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Research Article

Investigation of Some Physical and Morphological Characteristics of Wool of Malya Sheep



The goal of this research was to investigate the wool properties of Malya sheep raised in Central Anatolia of Turkiye. In the investigation, a total of 90 head wool samples were collected, including 30 heads from the same herd’s adults (2.5 years and older), yearlings (1–1,5 years), and lambs (4–6 months). Fleece samples were collected from the shoulder, rib and rump areas of animals of all age groups. In these examples, the properties of length, fineness, elasticity and tenacity were determined. At the end of the study, the average greasy fleece weight was 2.2 ± 0.09 kg, the diameter was 25.7 ± 0.35 µ in lambs, 25.3 ± 0.27 µ in yearling, 26.7 ± 0.26 µ in adults; the average fleece length was 38.8 ± 1.05 mm in lambs, 70.1 ± 1.46 mm in yearlings, 62.3 ± 1.29 mm in adults. As a result, it was determined that the fleece of Malya sheep almost had the desired quality and characteristics in the textile industry. Therefore, scientific studies should be conducted to improve the properties of fleece. It would be appropriate to take permanent steps in cooperation with Public Institutions and Civil Society Organizations to produce, collect and process wool.


本研究的目的是调查在土耳其安纳托利亚中部饲养的Malya羊的羊毛特性. 在调查中,共采集了90头羊毛样本,其中包括来自同一牛群的成年(2.5岁及以上)、一岁(1–1.5岁)和羔羊(4-6个月)的30头. 从所有年龄组动物的肩部、肋骨和臀部区域采集羊毛样本. 在这些实例中,测定了长度、细度、弹性和韧性的性质. 在研究结束时,平均油腻羊毛重量为2.2 ± 0.09 kg,羔羊的直径为25.7 ± 0.35µ,一岁的为25.3 ± 0.27µ,成年的为26.7 ± 0.26µ;羔羊平均羊毛长度为38.8 ± 1.05 mm,一岁为70.1 ± 1.46 mm,成年为62.3 ± 1.29 mm. 结果,确定Malya羊的羊毛几乎具有纺织工业中所需的质量和特性. 因此,应进行科学研究以改善羊毛的性能. 与公共机构和民间社会组织合作,采取永久性措施生产、收集和加工羊毛是适当的.


Agriculture, industry and technology are complementary and highly dependent sectors since developed countries effectively use agricultural products as raw materials in the industry, as well as fossil fuels and mines. Although the output of agricultural production is mostly seen as products for nutrition, these are also very essential in the textile industry. There are two types of raw materials used in the textile industry for fiber sources, natural and artificial.

The production and processing procedure of natural fibers, obtained from plants and animals, is difficult and also time-consuming. Synthetic fibers are chemical products that are easy to obtain and process, unlike natural fibers. Most of the artificial and natural fibers used in the ready-made clothing sector are based on imports and this dependency is higher particularly for fleece since the fleece used in the weaving industry must be in a uniform structure. The fleeces obtained from domestic sheep breeds are more suitable for the production of carpets, rugs and blankets. Therefore, the fleece produced in Turkey is collected, washed in washing factories, turned into bales and exported abroad as raw materials at low prices, or they are destroyed using various methods by the manufacturers. Both exports at cheap prices and small-scale use cause serious losses in the country’s economy. However, Turkey has the potential to meet the wool it needs with the native breeds with approximately 42 million heads of sheep and an annual production of 80.000 tons of fleece (Turkstat Citation2021). Although the fleece characteristics of our local breeds are not suitable for the textile industry, crossbreds of native breeds brought from abroad have the quality and quantity to meet this need. For this purpose, German Fleece-Meat Merino bred in Germany was brought to Turkey in the 1930s for the purpose of merinoization in the first years of the Republic, and was used to obtain crossbred types such as Karacabey Merino, Central Anatolia Merino and Malya sheep (Atav, Ünal, and Soysal Citation2020; Behrem Citation2021; Kaymakçı and Sönmez Citation1996).

Malya sheep was obtained by crossing German Fleece-Meat Merino and Akkaraman sheep (G1) in Central Anatolia (Kaymakçı and Sönmez Citation1996). Many kinds of research have been conducted and continue to be carried out from past to present on the characteristics of fleece quality in native and crossbreds in Turkey (Akçapınar Citation1983; Atav, Ünal, and Soysal Citation2020; Bağkesen and Koçak Citation2018; Behrem and Gül Citation2022; Dellal et al. Citation2000; Demir Citation1995; Koyuncu, Tuncel, and Ferik Citation1996; Peşmen Citation2012; Tuncer et al. Citation2017; Uzun Kara Citation2008; Yıldız and Denk Citation2006). These studies were carried out within the research facilities and technology of the period in which they were conducted. While there are rare studies on fleece parameters of Malya sheep in previous periods (Çilek Citation2015; Çolakoğlu and Özbeyaz Citation1999), there are no adequate and up-to-date studies. Whereas, maintaining up-to-date on strategically important issues is of great scientific and economic importance.

In this study, the effect of age and body region on fleece obtained from Malya sheep was determined. In addition, the changes that have occurred in fleece from the past to the present are also revealed.

Materials and methods

Animal material of the study was Malya sheep (31.25% Deutsches Merinofleischschaf, 68.75% Akkaraman) raised in Ankara Province (Yalcin Citation1986; Çolakoğlu and Özbeyaz Citation1999; Behrem et al. Citation2022a). The animals were kept all year round on a pasture with the grazing of seasonal fodder and were fed with a mix of wheat straw, and barley (700 g) in the hard winter season as a supplement.

In the study, a total of 90 head animal wool samples were formed, including 30 heads, lambs (4–6 months old), yearling (1–1,5 years old) and adults (2.5 years and older) from the same herd. Wool samples of all animals were collected from three different regions (i.e., shoulder, rib and rump). Adapted washing yield, diameter, length, elasticity, and strength properties were determined from these samples.

Greasy wool weight; the sheep were sheared in a clean, dry and light-seeing environment and fleece was weighed with a scale with a sensitivity of 10 g.

Adapted washing yield; this fleece was washed with 0.5 units of soda (sodium bicarbonate) and 3 units of soap powder in warm water (about 35–40°C) to remove the grease and foreign material. The wool was rinsed with cold water and dried in the oven at 105°C lasted for 6 hours. All these processes were carried out in a laboratory environment at normal room temperature (approximately 25°C and 60% humidity). Samples taken from the oven were immediately placed in the desiccator for weighing. After then, adapted washing yield (%) was calculated by using the following formula (Sönmez Citation1963);

Adapted washing yield % = (weight of clean wool +0.14 * weight of clean wool/weight of greasy wool) * 100

Fleece fineness and length were made with OFDA 2000 device. The device can measure about 5 thousand fibers at a time.

Fleece length; the fibers were placed into the OFDA 2000 device (i.e., Optical Fibre Diameter Analyzer) for measuring. The fiber samples were automatically measured by the optical measuring tool of the instrument in millimeters (mm).

Fleece diameter; the wool diameter was determined by the OFDA 2000 (i.e., Optical Fibre Diameter Analyzer) device. The fibers on the OFDA 2000 device were stretched from both ends, made straight, and then placed on the device’s result reading mechanism to finish the measurements. The device measured the fiber diameter according to optical principles and gave the results in microns (µ).

Fleece strength and elasticity; For each region and age, the average of 10 randomly selected fleeces from the samples was taken and considered as a single fiber. In this way, a total of 10 samples were measured (n = 100). Fiber strength and elasticity analyses were performed with the FAFEGRAPH M “Single Fiber Tensile Tester” device. A single fiber was attached to the arms moving by the air pressure from a compressor. The fiber can stretch and resist to breaking point, where the elasticity is a fiber’s capacity to elongate until it breaks, while strength is a fiber’s capacity to resist weight until it breaks.

Statistical analyses of this study were performed with SPSS v21.0 software for Windows. The Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used for the Normality assumption. DUNCAN multiple comparison tests were used to compare the body parts with the statistical difference. The data were analyzed by using the General Linear Model procedure in the SPSS package programme and with the following statistical model:

The mathematical model of study was;

Yijk=µ + αi + βj + (αβ)ij + eijk, where,

Yijk, is the record of the lst animal in the group of ith age, jth body part;

µ, the mean of the population

αi, i. effect of the age (lamb, yearling or mature),

βj, j. effect of the body part (shoulder, ribs or rump),

(αβ)ij, the effect of age and body part interaction

eijk, is the experimental error.

Results and discussion

Productivity and production values in agricultural production are influenced by environmental factors (age, breed, climate etc.) as well as genetic characteristics.

Descriptive statistics of greasy fleece at different ages in Malya sheep are given in .

Table 1. Greasy wool weight of Malya sheep by age (kg).

It is well known that many yields in animal breeding vary depending on age. In the study, as expected, the lowest greasy wool was obtained from lambs and the highest from yearlings (p < .01). The average greasy fleece yield in adult sheep was determined as 2.2 ± 0.08 kg. We can suppose that the high fleece weight in the yearling is due to that shearing is not performed during the lamb period but at the age of about 16 months. The greasy fleece weight was reported by Çolakoğlu and Özbeyaz (Citation1999) as 2.36 kg, and Çilek (Citation2015) as 2.90 kg in Malya sheep. Demir (Citation1995) determined the weight of dirty fleece as 2.63 kg in Ramlıç sheep; Bağkesen and Koçak (Citation2018) reported the greasy fleece yield as 2.92 kg in 1.5-year old, 3.32 kg in 2.5-year-olds, 3.19 kg in 3.5-year-olds, and 2.84 kg in 4.5-year-olds and older, in Karacabey merino. It has been reported in many studies that the greasy wool yield is affected by environmental factors such as age, breed, care and feeding management (Aziz and Al-Oramary Citation2005; Bağkesen and Koçak Citation2018; Dellal et al. Citation2000; Hatcher, Atkins, and Thornberry Citation2005; Koçak et al. Citation2016).

The least-square means (LSM) of the physical and morphological characteristics of fleece samples taken from Malya sheep were determined according to the age groups and body regions which was represented in .

Table 2. Descriptive statistics of Malya sheep wool quality traits (mean ± SE).

In this study, the effect of age and body region on the fleece characteristics of Malya sheep was investigated, it was determined that the age factor was effective on the physical and morphological characteristics of the fleece in sheep (p < .01; 0.05). Among the age groups, the thinnest fleece was obtained from yearlings and the thickest fleece was obtained from adult sheep (p < .005). In addition, coarsening in the fleece depending on age was observed.

Hatcher, Atkins, and Thornberry (Citation2005) and Scobie et al. (Citation2015) stated that one of the factors affecting fleece quality is age. Çolakoğlu and Özbeyaz (Citation1999) determined the average fleece diameter in Malya sheep as 24.61 µ, Karakaya (Citation2011) as 25.38 µ. Ünal and Akçapınar (Citation2001) determined the fleece fineness as 21.85 μ in 2.5-year-old, 22.27 μ in 3.5-year-old, 21.96 μ in 4.5-year-old, 21.97 μ in 5.5-year-old, 21.28 μ in 6.5-year-old and 22.81 μ in 7.5 and over age sheep in Central Anatolian Merino. Aziz and Al-Oramary (Citation2005) found that age has an effect on the fineness of fleece characters in Hamadani sheep. While the value of the fineness we obtained from this study was similar to the reports for Malya and higher values were obtained for other breeds than reported by the researchers.

The longest fleece in sheep was measured from yearlings, and the shortest was from lambs (p < .001). The fleece length in adult sheep was determined as 62.3 ± 1.29 mm. The long fleece of yearlings is since they are not sheared during the lamb age.

Çilek (Citation2015) determined that the length of fleece in Malya sheep was 47.39 mm in 14 months, 34.92 mm in 26 months, 32.86 mm in 38 months, 32.82 mm in 50 months, 28.83 mm in 62 months aged and older; Hamadani et al. (Citation2019), average fleece length of Rambouillet sheep was 5.60 cm; Valera et al. (Citation2009) as 6.9 cm in Merino sheep; Behrem and Gül (Citation2022) determined that fleece length was 47.3 mm in Karacabey merino lambs, 65.2 mm in yearling, 56.4 mm in primiparous and 66.1 mm in multiparous; Ryder (Citation1967) and Yüceer, Akçapınar, and Özbaşer (Citation2010) stated that age, feeding management, disease, shear number and other environmental factors could affect fleece length. On the other hand, these characteristics may vary depending on genetics and nutrition and the most suitable fleece for the textile industry should be below 150 mm (Scobie et al. Citation2015). It is similar to the findings we have obtained from the reports of the researchers in terms of fleece length. We can suppose that the differences between the studies are due to environmental factors.

The highest fleece adapted washing yield was calculated from lambs and the lowest from yearlings. In terms of this characteristic, the numerical differences between all three age groups were determined to be statistically significant (p < .001). The adapted washing yield in fleece is calculated by rating the greasy fleece to the clean fleece. Therefore, it can be said that the high fleece adapted washing yield in lambs is since their fleece has not been exposed to environmental pollutants yet. On the other hand, the low adapted washing yield in yearlings is due to the contamination of the fleece for a longer time compared to the other age groups. The average adapted washing yield in Malya sheep was determined by Çolakoğlu and Özbeyaz (Citation1999) as 48.34%, Karakaya (Citation2011) as 48.86%, Çilek (Citation2015) as 50.05%. Dunlop (Citation1962) and Scobie et al. (Citation2015) reported that the main factors affecting the adapted washing yield of wool are age, environmental cleanliness, care and feeding management. Our findings in terms of fleece adapted washing yield were found to be higher than the reports of the researchers. It can be said that the reason for this is due to environmental factors.

The elasticity value of fleece increased with age. While there was no statistical difference between yearling and adult ewes (p > .005), the numerical difference between these two age groups and lambs was also statistically significant (p < .001).

The fleece elasticity values were determined by Çilek (Citation2015) as 30.16% in 14-month-old, 31.55% in 26-month-old, 32.16% in 38-month-old, 32.21% in 50-month-old, 29.78% in 62-month-old and older sheep. Different researchers carried out the fleece elasticity values in their studies in different breeds and reported Şahan et al. (Citation1995) was 35.1% in Merino sheep, Dellal et al. (Citation2000) was 31.48% in Anatolian Merino, Ünal and Akçapınar (Citation2001) was 29.19% in Kıvırcık x Akkaraman crossbreds. Zinalabidin (Citation2017) and Peşmen (Citation2012) stated that age has a very important effect on fleece properties. The elasticity of wool in our study was close to the reports of other researchers for the same and different breeds. We can speculate that the difference is caused by breed, genotype, care and feeding regime.

While tenacity value of fleece was close between lambs and adult ewes (14.1 ± 0.74 cN/tex vs 15.0 ± 0.61 cN/tex; p > .05), the two age groups and yearling difference was statistically significant (p < .001).

Çilek (Citation2015) determined that the wool tenacity in Malya sheep varies depending on age and gender, and the average tenacity value is 18.72 cN/tex. Behrem and Gül (Citation2022) determined the strength results as 13.0 cN/tex in lambs, 13.9 cN/tex in yearling, 13.8 cN/tex in primiparous, and 14.4 cN/Tex in multiparous in Central Anatolian Merino ewes. The tenacity value results we obtained from this study are in accordance with other studies. The fleece characteristics of Malya sheep were partially affected in terms of body regions.

The thinnest fleece of samples was measured in the shoulder region (24.6 ± 0.22 µ). This value increased in the rib region (25.6 ± 0.29 µ), the thickest value decreased in the rump region (27.4 ± 0.31 µ). The difference between all body regions was also statistically significant (p < .001).

The average fleece diameter in Malya sheep was reported by Çilek (Citation2015) was 26.6 µ, and Karakaya (Citation2011) was 25.38 µ; Atav, Ünal, and Soysal (Citation2020) measured the fleece fineness as 29.33 µ in the back region, 28.46 µ in the head-neck region and 28.19 µ in the middle region in Karacabey Merinos. Sönmez (Citation1963) and Tuncer (Citation1994) stated that the fleece parameters could vary from the shoulder to the rump region. The quality of the fleece used in the textile industry has various physical properties that determine its commercial value, and these properties could vary depending on the body region, age, care and feeding, the structure of the skin (body region) and individual differences (Bray Citation2002; Craven et al. Citation2007; Rufaut et al. Citation2006; Scobie et al. Citation2015; Sumner and Craven Citation2000).

The fleece length is the second most important factor in the textile industry after the diameter of wool. In this study conducted in Malya sheep, the length, yield and elasticity properties of fleece were found to be close to each other as result. Numerical differences between body regions and these fleece characteristics were found to be statistically insignificant (p > .005). The tenacity value was statistically insignificant between the shoulder and thigh regions (p > .005). The difference between the ribs and these regions was statistically significant (p < .005).

Çilek (Citation2015) measured the average fleece length as 47.67 mm in Malya sheep; Behrem and Gül (Citation2022) determined the length of wool as 67.0 mm in the shoulder region, 68.5 mm in the rib region and 62.7 mm in the rump region of Karacabey merino sheep. Champion and Robards (Citation2000) primary and secondary follicles in sheepskin create differences in the number and diameter of hair follicles in body regions, which could affect the quality characteristics of wool. Fine fibers grow from secondary follicles, while coarse fibers grow from primary follicles. The number of primary and secondary follicle ratios (S/P) is an indicator of fiber quality and varies between body regions. Chapman and Ward (Citation1999) and Kazmi et al. (Citation2016) reported that the number of primary and secondary follicles and S/P rates were low in the hind body regions.

The LSM of the fleece characteristics of the Malya sheep according to their ages and body parts are presented in .

Table 3. LSM means and standard errors of Malya sheep wool quality traits by age and body region (mean ± SE).

When an evaluation of comprehensive is made between body regions, the thinnest fleece was measured in the shoulder and the thickest in the back region in all three age groups. However, among the age groups, the thinnest fleece was found in the shoulder region of lambs and yearlings. Fleece length values varied in body regions depending on the age groups. The longest fleece was measured in the rump region of lamb, rib region of yearling and shoulder region of adult sheep. Looking at the general average, it can be said that yearling has the longest wool compared to other age groups, but the reason for having long fleece is shearing time. It has been determined that the adapted washing yield of the fleece is not affected by the body parts. One of the most important factors affecting adapted washing yield is the cleanliness of the environment where animals live. Fleece elasticity values were not affected by body regions in all three age groups. There was no statistical difference between the body parts of the lambs in the tenacity value (p > .05). A statistical difference was observed between the body parts of yearling and adult ewes (p < .05).

Koyuncu, Tuncel, and Ferik (Citation1996), Karakuş, Tuncer, and Arslan (Citation2005), Kor et al. (Citation2011), Khan et al. (Citation2012), Ansari-Renani and Moradi (Citation2012), Scobie et al. (Citation2015), Li et al. (Citation2016), Singh et al. (Citation2018) and Murphy et al. (Citation2019) stated that the quality characteristics of fleece may vary depending on breeds/genotypes and environmental factors in their conducted studies on domestic and foreign breeds. While Küçük, Yılmaz, and Ateş (Citation2000), Tuncer, Karakus, and Arslan (Citation2005), Peşmen (Citation2012) and Behrem et al. (Citation2022b) stated that fleece characteristics are affected by body regions; Tabbaa, Al-Azzawi, and Campbell (Citation2001), Yıldız and Denk (Citation2006), Gürgen (Citation2008) and Bağkesen and Koçak (Citation2018) reported that fleece characteristics are not affected by age. These reports of studies are following our results. In addition, it has been stated that the fleece characteristics may change depending on genetics, care, feeding management (Sahoo and Soren Citation2011; Tuncer et al. Citation2018; İ̇mik et al. Citation2003).

Correlation values regarding fleece characteristics of Malya sheep are given in .

Table 4. Correlations between body weight and some fleece characteristics in Malya Sheep.

The age has a great effect on fleece properties, except for body region and strength (p < .001; 0.005) (). The greatest effect of age was monitored on the length (p = 0.535) and the greasy fleece yield (p = 0.424). A significant negative relationship between body area (p = −0.253) and fineness (p < .001), and a positive (p = 0.268) relationship with strength was determined (p < .001). In this study, it was determined that the fleece fineness was coarser in the rump region than in the shoulder. While there was a positive correlation between fleece length with fineness and greasy fleece yield (p < .001), a negative correlation was determined between length and yield (p < .001).

A strong relationship between elasticity and strength value (r = 0.334) and greasy fleece yield was exposed (r < .001; 0.005).

Sumner and Bigham (Citation1993), found the correlation value between fleece fineness and length was in the range of r = 0.3–0.5. Safari, Fogarty, and Gilmour (Citation2005) determined the correlation between fiber fineness and length in Merino breeds was in the range of r = 0.01–0.37, between elasticity and fineness, was in the range of 0.02–0.42. In addition, Hynd et al. (Citation1996), Purvis and Swan (Citation1998), Safari et al. (Citation2007), (Safari et al. Citation2007), Holman, Kashani, and Malau-Aduli (Citation2014), Malau-Aduli et al. (Citation2019) and Behrem and Gül (Citation2022) reported that the fleece properties could vary at different levels depending on age, body region and breeds. The correlation values at different levels obtained in this study support the other studies. It can be said that the difference between the studies may be caused by environmental factors.


For the fleece to continue its struggle with other fibers, it is necessary to determine the factors affecting the quality and quantity of the fleece. In addition, the physiological status of genetic differences in fleece production capacity should be investigated particularly.

Malya sheep were obtained by crossbreeding to meet Turkey’s wool needs from native breeds and it is an integral part of the socio-economic setup of the farmer. The increase in synthetic products and the inability of wool to be sold at a value price have led farmers to move away from wool production to meat production. In this study, the fleece of Malya sheep had the desired quality and characteristics for the textile industry. The most important features in the weaving industry are fleece fineness and length. This feature directly affects the processing of wool and the quality of the products and it has the feature that determines the quality at the price. When the results of the study evaluated, in terms of usage possibility of Malya fleece in the textile field, it could be said that diameter and length, values were suitable for woolen production. In this study, it was seen that age was affected the wool quality in Malya sheep. Therefore, fleeces to be used in the weaving industry should be taken at an appropriate age. In this way, the income of the farmers and the quality of production will also increase. Besides, there were variations within the same breed according to age and body parts. Considering this variation, selection studies should be carried out for the production of the fleece of the desired quality. If the results of the research are compared from the past to the present, it can be said that there has been an improvement in the quality parameters. The progress of future studies in this direction will positively affect the quality of the fleece to be obtained from this breed. At the same time, genetic studies on the quality characteristics of wool are important in terms of increasing the quality. In addition, it will be beneficial for both the textile industry and the farmers to put emphasis on studies that can systematically classify the quality of fleece according to breed and age in native and crossbreed sheep.


  • In recent years, Turkey’s demand for natural fibers has risen.

  • The study was performed to reveal the wool characteristics of Malya sheep grown in Turkey.

  • In this study, it was determined that the fleece characteristics of Malya sheep are suitable for the textile industry.

  • The fleece obtained from Malya sheep is sufficient to supply the need.


Ethics committee approval is not required for this study. This study was produced from the Master Thesis. The authors would like to thank the Research Funding of Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects for the financial support of this project (Project No:19.YL.058).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The work was supported by the Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Coordinatorship of Scientific Research Projects [Project No: 19.YL.058].


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