (1980), 21–94 (p. 67).

53Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 151–52. The Libro de la cavalleria cristiana is described in Norton 1234 and Abad 20.

54 FN1, 370

55Described in Norton 1160, who notes subsequent editions in 1514 (Valencia) and 1517, 1520 (Toledo).

56 FN1, 370

57Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 141–42.

58 FN1, 76.

59 FN1, 158.

60See Norton 1053, who notes a subsequent edition of 1520, printed in Toledo by Villaquirán.

61 FN1, 382–84.

62On this episode see Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 147–48.

64Cited in Leturia, El gentilhombre, 255.

63 FN1, 386.

65See Leturia, El gentilhombre, 256, and Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 150–52. The vigil is described in Book 4, Chapter 52 of Amadís.

66Alexander A. Parker, The Philosophy of Love in Spanish Literature 1480–1680, ed. Terence O'Reilly (Edinburgh: Edinburgh U. P., 1985); Terence O'Reilly, ‘Courtly Love and Mysticism in Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age’, Journal of Hispanic Research, 1 (1992), 53–76, reprinted as Essay XII in O'Reilly, From Ignatius Loyola to John of the Cross. Spirituality and Literature in Sixteenth-Century Spain (Aldershot: Variorum, 1995); Elena Carrera, ‘Lovesickness and the Therapy of Desire. Aquinas, cancionero Poetry, and Teresa of Avila's “Muero porque no muero” ’, BHS, LXXXVI (2009), 729–42.

67 FN1, 74.

68 FN1, 382.

69Quoted in Bataillon, Erasmo y España, 200.

70 Acta Patris Ignatii, in FN1, 400: ‘En este tiempo le trataba Dios de la misma manera que trata un maestro de escuela a un niño, enseñándole’.

71See interior, interno, in Concordancia ignaciana.

72 Acta Patris Ignatii, in FN1, 404: ‘Estas cosas que ha visto le confirmaron entonces, y le dieron tanta confirmación siempre de la fe, que muchas veces ha pensado consigo: Si no huviese Escriptura que nos enseñase estas cosas de la fe, él se determinaría a morir por ellas, solamente por lo que ha visto’. See also the testimonies of Laínez (FN1, 84) and Polanco (FN1, 162).

73See Exercitia Spiritualia, 15, 31; Ivens, Understanding the Spiritual Exercises, 77–86; Arzubialde, ‘Ejercicios espirituales’ de S. Ignacio, 217–38.

74Quoted in Cacho Blecua, ‘Del gentilhombre mundano’, 139.

75The earliest known edition is García Rodríguez de Montalvo, Las sergas de Esplandián, hijo de Amadís de Gaula (Sevilla: Jacobo Cromberger, 1510), described in Norton 788. The possibility of lost editions is discussed in the introduction to García Rodríguez de Montalvo, Las sergas de Esplandián, ed. Carlos Sainz de la Maza (Madrid: Castalia, 2003). See also Susan Giráldez, Las sergas de Esplandián y la España de los Reyes Católicos (New York: Peter Lang, 2003).

76Cacho Blecua, Del gentilhombre mundano’, 139–40.

77G. M. Colombás, O.S.B., Un reformador benedictino en tiempo de los Reyes Católicos: García Jiménez de Cisneros, abad de Montserrat (Montserrat: Abadía de Montserrat, 1955).

78Martín Abad, Los primeros tiempos de la imprenta, 110–11.

79 Directorio de las horas canónicas (Montserrat: Joan Luschner, 1500); Exercitatorio de la vida spiritual (Montserrat: Joan Luschner, 1500). A critical edition of these works may be seen in García Jiménez de Cisneros, Obras completas, ed. C. Baraut, O.S.B. (Montserrat: Abadía de Montserrat, 1965).

80See Otger Steggink, ‘Íñigo López de Loyola, el peregrino vasco de Montserrat, y la Devotio Moderna’, in Fuentes neerlandesas de la mística española, ed. Miguel Norbert Ubarri and Lieve Behiels (Madrid: Trotta, 2005), 71–79, and the introduction to Compendio breve de ejercicios espirituales, ed. Javier Melloni, S.J. (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 2006), xlv–xlviii.

81Terence O'Reilly, ‘The Structural Unity of the Exercitatorio de la vida spiritual’, Studia Monastica, 15 (1973), 287–324, reprinted as Essay VII in O'Reilly, From Ignatius Loyola to John of the Cross.

82 Carta al P. Girón (1607), quoted in Javier Melloni, S.J., ‘Las influencias cisnerianas en los “Ejercicios” ’, in Las fuentes de los ‘Ejercicios espirituales’, 353–77 (p. 375).

83Anton Witwer, S.J., ‘Contemplativo en la acción’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, 457–65.

84Terence O'Reilly, ‘The Exercises of Saint Ignatius Loyola and the Exercitatorio de la vida spiritual’, Studia Monastica, 16 (1974), 301–23, and ‘Saint Ignatius Loyola and Spanish Erasmianism’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 43 (1974), 301–21 (p. 317).

85See the critical edition by Javier Melloni (n. 80 above), and Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual, 305.

86Melloni, ‘Las influencias cisnerianas’, and Aimé Solignac, S.J., ‘Le Compendio breve de l’Exercitatorio de Cisneros et les Exercices Spirituels’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 63 (1994), 141–59.

87 Compendio breve, ed. Melloni, xxv, xxix–xxx (n. 52).

88The caution of the Compendio in the matter of contemplation is noted by Melloni in Compendio breve, xxvii–xxviii. On the policy of the Inquisition in this regard see Terence O'Reilly, ‘Meditation and Contemplation: Monastic Spirituality in Early Sixteenth-Century Spain’, in Faith and Fanaticism: Religious Fervour in Early Modern Spain, ed. Lesley K. Twomey with Robert Hooworth-Smith and Michael Truman (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997), 37–57.

89Manuel Ruiz Jurado, S.J., ‘¿Influyó en San Ignacio el Ejercitatorio de Cisneros?’, Manresa, 198 (1979), 65–75.

90 Acta Patris Ignatii, in FN1, 390.

91Polanco, in FN1, 159.

92 FN1, 402.

93Pedro de Leturia, ‘Libros de horas, Anima Christi, y Ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio’, in Estudios ignacianos, Vol. 2, 99–148.

94The Horas de nuestra Señora segun la orden romana (Zaragoza: Jorge Coci, 1516), described in Norton 687 and Abad 810, provides the Hours in Latin, with rubrics in Spanish. I have not been able to see the edition of 1521 noted in IB 5932.

95I have consulted the editions of 1502 (IB 5881) and 1507 (IB 5883), printed in Paris by Thielman Kerver, and those of c.1510 (IB 5884), c.1515, and 1520 (IB 5931), printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman and Simon Vostre.

101Transcribed from the edition of 1502. Apart from minor variations of spelling, the text is identical in the other editions mentioned in n.95 above.

96For both quotations from da Câmara, see FN1, 400.

97Leturia, ‘Libros de horas’, 123–28.

98Leturia, ‘Libros de horas’, 120–23.

99It is reproduced in Leturia, ‘Libros de horas’, 134–35.

100Gabriel María Verd, S.J., ‘Anima Christi’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, 163–70.

103 FN1, 496–98.

102Verd, ‘Anima Christi’, 168.

104 Diario spiritual, 67, in Obras completas de San Ignacio de Loyola, ed. I. Iparraguirre, S.J. & C. de Dalmases, S.J., 4a ed. (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1982), 361.

105 Memoriale seu diarium patris Ludovici Gonzalez de Camara, in FN1, 508–752. The passage quoted is from section 97, 584.

106The following known and surviving editions are described by Martín Abad (Abad 817–20): 1505 (Logroño: Arnao Guillén de Brocar); 1512 (Toledo: Nicolás Gazini de Piemonte and Juan de Villaquirán); 1516 (Burgos: Fadrique de Basilea); 1516 (Sevilla: Jacobo Cromberger). A further edition, of 1513 (Toledo: a costa de Cosmé Damián) is described by Nigel Griffin: ‘Spanish Incunabula in the John Rylands University Library of Manchester’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library, 70 (1988), 4–141 (p. 98). All these editions are recorded in IB 3695–3699. Two further supposed editions, of c.1510 and 1516, are doubtful: see Abad 817 and 120.

107See Martín Abad, Los primeros tiempos de la imprenta, 72, and José Tarré, ‘La traducción española de la Imitación de Cristo’, Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, 15 (1942), 101–27. Three further editions printed before 1505 are noted in Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual, 328: 1493 (Sevilla: Meinardo Ungut/Estanislao Polono); 1495 (Burgos: Fadrique de Basilea); 1500 (Toledo: Pedro Hagembach).

108Henri Bernard-Maitre, S.J., ‘Saint Ignace de Loyola et les anciennes traductions espagnoles de L'Imitation de Jésus-Christ’, Ons Geestelijk Erf, 30 (1956), 25–42; Rogelio García Mateo, ‘Imitación de Cristo’, in Diccionario de espiritualidad ignaciana, 994–1001.

109 Contemptus mundi (Burgos: Fadrique de Basilea, 1516), Book 3, Chapter 61, quoted in Codina, Los orígenes, 160. Quotations in what follows are drawn from this edition, where the numbering of the chapters does not always correspond to that in modern editions of the text (see Codina, Los orígenes, 155).

110See Imitatio Christi, in Dictionnaire de Spiritualité, Vol. 7, cols 2357–60.

111 Memoriale, 97, in FN1, 584.

112Marcel Bataillon, ‘Les Iñiguistes et le monachisme’, in his posthumous study, Les Jésuites dans l'Espagne du XVI e siècle, ed. Pierre-Antoine Fabre (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2009), 135–78.

113Bataillon, Erasmo y España, 48.

114 Memoriale, 226, in FN1, 659: ‘no parece otra cosa conversar con el Padre, sino leer a Juan Jersón, puesto en execución’.

115See, for instance, Memoriale, 24, 162, 176, 227, 234, 258.

116On the Election see Ivens, Understanding the Spiritual Exercises, 128–45.

117Manuel Ruiz Jurado, S.J., ‘Fuentes de las Elecciones’, in Las fuentes de los ‘Ejercicios espirituales’, 339–51.

118Pedro de Ribadeneira, Vita Ignatii Loiolae, Societatis Iesu fundatoris, in ed. C. de Dalmases, Fontes narrativi de S. Ignatio de Loyola, 4 vols (Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1943–1965), IV, 173.

119 Memoriale, 245, in FN1, 669; M. Batllori, ‘Sobre l'humanisme a Barcelona durant els estudis de Sant Ignasi (1524–1526): Nebrija i Erasme’, Quaderni Ibero-Americani, 3 (1955–1960), 219–32 (p. 229).

120 Memoriale, 98, in FN1, 585.

121Bataillon, Les Jésuites dans l'Espagne du XVI e siècle, 147–50.

122O'Reilly, ‘Saint Ignatius Loyola and Spanish Erasmianism’, 306–10.

123Eugenio Asensio, ‘El erasmismo y las corrientes espirituales afines’, Revista de Filología Española, 36 (1952), 31–99 (p. 99).

124 Memoria de la Pasión de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (Alcalá de Henares: Miguel de Eguía, 1529), noted in Pérez García, La imprenta y la literatura espiritual, 308. See Julián Martín Abad, La imprenta en Alcalá de Henares, 3 vols (Madrid: Arco Libros, 1991), I, 75–82.

125 Acta Patris Ignatii, in FN1, 442–43. On Diego and Esteban see FN1, 110–11 (n. 3).

126 Acta Patris Ignatii, in FN1, 462–65.

127José Calveras, S.J., ‘Los Confesionales y los “Ejercicios espirituales” de San Ignacio’, Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 17 (1948), 51–101.

128Sant Juan Climaco, Las tablas y escalera spiritual (Toledo: Successor to Pedro Hagembach, 1504), described in Norton 1041, and Abad 859. See Santiago Arzubialde, ‘El llamamiento del Rey Temporal en la Escala Celeste de San Juan Clímaco’, in Las fuentes de los ‘Ejercicios espirituales’, 537–42.

129Griffin, The Crombergers, 148–49; Andrew Pettegree, The Book in the Renaissance (New Haven: Yale U. P., 2010), 50.

130Watrigant, ‘La Genèse des “Exercices” ’, 511: ‘Tout le livre a été vécu avant d’être écrit’.

131On Ávila and his relations with Ignatius and the Society of Jesus, see Bataillon, Les Jésuites dans l'Espagne du XVI e siècle, 265–73, and the bibliographical note on 328.

132The expressions are used often in the Exercicios, particularly in the opening Annotaciones: see dar and recibir in Concordancia ignaciana.

133Ignacio Iparraguirre, Práctica de los ‘Ejercicios’ de San Ignacio de Loyola en vida de su autor (1522–1556) (Bilbao: Mensajero/Roma: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1946), 157–60.

134See Margit Frenk Alatorre, Entre la voz y el silencio (Alcalá de Henares: Centro de Estudios Cervantinos, 1997). I am grateful to Dr Barry Taylor for his guidance in this area of research.

135Terence O'Reilly, ‘The Scriptural Scholarship of the Early Spanish Jesuits: A Survey’, Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, 4 (1996), 135–43.

136García Mateo, El misterio de la vida de Cristo, xv.

137See José Aragüés Aldaz, ‘Para el estudio del Flos Sanctorum renacentista (1). La conformación de un género’, in Homenaje a Henri Guerreiro. La hagiografía entre historia y literatura en la España de la Edad Media y del Siglo de Oro, ed. Marc Vitse (Madrid: Iberoamericana/Frankfurt am Main: Vervuert, 2005), 97–147.

138 Contemptus mundi, agora nuevamente romançeado (Sevilla: Juan Cromberger, 1536). See Griffin, The Crombergers, 148. There is a modern edition: Tomás de Kempis, Imitación de Cristo, ed. Francisco Martín Hernández (Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1975).

139See Compendio breve, ed. Melloni, 163–65.

140 Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús, ed. Silverio de Santa Teresa, 9 vols (Burgos: Monte Carmelo, 1915–1924), VI, 5.

141Ignacio Iparraguirre, S.J., Historia de los ‘Ejercicios’ de San Ignacio, Vol. 2: Desde la muerte de San Ignacio hasta la promulgación del Directorio oficial (1556–1599) (Bilbao: Mensajero/Romae: Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, 1955), 352–59.

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