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A New Method for Optimal Solution of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Transportation Problems via Generalized Trapezoidal Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers

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In this paper, we introduce the new method for solving the intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problem (IFTP), by using north-west corner method and modified distribution method to find the optimal solution for IFTP.

1. Introduction

In 1956, Zadeh [Citation1] firstly defined the concept of fuzzy set theory. The concept of an intuitionistic fuzzy set was proposed by Atanassov in 1986 [Citation2]. This concept referred to the reflection of the relation among ‘1 minus the degree of membership’, ‘the degree of non-membership’ and ‘the degree of hesitation’. The intuitionistic fuzzy set was rasterised by the degree of membership and the degree of non-membership. The intuitionistic fuzzy set had more abundant and flexible than the fuzzy set with uncertain information. Many researchers have also used fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy set for solving real world optimisation problems such as transportation problem.

The transportation problem is a special kind of optimisation problem. Transportation problem is interested in finding the least total transportation cost of goods in order to satisfy demand at destinations using available supplies at the sources. In usual, transportation problems are solved with the hypothesis that values of supplies and demands and the transportation costs are specified in a precise way. In the real world, in many cases, the decision-maker has no crisp information about the coefficients belonging to the transportation problem. In this situation, the corresponding elements defining the problem can be formulated by mean of fuzzy set, and the fuzzy transportation problem appears in a natural way. In 1941, Hitchcock [Citation3] originally developed the basic transportation problem. Dantzig [Citation4] applied linear programming to solving the transportation problem. Several authors have carried out an examination about fuzzy transportation problem [Citation5–9]. Moreover, several authors have used intuitionistic fuzzy set theory for solving transportation problems. Hussain and Kumar [Citation10] investigate the transportation problem with the aid of triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (TIFN). Pramila and Uthra [Citation11] presented optimal solution of an IFTP. Antony et al. [Citation12] studied method for solving the transportation problem by using TIFN. Singh and Yadav [Citation13] discussed new approach for solving IFTP of type-2 where the supply, demand are fixed crisp numbers and the cost is TIFN.

In this paper, we using a linear ranking function for generalised trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (GTrIFNs) to find the IBFS and optimal solution of GTrIFNs based on the allocation of demands and availabilities are real numbers and cots are GTrIFNs. This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 gives the concept of mathematics preliminaries. Section 3 presents ranking of GTrIFN. Section 4 describes a mathematics formulation for IFTP. Section 5 details some numerical example. In the final section, the paper is concluded in Section 6.

2. Mathematical Preliminaries

In this section, we give some basic definitions and concepts of cut sets of trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy number (TrIFN).

2.1. Some Definitions of TrIFNs

Definition 2.1

[Citation1]: Let X be an arbitrary nonempty set of the universe. A fuzzy set A in X is a function with domain X and values in [0,1]. If A is a fuzzy set and xX, then the function value μA(x) is called the membership function of x in A. A fuzzy set can be written as order pair, given by {x,μA(x)xX} where 0μA(x)1.

Definition 2.2

[Citation2]: Let X be an arbitrary nonempty set of the universe. If there are two mapping on the set X: μA(x):X[0,1] and νA(x):X[0,1] with the condition 0 ≤μA(x) + νA(x)≤ 1. The μA and νA are called determining and intuitionistic fuzzy set A on the universal set X, denote by {x;μA(x),νA(x)xX} we called μA and νA are membership function and nonmembership function of A, respectively. μA(x) and νA(x) are called the membership degree and nonmembership degree of an element x belonging to AX, respectively. IF(X) is called the set of the intuitionistic fuzzy set on the universal set X.

Definition 2.3:

An intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN) A is

  1. subset of the real line.

  2. convex for the membership function μA(x), that is, μA(αx1+(1α)x2)min(μA(x1),μA(x2)) for all x1,x2R,α[0,1]

  3. concave for the non-membership function νA(x), νA(αx1+(1α)x2)max(νA(x1),νA(x2)) for all x1,x2R,α[0,1]

  4. normal, that is, μA(x0)=1,νA(x0)=0 for some x0 R.

Definition 2.4:

A TrIFN A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA is called GTrIFN, is shown if its membership and nonmembership functions are defined as follows: (1) μA(x)=0if x<ltA(xl)/(cl)if lx<ctAif cxdtA(rx)/(rd)if d<xr0if x>r(1)

And (2) νA(x)=1if x<l[cx+zA(xl)]/(cl)if lx<czAif cxdxd+zA(rx)rdif d<xr1if x>r(2) respectively, where lcdr, the values tA and zAsub/sub are maximum membership degree and minimum nonmembership degree of A, respectively, such that they satisfy the following condition: tA[0,1],zA[0,1] and tA+zA[0,1].

Let (3) πA(x)=1μA(x)νA(x)(3) πA(x) is called the hesitancy degree of an element xA. It is the degree of indeterminacy membership of the element x to A.

Figure 1. A TrIFN A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA.

Figure 1. A TrIFN A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA.

From Definition 2.4, it is obvious that μA(x)+νA(x)=1 for any xR if tA=1 and zA=0. Hence, the TrIFN A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA degenerates to A=(l,c,d,r);1,0, which is a trapezoidal fuzzy number (TrFN) [Citation14]. Therefore, the concept of the TrIFN is generalisation of that of the TrFN.

From A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA if c=d=p then A=(l,p,r);tA,zA that is A=(l,p,r);tA,zA is a TIFN, which is particular case of TrIFN. Likewise to algebraic operations of TIFN and TrIFN are defined as follows.

Definition 2.5:

Let A=(l1,c1,d1,r1);tA,zA and B=(l2,c2,d2,r2);tB,zB be two GTrIFNs with tAtB,zAzB and γ0 be any real number. Then, the algebraic operations of GTrIFNs are defined as follows: AB=(l1+l2,c1+c2,d1+d2,r1+22);tAtB,zAzB AB=(l1r2,c1d2,d1c2,r1l2);tAtB,zAzB AB=(l1l2,c1c2,d1d2,r1r2);tAtB,zAzB if A>0,B>0(l1r2,c1d2,d1c2,r1l2);tAtB,zAzB if A0,B0(r1r2,d1d2,c1c2,l1l2);tAtB,zAzB if A<0,B<0 AB=(l1/r2,c1/d2,d1/c2,r1/l2);tAtB,zAzB if A>0,B>0(r1/r2,d1/d2,c1/c2,l1/l2);tAtB,zAzB if A0,B0(r1/l2,d1/c2,c1/d2,l1/r2);tAtB,zAzB if A<0,B<0 γA=(γl1,γc1,γd1,γr1);tA,zA if γ>0(γr1,γd1,γc1,γl1);tA,zA if γ<0 A1=(1/r1,1/d1,1/c1,1/l1);tA,zA if A0 where the symbols ∧ is the minimum operator and ∨ is the maximum operator.

2.2. Cut Sets of TrIFN

Definition 2.6

[Citation15]: A (α,λ) cut set of A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA is a crisp subset of R, which is defined as follows: Aαλ={x|μA(x)α,νA(x)λ} where 0αtA,zAλ1 and 0α+λ1.

Definition 2.7

[Citation15]: The α cut set and λ-cut set of A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA are a crisp subset of R, which is defined as follows: Aα={x|μA(x)α} and Aλ={x|νA(x)λ} respectively.

Using the membership function of A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA and Definition 2.7 such that Aα={x|μA(x)α} and Aλ={x|νA(x)λ} are closed interval and calculated as follows: (10) Aα=[LA(α),RA(α)]=(tAα)l+αctA,(tAα)r+αdtA(10) and (11) Aλ=[LA(λ),RA(λ)]=(1λ)c+(λzA)l1zA,(1λ)d+(λzA)r1zA(11) respectively.

3. Ranking of TrIFN

This section briefly reviews the ambiguities and the accuracy function of a GTrIFN.

Definition 3.1:

Let A be an arbitrary IFN. The score function for the IFN A for membership and non-membership functions are denoted by M(μA) and M(νA),respectively. M(μA) and M(νA) are defined by (12) M(μA)=0tA[LA(α)+RA(α)]h(α)d(α)(12) and (13) M(νA)=zA1[LA(λ)+RA(λ)]g(λ)d(λ)(13)

where h(α) and g(λ) satisfy the following conditions:
  1. h(α) and g(λ) are monotonic increasing of α[0,tA] and monotonic decreasing ofλ[zA,1].

  2. h(α)[0,1] and g(λ)[0,1]. (iii) h(0)=0 and g(1)=0.

Let A be an arbitrary IFN. The ambiguities for IFN A for membership and nonmembership functions are denote by V (µA) and V (νA), respectively. respectively. V(μA) and V(νA) are defined by (14) V(μA)=0tA[LA(α)+RA(α)]h(α)d(α)(14) and (15) V(νA)=zA1[LA(λ)+RA(λ)]g(λ)d(λ)(15) Next, we find score, accuracy and ambiguities function of a GTrIFN.

Let a GTrIFN A=(l,c,d,r);tA,zA the score function of a GTrIFN A for membership and non-membership functions can be written as follows: from Equations (10), (12) and h(α)=α, we get (16) M(μA)=l+2c+2d+r6tA2(16) Similarly, from Equations (11), (13) and g(λ)=λ, we have (17) M(νA)=l+2c+2d+r6(1zA)2(17) The accuracy function of a GTrIFN A is denoted by (18) Δ(A)=M(μA)+M(νA)2=(l+2c+2d+r)tA2+(l+2c+2d+r)(1zA)212(18) from Equations (10), (14) and h(α)=α, we get (19) V(μA)=rl+2d2c6tA2(19) Similarly, from Equations (11), (15) and g(λ)=λ, we get (20) V(νA)=rl+2d2c6(1zA)2.(20) The accuracy function of a GTrIFN A is denoted by (21) (A)=V(μA)+V(νA)2=(rl+2d2c)tA2+(rl+2d2c)(1zA)212.(21)

Example 3.1:

Let A=(155,165,175,180);0.7,0.2and B=(130,146,150,165);0.6,0.3 be two GTrIFNs then, M(μA)=(155+2(165)+2(175)+180)(0.7)26=82.892M(νA)=(155+2(165)+2(175)+180)(10.2)26=108.267Δ(A)=82.892+108.2672=95.580V(μA)=(180155+2(175)2(165))(0.7)26=3.675V(νA)=(180155+2(175)2(165))(10.2)26=4.8(A)=3.675+4.82=4.328M(μB)=(130+2(146)+2(150)+165)(0.6)26=8.87M(νB)=(130+2(146)+2(150)+165)(10.3)26=72.438Δ(B)=8.87+72.4382=40.65V(μB)=(165130+2(150)2(146)))(0.6)26=2.58V(νB)=(165130+2(150)2(146)))(10.3)26=3.512(B)=2.58+3.5122=3.046

Theorem 3.1:

Let A=(a1,a2,a3,a4);tA,zA and B=(b1,b2,b3,b4);tB,zB be GTrIFNs with tA=tB and zA=zB. The accuracy function Δ:GIF(R)R is a linear function.


LetA={(a1,a2,a3,a4);tA,zA} and B={(b1,b2,b3,b4);tB,zB} then γ0,β0, we have Δ(γA+βB)=Δ{(γa1,γa2,γa3,γa4);tA,zA}+{(βb1,βb2,βb3,βb4);tB,zB}=Δ{{(γa1+βb1,γa2+βb2,γa3+βb3,γa4+βb4);tAtB,zAzB}}=112{{(γa1+βb1)+2(γa2+βb2)+2(γa3+βb3)+(γa4+βb4))(tAtB)2}}+112{{(γa1+βb1)+2(γa2+βb2)+2(γa3+βb3)+(γa4+βb4))(1(zAzB)2}}=112{{(γa1+2γa2+2γa3+γa4)+(βb1+2βb2+2βb3+βb4)))(tAtB)2}}+112{{(γa1+2γa2+2γa3+γa4)+(βb1+2βb2+2βb3+βb4)))(1(zAzB)2}}=γ112(a1+2a2+2a3+a4)(tA)2+β112(b1+2b2+2b3+b4)(tB)2+γ112(a1+2a2+2a3+a4)(1zA)2+β112(b1+2b2+2b3+b4)(1zB)2=γ112(a1+2a2+2a3+a4)(tA)2+(a1+2a2+2a3+a4)(1zA)2+β112(b1+2b2+2b3+b4)(tB)2+(b1+2b2+2b3+b4)(1zB)2=γΔ(A)+βΔ(B). In the same way, if γ<0,β<0 we can prove Δ(γA+B)=γΔ(A)+Δ(B).

Therefore,Δ is a linear function.

Theorem 3.2:

LetA=(a1,a2,a3,a4);tA,zA and B=(b1,b2,b3,b4);tB,zB be GTrIFNs with tA=tB and zA=zB. The ambiguities function Δ:GIF(R)R is a linear function.

(The rest of the proof is similar to proof of Theorem 3.1).

Definition 3.2:

Let A=(a1,a2,a3,a4);tA,zA and B=(b1,b2,b3,b4);tB,zB be GTrIFNs. The ranking order of AandB is stipulated as follows:

  1. if ΔA>ΔB, thenA>B

  2. if ΔA<ΔB, thenA<B

  3. if ΔA=ΔB, then

    1. if (A)=(B), thenA=B

    2. if (A)>(B), thenA<B

    3. if (A)(B), thenAB

4. Mathematical Formulation for IFTP

This section, first introduces the mathematical formulation of the IFTP. Later, we find IBFS by NWCM and we use MODIM for finding optimal solution. The mathematical formulation of the IFTP is of the following form: (IFTP:1) Minimize Ψ=i=1mj=1nci,jxi,jsubject toj=1nxijai,i{1,2,,m}i=1mxijbj,j{1,2,,n}xij0 for all i and j where cij be GTrIFN cost of transportation one unit of the goods from ith source to the jth destination. xij be the quantity transportation from ith source to the jth destination, is shown .

Here, ai be the total availability of the goods at ithsource.

bi be the total demand of the goods at jthdestination.

i=1mj=1nxijcij be total intuitionistic fuzzy transportation cost.

If i=1mai=j=1nbj then IFTP is said to be balanced.

If i=1maij=1nbj then IFTP is said to be unbalanced ().

Table 1. The intuitionistic fuzzy transportation table.

From IFTP:1 can be written as the following linear programming problem (LPP): Minimize (LPP): MinimizeΨ(X)=CT(X)subject toAX=bX0, where A be an m×n matrix, X be an n − vector, b be an m − vector, and c=(c11,c12,,c1n,,cm1,,cmn)T.

Theorem 4.1:

Let the intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem (IFLPP) be given as (22) MinimizeΨ(X)=CT(X)subject toAX=bX0,(22) where A=(aij)m×n=(A1,A2,,An),c=(c1,c2,,cn) and b=(bi)m×1,cj,j=1,2,,n are GTrIFNs. If for BFS XB, all Ψj=j=1n(cB)TB1Aj, then XB is optimal solution, where Ψj are given by Ψj=j=1n(cB)TB1Aj and B1Aj=ξj.


We need to prove Ψ(XB)Ψ(Z). Let cB=(c1,c2,,cm),B=(A1,A2,,Am),XB=(x1,x2,,xm), Ψ(XB)=CBT(XB), where xi(i=1,2,,m), is some xj(j=1,2,,m),. Let Z=(z1,z2,,zm,,zn), any other feasible solution with zi(i=1,2,,m,,,n) some xj(j=1,2,,m). Since B is basis, we have (23) Aj=ξ1jA1+ξ2jA2++ξmjAm,j{1,2,,n}(23)

Also, Z is a feasible solution. This refer to (24) z1A1+z2A2++znAn=b(24) from Equations (23)and (24), we get (z1ξ11+z2ξ12++znξ1n)A1++(z1ξm1+z2ξm2++znξmn)Am=b Since XB is a solution, that is (26) x1A1+x2A2++xnAn=b(26) Then Equations (25) and (26), together imply that xi=j=1nziξij,xi(i=1,2,,m) Since Δ(cjΨj)0 and Δ is linear, therefore, Δ(Ψ(z))=Δ(c1z1c2z2cnzn)Δ(Ψ1z1Ψ2z2Ψnzn)=Δj=1n(c)Tξjzj=j=1nΔi=1mciξijzj=i=1mΔ(ci)j=1nzjξij=i=1mΔ(ci)xi=Δi=1mcixi=Δ(Ψ(XB)) This implies that Δ(Ψ(XB))Δ(Ψ(Z)) and therefore Ψ(XB)Ψ(Z). So,XB is optimal solution.

The dual of the IFTP:1 can be written as Maximize Ψ(D)=i=1maiuij=1nbivjsubject to uivjcij,i{1,2,,m};j{1,2,,n} That is MaximizeΨ(D)=bTZSubject toATZcZ0, where Z=(u1,u2,,v1,v2,vn)T.

4.1. Algorithm to Find an Initial Basic Feasible Solution (IBFS) of IFTP

In this section, we use intuitionistic fuzzy NWCM to compute IBFS of IFTP.

  • Step 1: Set up the formulated intuitionistic fuzzy linear programming problem into the tabular form know as intuitionistic fuzzy transportation table (IFTT). An we approximate cost by GTrIFNs.

  • Step 2: Examine that the IFTP is balanced or unbalanced, if unbalanced, make it balanced.

  • Step 3: Choose the north-west corner cell (NWCC) of the IFTT. Let it be the cell(i,j).Find xij=min(ai,bj).

  • case (i) If ai=min(ai,bj), then allocate xij=ai in the (i,j)th cell of m×n IFTT. Delete the ith row to obtain a new IFTT of order (m1)×n. Replace bj by bjaiin obtained IFTT. Go to step 4.

  • case (ii) If bj=min(ai,bj), then allocate xij=bj in the (i,j)th cell of m×n IFTT. Delete the jth column to obtain a new allocate IFTT of order (m)×(n1).Replace ai by aibjin obtained IFTT. Go to step 4.

  • case (iii) If ai=bj, then either follow case(i) or case(ii) but not both together. Go to step 4.

  • Step 4: Calculate the penalties for the reduced IFTT obtain in step 3. Repeat step 3 until the IFTT is reduced to 1×1.

  • Step 5: Allocate all xijin the (i,j)th cell of the given IFTT.

  • Step 6: The obtained IBFS and initial intuitionistic fuzzy transportation cost are xij and i=1mj=1nxijcij respectively.

4.2. Modified Distribution Method for Finding Optimal Solution

In this section, we use generalised intuitionistic modified distribution method (GIMODIM) to find the optimal solution for IFTP. Algorithm of GIMODIM is illustrated as follows:

  • Step 1: Find IBFS by propose IFNWCM.

  • Step 2: Compute IF dual variables ui and vj for all row and column, respectively, satisfying Δ(cij)=Δ(uivj) for all occupied cell. To start with. take any vj or ui as (1,0,0,1;1,0).

  • Step 3: For unoccupied cells, find opportunity eij=eijΨij, where Ψij=uivj. Step 4: Consider valued of Δ(eij).

  • case (i) IBFS is the intuitionistic fuzzy optimal solution, if Δ(eij)0 for all unoccupied cells.

  • case (ii) IBFS is not the intuitionistic fuzzy optimal solution, for at least one Δ(eij)<0.

  • Go to step 5.

  • Step 5: Choose the unoccupied cell for the most negative value of Δ(eij).

  • Step 6: We construct the closed loop below.

  • At first, start the closed loop with choose the unoccupied cell and move vertically and horizontally with corner cells occupied and come back to choose the unoccupied cell to complete the loop. Use sign ‘+’ and ‘−’ at the corners of the closed loop, by assigning the ‘+’ sign to the selected unoccupied cell first.

  • Step 7: Look for the least allocation value from the cells which have ‘−’sign. After that, allocate this value to the choose empty cell and subtract it to the other occupied cell having ‘−’ sign and add it to the other occupied cells having ‘+’ sign.

  • Step 8: Allocation in Step 7 will result an improved basic feasible solution (BFS).

  • Step 9: Test the optimality condition for improved BFS. The process is complete when Δ(eij)0 for all the unoccupied cell.

5. Numerical Example

Next, we present some examples to illustrate our result.

Example 5.1:

Packing company a bird’s nest concession for nesting island three islands include Si, Yanok, and Phi Phi Island. Every week, the Bird’s Nest is transported to the three plants, which is located on the banks include Phangnga, Phuket and Krabi. Each island can collect nest up to 35, 40 and 50 kg, respectively. While, Phangnga, Phuket and Krabi were able to get a nest, cleaning and packing 45, 55 and 25 kg, respectively, shown in Table . For transportation costs from island to plant are as follows: (unit: 10 Baht per one kilogram of bird’s nest).

Table 2. Data of the Example 5.1: the fuzzy transportation table.

From , we will find out the minimum cost of total fuzzy transportation.

Since i=13ai=j=13bj=125, the FTP is balanced.

Finding IBFS of IFTP by IFNWCM.

Now, transfer this allocation to the FTT. The first allocation is shown in and the final allocation is shown in .

Table 3. The first iteration choose the north-west corner cell.

Table 4. Last iteration by the north-west corner method.

Therefore, IBFS is x11=35,x21=10,x22=30,x32=25,x33=25, and total intuitionistic fuzzy transportation cost is 35(3,5,7,14);0.6,0.310(2,5,8,10);0.8,0.230(3,6,9,12);0.5,0.425(4,8,10,15);0.6,0.225((,0.4) Now, we apply GIMODIM to compute the optimal solution. Algorithm of modified distribution method as shown in Section 4.2.

Firstly, we compute intuitionistic fuzzy dual variables ui and vj for each row and column, respectively, satisfying uivj=cij for each occupied cell. Therefore, let v1=(1,0,0,1);1,0.

For each occupied cell,uivj=cij we have c11=u1v1;u1=(2,5,7,15);0.6,0.3c21=u2v1;u2=(1,5,8,11);0.8,0.2c22=u2v2;v2=(8,2,4,11);0.5,0.4c32=u3v2;u3=(7,4,12,23);0.5,0.4c33=u3v3;v3=(18,3,9,22);0.5,0.4. Hence, we obtain e12=c12(u1v2);=(24,7,5,19);0.5,0.3e13=c13(u1v3);=(34,11,7,31);0.5,0.4e23=c23(u2v3);=(29,10,8,33);0.5,0.4.e31=c31(u3v1);=(21,6,4,21);0.5,0.4

From above, we found that the value of Δe13 is most negative, so IBFS is not intuitionistic fuzzy optimal.

In , construct of loop. We use sign ‘+’ in (1,3)th cell, (2,1)thcell and (3,2)th cell. And use sign ‘−’ in (1,1)th cell, (2,2)th cell and (3,3)th cell.

Table 5. Construction of loop.

Check Δeij again, if Δeij0 for all unoccupied cells, then the solution is intuitionistic fuzzy optimal solution. If Δeij<0, go to Step 5.

Next, improved Basic Feasible Solution.

Let v1=(1,0,0,1);1,0.

For each occupied cell, uivj=cij, we compute c11=u1v1;u1=(2,5,7,15);0.6,0.3c12=u1v2;v2=(13,3,3,11);0.6,0.3.c13=u1v3;v3=(12,2,4,13);0.5,0.3.c21=u2v1;u2=(1,5,8,11);0.8,0.2c32=u3v2;u3=(7,5,13,28);0.6,0.3 Hence, we observe that e21=c21(u2v1);=(10,3,3,10);0.8,0.2e22=c22(u2v2);=(19,5,7,24);0.5,0.4e32=c32(u3v2);=(35,8,8,35);0.6,0.3e33=c33(u3v3);=(36,8,10,34);0.5,0.3.

From above, we found that the value of Δeij0 for all unoccupied cells, so optimal solution is x11=5,x12=5,x13=25,x21=40,x32=50 shown in , and the minimum transportation intuitionistic fuzzy cost is Ψ=(15,25,35,70);0.6,0.3(10,20,40,65);0.7,0.2(75,125,225,375);0.5,0.3(80,200,320,400);0.8,0.2(200,400,500,750);0.5,0.3=(380,770,1120,1660);0.5,0.3 The minimum transportation intuitionistic fuzzy cost can be interpreted as follows: the minimum transportation intutionistic fuzzy costs stay in the ranges [380,1660], when (α,λ)=(0.5,0.3). That is, the degree of acceptance of the transportation cost for the decision making increases if the cost increases from 380 to 770. The degree of acceptance of the transportation cost for the decision making is stationary when the costs are in the range 770–1120, while it decreases if the cost in increases from1120 to 1660. The transportation cost is totally acceptable if transportation cost stays in the ranges [770,1120]. The degree of non-acceptance of the transportation cost for the decision making decreases if the cost increases from 380 to 770. The degree of un-acceptance of the transportation cost for the decision making is stationary when the costs are in the range 770–1120, while it increases if the cost increases from 1120 to 1660.

Table 6. Improved basic feasible solution.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we are defined a new concept of linear ranking function for GTrIFNs. This new method is proposed to find the IBFS and the optimal solution of GTrIFNs based on the both demands and availabilities are real numbers. In addition, the cost is always GTrIFNs under the condition of the linear transportation problem. The advantages of this method can be used to solve for all kinds of IFTP, whether triangular fuzzy number, TrFN, TIFN, TrIFN or GTrIFN which this method is obtained solution is always optimal. Moreover, this method can use both the maximum and minimum values of an objective function. However, this method has a limit for the linear multi-objective transportation problem and including other (nonlinear) shapes for membership functions, such as exponential membership function and hyperbolic membership function etc.


The authors would like to thank the referees for their esteemed comments and suggestions. Wiyada Kumam was financially supported by the Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTTT) [grant number NSF62D0604].

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


Darunee Hunwisai was financially supported by the Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage (VRU) and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT).

Notes on contributors

Darunee Hunwisai

Darunee Hunwisai was born in Bangkok, Thailand. She received a B.Ed. (Mathematics) degree from the Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, in 2000, the M.Ed. (Mathematics) degree from Phranakhon Rajabhat University, Thailand, in 2006 and the Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics) degree from King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, in 2018. Currently, She is working at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage. Her research interests are in the field of fuzzy fixed point, fuzzy mathematical models and optimization.

Poom Kumam

Poom Kumam received the Ph.D. degree in mathematics from Naresuan University, Thailand. He is currently a Full Professor with the Department of Mathematics, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). He is also the Head of the Fixed Point Theory and Applications Research Group, KMUTT, and also with the Theoretical and Computational Science Center (TaCS-Center), KMUTT. He is also the Director of the Computational and Applied Science for Smart Innovation Cluster (CLASSIC Research Cluster), KMUTT. He has successfully advised five master's, and 38 Ph.D. graduates. His research targeted fixed point theory, variational analysis, random operator theory, optimization theory, and approximation theory. Also, fractional differential equations, differential game, entropy and quantum operators, fuzzy soft set, mathematical modeling for fluid dynamics and areas of interest inverse problems, dynamic games in economics, traffic network equilibria, bandwidth allocation problem, wireless sensor networks, image restoration, signal and image processing, game theory, and cryptology. He has provided and developed many mathematical tools in his fields productively over the past years. He has over 800 scientific articles and projects either presented or published. Moreover, he is editorial board journals more than 50 journals and also he delivers many invited talks on different international conferences every year all around the world.

Wiyada Kumam

Wiyada Kumam received the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT). She is currently an Associate Professor at the Program in Applied Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT). Her research interests include fuzzy optimization, fuzzy regression, fuzzy nonlinear mappings, leastsquares method, optimization problems, and image processing.


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