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Pages 841-849 | Published online: 15 Dec 2016


Abela, J. R. Z.—see Kranzler et al.

Allen, K. B.—see Ollendick et al.

Allen, N. B.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Almirall, D., & Chronis-Tuscano, A.—Adaptive interventions in child and adolescent mental health383

Almirall, D., DiStefano, C., Chang, Y., Shire, S., Kaiser, A., Lu, X., Nahum-Shani, I., Landa, R., Mathy, P., & Kasari, C.–Longitudinal effects of adaptive interventions with a speck-generating device in minimally verbal children with ASD442

Almirall, D.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Almirall, D.—see Gunlicks-Stoessel et al.

Atkins, M. S., Rusch, D., Mehta, T. G., & Lakind, D.—Future directions for dissemination and implementation science: Aligning ecological theory and public health to close the research to practice gap 215

August, G. J., Piehler, T. F., & Bloomquist, M. L.—Being “SMART” about adolescent conduct problems prevention: executing a SMART pilot study in a juvenile diversion agency 495

Austin, K. E.—see Ollendick et al.

Beelmann, A.—see Malti et al.

Beelmann, A.—see Sundell et al.

Bhatia, I.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Bilsk, S. A.—see Cole et al.

Bloomquist, M. L.—see August et al.

Boivin, M.—see Poirier et al.

Bossarte, R. M.—see Conner et al.

Bowie, C. R.—see Holshausen et al.

Boxer, P.—see Docherty et al.

Brendgen, M.—see Poirier et al.

Brunwasser, S. M., & Garber, J.—Programs for the prevention of youth depression: Evaluation of efficacy, effectiveness, and readiness for dissemination 763

Bucholz, K. K.—see Conner et al.

Bushman, B. J.—see Docherty et al.

Bullen, P.—see Denny et al.

Burns, G. L.—see Servera et al.

Byrne, M. L.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Canavera, K.—see Ollendick et al.

Carcone, A. I.—see Naar-King et al.

Carrillo, J. M.—see Servera et al.

Chan, G.—see Conner et al.

Chang, Y.—see Almirall et al.

Chaparro, M. P.—see Malti et al.

Chen, Y.—see Wymbs et al.

Chilson, J.—see Goldner et al.

Chorpita, B. F.—see Higa-McMillan et al.

Chronis-Tuscano, A., Wang, C. H., Strickland, J., Amirall, D., & Stein, M. A.—Personalized treatment of mothers with ADHD and their young at-risk children: a SMART pilot 510

Chronis-Tuscano, A.—see Almirall

Colasante, T.—see Malti et al.

Cole, D. A., Sinclair-McBride, K. R., Zelkowitz, R., Bilsk, S. A., Roeder, K., & Spinelli, T.—Peer victimization and harsh parenting predict cognitive diatheses for depression in children and adolescents 668

Cole, D. A.—see Martin et al.

Colich, N. L., Foland-Ross, L. C., Eggleston, C., Singh, M. K., & Gotlib, I. H.—Neural aspects of inhibition following emotional primes in depressed adolescents 21

Collado, S.—see Servera et al.

Conner, K. R., Wyman, P., Goldston, D. B., Bossarte, R. M., Lu, N., Kaukeinen, K., Tu, X. M., Houston, R. J., Lamis, D. A., Chan, G., Buckolz, K. K., & Hesselbrock, V. M.—Two studies of connectedness to parents and suicidal thoughts and behavior in children and adolescents 129

Costello, E. J.—Early detection and prevention of mental health problems: Developmental epidemiology and systems of support 710

Coxe, S.—see Page et al.

Coxe, S.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Cullen, K. R.—see Sommerfeldt et al.

Cummings, E. M.—see Taylor et al.

Cunningham, N. R.—see Ollendick et al.

Cunningham, C. E.—see Wymbs et al.

Cunningham, P.—see Naar-King et al.

Dahl, R. E.—see Olino et al.

Dawson, A. E., Wymbs, B. T., Marshall, S. A., Mautone, J. A., & Power, T. J.—The role of parental ADHD in sustaining the effects of a family-school intervention for ADHD 305

Deal, K.—see Wymbs et al.

del Mar Bernad, M.—see Servera et al.

Denny, S., Lucassen, M. F. G., Stuart, J., Fleming, T., Bullen, P., Peiris-John, R., Rossen, F. V. & Utter, J.—The association between supportive high school environments and depressive symptoms and suicidality among sexual minority students 248

Dickson, D.—see Goldner et al.

Dimidjian, S.—see McCauley et al.

Dionne, G.—see Poirier et al.

DiStefano, C.—see Almirall et al.

Docherty, M., Boxer, P., Huesmann, L. R., O’Brien, M., & Bushman, B. J.—Exploring primary and secondary variants of psychopathy in adolescents in detention and in the community 564

Duncombe, M. E., Havighurst, S. S., Kehoe, C. E., Holland, K. A., Frankling, E. J., & Stargatt, R.—Comparing an emotion- and a behavior-focused parenting program as part of a multisystemic intervention for child conduct problems 320

Eckshtain, D.—see Ng et al.

Eggleston, C.—see Colich et al.

Elias, M. J.—see Kranzler et al.

Ellis, D. A.—see Naar-King et al.

Elmore, A. L., Nigg, J. T., Friderici, K. H., Jernigan, K., & Nikolas, M. A.—Does 5HTTLPR genotype moderate the association of family environment with child attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptomatology? 348

Evans, L. D., Kouros, C. D., Samanez-Larkin, S., & Garber, J.—Concurrent and short-term prospective relations among neurocognitive functioning, coping, and depressive symptoms 6

Fabiano, G. A.—see Page et al.

Fabiano, G. A.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Felton, J. W.—see Martin et al.

Feurer, C., Hammen, C. L., & Gibb, B. E.—Chronic and episodic stress in children of depressed mothers 270

Fleming, T.—see Denny et al.

Foland-Ross, L. C.—see Colich et al.

Forbes, E. E.—see Morgan et al.

Forbes, E. E.—see Olino et al.

Foster, E. M.—see Page et al.

Fraire, M. G.—see Ollendick et al.

Francis, S. E.—see Higa-McMillan et al.

Frankling, E. J.—see Duncombe et al.

Frederici, K. H.—see Elmore et al.

Fryza, B. J.—see Sommerfeldt et al.

Garber, J.—see Brunwasser

Garber, J.—see Evans et al.

Garber, J.—see Klimes-Dougan

Garcia, A.—see Graziano et al.

Gardner, F., Montgomery, P., & Knerr, W.—Transporting evidence-based parenting programs for child problem behavior (age 3-10) between countries: Systematic review and meta-analysis 749

Ghate, D.—From programs to systems: Deploying implementation science and practice for sustained real work effectiveness in services for children and families 812

Gibb, B. E.—see Feurer et al.

Girard, A.—see Poirier et al.

Goeke-Morey, M. C.—see Taylor et al.

Goldner, J. S., Quimby, D., Richards, M. H., Zakaryan, A., Miller, S., Dickson, D., & Chilson, J.—Relations of parenting to adolescent externalizing and internalizing distress moderated by perception of neighborhood danger 141

Goldston, D. B.—see Conner et al.

Gotlib, I. H.—see Colich et al.

Gnagy, E. M.—see Page et al.

Gnagy, E. M.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Graziano, P. A., Ros, R., Haas, S., Hart, K., Slavec, J., Waschbusch, D., & Garcia, A.—Assessing callous-unemotional treats in preschool children with disruptive behavior problems using peer reports 201

Greene, R. W.—see Ollendick et al.

Greiner, A. R.—see Page et al.

Greiner, A. R.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Grych, J.—see Houston

Gudmundsen, G.—see McCauley et al.

Gunlicks-Stoessel, M., Mufson, L., Westervelt, A., Almirall, D., & Murphy, S.—A pilot SMART for developing an adaptive treatment strategy for adolescent depression 480

Haack, L. M., Villodas, M. T., McBurnett, K., Hinshaw, S., & Pfiffner, L. J.—Parenting mediates symptoms and impairment in children with ADHD-inattentive type 155

Haas, S.—see Graziano et al.

Halldorsdottir, T.—see Ollendick et al.

Hammen, C. L.—see Feurer et al.

Han, G., Helm, J., Iucha, C., Zahn-Waxler, C., Hastings, P. D., & Klimes-Dougan, B.—Are executive functioning deficits concurrently and predictively associated with depressive and anxiety symptoms in adolescents? 44

Han, G.—see Sommerfeldt et al.

Hankin, B. L.—see Kranzler et al.

Harkness, K. L.—see Holshausen et al.

Hart, K.—see Graziano et al.

Hart, K.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Hart, K. C.—see Page et al.

Hartlieb, K. B.—see Naar-King et al.

Hasson, H.—see Sundell et al.

Hastings, P. D.—see Han et al.

Havighurst, S. S.—see Duncombe et al.

Helm, J.—see Han et al.

Hesselbrock, V. M.—see Conner et al.

Higa-McMillan, C. K., Francis, S. E., Rith-Najarian, L., & Chorpita, B. F.—Evidence base update: 50 years of research on treatment for child and adolescent anxiety 94

Hinshaw, S.—see Haack et al.

Holland, K. A.—see Duncombe et al.

Holshausen, K., Bowie, C. R., & Harkness, K. L.—The relation of childhood maltreatment to psychotic symptoms in adolescents and young adults with depression 241

Houghton, D. C.—see Woods

Houri, A. K.—see Sommerfeldt et al.

Houston, J., & Grych, J.—Maternal attachment buffers the association between exposure to violence and youth attitudes about aggression 605

Houston, R. J.—see Conner et al.

Hubley, S.—see McCauley et al.

Huesmann, L. R.—see Docherty et al.

Huijding, J.—see Remmerswaal et al.

Iucha, C.—see Han et al.

Jaccard, J.—see Pettit et al.

Jacques-Tiura, A. J.—see Naar-King et al.

Jarrett, M. A.—see Ollendick et al.

Jen, K. C.—see Naar-King et al.

Jernigan, K.—see Elmore et al.

Jezior, K. L., McKenzie, M. E., & Lee, S. S.—Narcissism and callous-unemotional treats prospectively predict child conduct problems 579

Kaiser, A.—see Almirall et al.

Karch, K.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Kasari, C.—see Almirall et al.

Kasari, C.—see Shih et al.

Kaukeinen, K.—see Conner et al.

Kehoe, C. E.—see Duncombe et al.

Kendziora, K., & Osher, D.—Promoting children’s and adolescents’ social and emotional development: District adaptations of a theory of action 797

Kerr, W.—see Gardner et al.

Klimes-Dougan, B., & Garber, J.—Regulatory control and depression in adolescents: Findings from neuroimaging and neuropsychological research 1

Klimes-Dougan, B.—see Han et al.

Klimes-Dougan, B.—see Sommerfeldt et al.

Konijnendijk, E.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Kouros, C. D.—see Evans et al.

Kranzler, A., Young, J. F., Hankin, B. L., Abela, J. R. Z., Elias, M. J., & Selby, E. A.—Emotional awareness: a transdiagnostic predictor of depression and anxiety for children and adolescents 262

Kurapati, N. T.—see Morgan et al.

La Fleur, L. K.—see Laird

Laird, R. D., & La Fleur, L. K.—Disclosure and monitoring as predictors of mother-adolescent agreement in reports of early adolescent rule-breaking behavior 188

Lakind, D.—see Atkins et al.

Lamis, D. A.—see Conner et al.

Landa, R.—see Almirall et al.

Lee, S. S.—see Jezior et al.

Lee, S. S.—see Shemmassian

Lewis, K. M.—see Ollendick et al.

Lu, N.—see Conner et al.

Lu, X.—see Almirall et al.

Lucassen, M. F. G.—see Denny et al.

Luciana, M.—Executive function in adolescence: A commentary on regulatory control and depression in adolescents: Findings from neuroimaging and neuropsychological research 84

Malti, T., Chaparro, M. P., Zuffianò, A., & Colasante, T.—School-based interventions to promote empathy in children and adolescents: A developmental analysis 718

Malti, T., Noam, G. G., Beelmann, A., & Sommer, S.—Good enough? Interventions for child mental health: From adoption to adaptation – from programs to systems 707

Malti, T., Noam, G. G., Beelmann, A., & Sommer, S.—Toward dynamic adaptation of psychological interventions of child and adolescent development and mental health 827

Marin, C.—see Pettit et al.

Marshall, S. A—see Dawson et al.

Martell, C.—see McCauley et al.

Martin, N. C., Felton, J. W., & Cole, D. A.—Predictors of youths’ posttraumatic stress symptoms following a natural disaster: the 2010 Nashville, Tennessee, flood 335

Mathy, P.—see Almirall et al.

Mautone, J. A.—see Dawson et al.

McBurnett, K.—see Haack et al.

McCart, M. R., & Sheidow, A. J.—Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for adolescents with disruptive behavior 529

McCauley, E., Gudmundsen, G., Schloredt, K., Martell, C., Rhew, I., Hubley, S., & Dimidjian, S.—The adolescent behavioral activation program: adapting behavioral activation as a treatment for depression in adolescence 291

McKenzie, M. E.—see Jezior et al.

McLaughlin, K. A.—Future directions in childhood adversity and youth psychopathology 361

McMakin, D. L.—see Olino et al.

Mehta, T. G.—see Atkins et al.

Merrilees, C. E.—see Taylor et al.

Miller, S.—see Goldner et al.

Montgomery, P.—see Gardner et al.

Morgan, J. K., Shaw, D. S., Olino, T. M., Musselman, S. C., Kurapati, N. T., & Forbes, E. E.—History of depression and frontostriatal connectivity during reward processing in late adolescent boys 59

Mufson, L.—see Gunlicks-Stoessel et al.

Muris, P.—see Remmerswaal et al.

Murphy, S.—see Gunlicks-Stoessel et al.

Murphy, S. A.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Musselman, S. C.—see Morgan et al.

Naar-King, S., Ellis, D. A., Carcone, A. I., Templin, T., Jacques-Tiura, A. J., Hartlieb, K. B., Cunningham, P., & Jen, K. C.—Sequential multiple assignment randomized trial (SMART) to construct weight loss interventions for African-American adolescents 428

Nahum-Shani, I.—see Almirall et al.

Nahum-Shani, I.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Ng, M. Y., Eckshtain, D., Weisz, J. R.—Assessing fit between evidence-based psychotherapies for youth depression and real-life coping in early adolescence 732

Nicely, T. A.—see Olino et al.

Nigg, J. T.—see Elmore et al.

Nikolas, M. A.—see Elmore et al.

Noam, G. G.—see Malti et al.

Noguchi, R. J. P.—see Ollendick et al.

O’Brien, M.—see Docherty et al.

Olino, T. M.—Future research directions in the positive valence systems: measurement, development, and implications for youth unipolar depression 681

Olino, T. M., McMakin, D. L., Nicely, T. A., Forbes, E. E., Dahl, R. E., & Silk, J. S.—Maternal depression, parenting, and youth depressive symptoms: mediation and moderation in a short-term longitudinal study 279

Olino, T. M.—see Morgan et al.

Ollendick, T. H., Greene, R. W., Austin, K. E., Fraire, M. G., Halldorsdottir, T., Allen, K. B., Jarrett, M. A., Lewis, K. M., Smith, M. W., Cunningham, N. R., Noguchi, R. J. P., Canavera, K., Wolff, J. C.—Parent management training and collaborative & proactive solutions: a randomized controlled trial for oppositional youth 591

Osher, D.—see Kendziora

Page, T. F., Pelham, W. E., III, Fabiano, G. A., Greiner, A. R., Gnagy, E. M., Hart, K. C., Coxe, S., Waxmonsky, J. G., Foster, E. M., & Pelham, W. E., Jr.—Comparative cost analysis of sequential, adaptive, behavioral, pharmacological, and combined treatments for childhood ADHD 416

Patterson, S. Y.—see Shih et al.

Peiris-John, R.—see Denny et al.

Pelham, W. E., III—see Page et al.

Pelham, W. E., III—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Pelham, W. E, Jr., Fabiano, G. A., Waxmonsky, J. G., Greiner, A. R., Gnagy, E. M., Pelham, W. E., III, Coxe, S., Verley, J., Bhatia, I., Hart, K., Karch, K., Konijnendijk, E., Tresco, K., Nahum-Shani, I., & Murphy, S. A.—Treatment sequencing for childhood ADHD: a multiple-randomization study of adaptive medication and behavioral interventions 396

Pelham, W. E., Jr.—see Page et al.

Pelham, W. E., Jr.—see Wymbs et al.

Pettit, J. W., Silverman, W. K., Rey, Y., Marin, C., & Jaccard, J.—Moving to second-stage treatments faster: identifying midtreatment tailoring variables for youth with anxiety disorders 457

Pfiffner, L. J.—see Haack et al.

Piehler, T. F.—see August et al.

Poirier, C. S., Brendgen, M., Girard, A., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., & Biovin, M.—Friendship experiences and anxiety among children: a genetically informed study 655

Power, T. J.—see Dawson et al.

Quimby, D.—see Goldner et al.

Remmerswaal, D., Muris, P., & Huijding, J.—Transmission of cognitive bias and fear from parents to children: an experimental study 642

Rey, Y.—see Pettit et al.

Rhew, I.—see McCauley et al.

Richards, M. H.—see Goldner et al.

Rimas, H. M.—see Wymbs et al.

Rith-Najarian, L.—see Higa-McMillan et al.

Roeder, K.—see Cole et al.

Ros, R.—see Graziano et al.

Rossen, F. V.—see Denny et al.

Rusch, D.—see Atkins et al.

Samanez-Larkin, S.—see Evans et al.

Schloredt, K.—see McCauley et al.

Schwartz, O.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Selby, E. A.—see Kranzler et al.

Servera, M., del Mar Bernad, M., Carrillo, J. M., Collado, S., & Burns, G. L.—Longitudinal correlates of sluggish cognitive tempo and ADHD-inattention symptom dimensions with Spanish children 632

Shaw, D. S.—see Morgan et al.

Sheidow, A. J.—see McCart

Shemmassian, S. K., & Lee, S. S.—Predictive utility of four methods of incorporating parent and teacher symptom ratings of ADHD for longitudinal outcomes 176

Sherrill, J. T.—Adaptive treatment strategies in youth mental health: a commentary on advantages, challenges, and potential directions 522

Shih, W., Patterson, S. Y., & Kasari, C.—Developing and adaptive treatment strategy for peer-related social skills for children with autism spectrum disorders 469

Shire, S.—see Almirall et al.

Shirlow, P.—see Taylor et al.

Silk, J. S.—see Olino et al.

Silverman, W. K.—see Pettit et al.

Simmons, J. G.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Sinclair-McBride, K. R.—see Cole et al.

Singh, M. K.—see Colich et al.

Slavec, J.—see Graziano et al.

Smith, M. W.—see Ollendick et al.

Sommer, S.—see Malti et al.

Sommerfeldt, S. L., Cullen, K. R., Han, G., Fryza, B. J., Houri, A. K., & Klimes-Dougan, B.—Executive attention impairment in adolescents with major depressive disorder 69

Spinelli, T.—see Cole et al.

Stargatt, R.—see Duncombe et al.

Stein, M. A.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Sterba, S. K.—Cautions on the use of multiple imputation when selecting between latent categorical versus continuous models for psychological constructs 167

Strickland, J.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Stuart, J.—see Denny et al.

Sundell, K., Beelmann, A., Hasson, H., & von Thiele Schwarz, U.—Novel programs, international adoptions, or contextual applications? Meta-analytical results from German and Swedish intervention research 784

Taylor, L. K., Merrilees, C. E., Goeke-Morey, M. C., Shirlow, P., & Cummings, E. M.—Trajectories of adolescent aggression and family cohesion: The potential to perpetuate or ameliorate political conflict 114

Templing, T.—see Naar-King et al.

Tresco, K.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Tu, X. M.—see Conner et al.

Utter, J.—see Denny et al.

Verley, J.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Vijayakumar, N., Whittle, S., Yücel, M., Byrne, M. L., Schwartz, O., Simmons, J. G., & Allen, N. B.—Impaired maturation of cognitive control in adolescents who develop major depressive disorder 31

Villodas, M. T.—see Haack et al.

Vitaro, F.—see Poirier et al.

von Thiele Schwarz, U.—see Sundell et al.

Wang, C. H.—see Chronis-Tuscano et al.

Waschbusch, D.—see Graziano et al.

Waschbusch, D. A.—see Wymbs et al.

Waxmonsky, J. G.—see Page et al.

Waxmonsky, J. G.—see Pelham, Jr., et al.

Weisz, J. R.—see Ng et al.

Westervelt, A.—see Gunlicks-Stoessel et al.

Whittle, S.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Wolff, J. C.—see Ollendick et al.

Woods, D. W., & Houghton, D. C.—Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for pediatric body-focused repetitive behavior disorders 227

Wyman, P.—see Conner et al.

Wymbs, B. T.—see Dawson et al.

Wymbs, F. A., Cunningham, C. E., Chen, Y., Rimas, H. M., Deal, K., Waschbusch, D. A., & Pelham, W. E., Jr.–Examining parents’ preferences for group and individual parent training for children with ADHD symptoms 614

Young, J. F.—see Kranzler et al.

Yücel, M.—see Vijayakumar et al.

Zahn-Waxler, C.—see Han et al.

Zakaryan, A.—see Goldner et al.

Zelkowitz, R.—see Cole et al.

Zuffianò, A.—see Malti et al.

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