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Changes in Educational Leadership During A Data-Based Decision Making Intervention

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School leaders are assumed to be important for the implementation of data-based decision making (DBDM), but little is known about changes in leadership during this implementation. Educational leadership was measured before, during, and after a two-year, school-wide DBDM intervention in 96 primary schools. Advanced analysis techniques were applied: educational leadership was classified based on multilevel latent class analysis, changes were modeled using multi-state modeling. Results indicate that leadership was stable (44%) or improved (40%) during DBDM implementation. Stability was primarily found for schools with initial high leadership for DBDM, whereas improvement was most likely in schools with lower initial leadership

In 2007, the results of international comparative studies like PIRLS 2006 (Mullis, Martin, Kennedy, & Foy, Citation2007), PISA (OECD, Citation2007), and TIMSS (Martin, Mullis, & Foy, Citation2008) showed that the Netherlands was one of the countries for which a decline in performance in the core subjects (mathematics and reading) was found. The Dutch Inspectorate of Education qualified DBDM as the key to educational improvement (Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Citation2012). According to their own data, in schools in which DBDM was implemented more, based on their scores on the Inspectorate of Education framework indicators for DBDM,Footnote1 student achievement was higher (Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Citation2012). Therefore, data-based decision making (DBDM) became a core theme in Dutch educational policy. The government in the Netherlands aims at 90% of the schools scoring “sufficient” on the Inspectorate of Education framework indicators in 2018, and therefore supports initiatives to implement DBDM in schools. At University of Twente, an intervention aimed at data-based decision making has therefore been developed. The indicators to determine whether schools are working in a DBDM way are quite broad, in the Netherlands in general the government decides what schools should do, but schools are free to decide how they will do it. This does not mean all schools are enthusiastic: a previous study by (Keuning, van Geel & Visscher, Citation2017) showed that schools’ attitudes toward DBDM varied, and also that the effects of implementing DBDM were larger in schools with a more positive attitude (Keuning et al., Citation2017).

In education, there is a strong emphasis on the use of data for decision making, assuming that this will lead to higher levels of student achievement (Hamilton et al., Citation2009; Marsh, Citation2012). School leaders are considered to be important in the successful implementation of reform in general, and data-based decision making (DBDM) specifically (Hallinger & Heck, Citation2011; Ikemoto & Marsh, Citation2007; Levin & Datnow, Citation2012; Schildkamp & Lai, Citation2013). In most studies, it is assumed that the school leader is a stable factor. However, a school-wide reform can (and often is supposed to) influence leadership, but little is known about the changes in school leadership during school improvement processes. This study is aimed at measuring those changes when implementing DBDM by means of a school-wide professional development intervention.

In the following section, first DBDM and leadership for DBDM is discussed. After presenting the research questions, we explore the challenges in measuring (changes in) educational leadership for DBDM.

School leadership for DBDM

Data-based decision making

Data-based decision making is defined by Ikemoto and Marsh (Citation2007) as “teachers, principals, and administrators systematically collecting and analyzing data to guide a range of decisions to help improve the success of students and schools” (Citation2007, p. 108). At the class, school, and board (or district) levels, student and school performance data are supposed to be analyzed, and decisions are supposed to be based on the outcomes (van Geel, Keuning, Visscher & Fox, Citation2016; see also ). DBDM is not always implemented in a systematic way—as, for example, is shown in the report of the Dutch Inspectorate, which stated that in the school years 2014–2015 only 36% of Dutch primary schools scored a “sufficient” on all aspects of DBDM (Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Citation2016).

Figure 1. Schematic overview of DBDM.

Figure 1. Schematic overview of DBDM.

Leadership for DBDM

As Hallinger and Heck (Citation2011) noted, “leadership acts as a catalyst for school improvement, both by initiating change and shaping a coherent focus on learning in schools’ (p. 22). From initiating the improvement process to fulfilling practical preconditions, determining the vision, and influencing motivation and learning, school leaders can play an important role in the successful implementation of systematical DBDM in their school. School leaders are assumed to be an important factor in the successful implementation of DBDM in their schools (Ikemoto & Marsh, Citation2007; Levin & Datnow, Citation2012; Schildkamp & Lai, Citation2013). In the literature, the role of the school leader is regarded as essential at the practical level and at the cultural level of the school, as is reflected in many descriptions of “good practice” in several articles.

At the practical level, school leaders can fulfill the preconditions for DBDM such as the selection of a proper student monitoring system (Schildkamp & Lai, Citation2013) and providing teachers with time for DBDM activities and collaboration (Cosner, Citation2012; Datnow, Citation2011; Ikemoto & Marsh, Citation2007; Schildkamp & Lai, Citation2013). This also was found in a study by Wayman, Cho, Jimerson, and Spikes (Citation2012), in which educators in schools with principals who facilitated data use showed positive attitudes and used data to support educational practice. In schools in which principals did not employ strategies to facilitate data use, educators’ attitudes were low and data were not used to improve practice (Wayman et al., Citation2012).

At the cultural level, the vision and norms promoted by a school leader can influence the data-based culture of a school (Coburn & Turner, Citation2011; Marsh, Citation2012). School leaders with a strong DBDM vision promote norms of openness and collaboration that enable data use (Ikemoto & Marsh, Citation2007). It is important that they do not use data to shame and blame, but to improve the educational system of the school (Schildkamp & Lai, Citation2013). School leaders have a powerful role in “setting the tone, directions and expectations of data use” (Anderson, Leithwood, & Strauss, Citation2010, p. 323). By participating in data-use routines themselves, using data to set performance goals at the school level and to decide on strategies to achieve these goals, school leaders can serve as role models for the entire team (Coburn & Turner, Citation2011; Copland, Knapp, & Swinnerton, Citation2009; Marsh & Farrell, Citation2014). Timperley (Citation2008) stresses the key role of the school leader in influencing the motivation, attitude, knowledge, and skills of the team members regarding DBDM. Leaders can promote and organize the professional learning and development of teachers, and should be actively involved in learning and in improving their own professional competences, too.

Besides the role of the school leader in fulfilling practical and cultural conditions, several leadership studies point to the importance of principal stability in sustaining change for school improvement (Fink & Brayman, Citation2006; Hallinger & Heck, Citation2011; Leithwood, Harris, & Hopkins, Citation2008). In general, “stability” refers to the same person fulfilling the principal position over time. This person then is assumed to assure organizational consistency, strengthen the school’s infrastructure, and (re)shape the school culture. On the other hand, principal turnover is assumed to be negatively related to student achievement and school climate (Boyce & Bowers, Citation2016). However, principal persistence does not necessarily imply that the leadership practices of this principal will remain exactly the same over time. Little is known about the changes within school leaders during school improvement processes such as the implementation of DBDM. It can be argued that this person is going through a similar development process as the entire school and would therefore become more DBDM oriented as a leader as well.

The present study is aimed at investigating (changes in) school leadership prior to, during, and after the implementation of DBDM by means of a comprehensive professional development intervention for all school team members. In the subsequent section, the intervention as implemented in the schools participating in the DBDM project is described and next the research questions are presented. Finally, some methodological issues related to measuring (changes in) educational leadership are discussed.

The DBDM intervention

The Dutch Ministry of Education supports schools to implement DBDM in their organization. Implementing DBDM can be regarded as a comprehensive school reform process, and schools need support in accomplishing this. Professional development activities can be helpful in this matter, for example in acquiring the required DBDM knowledge and skills (Mandinach, Citation2012; Timperley, Citation2008). At University of Twente, a professional development intervention for DBDM was developed and readjusted based on a pilot study. In the school years 2011–12-13 and 2012–13–14, the intervention was implemented in 53 and 48 schools, respectively (van Geel et al., Citation2016). The intervention was aimed at implementing and sustaining DBDM in the schools, following the cycle as presented in .

During the intervention, all team members (teachers as well as school leaders) jointly learned how to analyze and interpret student achievement data, for example by combining performance on standardized tests with scores on curriculum-based tests, daily work and classroom observation data, and performance goals that were set at the school level as well as at the group and individual-student level. Both teachers and school leaders decided on how to accomplish those goals. The team regularly discussed progress toward the goals set and evaluated the effects of the approach chosen. In , an overview of the meetings in the first intervention year is presented.

Figure 2. Overview of first intervention year.

Figure 2. Overview of first intervention year.

As described in the previous section, educational leadership is assumed to play an important role in establishing and sustaining DBDM in the school organization. Before and during the intervention, attention was therefore paid to supporting school leaders in being or becoming educational DBDM leaders. This was done by organizing meetings in which the project coach met with the school leader, deputy leader, and academic coach (often called the school management team) at every participating school, indicated with S in . In these meetings, the importance of fulfilling the practical preconditions was stressed and progress and goals at the school level were discussed. School leaders were supported in preparing team meetings during which student achievement in the various grades was evaluated, and educational strategies were discussed. Furthermore, school leaders were provided with an instrument and accompanying training activities to observe teacher classroom behavior, in order to enhance school-leader involvement in monitoring teaching quality.

Research questions

As it was assumed that school leadership is important for implementing and sustaining DBDM in the school organization, it was expected that the intervention would support school leaders in being or becoming educational leaders for DBDM. Although the primary focus of the intervention was not on developing leadership for DBDM, we expected that school leaders would become more DBDM oriented in their leadership. We expected this because, for example, school leaders learned to analyze and interpret data, set goals, and develop plans to reach those goals together with their team members. Furthermore, school leaders were responsible for leading team meetings and discussion about school-wide evaluation. Besides the final classifications, we were also interested in their initial classifications, since we especially were expecting changes for school leaders who were less DBDM oriented at the start of the intervention. It would be desirable to improve in case of low levels of leadership for DBDM, whereas stability would be sufficient for school leaders who already showed strong leadership for DBDM. Thus, our main research question was: how does school leadership for DBDM develop during the intervention? Furthermore, we were interested in the school characteristics and school-leader characteristics related to initial leadership classifications and related to patterns of change.

Measuring (changes in) educational leadership

Measuring educational leadership

In most leadership studies, the latent variable Educational Leadership is measured by means of perceptions—either based on school leader self-reports or teacher questionnaires. Examples of self-report are school leaders’ perceptions of the features of their own leadership (for example, as in Urick & Bowers, Citation2013), or school leaders’ estimation of the allocation of time to a variety of tasks (Goldring, Huff, May, & Camburn, Citation2008). In most of the studies selected for the meta-analysis on leadership effects by Robinson, Lloyd, and Rowe (Citation2008), teacher perceptions were used to measure educational leadership (in 17 out of 27 studies this approach was taken). Teacher perceptions are, for example, used for principal evaluation (Goldring, Mavrogordato, & Haynes, Citation2014; Liu, Springer, Stuit, & Wan, Citation2014), to determine school-leader effectiveness (for example, in Porter et al., Citation2010), or to identify leadership practices (e.g., Leithwood, Patten, & Jantzi, Citation2010).

A drawback of school leader self-reports is that these are likely to overestimate their leadership actions and qualities. Teachers usually are more critical about the school leader (Anderson et al., Citation2010; Desimone, Citation2006), and Hallinger (Citation2010) stated that teacher perceptions showed a closer match to independent sources of evidence, leading to the conclusion that teacher perceptions are the “preferred source of data on the principal’s instructional leadership for both research and evaluation purposes” (Hallinger, Citation2010, p. 293). For the current study, team-member perceptions were therefore used to identify leadership for DBDM.

Measuring changes

Studies into educational leadership are often aimed at revealing variables influencing leadership, at measuring leadership effectiveness, or at understanding the paths through which leadership influences dependent variables such as student achievement (Hallinger, Citation2010). Longitudinal studies are scarce; the review of 130 doctoral studies using the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale covering the period 1983–2010 did not include one reciprocal, longitudinal, or experimental study (Hallinger, Citation2010). In the current study, we are interested in changes in educational leadership within schools during a two-year intervention. Multistate modeling (MSM) can be used to model changes in principals’ educational leadership over time. MSM can be used to describe a process in which school leaders move through (ordered) latent states, representing ordered levels of educational leadership, as depicted in . Arrows with straight lines represent possible transitions from one state to the next, dashed arrows represent the implied relationships of a latent class measurement model.

Figure 3. Proposed multi-state model for latent classes.

Figure 3. Proposed multi-state model for latent classes.

Until now, MSM has been applied mostly in medical studies, for example to model various states of diseases by stages of severity (e.g., Hout, Fox, & Klein Entink, Citation2015). In the context of the current study, different states (or classes) of educational leadership for DBDM can be regarded as (ideally) subsequent stages in school leader development. In a multistate model, transition rates from state to state can be modeled and covariates can be introduced to explain transition intensities (Jackson, Citation2014).

Multilevel latent class analysis

In most of the studies using teacher perceptions, the observed scores reflect the degree to which respondents agree with the items defining the leadership scale, and teachers’ scores are aggregated to the school level to determine the level of instructional leadership (e.g., Heck & Hallinger, Citation2009; ten Bruggencate, Citation2009). Although often used, calculating mean scores might not be the optimal method for characterizing school leadership. The drawback of using mean scores, at both the individual as well as the school level, is that this suggests that the (mean) observed score has the same meaning for all response patterns. The mean score summarizes the response-pattern information and ignores differences between response patterns leading to the same mean score. In longitudinal data analysis, the mean score as an outcome measure can lead to substantial bias in parameter estimates, leading to incorrect statistical inferences (Gorter, Fox, & Twisk, Citation2015).

Latent class analysis (LCA) has been used only recently in the field of educational research, for example by Urick and Bowers (Citation2013) and Boyce and Bowers (Citation2016). LCA is used to identify groups of cases by patterns in the responses; therefore, this method is well-suited for discovering different types of school leaders (Urick & Bowers, Citation2013). For example, Urick and Bowers (Citation2013) demonstrated that school leaders showed high scores on specific tasks and leadership characteristics, and low on teacher influence—or the other way around. Without taking the response patterns into account, indicating which items were scored high and low, “controlling” and “balkanizing” leaders could not be distinguished from each other—both showed similar mean scores. LCA enabled the researchers to identify these different types of school leaders.

The use of teacher perceptions for measuring school leadership requires a multilevel approach, as team members are nested within schools. Traditionally, the analyses of these relationships are approached by aggregating individual-level predictors to the group (school) level, and by using this school mean as an outcome. This way, the assumptions with regard to independent errors among individuals are violated and statistical power is increased artificially because the total sample size is not corrected for the dependency among the individual observations within a group. To overcome the problems of aggregation and disaggregation, multilevel latent class analysis can be applied (Bennink, Croon, & Vermunt, Citation2013; Bijmolt, Paas, & Vermunt, Citation2004; Vermunt, Citation2003).

MSM with latent class measurements

In sum, next to the classifications of school leadership, we are interested in changes in classifications of school leaders over time. In order to investigate changes in measured memberships of latent classes, multi-state modeling can provide insight into patterns of change in general, and in relation to covariates. Since we expect school leaders to develop during the course of a DBDM intervention toward more DBDM-oriented leaders, we want to model changes in measured memberships for a fixed number of (ordered) latent classes over time. By using the ordered latent classes as states, and by introducing covariates, different series of states, changes in states, and their relations with covariates can be explored. To our knowledge, the application of MSM to the latent class analysis of educational leadership over time is new to the field of research into school leadership and could help us understand more about the development of school leadership over time.


Sample and data collection

Data on school leadership was collected as part of more comprehensive data collection related to the DBDM intervention. Although 101 primary schools participated in the intervention, due to planning issues two of those schools followed an adjusted version of the intervention, which did not cover two complete school years. Questionnaires were administered to all school team members (except for the school leader) in the 99 remaining schools, during intervention meetings at the beginning of the intervention, half-way (after one year), and at the end (after two years) of the intervention. After removing measurements for schools with fewer than five team members at that measurement occasion, 96 unique schools with sufficient data remained: 92 schools at the first measurement occasion, 88 at the second, and 93 schools at the final measurement occasion. Characteristics of school leaders and schools can be found in . Principal Stability indicates whether the same person fulfilled the formal role of school leader during the two intervention years. If this was not the case, it is indicated when a change in school leader occurred. It can be noted that this does not add up to 96 but to 97, since in one school, three persons fulfilled the role of school leader over the course of two subsequent school years.

Table 1. Sample Characteristics of School Leaders and Schools.

A total of 1,801 unique respondents completed the questionnaire. The questionnaire was completed by 1,478 respondents at the first measurement occasion, 1,225 at the second occasion, and 1,320 at the final occasion. Characteristics of respondents per measurement occasion are presented in , as well as the characteristics of all 1801 unique respondents.


The questionnaire about educational leadership was based on the instrument as developed and validated by ten Bruggencate (Citation2009). The questionnaire comprised aspects of school leadership that can be regarded as important for DBDM, and included 13 items, such as “The school leader emphasizes the importance of monitoring student achievement,” “The school leader ensures a shared feeling of responsibility for the achievement of all students,” and “The school leader encourages staff to work as a team.” A translation of the Dutch questionnaire can be found in the Appendix. All team members (teachers of all grades, academic coach, and people with other functions in the school, such as teaching assistants and learning support assistants, were asked to answer the questions about the person who fulfilled the formal role of school leader at that moment. All items were scored on a four-point Likert scale, ranging from totally disagree to totally agree. School leaders were asked for their demographic data, such as gender, age, and educational background. School-level data such as urbanization and school SES were extracted from the database of the Dutch School Inspectorate.


Step 1: Identify multilevel latent class model

In the present study, data were collected within a hierarchically ordered system of team members nested within schools. As suggested by Bijmolt et al. (Citation2004), a simultaneous multilevel latent approach was applied, in which memberships to classes at school level and at individual level were derived simultaneously.

The multilevel latent class model was estimated based on the data from all three measurement occasions, taking nesting within schools within measurement occasion into account. This enhances the interpretability of classes and subsequent transitions, since by doing so, the same response pattern (at the individual level) and proportion of individually assigned classes (at school level) led to the same class assignment at different measurement occasions. Thus, the latent classes have the same meaning over time.

For the multilevel latent class analysis, it is necessary to estimate the optimal number of ordered latent classes at the individual and school level. Information criteria were used to identify the optimal model for the observed data. Lukociene, Varriale, and Vermunt (Citation2010) have investigated the performance of an array of information criteria when conducting multilevel latent class analysis. In their simulation study, the use of the number of lower- and higher-level units for computing the information criteria was compared. In order to simultaneously decide about the number of lower- and higher-level classes, the use of the Bayesian information criterion BIC(K) using the number of higher-level units (K) instead of the number of lower-level units (N) is recommended (Lukociene et al., Citation2010). This BIC is expressed by the fit of the model and a penalty term to avoid overfitting the data. The penalty term includes the number of parameters (r) and the sample size, represented by the number of higher-level units K. Then, BIC(K) is expressed as:


where K is the number of higher-level units, in this case schools, and L the likelihood. The model with the lowest BIC(K) and therefore best fit was used to assign classes at the individual level and at the school level. The ML LCA model was estimated using Mplus 7.3 (Asparouhov & Muthen, Citation2013; Muthén & Muthén, Citation2004).

For each school at each measurement occasion, membership to the most likely class was estimated using the latent class posterior distribution obtained during the ML LCA estimation, i.e., for each school, the school’s membership of the class for which the probability to be assigned to was largest was selected (Asparouhov & Muthen, Citation2013). Schools’ memberships to the classes were used in the multi-state model.

Step 2: Analyze initial class assignment

In order to analyze the association between initially assigned memberships to classes and characteristics of school leaders and schools, Pearson’s chi-square tests were performed. In case of significant differences, pairwise comparisons were made by applying Fisher’s exact test.

Step 3: Multi-state modeling

In a multi-state model, transition probabilities for each pair of states are modeled in continuous time. A model is governed by a transition intensity matrix, in which it is defined which instantaneous transitions can occur. It is, for example, possible to specify whether a transition from state 1 to 3 can occur directly, or that the school must have passed through state 2 in between (Jackson, Citation2014). Estimated transition probabilities matrices within a given time can be extracted, providing the transition probabilities from each initial class to each class. So, for every point in time it can be estimated which proportion of school leaders with initial state X will be assigned to state X, Y, Z at that point in time.


In the following section, the results of the multilevel latent class analysis and subsequent multi-state models at the school level are presented. First, based on the response patterns, the individual classes were interpreted. Next, the school-level classes were interpreted and labeled, based on the proportions of assigned classes at the individual level. Covariates at the school level were introduced to explore differences in initial class assignment. MSM was applied to investigate changes and patterns of change. In the final step, covariates were related to transitions.

ML LCA—model selection

The questionnaire consisted of 13 items, which were scored on a four-point Likert scale. To decrease the number of thresholds to be estimated, the answer categories totally disagree and disagree were recoded into one category, since there was only a small number of observations in the totally disagree category (1,040 out of 55,299 answers, 1.9%).

As described in the previous section, different combinations of numbers of latent classes at the school level and the individual level were used to estimate a number of models. In order to enhance interpretability, a maximum of five classes at each level was chosen. In , the BIC(K) information criterion is presented, and based on this value the solution with five classes at the individual level and five classes at the school level was selected.

Table 2. Sample Characteristics of Respondents per Measurement Occasion.

Table 3. BIC(K) for Each Combination of Latent Classes at School and Individual Level.

Each respondent was assigned to the individual class with largest class-assignment probability. On average, this was a probability of .90 (range .36–1.00, SD = .14, N = 4,023). At the school level, schools were assigned to the school class with largest class-assignment probability. This was an average probability of .84 (range: .38–1.00, SD = .18, N = 273).

ML LCA—interpretation of classes at individual level

At the individual level, five classes of school leaders can be distinguished. Based on the scoring profiles, we can order the classes based on the degree of educational leadership for DBDM as perceived by the respondents. As can be noted in , the average response pattern is quite similar across classes, with an exception for individual class (IC) number 3. For example, in all classes the average score for item 10 (“the school leader guides and supports teachers in maximizing student achievement”) was lower than for other items, and the average score for item 12 (“the school leader ensures a shared feeling of responsibility for the achievement of all students”) was higher than for item 13 (“the school leader promotes that lessons are of high quality”) in all classes. For IC 3, the response pattern was very stable across items with a similar mean score for every item.

Figure 4. Average respondent item scores for assigned class at the individual level.

Figure 4. Average respondent item scores for assigned class at the individual level.

ML LCA—interpretation of classes at school level

In order to interpret classes at the school level, we studied the proportion of respondents assigned to the individual classes in relation to the assigned school class. For interpretation purposes, we ordered the individual classes (IC) based on the scoring profiles as follows: IC 5, IC 4, IC 3, IC 1, IC 2. In , the proportion of individuals assigned to each of those individual classes, per assigned class at the school level, is presented. School classes were ordered based on the proportion of respondents in the individual classes.

Table 4. Proportion of Individuals Assigned to Individual Class, per School Class.

School class (SC) 1 is regarded as an indicator for the least DBDM-oriented school leader, since most individuals in these schools were assigned to IC 5. In teams of schools assigned to SC 2, respondents were assigned to individual classes 4, 3, and 1. SC 5 represents school leaders regarded as most DBDM oriented, since most individuals in these schools were assigned to individual classes 1 and 2.

From , it appears that the distribution of school leaders assigned to the classes for SC 3 is quite stable across measurement occasions, and we can distinguish a proportional increase for SC 4 and SC 5 and a decline for SC 1 and SC 2. The five-class solution at the school level was the optimal solution, and at all measurement occasions there were school leaders assigned to all classes. We can therefore conclude that school leaders initially differed from each other (otherwise they all would have been assigned to the same initial class) and that there eventually still were differences between school leaders.

Table 5. Number of Schools Assigned to Each Latent Class, per Moment.

Exploring initial class assignment

We explored the assigned classes at the start of the intervention in relation to characteristics of schools and school leaders. School leaders’ and schools’ descriptive data are presented in ; descriptive data on all 92 schools and school leaders at the first measurement occasion can be found in the first column.

Although no significant association between school size and initial class membership was found (χ2 [8] = 14.58, p = 0.068), post-hoc pairwise comparison revealed a significant difference (Fisher’s exact test yields p = 0.031) between small and large schools. For large schools, 16 out of the 19 schools were initially assigned to SC 1 or SC 2, indicating low levels of DBDM school leadership. For small schools, 10 out of 25 were assigned to SC 4 or SC 5, indicating that school leaders in small schools were more DBDM oriented at the beginning of the intervention. No significant differences were found for urbanization or school SES.

Next to characteristics of schools, school leader characteristics can be related to leadership for DBDM as well. Although we did not formulate hypotheses about the correlation between school leader characteristics and class membership, we explored personal characteristics in relation to initial leadership for DBDM. A significant difference was found for gender (χ2 [4] = 10.22, p < 0.05). Although we do not have a theoretically grounded explanation, we know that female principals in general receive higher ratings on the Principal Instruction Management Rating Scale than males (Hallinger, Citation2010). Also, in our study male school leaders were regarded as less DBDM oriented (32 out of 48 of the male school leaders were assigned to SC 1 or SC 2 at moment T 1, 11 to SC 3, and 5 to SC 4 or SC 5) than their female counterparts (15 out of 44 to SC5 or SC4, 11 to SC3, and 18 to SC1 or SC2 and at moment T 1). Based on school-leader age, or with regard to a school leader’s educational level, no significant differences in initial class membership were found.

Multi-state model—transitions at school level

Since we were specifically interested in changes in school leadership, we only looked into transitions (or changes) for schools in which the same person fulfilled the formal position of school leader over the course of the entire intervention. Descriptive data of schools and school leaders in those 86 schools are presented in the middle column of .

School memberships to latent classes were estimated at fixed measurement occasions: the beginning of the intervention, at the end of the first intervention year (which was 10 months later), and at the end of the second intervention year (22 months after the baseline measure). A change in class membership has occurred at an unknown point in time, between two measurement occasions which can be regarded as “snapshots.” Multi-state modeling was used to model changes in school status in continuous time, using a homogeneous continuous-time Markov model. Because the different classes at the school level can be regarded as ordered levels of leadership for DBDM, it is reasonable to expect schools to evolve through adjacent states, without the possibility to “skip” states. Therefore, we only allowed (instantaneous) transitions to adjacent states, indicating that a school had to move through class 3 in order to change from class 2 to 4. This was accomplished by restricting some of the transition parameters of the MSM to zero. However, the “observed” memberships of each school over time do not have to include all classes, since each school is only measured at (a maximum of) three fixed occasions.

Transition probabilities can be computed for every point in time, indicating the probability that a school leader who initially was assigned to class X, was assigned to class Y after a specified number of months.

In , estimated transition probabilities after 22 months are shown for the population of school leaders, indicating the probability of being assigned to each of the states (latent classes) at the end of the intervention, given the initial state. For example, school leaders assigned to SC 5 at the start of the intervention will remain in SC 5 with probability 0.47. For school leaders initially assigned to class SC 1, the probability of being assigned to SC 2 (0.44) or SC 3 (0.22) is larger than being assigned to SC 4 or SC 5 (0.09 and 0.05, respectively) at the end of the intervention. Furthermore, the probability of staying in the same class is largest for three out of five of the initially assigned classes. For school leaders initially assigned to one of the two other classes (SC 1 or SC 4), improvement is most likely. For school leaders initially assigned to SC 4, the probability of changing to SC 5 is larger than for staying assigned to SC 4, and for school leaders initially assigned to SC 1, the probability of changing to SC 2 or SC 3 is larger than staying in SC 1. In , overall transition probabilities are plotted over time for transitions that can be interpreted as improvement. It is interesting to see that the probability of larger improvement increases over time. For example, the probability of transitioning from SC 1 to SC 2 reaches its maximum after 15 months, the probability of following the transition pattern SC 1–SC 2 is smaller after 22 months. This is due to the fact that improvement from SC 1 to SC 3, or even SC 4 or SC 5, is becoming more likely after 22 months.

Table 6. Probability of Being Assigned to a Latent Class at the End of the Intervention, Given the Initial Assigned Class.

Figure 5. Transition probabilities over time, based on initial state.

Figure 5. Transition probabilities over time, based on initial state.

Covariates related to transition

In the previous section, overall transition probabilities were described. In this section, we will explore differences in transitions for different characteristics of schools and school leaders. The sample and the number of transitions for different values of covariates were limited. Out of 80 school leaders, 35 were assigned to the same class at the beginning and at the end of the intervention, 32 school leaders were assigned to a higher class after the intervention, and 13 were assigned to a lower class. Due to the large number of possible transitions, but small number of actual transitions, no significant effects of covariates on transition probabilities were found. However, in order to provide the reader with insight into changes and stability in relation to characteristics of school leaders and schools, we provide descriptive information for different characteristics and transitions.

Since we discern five classes of school leadership, which can be regarded as five increasing levels of leadership for DBDM, school leaders who were assigned to SC 1 at the beginning of the intervention were more likely to improve than school leaders who were assigned to SC 5—there was no room for improvement for the latter kind of school leaders. This ceiling effect makes it difficult to interpret changes when comparing school leaders and schools based on background characteristics, especially when these showed different proportions of class assignment at T 1. For example, when we look at the number of male and female school leaders who showed improvement from initial class SC 1, this proves to be three for males and three for females, which is 7.3% and 7.7% of the total number of male and female school leaders, respectively. This seems comparable, but when we take a closer look at the proportion of improvement from initial class SC 1, we see that three out of six males and three out of three females showed improvement. Proportionally, females initially assigned to SC1 thus improved more than males (100% versus 50%). So, in order to interpret transitions, it is both informative to look at the overall proportion of change, but also to relate this to the initially assigned class. In the following section, for illustrative purposes, we will describe transitions in relation to each covariate.

School leader age

School leaders aged 51 and over were relatively often (9 out of 58) assigned to SC 1 at the beginning, and 6 of them improved (4 to SC 2, and 2 to SC 3). Proportionally, school leaders aged 51 and over (26 out of 58) and 40 or younger (3 out of 8) were improving more often than school leaders aged 41–50 (5 out of 14). Fifty percent of school leaders of age 40 or younger remained in the same class. For both higher age groups, around 43% of school leaders was assigned to the same class at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. The most remarkable figure with regard to school-leader age is that 36% of school leaders aged 41–50 were assigned to a lower class, compared to 13% and 12% for the lower and higher age groups, respectively.

School leader education

The initial distribution of class assignment was comparable for school leaders with a higher vocational education and a masters degree. Furthermore, the proportion of change and stability was almost comparable, too. Whereas 46% of the school leaders with a masters degree was assigned to the same class at the beginning and at the end of the intervention, and 38% of them showed improvement, for school leaders with a higher education degree 48% showed improvement, and 33% of them remained in the same class. For school leaders with a higher education degree, 19% was assigned to a lower class after the intervention, and this was 16% for school leaders with a masters degree. However, school leaders with a masters degree showed a larger decline when initially assigned to SC 5: out of four school leaders with a higher education background, two remained in SC 5 and two went to SC 4. Out of four school leaders with a masters degree, one remained in SC 5, one went to SC 4, one to SC 3, and one to SC 2.

School size

The majority of school leaders in large schools (71%) was assigned to the same class at the beginning and end of the intervention, which was mostly SC 2. It appears that school leaders in large school are less DBDM oriented, which can be explained by the fact that school leaders in large schools often perform more managerial tasks. If we look at school size in relation to initial class SC 5, we see that the only large school initially assigned to SC 5 was still assigned to SC 5 after the intervention. Out of the four medium-sized schools initially assigned to SC 5, three were still assigned to SC 5 and the last one was assigned to SC 4. Out of the four small schools initially assigned to SC 5, only one remained in SC 5. The other three declined to SC 4, SC 3, and SC 2, respectively.

School SES

For all categories of school SES, approximately 43% of school leaders stayed in the same class. It is remarkable that none of the school leaders in low-SES schools was assigned to a lower class of leadership for DBDM after the intervention; instead, the majority of school leaders in those low-SES schools (56%) was assigned to a higher class after the intervention.

Discussion and conclusions

This study was aimed at investigating the development of leadership for data-based decision making, during a two-year schoolwide intervention. We assumed that school leaders would become more DBDM oriented in their leadership as a result of specific leadership-oriented intervention activities during this intervention. Furthermore, we were interested in exploring characteristics of school leaders and schools related to initial leadership characteristics, and/or changes in leadership for DBDM.

Initial leadership for DBDM

In order to gain insight into leadership for DBDM at the start of the intervention, we explored the relationship between leadership for DBDM and characteristics of school leaders and schools. Although we do not have an explanation, just as in previous research, in this study it was found that female school leaders were regarded as more DBDM oriented than male school leaders. Initially, although not significant, younger school leaders appeared to be more DBDM oriented than school leaders aged 51 and older. A possible explanation for this might be that recent principal training is more aimed at leadership for DBDM. Furthermore, in large schools, school leaders were often regarded as less DBDM oriented than in small schools. This could be because in a large school with an accompanying large team, it is more difficult for school leaders to guide the entire team toward DBDM. It might be that leadership tasks with regard to DBDM in those schools were (also) performed by, for example, deputy school leaders or department leaders, enabling the formal school leader to focus more on other tasks such as organizational, managerial, and administrative tasks.

Changes in leadership for DBDM

It was expected that the intervention would support school leaders in being or becoming educational leaders for DBDM. Based on transition probabilities (as presented in ), we conclude that remaining in or growing to a higher class of leadership for DBDM was more probable than decreasing—except for SC 5, where a ceiling effect might explain the probability of .47 for remaining in SC 5. Furthermore, note that only 10 schools were initially assigned to SC 5.

Principal stability is often regarded as an important condition for accomplishing and sustaining school improvement (Fink & Brayman, Citation2006; Hallinger & Heck, Citation2011; Leithwood et al., Citation2008), but we noticed that this stability generally is about the same person fulfilling the principal position, and that little is known about changes within school leaders during a school improvement process such as the implementation of DBDM. Therefore, we specifically investigated whether school leaders in schools in which the same person fulfilled the formal role of school leader were also “stable” in their leadership for DBDM. Our study confirms that a considerable minority of school leaders (35 out of 80) showed stable leadership for DBDM over time (as measured by means of team-member perceptions).

Furthermore, a slightly smaller number (32 out of 80) of them showed improvement, indicating that participating in an intensive intervention, although not easy, can contribute to the development of leadership for DBDM. A more explicit focus on the development and sustainment of leadership for DBDM in the context of a school-wide team intervention could be fruitful for enhancing DBDM in the schools.

Finally, we were interested in the school characteristics and school-leader characteristics related to patterns of change. Since our sample consisted of only a small number of schools, of which the majority showed stable leadership for DBDM over time, we were unable to uncover statistically significant differences in transition probabilities based on characteristics of school leaders and schools.


Longitudinal studies into educational leadership are scarce. In the current study, leadership for DBDM was measured three times over the course of two school years. This type of leadership was measured by means of teacher perceptions, which is regarded as the preferred source of data for leadership research, and analyzed by applying multilevel latent class analysis. Transitions in assigned classes were modeled by applying a multi-state model. Both ML LCA as well as MSM are advanced modeling techniques, suitable for the context and data structure of this study. To our knowledge, this is the first study in the field of educational research in which ML LCA and MSM are combined.

ML LCA was applied in order to take the nested structure of respondents in schools into account, and to distinguish different types of leadership for DBDM based on response patterns, as opposed to using mean scores. MSM enabled the investigation of change in leadership for DBDM and related this change to covariates. Unfortunately, due to the large number of possible transitions, and the considerable number of school leaders who did not show change, in this study it was impossible to identify statistically significant deviances in transition probabilities based on covariates.


In the current study, we were interested in changes in leadership for DBDM during a team-wide intervention aimed at implementing and sustaining DBDM in the school. Almost half of the school leaders were assigned to the same class at the beginning and end of the intervention, and 40% showed improvement. Although the intervention was not primarily aimed at improving leadership for DBDM, it was clearly expected that this would happen due to the fact that school leaders and their teams were part of an intervention that was focused on implementing and sustaining DBDM in the entire school organization. A more explicit focus on school-leader behavior could enhance improvement even more, just as increasing the duration of the intervention could possibly lead to more improved leadership for DBDM.

Furthermore, it would be interesting to include a control group of school leaders who are not part of an intervention in future studies. This way, we could gain insight into general patterns of change in leadership for DBDM, and check whether the improvements we found can be attributed to participating in the intervention. It is possible that school leaders in the current sample were already more DBDM oriented, otherwise they might not have applied their school for the intervention at all. It should be noted, however, that not all school leaders who were part of this study were also the ones who had determined to participate in the intervention: this decision was sometimes made by the school board or district, or in some cases by the previous school leader. A new ML LCA, in a broader sample including a control group, would maybe discern more or other latent classes of leadership for DBDM and provide new insights into the relationship between both initial leadership for DBDM, as well as transitions and covariates.


In general, we can conclude that for many schools (35 out of 80 for which data on T 1 and T 3 were available) in which the same person fulfilled the formal principal position during the entire intervention, the school leader was assigned to the same class at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. This implies that 44% of the school leaders did not change their leadership for DBDM, although they followed an intensive trajectory together with their team members. Based on the transition probabilities as presented in , we can conclude that the probability of remaining in the same class is largest for SC 5. This is positive since this is the class representing the most DBDM-oriented school leader, and almost half of those most DBDM-oriented school leaders were characterized this way after the intervention, too. For school leaders initially assigned to class SC 1, the probability of improvement is .80, which is also promising for practice, since this means that for schools with initially low levels of leadership for DBDM it is very likely that their school leader will become more DBDM oriented over time when following an intervention such as the one in this study.

For school boards and districts, it is difficult to decide on how to handle school leaders who are not considered DBDM oriented by their teams. School leaders initially assigned to SC 1 have only a .20 probability of staying assigned to SC 1 and to remain least DBDM-oriented during the implementation of an intensive intervention such as the one studied here. However, if we would state that being assigned to SC 1 or SC 2 is not desirable after an intervention of this kind, we have to conclude that only 36% of school leaders initially assigned to SC 1 and 51% of school leaders initially assigned to SC 2 would improve to SC 3 or higher. The question is whether more explicit attention for developing school leadership for DBDM would be fruitful, which could be evaluated in future research by studying the link between a more intensive, school leader–aimed intervention on the development of leadership for DBDM. Furthermore, our assumption that leadership in SC 1 or SC 2 would not be desirable is not based on sound standard-setting procedures.

The question for practice is: How can we support school leaders in becoming more DBDM oriented? In the intervention described in this article, the entire school team was involved in gaining knowledge and insights into all sorts of data and analysis, interpreting these findings, and discussing these findings in the team. The school leader was expected to prepare for those meetings by analyzing school-wide data, and to lead these meetings. A more explicit focus on these tasks could possibly lead to greater progress in leadership for DBDM.

Since school leadership for DBDM is expected to be positively associated with implementing DBDM, and therefore (ultimately) with raising student achievement (van Geel et al., Citation2016), in a subsequent study we will investigate the relationship between leadership for DBDM and the overall effects of the intervention on student achievement.


1. The inspectorate uses a set of five indicators to determine to what extent schools apply DBDM in practice: (1) the school uses a coherent system of standardized tools and procedures for monitoring the performance and development of students; (2) teachers monitor and analyze students’ progress in a systematic way; (3) the school evaluates the effects of educational care on a regular basis; (4) the school annually evaluates students’ results; and (5) the school evaluates the educational process on a regular basis. For each indicator, one overall score on a four-point scale is provided (Inspectie van het Onderwijs, Citation2016).


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Questionnaire Leadership for DBDM

All items were scored on a four-point Likert scale, ranging from totally disagree to totally agree.

The school leader …

  1. … takes time to talk with teachers to discuss problems they encounter with students.

  2. … conducts classroom observations on a yearly basis.

  3. … ensures that team meetings are valuable meetings about education.

  4. … ensures that the school climate is learning oriented.

  5. … shows appreciation for teachers who do a good job.

  6. … discusses problems with regard to teaching in a timely manner with the people who are involved.

  7. … shows interest in what happens inside the classrooms.

  8. … stresses the need to regularly monitor student achievement.

  9. … stimulates teachers to maximize learning achievement.

  10. … guides and supports teachers in maximizing student achievement.

  11. … stimulates cooperation between teachers

  12. … ensures a shared feeling of responsibility for the achievement of all students

  13. … promotes that lessons are of high quality.