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On KM-Fuzzy Metric Hypergraphs

Pages 300-321 | Received 04 Mar 2020, Accepted 15 Dec 2020, Published online: 09 Jul 2021


This paper, applies the concept of KM-fuzzy metric spaces and introduces a novel concept of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs based on KM-fuzzy metric spaces. In special cases, we add some conditions to axioms of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs(to obtain of elementary hypergraphs, C-accessible hypergraphs, Cor-able hypergraphs, fuzzy hypergraphs) and so obtain locally strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs and strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs. This study, investigates on the finite KM-fuzzy metric spaces with respect to metrics, KM-fuzzy metrics and constructs KM-fuzzy metric spaces on any given non-empty sets. It tries to extend the concept of KM-fuzzy metric spaces to union of KM-fuzzy metric spaces and product of KM-fuzzy metric spaces and in this regard investigates on union and product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs.

1. Introduction

The mathematical concept of theory of hypergraphs has been introduced by Berge as a generalisation of theory of graph with the motivation that hypergraphs are an extension of classical results of graph theory around 1960 [Citation1]. One of the applications of hypergraph structures is a modelling for the complex hypernetworks. Since sometimes graph structures give very limited information about of complex networks, so we say that the main motivation of hypergraph structures is for covering graph defects in the applications. Also the notion of hypergraph has been considered as a basic tool to present the hyperstructure of a system by the clustering and partitating methods. Today, hypergraphs have important applications and are used in complex hypernetworks such as computer science, wireless sensor hypernetwork, machine learning. So there has been a lot of researches about using hypergraphs in relational databases, which might be viewed as a sort of data mining. There are also some researches about networks where matroids and hypergraphs are used together in the demonstrations [Citation2]. In classical set theory, the mathematical concepts introduce purely and without any quality or criteria, that it is not attractive to use in world. So Zadeh introduced the concept of fuzzy set theory as one of a generalisation of set theory to deal with uncertainties [Citation3]. This theory describes an important role in modelling and controlling unsure hypersystems in nature, society and industry. Follow this, fuzzy topological spaces are a generalisation of topological spaces and have a fundamental role in construction of fuzzy metric spaces as a extension of the concept of metric spaces. Theory of fuzzy metric space works on distance between of two points as nonnegative fuzzy numbers and has some applications. The structure of fuzzy metric space, is equipped with mathematical tools such as triangular norms and fuzzy subsets dependent on time parameter and other variables. This theory has been proposed by different researchers with different definitions points view [Citation4–7], that this study applies a notion of KM-fuzzy metric space by Kramosil and Michalek introduced in 1975 [Citation6]. Kaufmann [Citation8], introduced and provided the theory of fuzzy hypergraphs as a generalisation of concept of hypergraphs, in such a way that fuzzy hypergraphs have important applications to decision making, mobile network and similar applications [Citation9,Citation10]. Further materials regarding graphs and hypergraphs are available in the literature too [Citation11–23].

Regarding these points, we introduce the novel concept of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs. Also with respect to the concept of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs we proved that for every given set one can construct a metric space. KM-fuzzy metric spaces have some important tools as triangular norms and fuzzy subsets, so it is one of main reasons for choosing the KM-fuzzy metric spaces to construct of the KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs. Although the parameter of time(unlimited time) in KM-fuzzy metric spaces is a problem in our study, but the concept of fuzzy hypergraphs and their applications lead us to introduce this concept. We apply the KM-fuzzy metrics to measurement limitation on vertices and hyperedges of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs, so the KM-fuzzy metrics play a key role in our study. The fuzzy metric spaces are not necessarily finite space, so one of our motivation of this work is a construction of finite KM-fuzzy metric space and their extension based on KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs. The main of our motivation of this work is to present the concept of fuzzy hypergraphs based on t-norm such as Domby t-norm, Godel t-norm and etc. We applied the notation of KM-fuzzy metric space to generate of finite KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. It is extended some production operations on KM-fuzzy metric spaces and so it is generalised the KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs to larger class. Also the notation of fundamental sequence in KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs is introduced and based on fundamental sequence the concept of core hypergraphs is presented.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some definitions and results, which we need in what follows.

Definition 2.1


Let X be a finite set. A hypergraph on X is a pair H=(X,{Ei}i=1m) such that for all 1im, EiX and i=1mEi=X. The elements x1,x2,,xn of X are called (hyper)vertices, and the sets E1,E2,,Em are called the hyperedges of the hypergraph H. In hypergraphs, hyperedges can contain an element (loop) two elements (edge) or more than three elements. A hypergraph H=(X,{Ei}i=1m) is called a complete hypergraph, if for any x,yX there is 1im such that {x,y}Ei. A hypergraph H=(X,{Ei}i=1n) is called as a joint complete hypergraph, if |X|=n for all 1in,|Ei|=i and EiEi+1 element (loop). If for all 1km |Ek|=2, the hypergraph becomes an ordinary (undirected) graph. and n rows representing the vertices x1,x2,,xn, where for all 1in and for all 1jm, we have mij=1 if xiEj and mij=0 if xiEj.

Definition 2.2


Let X be a finite set and E be a finite family of non trivial fuzzy subsets of X such that X=μEsupp(μ), where supp(μ)={xX|μ(x)0}. Then the pair H=(X,E) is called a fuzzy hypergraph on X and E is called the fuzzy edge set of H which is denoted by E(H). The height of H=(X,E) is defined by h(H)=μEh(μ), where for all μE,h(μ)=xXμ(x) denotes the height of μ.

Definition 2.3


A binary operation T:[0,1]×[0,1][0,1] is a t-norm if it for all x,y,z,w[0,1] satisfies the following:

  1. T(1,x)=x;

  2. T(x,y)=T(y,x);

  3. T(T(x,y),z)=T(x,T(y,z));

  4. If wx and yz then T(w,y)T(x,z).

Definition 2.4


A triplet (X,ρ,T) is called a KM-fuzzy metric space, if X is an arbitrary non–empty set, T is a left-continuous t-norm and ρ:X2×R0[0,1] is a fuzzy set, such that for each x,y,z,X and t,s0, we have:

  1. ρ(x,y,0)=0,

  2. ρ(x,x,t)=1 for all t>0,

  3. ρ(x,y,t)=ρ(y,x,t) (commutative property),

  4. T(ρ(x,y,t),ρ(y,z,s))ρ(x,z,t+s) (triangular inequality),

  5. ρ(x,y,):R0[0,1] is a left-continuous map,

  6. limtρ((x,y,t))=1,

  7. ρ(x,y,t)=1,  t>0 implies that x = y.

If (X,ρ,T) satisfies in conditions (i)–(vii), then it is called KM-fuzzy pseudometric space and ρ is called a KM-fuzzy pseudometric. a fuzzy version of the triangular inequality. The value ρ(x,y,t) is considered as the degree of nearness from

Theorem 2.5


Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space. Then ρ(x,y,):R0[0,1] is a non-decreasing map.

3. Extension Operations on KM-Fuzzy Metric Spaces

In this section, we extend the concept of KM-fuzzy metric spaces to union and product of KM-fuzzy metric spaces. From now on, for all x,y[0,1] we consider Tmin(x,y)=min{x,y}, Tpr(x,y)=xy, Tlu(x,y)=max(0,x+y1),Tdo(x,y)=xyx+yxyif (x,y)(0,0)0if (x,y)=(0,0)andCT={T:[0,1]×[0,1][0,1]|T is a continuous t-norm}. Let (X1,ρ1,T) and (X2,ρ2,T) be KM-fuzzy metric spaces, (x1,y1),(x2,y2)X1×X2 and tR0. For an arbitrary TCT, define ρT:(X1×X2)2×R0[0,1] by ρT((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t)=T(ρ1(x1,x2,t),ρ2(y1,y2,t)). So we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1

Let (X1,ρ1,T) and (X2,ρ2,T) be KM-fuzzy metric spaces. Then (X1×X2,ρTmin,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.


Let (x1,y1),(x2,y2),(x3,y3)X1×X2 and t,sR0.

  1. Since for all x1,x2X1,y1,y2X2,ρ1(x1,x2,0)=0 and ρ2(y1,y2,0)=0, we have ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),0)=0.

  2. ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t)=1 if and only if Tmin(ρ1(x1,x2,t),ρ2(y1,y2,t))=1 if and only if ρ1(x1,x2,t)=ρ2(y1,y2,t)=1 if and only if (x1,y1)=(x2,y2).

  3. It is clear that ρTmin is a commutative map.

  4. T(ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t),ρTmin((x2,y2),(x3,y3),s))=T(Tmin(ρ1(x1,x2,t),ρ2(y1,y2,t)),Tmin(ρ1(x2,x3,s),ρ2(y2,y3,s)))Tmin(T(ρ1(x1,x2,t),ρ1(x2,x3,s)),T(ρ2(y1,y2,t),ρ2(y2,y3,s))))Tmin(ρ1(x1,x3,t+s),ρ2(y1,y3,t+s))=ρTmin((x1,y1),(x3,y3),t+s).

  5. Since ρ1,ρ2 are left-continuous maps, we get that ρ is a left continuous map.

  6. Let t. Then LimTmin(ρ1(x1,x2,t),ρ2(y1,y2,t))=Tmin(Limρ1(x1,x2,t), Limρ2(y1,y2,t))=Tmin(1,1)=1. Thus (X1×X2,ρTmin,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.

Let X1X2=, (X1,ρ1,T) and (X2,ρ2,T) be KM-fuzzy metric spaces, x,yX1X2 and tR0. Consider ϵ(x,y,t)=x,uX1y,vX2(ρ1(x,u,t)ρ2(y,v,t))), define ρ1ρ2:(X1X2)2×R0[0,1] by (ρ1ρ2)(x,y,t)=ρ1(x,y,t)if x,yX1,ρ2(x,y,t)if x,yX2,ϵ(x,y,t)if xX1,yX2,. So we have the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2

Let (X1,ρ1,T) and (X2,ρ2,T) be KM-fuzzy metric spaces. Then (X1X2,ρ1ρ2,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space, where X1X2=.


Let x,y,zX1X2 and tR0. We only prove the triangular inequality property and other cases are immediate.

Let x,yX1(for x,yX2 is similar), then T((ρ1ρ2)(x,y,t),(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ρ1(x,y,t),(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s)). If zX1, then T((ρ1ρ2)(x,y,t),(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ρ1(x,y,t),ρ1(y,z,s))T(ρ1(x,y,t),ρ1(y,z,s))ρ1(x,z,t+s)=(ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s). If zX2, then T((ρ1ρ2)(x,y,t),(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ρ1(x,y,t),ϵ)ϵ=(ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s).

Let xX1,yX2. Then T((ρ1ρ2)(x,y,t),(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ϵ,(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s)). If zX2, since xX1 and yX2, we get that (ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s)=ϵ and so T(ϵ,(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ϵ,ρ2(y,z,s))ϵ=(ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s). If zX1, since xX1 and yX2, we get that (ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s)ϵ and so T(ϵ,(ρ1ρ2)(y,z,s))=T(ϵ,ϵ)ϵρ1(x,z,t+s))=(ρ1ρ2)(x,z,t+s). It follows that (X1X2,ρ1ρ2,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.

Corollary 3.3

Let (X1,ρ,T) and (X2,ρ,T) be KM-fuzzy metric spaces, where X1X2=. Then (X1X2,ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.

Theorem 3.4

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and φ be a bijection on X. Then there exists a fuzzy set ρ:φ(X)2×R0[0,1] such that (φ(X),ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.


Let x, y, X and tR0. Define ρ:φ(X)2×R0[0,1] by ρ(φ(x),φ(y),t)=ρ(x,y,t). It is clear that (φ(X),ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.

4. KM-Fuzzy Metric Hypergraph

In this section, we introduce a novel concept as ((locally)strong, trivial, elementary) KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs and analyse some of their properties. Also, we investigate the notation of fundamental sequence and generate some type of core hypergraphs in any given KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

A fuzzy version of the triangular inequality. The value M(x,y,t) is considered as the degree of nearness from

Definition 4.1

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and E={μi}i=1n be a family of fuzzy subset of X. If there exists tR0 (for t = 0, we call starting time) such that for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), T(μi(x),μi(y))ρ(x,y,t), then H=(X,ρ,T,E) is called a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X and E is called the KM-fuzzy metric edge set of H. The incidence matrix of a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph is a matrix MG=(aij)n×m, with m columns representing the fuzzy hyperedges μ1,μ2,,μm and n rows representing the vertices x1,x2,,xn, where aij=μj(xi) if xidom(μj), aij= if xidom(μj) (∞ is a symbol, means that xidom(μj)).

Remark 4.2

By Definition 2.2, in any fuzzy hypergraph H=(X,E), since X=μEsupp(μ), for all μE and xX, we get that μ(x)0. But in given a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E), may there exist μE and xX in such a way that μ(x)=0.

Proposition 4.3

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X. Then for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), in starting time we have μi(x)=0 or μi(y)=0.


Let 1in and x,ydom(μi). Since H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X, we get that T(μi(x),μi(y))ρ(x,y,0). Hence T(μi(x),μi(y))=0 and so μi(x)=0 or μi(y)=0.

Example 4.4

Let X={1,2,3,4,5,6} and x,yX. For all x,yX, define ρ(x,y,0)=0 and ρ(x,y,t>0)=min{x,y}+tmax{x,y}+t. Thus H=(X,ρ,Tmin,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph with t = 1 (it is not a fuzzy hypergraph) in Figure . For simplify, we compute η2 in Table . Since dom(η2)={2,3,4} and η2(2)=0.3,η2(3)=0.2,η2(4)=0.4, we get η2={(2,0.3),(3,0.2),(4,0.4),(1,),(5,),(6,)}.

Figure 1. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,Tmin,E) for t = 1.

Figure 1. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,Tmin,E) for t = 1.

Theorem 4.5

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and E={μi}i=1n be a family of fuzzy subset of X and tR0.

  1. If for all 1in, |supp(μi)|=1, then H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

  2. If for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), we have μi(x)ρ(x,y,t), then H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

Table 1. The corresponding incidence matrix of Figure .


(i) Let tR0. Since for all 1in,|supp(μi)|=1, we get that there exists xidom(μi) such that μi(xi)0 and for all yidom(μi){xi} we have μi(yi)=0. Let 1jn be an arbitrary and fixed. Then for all yjdom(μj),T(μj(xj),μj(yj))=0ρ(xj,yj,t) and T(μj(xj),μj(xj))=1ρ(xj,xj,t). It follows that H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

(ii) Let tR0 and for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), clearly T(μi(x),μi(y))Tmin(μi(x),μi(y)). Because for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), we have μi(x)ρ(x,y,t), so μi(x)ρ(x,y,t) implies T(μi(x),μi(y))Tmin(μi(x),μi(y))ρ(x,y,t). Thus H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

A KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph which is satisfied in condition (i) of Theorem 4.5, will call an elementary KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Definition 4.6

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and E={μi}i=1n be a family of fuzzy subset of X. If there exists tR0 (for t = 0, we call starting time) such that for all 1in and for all x,ydom(μi), if T(μi(x),μi(y))=ρ(x,y,t), then H=(X,ρ,T,E) is called a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X and E is called the KM-fuzzy metric edge set of H. In strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E), for all 1in, if |μi|=1, then x can be equal to y, so μi(x)=μi(x)=1. If there exists μiE and x,ydom(μi) in such a way that T(μi(x),μi(y))=ρ(x,y,t), we say that H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a locally strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Theorem 4.7

Let X be a KM-fuzzy metric space, E={μi}i=1n be a family of fuzzy subsets of X and TCT. Then there exists a KM-fuzzy metric ρ on X such that H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.


Let 1in and x,ydom(μi). Define ρ(x,y,0)=0 and ρ(x,y,t>0)=T(μi(x),μi(y))if xy,1otherwise. One can see that in non starting time, H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

In the following, for given any non-empty set one can construct a KM-fuzzy metric space and so a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Corollary 4.8

Let X be a non-empty set, E={μi}i=1n be a family of fuzzy subset of X and TCT. Then there exists a fuzzy subset ρ:X2×R0[0,1], such that (X,ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space and H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

Definition 4.9

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. If for all 1in, supp(μi)=, then H=(X,ρ,T,E) is called a trivial KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Corollary 4.10

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a trivial KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph and MG=(aij)n×m be the incidence matrix of H. Then for all 1in and 1jm, we have aij=0 or aij=.

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X and α[0,1], where E={μi}i=1n. Consider αmin=i=1n(xdom(μi)μi(x)) and Eα={μiα}i=1n, where μiα={x|μi(x)α}.

In the following, we extract hypergraphs from KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs and α-level subsets.

Theorem 4.11

Let in non starting time, (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X.

  1. For all 0ααmin, H=(Eα,Eα) is a hypergraph.

  2. If H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a trivial KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, then for all α[0,1], Hα=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

  3. If H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, then for all ααmin, Hα=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

  4. If for all iNk, μiμi+1, and |supp(μi)|=|dom(μi)|, then for all ααmin,Hα=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

  5. If Hα=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph and αβ, then HβHα.


(i) We show that E. Since (X,ρ,T,E) is a non-trivial KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, there exists 1in such that supp(μi). Then for all 0ααmin, μiα and so Eα.

(ii) Since for all 1in, supp(μi)=, it is seen that α=0. Thus i=1nμiα=X and so H=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

(iii) Since in non starting time, (X,ρ,T,E) is a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, for all 1in and x,ysupp(μi), we obtain that ρ(x,y,t)0. Hence μi(x)μi(y)=ρ(x,y,t) implies that μi(x)0 and μi(y)0. It follows that for all ααmin, Eα=X and so H=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

(iv) Let xX. Then for all 1in we conclude that μi(x)α. Since for all 1in,μi(x)μi+1(x), we get that xEα. μ1α={x1,x2}. So we get x1,x2,,xn such that μnα={x1,x2,,xn}=X. It follows that for all ααmin,Hα=(X,Eα) is a hypergraph.

(v) Let xHβ=(X,{μiβ}i=1n). Then there is 1in such that xμiβ and so μi(x)βα. It follows that xμiα and so xHα=(X,{μiα}i=1n).

Theorem 4.12

Let (X,ρ,Tmin,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. Then

  1. if i=1ndom(μi)=i=1nsupp(μi), then (X,E) is a fuzzy hypergraph,

  2. H=(i=1nμiαi,{μiαi}i=1n) is a loop (joint) hypergraph, where αi=h(μi) is height of μi.


(i) It is clear by definition.

(ii) Since αi=h(μi), for all 1in we get that |μiαi|=1 and so H=(i=1nμiαi,{μiαi}i=1n) is a loop (joint) hypergraph.

Theorem 4.13

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. Then in non starting time (X,E) is a fuzzy hypergraph.


Since (X,ρ,T,E) is a strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, we get that for all 1in, T(μi(x),μi(y))=ρ(x,y,t). Because t is not in starting time, then ρ(x,y,t)0 and so T(μi(x),μi(y))0. It follows that for all 1in, μi0 and so (X,E) is a fuzzy hypergraph.

In what follows, we can generate KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs from fuzzy hypergraphs.

Theorem 4.14

Let H=(X,E) be a fuzzy hypergraph. Then there exists a fuzzy subset ρ:X2×R0[0,1] such that in each non starting time, (X,ρ,Tmin,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.


Let x,yX. Since H=(X,E) is a fuzzy hypergraph, there exists μi,μjE in such a way that xsupp(μi),ysupp(μj). For all x,yX, define ρ(x,y,0)=0 and ρ(x,y,t)=min{μi(x),μi(y)}+tmax{μi(x),μi(y)}+tif {x,ysupp(μi)},h(H)otherwise. where h(H)=μEh(μ). One can see that each non starting time, H=(X,ρ,Tmin,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Corollary 4.15

Let X be a non-empty set and TCT. Then there exists a fuzzy subset ρ:X2×R0[0,1], such that (X,ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.


Firstly we construct a fuzzy hypergraph H=(X,E). Then by Theorem 4.14, there is a fuzzy subset ρ:X2×R0[0,1] such that (X,ρ,T) is a KM-fuzzy metric space.

Theorem 4.16

Let in non starting time, H=(X,ρ,T,E) be an elementary KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. Then Hα=(X,Eα) is an elementary hypergraph.


Let μE. Then |supp(μ)|=1 and so |μα|=1. By Theorem 4.11, Hα=(X,Eα) is elementary hypergraph.

Definition 4.17

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph and 0<t<α1=h(H). The sequence of real numbers α1>α2>>αn>0 is called a fundamental sequence, if (i), αi+1βαi, implies that Eβ=Eαi and (ii), EαiEαi+1. Also F(H)={α1,α2,,αn} and Cor(H)={Hα1,Hα2,,Hαn} is called the set of core hypergraphs H.

Example 4.18

Let X={1,2,3,4} and x,yX. For all x,yX, define ρ(x,y,0)=0 and ρ(x,y,t>0)=min{x,y}+tmax{x,y}+t. Thus for t = 1, H=(X,ρ,Tpr,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph in Table .

Table 2. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E).

Computations show that E0.08={{1,4},{2,3}}=E0.05, E0.03={{1,4},{2,3},{1,2,3},{1,2,3,4}} and E0.03E0.08. In addition, if 0.03<β0.08, then Eβ=E0.08 and 0<β0.03 implies that Eβ=E0.03. Thus F(H)={α1=0.08,α2=0.03} and Cor(H)={Hα1,Hα2}, where Hα1 and Hα1 are in Figure .

Definition 4.19

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph and C be a class of hypergraphs on X. Then Cor(H) is a C-accessible hypergraph or say C is a Cor(H)-derivable or Cor-able hypergraph, if Cor(H)C.

Figure 2. Cor(H). (a) Hypergraph Hα1. (b) Hypergraph Hα2.

Figure 2. Cor(H). (a) Hypergraph Hα1. (b) Hypergraph Hα2.

Theorem 4.20

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph with incidence matrix M=(mij) and E={μi}i=1n. If for all 1i|X| and 1j|X|,mij=ci]0,1], then

  1. F(H)={c1,c2,,c|X|};

  2. Cor(H)={{(X,X)}}.


(i, ii) Let X={x1,x2,,xm}. Because for all 1i|X| and 1jn,mij=ci]0,1], there exists 1k|X| in such a way that =h(H)=ck. But (]0,1],) is a chain, so we can rearrange c1>c2>>c|X|. In addition for all 1i|X|,Eci={x1,x2,,xi} and for all ci+1βci, we get that Eβ=Eci. It is clear that Cor(H)={{(X,X)}}.

Theorem 4.21

Let H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a strong elementary KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. Then

  1. h(H)=1;

  2. F(H)={h(H)};

  3. Cor(H)={{(X,{x})}|xX}.


(i, ii, iii) Since H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a strong elementary KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, for all μiE and xdom(μi),μi(x)=1 so by Theorem 4.20, the proof is completed.

Corollary 4.22

Let X be a non-empty set. Then any elementary hypergraph on X is a Cor-able hypergraph.

Theorem 4.23

Let X be a non-empty set. Then any joint complete hypergraph on X is a Cor-able hypergraph.


Let X={x1,x2,,xn} and TCT. By Corollary 4.8, define a fuzzy hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E) by incidence matrix M=(mij), where mij=c]0,1], if ij and mij=, if i<j. Thus F(H)={c} and so Hc={{x1},{x1,x2},{x1,x2,x3},,{x1,x2,,xn}}. It follows that Cor(H)C, where C is class of joint complete hypergraphs on X.

A hypergraph H=(G,{Ei}i=1n) is called a discrete complete hypergraph, if for any 1ijn,|Ei|=|Ej| and EiEj=. Let H=(X,{Ei}i=1k) be a discrete complete hypergraph, mN and 1j,jk. Denote the set of all discrete complete hypergraphs with |Ej|=|Ej|=m on H (m–hyperedges), by Dc(m)(H) and the set of all discrete complete hypergraphs on H, by Dc(H).

Theorem 4.24

Let X be a non-empty set. Then any discrete complete hypergraph on X is a Cor-able hypergraph.


Let X={x1,x2,,xn} and TCT. By Corollary 4.8, define a fuzzy hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E) by incidence matrix M=(mij), where mji=m(j+1)i=m(j+2)i==m(ik)i=c]0,1], k=nm,(j,i){(1,1),(k+1,2),(2k+1,3),,((m1)k+1,m)} and mij=, for other cases. Thus F(H)={c} and so Hc={{x1,x2,,xm}, {xm+1,xm+2,x2m},,{x(k1)m+1,x(k1)m+2,xn}}. It follows that Cor(H)Dc(m)(H), where Dc(m)(H) is class of discrete complete hypergraphs on X.

5. Operation on KM-Fuzzy Metric Hypergraphs

F. Harary [Citation27] and L. Maninska [Citation28], introduced and presented some of type of product on hypergraphs and get new hypergraphs. In this section, we will define some products on KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs and via these productions, get new KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs. From now on, we consider H1=(X1,ρ1,T,E1), H2=(X2,ρ2,T,E2) as KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively.

Remember that for fuzzy subsets μ and μ on X and X, square product of fuzzy subset μμ:dom(μ)×dom(μ)[0,1] by (μμ)((x,y))=Tmin(μ(x),μ(y)) [Citation24].

Definition 5.1

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define square product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1E2), where E1E2={μμ|μE1,μE2} and μμ={((x,y),Tmin(μ(x),μ(y)))|xdom(μ),ydom(μ)}.

Example 5.2

Let X1={1,2,3} and X2={12,14}. For all x,yX1, define ρ1(x,y,0)=0, ρ1(x,y,t>0)=min{x,y}+tmax{x,y}+t, for all x,yX2, ρ2(x,y,0)=0 and ρ2(x,y,t>0)=td1(x,y)+t. Thus H1=(X1,ρ1,Tpr,E1) and H2=(X2,ρ2,Tpr,E2) are KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs for t1=1 and t2=2, respectively as Figure . Thus we obtain the square product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph in Figure .

Figure 3. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1,H2. (a) H1=(X1,ρ,Tpr,E1). (b) H2=(X2,ρ,Tpr,E2).

Figure 3. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1,H2. (a) H1=(X1,ρ,Tpr,E1). (b) H2=(X2,ρ,Tpr,E2).

For instance, we have μ1μ1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4)}{(12,0.45)}={((1,12),min(0.45,0.3),((2,12),min(0.45,0.4)}={((1,12),0.3),((2,12),,0.4)}.

Figure 4. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1E2) for t = 2.

Figure 4. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1∙H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1∙E2) for t = 2.

Theorem 5.3

Let H1 and H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2, respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μiμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1E2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


(i) Let (x,y)supp(μiμj). Then (μiμj)(x,y)>0, so μi(x)>0 and μj(y)>0. Hence xsupp(μi) and ysupp(μj) and so (x,y)supp(μi)×supp(μj). The conversely is similar to.

(ii) For all 1in, 1jn and for all (x1,y1),(x2,y2)dom(μiμj), since H1 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1 and H2 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X2, for some t1,t2R0, take t=max{t1,t2} so by Theorem 2.5, we get that T((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))=T((μi(x1)μj(y1)),(μi(x2)μj(y2))T(μi(x1),μi(x2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)andT((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))=T((μi(x1)μj(y1)),(μi(x2)μj(y2))T(μj(y1),μj(y2))ρ2(y1,y2,t) so T((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)ρ1(y1,y2,t)=ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t). Thus H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1E2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.

Definition 5.4

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define Cartesian product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1E2), where E1E2={μμ|μE1,μE2} and the Cartesian product of fuzzy subsets μμ:{x}×dom(μ),dom(μ)×{y}[0,1] are defined by μμ={((x,y),Tpr(μ(x),μ(y)))|ydom(μ),((x,y),Tpr(μ(x),μ(y)))|xdom(μ)}. Indeed,

{((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1E2  μE1,  μE2 such that for all 1ik, η(xi,yi)=Tpr(μ(xi),μ(yi)) and

(i) for μE1,{x1,x2,,xk}=dom(μ) and y1=y2==yk or

(ii) for μE2,{y1,y2,,yk}=dom(μ) and x1=x2==xk.

Example 5.5

Consider the fuzzy hypergraphs H1,H2 in Example 5.2. Thus we obtain the square product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph for t = 2, in Table  and Figure . For instance, we compute η1 and η10. We have μ1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4)},μ2={(3,0.5),(2,0.4)},μ1={(12,0.45)},μ2={(12,0.45),(14,0.1)}. By definition η1={((1,12),0.45×0.3),((1,14),0.1×0.3)}={((1,12),0.135),((1,14),0.03)},η10={((3,12),0.45×0.5)}={((1,12),0.225)}.

Figure 5. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1E2), for t = 2.

Figure 5. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1⊗H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1⊗E2), for t = 2.

Table 3. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1E2), for t = 2.

Theorem 5.6

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2 respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μiμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1E2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


(i) Let (x,y)supp(μiμj). Then (μiμj)(x,y)>0, so μi(x)>0 and μj(y)>0. Hence xsupp(μi) and ysupp(μj) and so (x,y)supp(μi)×supp(μj). The conversely is similar to.

(ii) Let {((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1E2  μE1,  μE2 such that for all 1ik,η(xi,yi)=Tpr(μ(xi),μ(yi)) and

(1) for μE1,{x1,x2,,xk}=dom(μ) and y1=y2==yk or

(2) for μE2,{y1,y2,,yk}=dom(μ) and x1=x2==xk. Let 1i,jr and (xi,yi),(xj,yj){(x1,y1),,(xr,yr)}. Then xi=xj and yi,yjX2 or yi=yj and xi,xjX1. If xi=xj and yi,yjX2, then ρT((xi,yi),(xj,yj),t)=T(ρ1(xi,xi,t),ρ2(xj,yj,t))=T(1,ρ2(xj,yj,t))=ρ2(xj,yj,t). If yi=yj and xi,xjX1, then ρT((xi,yi),(xj,yj),t)=T(ρ1(xi,xj,t),ρ2(yi,yj,t))=T(ρ1(xi,xj,t)),1)=ρ1(xi,xj,t)). For all 1in,1jn and for all (x1,y1),(x2,y2)supp(μiμj), since H1 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1 and H2 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X2, for some t1,t2R0, take t=max{t1,t2} so by Theorem 2.5, we get that T((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))=T(Tpr(μi(x1),μj(y1)),Tpr(μi(x2),μj(y2))T(μi(x1),μi(x2))T(μi(x1),μi(x2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)andT((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))=T(Tpr(μi(x1),μj(y1)),Tpr(μi(x2),μj(y2))T(μj(y1),μj(y2))T(μj(y1),μj(y2))ρ2(y1,y2,t) so T((μiμj)(x1,y1),(μiμj)(x2,y2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)ρ1(y1,y2,t)=ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t). Thus H1H2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1E2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.

Definition 5.7

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define the minimal rank preserving direct product of fuzzy subset μ×minμ:dom(μ)×mindom(μ)[0,1] by

{((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1×minE2  μE1,  μE2 such that for all 1ik,η(xi,yi)=Tmin(μ(xi),μ(yi)) and for μE1,{x1,x2,,xk}=dom(μ) and {y1,,yr} is a multiset of elements of dom(μ) such that dom(μ){y1,y2,,yk} and define minimal rank preserving direct product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1×minE2), where E1×minE2={μ×minμ|μE1,μE2}.

Example 5.8

Consider the fuzzy hypergraphs H1,H2 in Example 5.2. Thus we obtain the minimal rank preserving direct product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph for t = 2, in Table  and Figure .

Figure 6. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1×minE2), for t = 2.

Figure 6. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1×minE2), for t = 2.

Table 4. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tpr,E1×minE2) for t = 2.

For instance, μ1×minμ1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4)}×min{(12,0.45),(14,0.1)} gives some following hyperedges: case 1:{((1,14),min(0.1,0.3),((2,12),min(0.45,0.4)}={((1,14),0.1),((2,12),0.4)};case 2:{((1,12),min(0.45,0.3),((2,14),min(0.1,0.4)}={((1,12),0.3),((2,14),0.1)}.

Theorem 5.9

Let H1 and H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2, respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μi×minμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1×minE2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


(i) Let (x,y)supp(μi×minμj). Then (μi×minμj)(x,y)>0, so μi(x)>0 and μj(y)>0. Hence xsupp(μi) and ysupp(μj) and so (x,y)supp(μi)×supp(μj). The conversely is similar to.

(ii) We have {((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1×minE2  μE1,  μE2 such that for all 1ik,η(xi,yi)=Tmin(μ(xi),μ(yi)) and for μE1,{x1,x2,,xk}=dom(μ) and {y1,,yr} is a multiset of elements of dom(μ) such that dom(μ){y1,y2,,yk}. For all 1in, 1jn and for all (x1,y1),(x2,y2)dom(μi×minμj), since H1 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1 and H2 is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X2, for some t1,t2R0, take t=min{t1,t2} so by Theorem 2.5, we get that T((μi×minμj)(x1,y1),(μi×minμj)(x2,y2))=T((μi(x1)μj(y1)),(μi(x2)μj(y2))T(μi(x1),μi(x2))T(μi(x1),μi(x2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)andT((μi×minμj)(x1,y1),(μi×minμj)(x2,y2))=T((μi(x1)μj(y1)),(μi(x2)μj(y2))T(μj(y1),μj(y2))T(μj(y1),μj(y2))ρ2(y1,y2,t) so T((μi×minμj)(x1,y1),(μi×minμj)(x2,y2))ρ1(x1,x2,t)ρ1(y1,y2,t)=ρTmin((x1,y1),(x2,y2),t). Thus H1×minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1×minE2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.

Definition 5.10

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define the maximal rank preserving direct product of fuzzy subset μ×maxμ:dom(μ)×maxdom(μ)[0,1] by

{((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1×maxE2  μE1,  μE2 such that for all 1ik,η(xi,yi)=Tmin(μ(xi),μ(yi)) and

(i) for μE1,{x1,x2,,xk}=dom(μ) and {y1,,yr} is a multiset of elements of dom(μ) such that dom(μ){y1,y2,,yk} or

(ii) for μE2,{y1,y2,,yk}=dom(μ) and {x1,,xr} is a multiset of elements of dom(μ) such that dom(μ){x1,x2,,xk} and define maximal rank preserving direct product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1×maxH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1×maxE2), where E1×maxE2={μ×maxμ|μE1,μE2}.

Theorem 5.11

Let H1 and H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2, respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μi×maxμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1×maxH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1×maxE2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


It is similar to Theorem 5.9.

Definition 5.12

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define the strong minimal product of fuzzy subset μiminμj:dom(μi)mindom(μj)[0,1] by {((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1minE2 if and only if

{((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}(E1E2)(E1×minE2). So define strong minimal product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1minE2), where E1minE2={μiminμj|1in, 1jn}.

Example 5.13

Consider the fuzzy hypergraphs H1,H2 in Example 5.2. Thus we obtain the strong minimal product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, for t = 2 in Table . For instance, we compute η6. We have μ1={(1,0.3),(2,0.4)},μ2={(3,0.5),(2,0.4)},μ1={(12,0.45)},μ2={(12,0.45),(14,0.1)}. By definition η6={(μ1minμ1)(2,12),(μ2minμ2)(3,14)}={((2,12),0.40.45),((3,14),0.50.1)}={((2,12),0.4),((3,14),0.1)}.

Table 5. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1minE2), for t = 2.

Theorem 5.14

Let H1 and H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2, respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μiminμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1minH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1minE2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


It is obtained by Theorem 5.6 and 5.9.

Definition 5.15

Let H1, H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on sets X1 and X2, respectively. Define the strong maximal product of fuzzy subset μimaxμj:dom(μi)maxdom(μj)[0,1] by {((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}E1maxE2 if and only if

{((x1,y1),η(x1,y1))),,((xk,yk),η(xk,yk)))}(E1E2)(E1×maxE2). So define strong product of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs by H1maxH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,T,E1maxE2), where E1maxE2={μimaxμj|1in, 1jn}.

Theorem 5.16

Let H1 and H2 be KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs on X1, X2, respectively. Then

  1. For all 1in, 1jn, μiE1 and μjE2, we have supp(μimaxμi)=supp(μi)×supp(μi).

  2. H1maxH2=(X1×X2,ρTmin,Tmin,E1maxE2) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X1×X2.


It is similar to Theorem 5.14.

Definition 5.17

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space. If H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X, then for any μiE, and each xX that xdom(μi), define the complement of fuzzy subset μi¯(x)=xdom(μs)μ(s,x), where μ(s,x)=ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y))) and μsE.

We will denote the complement of a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H=(X,ρ,T,E), by H¯=(X,ρ,T,E¯), where E¯={μi¯}i=1n.

Example 5.18

Consider the KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H1=(X,ρ,T,E) in Example 5.2. Thus we obtain the complement of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph, for t = 1 in Figure . For instance, μ1¯(1)=μ(1,1)=(ρ(1,1,1)Tpr(0.3,0.3))(ρ(1,2,1)Tpr(0.3,0.4))=4175. In similar a way, μ1¯(2)=μ(1,2)μ(2,2)=μ2¯(2)=4175.

Figure 7. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H¯1=(X,ρ,Tpr,E¯), for t = 1.

Figure 7. KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph H¯1=(X,ρ,Tpr,E¯), for t = 1.

Theorem 5.19

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X. Then

  1. for all xdom(μs) and μsE, we have μ(s,x)1μs(x);

  2. if xj=1kdom(μij), then for all i1m, mik, we have μm¯(x)=μm¯(x), where 1kn;

  3. for all xdom(μi) and μiE, we have μi¯(x)1μi(x).


(i) Let μsE and xdom(μs). Then μ(s,x)=ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y)))ρ(x,x,t)T(μs(x),μs(x))=1T(μs(x),μs(x))1μs(x).

(ii) Let 1kn and i1m, mik. Since xj=1kdom(μij), we get that μm¯(x)=i=1kμ(i,x)=μm¯(x).

(iii) Let xdom(μi) and μiE. Then by item (i), we get that μi¯(x)=xdom(μs)μ(s,x)μ(i,x)1μi(x).

Theorem 5.20

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space, H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X, μiE and xdom(μi). Then

  1. if μ¯i(x)=μi(x), then μi(x)1T(μi(x),μi(x));

  2. if T=Tpr, then μ¯i(x)=μi(x), implies that μi(x)[0,1+52];

  3. if T=Tdo, then μ¯i(x)=μi(x), implies that μi(x)[0,22];

  4. if T=Tlu, then μ¯i(x)=μi(x), implies that μi(x)[12,23];


Obviously it is obtained.

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space, H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X. For simplify, we denote μ¯=μ(1),μ¯¯=μ(2) and for all nN,μ(n1)¯=μ(n).

Corollary 5.21

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space, H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X, μiE and xdom(μi). Then

  1. μi2(x)1T(1T(μi(x),μi(x)),1T(μi(x),μi(x)));

  2. if T=Tpr, then μi(2)(x)=μi(x), implies that μi(x)[0,1+52];

  3. μin(x)1T(T(μi(n1)(x),μi(n1)(x));

  4. if T=Tpr, then μin(x)1(1(1(1(1μi2(x))2)2.

Theorem 5.22

Let (X,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space and H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X. Then

  1. for all x,xdom(μs), tR0 and μsE, we have μ(s,x)μ(s,x)ρ(x,x,t);

  2. H¯=(X,ρ,T,E¯) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.


(i) Let μsE and x,xdom(μs), tR0. Since xdom(μs), by definition we have μ(s,x)=ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y)))ρ(x,x,t)T(μs(x),μs(x))ρ(x,x,t). In a similar way one can see that μ(s,x)ρ(x,x,t) and so μ(s,x)μ(s,x)ρ(x,x,t).

(ii) Let μi,μsE and x,xdom(μi),t,tR0. Then by Theorem 5.19, T(μ¯i(x),μ¯i(x))=T(xdom(μj)μ(j,x),xdom(μj)μ(j,x))T(μ(i,x),μ(i,x))=T((ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y))),ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y)))). Since x,xdom(μi), for some tR0 we get that T(μ¯i(x),μ¯i(x))T((ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y))),ydom(μs)(ρ(x,y,t)T(μs(x),μs(y))))T((ρ(x,x,t)T(μs(x),μs(x))),(ρ(x,x,t)T(μs(x),μs(x))))T(ρ(x,x,t),ρ(x,x,t)ρ(x,x,t). It follows that H¯=(X,ρ,T,E¯) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.

Theorem 5.23

Let (V,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space, H=(X,ρ,T,E) be a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X and μiE. Then

  1. μi¯1 implies that h(H)=0;

  2. μi¯1 implies that |dom(μi)|=1;

  3. if μi¯(x)=0, then μi(x)0;

  4. μi¯0 implies that H is a locally strong KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph.


(i, ii) Since μi¯1, we get that for all xX, μi(x)=1. It follows that for all μsE where xdom(μs) and xsupp(μs)μ(s,x)=1. Thus for all ydom(μs) we have (ρ(x,y,t)=T(μs(x),μs(y)))+1. It concludes that T(μs(x),μs(y))=0 and so ρ(x,y,t)=1. Hence x = y and μs(x)=0 and so h(H)=0.

(iii, iv) Since μi¯0, we get that for all xX,μi(x)=0. It follows that there exists μsE where xdom(μs) and xsupp(μs)μ(s,x)=0. Thus there exists ydom(μs) in such a way that (ρ(x,y,t)=T(μs(x),μs(y))). It concludes that ρ(x,y,t)=T(μs(x),μs(y))=0 and so μs(x)0,μs(y)0.

Corollary 5.24

Let (V,ρ,T) be a KM-fuzzy metric space, H=(X,ρ,T,E) is a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph on X and μiE. Then

  1. μi¯1 if and only if h(H)=0;

  2. if μi(n1)0, then for all xdom(μs), we have μi(n)(x)=ydom(μs)ρ(x,y,t).

6. Discussion of Results and Conclusion

The current paper has introduced a novel concept of fuzzy algebra as KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph. Indeed it has presented a new generalisation of hypergraphs based on KM-fuzzy metric spaces. This work extended and obtained some properties in KM-fuzzy metric spaces. Based on KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs, every non empty set converted to a KM-fuzzy metric space. It is showed that the product and union of KM-fuzzy metric spaces is a KM-fuzzy metric space, the extended KM-fuzzy metric spaces are constructed using of the some algebraic operations on KM-fuzzy metric spaces. Moreover, the concept of complement of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs is defined and investigated some its properties. Incidence matrix of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs, is introduced and investigated some their properties. Using the concept of valued-cuts, we connected the concept of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs to hypergraphs. In addition, fundamental sequence as a tool in KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs is introduced and based on fundamental sequence the concept of core hypergraphs is presented. In study of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs, despite having key mathematical tools there are some limitations. The union of two KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs is not necessarily, a KM-fuzzy metric hypergraph so the class of KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs is not closed under any given algebraic operation. In addition KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs are different with fuzzy hypergraphs, so could not generalise the capabilities of fuzzy hypergraphs to KM-fuzzy metric hypergraphs.

We hope that these results are helpful for further studies in theory of graphs. In our future studies, we hope to obtain more results regarding instuitic metric graphs, neutrosophic metric graphs, KM-neutrosophic metric hypergraphs, bipolar KM-fuzzy metric graphs, automorphism of KM-fuzzy metric graphs and reducing complexity with respect to KM-fuzzy metric directed hypergraphs.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Notes on contributors

Mohammad Hamidi

Mohammad Hamidi was born in Vidouja Village, Kashan, Isfahan, Iran in 1979. He received the B.S. degrees in mathematics from the University of Kashan, Kashan, in 2002, the M.S. degrees in mathematics (algebra) from the Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in in mathematics (algebras and hyperalgebras and fuzzy logic) from Tehran Payame Noor University, Tehran, in 2014. From 2002 to 2005, he was a Research Assistant with the Mathematics University. Since 2014, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Mathematics Department, Payame Noor University of Tehran. Since 2019, he has been an Associate Professor with the Mathematics Department, Payame Noor University of Tehran. He is the author of two books, more than 70 articles, and more than 3 research projecst. His research interests include applications of fuzzy graph and single valued veutrosophic graphs in hypernetworks and complex hypernetworks such as Wireless sensor networks.

Sirus Jahanpanah

Sirus Jahanpanah was born in bavaryan Village, roozabad, fars, Iran in 1977. He received the B.S. degrees in mathematics from the University of Shiraz, Shiraz, in 2002, the M.S. degrees in mathematics (algebra) from the University of shiraz, shiraz in 2006 and the Ph.D. student in mathematics (algebras and hyperalgebras and fuzzy logic) at the Tehran Payame Noor University, Tehran . Since 2007, he has been an Instructor with the Mathematics Department, Payame Noor University of Fars. He is the author of two books, more than 7 articles, and more than 4 research projecst.

Akefe Radfar

Akefe Radfar was born in Isfahan, Iran in 1977. She received the B.S. degrees in mathematics from the University of Isfahan, Isfahan, in 1999, the M.S. degrees in mathematics (algebra) from the Shahrekord University of Shahrekord, in 2005 and the Ph.D. degree in mathematics (algebras and hyperalgebras and fuzzy logic) from Tehran Payame Noor University, Tehran, in 2011. From 2008 to 2010, she was a Research Assistant with the Mathematics University. Since 2010, she has been an Assistant Professor with the Mathematics Department, Payame Noor University of Tehran. she has more than 30 articles.


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