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Stronger Forms of Sensitivity for Induced Fuzzified Map

Pages 381-391 | Received 02 Sep 2020, Published online: 16 Jul 2021


Every dynamical system (X,f) on a compact metric space X induces a fuzzy dynamical system (F(X),f^), on the space of fuzzy sets F(X), by Zadeh's extension principle. In this paper we consider stronger forms of sensitivity, viz. strong sensitivity, asymptotic sensitivity, syndetic sensitivity, multi-sensitivity and cofinite sensitivity. Some examples are given to expound the interrelation between them. Our main concern here is to find the relationship between f and f^ in terms of these forms of sensitivity. We Prove that these forms of sensitivity for f partially imply the same for f^ and in other way we also get partial induction.

1. Introduction

Let (X,d) be a compact metric space and f:XX be a continuous map, then the pair (X,f) is called a dynamical system. The main concern to study a dynamical system is to understand the dynamics of the orbit {fn(x)|nN}, for each xX where fn denote the n-times composition of f. Consequently, the idea is to study the discrete dynamical system (1) xn+1=f(xn),n=0,1,2,(1) Let κ(X) denote the set of compact subsets of X. Anologously, define induced discrete dynamical system on κ(X) as (2) En+1=f¯(En),n=0,1,2,(2) where f¯:κ(X)κ(X) is defined as f¯(E)=f(E) for Eκ(X).

To deal with non-deterministic problems (see [Citation1]) such as demographic fuzziness, environmental fuzziness and life expectancy crisp dynamical systems (Equation1) and (Equation2) are not enough to model such systems accurately. In that case, we consider the discrete fuzzy system (3) un+1=f^(un),n=0,1,2,(3) where f^:F(X)F(X) is the Zadeh's extension of f to F(X) and F(X) denote the space of all non-empty compact fuzzy sets on X.

The fundamental question here is to find the chaotic dynamical relations between f and f^. In this direction, Flores and Cano [Citation2], Kupka [Citation3–6], Wu et al. [Citation7] and Flores et al. [Citation8] have investigated some chaotic dynamics between f and f^.

In recent years, concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions has attracted significant attention. In [Citation9], an investigation has been done to find the interrelation between sensitivity, asymptotic sensitivity and strong sensitivity and their induction between f and f¯. Recently, Wua et al.[Citation10] and Zhao et al. [Citation11] have done similar kind of investigation for sensitivity and its various forms on the generalised version of Zadeh extension called g-fuzzification (given by Kupka [Citation5]), and obtained satisfactory results. In this paper, we study some more stronger forms of sensitivity associated to the fuzzy dynamical system (given by Zadeh's extension principle) (Equation3) via system (Equation2) or otherwise.

This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 contains basic notations and results used in this paper. In Section 3, we give the definition of sensitivity, strong sensitivity, multi-sensitivity, asymptotic sensitivity, syndetic sensitivity, and cofinite sensitivity. An investigation has been done to find the interrelation between these forms of sensitivity. In the later part of this section we study the relation of these stronger forms of sensitivity for f and f^. Section 4 consists of conclusion.

2. Preliminaries

Let (X,d) be a metric space with metric d. Let κ(X) be the collection of all non-empty compact subsets of a metric space X. If Aκ(X), then ϵ-neighbourhood of A is defined as the set U(A,ϵ)={xX|d(x,A)<ϵ}. The Hausdorff metric(distance) H on κ(X) is defined by H(A,B)=inf{ϵ>0|AU(B,ϵ)andBU(A,ϵ)},forA,Bκ(X). It is well known that (κ(X),H) is compact (complete, separable, respectively), if and only if (X,f) is compact (complete, separable, respectively).

A fuzzy set u on X is a function u:X[0,1]. A fuzzy set u is upper semi-continuous (u.s.c.) if for any sequence {xn|nN}, in (X,d), converging to a point xX, then x is at least as much in u as the xn, i.e. u(x)lim supnN u(xn).

Let us define F(X) as the system of all u.s.c. fuzzy sets on X. An empty fuzzy set ϕX is defined as {xX|ϕX(x)=0}. Let F0(X) denotes the set of all non-empty fuzzy sets on X. The levelwise metric D on F0(X) is defined by (4) D(u,ν)=supα[0,1]H(Lαu,Lαν),(4) where Lαu={xX|u(x)α} for each α(0,1] and L0u={xX|u(x)>0}¯ (A¯ denotes the closure of A). This metric holds for non-empty fuzzy sets u,νF0(X) whose maximal values are identical. Since the Hausdorff distance H is only defined for non-empty closed subsets of the space X, therefore, an extension (cf. [Citation5]) is considered as follows H(ϕ,ϕ)=0andH(ϕ,C)=diam(X)foranyCκ(X), which implies D(ϕX,ϕX)=0andD(ϕX,ν)=diam(X)foranyνF0(X), where diam(A)=sup{d(x,y)|x,yA} . With this extension (Equation4) correctly defines the levelwise metric on F(X).

Remark 2.1

It is known that if (X,d) is complete, compact and separable then (F(X),D) is complete but fails to be compact and separable (see [Citation12]), and if u is an u.s.c. fuzzy set on X then Lαu is closed in X for all α[0,1].

Every continuous map f:XX induces a continuous extension f¯:κ(X)κ(X), by letting f¯(A)=f(A) for every Aκ(X).

A fuzzification (or Zadeh's extension) of the dynamical system (X,f) is the map f^:F(X)F(X) defined by f^u(x)=supyf1(x){u(y)},foranyuF(X).

If X is a compact metric space then f:(X,d)(X,d) is continuous if and only if f^:(F(X),D)(F(X),D) is continuous (cf. [Citation2]). Continuity of f and f^ is equivalent even if X is locally compact metric space (cf. [Citation5]).

Further, we define F1(X) as the class of all the normal fuzzy sets on X, as F1(X)={uF(X)|u(x)=1,forsomexX}.

It can be seen that F1(X) with levelwise metric is a subspace of F(X). Also, it has been proved that with this metric F1(X) is complete, but not compact and is not separable, refer [Citation5, Citation12].

Proposition 2.1


For any fuzzy set u, the family {Lαu|α(0,1]}, satisfies the following properties:

  1. L0uLαuLβu, whenever 0αβ.

  2. u=νLαu=Lαν, for all α[0,1],u,vF(X).

  3. Lαf^(u)=f(Lαu), for all α[0,1].

A u.s.c. map f is piecewise constant if there is a finite number of sets DiX such that Di¯=X and f|int(Di) is constant. A fuzzy set u is piecewise constant if there exists a strictly decreasing sequence {C1,C2,,Cn} of closed subsets of X and strictly increasing sequence of reals {a1,a2,,an}(0,1] such that, Lαu=Ci+1,wheneverα(ai,ai+1].

Lemma 2.2


For any uF(X) and ϵ>0 there exists a piecewise constant fuzzy set νF(X) such that D(u,ν)<ϵ, i.e. the set of piecewise constant fuzzy sets is dense in F(X).

3. Sensitivity for Induced Fuzzified Map

A continuos map f:XX is said to be

  • sensitive dependence on initial conditions (or sensitive), if there is δ>0 (sensitivity constant) such that for every point xX and for each ϵ>0 there is yX and nN such that d(x,y)<ϵ and d(fn(x),fn(y))δ.

  • strongly sensitive if there is a δ>0 such that for each xX and for each ϵ>0 there exists n0N such that for all nn0, supyBd(x,ϵ){d(fn(x),fn(y))} >δ, where Bd(x,ϵ)={yX|d(x,y)<ϵ}.

  • multi-sensitive if there is δ>0 such that for every k1 and any non-empty open subsets U1,U2,,UkX, the set 1ikSf(Ui,δ) is non-empty, where Sf(U,δ)={nN|x,yU with d(fn(x),fn(y))>δ}.

An infinite subset A of N is said be syndetic if it has bounded gaps, i.e. if A={a1<a2<<an<} then there exist MN such that ai+1ai<M for every iN, and A is said be cofinite if NA is finite.

Now, we define, some more forms of sensitivity depending upon the ‘largeness’ of the set of all nN where this sensitivity happens. We say that,

  • f is asymptotically sensitive if there is δ>0 such that for each open set U in X, we have that Sf(U,δ) is infinite.

  • f is syndetically sensitive if there is δ>0 such that for every non-empty open subset UX, the set Sf(U,δ) is syndetic.

  • f is cofinitely sensitive if there is δ>0 such that for every non-empty open subset UX, the set Sf(U,δ) is cofinite.

It is easy to see that,

cofinite sensitivity ⇒ syndetic sensitivity ⇒ asymptotic sensitivity

⇒ sensitivity.

cofinite sensitivity ⇒ strong sensitivity ⇒ multi-sensitivity ⇒ sensitivity.

Clearly, cofinite sensitivity implies all the other forms of sensitivities, and some of them are not related to each other in any way.

Consider a one-sided symbolic dynamical system (Σ2+,σ), where Σ2+={(s0,s1,s2,)|si{0,1}}, and σ is a shift map on Σ2+, defined as (σ(s))n=sn+1, which is continuous (cf. [Citation13]). It is known that (Σ2+,d) is a compact metric space with the metric d, defined as d(s,t)=n0|sntn|2n, where s=(s0,s1,s2,) and t=(t0,t1,t2,).

Now, consider a subspace S of the symbolic dynamical system (Σ2+,σ), consisting of all the sequences which are eventually zero. Clearly, the restriction of σ on S is strongly sensitive and multi-sensitive but not asymptotically sensitive (also not, cofinitely sensitive and syndetic sensitive).

For a continuous map f:XX on a compact metric space, asymptotic sensitivity is equivalent to sensitivity (cf. [Citation14]). It has been proved that there is no relation between strong sensitivity and asymptotic sensitivity, even on compact metric space (refer to [Citation9]).

Proposition 3.1


If (κ(X),f¯) is sensitive, then (X,f) is also sensitive.

The following example shows that, in general, converse of the above proposition is not true.

Example 1

Consider the one-sided shift space Σ2+ on two symbols, let T be the irrational rotation on the circle S1 given by T(θ)=θ+α, where α is a very small irrational multiple of 2π. By dividing S1 into two hemispheres, define a sequence x¯=(xn)Σ2+ as xn={0,0Tn(0)<π1,πTn(0)<2π, nN.

Define X={σn(x¯)|n0}¯, then (X,σ) is sensitive but (κ(X),σ¯) in not sensitive, refer [Citation9].

In the following proofs, by χx we mean the characteristic function defined as χx(y)={1,y=x0,otherwise

Theorem 3.2

Let f:XX be a continuous function. Then, sensitivity of f^ implies sensitivity of f¯.


Suppose f^ is sensitive on F(X) (with sensitivity constant δ). Let Aκ(X) and ϵ>0. As χAF(X), there exists νF(X) and mN such that D(χA,ν)<ϵ and D(f^m(χA),f^m(ν))>δ. Now, D(f^m(χA),f^m(ν))=supα[0,1]H(Lαf^m(χA),Lαf^m(ν))=supα[0,1]H(fm(A),fm(Lαν))>δ. We can find α0[0,1] such that

H(fm(A), fm(Lα0ν))=H(f¯m(A), f¯m(Lα0ν))>δ.

D(χA,ν)<ϵ, implies H(A,Lαν)<ϵ for all α[0,1]. Hence, f¯ is sensitive on κ(X).

Theorem 3.3


Let f:XX be a continuous function and (F(X),f^) is sensitive, then (X,f) is sensitive.

Remark 3.1

Converse of the above theorem does not hold, e.g. the subsystem of one-sided shift space taken in Example 1 is sensitive but its set-valued counterpart is deprived of sensitivity. Therefore, by Theorem 3.2, (F(X),f^) cannot be sensitive.

Proposition 3.4


Let f:XX be a continuous function. Then (X,f) is strongly sensitive if and only if (κ(X),f¯) is strongly sensitive.

Now, we prove the same relation between (X,f) and (F(X),f^), i.e.

Theorem 3.5

Let f:XX be a continuous function. Then f^ is strongly sensitive on F(X) if and only if f is strongly sensitive on X.


Let f^ be strongly sensitive on F(X) with sensitivity constant δ. Let xX and ϵ>0 be given. For χxF(X), there exists n0N such that supuBD(χx,ϵ){D(f^n(χx), f^n(u))}>δ, for every nn0.

Choose any mn0, there exists νBD(χx,ϵ) such that D(f^m(χx), f^m(ν))>δ.

Now, D(f^m(χx),f^m(ν))=supα[0,1]H(Lαf^m(χx),Lαf^m(ν))=supα[0,1]H(fm(x),fm(Lαν))=supα[0,1]{supyLαν{d(fm(x),fm(y))}}=supyL0νd(fm(x),fm(y))>δ. We can find x0L0ν such that d(fm(x),fm(x0))>δ. Consequently, supyBd(x,ϵ)d(fn(x),fn(y))>δ, for every nn0.

Conversely, let f be strongly sensitive with sensitivity constant δ. Let uF(X) and ϵ>0 be given. There exists a piecewise constant fuzzy set ν, such that D(u,ν)<ϵ2, represented by some strictly decreasing sequence of closed subsets {C1,C2,,Cp} of X and strictly increasing sequence of reals {a1,a2,,ap}(0,1] such that Lαν=Ci+1, whenever α(ai,ai+1].

As f¯ is strongly sensitive (by Proposition 3.4) there exists a sensitivity constant λδ>0. Therefore, for each Ciκ(X) there exists niN such that, for every nni, supYBH(Ci,ϵ)H(f¯n(Ci),f¯n(Y)) >λδ.

Let n0=max{ni|1ip}. Take mn0. For each 1ip there exists Eiκ(X) such that H(Ci,Ei)<ϵ2, H(f¯m(Ci),f¯m(Ei))>λδ and EiEi+1.

We get a piecewise constant fuzzy set η, by defining it as

Lαη=Ei+1, whenever α(ai,ai+1].

Consequently, D(f^m(ν),f^m(η))=supα[0,1]H(Lαf^m(ν),Lαf^m(η))=supα[0,1]H(fm(Lαν),fm(Lαη))=supα[0,1]H(f¯m(Lαν),f¯m(Lαη))=sup1ip{H(f¯m(Ci),f¯m(Ei))}>λδ, and D(ν,η)<ϵ2 implies D(u,η)<ϵ.

Theorem 3.6

(κ(X),f¯) is multi-sensitive if and only if (F(X),f^) is so.


Let f¯ is multi-sensitive with sensitivity constant δ>0. Since the set of all the piecewise constant fuzzy sets are dense in F(X), it is enough to prove that f^ is multi-sensitive on this set. Consider, piecewise constant fuzzy sets v1,v2,,vk in F(X). For each 1ik there exist strictly decreasing sequence {Ci1,Ci2,,Ciki} of closed subsets in X and strictly increasing sequence of reals {ai1,ai2,,aiki}(0,1] such that

Lαvi=Cij, whenever α(aij,aij+1].

Since f¯ is multi-sensitive, for each 1ik and for every 1jki, we can choose SijBH(Cij,ϵ) such that

H(f¯n(Cij),f¯n(Aij))<ϵ and AijAij+1.

For each 1ik, define a piecewise constant fuzzy set ui as

Lαui=Aij, whenever α(aij,aij+1].

Hence for each 1ik, we get

D(vi,ui)<ϵ and D(f^n(vi),f^n(ui))>δ.

Consequently, 1ikSf^(BD(vi,ϵ),δ).

Conversely, let f^ is multi-sensitive with sensitivity constant δ0. Consider A1,A2,,Apκ(X) and ϵ>0. Then, χA1,χA2,,χAp are fuzzy sets in F(X), there exist nN such that supuBD(χAi,ϵ)D(f^n(χAi),f^n(u))=supuBD(χAi,ϵ){supα[0,1]H(Lαf^n(χAi),Lαf^n(u))}=supuBD(χAi,ϵ){supα[0,1]H(fn(Ai),fn(Lαu))}=supuBD(χAi,ϵ){supα[0,1]H(f¯n(Ai),f¯n(Lαu))}>δ0.

Hence, for each 1ip there exist uiF(X) and αi[0,1] such that H(Ai,Lαiui)<ϵ and H(f¯n(Ai),f¯n(Lαiui))>δ0.

So, we can conclude that 1ipSf¯(BH(Ai,ϵ),δ0) and, consequently, f¯ is multi-sensitive.

Theorem 3.7


(κ(X),f¯) is multi-sensitive if and only if (X,f) is so.

From the above two theorems, we have the following result.

Theorem 3.8

(F(X),f^) is multi-sensitive if and only if (X,f) is so.

Theorem 3.9

If (F(X),f^) is asymptotically sensitive, then (X,f) is asymptotically sensitive.


Let (F(X),f^) be asymptotically sensitive with sensitivity constant δ>0. Suppose xX and ϵ>0 be given. As χxF(X), we can find ν1F(X) such that D(χx,ν1)<ϵ and lim supnD(f^n(χx),f^n(ν1))>δ.

Now, lim supnD(f^n(χx),f^n(ν1))=lim supn{supα[0,1]H(Lαf^n(χx),Lαf^n(ν1))}=lim supn{supα[0,1]H(fn({x}),fn(Lαν1))}=lim supn{supyL0ν1d(fn(x),fn(y))}>δ.

We can find n1N and x1L0ν1 such that d(fn1(x),fn1(x1))>δ, if (x,x1) form an asymptotic sensitive pair, then we are done. If not, then we can find t1>n1 such that

d(fn(x),fn(x1))<δ/2 for all nt1.

Also, since fn1 is continuous we can find a neighbourhood V1 of x1 such that

V1Bd(x,ϵ) and d(fn1(x),fn1(y))>δ for all yV1.

We can find an ϵ1>0 such that Bd(x1,ϵ1)¯V1.

Again for ϵ1>0 we can find ν2F(X) such that D(χx1,ν2)<ϵ1 and

lim supnD(f^n (χx1), f^n(ν2))>δ. We can find n2N and x2L0ν2 such that d(fn2(x1),fn2(x2))>δ. Consequently, d(fn2(x),fn2(x2))>δ/2.

If (x,x2) form an asymptotic sensitive pair, then we are done. If not, then we can find t2>n2 such that d(fn(x),fn(x2))<δ/2 for all nt2. Also, since fn2 is continuous we can find a neighbourhood V2 of x2 such that V2Bd(x1,ϵ1) and d(fn2(x),fn2(y))>δ for all yV2. We can find an ϵ2>0 such that Bd(x2,ϵ2)¯V2.

Continuing like this, we either get required asymptotic sensitive pair (x,xn) or a sequence {xn}Bd(x,ϵ). Let l be the limit point of this sequence, then d(fni(x),fni(l))>δ for each iN, which implies lim supnd(fn(x),fn(l))>δ.

Consequently, f is asymptotically sensitive.

Remark 3.2

Converse of the above theorem is not true. Since a sensitive map is asymptotically sensitive on a compact metric space, and the dynamical system (X,σ) considered in Example 1 is compact and sensitive, hence asymptotically sensitive. Since the hyperspace (κ(X),σ¯) is not sensitive hence cannot be asymptotically sensitive. Therefore, (F(X),f^) cannot be asymptotically sensitive (Theorem 3.2).

In the presence of dense set of periodic points sensitivity imply asymptotic sensitivity (see [Citation16]). Using this fact and our theorem 3.5 we give the following corollary.

Corollary 3.10

If (X,f) has dense set of periodic points and strongly sensitive, then (F(X),f^) is asymptotically sensitive.


By Theorem 5 of [Citation2], periodic density of f implies periodic density of f^, and strong sensitivity of f implies the same for f^ (Theorem 3.5). Consequently, f^ is asymptotically sensitive.

Lemma 3.11


Let a, b, c, d be real numbers with a<b and c<d. If there is L>0 such that ba<L and dc<L, then min{b,d}min{a,c}<L.

Theorem 3.12

(κ(X),f¯) is syndetically sensitive if and only if (F(X),f^) is syndetically sensitive.


Let f¯ is syndetically sensitive with sensitivity constant δ>0. We do the proof for f^ on the set of piecewise constant fuzzy sets in F(X), as it is dense in F(X). Let u be any piecewise constant fuzzy set and let ϵ>0. There exists a strictly decreasing sequence {A1,A2,,Ak} of closed subsets in X and strictly increasing sequence of reals {a1,a2,,ak}(0,1] such that

Lαui=Ai, whenever α(ai,ai+1].

For each 1ik, we can choose CiBH(Ai,ϵ) such that


is syndetic and CiCi+1.

For each 1ik lets rewrite the set Mi={nij|nij+1>nij for all j1}.

By the hypothesis, for each 1ik, there is Li>0 such that

nij+1nij<Li, for all j1. Take L=max{Li|1ik}. Define,

M={nj=min{nij|1ik} for j1}.

By Lemma 3.11, M is syndetic with nj+1ni<L and

sup1ik{H(f¯nj(Ai),f¯nj(Ci))}>δ, for all j1.

Define a piecewise constant fuzzy set v as,

Lαv=Ci+1 whenever, α(ai,ai+1].

Clearly, D(u,v)<ϵ and D(f^nj(u),f^nj(u))=supα[0,1]H(Lαf^nj(u),Lαf^nj(v))=supα[0,1]H(fnj(Lαu),fnj(Lαv))=sup1ik{H(f¯nj(Ai),f¯nj(Ci))}>δ, for all j1, which completes the proof.

For the converse, if Aκ(X) is a non-empty set, then for χAF(X) there exists uF(X) such that D(χA,u)<ϵ and the set Ω={nN|D(f^n(χA),f^n(u))>δ} is syndetic. Now, for nΩ, we have δ<D(f^n(χA),f^n(u))=supα[0,1]H(Lαf^n(χA),Lαf^n(u))=supα[0,1]H(fn(LαχA),fn(Lαu))=supα[0,1]H(fn(A),fn(Lαu))=H(fn(A),fn(L0u)). Clearly, H(A,L0u)<ϵ. Hence, the proof.

Theorem 3.13


(κ(X),f¯) is syndetically sensitive if and only if (X,f) is so.

From the above two theorems, we have the following result.

Theorem 3.14

(F(X),f^) is syndetically sensitive if and only if (X,f) is so.

Theorem 3.15

(κ(X),f¯) is cofinitely sensitive if and only if (F(X),f^) is cofinitely sensitive.


Poof is similiar to the proof of Theorem 3.12, with slight modifications.

Consequentially, we can have the following result.

Theorem 3.16

(F(X),f^) is cofinitely sensitive if and only if (X,f) is cofinitely sensitive.

4. Conclusion

Let (X,f) a dynamical system, where f:XX be a continuous map on a compact metric space X, and (F(X),f^) be its fuzzified extension given by Zadeh's extension principle, where f^:F(X)F(X). Our investigation for finding the chaotic dynamical relation between f and f^ in the related dynamical properties of sensitivity and its stronger forms reveal (Theorems 3.3, 3.5,3.6, 3.9, 3.12, 3.16) that if f^ is sensitive, strongly sensitive, multi-sensitive, asymptotically sensitive, syndetically sensitive and cofinitely sensitive, respectively then the same holds for (X,f). For the converse, we prove that if (X,f) is strongly sensitive (multi- sensitive, syndetic sensitive, cofinitely sensitive) then (F(X),f^) is so (Theorems 3.5, 3.6, 3.12, 3.16), but sensitivity and asymptotic sensitivity, respectively of f does not imply sensitivity and asymptotic sensitivity, respectively for f^. It can be clearly noted that we reveal similar relation of sensitivity and its stronger forms for f and f¯.

We get Corollary 3.10 as a consequence of Theorems 3.5, where we establish that strong sensitivity of (X,f) implies asymptotic sensitivity for (F(X),f^), in the presence of periodic density.


We thank the referees for their valuable suggestions which helped us to improve this paper.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Notes on contributors

Praveen Kumar

Praveen Kumar was born in Delhi, India. He received his B.Sc. Degree from Ramjas College, Delhi, India, in 2003 and M.Sc. in mathematics from IIT Delhi, India. He got his Ph.D Degree in Chaotic Dynamics and Induced Maps on Hyperspaces from University of Delhi, India, in 2017. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the department of Mathematics, Ramjas college, Delhi, India and having a teaching experience of more than 15 year. His research interest is to study topological dynamics.

Ayub Khan

Ayub Khan was born in Shaharanpur, India. He received his B.Sc. Degree from Ramjas college, Delhi, India, in 1979 and M.Sc, M. Phil degree in Linear and Non-Linear Stability of Dynamical Systems and Ph.D degree in Chaos in Non-Linear Planar Oscillations of a Satellite in Elliptic Orbits from University of Delhi, India in 1981, 1983 and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor and the Head of the Mathematics department of Jamia Millia Islamia University, Delhi, India. He has an teaching experience of more than 34 years. So far he has guided more than 13 Ph.D. students and 4 M.Phil students and have more than 150 research paper. He delivered more than 32 talks in various national and international Seminar/conferences. His research interest are analysis of chaos and synchronization for Non-linear dynamical system and Topological dynamics.


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