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Tellus A and B with Stockholm University Press


Tellus A and B will from 1 January 2022 be published by Stockholm University Press with the editorial offices and publisher at the same location. You find them at https://a.tellusjournals.se and https://b.tellusjournals.se, respectively. We thank the Taylor and Francis Group for their support, good work and cooperation in publishing Tellus A and B since 2015.

The scientific journal Tellus has a long history starting in 1948 when the renowned Carl-Gustav Rossby in spirit of seeing atmospheric processes as part of the interplay between the atmosphere, oceans and the terrestrial systems initiated the Swedish Geophysical Society to start an international scientific journal, Tellus, to publish original research in dynamical and physical meteorology and oceanography related to Earth and Atmospheric Science.

Professor Rossby had just returned from the United States to take up the first professorship at the Department of Meteorology at Stockholm University. At the time he was leading meteorologist in the US, holding the chair of Department of Meteorology at University of Chicago and with his achievements in dynamic meteorology with the identification and characterisation of the jet stream and the Rossby waves. In the early years at Stockholm besides establishing a research group on computer-based weather forecast, and producing operational forecast using a newly built digital computer, he introduced the concept of natural circulations of chemicals as nitrogen through the atmosphere, with that biogeochemical cycles and atmospheric chemistry. Further he early realised the importance of CO2 and inspired Bert Bolin, who later became one of the founders of the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change, IPCC.

As research in dynamical and physical meteorology grew and the chemistry of atmosphere, its part in biogeochemical cycles affecting the atmospheric properties and function became a growing and important research area generating scientific publications Tellus was in 1983 divided into two parts:

Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography dealing with all aspects of dynamic meteorology, physical oceanography, data assimilation techniques, numerical weather prediction, climate dynamics and climate modelling.

Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology dealing with atmospheric chemistry, surface exchange processes, long-range and global transport, aerosol, cloud physics and biogeochemical processes.

In 2009 the International Meteorological Institute (IMI) took over the ownership of the journals. The editorial offices of Tellus A and Tellus B are located, respectively at the Department of Meteorology, MISU, and the Department of Environmental Science, ACES, of Stockholm University.

Both the journals have been published by various publishing companies. Tellus A and B were published by Blackwell until December 2011. From January 2012 the journals changed to open access online with Co-Action Publishing until December 2014, when Co-Action Publishing was incorporated with Taylor and Francis Group. Since early 2020, we have been working to bring together the editorial offices and the publishing company together in the same location. This has now been accomplished with Stockholm University PressFootnote1 (SUP), being the publisher of both the journals Tellus A and Tellus B starting January 2022. With this new set-up we expect the journals-related work and manuscript processing to be smooth and straightforward. SUP is an open access publisher of peer reviewed academic journals and books, who aims to ensure wide dissemination of their content to benefit researchers around the world.

We welcome this move to a new publishing environment for the journals, and we are confident that it will benefit the academic and scientific communities we aim to serve. We look forward to receiving manuscripts from, and working with authors and researchers in the fields of dynamic meteorology, oceanography and chemical and physical meteorology.
