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Research Article

“Raiders of the past”: Bulgarian state Security’s cultural historical intelligence in service of Regime’s quest for “socialist patriotism”

Received 17 Nov 2023, Accepted 24 Jun 2024, Published online: 30 Jun 2024


The essential purpose of this article is to revisit the functions and role of the Bulgarian State Security’s Department XIV, also known as the Cultural Historical Intelligence Department (CHI or Kulturno istorichesko razuznavane). This analysis examines how the department served as a policy support tool for the regime’s pursuit of legitimacy in the late 1970s. It also explores how the department supported cultural nationalism while combatting ‘ideological subversion.’ This overview aims to add to a more nuanced understanding of the foreign intelligence apparatuses’ roles and functions in the former Eastern Bloc totalitarian states in the shadow of their Soviet counterpart. In this case, nuances are sought to improve understanding of Todor Zhivkov’s totalitarian regime’s inception and instrumentalization of CHI in the quest for internal and external credibility and prestige while attempting to trace a path to a unique form of national communism.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


1 Davies, Philip HJ, and Kristian C. Gustafson, eds. Intelligence elsewhere: spies and espionage outside the anglosphere. Georgetown University Press, 2013.

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4 For instance, see The Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Armed Forces (CDDAABCSSIBNAF), hereinafter CDDAABCSSIBNAF.

5 Nomikos, John M., and Sēphēs Phitsanakēs, eds. Intelligence Beyond the Anglosphere: Mediterranean and Balkan Regions. RIEAS, Research Institute for European and American Studies, 2017.

6 Hastedt, Glenn P. “Towards the comparative study of intelligence,” Journal of Conflict Studies 11, no. 3 (1991).

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9 Nehring, Christopher. “Files, Agents, ‘Deep State,’ and Russian Influence: The Legacy of the Communist State Security Service in Bulgaria,” International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence 35, no. 2 (2022): 318–38.

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11 Aldrich, Richard J., and John Kasuku. “Escaping from American intelligence: culture, ethnocentrism, and the Anglosphere,” International Affairs 88, no. 5 (2012): 1009–28.

12 Nehring, Christopher. “Active and Sharp Measures: Cooperation between the Soviet KGB and Bulgarian State Security,” Journal of Cold War Studies 23, no. 4 (2021): 3–33.

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15 Khristov, Khristo. ‘Taynite faliti na komunizma.’ Sofiya: Ciela. (Khristov, Khristo. ‘The Secret Bankruptcies of Communism.’ Sofia: Ciela.).

16 Khristov, Khristo. n.d. ‘Pŭrvo glavno upravlenie – razuznavane po sŭvetski obrazets. Chast 2: Po-malkiyat “brat” na KGB.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.com. Accessed July 7, 2023. (Khristov, Khristo. n.d. ‘First Main Directorate – Intelligence in the Soviet Model. Part 2: The “Younger Brother” of the KGB.’) Държавна Сигурност.com. Accessed July 7, 2023., https://www.desebg.com/pgu/140–2-.

17 Dragostinova, Theodora K. The Cold War from the margins: a small socialist state on the global cultural scene. Cornell University Press, 2022.

18 Dragostinova, Theodora. “The ‘Natural Ally’ of the ‘Developing World’: Bulgarian Culture in India and Mexico,” Slavic Review 77, no. 3 (2018): 661–84.

19 Khristov, Khristo. 2015. ‘Krazhbata na “Istoriya slavyanobŭlgarska” ot Dŭrzhavna sigurnost.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com. March 8, 2015. (Khristov, Khristo. 2015. ‘The Theft of “Slavonic-Bulgarian History” by State Security.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com. March 8, 2015.), https://desebg.com/knigi/2204–2015-03-08-12-34-02.

20 Notables mentioned in the text include two-term Socialist President Georgi Parvanov (2002–2012); the late Metropolitan Bishops Kiril of Varna and Natanail of Nevrokop; the late Member of Parliament and former minister responsible for the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad, as well as the State Agency ‘Archives’ in the center-right government of GERB from 2009 to 2013 - Prof. Bojidar Dimitrov; the theologian and former Patriarch Maxim’s cabinet chief, Prof. Ivan Jelev. The academic figures cited in the text also encompass distinguished historians, including the former Director of The Historical Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Prof. Georgi Markov, and Prof. Vassil Gyuzelev from the University of Sofia.

21 ”Service ‘A’ of the First Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR against Foreign Centers of the OUN.” n.d. Szru.gov.ua. Accessed November 15, 2023. https://szru.gov.ua/en/history/stories/service-a-of-the-first-main-directorate-of-the-kgb-of-the-ussr-against-foreign-centers-of-the-oun.

22 ELEKTRONNAIA BIBLIOTEKA ISTORICHESKIKH DOKUMENTOV. Doklad Iu.V. Andropova L.I. Brezhnevu o rezul’tatakh raboty KGB pri SM SSSR i ego organov na mestakh za 1967 g. 6 maia 1968 g. Opublikovano: Lubianka. Organy VChK – OGPU – NKVD – NKGB – MGB – MVD – KGB (1917–1991) Spravochnik. M., 2003. (ELECTRONIC LIBRARY OF HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS. Report by Y.V. Andropov to L.I. Brezhnev on the results of the work of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR and its local bodies for 1967. May 6, 1968. Published: Lubyanka. Bodies of the Cheka – OGPU – NKVD – NKGB – MGB – MVD – KGB (1917–1991) Reference Book. Moscow, 2003.), http://docs.historyrussia.org/ru/nodes/78503.

23 Khlobustov, Oleg. n.d. Review of KGB – SHAGI STANOVLENIIA. Federal’naia sluzhba bezopasnosti Rossiiskoi Federatsii. (Khlobustov, Oleg. n.d. Review of KGB – Steps of Formation. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.) FSB., archived at https://archive.ph/20120731203621/www.fsb.ru/fsb/history/author/single.htm!id%[email protected].

24 Jütte, Christopher. ‘All and Sundry Stickers – Traces of the “Kunst Und Antiquitäten GmbH” on Objects in the Deutsches Historisches Museum.’ DHMBlog Deutsches Historisches Museum, April 10, 2024. https://www.dhm.de/blog/2024/04/10/all-and-sundry-stickers-traces-of-the-kunst-und-antiquitaeten-gmbh-on-objects-in-the-deutsches-historisches-museum/.

25 Hansson, Hendrik. ‘New Hope for Victims of GDR Art Looting.’ Artnet News, October 2, 2014. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/new-hope-for-victims-of-gdr-art-looting-71164.

26 In the 1970s, Bulgaria implemented a ‘cultural opening’ policy, investing heavily in cultural diplomacy to highlight Bulgarian achievements abroad and strengthen relations with countries like India, Mexico, and Austria. This initiative, endorsed by the dictator’s daughter, also led to the acceptance of previously marginalized Bulgarian emigrants deemed hostile by the cultural elites at home.

27 For more on the phases and their relation to the so-called ‘patriotic education’ and the advent of Bulgarian cultural nationalism, see Dragostinova, Theodora, and Yana Hashamova, eds. Beyond Mosque, Church, and State: Alternative Narratives of the Nation in the Balkans. Central European University Press, 2016. 151–78.

28 available at www.comdos.bg

29 The Committee for Disclosing the Documents and Announcing Affiliation of Bulgarian Citizens to the State Security and the Intelligence Services of the Bulgarian National Armed Forces (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). https://comdos.bg/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%20%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/ds-i-kir.

30 Tsvetankov, Pavel Ivanov, and Pavel Ivanov Tsvetankov. Sotsializatsiya Na Pametnitsite Na Kulturata i Istoriyata Kato Element Na Natsionalnata Sigurnost: Disertatsionen Trud Za Prisazhdane Na Obrazovatelna i Nauchna Stepen ‘Doktor’. Po Doktorska Programa Kulturno-Istorichesko Nasledstvo v Savremenna Informatsionna Sreda, Professionalno Napravlenie 3.5 Obshtestveni Komunikatsii i Informatsionni Nauki. [P. Tsvetankov], 2019. Pp. 84–88. (Tsvetankov, Pavel Ivanov, and Pavel Ivanov Cvetankov. Socialization of Cultural and Historical Monuments as an Element of National Security: Dissertation for the Awarding of the Educational and Scientific Degree ‘Doctor’. In the Doctoral Program of Cultural-Historical Heritage in the Contemporary Information Environment, Professional Field 3.5 Public Communications and Information Sciences. [P. Tsvetankov], 2019. Pp. 84–88.)

31 Proposal to the head of the State Security’s First Main Directorate (FMD SS) Major-General D. Kyosev concerning staffing, assignments, manner, methods, and means of CHI, Sofia, 26 December 1970. ACDDAABCSSISBNA -R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u.557, l. 2–6.

32 Author’s translation of the original documents. The translations preserve the original style, punctuation, and grammar of the sources.

33 Gigova, Irina, Theodora Dragostinova, and Yana Hashamova. “The Feeble Charm of National (ist) Communism: Intellectuals and Cultural Politics in Zhivkov’s Bulgaria,” Beyond Mosque, Church, and State: Alternative Narratives in the Balkans (2016): 151–80.

34 Ibid.

35 Brief report of the head of Department ХІV of the FMD SS on cooperation with KGB’s FMD and other agencies, Sofia, 8 November 1978. ACDDAABCSSISBNA -R, F. 9, i. 3, a.u. 222, l. 55-55a.

36 Ibid.

37 The abbreviation KPKVCh (КПКВЧ) represents the Bulgarian Committee for Friendship and Cultural Ties Abroad, a government propaganda organization that was active from 1951 to 1974. It later merged with the Committee for Art and Culture (Komitet za izkustvo i kultura (KIK) in Bulgarian). Lyudmila Zhivkova, the daughter of the Bulgarian dictator Todor Zhivkov, served as the first deputy from 1973 to 1975 and then as the chairwoman with ministerial status. She advanced her political career by joining the Central Committee (CC) of the BCP and later became a member of its Politburo in 1979.

38 Note that in 1963, a Committee for Culture and Art was established at the rank of a state Ministry, which in 1966 was renamed the Committee for Art and Culture (KIK) and in 1977, as the Committee for Culture. For more about institutional reforms in the state management of Bulgarian culture, see: https://mc.government.bg/page.php?p=1&s=11&sp=0&t=0&z=0

39 Proposal by the head of the FMD SS to the leadership of the Ministry of Interior concerning the establishment of an intelligence department on cultural and historical matters with the FMD SS, Sofia, 16 November 1971. ACDDAABCSSISBNA -R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 557, l. 7–9.

40 Decision No. 352 of 5 April 1972 of the Secretariat of the BCP on locating, preserving, and managing Bulgarian cultural sites and heritage abroad. Central State Archive (CSA), F 1 B, i.36, a.u. 2054, l. 527–531.

41 (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). Documentary Volume. Pg. 13.

42 Khristov, Khristo a. 2012. Operatsiya ‘Maraton’: Istinita Za Krazhbata Na Paisievata Istoriya Ot Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost v ‘Zograff.’ Ciela. (Khristov, Khristo a. 2012. Operation ‘Marathon’: The Truth About the Theft of Paisius’s History by State Security in ‘Zograf.’ Ciela.).

43 Gruev, Mikhail. ‘Politicheskoto razvitie na Bŭlgariya prez 50-te–80-te godini na XX vek.’ V: Istoriya na Narodna republika Bŭlgariya: Rezhimut i obshtestvoto. Sofiya, Ciela (2009). Pg. 164. (Gruev, Mihail. ‘The Political Development of Bulgaria during the 1950s-1980s.’ In: History of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria: The Regime and Society. Sofia, Ciela (2009). Pg. 164.).

44 Khristov, Khristo. 2012. ‘Operatsiya “MARATON”. Chast 2: Aleksandŭr Fol i Lyudmila Zhivkova reshili iznasyaneto na sŭkrovishtata ot “Zograf”.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com. October 18, 2012. (Khristov, Khristo. 2012. ‘Operation “MARATHON”. Part 2: Alexander Fol and Lyudmila Zhivkova Decided on the Removal of the Treasures from “Zograf”.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com. October 18, 2012.) https://desebg.com/razsledvanee/928-2012-10-18-15-40-03.

45 Marinov, Chavdar. 2016. “Drevna Trakiya v Modernoto Vŭobrazhenie: Ideologicheski Aspekti Na Konstruïraneto Na Trakologiyata v Yugoiztochna Evropa.” In Prepletenite Istorii Na Balkanite. Tom 3. Spodeleno Minalo, Osporvani Nasledstva. Vol. 3. Nov Bŭlgarski Universitet. 106–9. Marinov, Chavdar. 2016. “Ancient Thrace in the Modern Imagination: Ideological Aspects of the Construction of Thracology in Southeastern Europe.” In Entangled Histories of the Balkans. Volume 3. Shared Past, Contested Heritage. Vol. 3. New Bulgarian University. 106–9.)

46 Atanasova, Ivanka Nedeva. “Lyudmila Zhivkova and the paradox of ideology and identity in communist Bulgaria,” East European politics and societies 18, no. 2 (2004): 278–315.

48 Progress report on establishing Department ХІV of the FMD SS (cultural and historical intelligence) and its current situation, Sofia, 9 May 1972. ACDDAABCSSISBNA -R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 557, l. 12–15.

49 Khristov, Khristo. 2012. ‘Operatsiya “MARATON”. Chast 3: Tainite planove na razuznavaneto za pronikvane v “Zograf”.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com. (Khristov, Khristo. 2012. ‘Operation “MARATHON”. Part 3: The Secret Plans of the Intelligence Service for Penetration into “Zograf”.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.Com) https://desebg.com/razsledvanee/937–3-.

50 Atanasova, Violina St. ‘Bulgarian Cultural Policy in India and Bulgarian-Indian Cultural Relations in the 70s and 80s of the 20th Century.’ Asian Journal of Social and Human Sciences 1 (2016): 4–13.

51 Ivanova, Veneta T. ‘Socialism with an occult face: aesthetics, spirituality, and utopia in late socialist Bulgaria.’ East European Politics and Societies 36, no. 02 (2022): 558–581.

52 For instance, see Operation ‘Monograph,’ aimed at affirming the Bulgarian state-supported historical thesis and definitions about the Thracians and Thracology as a science and its global popularization (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). Documentary Volume. 503.

53 Khristov, Khristo. ‘Pŭrvo glavno upravlenie – razuznavane po sŭvetski obrazets. Chast 1: Razvitie sled 9 septemvri 1944 g.’ Dŭrzhavna sigurnost.Com. February 16, 2011. (Khristov, Khristo.‘First General Directorate – Intelligence on the Soviet Model. Part 1: Developments after September 9, 1944.’ Dŭrzhavna sigurnost.Com. February 16, 2011.), https://www.desebg.com/pgu/114–1-9-1944-.

54 Metodiev, Momchil, i Mariya Dermendzhieva. Dŭrzhavna sigurnost: predimstvo po nasledstvo: profesionalni biografii na vodeshti ofitseri. Institut za izsledvane na blizkoto minalo, 2015. (Metodiev, Momchil, and Maria Dermendzhieva. State Security: Inherited Advantage: Professional Biographies of Leading Officers.Institute for Recent Past Research, 2015.).

55 Khristov, Khristo. ‘Operatsiya “MARATON”. Chast 4: Vŭzhodŭt na kulturno-istoricheskoto razuznavane.’ Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.com. Accessed November 15, 2023. (Khristov, Khristo.‘Operation MARATHON’. Part 4: The Rise of Cultural-Historical Intelligence.” Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost.com. Accessed November 15, 2023.), https://www.desebg.com/razsledvanee/990–qq-4-.

56 Davies, Philip HJ, Kristian Gustafson, and Ian Rigden. ‘The intelligence cycle is dead, long live the intelligence cycle: rethinking intelligence fundamentals for a new intelligence doctrine.’ In Understanding the intelligence cycle, pp. 57–58. Routledge, 2013.

57 Warner, Michael. ‘The past and future of the intelligence cycle.’ In Understanding the intelligence cycle, pp. 9–20. Routledge, 2013.

58 Gill, Peter, and Mark Phythian. ‘From Intelligence Cycle to web of intelligence: Complexity and the conceptualisation of intelligence 1.’ In Understanding the intelligence cycle, pp. 21–42. Routledge, 2013.

59 Order No. І 1170 of the Minister of Interior (MoI) on intensifying human agent operations of all MoI agencies in the field of history and culture, Sofia, 1 June 1972. ACDDAABCSSISBNA -R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 557, l. 27–29.

60 Organizational concept for Department ХІV of the FMD SS, Sofia, 14 May 1973., ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 557, l. 16–21.

61 Ibid. Pg. 1.

62 Ibid. Pg. 2.

63 Action plan and program of the head of the FMD SS about the implementation of Decision No. 872 of the Secretariat of the CC BCP of 11 September 1977 by the agencies of the Ministry of Interior until 1980, Sofia, 10 October 1977. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i.3, a.u. 217, l. 70–80.

64 Action plan for agent-operative work at Department ХІV of the FMD SS in 1985, about the celebrations of the 1300th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian state, Sofia, 7 December 1978. ACDDAABCSSISBNA – M, F. 38, i. 1, a.u. 230, l. 2–23.

65 Action plan by the head of the FMD outlining FMD’s operations in 1979–1985 intended to promote the lifework of the brothers Cyril and Methodius on an international scale, Sofia, 13 June 1979. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i.4, a.u. 1106, l. 31–37.

66 ‘Hash’ (‘хъш’ in Bulgarian) is a Bulgarian term signifying revolutionaries and exiles. More specifically, late 19th century Bulgarian revolutionary exiles in Romania.

67 (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). 501.

68 Referencing the city of Lerin in Western Macedonia, Greece, which had a predominantly Bulgarian ethnic population and character while part of the Ottoman Empire.

69 (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). 501–2.

70 Referencing the Battle of Bulair in the Ottoman Empire, where the Bulgarian Army defeated the 10th Corps of the Ottomans on the 8th of February 1913.

71 (CDDAABCSSIBNAF). 2014. State Security and the Cultural Historical Intelligence (1970–1989). 503.

72 Ibid., 502.

73 Ibid., 503.

74 Ibid.

75 Ibid., 504–5.

76 Ibid., 10

77 For instance, see the Report on the operational performance of Department ХІV of the FMD SS in 1976, Sofia, 21.

January 1976. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i.2, a.u. 561, l. 54–74, which indicates that performance results may vary due to the vast scope and targeted artifacts.

78 Popper, Karl R. The open society and its enemies. Vol. 119. Princeton University Press, 2020.

79 1973 activity report for Department ХІV of the FMD SS, Sofia, 28 November 1973. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i.2, a.u. 558, l. 22–36.

80 Ibid., 3.

81 See the Memorandum from agent ‘Venelin’ regarding the opportunities for secret collaborators and operatives at Department ХІV of the FMD SS to operate in Turkey, Sofia, 7 October 1973. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 7, a.u. 578-LD, t.1., l. 49–51., outlining the access procedures in Turkey.

82 Ibid., 4.

83 Burkett, Randy. “An alternative framework for agent recruitment: From MICE to RASCLS,” Studies in Intelligence 57, no. 1 (2013): 7–17.

84 Report on CHI operations in 1980, Sofia, 20 November 1980. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i.4, a.u. 1104, l. 83–88 back.

85 These cases are usually indicated by their acronyms, DOP and DOR (ДОП и ДОР in Bulgarian).

86 For instance, see the Long-term staffing plan for Department ХІV of the FMD SS until 1982, Sofia, 8 November 1977. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 4, a.u. 1126, l. 105–107 that seeks an increase in specialist staff numbers.

87 For instance, Progress report on the establishment of Department ХІV of the FMD SS (cultural and.

historical intelligence) and its current situation, Sofia, 9 May 1972. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 557, l. 12–15 that reports the reluctance of prominent historians and art historians, linguists, and archeologists to cooperate.

88 An indicative of such needs for enhanced academic expertise in the Proposal on approaching and recruiting support agents at the Cyril and Methodius Higher Technical School in Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia, 23 February 1974. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 570, l. 2–4

89 For instance, the Proposal of the Head of Department ХІV at the FMD SS Lieutenant-Colonel Emil Alexandrov concerning a system to organize acquisitions of Department ХІV at the FMD SS, Sofia, 28 November 1975. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 564, l. 76–81, which deals with the problem of an increased acquisition base.

90 Khristov, Khristo. ‘Operatsiya “MARATON”. Chast 5: Staya No. 13 na 13-ya Etazh.’ Dŭrzhavna sigurnost.com, December 14, 2012. (Khristov, Khristo. ‘Operation MARATHON. Part 5: Room #13 On the 13th Floor.’ Dŭrzhavna sigurnost.com, December 14, 2012.), https://desebg.com/razsledvanee/1003–5-13-13-.

91 Protocol of the performance analysis meeting about Department ХІV of the FMD SS, Sofia, 15 February 1974. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - R, F. 9, i. 2, a.u. 563, l. 7–11.

92 Darik News. ‘Kanalite Za Antiki i Rolyata Na Lyudmila Zhivkova – Chast Parva.’ (‘The Channels for Antiquity and the Role of Lyudmila Zhivkova – Part One.’) dariknews.bg, April 12, 2008, https://dariknews.bg/novini/afera/kanalite-za-antiki-i-rolqta-na-lyudmila-zhivkova-chast-pyrva-242775.

93 Darik News. Darik, News. ‘Kanalite Za Antiki i Rolyata Na Lyudmila Zhivkova – Chast Vtora’ (‘The Channels for Antiquity and the Role of Lyudmila Zhivkova – Part Two.’ dariknews.bg, April 19, 2008, https://dariknews.bg/novini/afera/kanalite-za-antiki-i-rolqta-na-lyudmila-zhivkova-chast-vtora-245046.

94 Khristov, Khristo B. 2012. Operatsiya ‘Maraton’: Istinata Za Krazhbata Na Paisievata Istoriya Ot Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost v ‘Zograf.’ Ciela., pg. 222. (Khristov, Khristo B. 2012. Operation ‘Marathon’: The Truth About the Theft Of Parisian History By State Security In ‘Zograf.’ Ciela., pg. 222.).

95 On the importance of the 1300th anniversary of the Bulgarian state’s campaign, see Circular Letter No. І − 72 of 29 May 1979 from Minister Stoyanov to heads of central divisions, the Sofia City, and district directorates of the Ministry of Interior, Sofia, 29 May 1979. ACDDAABCSSISBNA - M, F. 1, i. 11, a.u. 326, l. 84–91.

96 Luleva, Ana. ‘The Debate on the Communist Past and the Memory of Lyudmila Zhivkova in Bulgaria.’ In Cultures of History Forum. Imre Kertész Kolleg, 2014.

97 Letki, Natalia. ‘Lustration and democratisation in east-central Europe.’ Europe-Asia Studies 54, no. 4 (2002): 529–552.

98 Gillis, Mark. ‘Lustration and decommunisation.’ In The rule of law in Central Europe, pp. 56–81. Routledge, 2019.

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100 Medarov, Georgi. ‘The contradictory images of totalitarianism in contemporary Bulgarian historiographies.’ Psihologia socială 2, no. 46 (2020): 35–51.

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102 Stefan Dechev: Za Istoriiata Na Bozhidar Dimitrov, Bozhidardimitrovskata Istoriia i Oshche Neshto: Aksent, Analiz.” Marginaliia, August 15, 2018. (Stefan Dechev: About the History of Bozhidar Dimitrov, Bozhidardimitrov’s History and Something More: Emphasis, Analysis.” Marginalia, August 15, 2018.).


103 Khristov, Khristo c. 2012. Operatsiia ‘Maraton’: Istinata Za Krazhbata Na Paisievata Istoriia Ot Dŭrzhavna Sigurnost v ‘Zograf.’ Ciela., pp. 247–252. (Khristov, Khristo c. 2012. Operation ‘Marathon’: The Truth About the Theft Of Parisian History By State Security In ‘Zograf.’ Ciela., pp. 247–252.)

104 EDITORIAL, and Maria Guineva (translator). ‘Illegal Antiques’ Channels and Lyudmila Zhivkova’s Role, Part V.’ Novinite.com – Sofia News Agency, June 5, 2008., https://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=93830.

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Notes on contributors

Kiril Avramov

Kiril Avramov is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Slavic & Eurasian Studies (DSES) and a Non-Resident Fellow at the Intelligence Studies Project (ISP) at the University of Texas at Austin. He holds courtesy appointments at the Department of Government and the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He is also the Co-Director of the Global Disinformation Lab.

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